#scp serpents hand
scpstimms · 1 year
Serpent’s Hand board with a dark/chaotic academia theme, please and thanks! :]
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𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐜𝐩
𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝
𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧
[Request by: @Anonymous]
{Themes: Dark academia, Chaos}
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cookthepenguin · 1 year
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In the box you go!
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evergreenalice · 10 months
"When normalcy starts hurting the people who have to live under it, to try to cure a 'poison', normalcy is itself the poison."
can we just take a moment to think about this one quote from the SCP wiki's hub for the Serpent's Hand GoI?
this is such a banger of a quote
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transford-pines · 5 months
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the serpents hand are literally the most reasonable out of everyone and this is what they get for it
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sylvanus-cypher · 11 months
My favourite thing about HORUS is that honestly it's nearly every SCP group except for the Foundation itself (and the GOC but that goes without saying)
It's decentralized like the Serpent's Hand
Its goals are ambiguous like the Chaos Insurgency
It's imposing and amoral like The Factory
It's full of terminally online memeloving fucks like Gamers Against Weed
The list goes on
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Chinese Bronze Style - The Serpent (of the Library)
It's the Serpent from the Wanderer's Library! Added some root-like elements :D
Serpent's Hand Hub by thedeadlymoose: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/serpent-s-hand-hub 
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ijumpbridges · 6 months
I thought we were unknown, where are all this people coming from asking for a nsfw drawing of Bridges 😭
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artbyblastweave · 9 months
Hey have you got any thoughts on the Serpent's Hand
They picked a rough goddamn setting in which to try and be anarchists
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the-land-of-dreams · 1 year
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designs for lilyverse claire, yoric, david and cupcake teehee
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4ce-of-2pades-inkwell · 10 months
I’ve been watching/listening to those SCP videos on YouTube while I draw Cuphead stuff, so it was only a matter of time before I came up with a crossover AU:
Dr. Manuel Animi is a young but talented scientist rising up through the SCP Foundation. He has a particular interest, fascination, obsession even, with SCPs that break the laws of reality, or that are beyond comprehension. Merely out of scientific curiosity, of course, nothing more... He spent many years working with eldritch beings such as… well, I can’t remember any off the top of my head, but things along the lines of what Cthulhu was expected to be, not his SCP reality. Dr. Animi had a better capacity than most for withstanding the dangerously incomprehensible, a mental tolerance for things that would drive an average person to insanity, but he was still human, and many times was affected to the degree of needing prolonged therapy or even intense medical treatment to recover. He would always return to his work with a passion as soon as possible, but eventually he was banned from working with any SCP classified as a significant mental hazard. His superiors claimed he had reached the lifetime exposure limit that was protocol (similarly to scientists working with radiation), and they cited his hair, which had changed from red to pure white as a result of the horrors he had seen, as proof he had been at this long enough to be at risk of permanent mental damage. They claimed his relocation to other SCPs was for his own safety, and that they did not want to lose such a bright scientist, but this was a lie. In truth, Dr. Animi’s obsession with these eldritch beings and mind-breaking ideas concerned them. They saw a high probability that Dr. Animi would not stay content with his permitted research, and would attempt to use the anomalies for his own purposes, becoming a threat. In short, he liked his work too much. If he had refused the ban on his area of study, he would have been deemed too far under its thrall, and would have been terminated. So Dr. Animi now works with other anomalies, though is not satisfied with his current work, and is biding his time for an opportunity to reenter his preferred field.
Chase Animi is a gambler. Addicted to it. This has caused him to go deep into debt, and in and out of prison. Any attempt to keep a job or build any kind of stable life is sabotaged by this addiction. He’s miserable, but he can’t stop. He falls in with shady crowds trying to pay back the money he owes, starts conning people for their cash, gets caught and put in jail again. He is not having a great time. One night, a bar fight gets a little too heated, and results in three men dead by Chase’s hand. If this isn’t enough of a crime to earn a death penalty, then he somehow does something else to earn his sentence. He ends up a D-class at the SCP Foundation. He is given cleaning duty for The Sculpture for several months, and as all goes to plan during that time, he survives without incident. Soon though, he is sent in to observe an SCP that affects a person’s mind—though he doesn’t know that yet. This is where he first interacts with Dr. Animi, who has just convinced the higher-ups that he should be allowed to study mind-altering SCPs again, if only ones of significantly less power and danger to himself. Chase doesn’t recognize the scientist that happens to share his name. But Dr. Animi recognizes him.
They’re twin brothers.
The two had parted ways years ago after an argument. Manuel had just joined the SCP Foundation as a scientist, and tried to convince Chase to apply as well, so they could stick together. Chase was furious with Manuel for wanting to retreat from society into a group of crazy all-powerful scientists, and for not telling him sooner that he was planning this. Chase wanted nothing to do with the Foundation or any organization like it. Manuel warned Chase that if he didn’t join the Foundation in some way, he would have to be given amnestics to forget its existence. Chase said that was fine by him, and that if Manuel wanted to leave him so badly, then he would be more than happy to forget his brother entirely. So Manuel, also caught up in anger, did exactly as he asked, erasing any trace of himself from Chase’s mind and leaving his brother for good, devoting his life entirely to the Foundation. Chase’s life, meanwhile, fell into disarray. It is possible that the careful amputation of such a constant presence in every single one of Chase’s memories negatively altered his mind in such a way that predisposed him to his addiction. With the sudden lack of something he had depended on all his life, he needed to depend on something else…
Dr. Animi recalled Chase from his current assignment before its effects could take a stronger hold, and through application of his recent research, was able to produce a near-total recovery. Dr. Animi then told Chase that they were brothers, and explained what had happened to cause his amnesia about their shared past. Chase was furious with Dr. Animi for destroying his memories of him, and disgusted that he would not only commit unethical experimentation, but do it to his own brother. Chase refused to speak to Dr. Animi further, but Dr. Animi still wanted to help Chase. He knew there were a few rare cases of D-class not only surviving their ordeals, but being allowed to reenter society and live ordinary lives. Only a handful of cases, out of innumerable casualties, but if Dr. Animi played his cards right, he could save Chase.
There was an SCP that had been discovered earlier that year (let’s say this takes place in 1973 I guess), SCP-666. That one that tempts people with addictions. Very few D-class had been tested with it so far, and all had died as a result of succumbing to their addictions, but Dr. Animi had a theory about the nature of SCP-666, and he was going to bet his brother’s life on it. He contacted the team studying SCP-666 and recommended Chase as a test subject, highlighting the strong gambling addiction that had been the root cause of every crime Chase had ever committed. The team had tested subjects with substance addictions, but had yet to try addictions of any other nature. They accepted Chase as their next subject.
Dr. Animi insisted on being the one to deliver the D-class to his destination. Chase refused to speak to him, but Dr. Animi whispered that he was doing everything he could to save Chase’s life. This was his best chance at not only survival, but escape. If Dr. Animi was right, SCP-666 was not a death sentence, but a test. Any D-class subjected to it who was not already an addict had seen no ill effects—666 did not compel a person to act against their will, at behaviors that were not their own, but merely encouraged existing addiction until it reached the point of death. If Chase could resist 666’s temptations, he may be released alive, and in order to study the long-term effects on his addiction, Chase would need to be introduced back into the wider world, where he could be monitored in his natural environment with its usual available temptations. Dr. Animi would convince the Foundation, somehow, that Chase could not be exposed to any other SCP without destroying a valuable research subject. All Chase needed to do was not die from SCP-666. An even more difficult task, as there was not much opportunity to gamble in containment, and Chase was feeling withdrawal. Dr. Animi had a theory, but the facts (which Chase was not supposed to be told) said that everyone who had faced this SCP had died. So why not live it up one last time before he went? What did he have to lose? What did he have to go back to? And yet, this addiction had destroyed his entire life. If he was going to meet his end… what if he could win, just once, over that all-consuming force? Win something not through luck, but through skill, through willpower?
Well, he’s going to try. He doesn’t anticipate an outcome where he survives. He’s not doing this because he believes he’ll be freed, in any sense of the word. He’s doing this to spit in the face of 666-1, and prove to himself that he has control in his life, even if that life is about to end.
Also, there’s one last thing you should know about Chase. See, that mind-altering SCP he did a brief stint with? Well, I looked pretty unassuming. Just a plain white cup sitting on a table. Chase didn’t know what he was supposed to be looking for. And he certainly didn’t realize when he started talking about me in the first person. My effects can end pretty badly for those exposed. Usually, they end up drowning themselves, often with tea. But Dr. Animi caught Chase’s symptoms early, and managed to talk him out of being a danger to himself. He was unable to be convinced that he was not, in fact, a cup like me, but Dr. Animi twisted this belief into something safer. Chase had arms and legs, right? And eyes and a nose and a mouth? He repeated this often, making Chase locate these attributes on himself, until he finally believed it to be true. He was a person, who had different needs than a cup. But he was also a cup, there was no talking him out of that. Dr. Animi could only do so much. Instead, he worked with Chase to develop a persona that became his new self-image, a persona that was, of course, still a cup, but functioned a lot more like a human. Chase once again understood himself to need sleep and food and air, and to be susceptible to death under many conditions that an average non-person cup would thrive in. And despite an insistence that his hair be constantly damp with tea or milk or coffee, Chase was deemed able to live normally again, thanks to a little outside-the-box thinking on Dr. Animi’s part. After all, Dr. Animi understood that you don’t necessarily have to see the world in a way that makes sense to anyone else to live a good life. You don’t have to be one hundred percent “sane.” Sometimes your life can even be better if you let yourself go a little crazy…
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A drawing of some leaders of some Groups of Interest from the SCP universe.
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mushroommushy · 2 years
Please please tell me your ideas I will be so normal about it I am not at all desparate for Broken Masquerade content
Boy I have so many ideas I actually need to put this in a draft to list all of the brainrot things I’ve had circling in my head!! This does include some negative things so feel free for me to ask to tag.
All of the colleges (Particularly Harvard) adding Thaumaturgy to their classes is extremely cool in the canon and I think there should be many more schools
Site-43 College beloved I want to go there so badly please be real c’mon :[
Those Facebook mom groups…oh boy there’s so much drama
Lord help all the poor kids with minor anomalous power
Segregation with schools, even restaurants
A lot of anomalies end up in homeless shelters because not many jobs are willing to take the backlash of anomalous employees
Shitty parents faking their kid having a dangerous anomaly so they can send them away
Because they think the foundation would just kill them because of all the propaganda
You know that the cults are gonna take advantage of this to try and grow their numbers
Chaos Insurgency propaganda against the foundation
A flag that shows your support for the foundation, GOC, anomalies hanging outside your home
New Genders from the tumblrinas like us
Twitter DNI’s are a genuine hell
‘Block me if you call anomalies SCP’s that’s a slur’
Speaking of slurs there’s probably a lot more
COTBG members constantly calling the Nälkan’s Sarkics just to piss them off
And Maxwellium members getting real pressed over internet drama
Someone trying to make the nicknames the Serpents Hand has into a slur
Dr. Glass walking down the street and just has someone scream ‘JAILER’ at him and he is desperately trying to not commit a crime
Also Twitter being Twitter
‘Is it wrong to kin SCP-076-2? I’d murder too if I was under the ocean.’
Extremely dangerous TikTok trends involving anomalies that makes both the GOC and SCP have collective heart attacks
Some girl posts a video from a foundation site doing Macarena during a breach and is just immediately cancelled on every platform
You know there’s gonna be dumbass teenagers trying to find some real dangerous shit to seem cool
‘Oh a lake full of bodies that makes you enter through mind control??? Sounds cool and not totally dangerous I’m gonna find it and go swimming’
Gonna readmore this it’s getting long lol
Five missing teens later the foundations getting slandered even though they did nothing
Articles with the ‘How to tell if ‘X’ is an anomaly’
Of course they’re bullshit and usually offensive
Charities to support anomalies
An actual cult around 2662 that didn’t spawn anomalously
You fucking know that the Christian’s will either take 343 well or absolutely horrifically
There’s also two sides of people when it comes to Cain and Able
The ones who hate Cain and think Able is reasonable and the people who think the opposite
Cain’s also not allowed to leave site-17 for more than just the fact he’d kill plant life it’s for his own safety tbh
Meri does get chances to wander the woods! Just..not in public because they rampage that would happen with the amount of broken phones and cars would be horrible
Iris gets to go home because she deserves it
I feel like Gerald would become a meme in general and people pay his hospital bills for him lmao
Parents keeping their kids out of school and switching to online or homeschooling to keep them away from anomalies
Conversion camps to send your kid to so people can ‘release them from their curse’
Those got the serpents hand real heated
Speaking of them they have the snarkiest Twitter account ever and just roast the living hell out of every word that comes out of the foundations mouth
So many fucking podcasts
There already is a writing on the broken masquerade hub of the foundation making a video with outdated slang to appeal to kids
But I think Dr. Gears should just stare at a camera and say swag with a straight face it would be beautiful
Kondraki, Clef and Gears get called dilfs and not a single one of them knows what it means
‘Kain’s the goodest boy’ even though he’s morally corrupt as fuck is very common
But he will Fuckin run if you even try to touch him he does not need his fur messes up
Ok I don’t want this to be a mile long so I’ll stop here but!!!
If you want more dm me so we can talk 👀👀👀 I need SCP friends
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hellsdaydreamwastaken · 2 months
GOIs that did nothing wrong ever and I who I will literally always side with over the Foundation whenever they turn up in an article.
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tentakilly · 11 months
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12-cluh · 5 months
SCP/GOI Collection #5
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Serpent's Hand Operative
Three Moons Initiative Operative
Church of the Broken God High Priest Robert Bumaro
Unusual Incidents Unit Operative
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