#screaming and saying she’s never doing anything or letting me eat any of the food she buys if I’m gonna waste it
iwatcheditbegin · 2 months
My mom screaming at me and shaming me in front of company for “wasting so much food”. As If that added public shaming is really gonna help someone in ED recovery.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway yes, people who can X should be accomodating to people who can't X. People who can walk should accomodate people who can't. People who can hear should accomodate people who can't. People who can see should accomodate people who can't. And on and on. When that doesn't happen, it's a problem that deserves to be talked about.
But the problem is not and has never been "physical disabilities are more important and deserve more accomodations than mental disabilities"- nor the other way around either.
People love to dunk on folks with ADD/ADHD but you know? As someone with ADD raised by diabetic parents I gotta say there's a lot of similarities here. People with ADD, myself included, often forget to eat and when they do eat they often load themselves up with carbs and sugars because those foods make their brains feel good. People with diabetes have to closely monitor their meals and often crave sugars and need a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand. This is not to say ADD and diabetes are exact one-to-one disabilities.
But having grown up watching my parents manage their diabetes, I too am very aware of meal times and blood sugar and constructing meals that will tide you over and having a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand Just In Case. I am able to manage my ADD better in this way because I have experience from watching my parents. I also need access to snacks and to be able to say to my boss "I need to go eat something real fast" without being punished.
I had a training client who was the image of "able bodied mentally ill" outside of the usual creaks and squeaks associated with age, her body worked just fine. But after a series of incidents in her youth- a car accident that left her with a serious brain injury, coming home from the hospital afterwards to immediately have her house broken into and herself raped by an intruder, and assorted medical malpractice while she was healing from both- she has a serious and extreme case of agoraphobia and spent the next 40 years completely unable to leave the house. She would hide and wail and scream when deliveries of groceries and other goods would come, because it meant a stranger (and usually a man) would be at her door. She could not go more than a couple steps outside to get her mail and especially not if other people were outside.
At some point her therapist suggested getting a pet, one that *had* to go outside, to help her. So she got a dog and contacted a trainer (me) and we got to work. And she did improve! The dog has been a huge help to managing her symptoms! But you cannot seriously expect me to have worked with this woman for years and then belittle mental illnesses as being lesser when this woman also shares the inability to even leave her house let alone go inside a grocery store. Even today there are times when she simply cannot, she cannot will her body to move out of her door and into transportation let alone into the building.
When she first started coming to me she thanked me for not belittling her or making her feel bad for classes she had to cancel because she couldn't force herself to take the first step over the threshold. That is when she told me what happened to her and that while it sounds terrible she was really happy to have found a trainer who knew something personal about trauma and brain injuries. She is also a case where I feel her ESA should be considered service dog not because of training or tasking but because her need is so high and she is just completely incapable of doing anything without the dog in her arms.
Anyway I think of her any time someone says "but you can walk through the door". There's nothing wrong with her legs so in theory sure she could. But often she *can't*, not because of anything physical, but because she is very severely mentally ill.
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clydiepie · 2 years
Team Stan x reader! (Cooking for them)
Cooking for your boyfriend is never dull that's for sure lol
cw: none!
Team Stan (individually) x reader who loves to cook for them!
She/her pronouns
mentions of NSFW
Enjoy!! <3
do i even have to explain???
okay i will lol
"Hey, babe instead of us going out how about I make dinner?" You said popping your head out from the kitchen
"I think i love you.." he mumbled
"What was that?"
"Nothing stupid get back in the kitchen" he joked
While you worked in the kitchen you were super focused, you always wanted things to be just the way Eric liked (especially since he would never let you forget If you fucked something up)
He is probably sitting on the couch playing some videogame with the boys online when he smells something coming from the kitchen.
He pulls off his headset and leaves the game to follow that delicious smell
"Where the hell did he go?"
but the game has been long abandoned he shuffles his way closer to you as you focused on whatever was on the stovetop.
You were pulled from your intense focus as Eric protectively wrapped his arms around your waist
"Almost done?"
Eric is gracious enough to set the table for you guys
Once you guys have eaten, Eric drags you to the couch to cuddle with him (even though he will insist that he only wants to relax while his food digests)
You guys snuggle up on his couch and watch T.V together
you can see his phone on the end table that keeps lighting up with texts from the boys wondering where he went, he ignores them.
"Maybe you should just say over, I don't want to walk you home in this cold weather."
"Eric it's cold every day."
He really just wants to help
dear god let him or he'll explode
"Y/N honey, do you want any help?"
"I'm okay but thank you!"
Kyle will sit in the kitchen and watch your every move, not judging or anything he is just curious (plus he just likes being around you)
He waits patiently for you to give him some kind of task, he really just wants to be helpful.
"Yes!" Kyle says a little too enthused jumping up from his seat.
"Would you ask Ike if he is hungry, I have enough for the three of us." you say with a smile
Kyle begrudgingly invites his little brother to eat with you guys. (he just wanted you to himself)
The three of you are gathered around Kyle's kitchen table as you serve up the food to the boys.
Kyle can't help but imagine what a good mother you would be.
Like you are so good at helping out with Ike he can’t even think about it without blushing
You take notice of his red face and ask if the food is too spicy
“Oh no it’s perfect!!”
He calmly composed himself as you and Ike chat about how school is going
Shortly after you finish eating Ike scurries upstairs back to his video games while Kyle helps you wash the dishes.
The two of you side by side at the sink, laughing as you play with the bubbles in the sink
You take a huge handful of bubbles and slap it in his face
He wipes his face and underneath the mess you see a devious smirk
You slowly start to back away from him knowing what was about to happen
“Oh baby you’re going to pay for that.”
All is heard is your screams as Kyle chases you with a handful of bubbles
“Ike help me!!” You yell
“Sorry Buddy.” Ike yells back from his room
Stan actually didn't even know you were going to be at his house when he got home
His parents are out of town so he figured he would just heat up a frozen pizza or something
But he walked in the door and was greeted by you wearing a cute little apron and setting the table with some simple plates for the two of you
"Uh Y/N, what's all this?"
"Oh, I just thought it would be nice for us to have a little dinner date." you smile
You are so fucking cute Stan can't handle it
He follows you into the kitchen and sees a number of things strewn about the counters
a cookbook sat open next to the stove as you continued to stir whatever was in the boiling pot in front of you
He could tell you were putting in a lot of effort and he felt bad he hadn't done anything for you
instead of offering his help, which he knew you wouldn't accept, he hatched a plan of his own
Stan strolled over to you and kissed your forehead while you worked
"I'll be right back okay?"
You hummed in response deep in concentration with your project
As fast as he came he was gone again, swiftly grabbing his keys and walking out the front door
As you heard the front door close you thought to yourself what he might be doing but you decided just to focus on the task at hand.
Just as you were about to finish up the food you hear the front door open and some movement in the dining room
You figure Stan is just up to some weird joke so you finish up the food and walk into the dining room with 2 plates in hand
You walk out to see Stan holding a bouquet of flowers and the table is set with candles and rose petals all around
"Stanley" you say trying not to cry because of how sweet he was
"What kind of date doesn't have flowers for their girlfriend?"
You put the food down on the table and walk over to him and pull him in for a sweet kiss
"Maybe I could treat you to some dessert later hm" you say kissing him again
"What did I do to deserve you."
You decided to surprise your boyfriend at his house with plans to make him and his siblings dinner
You arrived at Kenny's and gave the door a quick knock before being greeted by your boyfriend with a surprised look on his face
"Babe what are you doing here." he says as he swoops in to take all the heavy bags you were carrying
"I thought I could make dinner for everyone." you smiled as you started to unpack the contents of your bags onto the counters
Kenny was shocked you would spend your time and money on him and his family
He needed to repay you somehow
As you started to prepare some stuff for cooking you noticed that Kenny had started to help you pulling out mixing bowls and a few utensils
"Ken you don't have to help, I got this," you say resting your hand on his shoulder as he leans down into the bottom cabinet looking for something.
"I know you do but I just want to help, please let me." he cooed standing up with an old wooden cutting board in hand.
You gave in instantly, how could you say no to that face
The two of you worked together cutting vegetables and cooking over the stove, Kenny would sometimes just walk up and kiss you in the middle of something
The two of you worked so well together, it's like he always knew what your next move would be
he was always one step ahead
As you too finished up cooking Kenny did the best he could to find matching plates and cups for you and his siblings
You went to call the kids in for dinner as Kenny put the plates of food on the table
domestic life seemed to fit you both so well, as you all ate Kenny talked with his sister and brother about their day
he held your hand below the table the whole time
After dinner, you guys just tossed the dishes in the sink and went to Kenny's room to cuddle
As he held you in his arms he mumbled a question into your shoulder
"Would you ever want kids one day?"
"Only if you were my baby daddy." you laugh
"Oh, I can arrange that."
Thanks for reading! i kinda got a little carried away sorry if this is too long lol!!
-m <3
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wosoamazing · 8 months
Negative Thoughts & Beach Days
Summary: Based of this request.
Warnings: Eating Disorders, R calling themselves fat, RED-S syndrome.
A/N: This took longer than I expected sorry. I hope you like it, might do a part two where R talks to Leah and Jonas etc. I took forever to come up with the title - don't be surprised if I change it.
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“She’s so fat” “She’s ugly” “Literal definition of nepotism, search it up in the dictionary and you would find her, she is so unfit and a bad player, screams nepotism.”
Leah had always told you there are two main rules to being a professional sports person. Number one do not read the comments on any posts about you, and number two if you don’t listen to number one and do read the comments don’t let them get to you. But these three comments weren’t alone, they were three of millions, it had been going on for a month, its hard not to let them get to you, you open social media, and they were plastered all over your screen. You tried to ignore them, block them out of your head, but they always managed to find a way to wiggle in and eventually they were all consuming thoughts.
The girls first noticed an odd change in your eating habits one morning at breakfast, you didn’t stop at your routine stop in front of the cereal instead you continued over to the fruit picking up a fruit salad, you also had decided to have wholemeal bread instead of white bread this morning for your toast, these decisions received a few confused looks from the girls as you sat down, no one knew why, they just thought maybe you wanted to try and be healthier, so no one thought much of it and just shrugged it off.
You were 16, turning 17 in 2 months and had never had your period. Leah said you were lucky, that you didn’t have to deal with it. RED-S syndrome was what every single doctor you ever spoke too yapped on about, along with exercising less, which they all regretted saying the second after, exercising was your job, you couldn’t really stop it, plus it kept you skinny. You didn’t really listen to what anyone said, nor did you care, in your mind not having a period meant that you were skinny enough, you were thin enough, you were fit enough. This was far from the truth but in your distorted reality it was the truth. So, the day you got your first ever period your whole world collapsed, in your reality you were now classed as fat. In reality you weren’t, you were insanely skinny. But you weren’t in reality. You stopped eating snacks, you thrived off snacks or at least that’s what the girls said, but you had stopped eating them, that did concern them, but you were still eating your three full meals a day so no one was too concerned, well except for Alessia, she would always ask “You sure you don’t want some?” in regards to popcorn on movie nights, or “What happened to your snacks?” you knew somewhere deep down that she was concerned and just trying to help but you didn’t take the comments that way, it felt like she was having a go at you, and one day you snaped, “Alessia, why do you even care, it’s not like you’re in charge of me, you’re not my Mum, my Dad, you’re not Leah, you don’t fucking get to constantly nag me about food, you have no fucking idea what is going on. Just leave me alone” she stood there in shock that day and so did you, before you ran up to your room and locked it, she did know what was going on which is why she was trying to say things lightly, however she forgot that you wouldn’t have taken them lightly she had been in your position a few years ago and felt so bad that she forgot what it felt like when someone said something like that, so she stepped back.
You also started to wear obviously baggier clothes after your first period, you loved to wear anything with spaghetti straps that’s coverage stopped at your ribs, Leah referred to your clothes as ‘non-clothes’ saying you may as well just wear your underwear. But now you would always be found in a baggy overside hoodie or shirt and a pair of sweats, to be fair it was winter, however even in winter you would wear your Nike Pros and a cropped hoddie or cropped rugby jumpers, so the girls were confused and they didn’t really understand why you started wearing trackies and hoodies but the one day they had discussed it Alessia told them to just leave it be and she would deal with it. She wasn’t sure how she would deal with it, however the moment arrived on your team trip to Ibiza.
It was the fourth day of your holiday trip with the team and today it was decided that you were all going to the beach, you had managed to suggest other activities, and avoided the beach for the previous three days. The girls were slightly confused as to why you were avoiding the beach as usually you were the one to suggest it and you always jumped at the idea. You loved to wear the skimpiest bikini Leah (or your Mum – depending on whether it was a team or family trip) would let you get away with, lounging on the sand for half of the day getting a good tan before turning into a four-year-old and splashing everyone in the ocean. You even once filled up a bucket of water and tipped it over Katie’s head when she was sleeping on the beach, it was safe to say you regretted that one.
“Come-on, Y/N lets go to the beach.” Alessia said as she pounded on your door, she waited a bit “If you don’t come out in the next minute, I will assume you’re sick and I’ll come in, whether you are dressed or not”.
“I’m still getting ready” you told her.
“How? Just choose the aquamarine bikini set, the side tie and triangle bikini ones, as I’ve told you before it definitely has the least coverage and Leah lets you wear it, and you always wear it, it’s your favourite, every time after I tell you to put it on you thank me, just chuck it on and let’s go” for some reason these words caused a tear to roll down your cheek, as you stared down at the bikini set that was laid out on your bed in front of you, the exact set Alessia said to put on, however there was one problem, it didn’t fit anymore, you tried it on last night and it didn’t fit, you had developed slightly since the last time you wore it and now it would be considered inappropriate to wear, you didn’t see it that way though in your mind you were too fat to fit into your own bikini.
“Less, just go down and meet the girls I’ll be like 5 minutes, I promise,” you said trying to get Alessia off your back, you felt as though you would break any second and you didn’t want Alessia there when you did.
“No, I’m waiting, why aren’t you ready yet though? You’ve had all morning, quite literally. Are you okay?” Alessia said back, she had some idea of what might be happening behind that door, she could feel it in the air, you were going to break, and she promised the girls she would help you and that they didn’t need to worry.
“I just can’t find them, I-I’m fine ” You said whilst your voice broke a little, ‘shit’ you thought to yourself, she will know something is not right and she won’t leave.
“Well, I hope you have pants on because I’m coming in,” she said half-jokingly, half seriously, whilst flinging your door open. “Um… what are these?” She said as she picked up the bikini set off the bed. Tears started streaming down your face as she looked over to you, you were caught. “Hey, what’s up?” She asked in a soft tone, you didn’t reply and slid down the wall, your knees were up near your chest as you hugged your legs, your head placed on your knees, your body started shaking from your sobs.
You heard Alessia’s footsteps, and then the creek of the door, then her footsteps stopped, maybe everyone was right, maybe no one actually liked you, Alessia just saw you start sobbing and left, maybe you were just a burden, maybe no one cared about you, maybe they wanted you gone, maybe …. “Y/N” your thought train was interrupted, Alessia was back, she sat down next to you and pulled you into her lap, at first you resisted but you gave up, she lightly pushed your head into her neck, and immediately you let your body relax against hers, you were still shaking from your crying and Alessia just let you sit there while she held you tightly rubbing your back. “Hey, can you drink some water for me?” Alessia said, her voice laced with concern, it had been at least five minutes, and you hadn’t calmed down, reluctantly you took the water bottle of her and took some small sips. “Thank you, now I think we both know what is going on here, but I would like to hear it from you,” she said, you knew this was coming honestly you expected this conversation weeks ago when you snapped at her but it didn’t mean you were prepared for it at all, you let out a sigh, “I promise I’m here for you, I won’t leave you alone, I’ll be here for you every step of the way, I’ll help you, your like my little sister, I care about you and I want to help, but I need you to tell me what’s up,” she said, a tear rolled down her check she knew the pain you were feeling and wished she could make it magically disappear but she couldn’t.
“I’m f-fat,” you cried out.
“That’s not true, you know that”.
“Yes, it is, I got my period, I don’t fit into my bikini and I-”
“Oh baby girl,” Alessia cuts you off pulling you in tighter, she didn’t need the rest, she had seen it, they girls had seen it, but they had hoped you hadn’t but obviously you had, “I promise you, you are most definitely not fat, getting your period just means that you’re getting healthy, and maturing and every girl grew out of their clothes at one stage, I grew out of multiple bikinis at your age and I still do but that doesn’t mean I’m fat does it? I promise none of us think that your fat, or unfit and I swear on my life that every single girl in this team would do anything for you, we all care about you so much and we all love you so much,”
“Okay, I-I’m sorry” you replied to her, you had slightly calmed down but tears were still streaming down your face.
“For what?” Alessia asked confused, “Being a burden”.
“Baby, you know you’re not a burden, this isn’t your fault, we will get you help okay, I can talk to the girls, to Leah but you will also have to talk to her yourself, I’ll help you, I can come with you to see Jonas, we can make a plan with Leah, and I promise every single girl on the team will also be with you every step of the way okay?”
“Okay, can we stay here for a bit?” You ask.
“Well, I think the girls are getting a little worried, what if we go down to the swimwear store and I buy you some new swimmers, whatever you like and then we can go to the beach, and you don’t have to swim if you don’t want to, I can stay with you if you want, but I think we should at least go down to the beach.” Alessia said as she dragged you up, she grabbed you both towels, hats and she grabbed her sunnies. You followed her down to the swim store and bought a nice set of bathers.
You made your way to the beach, Leah stood up and walked over to you, “Are you okay?” she asked as she gave you a hug, looking at Alessia for an answer as to why your face was puffy and tear stained, “She will be okay, we’ll talk about it later, let’s just enjoy our beach day first” Leah’s brow furrowed but she nodded her head, Leah trusted Alessia, so she decided to leave it until the end of the day. You were nervous for the conversation that was to be had at the end of the day but for now you decided to enjoy your beach day, but it was a bit more relaxed today you sat and talked with the older girls rather than messing about with the younger girls, you even fell asleep while tanning, you woke up to Leah reapplying your sunscreen and as promised Alessia stayed with you all day.
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loveswrites · 1 year
Rainy Road Part 2
Rainy Road Part 2 Poly Cullens x Reader
Time it took me: A while can't even lie
Word count: 1501
To anon: There will be a part 3 ofc my loves
Love <3
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Cold. Cold was all you felt. It had been 3 months since The Cullens left. From that night on forward you felt like time was paused for you but was still going on for everyone else. The seasons change and the leaves fall. All you can see is that rainy road from that night. Bella was no different. When your mates left, so did hers. You never thought Alice would do something like that to Bella. But then again you never thought any of the Cullens would do something like that to you. Everything went against your better judgment. 
Charlie has tried to get you and Bella to go out more, talk more, eat more. The eating part was more so pointed towards you. When you woke up from that night you felt fine until all your memories came rushing back. When you did you woke up in a hospital. You had hoped and prayed that the doctor that would walk through that door was Carilse. But he never came. He never showed. That broke you more than having a broken arm ever could. You didn’t know what to do. Carilse was only ever concerned about your health. Being the amazing doctor he is. And his love for you only amplified his push for you to stay healthy. 
So you did the only thing you could do. 
You went on a hunger strike. For two weeks straight you wouldn’t eat anything other than the spoonful of food Charlie would practically shove down your throat. He would beg and plead for you to eat something. He didn’t care what it was. You thought starving yourself would bring him back. Would bring them back. It didn’t. No sign of them was ever found. That hurt you more. They really didn’t care. Everything they said was true. Those months you spent loving them, understanding them, caring for them. Meant nothing to them.
You couldn’t sleep most nights, and when you did they were full of nightmares. The hateful words they said to you that night rang through your head. The voices were so loud you’d wake up screaming in terror. This was hard for Charlie. If it wasn't Bellas screams waking up the whole house it was you. No one had gotten a good night's rest since that night and it was really showing. Charlie would get caught falling asleep on the job whenever he was at work, He'd fall asleep mid dinner, etc. That made you feel bad. You couldn't hide your pain even if you tried. You couldn't like and say you were fine. Your eyes tell a thousand truths.. That's something you always told Edward whenever you caught him being closed off.
You could always read him like a book. Not that night though. 
It was late or early in the morning you should say. You wouldn't know you didn't go to sleep last night. You couldn't. You watched the sunrise as much as it could behind the gloomy clouds. The sound of rain hitting your bedroom window brung tears to your eyes. That sound only reminded you what happened that night. But it also let you know that what happened was real. Not just a traumatic nightmare or dream. 
It was the weekend so you were free to do whatever you wanted. Yay, you thought dryly to yourself. A knock coming from your bedroom door  brung you out of your thoughts. As it opened Charlie peeked his head in.
"You alright in here?" He asked.
You shrugged your shoulders in response. You've never been so not alright in your life. Everyone knew that.
"How'd you sleep? I didn't hear anything last night.." Charlie said walking into your room.
"I didn't sleep." Your voice reeked of never ending tears. You felt like an overflowing river. Or more so you felt that you were drowning in that river.
"Oh.." He said. And even looking out the window you knew he was scratching the back of his head.
"Your mom called." He stated.
"Okay." You said plainly as your voice cracked.
"She wants you and Bella to come visit her for a while in-"
"No thanks." You cut him off sitting up to face him but not before wiping the tears off your face. 
"You're not well. You're worse than Bella. You're going. You haven't left your room since I don't even remember when. You're worrying me." Charlie stressed out.
"I- that would make me worse." You said trying to think of something to say other than just kill me.
"You need to go out, have fun like you used to. Seth called his worried about you too he says you guys haven't talked in months. Why don't you hang out with him?" Charlie suggested.
"Sure." That was the last thing you wanted to do.
"Great! I'll tell him you're on your way over." Charlie said before he made his way out of your room. When you heard your door close you sat up.
You were irritated by the events of this whole thing. You didn’t want to go see Seth. You didn’t want to go see anybody. You barely even wanted to look at yourself. You don’t even remember the last time you looked at yourself. The last time you saw Seth was that night.
Everyone told you that Seth was the one who found you that night, you wished he didn’t. You had wished he left you in the middle of that road to die like the family who swerved to avoid hitting you did. No one would let you go see the family or try to go say sorry. You were hysterical. You couldn’t even form a simple sentence to the doctor when they would ask you “Where does it hurt the most?” And all you could do was point to your heart and gasp for air. 
After 10 minutes of laying there in your bed contemplating if this life was really truly worth living you got out of your bed. Walking in the hallway you were faced with Bella who looked as horrible as you felt. She was dressed and she had her bag over her shoulder. 
“Where are you going?” You asked. You don’t hear her leave her room unless Charlie calls you both down for breakfast and dinner. 
“Charlie.” Bella said and that was all it took for you to know that he gave you both the ultimatum. Either get better here or go home with mom.  
“Who he'd make you go see.” You were kinda curious.
“Anyone really, I chose Jessica though.” She spoke softly.
“What about you?” She questioned back.
“Seth.” You both shared a look and both shook your head and parted ways.
The front door closed the same time you closed the bathroom door.
Looking in the mirror for the first time in a long time you couldn’t help but look back and see yourself as a widow. You were never married to your mates but in some way it felt like that was an unspoken marriage to begin with. Sighing you spent a long, much needed hour in the bathroom. And when you walked out you felt like a new woman with a shiny broken heart. You got dressed and after another hour you were off to Seths. 
As you drove the car Carlisle bought you for your birthday you fought yourself to not get lost in your own thoughts. Why didn’t he take the car? They took Bella’s radio but not my car? Maybe that would be something too big to not notice being gone? Before you knew it you were at Seth’s place. No matter how slow you drove you got here too fast in your head. You couldn’t express how much you didn’t want to be here but here you were. Letting out another breath you got out of the car and before you slammed your door shut the door to the cabin opened. 
Turning around you saw Seth walking out with a smile on his face. Giving him a soft smile you closed your car door and walked up to him closing the distance. 
“Hey.” He said smiling.
“Hi Seth.” You said softly. 
“I missed you.” He said pulling you in for a hug. You tensed at the physical affection. He always hugged you when you saw each other. But it seemed all too much today. You found yourself holding back your tears immediately when you hugged him back. He wasn’t who you wanted to hold, to touch..��
Pulling away after a while you sneezed and quickly wiped your eyes. 
“So what do you wanna do?” you asked. 
“We can watch some movies and order food if you want?” He said.
“Sure I guess that would be fine.” You replied softly. Seth smiled and you both started walking towards the cabin. Your social battery was already on hell. You had no clue how you were going to get through this. 
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
If Luffy Ate an Aphrodisiac (NSFW)
Zoro version
Sanji Version
A/N: I wanted to separate the monster trio scenarios because they were so long but if you’d like to read all three you can do that HERE!🤍
Bad Summary: Luffy ends up eating and aphrodisiac fruit.
CW: OOC!Luffy, Horny!Luffy, Bath Sex, Oral, Biting(I think), Dry Humping,Vaginal sex, Luffy still being Luffy, Overstimulation
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He’d end up being very giggly, loud, and very less self aware than he already was.
Way more blunt and touchy than usual ofc
You and him never figured out why he was so horny
He’d be so flustered, which is a rare sight but he tries to play it off so badly
The aphrodisiac he consumed was of course: a food.
It happened when you and him went shopping for a few snacks on a quick island stop
You had to save most of the snacks to bring back to the ship because Nami stated there won’t be another island around for the next couple days and you needed to restock in your bedroom snack drawer.
You ended up getting Luffy some snacks to hold him, but by the time you were half way done shopping he was already done eating
You didn’t want to give him any of your snacks and seeing Luffy had a little bit of money you made him buy his own last bit of food, you both quickly headed to a vendor and there it was: a fruit!
Luffy really wanted meat but the fruit was all he could afford so he bought it and in one fell swoop ate it whole. The vendor was terrified.
“What?” Luffy muffled with his mouth stuffed before swallowing.
“Dear, are you this man’s wife?” The vendor asked tapping your shoulder.
“Not yet!” Luffy laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist knocking the air out of you for a moment. “Why? She is not for sale!” He pulled you over on his opposite side as if he were holding you all to himself pouting at the old man. The vendor shook his head and tsk’ed, “Maam. I bid you a good luck tonight with him.”
You couldn’t even let out a “Huh” before Luffy was carrying you and your bags to another vendor. You got all that you needed and had some spare change so you, being the good girlfriend you are, bought him what he wanted and headed back to the ship with everyone.
About an hour past since you set sail. You cleaned up your room and put away your snacks in your drawer and Luffy’s in his. You wanted to relax with Robin for a moment to speak about something and take a nice hot bath before heading to dinner. However, you were stopped by Luffy running as if someone were chasing him.
“Ow.” You plainly said rubbing your chest seeing as he face planted right into you and fell. You grabbed his hand, but nearly grimaced at the sticky and sweaty hot feel of his hand. “Lu—?”
“Y-Y/N! What-what are you doing right now are you busy?! “ Luffy’s voice sounded shaky but aside from that he was hot in the face and constantly panting it was pretty weird to see him out of breath like this.
“Oh…well I needed to talk to Robin about something and then I—-“
“Luffy!” You held your sensitive ears for a moment seeing that he was screaming, “Are you okay? Why are you so hyper ? And we can’t right now I have to speak to Robin about something important.”
“N-NO—ahem….no reason, but okay let me take you to her!” Luffy laughs and takes your hand down to the deck where everyone is busy doing there own thing, you heard him make a small groan when he made contact with you, but maybe you were imagining things,“oh look there is Robin! Go talk to her and then we can hang out!” He slapped your ass making you jump in shock, but before you could say anything he was running off to the kitchen. Luffy doesn’t really do that kind of thing often so feeling the hard sensation of his hot hand on your skin threw you off for a moment.
“He’s in a funny mood.” Robin giggled.
“Oh yeah…” you slowly sat down looking back at the door he entered confused. What’s up with him? “A-anyways I wanted to continue asking you about—“
“GET OUT!” Sanji’s voice boomed through the door kicking Luffy out in the process. He had his cheeks stuffed, beginning to whine, he usually does this every other day , so you paid it no mind.
“Oh I See….and so—- hello captain.” Robin greeted the large shadow behind you, you turn to get a look at Luffy and his hat was now in his hand and his face was pinker than you last remembered. He nearly look like he had a fever which kind of scared you.
“Y/n…” He whispered, he was super sweaty and got it all on you when he laid his body on top of yours which his head now in your breast.
“Uh…hey? Luffy what’s wrong?” You rub the back of his head hoping he’d look back up at you, instead he just shakes his head. “You’re so sweaty….You’re taking a bath today you are not sleeping in the bed with me like this.”
“Mmmmmm.” He started to shift and not so subtly grind on your body which made you feel heat hit your cheeks because Robin was right there watching. She had the same casual smile on here thinking how cute it was to see Luffy cuddle his girlfriend, but little did she know about the poking bulge resting on top of your thigh.
“L-Lu! We can hang out a little after I finish talking to Robin okay?” You tried pulling him off of your, but he ended up biting the top of your breast instead making you shriek a bit. “Luffy!”
“I think your boyfriend wants a little time alone don’t you think?” Robin giggled at you both and even though you wanted to laugh off your embarrassment with him you started to feel Luffy suck on the same area he bit you causing you to hold back a moan.
“Y-yeah, but I have to k-know if— fuck…”
You really was happy about how casual and clearheaded Robin can be because seeing you squirm under Luffy and how Luffy was grinding on you with no shame groaning. If anyone else were watching they would have thought you both were nearly having sex right there on the deck.
“Luffy i..i um..are you Sick?” He stopped his grinding to shake his head no at you still smothered in your breast.
Robin insisted you both probably head to Chopper for a moment just in case and you can finish your conversation with her later. However , walking to Chopper’s room deemed difficult since Luffy didn’t want to let go on your body, but you were grateful he was easy to carry.
You take him inside and insist he lay on the couch, he finally pulls himself off of you giggling, placing his hat on his lap.
When Chopper comes in he examines the flustered captain, you assumed it was probably something he ate, but Chopper doesn’t find anything wrong though.
“When did you start feeling this way, Luffy?” Chopper asked.
“Like…uhhh…i think…i think a few minutes after we left that food place, y/n!”
“What did you eat?”
“It was Like this pink weird fruit, it was REALLY sweet! Kinda tasted like chocolate!”
You then suddenly started to remember the old man’s warning to you from earlier today,
“I bid you good luck tonight.”
You were thinking about what he meant but your thoughts were cut when Chopper turned to you, he assumed Luffy just ate a bad fruit and to probably lay down for the rest of the evening. “Okay but first you’re taking a bath!” You demanded grabbing his hand, Luffy throws his hat on your head and quickly wraps around your body instead.
“Okay.” He laughs. “You gatta take one with me w though .”
You didn’t mind, you’ve both taken baths together before so you easily agreed.
That was your first mistake.
You both got in the bathroom and as you bent over to turn on the tub he locked the door behind you and completely stripped.
“O-oh!” You were shocked at how close Luffy was behind you and the fact that he was naked, standing tall and still giggling.
“Common get naked!” He didn’t give you time to respond he just began to pull off your dress and underwear mumbling something incoherent in the process.
He carries you into the tub and situates himself in between your legs. He kept burying his face in between your now naked breast and did a loud groan. You didn’t even care at this point at how weird he was being since you just needed him to bathe and maybe that alone would help your boyfriend.
That was your second mistake.
“Y/N…” he practically moaned into you, but ended it with a laugh. “Can I touch you?”
“You’re already touching me, Lu..”
“No..I mean can I touch you…” he just barely pulls away to then pull his index and middle downwards on your slit with his free hand holding one of your thighs apart. You let out a broken moan arching your back in reaction, “here…I wanna touch you here again.”
You’re shocked, usually you’re the one initiating sex with him, Luffy didn’t have a really high libido and so you wanted to protest just to ask what was happening to him but he didn’t give you enough time since he kept scissoring you so incredibly slow while making eye contact.
“Y-yes. You can.” You didn’t catch yourself bucking into Luffy’s hand, but he did subtly biting his lip at your eagerness.
He smiled pulling out his finger to grab the sides of your head and kiss you, his skin was so hot to the touch you were a bit worried he did actually have a fever but your trusted the ship’s doctor judgement.
Luffy was usually a shy kisser, but today he did everything in your mouth but eat you whole, he sucked your tongue licked your lips, moaned in your mouth all while pulling himself closer into you until you felt his hard shaft press against your clit making your both whine. “C-can I go inside you?” Breathing his hot breath on you still leaving open mouthed kisses
“Yes please.” Luffy didn’t waste anytime grabbing you on top of him sliding yourself down his cock. His mouth never left yours even as you tried to pull away to catch some air, but Luffy needed his release and you were the one going to give it to him.
It wasn’t long until after a few thrust upwards he came, his grip on your butt was so tight the entire time you began to bite on his shoulder making that the possible reason he came so fast.
“Y-you okay, Lu—!” Luffy got up still holding you and moved you to bend over the tub, you never done doggy style with him before so this made you a bit loss of words. You felt his cum mixed with the bath water drip down out of you, and Luffy admired it just for a second until he felt the urge to go inside you again. This time he used his power to grow his dick just a little bit more bigger than you’re used to. “Luffy!” You felt him stretch you out so deliciously, you felt way too full and it was nearly overwhelming.
He just snickered, “‘M ganna keep going okay?”
You could hear his smile from behind, you also didn’t cum yet so you had no objection to it, you nod frantically so he can just give you some friction.
It was obvious this new position overwhelmed him as well, seeing your pretty browned butt in bouncing off his lightly tan skin. He’d pull out just enough to where his tip was still inside you then with full force thrust back inside you. You whined at the deep feel of his enlarged cock dragging in and out of your tiny wet walls.
Luffy didn’t know what got into himself either, but all he knew was he wasn’t going to stop until he felt better. He tried eating, but it didn’t work and got him in trouble. But Every time he seen you in that damn short dress prancing around the ship like nobody’s business he wanted to pull those pretty white panties you wore down and fuck you from behind.
It was about 20 minutes have passed and Luffy’s pace still haven’t let up. You came twice and your arms were so sore and tired. Your body was hot and twitching in what you couldn’t tell was overstimulation or just plain out too much of everything, his sexy pants, the wet slaps his hips and your butt tend to make when they connect, his broken voice Everytime he said “Yes! Need! More!”, feeling his thumbs dig into your back dimples knowing there will be a bruise later to see, or just the simple fact that Luffy isn’t himself right now—it was all just a lot to take in. You knew he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, feeling your tears trickle down your cheek, “L-Luffyyyy….’m tiredddd…”
In the moment he almost ignored you but Luffy being Luffy he’d never allow anything to make you become uncomfortable no matter if it was an aphrodisiac or not. He was panting harshly hovering over you pulling you back into his chest. “Ca—can we finish in your room? Please.”
His voice was worn and filled with desperation you just mindlessly agreed wanting to lay down and take his cock despite already feeling so overstimulated—but you liked it a lot. He smiled weakly and picked you up holding your thighs.
If you weren’t in your post orgasm high you’d be cussing Luffy out for running out the bathroom with you both naked being possibly seen by someone. He shut your door and tossed you on the bed prying your messy thighs back open
“Y/N…” Luffy’s voice was almost like he was singing , “you’re dirty down there…lemme clean it up.”
“Wha??—OH LUFFY!” You threw your hand in his wet hair as he shoved his tongue inside you, he didn’t go down on you often and feeling him widen and stretch his tongue makes you now wish he’d do it Everytime you guys have sex.
“LUFFFYYYY!” It wasn’t Long until you reached your orgasm clamping down on his face with your thighs, you started to ride his tongue, feeling his wet hot muscle roll back and fourth on your clit to carry out your orgasm making him moan inside you seeing as he finally was close to reaching his high too rubbing his own cock while eating you.
Once he was released from your thighs he pulled off of your clit with a smack and stroked himself on you.
“Gatta…cum again!” He released his cum on your tummy breathing shallow with his arms gripping the sheets beside your head. You both were a panting mess until he slid himself right back in your with his face redder than ever still giving weakens giggles at your reaction. “One more okay?”
“I—“ You were dazed whining out uneven moans as he slowly started to pump himself into you, the room was spinning, your jaw was slacked open drooling, and you both were just sweating and groaning on top of each other. His mind was fuzzy, but he managed to give you small kisses on your face and neck whispering a bunch of nothings to you about how good you feel and how much he can’t stop.
After about an hour of hearing “One more” you both were so fucked out of your minds you slept through dinner, but everybody on the ship didn’t mind it considering nobody was hungry after hearing you both all evening.
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traveler-at-heart · 1 year
Summary: Natasha hates shopping, but an incident might change her mind.
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Who knew saving the world was so much work.
Specifically, paperwork. 
Thor, unfamiliar with Earth’s customs and the bureaucracy of any organization, always had trouble filing his reports. You volunteered to spare him of endless hours sitting in front of a computer and to save Steve the frustration of trying to figure what the god meant when he wrote things like “the screams of our victims can be heard from Hell”
Only, you had been at it for almost three hours now. You stretch, feeling your back muscles strained.
Time for a snack break. 
Which you were doing, eating cereal and browsing through some emails. There’s a sale at your favorite store. Maybe, if you find the right outfit, you’ll agree to that blind date Tony’s been nagging you about. 
The day seems to be getting better, until Sam rushes past you, mumbling.
“Run, hide, anything”
“What?” you say, mouth full of cereal. He’s already gone. Five seconds later, Natasha storms in. “Oh, hey, Nat”
She glares and you gulp down the rest of your food. Against your better judgment, you smile again and ask her if she wants to go shopping. You can’t stop talking, she makes you that nervous. 
“I hate shopping”
You already know it and she tells you for good measure, before rolling her eyes and leaving the kitchen.
“Bucky, she’s alive,” Sam whispers as you walk back to your room. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“She was pissed. Had an argument with Tony” Bucky barely opens his door.
“They always do” 
“Romanoff looked ready to kill him”
“She always does. And why are you hiding behind the door?” you look at Bucky.
“He ate all of Romanoff’s angry cookies” Sam replies.
“Terrible timing”
“Yeah” Bucky sighs, peaking around to see if Natasha is coming to kick his ass. Frankly, you wouldn’t stop her.
“Well, if you’re done gossiping, I have a shower to take”
“Where you going?”
“Shopping” you immediately shut down Sam’s curious tone. These boys are so nosy.
“Can I come?”
“Absolutely not. You always flirt with the girls and I can never get them to help me out”
“Oh, come on”
“Knock it off or I’m telling Nat you ate those cookies”
“No!” he sprints down to his room, while Bucky shuts the door so fast, you swear the wood cracks.
Ugh, it’s like living with teenagers. Thankfully, you have a plan. As you suspect, Natasha is going around the kitchen cabinets, mumbling something about “killing Barnes”
“Hey” you don’t expect her to respond or turn around, so you just place the package on the counter. “I know those man babies eat everything on sight, so I always have some saved in my room. Your favorites” 
Natasha stops her movements, but still won’t turn around. 
“Thanks” she finally says as you walk back to your room.
You wish it was enough to make her feel better. You also wish she trusted you enough to vent about what it is she’s so upset about. 
But with Natasha, there’s always been a wall. You don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, because you find her so attractive, endearing and even cute. 
If you get close, then you’re sure it’s going to evolve from slight crush to full time pining.
That can’t happen.
These thoughts take up most of your shower time and as you get ready to leave, you only turn around once to check your hair.
There’s a surprise waiting for you at the garage. Someone sitting on the driver’s seat of your car.
Natasha looks up and smirks.
“I don’t let anyone else drive”
“Mind you, I’m more worried about how you broke into my car without the alarm blaring” you tsk as she takes the keys from your hand.
She shrugs her shoulders and to your surprise, guesses which mall you’re heading to.
“I notice things too”
“You’re talking about those cookies?”
“I guess”
“Well, you’re always welcome to get them from my room. Secret cabinet behind the mirror”
You chuckle and she actually looks like her mood is improving.
And you… you are approaching the pining stage at an alarming rate.
“So, what are you looking for?” she asks when you finally get to your favorite clothing store. Natasha looks completely out of place between the lighting and the bland pop music playing in the background.
When she turns around, she finds you putting some lingerie sets over your clothed body, evaluating the shape and color.
She’s thankful you’re too focused on your own reflection to catch her blushing madly. Now is not the best time to picture you wearing one of those sets.
“Oh, maybe something to go on a date” you reply, choosing the black lingerie.
That answer is enough to put her in a bad mood again. 
After a few minutes looking around, you sense that she’s starting to get impatient. Natasha shrugs her shoulders at every dress you show her. You might as well be holding a hot dog suit to get her approval.
“Alright, I’m going to the dressing room. Hold this” you give her your purse, to guarantee she won’t flee the minute you close the door.
“Don’t be long” she mumbles when you’ve barely taken your top off. Without thinking much about it, you peak through the door and smile mischievously.
“Relax. If you’re a good girl I’ll get you something nice”
The redhead blushes furiously as you close the door again. You think it’s pointless to show her the dress, thinking she’ll just shrug and make a non committal hum. 
You’re on dress number three and think it’s the best one yet. 
“Shit” your smile is quickly replaced by a frown when you realize the zipper on the back is stuck. “Nat” you call frantically for her.
“I’m stuck”
“Come here” you jump out of the dressing room and pull her inside, shutting the door behind you. “The zipper. Can you pull it down?”
“Ok, go” you move your wavy hair out of the way, expecting it to be over with one swift motion.
But Natasha’s touch is surprisingly soft and delicate. You feel her breath close to your neck. Fuck.
“Fuck” Natasha says and you snap back.
“What is it?”
“It’s really stuck” she sits on the little chair at the corner of the room and pulls you along. As she keeps trying to undo the zipper, your body gives in, sitting almost on her lap, your back to her front.
“Almost… there” she grunts, pulling so hard that you end up actually sitting on her lap, squealing at the force of her movements. “Sorry, sorry, I got you”
“I thought I was gonna die” you sigh, not moving away from arms that are circling your waist.
“Trained spy is scared of a little fabric?”
“Jerk” you stand up, but the dress is halfway down, limiting your movements. It falls completely to the ground, you stumble and turn, landing once again on Natasha’s lap, this time face to face.
Or rather… Breasts to face. She has her entire face on your lingerie clad breasts.
“Jesus, Nat, I’m sooo sorry…” your apology dies down when you feel strong arms pulling you closer. You look down and find emerald eyes, pupils dilated with lust and lips parted, waiting for permission to move forward.
There’s not much else to think about, so you place your hands on either side of her face and kiss her, desperate and fast. Natasha moans against your mouth, moving down to your neck and sucking until she leaves a mark. Her expert fingers are trying to unclasp your bra when...
“Everything ok in there?” a store clerk asks. You break apart, feeling frustrated and very much turned on.
“Yeah, I’m almost done here!” you shout, a little too out of breath.
“I think your friend left. She really hates shopping, huh?”
“Oh, I think I’ve managed to change her mind” you wink at Natasha before putting your clothes back on.
“Stop” Natasha says as you head back to the Compound, one hand on the wheel and the other hovering above your leg.
“I’m not…!”
“You’re staring”
“You’re a really good kisser”
The redhead blushes and you think you’re in love.
No turning back now.
“So… when’s your date?”
“I don’t know, when are you free?”
“But I thought...”
“Tony was insisting on setting me up. That was before I knew my not-so-secret crush wanted to have her way with me in a dressing room” 
For the first time ever, Natasha is speechless and you laugh.
“So how about tomorrow?” she finally asks as she parks your car.
“That works for me” you walk side by side and then smile. “See? Aren’t you glad you went shopping with me today? You got to pick the clothes you’ll rip off of me” 
Natasha stops walking, and she’s actually considering just taking you up to her room right now.
“Tomorrow” you promise, smiling as you peck her lips.
“Yes, Sam?” you still have a silly smile, walking back to your room.
“I just saw Natasha and she smiled at me. Do you think she’s ok?”
“Yes, Sam” you roll your eyes, but he keeps staring. “What?”
“What’s that thing on your neck?”
Fuck. You slap your hand over the hickey and rush to your room.
“None of your business”
“As long as you keep her happy!”
“Shut up, Wilson”
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Assisting In Deception (Part 10)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Sexual Jokes
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.1K 
Summary: Can Rafe do whatever he can to get his happily ever after with Y/N?
A/N: This is the final part and I hope you enjoy it! I am going to miss writing for these two because I love their dynamic.
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The news had gotten out, not only about Y/N and Rafe’s break up but also about their relationship being only for the media and wedding. A lower-level lawyer at Cameron Development had found their contract and after the breakup was made public by someone at the company, she thought it was a good time for a payday. In true media fashion, Y/N was crucified for being a whore and materialistic, while Rafe was praised for being such a great boyfriend to her even when the relationship was fake. The double standard bothers Rafe way more than it did Y/N. She has finally learned not to take anything to heart. Rafe on the other hand knows how much those labels sunk into her skin, especially since he called her those exact same things. He has done every single possible interview he could to clear her name, but no outlet would really listen to his words. 
Not to mention, his father’s anger just adds to his feeling of guilt. Ward screamed about how Rafe could treat her that way and he should’ve made the relationship real as soon as he knew he was falling for her. Ward wasn’t upset at the lie; instead, his feelings were more focused on the fact that his son had let love go.
Rafe is going to get her back though and this is the only thing he has ever been a hundred percent sure about in his entire life. The long days without the refreshing smell of strawberry shampoo and the long nights without the soft whispers from her sleeping lips are driving him insane. Every morning and night he reaches out to pull her into his warmth, always being left empty-handed. 
He thinks of a thousand ways to make it up to her, but he doesn’t know what to do. He decides to go to the one person who he knows could help him with her. “Juni, please talk to me. I need your help,” he begs, wedging his foot between the door and its frame to stop it from shutting in his face. The shorter girl shakes her head, “She is very angry at you. I don’t know what I can do for you. We both know she doesn’t mess around and that’s exactly what you did, Big C” His eyes flicker to the carpeted floors of the hallway, dragging his left foot back and forth across it. “You don’t need to think about anything. I just need you to send her food every week. I’ll give you my card number so you can charge it to me because I know she won’t take it if I put my name on it,” he states. His hand reaches into his pocket to pull out his card. Her head tilts and her eyebrows frow together to become one.
“If this is about getting her back, then what’s the point of sending her the food without your name?” 
“It’s not about her forgiving me or taking me back. I just want to make sure that she can still eat out. I know she’ll get frugal about her money while she is figuring out a new budget with her new income and she won’t factor in getting take-out into her budget until everything else is taken care of. Her accountant degree will definitely kick in.” 
“That’s really sweet. And I know what you mean, she’s already started cutting her own expenses on groceries. I’ve never seen her go more than a day without having coffee from the shop downstairs. It’s weird.” 
“Exactly, so do it for me, please. I just want her to be happy and cared for.”
“Fine, you are lucky that I was rooting for you guys.” 
“Thank you! Thank you so much! Let me know if you guys need anything else, okay? Nothing is too big.” 
“I know Y/N needs a trip to Cabo, but under my name.” 
He gives her a playful smile with the tilt of his head. She shrugs, “I tried. Let me know if you need any help with your plan.” Rafe nods at her offer. “I will. Thank you again,” he says, walking away from the apartment after their goodbyes. 
Y/N sits at her desk looking at the number on her screen. They start to merge together and she wants to bang her head against the wall. She got a job as an accountant’s assistant and she is not exactly thrilled with it, but it made the most sense because of her degree. She needed a job and she didn’t have the time to try to figure out what is the right career for her. Her boss has gone to lunch but needed her to stay behind to finish up this budget. 
The noise from the door draws her focus to Lydia, the secretary for the office. Nutmeg and parsley fill the room with its aroma. Her mouth salivates as it smells exactly like her favourite creamy mushroom gnocchi. The brown bag with a familiar logo sits in Lydia’s hand. “A delivery guy brought this over. Said it was from Juni,” she explains, placing it on her desk before exiting. Y/N grins at the bag and her hands draw together near her chest. Her shoulders sway from side to side in a little dance. She opens the bag, letting the food overwhelm her senses. With her phone in hand, she takes a selfie of herself hovering over the food and sends it to Juni with a thank you. The food hits her taste buds and she wants to melt as the creamy goodness settles in. 
“Sir, all of your meetings, appointments and business dinners are on your calendar. I took the liberty of decolour-coding the calendar and rearranged it in a manner that each happens in the same time frame every day. It makes more sense like that. All your meetings are arranged in the afternoon. Appointments in the mornings. And obviously the business dinners in the evening,” Ricardo debriefs, showing Rafe with his tablet what he meant. Rafe isn’t too pleased that Ricardo changed Y/N’s system, but he knows it’s because he is holding on to any piece of her he can. It isn’t Ricardo’s fault that she left. Rafe acknowledges he heard his assistant, “Okay, sounds good. Thank you. You may go back to your desk now.” 
Ricardo does as he is told and heads to his desk. The ding from Rafe’s phone immediately attracts his attention. He scrambles to pull it out of his pocket and opens the text from Juni. The screenshot she sent makes the clock stop spinning for just a second. The smile on Y/N’s face is enchanting and he wishes he saw the little dance he knew she did after taking the food out. He sends a thank you back and practically begs her to send him the actual photo so that he can save it to his camera roll. Once she does, he lets out a sigh of happiness. This is who he is trying to fight to get back. 
How do you make up for pushing your not-real girlfriend, but the girl you are totally in love with, away is not a Google search that has a lot of results. Something big and grand would scare her away. Something small and intimate doesn’t feel like enough. And there really isn’t a middle ground when it comes to gestures. He always defaults to food, so he wants to do something different from his norm. The sounds of his socked feet dragging against the hardwood floor bounce off of the walls as he paces the room. His head darts to the space over his bed and he stops. He takes in the painting he bought from Nancy. Each stroke comes together to show the emotions he felt at that moment and he knows the perfect way to prove to Y/N what he feels for her. 
When she opens the door, Nancy isn’t expecting to see her sister’s fake ex-boyfriend standing behind it. “What do you want?” she growls, crossing her arms. It is clear that her crush on him is gone with the way he upset Y/N. He looks at her with pleading eyes, “Hey Little Artist, I need your help. Please.” Her cheeks start to redden, but he can tell that it isn’t because of embarrassment or her small crush. 
“Why should I help you? You called my sister a gold digger. Do you know how much she is hurting right now? If anything I should be trying to figure out how to hide your body.”
“I know. I’m sorry that I hurt her and I want to tell her this too. I just need your help with how I execute this apology.”
“Well, I don’t want to.”
“Little Artist, please. I love your sister so much and I can’t handle knowing that I’ve made her feel bad about herself. I just want to apologize and show her her worth again. If she tells me to get lost after I do, then I promise she will never hear or see me again. I just want her to be happy.”
Nancy looks him in the eyes and her anger lessens at what she sees. Rafe is practically in tears at the thought of what he has done. His words have really hit home for her. “Fine, I’ll help you. But you are buying me food.” 
“Wow, you really do take after your sister.” 
Nancy watches over his shoulder as he sketches onto the canvas. The look she makes at the outline causes him to turn towards him. “What did I do wrong?” he asks, immediately erasing the mark he just made. Her hand stops his movement, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that this is great and all, but you aren’t capturing anything deep. I don’t feel the emotion you are trying to convey right now. Just make sure when you are painting to try to bring what you are trying to say to life. But don’t worry about it for now.” He takes in her advice and keeps doing what he is told. 
The next day he starts painting. He is a lot more nervous about making the first mark than he thought he would be. “Would you stop being a big baby and just start?” Nancy complains, trying to push the paintbrush in his hand onto the canvas. His strength halts her attempt, “No, I can’t. I have to make this perfect, Little Artist. I need to show your sister how sorry I am.” “Trying to make it perfect isn’t going to work. The raw emotion you put into it is what is going to make it perfect. So turn your brain off and start,” she commands. She goes over to her own canvas to do some work. He takes a deep breath and takes a leap of fate in himself by completing the first stroke. 
For weeks, Juni has been sending Y/N food every single day at the office. Y/N has tried to tell her that leftovers are okay to eat for lunch, but she doesn’t appear to listen. Y/N questioned how Juni could’ve gotten the money and was met with the promise that her work has added a lunch plan for two in her contract. This doesn’t sound any bit true to Y/N, but she goes along with the lie. The headphones over her ears make her oblivious to the world around her. She opens the door to the dark apartment, grooving to the music. The routine she moves through when she gets home goes smoothly until she gets to her bedroom. 
The thin large square package leaning against her bed is not a part of that routine. She approaches the gift, looking for any indication of who sent it or how it got into her room. Her first thought is to ask Juni if she knows anything and is met with the answer to her question. You got a package this morning when you left. I brought it into your room, Sweetie. This eases her worry that someone has broken into her room. She puts her purse away and starts tearing into the wrapping paper. The painting she finds brings tears to her eyes. Years of living with Nancy means Y/N knows a little bit about painting, so she knows the technique is nowhere near perfect. Yet, the meaning it is trying to convey is clear to the woman. She can feel the emotion he felt while he painted it. There could only be one person who made this for her. 
The subject of the painting: her, specifically from a picture of her when they went to Greece. They had found a little cafe near the beach and she was completely in love with the saragli and baklava he bought her. She was too occupied enjoying the nutty and sticky pastry to notice him taking her picture. The painting isn’t a good likeness to her. Her nose is a little too close to her lips and her eyes are wider apart than in actuality, but the lighting tells her everything she needs to know. She remembers the picture vividly and knows that it isn’t accurate to the day. Instead, the light paints her in a golden light that makes her look ethereal. The love he feels for her comes across with every golden stroke on the canvas. Her anger starts to vanish. 
She doesn’t know how she knows, but she heads to the front door. Y/N opens the door to find Rafe waiting with bubble tea in his hand. “The painting was amazing. It doesn’t make up for what you said though,” she comments, moving out of the way for him to come in. He does and sets the drinks on the kitchen island, “I know. I was hoping the bubble tea would make up for the rest of it.” 
“You and I both know that’s not what I am waiting for, Boss.”
“I know… I’m sorry, Butterfly. I have never thought that you were a gold digger. I was hurting because I didn’t like seeing you with another guy.”
“Just because you are hurting, it doesn’t mean you get to hurt me.” 
“That’s true. And I want to prove to you that I don’t truly think those things. But I’m going to have to be around you for that to happen. So if you feel the same way about me as I think you do, then please let me back into your life. I missed your excited squeals about food or watching you play with Dax. He misses you too you know.” 
“I miss him too. I just don’t know if I’m ready to forgive you.” 
He steps toward her, reaching for her hand. His fingertips graze hers before she lets his large hand envelop hers. His lips brush the shell of her ear, “I am prepared to wait for eternity to get you back.” Her eyebrows form a caterpillar as she gives him a trying look. “What if it takes an eternity and one day?” she pushes. His other arm pulls her flush against his chest by the waist, “I’d beg on my knees an eternity and a hundred days if you want.” “On your knees, huh? How about on your knees between my thighs?” Y/N whispers, lips ghosting his. She can basically feel his lips on hers. “I thought I was apologizing to you? But I’ll be on my knees between wherever you want. So, are we going to give me another chance?” 
“I think I have to think about it.” 
He chuckles at her playful tone, “Well, I hope you don’t mind me doing this.” She takes the lead and brings his lips to hers. Their lips move in tandem like a well-oiled machine. Her hands twist in his hair and he plays with the bottom of hers. This is where they are meant to be. She is who he is meant to be with. 
A year. A year of bliss as her official boyfriend. Although Rafe likes to count the time they spent faking dating as the start of their relationship, he knows Y/N likes the beginning of their relationship to be the day she found his painting in her room. She believes it’s more romantic that way. Now, she’s spent the last six months living in his apartment with him. He gets to wake up every day with her and go to sleep beside her every night. 
After they got together, Y/N didn’t go back to work for him and he completely understood why. She wanted to find someplace for herself in the world, which she did. Her love of food turned into an Instagram account reviewing different places around the city. It’s grown quite the following, but nothing so great that she would quit her job as an assistant accountant. Rafe insisted that he would take care of her while she pursued this passion, but ever the planner she is, she said that she wants a steady income to make some savings for herself first. Plus, accounting is a little more bearable when she can devour delicious food for money after work. 
Y/N is away at a work conference for the week and the empty house makes Rafe feel a little lonely. Dax keeps him company, but waking up the first day she is away is normally the hardest for him. Over the last six months of living together, they have grown into a well-synced routine with each other that is currently broken. Rafe would normally wake up earlier than needed so they could get ready for work together and he could drive her to her office before he gets to work himself. He tried offering to buy her a car, but she is very keen on saving up for one herself and he is not about to take away her independence. He sadly walks to the bathroom, getting ready to brush his teeth by himself. His hand reaches for the toothbrush and is met with the sound of paper rustling against his finger. He looks down to see a Post-it note on his toothbrush: I’m sorry I had to go away for work, but I love you, always, Boss. He smiles at the little note and feels his mood start to lift immediately. 
The next note he finds is in his car. The sun was in his eyes while he was getting ready to pull out of the parking spot, so he put down the sun visor, only for a small paper square to float down onto his lap. Did you know that 90% of drivers sing behind the wheel? So sing your heart out to Call Me Maybe, Boss. He loves it when she gives him random facts. He opens his phone case so he can keep it safe to put it with all the others. He’s kept every single Post-it note she has ever written for him, even the ones she wrote when she started as his assistant. 
By the third note, he guesses that the rest of the time that Y/N is away he is just going to be finding them everywhere. Ricardo walks in like he normally does every morning to give him a detailed rundown of his day. “The last thing of note is that Ms. Y/L/N has ordered me to give you this today,” Ricardo finishes, handing Rafe a blue piece of paper. He waits for Ricardo to leave before reading it. What do you call a butterfly that can fly faster than any other butterfly? A betterfly. He laughs at the horrible joke and texts her the laughing emoji. He knows she’ll know why without any context. He waits for a response and receives the kissy face emoji. 
He gets home from work and is getting ready to feed Dax when he finds the next one. He doesn’t know how he didn’t notice the note sticking to the jar when he fed Dax this morning but he shrugs it off. Confusion crosses his face when he reads it though. Hi Daddy, Mommy wanted to let you know that I’m not going to be an only child soon. Love, Dax. Why in the world would Dax not be an only child soon? Is this her way of telling him she is adopting another dog? Dax whines for the food and snaps him out of his thoughts. He’ll just have to call her later to ask. 
The phone call he plans to make gets quickly forgotten and he is watching TV at the moment. However, Dax’s scratching at one of the guest bedroom doors removes Rafe from the couch. He goes upstairs to see what is going on, opening the door to see what Dax wants. The dog immediately enters the room and hops on the bed to his favourite chew toy that has somehow got in there. He heads over to take the toy into the living room so he can keep an eye on Dax. He stops at the contrast of the bright pink sticky notes against the light gray sheets. “Huh, why would mommy leave a note here? We never go in here,” he asks the occupied dog. Rafe takes a second and remembers the last time this room was used. It was the first-night Y/N had ever stayed over at his house. His hand hesitantly picks up the note and this time he isn’t met with words but a drawing.
The drawing is of a woman without a clear view of her face because her hair is blocking it. She is looking down at her round belly with her hands placed lovingly on it. Rafe’s first thought is that there is no way Y/N drew this because she can barely draw stick figures this well. Then the dots start to connect. The note before this one. The complaints that her favourite foods are repulsing her. The crying at every animal commercial. The little belly weight she gained that he just chalked up to being because he read in one article that the extra weight gained at the beginning of a new relationship means they are happy and he isn’t displeased by that fact. His happiness quickly turns to upset that she isn’t here to celebrate the news with her.
His hands clumsily fish for his phone in his pocket and he goes to dial her number. When the ringing comes from behind, he freezes all movement. He slowly turns around to see her standing with a massive grin on her face. His phone drops to the floor and he doesn’t care that a massive crack noise sounds throughout the room. He runs to her, taking her into his arms. He lifts her up from the ground and spins her in excitement. Her giggles send pure joy through him. “We are having a baby!” he exclaims, finally letting her two feet find the ground again. She takes his chin into her hand so she can look into his eyes, “We are.” 
“I can’t believe it. We have so much to do. I have to go to the store so we can repaint this room. Actually, we should hire someone to paint a mural. And we have to pick out the crib, a new dresser, a diaper gen-”
“Woah, woah, woah, Boss. Slow down a little. The baby isn’t coming for another nine months. And I thought I was supposed to be the planner.”
“You are right. I’m just really excited. I literally just found out about them and they are just the size of like a pea, but I already love them as much as I love their mommy. I can’t help it.” 
“I love you too and I can’t wait to meet them too.” 
The couple takes a moment to just look at each other in their eyes, conveying all their emotions and thoughts. The baby was not planned, but it is clear to both of them that the baby is still very much wanted. They smile at this communication and kiss each other for the first time since she got home. For once in her life, Y/N Y/L/N took a chance on love and look where she is now. She never looked back on that decision to let go of her fear of commitment because it led her to not only her first love of her life but to her second one as well. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @aprilrudgate @loving-and-dreaming @thepatriarchykeychain @maybankslover @abbybarnesstuff @wh0reforbucknasty @spencereidbasis @drewsmusee @starkowswife @mskezza @h34rtsformilli @ijustwanttoreadlols @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @bellbottombaby @jaydaaasworld
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
Hello ❤️❤️
Me Again, i loved the drabble so much so i decided to ask for another one (if it is possible 🥺🙏❤️)
I will ask for nr. 17 with Bucky Barnes 🙏🙏❤️
Also i want to ask if its possible to write smth witt Moon Knight? From the pro t list ofc. Thank you love ❤️❤️
Cat Dad
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend is being held captive and you're the only one who can save him.
Word Count: 700
A/N: I would like to try something for Moon Knight! Let me know what you'd like to see. (No promises it won't be garbage though.)
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If you ever told the rest of the Avengers that Bucky Barnes was a complete cat dad, they would scoff and laugh in your face. But they didn’t get to see him like you did. The times he would spend at least half an hour in the toy aisle every time the two of you went to buy Alpine more food always saying “C’mon we have to get this for her, she’d love it!”. When he refused to move anytime she curled up on his lap, or the time he insisted she needed a soft bed in each room of the apartment, lest she wanted to curl up near you guys but couldn’t find a comfy spot.
You wouldn’t be the one to tell him that she never used the beds he had purchased and would more often than not find herself curled up and purring in your reading chair that was conveniently located underneath the window so the light hit it just right.
He always said he would do anything for you two, “his girls” he had called you. Except for that tonight Alpine seemed to be pushing every single one of his buttons. Bucky is a patient man, he’s always in his head so it’s sometimes hard to see what he’s feeling. But you had gotten really good at reading him and you could read the tension in his shoulders and the slow and pronounced breaths he was taking that something had him on edge.
You slipped out of the kitchen and towards the living space, Bucky was on the couch, his back leaning against the arm of the sectional and his legs stretched out in front of him, holding up the laptop that he was using to finish up his mission reports for Sam. The boys weren’t officially working for the government but had some affiliations which meant that a paper trail needed to be kept. You could immediately see what was getting Buck worked up, Alpine had taken it upon herself to position herself in her dad’s lap in such a way that she was covering half of the keyboard. The sight was hilarious, and you couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. Bucky was so sweet, and despite the fact that this report needed to be finished today, your sweet boyfriend was not going to move the cat off of his lap, even if it would make his life so much easier.
When the sound of your soft laugh reached his ears, Bucky’s eyes shot up at you. They screamed for help. You wouldn’t be able to stop the smile that spread across your cheeks if you tried. 
“What’s going on in here?” You innocently asked.
“Doll, thank God. Can you please take her?” You could hear the desperation in his voice, he really didn’t want to push her down but he couldn’t get his work done while she sprawled across him.
“I don’t know Buck she seems pretty comfy, I would hate to disturb her.” he shot you a look that screamed betrayal. “Don’t look at me like that she’s your child.”
“You’re doing this to mess with me. You normally don’t have any problem moving her especially when she’s in your chair,” he called you out.
“But she’s not in my chair so I don’t need to move her” You cheekily threw back at him.
“Honey, Princess, Love of my life would you pretty, pretty please take our girl off my lap so I can finish my work?” He pleaded with you.
“Hmmm, what will you give me if I do?”
“Anything you want Doll, I’d give you the world if I could you know that.” He was trying to sweet-talk you into helping it out, and it almost worked.
“That’s sweet but I think I’m gonna let you suffer a little longer, you should think of this before you eat the rest of my cookies next time. The Girl Scouts only sell those things once a year.” You turned and started to walk away.
“When she gets up you’re gonna get it.” He called out after you.
“Looking forward to it Baby,” You called back.
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gghostwriter · 2 months
Yours Truly, Romeo
Chapter 7 __ Violent Delights
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Washington, DC - A string of grizzly murders and obsessive love letters causes Olivia and Spencer’s paths to intertwine. With a serial killer proclaiming his undying devotion to her and the thick tension surrounding her and her agent turned bodyguard, Olivia’s life is writing out like a contemporary love story that she, as a successful writer, could see herself publishing.
Trigger Warning: This chapter contains kidnapping and beginnings of s*xual assault. If you cannot stomach this warning, feel free to skip this chapter and wait for the next one to publish
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“Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?” - Act 2, Scene 2. Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
It was bright and cold when Olivia came to. The walls were painted in this light green color, her favorite and the space was decorated with items for two—a couple sofa, a queen size bed, and a dining table for two with a chair she was currently chained to, with her hands and feet bound with prison chains. She knew where she was, in a pretty cage held captive by Elijah, her co-worker and a man with a dark delusion for her. There was a candle-lit dinner meal laid out nicely in front of her and the bed to her right peppered with rose petals. She shuddered to think about what would happen there. She chanced a look at the door ahead of her, deducing it was the entrance. 
The same door swung open and she screamed at the monstrosity that came through. It was her captor shirtless—wearing a full body skin suit and a face that wasn’t his own. She scrambled to get away from him, pressing further into her chair as if merging herself with it. Sobs escaping her chapped lips as his hand reached to caress her cheeks. 
“No please no,” she begged with blurring vision, fervently wishing the nightmare away. 
He wiped her tears away and sighed her name. “You don’t know how long I waited for this moment, Olivia. There’s no need to be afraid. We’re meant to be, don’t you see?” He gestured at the whole room. “I prepared all of this for you. I’ll wait by you hand and foot, just tell me what else you need.”
“Let me go, please,” she whimpered. “Please Elijah, we can go out on an actual date outside, yes? We can get you all the help you need just please, let me go.” Her voice cracking at the end.
He laughed, the body suit moving with his laughter. “Now why would I want that? I have you here all to myself and no Paris to intervene.”
“Paris? Romeo & Juliet’s Paris?” 
His mask scrunching to showcase his anger and scoffed. “Yes, Paris. That FBI agent sniffling around my beautiful flower, trying to take what is mine.”
Spencer. Olivia’s eyes widened. “W-What did you do to him?”
“Nothing for you to worry about, my Juliet,” he sat down across her and waved at the dinner in between them. “Now, let’s eat. I’ve cooked all of this for you—” he sliced a piece of the steak and offered it to her on a fork. “—medium rare, your favorite. Now, open those luscious lips and take a bite.”
She shook her head. Her stomach queasy at the thought of what he may have done with the food. 
He sighed as he brought down the fork to his plate. “Is there anything else you’d like, then? Tell me, I’ll make it for you.”
“Why are you doing this?” She ignored his gentle questioning. “Y-you’ve never shown any inclination that you liked me. Why couldn’t you have asked me out normally without killing all those innocent men?”
“Would you have said yes, my love? With how I originally looked,” he gazed into her eyes and found the answer to his question. “Those innocent men you say. They had something I need of, tragic that they had to lose their lives but they had something that should have been rightfully mine,” he gestured at his whole being. “Now, I embody your characters. You can no longer say no to me.”
He picked up his utensil again and waved it in front of her lips. “Eat, my love.” 
She took a small bite.
He smiled, believing that his affections are finally being returned. “That’s good, Olivia. You’ll need sustenance for what happens next.”
Her eyes widened as his shifted a glance at the bed, his insinuation clear. 
Tears streaming down her face, she swallowed the meat as if it was a rock she was forced to digest. She wished for Spencer. She wished to be back in his titillating presence. She wished she had kissed his soft lips before all of this went down. A good memory to tied her through this horrific ordeal. Most of all, she wished he still alive. The guilt of having had him killed was eating her alive. 
Another piece was forced into her mouth—everything tasting like sand. 
“Very good, Juliet. I knew you would see it my way, “ he encouraged her between bites. “Here, have fruits also. We need to keep your body healthy for our future children.” 
That made her want to retch all her stomach contents. “Can I ask a question—” she paused waiting for his consent. “—What did you do to Spencer?”
She winced as the metal utensils banged on the table. Elijah’s demeanor shifting at a 180. “Spencer?” He repeated with a sneer. “You’re on a first name basis with the agent?”
He pushed his chair away and towered beside her in an instant. “Flirted with him, did you? Did you bat those long lashes at him? Did you—did you kiss him with those lips of yours? Tell me!”
She shook her head, too frightened to answer with words. 
His face twisted further as he reached to unchain her from the chair. Tugging at the collar around her neck, she planted her foot down to no avail as she realized where he was dragging her to. To the pristine queen size bed situated at the far corner of the room. 
“No. No. No, please. No!” She screamed out. She’d rather die than be humiliated by this monster. “Please, don’t do this! Please, no!” 
Olivia struggled as he hooked her bound hands to the headboard. She kicked her feet repeatedly as he attached each leg to a corresponding bed post. There was no need to guess as to where this was heading. As to what he was planning to do. She bucked her hips, trying to detach his body on top of hers. “Get off me! Elijah, get off me!” 
He brandished a gun and pointed it to her forehead, rendering her momentarily speechless. “Tell me, Olivia. Did you like Paris? That FBI agent—Spencer? Did he touch what was mine? Did you like encourage his advances? Did you kiss him? Did you?!” 
“No, no, no,” she repeatedly whispered out.
He cackled manically, fully losing his grip on reality. “Lies! I saw the looks you’ve given him. Your advances and how accepting you were to his. Is my love for you not enough? Answer me, Juliet. Answer me!” 
She sniffled. “It’s enough. It’s enough, Elijah. Please, let’s finish our dinner and talk, okay?” 
“That’s not my name, my love.” 
“Yes, Juliet?” 
Olivia struggled with her bounds. “Romeo, romeo. Please, can we finish our food? I’m still famished.”
“Tsk tsk. My pretty Juliet, that’s not how it works,” he reached out to the bed side table, brandishing a fresh roll of duct tape. “My Juliet is no harlot. She needs to be taught a lesson.” 
She mumbled her refusal again as he ripped a piece in his hands. Elijah leaned in, swallowing her cries with his mouth. Tongue violating the insides of her mouth, trying to wrap with hers as tears fell from her eyes. She wanted to gag, she wanted to escape in the confines of her mind, she wanted to die. 
Gathering a bit of strength, she mimicked reciprocation before biting hard on his tongue, wanting to rip it of off him as her last ‘fuck you’ to her captive. 
He pulled back, blood dripping from his lips. He pistol whipped her in retaliation and cackled. “My Juliet, how spirited you are. A wild beauty, a fest laid out just for me.”
Elijah leaned in for one last peck before placing the duct tape on her mouth, silencing her rejections. He licked his lips and went down her neck, leaving a slobbering mess as he went. She shuddered, wishing she was anywhere else but here with the sick man intent on violating her and taking away her dignity. 
Her muffled cries escaping the confines of the tape, unable to do anything but watch as his eyes flashed with delight as he reached the beginnings of her blouse. Taking his time to unbutton and kiss every new piece of flesh exposed and caress each taken path with the gun. Tears streaming down her face, she hoped for Spencer to come and save her from this hell on earth and if not, she feverishly hoped for death to come and collect her. With her top now pushed open, she shrieks once more for Spencer, for anyone to come and save her. 
And as if the heavens had her pleas, the main door busted wide open and in came Spencer, her knight in a kevlar vest with his gun drawn in front of him. 
“Elijah Williams, FBI!” he shouted. 
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antennaed-shidou · 1 year
I'm Innocent
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♫ Task Force 141 x f! reader
♫ Warning: not prof-read, being tortured, cutting flesh, close to death experience, tied down, blood, rope tied around the body,
♫ Word count: 1K+
♫ In which you were framed
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There have been traces of a mole around. There has been no lead to anything and it's been tough for Task Force 141. You sat in the cafeteria looking at the evidence while eating your food. You were looking through it as you heard footsteps walking your way.
You lift your head to see Price and the others around the table. You put the papers down Price sits in front of you. He sighs putting his hands together.
You were confused as to why everyone was around you and why they all seemed disappointed.
Price spoke, "We know who the traitor is, {Y/n}." His tone was flat as he spoke.
A smile was present on your face, "Great who is it, Captain?" You ask a happy tone in your voice as you guys have finally found the traitor.
But when you heard Price say your name, your face fell and your body carried so much weight.
"What. No, I'm innocent. You guys know I would never betray any of you." You pleaded.
No one believed you as they looked in the other direction. Even your so-called students that you trained. They didn't bother to even look at you.
"Guys please believe me..." Your words were cut short when you felt a sharp pain in the leg. You look at your leg to see it is a needle. All of a sudden your eyes felt like they were being pulled down to the floor. You also felt unbalanced like someone was pulling you on one side and not the other.
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You woke up in a chair, you tried to move but your hands and legs were tied around the arms and legs of the chair. You struggle in the chair wanting to be set free, but nothing is working.
After a while, some people enter the room. It was your so-called students that entered the room. One of them was holding a pocket knife in his hand.
Your eyes are full of fear as he walks closer and the other stays a little behind.
"I'm sorry, {Y/n}. But if you didn't go behind our backs then this wouldn't happen.'' You could tell by how he spoke he didn't really mean it, or maybe he did and he was hurt at the fact the person he looked up to did such a horrible thing.
"I didn't I really didn't. Please, believe me, Jared!" You pleaded but he didn't listen.
Jared guided the pocket against your arm, blood was slowly dripping out as he cut deeper and deeper. Tears were flowing down your eyes as you tried to keep in the screams. Even though the students weren't on your side, you still tried to show them you were stronger than the rest.
The three in the back covered their eyes, they couldn't stomach seeing the person they looked up to being hurt by one of their coworkers, or even friends. Mille peaked seeing tears flow down your eyes. She couldn't take it and left the room.
Price saw her leave and let her be. He himself didn't want to do this but if so be it, then so be it. You were the traitor and leaked everything you could about Task Force 141. After Jared was done the others left the room as well.
Ghost and a few others entered the room. He stayed away in the corner watching Captain Price talk to you.
"Tell us, {Y/n}," Price yelled. He didn't want to, but no matter what he had to.
"I swear I am innocent!" You yelled tears flowing down your eyes. You tried but no one would listen.
Your blood was spilling out from your body. You felt so tired and helpless. You started in front of you and Ghost was standing right there with a bloody knife in his hand, the knife that he used to make cuts over your body.
Task Force 141 wanted to get the information out of you so that they would stop and let you free, but you didn't say anything because you didn't know anything.
They decided to give you a break as you had passed out. They left the room beside one, Ghost. He stayed with you, he knew the pain that you must be feeling. One problem was that the was one of the people causing the pain.
He left the room shortly after. He saw when he left that your students were watching you. Jared held the knife close that was used to cut his so-called teacher.
Mille was the only person who believed you.
That night she snuck into the room you were being held in and confronted you about it.
"{Y/n}, {Y/n}, wake up." She nudged you seeing you slowly open your eyes.
You were shocked to see Mille by your side. "What the fuck are you doing here. If you get caught they'll think you with me. And I don't want that for you."
"Who do you think framed you?" She asked taking out a notepad and pencil awaiting your answer.
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The following day you were yet again tortured, knives were guided against your body, and rope was wrapped around you even so tightly. Yet again you still said nothing because you didn't know anything.
This time you lasted longer, and your throat felt like it was burning in the pits of hell. Your body felt limp and tied so they gave you rest again.
Mille on the other hand was endlessly doing reacher so that you could be set free. And she had finally found solid evidence that would get you out.
She presented it to Price. "Captain Price!" She hollered earning his attention, "I have something to show you." She gave him the pile of paper.
They went back to his office as he looked through the papers. As he read through Mille, could see his widened eyes.
As Price was reading his stomach dropped, he felt terrible for everything he had done to one of his good Lieutenants. He didn't even finish reading everything, he just took off to where {Y/n} was being held.
When you heard the door open you again were prepared for the worst. When you only see Price walk in you are confused, he has nothing in his hands, only a look of regret on his face.
"{Y/n}, you were never the mole were you?"
You're heart sank in your chest. You figured Mille found solid evidence to set you free, and you were glad but in the long run, it showed how much Price didn't believe your words. He had to be told by someone else that you weren't the traitor.
You didn't say anything and you didn't have to either. Price unlocked the chains and ropes that tied you to the chair. You tried to get up but couldn't. Price tried to help you up but you swatted away his hand.
"I'm sorry," He apologized.
For you that wasn't enough, an "I'm sorry" wasn't going to cut it. Milled walked into the room and helped you get up. You left Price to think about his actions.
Mille took you to the cafeteria to get food since you've also been feed poorly these past few days. Everyone turned their heads when they saw you enter the room.
That also must be one thing, you were not the mole. When Ghost saw you his stomach churned. He felt so bad for what he had done to you. He saw all the scars that he caused all over your body.
Mille sat you down and went to go get food for you she came back and set the tray down. "I'm going to get you a change of clothes, I'll be right back, {Y/n}." She says giving her a thumbs up to make sure everything was alright, you gave one back and she went to get more clothes.
As you were sitting there and peacefully eating your food you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your instincts come in and as you are about to hit the person the strength in your body gave out.
You turn, your eyes meeting a skull mask before you can say anything Mille appears.
"Move Ghost. What you did to {Y/n} can not be solved by some solemn apology. So I suggest you leave her alone."
Ghost doesn't want to argue. He knows what he did to you is traumatizing, even worse than anything that happened before you joined.
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This is only part one meaning more parts later! I want to try and write for more COD but we will see
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mubabee · 7 months
Yandere Arata’s first meeting with Y/N?
Ty for requesting for an OC! Also no need to put yandere, all my OCs are yanderes 😼
Whenever I make a OCs x reader book, I always like to write Arata and Y/N meeting like this.(Mikio and kuroko are in this so basically a reverse harem. Straightforward writing.)
(I think I used the word ‘it’ too much)
—When you first encountered Arata, it was actually in his cat form. He was just in an alleyway, staring blankly with his golden eyes. It had given you a little fright at first because it was so dark.
—Once you realized it was only a cat, you calmed down. Despite the lack of light in the alleyway, you could see the peculiar color of his fur — a deep blue you don’t recall ever seeing any breed of cats with.
—You tried to approach him, but he scurried off without a sound. It was quite impressive how he jumped from balcony to balcony with ease. He was already at the rooftop in mere seconds.
—So, you made it your mission to catch this swift cat. Mikio and Kuroko didn’t quite like the idea but in the end, they opted to simply make sure the creature didn’t hurt you. But really, they could catch the animal with ease.
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—It was tedious but proved to be easier than you thought it would be.
—The cat would be there everyday, silently sitting with its blank eyes. You’d bring food that it would never eat, toys that it would never play with, milk that it would never drink —anything to lure it out. It would never come towards you, but you noticed that with each attempt, the distance it would let you pass before running off shortened.
—Until one day, it let you calmly pick it up in your arms with no complaints.
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—Now let’s just say you lived separately from Mikio and Kuroko for now and had a female roommate.
—So you bring the cat home and she suggests the name ‘Arata’.
—So now that was officially his name!
—Mikio made sure to clip its nails and ensure it had no diseases or complications. (Also found out it was a boy😼)
—On the first day, it was normal — other than the fact Arata would constantly cling to you. Even as you were leaving, he would try and follow you through the door. Your roommate would complain that he had no interest to anything outside of you, even when she tried to entertain him with cat toys.
—On the second day, you left. Your roommate then brought Arata into the bathroom so she could shower and ensure he wouldn’t cause any trouble at the same time.
—But to her confusion, the door was open as soon as she finished bathing. It made her a slight bit wary, but it must’ve been because Arata learned how to open doors already. (trust me they can learn how to do that sht, my old cat did)
—She got dressed and went to the kitchen only to see a grown man in the living room, his back turned to her. The worst part is that he was completely naked.
—He didn’t seem to notice her, so she reached for a knife on the kitchen counter and creeps up behind him. Then wobbly, she stabs his side.
—No screams or yells were made, not even a hint of reaction. All he did was turn around.
(I don’t know how to color blood😔)
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—that’s literally all he fucking asked.
—Yea this man literally calls you ‘master’.
—Probably because you basically adopted him.
—When you arrived back, your roommate was sitting outside, scared out of her mind. Just before she could shakily explain what happened, Arata opens the door, still butt naked and it’s just like ??
—you’re wondering who tf this is until you see his ears and tail.
—at this point it’s up to your imagination for how you react.
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
“All Mine.”
Janis ‘Imi’ike x overweight fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, mentions of violence, eating disorders, bit of angry & protective Janis, smut ending
Part 2 of “Don’t Say Forever”, Janis returns to school the next day and goes up against the apex predator. The one who started it all, the one who made school like hell for reader. But all’s well that ends well.
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The next day, you stayed home from school, heeding her advice You were simply so done that you didn’t even think of going to school. So when she told you to stay home, you almost immediately agreed. At least you’d have a day of peace instead of having to face those feelings and people. And so, she gets picked up by Damian and they drove to school together.
“Did either of you get any sleep last night?”
“Oh, she slept good.” Janis says with a soft sigh, “I didn’t really sleep.”
“Girl, why the hell not?”
“Because I was up thinking about what to do about the whole bullying/name-calling situation since the school refused to do anything and is still allowing it all to happen right under their noses.”
“Mrs. Norbury did after you both left— Regina was speechless. Everybody was. It was quiet for the first time since everything started. Like— I’ve been telling people to shut the fuck up, you have too, but they never really lasted. But yesterday? That was something else.”
“Regina wouldn’t just stop like that. You don’t know her like I did.” Janis scoffs, “The only way we can win, is by overtaking her on the ‘food chain’.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
“We poach her girls.” Janis answered confidently, “y/n told me that Gretchen talked to her yesterday. Saying that Regina calls her what, ‘little miss overthinker’ while talking shit about her— she knows. She’s not that stupid. She’s not that bad. We can convince her to come onto our side instead.”
Damian nodded, “Okay, good. Let’s…do that. And I feel like Aaron can be on our team too, honestly. I’ve seen him check on her and just…glare at some of those miserable minions.”
“Great, more people on our side the better. I still need to talk to that bitch directly though. I tried to once and remember? She screamed bloody murder and tried to get me into trouble.”
“Oh, honey that was a fucking mess.”
“Like— okay, after all of that, I get why y/n’s keeping quiet about this with me. It’s a difficult thing to be going through and sharing but I would rather she talk to me so she can get it off of her mind than have it constantly weighing down on her, you know? I tell her that all the time and she says okay but it never really works.”
“Be patient with her. I know you are doing that but please continue to be.” Damian says.
Janis only nodded then looked out the window.
“Is anyone at home with her?”
“Her Mom is, for the morning. We talked late last night— I finally told her who started the whole bullying thing. But that y/n’s alright at the moment…I’m hoping. She knew that y/n was getting bullied because y/n told her. Not in detail, though. But that’s changed now.”
“Right, it’s good that her Mom’s aware so she can help instead of being upset that y/n’s acting all ‘distant’ or upset. It’s so good that she understands.”
“She told the school first. They claimed there was nothing going on.” Janis recalls, “Then we told them— one ‘investigation’ later? Nothing and yet here we are.”
“Mrs. Norbury risked her job to talk to the school during assembly. That’s ridiculous— she’s doing the right thing.”
“The school’s fucked up. What’s it gotta take for them to finally listen? Lost lives?”
The remainder of the drive was silent, with Damian’s playlist being the only thing heard for the next ten minutes. Damian parks his car then they both walk into school together. The very first person Janis sees…is none other than Regina George. Just the person she needed to see.
“What, freak?” The blonde snarked.
“You are so pathetic to have to find meaning in your life by demeaning other people.” Janis began, “We’re one foot out of high school and you’re still acting like you’re better than others? Shit, the real world sucks and you’d better pray your eyes open up soon enough for you to see it. You wouldn’t last a day in the shoes of anyone else.”
“In the real world, not everyone’s gonna like you.” She said back cockily.
“Yeah? Sure. Not everyone’s going to be bullying someone just ’cause they have nothing else to say so they pick on their weight, and every little thing. No sane person pays that much attention to someone they claim to hate!”
Janis immediately went on her to homeroom with Damian after that, not wanting to let Regina have a chance to respond. When she approached the room, Ms. Norbury was waiting outside. She then stopped her from entering so they could talk. Damian went right in and greeted Mr. Duvall as he walked to his desk.
“I talked to the students yesterday. A lot of them spoke up against Regina, some stayed quiet but they chattering stopped after that. If you or Damian, or y/n hear anything about anything or anyone. I will not hesitate to report them. Every single one of them. If I have to type or write their names until my hands fall off, I will if that’s what it takes to make the school safer.”
“Thank you.” Janis says. Today’s been the most peaceful day in months— no murmuring, pointing of fingers and snickering. But yet, Janis was still furious. “I take it she won’t be coming into school today. Tell her to take all the time off she needs— I’ll have her teachers send her homework home with you.”
“Regina started it. Right in front of our faces.” Janis tells her, “On y/n’s very first day back after her time off last year due to her eating disorder. So, Mrs. Norbury, I am very angry. I am very protective of the girl I love. She has been through enough.”
“Janis, I understand your frustration and it’s absolutely justified. Please don’t engage with Regina anymore. We’ve called for her Mom to come down so we can talk.”
“What’s talking gonna do?”
“We’ll suspend her. She could even be facing expulsion.”
“I talked to her earlier. I didn’t threaten her, I did not hit her. That’s it, i just talked. I had to say something.”
“Okay.” Mrs. Norbury acknowledges.
“Okay.” Janis nodded curtly then walked into class and say down beside Damian.
While Janis and Damian’s days have started, you’d barely just woken up from your sleep. You washed up and trudged downstairs to see that your Mom had made you breakfast. “Morning, Mom.”
“Morning, darling.” Your Mom smooches you on the cheek. You sat down, grabbing your cutlery and digging into the food.
“Janis must’ve talked to you, hasn’t she?” you asked knowingly. Why else would she still be at home on a Wednesday morning? She worked 9 to 5.
“I asked her about it. She didn’t tell me everything because that’s up to you— she said. She did however tell me who started the bullying.”
“Oh.” That’s all you said, not knowing what else you could reply with. “Thanks for breakfast. I’m sorry I’ve been in a bad mood lately, it’s just been really draining to have to go to school and deal with Regina and everyone else.”
“I’m relieved you’re here with me. And that you guys are letting me understand the situation. Don’t worry about it.” She assured. “I get that things like that are really hard to share, but whenever you’re ready, you can talk to me about it. Even if you just want me to listen, alright?”
After breakfast, you curled up on the couch to watch some TV. Janis gave you a call around noon, right before her lunch break. “Hey.” You answered the call.
“Hi, love. Whatcha doing?”
“I’m lying on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory reruns.”
“Did you have breakfast yet?” Janis asked.
“Yes.” You assured, “My Mom ate together with me.”
“I’ll be right there after school.” She says with a smile, “Okay?”
“Okay.” You chuckle, “How’s school?”
“Actually good. Regina has been suspended and we now have Aaron and Gretchen in our little friend group. They were the first one to speak up against Regina when Mrs. Norbury talked to all of them during assembly.”
You scoff, “Wow. Okay, um— that— that’s good, I guess.”
“I’ll see you soon, okay? Bye-bye.” Janis says, “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” You replied and she hung up.
You didn’t have anything to do so you eventually dozed off on the couch for the next few hours. The break was much needed after all. You were a little shocked by how long you fell asleep for, because when you woke up, Janis was already in your house. “Oh, shit.” You gasped, clutching your chest, “You’re here.”
“Didn’t mean to scare you.” She grins, “I brought you some— oh, no, baby. What happened to your hand?”
“She dropped a mug while making tea for herself, tried to clean it up but the shards ended up cutting her palm.” Your Mom walked in from the backyard, “Hi, Janis.”
“Hi.” Janis gave her a little bit of a smile. “You’re so clumsy.”
“I know.” You laughed, sitting up properly. Janis sat down beside you and turned the TV back on, handing you the bag of cookies. You took it and got one out of the bag to eat. Naturally she pulls you closer and you just laid your head on her shoulder while the both of you watched TV. She had an arm snaked around your waist as she turned to press a kiss to your head. You smiled, which she saw.
“I saw that.” She teased, giving you another kiss just for the heck of it. She ends up peppering your whole face with kisses which made you laugh. Probably the first genuine one in weeks and weeks. Now face to face with her after she’d stopped kissing you, you see her eyeing your partially eaten cookie. Then, she just ate it right out of your hand. This silly little action made you laugh a lot harder than you probably should have. “I love you so fucking much.” She says while chewing the cookie in her mouth.
“I love you more.” You say back, smile still plastered on your face as the two of you leaned closer foreheads resting against each other’s.
Janis mirrors your smile, hand rubbing your back soothingly.
“Where’s my homework?” You broke the silence. She nearly cackled, “In my bag. Chill, baby. Let’s just relax for a little bit. You’re not behind on your assignments.”
Later on, your Mom headed out to get groceries for dinner tonight, leaving you and Janis home alone for a while. “Hey.” You say. “Yeah?” She asks, putting her phone away.
“You look good in my clothes.” You replied, fingers tracing random shapes on her chest as you watched her eyes.
Janis bites back a grin, cheeks flushed just a tiny bit. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing, babe?” She composed herself quickly. Given your current position where you were laid down on her stomach first. You very easily straddled her, legs bracketing her on either side. Your face inches away from hers, she keeps a firm hand on your back so you wouldn’t fall. You studied her face and eyes for an answer, she does so by putting her lips against yours and her free hand under your chin.
“Not that I’m complaining, but why—”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” You said, “Just suddenly felt in the mood.”
“Maybe we should move this upstairs.” She suggests. You nodded eagerly, climbed off her and ran up the stairs while holding onto Janis’ wrist.
“Made a little pit stop at my place after school.” Janis revealed, “I brought some toys over.”
You locked the door and shut your curtains. As you sat down, emptied her bag. It was the same bag she used for school but was now only containing the sex toys. “Three options. Take your pick and I’m gonna take my time with you.” Janis looked at you while you pondered over the choices, “I can use all three of them on you, too if that’s what you want.”
You were just suddenly…horny and she was more than happy to help you. Not that she doesn’t, but this was just a little different because she usually initiated it. And this time, her eyes…they tell you that she was patient. Not so much in a rush to touch you all over the place. She wanted to know what you wanted, then she’d do it. Usually, things heated pretty quickly, but this was going to be something else. Janis had caught you at the very beginning of your getting in the mood to be intimate.
You picked the strap and a vibrating wand. She left the insertable vibe alone, got ahold of the wand and told you to lie down. You did, and then she carefully slid off your pyjama pants and underwear. “Legs open, baby.”
You automatically did as she told you to, looking up at the ceiling in the midst. Hearing the vibrator get switched on, it gets held against your clit in the next few seconds. You kept your eyes closed in order to feel it more intensely and have that be your main focus. The buzzing sensation was then mixed in with pleasure as it started to course through you gradually. You knew Janis was watching you grow wetter, she will always do that. But now her attention was being a great help in having your arousal grow. “Does it feel good, my love?” Janis chuckled over her words, moving herself down she could start kissing you at the same time. You whined as a reply, instantly giving her all she needed to know. She keeps the wand at the same speed but pressed it harder against your clit every now and then to make you squirm.
“Do you want me to use my hands?” Janis asks, while breaking away from a rather long kiss. You hummed and nodded your head in approval, kissing her again immediately. The kiss keeps deepening, the vibrator gets put down on the bed, getting replaced by her fingers— pumping in and out of you at just the pace you needed.
Janis broke away after awhile and chose to sit down between your legs, fingers still hard at work. Well, she was actually being so very gentle with you. It kind of made you a little crazier than her more common approach. You sounded like a needy little girl under her touch, yearning for more of her despite what she was already doing. This felt more sensual than sinful, if it had to be described.
“Are you sure you want to try the strap, my love?” She asks softly, fingers starting to go deeper with each thrust. “Mm— mhm.” You managed to tell her. “Okay.” She said back, one hand starts to massage your breast. You let out a low moan that you quickly tried to stop by chewing on your lower lip.
She was probably going so slowly because she had guess that you’d be afraid you Mom would be able to hear you two if she were to get home before you finished. But it was exactly what you wanted anyway— you swear, it was like this girl could read your mind or something. When your noises became more frequent, she slowly pulled her fingers out and gave you the wand to hold against your clit. “I’m just gonna put on the strap. I’m not going anywhere— you can see me.” She promised. You nod your head, watching her with semi-closed eyes. The constant, steady pleasure was so satisfying, and absolutely relaxing for you.
Now with the harness securely on, she took the wand away and her fingers returned, so did her kisses. So tender, but purposeful. You were a whiny mess, she was being so soft with you, it riled you up even more to be seeing this side of her.
“You’re all mine, princess.” Janis chuckles into the kiss, “All mine…I’m so lucky.”
Fuck. You whimpered into the kiss and your tongue slowly slid into her mouth, she reciprocates, kissing you back with the same fervour.
“Are gonna keep making those cute little noises for me?”
As if you could answer that. Janis smirked, continuing to kiss you a little while longer before you feel her moving the tip of the silicone shaft along your folds. You licked your lips, pursing them together while watching her in anticipation. You sent a nod of approval her way, not knowing what to expect having never tried it before. You feel everything, the stretching as it enters you, how bizarre it seemed to be, and how uncomfortable it was. Janis saw your face contorting and just stopped moving. You yelped. “It hurts.” You told her honestly. “Okay.” She backs away and the toy leaves you. “Do you wanna stop?” She asks, worriedly.
“No.” You decided, taking in a deep breath.
“Alright.” She agrees, “Let’s try a different position, okay? After I get the lube.”
“Okay” You muttered. The pain didn’t make you lose interest in finishing, you still felt aroused, just maybe ready to never use the strap again after today if it was still uncomfortable. Not everything’s going to work for everyone, after all. There was a lot she could do to achieve the same results. Janis very quickly returns and squeezed some lube onto the silicone, then onto you. You feel it drip onto your cunt then you feel Janis spreading it with her fingers, which dipped inside you just fleetingly. She feels you tighten a bit around her fingers, you see her brows raised for a moment before she flashes you a smile. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t like it.” She caresses your thigh. You nod, “I know. I just wanna try it and see if I do.” “Okay, babe- let’s try it again alright?” She said back, “On your hands and knees, y/n.”
You get into position and she lines up the strap with your entrance using her hand. You feel the tip again, then a similar stretch, less painful but more so uncomfortable. “Can I keep going?” She asks, words laced with worry.
“Yeah, do it.” You replied, she grabs your hips while pushing forward. You moaned lowly, mouth hanging open while you tried to get used to this entirely foreign sensation. “Ooh, such a good girl, baby. You’re taking me so well.” She laughs huskily while rubbing your ass, it sends a chill down your back. Janis stays still to let you adapt to it, you start to realise the tip of it has been pushing against your sensitive spot deep inside, causing the pleasure to course through your body without you even explicitly realising it. She started bucking her hips leisurely to keep things at the same intensity as it has been. You’ve been very quiet though and Janis was starting to want to hear more from you.
Every time Janis bucked her hips, you feel yourself getting closer to your high, and your ability to stay quiet die down bit by bit. More and more noises started to fall from your move with each of her thrusts, as a result of the increasing pleasure.
You weren’t sure about how much time had passed since your Mom left the house. Maybe it’s been forty five minutes, or an hour. Either way, your anxiety of getting caught in this situation was in the way of your making noise for Janis. She deliberately pushed into you harder to force the noises out of you, not giving you the time to worry. What’d you do? You grabbed another pillow and hoped it would do the job of stifling the noise that were just about to spill from your mouth.
“Take it, take it.” Janis panted, thrusting into your cunt harshly, but her pace was still pretty relaxed. “Take it, baby. I’m not done with you yet, are you close?”
You groaned into the pillow, giving her a muffled ‘maybe’. She pulls out the most she could after hearing what you said, then no longer pushing into fully to deprive you from what you needed for a short time so she could build up your desire. You knew what she was doing, and why, but of course, with your orgasm approaching you weren’t happy about the idea of edging because you needed hell of a lot more than what she’d been giving you, to come already.
“I need to come.” You told her pathetically, your cheek pressed against the pillow. You feel feeling yourself aching and clenching around nearly nothing— those weren’t nice feelings to be experiencing.
“Say please?” Janis cooed, “Be a good girl and say please, then I’ll let you.” She was still thrusting inside you, but not even halfway through.
You cried a little bit as much as her pet name for you made you blush. You were feeling so damn desperate and wound up that you only had the goal of a release in your mind. The pleasure was immense, but the ache was what made you frustrated. She knew you were like that— she knew what made you squirm, what made you whine and whimper and moan and she was doing all she can to let the frustration build and build to the point where you had no choice but to beg.
It was beginning to feel infuriating. You mumbled something but you yourself weren’t even sure what it was.
“Speak up, love. I can’t hear you.”
That really ticked you off even though it was the truth— she couldn’t hear you.
“Make me come.” You huffed, giving into her request because it seemed to be the only way. Even though technically, no because she knew you were so close without a doubt. Janis was simply being a fucking tease. “Please.” Immediately, she slams into you, making direct contact with your g-spot easily. You cursed and swore, trying not to fall flat onto your stomach at her sudden movement while an incessant string of noises spewed from your mouth like no one’s business. Janis had a smug smile on her face, you saw it through the peripheral vision. And it clearly did something for you because you very quickly unraveled. Way harder than you’d expected to. Way harder than you did yesterday, shocking both yourself and Janis.
“Holy shit!” She shouts in a whisper, “That is so gorgeous. Damn.” You gave her a shaky whine as she continues to pull you in and push you away, stimulating you to the point where you saw stars. You were still coming— you could feel the damn slick dripping down your thighs. Bordering on overstimulation, the ache in your cunt became more evident, the tears pricking your eyes? A couple of them fell against your will.
Hearing how fucked out you were, Janis pulled out completely after a few minutes and letnyou catch your breath. Ditching the harness, you were then met with the warmth of her tongue. Slow and soft teasing flicks going over each and every part of your overheated pussy. She was absolutely just savouring you like you were a goddamn full-course meal. Now this, was your last straw, the most intense and intimate thing — in your opinion that she’s done since the start of this ‘session’. It did not take you even half as long to come a second time, it took Janis by surprise, but she happily continued and even cleaned you off the same way— being extra, extra gentle of course.
“How was that?” She asks while lying on you, on her stomach as she grins. You bounced your leg, giving her a tiny taste of what you felt. “You’re amazing.” You stated, hand combing through her hair.
“So are you, baby.” She presses a kiss to your lips, you inevitably tasted yourself on them. Though for some reason it startled you and it made her laugh. “Aww.” She teases, brushing the slightly sweaty hair out of your face, “Maybe I should get you used to tasting yourself, what do you think?”
“I’m thinking maybe I should return the favour.” A smirk started to form on your face, “I know you talked to Regina, so don’t even try to deny it. Thank you.”
“Ohh.” Janis looked at you with slightly wide eyes, “I’m not gonna say no to that, baby. Like I said, I’d kill for you. Talking to her is no big deal.”
“Please don’t do that. That’s not good.” One could argue she was joking, but was she capable of something like that? Absolutely. Were you worried? A little. Would she do it? You hoped not.
“I promise.” Janis chuckles into the kiss. “I love you too much to get myself into shit like that.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: I honestly only started this draft bc I was bored so it is honestly not up to my usual standard at all but hey, enjoy😙
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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AN: She wants him all to herself 😏😏
Synopsis: Jack is hiding from his pregnant wife because her demands are getting harder and harder to keep up with
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
"Uhh Jack? Why are you whispering?"
"Because I can't let wifey hear me. I don't know how much longer I can take." Jack answered while looking around hoping that you couldn't hear him.
It seemed as if all of your senses had heightened since you became pregnant.
"What do you mean?" 2fo asked while looking at him confused.
He was currently on a facetime call with PG hiding in one of the guest room closets hoping that this would be the last place you looked.
"Are you….? Are you in a closet?!" Shloob asked while looking at the background surrounding him.
"I'm afraid my dick is going to fall off."
"Uhh I think you need to seek medical attention if that's the case." Quiiso piped up.
"Oh. I know what this is." Urban said while trying not to laugh.
"Urb, this shit is NOT funny." Jack scolded him while trying not to hit his head on anything in the cramped space.
"Someone needs to fill us in already!"
"Jack is hiding because his wife's hormones are running rampant and she keeps asking him to dick her down. Pretty sure she asked him 12 times yesterday." Urban confessed as Jack simply hung his head.
"I guarantee you not about to make any more children after this if this is the result."
"Damn, you just might need medical attention after all that."
"I never thought I'd see the day where Jack is not running to get his dick wet from Y/N."
"First time for everything I guess."
"Yall have to help me escape the house without her knowing. I need a break. The only time I've left is to get her food."
"How in the world are we supposed to do that!? If she doesn't see you for 20 seconds she starts screaming her head off for you and I know because I witnessed it!" Urban added while drinking his iced tea that you had made him.
"Maybe if I slip out the garage?"
"And she'll know that we know where you are and won't leave us alone until we tell her."
"It's just…. She's getting closer to her due date and all I want for her to do is rest."
"Then tell her that. There's nothing wrong with that."
"Shit, you better get it in now because you won't get any in 6 weeks when they get there."
"She's having a c section so it will be longer simply because I want to make sure that she's healed. That is major surgery and I need to make sure she recovers well."
"Can't believe our parents are becoming actual parents to tiny human beings."
"Me either and I bet that it won't hit me until they actually get here." Jack said while trying to listen out for you.
"SHIT!" Jack exclaimed as he heard your voice calling out for him and all of PG suddenly got nervous looks on their faces.
"Man up and go take care of your wife!"
"Oh damn now she got it out for both of yall."
Jack quickly ended the facetime call and hopped up out of the closet to almost bump into you as you had made your way into the guest room.
"Uhh? Were you in the closet?" You asked while looking at him confused.
"Are you avoiding me?"
"No, not exactly."
"Then what is it? Because I've been wandering around our house looking for you for ten minutes and caught you coming out of the guest room closet so make it make sense."
"He's tired of you asking him for sex all the time." Urban said from the hallway as he passed the both of you and then continued eating his hot cheetos.
"What did I do? We were all literally on facetime just now with you sitting in the closet and that's what you said. You said that you were also convinced that your dick was going to fall off because she keeps asking you and you don't know how much longer you can take and you were trying to sneak out the house without her seeing you. Did I get it all?"
"Too much actually."
Urban saw how you now had an annoyed look on your face and he decided to remove himself from the situation before you started to yell.
"So you don't want to have sex with your wife anymore?" You asked while eyeing him.
"No, that isn't it at all."
"Then tell me so I can understand."
"You're getting closer to your due date and all I want for you to do is rest. You are literally so tired all the time and I can tell. This pregnancy is taking a toll on you for obvious reasons."
"You act like I have to push them out. They're cutting me open and taking them out."
"Not the point mamas and you know it."
"Just say you don't want me anymore and that I'm unattractive to you and go." You said before trying to walk away from him but he immediately pulled you back.
"You want to run that one by me again? What would possess you to ever say that out of your mouth to me?"
"Because I'm huge."
"Um, last time I checked there were three people in there and you aren't huge, you're pregnant."
"Same difference."
"You know that I tell you that you are the most beautiful person that I have ever laid my eyes on and that is never going to change." Jack said while leaning down to kiss you.
"I said I was fat, not ugly. I know my face card never declines. But thanks I guess."
"I just can't win with you can I?" Jack said growing increasingly frustrated with you even if he was trying his best to be patient.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You asked while raising your eyebrow and crossing your arms.
"You know EXACTLY what it means and you've done this throughout your entire pregnancy. I get that you're carrying my children but I'm trying my best here and it seems like it's never good enough for you."
"That isn't true and you know it."
"If it wasn't true then why would I say it?"
"I don't mean to be difficult. I just want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can before they get here because after that I'm going to have to share you with three other people and I don't know if I'm ready for that as selfish as it sounds. I've had you to myself since I was fourteen."
"Then why didn't you tell me that?"
"I don't know." You answered while looking down at your belly and rubbing it.
"Baby look at me." Jack said and you quickly shook your head no.
"Mamas, let me see those pretty eyes of yours. Look at me." Jack said once again as he lifted your chin.
"We're going to have to learn to adjust but there is no one I'd rather be doing life with than you. Just because we're about to have mini versions of us around doesn't mean that I'll be making you less of a priority. I'm always going to make sure my baby girl is okay and you know that is never going to change. You know I love you to the moon and back, right?"
"Yes and I love you too and I'm trying not to cry because that's all I seem to do nowadays."
"Yes with your cry baby ass because those hormones are making it ten times worse."
"It's your fault anyway."
"I..well…. Are you okay now?"
"Yes, but I still have one question." You said while looking up at him hopeful.
"What is it stink?"
"I totally understand what you were just saying but can we have sex now?"
"Seriously!?" Jack sighed while looking down at you.
"It is taking everything in me not to rip your clothes off right now. Blame my hormones sir. My husband is sooooo handsome." You said as you hugged him tighter.
"It seems like you do this even when you weren't pregnant so don't blame it on that. You don't see me for five minutes and want to rip my clothes off."
"Soooo, is that a yes? And do you blame me? You shouldn't be so cute. I actually got enough sleep last night so I can ride you. " You asked your husband while looking up at him and smiling.
"You literally got out of breath in two minutes last time. You would have thought your ass ran a marathon."
"Because I hadn't gotten enough sleep! I'm good this time, I promise. Come on babeeee."
Jack's breath hitched in his throat as your hand made its way into his boxers and began slowly stroking him while reaching up to kiss him and he eagerly kissed you back.
"Mm hmm, you want this as bad as I do, don't you?"
"Are you literally jacking him off in the middle of the hallway!? I KNEW his ass was gonna fold. Just wait until I put this in the group chat."
"What? I knew you weren't going to last because you can never resist your wife. She always gets her way." Urban replied while shrugging and all you did was smirk.
"Anyway, baby girl I am definitely punishing you for that."
"If it involves cum down my throat I'm all for it."
"You would think that he would stop cockblocking when he got a girlfriend." Jack whispered to you and you stifled a laugh.
"Eating pussy everyday keeps the doctor away or whatever that saying is." Jack said as he shrugged and Urban simply rolled his eyes.
"Then come and get your daily dose."
"Say less, baby girl."
"I... let me go and bother my girlfriend." Urban said while walking past the two of you and Jack quickly picked you up bridal style to start making his way into your shared bedroom.
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blubushie · 1 month
Having a smart dog is so much fun but also a pain in the arse because she's too smart.
I was eating jerky earlier and sharing with Misty, as one does. Now, Misty isn't food-oriented about anything with the SOLE EXCEPTION of jerky. She goes fucking insane for jerky.
I stop eating jerky. I go to the cupboard to put the jerky away. And Misty follows me. She barks. I look at her. She wants the jerky.
"All gone," I say. This is our signal that she's not getting any more of whatever I have, because it's gone. She UNDERSTANDS WHAT "GONE" MEANS. THAT IT NO LONGER EXISTS.
And since she understands "all gone" to mean not "I'm not sharing more" but rather "I CANNOT share more because THERE IS NONE LEFT", this dog proceeds to look at the bag of jerky, back at me, back at the bag, and then BEHIND HER to the sink where the rubbish bin is kept. Because she knows that "all gone" is always followed by me either chucking the empty container/bag/what have you into the bin, or putting the empty plate into the sink (after letting her lick it, of course).
She looks back at me, back at the jerky. "All gone," I say again. She looks to the sink, then back at me. She barks.
She understands that empty rubbish gets chucked in the bin. I am not at the bin. I am at the cupboard. She extrapolates from this that the bag is not empty.
She understands that "all gone" means there is none left. She does NOT understand that "all gone" can also mean "I am not sharing more".
She wants more.
This fucking dog is staring at me, barking, and going "IF IT'S EMPTY WHY AREN'T YOU THROWING IT AWAY, YOU FUCKING LIAR?"
I tell her again, "all gone", and put the bag in the cupboard.
She proceeds to start screaming at me. Then she moves to the cupboard and starts slamming her body against it, while looking at me, and screaming. As I walk back to my seat, she still screams. Eventually she realised her tantrum was getting her nowhere and decided to lie down under me, but every time I called her name to pet her she just. Fucking ignored me. And it's hilarious that dogs have the ability to do that. People think recall training or whatever is great (and it is) but it's not foolproof because, like children, animals can also just Decide To Fucking Ignore You if they want to.
Anyway she's napping now, after her short-lived tantrum. But she spits her dummy over every little fucking thing like this, chucking tantrums at least a few times a week, and it never once has ceased to amuse me. Have to leave the park? Tantrum. Have to go to the vet? Tantrum. Being 86'd on a treat? Tantrum. Won't let her chase wild animals? Tantrum. Fucking toddler. I love her.
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tanjirosjuliet · 2 years
a/n : it's literally 1am rn and I can't sleep so I just made this lmao💀
Pairings - tanjiro x reader , Zenitsu x reader and inosuke x reader°
Warnings - fluff fluff fluff and a little bit angst?
Masterlist | you can send me an ask anytime!°❄︎
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He's literally the sweetest guy you've ever met
He treats you with so much respect
He asks permissions for literally EVERYTHING like ~ holding hands , hugging and stuff like that
He once held your hand without your permission and got SO EMBARRASSED and he said sorry SO many times after that
Once you tell him that you're okay with him touching you he's like ~ "I can touch you? Without your permission??" "Yes tanjirou"
He doesn't believe how much trust you have in him
He doesn't really yells at you , bro he couldn't even think of yelling at you
Once he yelled alot at you because you got nezuko for a mission (with his permission ofc) but she didn't come back in good situation it wasn't your fault but he still shouted at you and said really mean things because nezuko is so precious to him (as well as you too duh) because she's the only family member thats left alive. Cr - Words of regret @niluffa <3 (I love her please follow her omg)
Whenever you give him physical affection he sometimes cries because he never got that after his family's death :(
Love language - all 5 for sure
10/10 bf <3
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Zenitsu Agatsuma ❁
He thinks you're a queen/king (and you are)
When you first said you liked him back he was the real definition of screaming , crying and blushing throwing up
He got so excited 😭
If you're a slayer too,
He loves to spar with you but he's so gentle? And you're the one always winning because he doesn't wants to hurt you lmao
He gets really really worried if you get injured while completing a mission and if the wound is deep then, lo and behold `~ as expected he won't even let you get off the bed and do some work until your wound is completely healed
He would take care of you and sit by your side 24/7💀
Tanjiro : "zenitsu , we need to train"
You : zenitsu stop. Go train, I'll be FINE
Love language - physical affection and acts of service
8/10 bf
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Inosuke Hashibira ☆
He didn't even knew what dating was
He Straight up come to you can said "I love you" on your face and then ran away
Tanjiro and zenitsu were sneakly watching you both and both of them faceplamed when inosuke confessed to you in such a weird way
He loves sparring with you but you always win even tho he tries his best to win
He says only YOUR name right and no one else's
Tanjiro and zenitsu had to teach him how to act in front of you💀
Whenever you hug him or kiss him he gets floaty (like when tanjiro says something nice)
He eats up all of your food without your permission (very inosuke like)
Love language - physical affection acts of service doesn't exist in his dictionary
A/n - I know inosuke one is so short because I can't think of anything else I'm so sorry
And remember you can send me any type of kny asks , if it doesn't work then you can message me or comment <3
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