#scottsdale girls
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andramadalina · 10 months ago
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there she is
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ncrediblechels · 1 year ago
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My girls 💗
Right before I ended up on my own adventure.
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lorainefaith · 1 year ago
Message!!! Stop giving a fuck about what people think for 2024! 🫶🏾❤️ give it a listen/watch
Her Insta 📸: @im.t.nicole
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vegasqueenbee · 2 years ago
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IG: lovequeenbee
Green represents
Heavy on the GREEN energy this year ✅
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ros64 · 1 month ago
From @dianagabaldon site
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Today is the Fourth (and final) Sunday of Advent. The waiting is almost over, but the anticipation is still to be enjoyed. The final candle (since we’ve used the other labels) is Peace.
Peace is one of those things that you can’t really define (not that people don’t, but—like love—it has depths and shimmering facets of meaning), but you know it when you encounter it. Hence the Biblical quote, “The peace that passeth understanding.”
Peace often comes and finds you in the midst of Things (like realizing you’re leaving for the journey to another city for Christmas in two hours, and you haven’t yet wrapped the presents that you need to drop off at FedEx on the way…), and we often don’t realize that this happens because we carry peace with us, all the time.
Peace is part of our nature, just as we’re part of nature.
Now, I’m a biologist by training, and am also one of those people who (as my father disapprovingly said (manymanymany times), “have your head in the clouds!” (Like this was a _bad_ thing…) Yep. Also on the ground.
Rocks come and find me, and it’s rare for me to come home from a walk _without_ a rock in my pocket. So a few days ago, I was walking with Lucy the dachshund, to whom “walk” means “sniff everything in sight, pausing occasionally to pee on it”, and as usual, glancing over the ground we were walking on, which—being a desert front yard in Scottsdale, was mostly crushed granite. But in the midst of this layer of pinkish rock was the little gray visitor you see in the photo above.
This is a tiny survivor of a volcanic explosion that took place many miles away. Plainly, it’s a rock—but one that’s been through Stuff. It’s been melted by the heat of the Earth’s core, and blown far abroad, with those little holes the scars left by the violent gasses that propelled it.
What could be less peaceful?
And yet, there it is. Basking in the sun, resting among strangers.
No matter what’s happened to it, it remains what it is. It carries peace, because peace is its nature—as it is ours. Wait, and listen for the peace that lives within you to whisper your name.
Merry Christmas!
EXCERPT from BOOK TEN (Untitled), Copyright 2024 Diana Gabaldon
William washed his face—it was thick with stubble, but no point in trying to shave without mirror or soap—and made his way downstairs.
The smell of food reached him at the top of the stairs and drew him down like a mosquito scenting blood, single-minded in his voracity. And a good thing, too, he realized as he entered the kitchen. He was so hungry that he’d suffered no hesitations regarding his welcome.
In fact, while everyone at table turned to look at him, all the faces bore smiles, whether shy or broad, and he bowed to them, smiling back.
“Good morning,” he said, and the smallest girl—Amanda, that was her name—giggled and pointed her spoon at him.
“Your beard looks like Grand-da’s!”
A ripple of stifled amusement ran round the table, but before he could think of something to say, Mother Claire rose and took him by the sleeve, showing him to a place on the bench beside Frances, who looked up at him demurely.
“I hope you thl-slept well?” she said. Her cheeks were pink, but she met his eyes straight on, and he felt a slight jolt; her eyes were very much like Jane’s.
“Immensely well, I thank you,” he assured her. A trencher appeared before him, piled with toast and bacon, and Amanda’s brother—James? No, Jeremiah, Jem, that was it, a tall, red-haired boy, thin as an oak sapling—shoved a pot of strawberry jam across the table.
“What do we call him?” the boy asked, turning to his grandfather. “Uncle Billy?”
William choked slightly on the mouthful of beer he’d just taken. Frances, Claire, and the three little girls _all_ giggled, and he thought Fraser might have done as well, were he capable of making such a sound. As it was, Fraser kept a relatively straight face, and replied, “Not unless he asks ye to. ‘Til then, ye can call him Mr. Ransom, aye?”
William cleared his throat.
“You may call me William for the present, if you like,” he said to Jem. “I haven’t had a great deal of practice in being an uncle, as yet.”
“Don’t pester your uncle,” Mother Claire said, setting down a dish of succulent, glistening sausages, smelling of sage and onion, in front of William. “Let him eat.”
He ate like a ravening wolf, listening to the conversation with one ear, but making no effort to join it. His cup was filled—and refilled—with the very good beer, and he finished the meal replete—well, stuffed like a goose—and wondering whether he might go find a tree to sleep under for a bit.
“I’ll be goin’ to and fro on the Ridge today, fettling my tenants,” Fraser told him, brushing crumbs off his lap. He handed a fragment of toast to the big bluetick bitch who had been waiting patiently by his feet, and rose. “D’ye want to come with me?”
“I—yes. I suppose so,” William replied, taken aback at the invitation. He remembered Mac the groom saying “fettled,” with regard to grooming and feeding horses, but he supposed that Fraser merely meant that he proposed to tell his tenants that he would be gone for some time, and arrange for payment of rents to some factor.
Fraser nodded.
“Aye, good. I’ll say you’re my son, though most of them will ken it already, after yesterday.” He cocked a brow in question. Was that agreeable to William?
That made his full stomach drop another inch or two, but he nodded back.
“Of course. May I take time to shave?”
“Aye. Use the soap and basin in my room. It’s the one in front, on the left as ye go up.”
The room was large and pleasant, the window opened for air, but screened with muslin to keep insects out, and the diffused light gave the room a pleasant, quiet feel, like being inside a cloud, despite the muffled racket from the kitchen below. William found himself breathing shallowly, aware of the unfamiliar, intimate scent of the room. The bed had not yet been made, and while the thrown-back sheets were clean, they held the faint, disturbing musk of recent bodies.
If the intimacy of the Frasers’ bedroom was disturbing, the intimacy of using Mr. Fraser’s shaving soap was more so. It was soft, white Castile soap, and smelled of olive-oil, but also of basil and what he thought was marjoram, and…could that possibly be geranium-leaf? He hadn’t seen or smelt a geranium plant since he left England, and it gave him a brief sense of dislocation, a vivid sense of his Aunt Minnie’s conservatory, redolent with foreign flowers and writhing exotic greenery.
The thought made him feel more settled in himself. No matter what the future held, he still had both a past and a present, and those must be sufficient to keep him in countenance for what might come.
Refreshed and clean-shaven, he came downstairs, ready to see exactly what “fettling” might involve.
Oggi è la quarta (e ultima) domenica di Avvento. L'attesa è quasi finita, ma l'attesa è ancora da godere. L'ultima candela (dato che abbiamo usato le altre etichette) è Peace.
La pace è una di quelle cose che non puoi davvero definire (non che la gente non lo faccia, ma, come l'amore, ha profondità e sfaccettature scintillanti di significato), ma la conosci quando la incontri. Da qui la citazione biblica, "La pace che passa la comprensione".
La pace spesso arriva e ti trova in mezzo alle cose (come renderti conto che stai partendo per il viaggio in un'altra città per Natale tra due ore, e non hai ancora incartato i regali che devi lasciare da FedEx sulla strada...), e spesso non ci rendiamo conto che questo accade perché portiamo la pace con noi, tutto il tempo.
La pace fa parte della nostra natura, proprio come noi facciamo parte della natura.
Ora, sono un biologo di formazione, e sono anche una di quelle persone che (come ha detto mio padre con disapprovazione (molte molte molte volte), "tai la testa tra le nuvole!" (Come se questa fosse una cosa _brutta_...) Sì. Anche a terra.
Le rocce vengono a trovarmi, ed è raro per me tornare a casa da una passeggiata _senza_ una pietra in tasca. Quindi qualche giorno fa, stavo camminando con Lucy il bassotto, per la quale "camminare" significa "annusare tutto ciò che è in vista, fermandosi di tanto in tanto per fare pipì sopra", e come al solito, guardando il terreno su cui stavamo camminando, che, essendo un cortile del deserto a Scottsdale, era per lo più di granito schiacciato. Ma nel mezzo di questo strato di roccia rosata c'era il piccolo visitatore grigio che vedi nella foto sopra.
Questo è un piccolo sopravvissuto a un'esplosione vulcanica che ha avuto luogo a molte miglia di distanza. Chiaramente, è una roccia, ma una che è stata attraverso Stuff. È stato fuso dal calore del nucleo della Terra, e soffiato lontano all'estero, con quei piccoli buchi le cicatrici lasciate dai gas violenti che lo hanno spinto.
Cosa potrebbe essere meno pacifico?
Eppure, eccolo lì. Crogiolarsi al sole, riposare in mezzo agli estranei.
Non importa cosa gli sia successo, rimane quello che è. Porta la pace, perché la pace è la sua natura, come è nostra. Aspetta e ascolta la pace che vive dentro di te per sussurrare il tuo nome.
Buon Natale!
Estratto non indedito dal Libro Dieci (Senza titolo), Copyright 2024 Diana Gabaldon
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Rilasciato sulla pagina fb di diana per la QUARTA DOMENICA di AVVENTO
William si lavò il viso - la barba era folta , ma non aveva senso cercare di radersi senza specchio o sapone - e si diresse al piano di sotto.
L'odore del cibo lo raggiunse in cima alle scale e lo attirò verso il basso come una zanzara che fiuta il sangue, con la sua voracità. E fu un bene, se ne rese conto entrando in cucina.
Era così affamato che non ebbe nessuna remora riguardo alla sua accoglienza.
Infatti, mentre tutti i commensali si voltavano a guardarlo, su ciascun volto compariva un sorriso, timido o ampio che fosse, ed egli si inchinò a loro, ricambiando il sorriso.
"Buongiorno", disse, e la bambina più piccola, Amanda, questo era il suo nome, fece una smorfia e lo indicò con il cucchiaio.
"La tua barba assomiglia a quella del nonno!".
Un'ondata di divertimento soffocato fece il giro del tavolo, ma prima che potesse pensare a qualcosa da dire, Madre Claire si alzò e lo prese per la manica, indicandogli un posto sulla panca accanto a Frances, che lo guardò pudicamente.
"Spero che tu abbia dormito bene", disse. Le sue guance erano rosa, ma lo guardò dritto negli occhi e lui provò un leggero sussulto: i suoi occhi erano molto simili a quelli di Jane.
"Immensamente bene, grazie", le assicurò. Davanti a lui apparve una teglia, piena di pane tostato e pancetta, e il fratello di Amanda, James? No, Jeremiah, Jem, ecco, un ragazzo alto, dai capelli rossi, magro come un alberello di quercia, spinse sul tavolo un vasetto di marmellata di fragole.
"Come dobbiamo chiamarlo?", chiese il ragazzo rivolgendosi al nonno. "Zio Billy?"
William quasi soffocò con il sorso di birra che aveva appena bevuto. Frances, Claire e le tre bambine ridacchiarono tutte e pensò che anche Fraser avrebbe potuto farlo, se fosse stato capace di emettere un suono simile. Invece Fraser mantenne una faccia relativamente seria e rispose: "No, a meno che non te lo chieda lui. Fino ad allora, potete chiamarlo signor Ransom, d'accordo?".
William si schiarì la gola.
"Per ora potete chiamarmi William, se volete", disse a Jem. "Non ho ancora fatto molta pratica nel fare lo zio".
"Non infastidire tuo zio", disse Madre Claire, mettendo davanti a William un piatto di salsicce succulente e luccicanti, che profumavano di salvia e cipolla. "Lascialo mangiare".
William mangiò come un lupo famelico, ascoltando la conversazione con un orecchio, ma senza fare alcuno sforzo per unirvisi . Il suo bicchiere fu riempito - e riempito di nuovo - con dell'ottima birra, ed egli finì il pasto sazio - anzi, ripieno come un'oca - chiedendosi se poteva andare a cercare un albero sotto cui dormire per un po'.
"Oggi andrò in giro per il Ridge a "sistemare" i miei fittavolii", gli disse Fraser, spazzolandosi le briciole dalle ginocchia. Passò un pezzo di pane tostato al grosso cane bluetick che aspettava pazientemente ai suoi piedi e si alzò. "Vuoi venire con me?".
"Sì. Suppongo di sì", rispose William, colto di sorpresa dall'invito. Ricordava che Mac lo stalliere diceva "fettled/sistemare", riferendosi alla strigliatura e al nutrimento dei cavalli, ma immaginò che Fraser volesse semplicemente dire ai suoi affittuari che sarebbe stato via per qualche tempo, e organizzare il pagamento degli affitti a qualche fattore.
Fraser annuì.
"Sì, bene. Dirò che sei mio figlio, anche se la maggior parte di loro lo saprà già, dopo ieri". Aggrottò un sopracciglio in segno di domanda. William era d'accordo?
Questo gli fece stringere lo stomaco pieno di un altro paio di centimetri, ma annuì.
"Certo. Posso avere il tempo di radermi?".
"Sì. Usa il sapone e la bacinella nella mia stanza. È quella di fronte, sulla sinistra salendo".
La stanza era ampia e piacevole, la finestra si apriva per l'aria, ma era schermata con una mussola per tenere lontani gli insetti, e la luce diffusa dava alla stanza una sensazione piacevole e tranquilla, come se ci si trovasse all'interno di una nuvola, nonostante il frastuono ovattato proveniente della cucina sottostante.
William si ritrovò a respirare superficialmente, consapevole dell'odore intimo e sconosciuto della stanza. Il letto non era ancora stato rifatto e, sebbene le lenzuola gettate all'indietro fossero pulite, contenevano un lieve odore persistente di corpi .
Se l'intimità della camera da letto dei Fraser era inquietante, l'intimità dell'uso del sapone da barba di mr Fraser lo era ancora di più. Era un sapone di Castiglia bianco e morbido, che profumava di olio d'oliva, ma anche di coriandolo e di quella che pensava fosse maggiorana, e... poteva forse trattarsi di foglie di geranio? Non aveva più visto né annusato una pianta di geranio da quando aveva lasciato l'Inghilterra, e questo gli diede un breve senso di dislocazione, una vivida sensazione del giardino d'inverno di sua zia Minnie, profumato di fiori stranieri e di una contorta vegetazione esotica.
Il pensiero lo fece sentire più stabile. Non importava cosa gli riservasse il futuro, aveva ancora sia un passato che un presente, e questi dovevano essere sufficienti a fargli mantenere la calma interiore di fronte a ciò che sarebbe potuto accadere.
Rinfrescato e ben rasato, scese le scale, pronto a vedere cosa esattamente implicava questo “sistemare”.
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jr-acrux101 · 1 month ago
Rebirth - CH.13 : PHOENIX
Word count:1.2k Summary: Stuck in Phoenix.
Not beta read.
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The ride was long. Every couple of hours Amora would call to check up on the teenagers, only Aurora and Jasper would answer. Bella felt as if she would break down, crying if she started to talk to Amora.
While the 4 of them drove, the Cullen family that stayed behind was working hard. Edward, Rosalie, and Esme were off, putting Bella's scent towards the south. Rosalie tore a tiny swatch of Bella's shirt, not noticing as they hurried to the next location to scent.
They stopped every so often to make sure the two human girls were eating, Bella would take a bite but the appetite wasn't there.
Time passes as they drive to the Scottsdale hotel. They made it in the early, early morning. The girls head to the bed and are immediately knocked out. Jasper and Alice lounged around til they woke up again. 
Aurora's phone rang and she answered, “Hello?”
Everybody stood still, “Aurora?”
“Yeah sweetie, where are you guys now?”
“Whose phone is this?”
“What? Oh! My phone died and this sweet girl lended me hers.”
“Sweet girl?”
“Yeah,” Amora turned to the red head,” What was your name again honey?”
WIth full white teeth showing in her seemingly sweet smile, “Victoria.”
“Her name is Victoria, she was passing by diner Charlie and I are supposed to meet but he hasn’t shown yet. Anyway, have you guys stopped at a hotel yet?” 
Aurora’s blood ran cold, “Oh how nice. No, we're still on the road, but don’t worry I will call you when we get to a hotel, just go inside and wait for Mr. Charlie. Um, order his favorite pie mom.” 
Amora scoffed, “I didn’t know you were the mom here. FIne I’ll let you go so I won't hold up this girl's time but do call me when you do sweetheart, love you!”
“Love you too mom.” The phone disconnected and Jasper got off the phone with Esme.
Her heartbeat was fast, suddenly her hands felt numb. Her breathing was fast and her vision blurred. She stumbled into Bella. Tears were streaming down her cheek but she didn’t even notice when she started to cry. 
“Aurora, it's okay, breathe. I need you to breathe for me.” She gasped out a breath. Why was it so hard for her to breathe, she had done it all her life but suddenly there was this immense pressure that constricted her.
Jasper laid his hand on top of hers, “Sweetheart, it’s okay I just got off with Esme and said your mom is fine, eating with Charlie now. It’s okay.”
Alice watched, not knowing what to do. Her and Jasper heard the vigorous heartbeat slow and her breathing return to semi normal. 
Aurora felt nauseous. Jasper clenched his teeth, the feeling was overwhelming for him. She looked up at Bella through her teary eyes. Bella felt horrendous, she had put her best friend through the possibility of losing those close to her, all because she wanted to know Edward better. “Our parents are fine, they’re safe.” She guided the younger girl to the couch, Alice ran to the kitchen and brought some pizza that was delivered earlier.
“You two should eat.” Aurora nods but Bella ignores the food.
Bella moves, so Alice sits with Aurora. She went back to the couch where Jasper still stayed. He looked deep in thought. 
“Are you…okay?” Jasper snapped out of his trance.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
Jasper saw Bella nod, but her emotions gave it away. 
“Are you okay?’
Bella swallowed hard, “They could get hurt. It's not worth it.”
“Yes. It is.”  She was taken aback. For some reason she thought that Jasper really didn’t like her. Jasper continued, “ Edward's changed since he found you. And none of us want to look 
into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you,” he turned to Aurora’s direction, “I wouldn’t be able to look Aurora in the eyes either. It's worth it.” 
She gave a small smile, and the two of them went to where Aurora and Alice were. As Japer sat next to Aurora, Alice suddenly disassociates. Jasper turns to her, wide-eyed with worry, “What do you see?”
Alice eyebrows pinched together and eyes wide, “The tracker. He just changed course.” Jasper quickly sets a piece of paper and pencil in front of her.
“Where is he going Alice?” A hazy flash of room with mirrors pops into her mind with him hovering in the middle.
“Mirrors. It's a room of mirrors.” Alice keeps her eyes closed and begins to sketch out the scene stuck in her mind.
Bella was confused, “How do the visions work? Edward said they weren't always certain.”
Jasper answered, “She sees the course people are on, while they're on it. If they change their choice, then visions change too.”
Aurora peered over Jasper's shoulder, “So the course James is on now will lead him to... is that a ballet studio?
Bella furrowed her eyebrows, “The ballet studio?”
“You've been here?
Bella pondered, “No. Maybe? I don't know. I think I used to take ballet lessons as a kid. The school had an arch like that.”
“Was your school here in Phoenix?” Jasper was worried this was too close if it was here in Phoenix.
“Yeah, around the corner from my house.  But I haven't been there in years,” Bella was starting to feel uneasy.
“Do you have any reason to go now?”
“No. Hell, no. I hated the place.”
Alice and Jasper share a look, trying to figure this out. Aurora felt anxious, the knot in her stomach was starting to grow tighter. Suddenly, Bella was startled as her cell phone started to ring. She picks it up, relief coursing through her seeing who it was.
“Edward? Are you alright?”
Aurora's ears perked up, Bella motioned for her to come over.
Edward was pushed forward from Dr.Cullens' fast driving on the rough terrain, "We're coming over to you, me, Carlisle, and Emmett,” he paused regretting what he had to say, “We lost the tracker. Esme and Rosalie stayed behind to protect your family.”          
The sinking feeling of everything going horribly wrong settled in her stomach, “This is my fault. You warned me, but I didn't think I just..,” Aurora laid a hand on Bella’s shoulder.
“Bella, no. We can't change how we feel about each other. That means I have to do everything I can to protect you.”         
 “I just… I just wish…. When will you get here?” Bella didn’t want to say it.
“In a couple of hours. I will get you and Aurora. The three of us will move locations for the time being and the others will hunt.” Edward was determined to protect them, “Bella, I swear to you, I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again. You too Aurora.” 
Bella started to cry, while Aurora blinked back her tears, “Thanks Edward, keep us updated til you get here.” They said goodbye to Edward, and the two girls sat down.
The day passed and on the morning of the next day Alice and Jasper went down to the lobby to settle the bill. Bella started to gather her things as Aurora went to the bathroom to wash her face.
Bella’s phone started to ring. The caller I.D. showed ‘HOME.’ It was her mom. She answered hastily, “ Mom! I'm so glad you got my -
 “Bella? Bella? Where are you!”
Bella was kind of surprised by the level of urgency her mom was expressing, “Mom. Calm down. It’s okay I-.”
The line went static then Bella heard rustling, “Mom? Hello? Are you there?”
another chapter out, let's see how long it takes for me to post the other ones
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papimatthews34 · 1 month ago
Okkk I’m back. Soooo for more about him and Megan, she lives in Miami and he lives in Toronto so it was always hard for them to like “hang out” buttttt she is/was always in Scottsdale Arizona and as everyone knows he has a house down there and that’s where she would stay, and Auston would sometimes fly down like on a day off or something just so they could hang out for a few hours. (This is random but I really wish he built up the courage to go public with a girl and end the gay rumors lmao) but she sometimes would stay with him in Toronto but strictly only stay at his place or go to a game because she didn’t/doesn’t wanna stir up any drama.
As for him personally, he had a crazy personality. He’s very very funny when you get to know him like I can’t describe how funny he is. You wouldn’t expect it. He’s also very..gentle. Like I also can’t explain it but he just is very kind and patient especially with kids. As everyone knows he’s very big into fashion, always wearing awesome outfits with the crossbody bags or the Dior safari bag and his sick bandana shoes. I know that a lot of people were calling him gay for dressing like that and just because he’s not seen with girls at all and lowkey being around him everyday for a while, kinda had me thinking he was because he says some pretty zesty things that you wouldn’t expect from a hockey player lmao. But he’s not at all like he 100% is straight and I mean the way he acts after games proves it. Speaking of after games, that’s another topic I wanna touch base on. So basically, I’m always at games because like I said I have a connection to him (I can’t say what but just know him and one of my close family members are super tight still which means I’m close to him) and I’m always watching him play. Im watching him a lot more this year than ever because honestly he’s been super liek down this year after not reaching 70 goals and only hitting 69 (which yes he does joke around about hitting 69 because we all know what 69 means smh) which is still amazing but he’s a perfectionist and always wants to be the best so he was upset about that and than he was upset over the summer because he was not getting to where he needed to be by the beginning of the season for hockey and then he gets injured and fucking goes to Germany (he took so many pictures there and I wish I could share them but they would get reposted and he would know where they came from) and it’s just a whole mess so I’ve been up in Toronto a lot with the person that has the connection with him and his family has been up there a lot and just helping him have a positive mindset.
I have a lot more stuff but again if there’s anything is specific lmk!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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thatlaylachick · 4 months ago
Currently in 6th place.😭 I need votes! You can vote for FREE once per day! Help a girl out, please and thank you so much!
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andramadalina · 1 year ago
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same time next year?
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luke-hughes43 · 10 months ago
General Things to Know | eden's world!
~just things to know and keep in the back our minds when reading each au~
Eden’s World
Eden and Cutter
Eden Nicole Hughes
from canton, michigan
born july 24, 2004
younger sister of quinn, jack, and luke
instagram is @_edenhughes_
starts dating cutter january 2, 2022
has cutter in her phone as cut🩶
plays soccer, wears number 6
plays forward
goes to the university of california, irvine
majors in criminal justice
best friends with danielle duke
keeps a tight circle
close with a few teammates bc she lives with 2 of them and is very close to cutter’s little sister isla
has a shitty relationship with jack, she goes no contact for her entire freshman year at uc irvine
gets into a fight with luke for like a month but they make up
her brothers call her tigger from winnie the pooh
helps isla go low/no contact with her family
cutter calls her angel, issues baby and my beautiful eden pretty often too
Cutter Gauthier
from scottsdale, arizona
born january 19, 2004
younger brother of kennedy and older brother to isla
instagram is @cuttergauthier_
starts dating eden january 2, 2022
has eden in his phone as angel🩶
plays hockey, wears number 19
plays forward
goes to boston college
majors in communications
best friends with rutger mcgroarty
has a good circle of guys from bc and the ntdp
very very very close to isla
eden often calls him cut or babe, will use superstar, handsome, and william sometimes
Dani and Will
Danielle “Dani” Catherine Duke
from strongsville, ohio
born july 19, 2004
younger sister of alyssa and dylan, twin sister of tyler
instagram is @danielleduke15
started dating will on march 23, 2024
has will in her phone as william smith🩷
plays lacrosse, wears number 15
plays forward
goes to boston college
majors in political science (pre-law)
best friends with eden hughes
very anti-social, black cat/grumpy energy
keeps very tight circle
only really likes eden, cutter, cutter’s sister isla, and will
is close with like one teammate who she lives with freshman year
very good relationship with all of her siblings
waits until after bc vs umich to tell her brothers about will
will usually calls her baby and dani, sometimes he uses superstar after a particularly good game or even danielle when he really means something
William “Will” Smith
from lexington, massachusetts
born march 17, 2005
younger brother of grace
instagram is @_willsmith2
started dating dani on march 23, 2024
has dani in his phone as dani duke🩷
plays hockey, normally wears number 2 but wears 6 at bc
plays forward
goes to boston college
majors in communications
best friends with gabe perreault and ryan leonard
very social, golden retriever/sunshine energy
talks to everyone everywhere
great relationship with grace who goes to bc
dani often calls him babe, also uses william in a very endearing way
Isla and Ryan
Isla Renee Gauthier
from scottsdale, arizona
born january 18, 2005
younger sister of kennedy and cutter
instagram is @isla.gauthier
stats dating ryan may 15, 2023
has ryan in her phone as ry leonard💜
plays hockey, wears number 18
goes to boston college
roommates and best friends with kelsey white
is wicked close with eden hughes and dani duke
very anti-social, black cat/grumpy energy
keeps very tight circle
only really likes eden, cutter, dani, will, ryan, gabe, and jacob
very very very private relationship with ryan
very little pda
but is very head over heels in love with ryan
ryan calls her sparky, pretty girl, and baby
loves being called pretty girl, makes her giddy
Ryan Leonard 
from amherst, massachusetts
born january 21, 2005
has an older brother and older sister
instagram is @ryan.leno_4
stats dating isla may 15, 2023 
has isla in his phone as sparky💜
plays hockey, wears number 9
is a forwards
goes to boston college
majors in communications
best friends with gabe perreault and will smith
very grumpy kind of person
very stoic in the face
very very very private relationship with isla
very little pda
head over heels for isla and lets isla lead everything in the relationship
isla often calls him babe or ry. sometimes handsome but usually just babe and ry.
Kelsey and Gabe
Kelsey Anne White
born june 30, 2005
from sandwich, massachusetts
only child.
starts dating gabe january 7, 2024
instagram is @kelseyyywhite
has gabe in her phone as gabe perreault🤍
runs track, is a sprinter
goes to boston college
majors in secondary education
roommates and best friends with isla gauthier
grows close with dani through isla
her and gabe are always touching
loves hugs
gabe is at every single home meet that he can be at
goes to all his games that he can
enjoys being around gabe’s friends
is really only friends with the track kids and isla bc she spends most of her time running or studying
gabe calls her baby, kels, and soleil (which is french for sunshine)
massive sucker for hugs and forehead kisses
steals gabe’s shirts all the time
Gabriel “Gabe” Perreault
born may 7, 2005
from hinsdale, illinois
has older brother and older sister
starts dating kelsey january 7, 2024
instagram is @gabeperreault44
has kelsey in his phone as kelsey white🤍
plays hockey, wears number 34
plays forward
goes to boston college
majors in communications
best friends with ryan leonard and will smith
very smiley person
always has a smile, especially when he’s with kelsey
is always at her home meets
she comes to all the games that she can
loves hugging her and giving her forehead kisses
kels calls him babe, sweet boy, and gabe. sometimes drops a gabriel when she’s having a rough day
loves to cuddle with her
Some other things to know:
these girls definitely have a group chat
i might come up with a cute nickname for the group chat but idk
they refer to eden has mom even though her and dani are the same age
dani, isla, and kelsey go everywhere that they can on campus but it's probably because their boyfriends are best friends
they obviously hang out with their teammates for team bonding but at the end of long days and in need of girls nights, they go to each other
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buttacake80 · 5 months ago
adding in my 2 sense with the samantha situation bc i feel like everyone here talking about it has never been in a toxic codependant relationship. she's that typical white spoiled mean girl who has her public famous bf and her secret hookups. he's stupid and easily manipulated. how long do you see them lasting? and can we get your opinion? like i feel like you know how adult relationships work.
It's hard to say.
First, the divorce rate for first-time marriages in the US is 43%. That number changes based upon race & age. There's a higher divorce rate for 2nd and 3rd marriages.
Amongst athletes, that number jumps to 60% to 80%.
I suspect infidelity is one of the main reasons. I think some couples thrive when the husband is gone 6-8 months of the year, but once they are home on a permanent basis, they realize they aren't compatible. In other cases, I think there are pure financial reasons at play. I am even positive there are some spouses who left athletes in order to pursue their own career aspirations.
Regardless, that number is a lot higher than the average American household.
I don't know what the specific divorce rate is within the NHL. But, the league seems to be a lot more conservative when compared to the NFL, WNBA, NWSL, and NBA. I'd say MLB is only more conservative than the NHL. I am unsure about MLS.
Owners don't like messy players with messy personal lives. That's true across every pro league, but the NHL seems irrationally intolerant to individuality. And, it's likely to be a younger player who tests the boundaries of individuality.
I reckon a young immature millionaire whose frontal lobe hasn't fully formed (i.e. Matthews & the Scottsdale incident) is a threat to league conformity. Not simply a liability.
So, I bet there are folks in management advising these young players to seek stability in the form of a relationship. "Everything about your life is chaotic, so why don't you find a sweet girl to come home to?"
[Hell. Specifically within hockey, I suspect that there is a wee superstitious few who view getting married (or remaining unmarried) as necessary to winning the Cup.]
I don't think it's a requirement. Just a general expectation that they have a main girl who is suitable enough to attend team functions. Who won't air their business out when things go left. And who won't make a fuss if her beau sees another girl or two on the road. It's about maintaining appearances.
The average age for first-time marriage is between 28-30. So, there are young athletess who are legitimately in love and who think they have found their life partner (it's just unlikely that it is the case).
Furthermore, there are probably some players who really, really want children, so they settle for a woman who understands what she is getting into. It's a marriage of convenience. He gets kids. She gets his money. It works until it doesn't.
📣It only becomes an issue for me when innocent folks get tangled up in these understandings.📣
From the outside, it may seem like their relationship doesn't work. To us. But we aren't privy to the inner concessions they have made to exist in such a public relationship. As long as both parties have agreed that their relationship is open or has some other fluid aspect to it, then it's not my concern.
And, because folks do cheat, it's hard to know if one is in an actual open relationship or if they are operating on their own agenda.
Which is why I advised that other anon not to shit where she eats. It would suck to get caught up with the athlete in your building, only to find out you misunderstood the status of your relationship. Then you're stuck in your lease, trying to avoid the asshole who might pop up with another girl.
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shutth3puckup · 5 months ago
the g wagon is most likely Megan’s she had a range rover before so it would be easy to upgrade. but you are right that auston does give her his cars to drive my friends saw her in yorkville in his lambo suv last season
one of her friends posted a story of Megan and she pulled up on Auston’s car back in Scottsdale. I think it was the engine revving or something and the caption was a mean girl reference to “get in loser we’re going shopping”
pretty sure it was deleted before it expired too.
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ballplayersxo · 1 year ago
I just found your page but just want to mention some Booker tea. I hu with him earlier this year after being invited to his house party from a friend. I literally knew no one else there (which was his usual circle and lotsss of Scottsdale girls). He was super flirty with me the whole night and things eventually took off. He was huge and SUPER freaky lmao. We also made out which I’m now realizing is not common. He invited me over later that week but I didn’t go. Ever since then we’ve only texted a lil, not another hu. Just thought I’d share for the girls though
baby i’m gonna need more details about how he was in bed 😭 that’s crazy though i’m glad you enjoyed it
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woah-were-halfway-there · 2 years ago
Ahhhh Taylor Hill’s bachelorette Instagram posts! Could you make fake bachelorette posts for Carson with those? 🥺
Ok YES because this gives me something to do because I still don’t know which of there three poll winners to expand on first lmaoooo. Also ooof it’s been a while since I did some of these
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Liked by austonmatthews, marner_93 and others
carsonbailey 💍💒🔜
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austonmatthews 🥵
austonmatthews that’s (soon to be) my wife
→ nate_bailey99 Go home, you’re drunk
→ austonmatthews can I actually go home though I miss Mia
→ carsonbailey @austonmatthews same.
marner_93 Slay 💅🏼
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Liked by carsonbailey, austonmatthews and others
lexie_hannah Mood because I’m about to be reunited with my favourite sisters in the desert to celebrate the queen in the middle before she gets MARRIED
tagged: mya.bailey and carsonbailey
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mya.bailey 💃🏻
carsonbailey So excited to see you babe
austonmatthews Quit trying to steal my girl
→ lexie_hannah She was mine first 🤺
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Liked by marner_93, TMLwags and others
stephlachancee The most important takeaway from this weekend is that Mia’s parents are getting married in less than a month #TonePutARingOnIt
tagged: carsonbailey
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marner_93 Your caption wins
bunting27 Except there’s been an unfortunate lack of Mia content
sydneyemartin I feel like a proud mom
carsonbailey Ily and can’t wait to do this again for you
alexandriajmatthews *Instagram story*
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Celebrating my future sister-in-law 🥹 @carsonbailey
mya.bailey *instagram story*
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The face of a girl that just texted her fiancé asking if he can order chicken nuggets once we all get home @carsonbailey
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Liked by austonmatthews, carsonbailey, williamnylander and others
marner_93 Only came to the desert to see my Meems and no other reason
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williamnylander you’re so real for this
frederikandersen31 Same honestly
austonmatthews Valid
fan_472 It’s Mia’s world, everyone else is just living in it
→ carsonbailey So true
mapleleafs 💙💙
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Liked by justinbieber, mapleleafs, bunting27 and others
austonmatthews 🥱😴
tagged: carsonbailey
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nate_bailey99 If you two are this rough after this weekend, your wedding weekend will be a complete write off
carsonbailey Not pictured: Mia off to the side on her way to terrorize Frank
breyana_matthews 🥹
justinbieber big dad vibes
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year ago
Happy STS! Your characters are making their Christmas lists. What's on it?
Happy week late STS! Thanks for the ask!
I mean, this is one of those questions where it's a lot more fun if we set it in an AU where the characters would actually have the privilege of wishing for material goods instead of things like, uh, freedom, or safety for them and their loved ones, or proper medical treatment, or to live in a better, kinder, more peaceful world. 😅
So first of all, we have to make sure all that stuff has been achieved, because my characters won't be asking for anything else until it has. (And they're still probably gonna feel guilty about it).
That said, [Redacted] will probably ask for a car in any universe he's in. It doesn't have to be a Porsche, just something European-made. And maybe something super nerdy like a really advanced telescope or computer hardware. And then I'll surprise him with a puppy since he's always wanted one. 🥹
Meanwhile, Louisa wants a new Prada handbag (you can take the girl out of Scottsdale...) and a yachting trip to Grenada, because that's her happy place and she hasn't been in a long, long time. And then I'll surprise her with a first edition French language copy of Les Miserables.
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brookston · 10 months ago
Holidays 4.3
Althoea Asteroid Day
American Circus Day
American Creed Day
Armenian Appreciation Day
Beech Tree Day (French Republic)
Corrupt Society Day
Day of the Bride (Argentina)
Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day
A Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold [also 1st Sunday]
Fan Dance Day
Find A Rainbow Day
Ghost Machine Day
Good Deeds Day
Independent Artist Day
International Day Against Victim Blaming
Jane Goodall Day (Los Angeles)
Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Phallus; Japan)
Love A Muslim Day (UK)
National Chalk Day
National Film Score Day
National Grey Day
National Inspiring Joy Day
National Pac-Man Day
National Shoot Your Shot Day
Overcome a Handicap Day
Peace Day (Angola)
Pony Express Day
Second Republic Day (Guinea)
TV Guide Day
Tweed Day
Weed Out Hate: Sow the Seeds of Greatness Day
World Aquatic Animal Day
World Cloud Security Day
World Party Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day
Fish Fingers and Custard Day
National Chocolate Mousse Day
1st Wednesday in April
Donate Life Living Donor Day [1st Wednesday]
Global Day of the Engineer [1st Wednesday]
National Day of Hope [1st Wednesday]
National Walking Day [1st Wednesday]
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day [1st Wednesday]
Safe Place Selfie Day [1st Wednesday]
Whole Grain Sampling Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Albay Province Day (Philippines)
Declaration of the Second Republic (Guinea)
Malinovia (Declared 2018) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning April 3, 2024
Arizona Bike Week (Scottsdale, Arizona) [thru 4.7]
Bacchanal Jamaica (Kingston, Jamaica) [thru 4.9]
Taste of Vail (Vail, Colorado) [thru 4.6]
Feast Days
Agape, Chionia, and Irene (Christian; Martyrs & Virgins)
Aristæus (Positivist; Saint)
Bud Fisher (Artology
Burgundofara (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Captain Cabbage (Muppetism)
Create a Mandala Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Cutios (Time of the Winds; Celtic Book of Days)
Day of Sheela-Na-Gig (Pagan)
Doris Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Pak Tai (Macau) [3rd Day of 3rd Lunar Month]
Fred Kida (Artology)
Goof Friday (Church of the SubGenius)
Henry Dinnerstein (Artology)
Luigi Scrosoppi (Christian; Saint)
Nicetias (Christian; Saint)
Pancras of Taormina (Christian; Martyr)
Persephone’s Return from the Underworld (Ancient Rome)
Plato (Christian; Saint)
Proserpina’s Rise from the Underworld Day (Ancient Greece)
Richard of Chichester (Christian; Saint)
Sandra Boynton (Artooogy)
Seize a Sausage Day (Pastafarian)
The Shower Dance (Shamanism)
Ulpin of Tyre (Christian; Saint)
Washington Irving (Writerism)
Xystus (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sizdar-Bedah (Unlucky to stay indoors; Iran)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Monday (when God condemned the towns of Beram, Lipandas, Madama, Sodom and Gomorrah; Philippines) [1st Monday] (2 of 4)
Adventureland (Film; 2009)
Are You Lonesome Tonight, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1960)
Beethoven (Film; 1992)
Bull-ero (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Clerow Wilson’s Great Escape (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1974)
Dead Babies, by Martin Amis (Novel; 1975)
The Doddlebops (Children’s TV Series; 2004)
The Druid of Shannara, by Terry Brooks (Novel; 1991)
Fast & Furious (Film; 2009) [F&F #4]
Flip’s Lunch Room (MGM Cartoon; 1933)
Fuels Rush In or The Star-Spangled Boner (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 37; 1960)
Furious 7 (Film; 2015) [F&F #7]
I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1936)
It Happened at the World’s Fair (Film; 1963)
It’s Now or Never, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1960)
Kiss of the Spider Woman, by Manuel Puig (Novel; 1976)
The Long, Hot Summer (Film; 1958)
Louisiana Hayride (Radio Music Series; 1948)
Mercury Rising (Film; 1998)
My Hero Academia (Anime TV Series; 2016)
Oh, Gentle Spring (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Old Mother Hubbard (Ub Iwerks ComicColor Cartoon; 1935)
The Other Boleyn Girl, by Philippa Gregor (Novel; 2008)
Piano Concerto in A Minor, by Edvard Grieg (Concerto; 1869)
Planet of the Apes (Film; 1968)
Planning for Good Eating (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Porky’s Romance (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
The Pottsylvania Permanent or I’ve Grown Accustomed to the Place (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 38; 1960)
Rock-A-Doodle (Animated Film; 1992)
Rumple of the Bailey (UK TV Series; 1978)
The Sea-Wolf (Novel; 1904)
Son of Hashimoto (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
The Swimming Hour, by Andrew Bird with Bowl of Fire (Album; 2001)
TV Guide (Weekly Magazine; 1953)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Film; 1968)
The Western Trail, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Yogi the Easter Bear (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Richard, Sixtus (Austria)
Radojko, Ratko, Rikard, Siksto (Croatia)
Richard (Czech Republic)
Nicæas (Denmark)
Uko, Uku (Estonia)
Sampo, Veeti (Finland)
Richard (France)
Irene, Lisa, Richard (Germany)
Illyria’s (Greece)
Buda, Richárd (Hungary)
Riccardo, Sisto (Italy)
Daira, Dairis, Ferdinands (Latvia)
Kristijonas, Ričardas, Rimtautė, Vytenis (Lithuania)
Gunnvald, Gunvor (Norway)
Antoni, Cieszygor, Jakub, Pankracy, Ryszard (Poland)
Nichita (Romania)
Richard (Slovakia)
Ricardo (Spain)
Ferdinand, Nanna (Sweden)
Dick, Dickson, Dix, Dixie, Dixon, Doris, Ricarda, Ricardo, Rich, Richard, Richelle, Richman, Rick, Rickey, Ricky, Rosamond, Rosamund, Ryan (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 94 of 2024; 272 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 25 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 24 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 24 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 4 Cyan; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 March 2024
Moon: 34%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 10 Archimedes (4th Month) [Theodisius of Bithynia]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 16 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 14 of 31)
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