#scott lang x oc
savemewattpad · 1 year
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Snow On the Beach Chapter One
"did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?"
Former Avenger Leila Whittaker lost everything in the snap–her chosen family, her reputation, and the love of her life. Three years later, she’s keeping a low profile in New York when Natasha, the de facto leader of the intelligence community, calls her back into the field for some undercover work. Leila finds herself paired with Scott Lang, known to the public as Ant-Man and known to Leila as some guy she met on the Raft six years ago.
This is fine. Leila is content with sticking with what remains of her team, and keeping the rest of the world at arm’s length. Most of them want to be there, now, anyway. And that’s fine. 
It’s fine, except that Scott Lang turns out to have a way of getting under her skin, in a way she can’t quite shake off. 
Chapter Summary: Scott and Leila both agree to get back in the game.
Warnings: None
Pairings: Scott Lang/OFC, past Steve Rogers/OFC
Tags: @ocappreciation @arrthurpendragon @suethor @notaboutcat (let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from this list!)
FF.Net | AO3 | Masterlist
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Out of all the recurring nightmares Leila’s had over the course of her life–and there have been many–this one might be the most versatile. 
Sometimes it starts differently, but it always leads to the same place. She's on a stage, being controlled by puppet strings, and she looks up and finds the person controlling the strings, and it's always different, but pulling from the same pool of people. Everyone who’s ever interfered with her autonomy. Thanos, David, Johnny. Iain Warner, one time. Her past self, with blank, emotionless eyes, a few times. Occasionally more than one person, even if the people in question never met in real life. 
It’s Thanos, this time. She locks eyes with him, and as always, she wakes up. 
Leila isn't a shrink, but it's not hard to figure out what the dream means. What's trickier, and what she hasn't quite figured out yet, is what to do about it. 
She sighs and drags herself out of bed, and tries to shake the nightmare off. Sometimes she can't; sometimes it haunts her all day. A few times she's woken up into a panic attack. Today, though, is one of her better days; she can already feel it slipping out of her mind like sand through her fingers. 
She’s on her third chai latte when her phone rings. “I'm on my way,” she lies. 
“Hello to you too.” Natasha sounds amused. 
“Thought you were Tony,” Leila replies, stirring her latte absently. “I'm heading up there today. It's Morgan’s birthday.”
“Be sure to enjoy it, because I need you to come in tomorrow.” 
Leila pauses. “So this isn't a social call,” she says, hiding her unease under a layer of snark. 
“'Fraid not, Princess.” Despite being out of the field for years, Leila’s nickname, derived from her codename–Snow White–lives on. Old habits die hard, she supposes. Natasha has been calling her that for…almost a decade, now. 
“I'm retired, Nat.”
“No, you're clinically depressed. There's a difference.”
“Thanks, Doctor Romanoff, I'll keep that in mind.”
“You can ponder it more tomorrow when you come in.”
“Make someone else do it.”
“We need someone with your specific skill set.”
“Make Talos do it.”
“He's busy.”
“Then make Gravik do it.”
“Also busy.”
“Then make–”
“Stop naming skrulls. Besides, we need someone with your experience with organized crime.”
“You have that experience, too.”
“I've got a lot on my plate, as I’m sure you can imagine.” 
And Leila can. The responsibility Nat took on in the aftermath of the snap is extraordinary. Sometimes Leila feels bad about rejecting her offer to be her right hand. Then she remembers why she did. 
It's funny, in a way, that the thing that's made her more trouble than she's worth is the one thing that wasn't even her fault. (It wasn't, right?)
“Organized criminals lost people, too. They're not gonna want to talk to me.”
“They won’t be talking to you. They’ll be talking to each other. Or so they think.”
“Yes, I understand how shapeshifting works.”
“Leila,” Nat says, suddenly serious in a way that makes Leila sit up straight. “It’s about the Trust. That’s why we need it to be you.”
Leila takes several moments to process this, making a point to take deep breaths. 
“Fine. I’m in.”
“Good. Meet me at the compound tomorrow at 8.”
“I’ll be there.” 
“Lei–by the way, just so you aren’t taken off guard–you’ll be working with someone.”
Leila tenses reflexively, and tries not to let that tension into her voice. “Who? Anyone I know?”
“You might remember him. His name is Scott Lang.”
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It’s early mornings like this that Scott starts to have reservations about X-Con. He comes into his office, and something about the morning light reminds him of the single office they’d inhabited years prior, lit almost entirely by fluorescents, four desks crowded into the space. Him, Kurt, Luis and Dave. It’s him, Kurt, Luis, and a small number of employees now. 
(He wonders sometimes, which office Dave would’ve taken, and if he would’ve liked it.) 
The success of the business is great, of course. It’s great to be able to help support Cassie. It’s great to be able to keep people employed that would otherwise be exactly where Scott was when he got out of prison. And it’s great to help keep people safe. 
The only problem is that the business didn’t start growing to this level until right after the snap. Scott doesn’t have, like, hard data to prove it, but he can never shake the idea that there’s a cause-and-effect there. People, now more than ever, want to feel safe. X-Con can’t protect people against genocidal aliens, unfortunately, but it can help them feel protected. Scott knows he isn’t doing anything wrong, technically–why people give him their business is their own prerogative–but sometimes it feels opportunistic, anyway. 
He’s at his desk, going over his schedule for the day, when the door to his office swings open. “You have a visitor,” Jez announces. 
“You could’ve used the phone,” Scott says without looking up. 
“But then I wouldn’t get to spend this quality time with my favorite brother,” she replies, leaning in the doorway. 
“I’ll be sure and let Matt know you said that.”
“He knows what he did.”
If Scott had more time, he’d probably take the bait, but he doesn’t. “Can you send the client in? It’s a tight schedule today.” 
Jez gives a lazy salute and heads back to the front desk. Weeks ago, their usual secretary had resigned, and Jez has been “filling in” ever since. She’s not an ex-convict, and she didn't have secretarial experience, which makes her a nepotism hire by any definition, but she needs the work, and Scott’s been watching out for her since she was nine years old. He’s not going to stop now. Besides which, she’s done enough free babysitting for him over the years to have earned it, anyway. 
He’s also pretty sure that nobody here–outside of Luis and Kurt, who knew her pre-X-Con–has figured out that she’s never been to prison. Not that it’s a secret, but still. She’s young, but even on her best behavior, she still has roughly the same personal energy as the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Toons. 
(He remembers her first visit to him in San Quentin. “It’s weird, because I always thought I’d be the first one of us to go to prison,” she’d told him.
“Sorry, first?” he’d asked. 
“Yeah. Me, then you, then Matt.”
“Why would Matt go to prison?”
“Wrong place, wrong time. I’d be locked up on drug charges, obviously.”
“Of course.”)
The door opens. He looks up and smiles. “Hi, I’m Scott, thanks for–” he pauses, and then tries not to sputter. “Hawkeye?”
Clint Barton gives him a half-smile, the kind where Scott can’t quite tell if he’s happy or not. “Scott,” he greets. “Good to see you again.”
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Leila always forgets how beautiful the sky above Tony’s home is until she’s there. It’s one of those summer nights where the twilight seems to last forever, and she knows that once the sun is finally down, the stars in the sky will be actually visible, unlike the city. She can even see a few of them now, faintly. 
It’s the lakeside that ties it all together, though. Isabella had wanted to live somewhere by water, and Tony had, as he did to any and all requests or mild whims that Isabella made, obliged.  
Isabella is some ways ahead of them, maybe ten yards, holding a toddling Morgan’s hand. Still clearly in sight, but far enough away for Leila and Tony to talk, which Leila knows is coming–otherwise they would’ve had Leila take Morgan for a walk by herself while they cleaned up the house. 
“So,” Tony says, “why’re you crashing on our couch tonight, again?”
Leila knows what he’s actually asking. Are you okay? Do you need to not be alone? Are you about to go off the deep end again? Are you trying not to relapse? She kicks a rock into the lake. 
“I’m just saying, it’s an expensive couch,” Tony continues. “I feel like I at least deserve to know. Not that you aren’t always welcome.”
“I know,” she says, and she does, both about the couch and the welcomeness. Leila could ask to move in tomorrow and Tony would have the guest bedroom decorated for her within the hour. Her friendship with him is possibly the one thing in her life that she’s never questioned. 
“I’m going to the compound tomorrow,” she says finally. “Nat wants me back in the field. It’s just easier to stay here than go home and come back up.”
Tony whistles lowly. “You sure you’re up for that?”
“No. But apparently I’m the only woman for the job.” She pauses. “It’s about the Trust.”
“The Trust? That crime ring we took down back in…” Tony runs the numbers in his head. “2012?”
“Apparently we didn’t take it down far enough. Or someone decided to reboot it.”
Tony nods. “Are you working alone? I imagine it’s hard to build trust, given…well, you know.”
“Given that half of the world hates me.” Leila can handle innuendo from anyone else, but she doesn’t like dancing around things with Tony. His straightforwardness is one of the things that first drew her to him. 
“That’s the one, yeah.”
She smiles a little despite herself and kicks another rock. “Apparently I’m going in with someone named Scott Lang. Nat said I might remember him, from the Raft back during the whole Accords thing.” Leila had only spent a few hours on the Raft, and she doesn’t remember a lot of it. Frankly, the entire debacle is somewhat blurred in her mind. “I don’t, though. Do you?”
Tony thinks. “Right. Ant-Man. He was in Munich with Cap.”
There’s that straightforwardness she loves. Tony is one of the only people who doesn’t hesitate to mention Steve around her. The good, the bad, all of–
“Sorry, did you say Ant-Man?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Why the fuck is he called Ant-Man?”
“Cause he shrinks. He can also grow, but I guess ‘Giant-Man’ didn’t have the same ring to it.”
“I dunno, I might take it over Ant-Man.”
“Because you’re the expert on code names.”
“Snow White is a perfectly respectable code name, thank you.”
“Sorry.” He gives an exaggerated bow. “Please forgive me, your highness.”
Leila laughs. “How do you even know all this?”
“I have a vested interest in knowing the names of people who may or may not hold grudges against me.”
“That’s healthy.”
“That’s precaution.” Tony takes a few quick strides and then steps in front of her to face her. “I’m serious. Are you okay with this? It’s been years.”
“It’s only been three years. Not even that, actually,” she waves a hand. “As long as this doesn’t become a recurring thing…I’m fine. I can handle it.”
Tony watches her for a long moment, looking for any sign of indecision on her face. Finally, he nods. 
“Alright. As long as you stay up long enough to watch Tangled. It’s Morgan’s favorite right now, and she wanted to watch it with you.”
Leila smiles. “Traitor,” she mutters. “But yeah. I can do that.”
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Scott clears an hour from his schedule (he makes a note to thank Kurt and Luis both for taking on his meetings that day), and makes three phone calls. 
The first one is to Hope. 
He explains the situation: Clint Barton (yes, that Clint Barton) showed up at his work asking him, on behalf of Natasha Romanoff (yes, that Natasha Romanoff) to get involved in some kind of espionage-related, superpower-related mission-type-thing. He said he wouldn’t do it without Hope (nobody can say he doesn’t learn from his mistakes.) Barton said they wanted him for his security and heist experience more than for his Ant-Man activity. Scott said he’d think about it. 
“So now I’m asking you,” Scott says. 
“Asking me what?”
That’s actually a good question. “I’m asking if you think I should agree to help,” he says, “and if you think I should do it without you.”
“I mean, you’re always better off with me there,” Hope replies easily. “But if they’re trying to keep the team small, and you trust them…I think you should at least consider it.”
If you trust them. He supposes he does. The Munich incident had involved a lot of mistakes on Scott’s part, but that hadn’t been either of their fault. Neither had the way it ended. 
“Have you told Maggie?” Hope continues. 
“That’s the next call I’m making.”
“Make it. And think about it. But if you say no, just don’t do it because of me.”
The second call is, as promised, to Maggie. 
“Hey, Scott, is this important?”
“Uhhhhh….yes. I’d say so.” He clears his throat. “I need some advice.”
“Okay, but can you make it quick? I’m on my lunch break.”
I can try? “Yeah. Totally. It’ll be quick.”
“Okay. What’s up?”
He tells her the same thing he told Hope, and then tells her what Hope said. “So now I’m asking you. Do you think I should do it?”
“No, I don’t, but that’s not the question you’re actually asking.”
“Okay, what am I asking?”
“You’re asking me if you’d be a bad person if you said no. And you’re asking me if you’d be a bad father if you said yes.”
Maggie’s ability to cut to the heart of the issue is not a quality Scott remembers her possessing during their admittedly short-lived marriage. He wonders idly if, given enough time and thought, he could pinpoint exactly when it started. 
“Okay. So what do you think?”
“I think nobody could blame you if you chose to stay out of it. And I think you’re going to do it anyway.”
Scott stays silent for a long moment, and Maggie takes it as an invitation to continue. 
“It’s who you are, Scott. Since the day I met you. You see a chance to be useful, to help someone, and you can’t resist.”
Scott sighs. “And Cassie?” he asks hesitantly. 
It’s Maggie’s turn to stay silent for a moment. Then, finally: “I can’t ask you to be someone you’re not. But Cassie’s already lost one father. If things get too dangerous, do you think you can back out?”
Scott looks at the photo on his desk. Him, Matt, Jez and Cassie. 
“Yeah. I can do that.”
The third call is to Clint Barton.
“Barton,” he answers. There’s a sort of lazy quality to his voice. 
“Hey, it’s, uh, it’s Scott. Lang. Ant-Man.” 
“Name rings a bell. Made your decision yet?”
“Yeah.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m in.”
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asirensrage · 2 years
Smut prompts? Okay.
"Be a good girl and swallow for me."
Any underused MCU man, can be either oc or reader.
Oh man, it took me a bit to think of what underused MCU man to use for this...
I've never written for him before and it's been awhile since I've watched the movies. I hope you like it!
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He groans, fingers digging into the skin at the back of her neck.
He's close, she knows. This is the best part to her, being able to make him come undone with something as simple as her mouth and hands.
"How are you so good at this?" he asks.
She doesn't answer. She sucks a bit harder, can feel his thighs shake under her hand.
"I'm gonna--" He cuts himself off with another groan, head falling back as she uses her other hand to touch him, cupping him with just enough pressure. He breaks under her, cumming inside her mouth. She moves only when he's done, breathless and softer than before.
"Be a good girl and swallow for me."
She tries not to snort with her mouth full, but dutifully swallows what he's given. She starts laughing as soon as she can though, looking up at him.
"What?" He looks down at her, still flushed from her touch. "You don't like it?"
"Good girl? Really Scott?"
"Yeah, I don't know. It just came out."
She laughs again before standing. He grabs her elbow, helping her to her feet. "You need to stop watching porn."
"I was under house arrest! You can't blame me for that!" He kisses her before moving to lay kisses all over her face until she's pushing him away, laughing.
"Okay, okay!"
"Come on," he says, kneeling before her. "Can't let you have all the fun. Let me taste you too."
"Well, can't say no to that," she breathes.
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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jackiequick · 5 months
A Visit From An Old Friend — [ Marvel Fanfic]
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Summary: What happens when an old friend comes to visit to recruit something bigger than himself? In other words, a small family reunion between friends, with a couple of ants crawling around.
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Platonic Pairing: Hank Pym & Jason Underwood
Characters featured/mentioned: The Young Avengers, Janet Van Dyne, Liz Stark, Howard Stark, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne and etc.
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man (2015)
Fic type: Short Blurb
Small warning: Some fluff and angst
The daylights were in full swing, the radio was high and bright as he drove down the road to a old house he used to call home. At the steps of the house stood a man he hasn't seen in the late 80s but never forgotten.
Above the steps stood the man with dark rich blonde curls spiked in a nicely manner, a blue colored shirt and black James Dean jeans wearing a pair of shades himself. He sipping on a cup of coffee with a half smile to boot.
He parked the car in the east side of the parkway as he existed the vehicle, flipping the keys in hand and removed his sunglasses with a smile.
As he took towards the step he heard the man said, "Hank."
"JJ." He replied, as he was handed a cup of warm coffee.
"What was the reason for this visit?"
"You got my email didn't you?"
"You missed seeing Hope."
"It was an 8 hour drive! You know how hard it was to get out of that house without Felton and Rei breathing down my neck?"
"This is why I stopped babysitting."
The blonde just playfully glared following the older one into his old home. Jason hasn't been in this house of his in more than a century, having took time to take care of his older one in Malibu. Yet, he never had the heart to throw away the keys, so instead he gave them to Hank. And by god, was he glad he did.
His old home was kept nice and cleaned, some mess here and there. A few dust particles in certain smaller areas but other than that it was fine. Keeping its cozy yet vintage style. Hank sat down on the grey couch that used to be a dark brown, sipping his second morning coffee taking in the moment of peace. Jason sat in the armchair beside him closing his eyes.
Neither man had to say a word to know that they missed the peace and quiet this house brought. No screaming children, calls from SHIELD, nor nagging neighbors trying to get you to babysit their dumb dog for the weekend. Just a moment of total silence from the world around them.
Yes, truth be told, after 1989 Hank was never seen again towards SHIELD's main offices due to his stupid fallout with Howard and the others. But he often kept in touch with people like him or Peggy, whenever possible. Mainly because Hope wanted to see her aunts and uncles, and after Janet's passing Hank couldn't deprive his daughter from not having any closer family or friends around.
Jason tended to be his go-to person whenever he needed a quick babysitter for Hope, whenever the blonde was in town and he happily said yes. He first thought Hank would want nothing to do with him after what Howard pulled on the man, but after a small debate on that very day both men realized they couldn't hold grudges against each other.
They already had too many grudges over their heads to even count, why add another? It would only lead to a bigger headache anyways.
So over the years, Hank and Jason would put aside a small time to check in on one another. Make sure the other man wasn't dead yet. It was a running joke on who would die first out of the two. But at this rate, knowing the people in their lives, they won't let them get bury in the ground so easily.
He peaked an eye open as he rested his head and asked, "JJ? You got what I sent you?"
The others eyes were still closed as he hummed, "Yeah. I sent the small package and if I'm correct, it will be brought though word of mouth soon enough."
"Good. I hope this guys is worth it. If he's smart enough, he will do as I planned."
"Why Scott Lang anyway? I gave you a list of people you can choose from and you chose him..."
"Scott Lang broke into Vistacorp Headquarters to pay back the money VistaCorp had been stealing from their users, before he brought into prison. Heard of it?"
"Yeah, he pulled strong a stunt risking to pay back all that money they took. According to the file, he has a master degree in electrical engineering, which gave him the skills to hack into their grid."
Hank smirked, "That's why I need him. He has a special set of skills as a hacker and thief. I want to test him, see if he's able to play the game right."
"If he can break into the lock and steal the suit, then he was a right fit." Jason added with a grin, "..he also has a daughter Hank. You know better than anyone the length you would go to see your kid. Chances are, he ends up in jail again."
"He won't."
"I have a plan. Trust me on this one."
"And I'll be here to say 'I told you so' when it goes sideways."
The two crack a chuckle knowing it was bound to happen whether they liked it or not. But if the plan does end up going sideways, they always had other ways of doing things. Even if it meant going undercover to bait Scott Lang into the older man's plan. Both spent the rest of the day catching up, watching some tv and grabbing a bite to eat.
None of the Young Avengers knew that Jason was gone for a short couple of days. Well, some of them noticed as he has been receiving calls from a few thought the day. Mainly ones from Rei, Liane, Rochelle, Ji-Hoon, Lydia and even Wanda. Hank commented how he was still amazed he hasn't lost his head yet.
"Who said I haven't?" Jason joked with a small chuckle.
"Who's watching them?" He asked in returning smiling.
"Elizabeth, Nat and Bruce. I hope."
"Oh dear god. Now, I gotta know, who's the hardest to watch over?"
"Depends on the day. Rei is the easiest at most, Rochelle is rather shy and hangs out with her friends..but Liane.."
"Felton's what? Oh. You can't lie to me, and not say Rei Stark doesn't turn your gears one bit."
"Rei does make me question my life choices, but I love him to death. Felton, she is a handful and a total bitch at times. It's why I always hand her off to Hill to taken care of. I need my silence."
That caused Hank to snort and laugh. He knew the man was too polite to say anything to harsh per say, not knowing who's around to hear him but if possible he will let a rip.
"Now that's the Jason I know, call it how it is!" He shouted as he tossed a chip into his mouth, "Half of them ain't even your kids."
The blonde smirked nodding, knowing the grey man's words to be truth. There are good couple of them aren't his legally or even raised them from childhood, but a part of him does care. Even if he wants to shut up half the time.
Hell, even the ants joined in on the fun. They are 247 of them after all, the ants were bound to make their appearance in carrying items around and or, helping them with alerting any incoming news on the heist they were waiting to happen.
Later on, that very night they went to the basement as they turned on the lights to reveal a high tech level of security cameras, microphones and chairs laying around. It was linked up to whatever humanity possible can find, in this case, the ants.
They watched Scott break into his house, as Hank seemed impressed by his work giving Jason a couple of approved nods, as they kept rolling the tape. The handy work, the levels of patience and precision Scott Lang had was amazing. His quick thinking and ways he moved around the area at quick speed was something he could only imagine to do when he was back in the 40s. Hank used to think and move that fast in the late 80s. More or less.
Without a better matter of minutes he took the suit and ran. They spend the better part of the next day, watching Scott and see what he would do.
That he was expandable. And that he was. Jason chocked out a laugh at how freaked out he was as Hank talked into the coms. Sadly of course, the moment he returned the suit, he was caught red handed by the cops.
It was Hope's doing. She didn't know much about the man or the fact that he had a track record he was trying to maintain. Which led Hank to toss a pair of suits over to Jason, telling him it's time to lawyer up, as the man rolled his eyes at his friend.
Once they were in the prison, Scott Lang was brought into a room confused more the most part, not understanding who they were. He didn't know about the fact that he had a lawyer watching after him. They told him second chances don't always come easily, especially for men like him, next time he gets one, he should take a closer look onto what it is. And he's smart enough, he will listen to them.
Thankfully he did, as Hank ordered the ants to get Scott escape the jail cell and be brought home that night. However the man got dizzy and past out, resulting him to be knocked out cold in one the guest bedrooms of the house.
Hank's house, since he had more tech and landscape to work around than Jason did. As they waited for him to wake up, the blonde went out grab some more supplies and food. He was hungry.
When he returned home with the items needed, entering quietly through the front door he heard it. Hope was here. He should've known she would've made an appearance at some point.
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"Please tell me you didn't call JJ." She said looking at her father with her arms crossed.
"I didn't call JJ." Her father responded with a sigh, trying to enjoy his tea.
"He is busy right now."
"I didn't call him."
She pointed to the brown leather jacket that was on the chair beside her. The one she gave the blonde years ago for a birthday present when she was in high school. Her father said he was borrowing it from the man's closet when he went to check on his home.
"You liar. Like always. Just say that you did." Hope remarked.
Hank groaned, "I emailed him."
"You tipped him. Dragging his ass here, for what? I can handle the mission myself!"
"No, you can't! He needed one-"
"You never listen to me!"
She looked over her shoulder at face the voice who called out her name like an old memory. Only to find her uncle standing there with a stern look on his face, his usual cheeky grin was exchanged for a pair of lined smile and frustrated eyes that glared into her soul. He made her feel like a child again, getting in trouble for yelling at her father or running away from school grounds to play with her friends.
She looked down, feeling less than, muttering a soft 'sorry' in his direction as he simply nodded. He shook his head and sighed at his niece. He hated seeing them fight, he knew they had their reasons but she walked away a long time ago, just to prove a point to her father that she was worth it. And she already was.
"I didn't know..I uh, would've liked a heads up that you were coming..." She admitted for being silent for a moment.
He placed the bag of groceries on the table as he gave her a small half smile, "I know..but I knew you would've said otherwise and convince me to stay home."
"You don't have to be here. I can handle this."
"I know. But I'm here now, it's not like I'm going to waste a long drive just to be stuck at home listening to ABBA on the radio."
"Still. You should've-"
"Hope. Just don't. What's done is done. I came at my own risk and I won't be staying long, just to make sure a few things are in check."
"..I uh, I missed you."
"I did too."
She pulled her arms out to be taking in by his embrace. The warmth of his hugs always felt like a nice blanket as he wrapped her arms around him and kissed her forehead. She rested her head against his shoulder having another moment of silence to relax, sending a small glare to her father. She chuckled hearing her uncle brought her favorite ice cream from Basin Robins to help ease the tension, causing a tiny grunt from Hank. Her uncle smirked and told her to get Scott as she pulled away with a small smile.
When Hope walked out, he turned around to see his old friend sending daggers swords him. Jason just shrugged, "What?"
"You can't win her over with ice cream and hugs." He remarked.
"Yes I can. That's my job as the uncle. Make you look bad, so you want to work harder for her affection."
"That's not how it's supposed to work."
"That's exactly how it's supposed to work."
Soon enough, Scott and Hope joined them in the dinning room, as they talked trying to explain the situation to the confused brunette. Hope and Hank bricked as they did, as Jason tried to defuse the issue at hand introducing the trio. Scott listened along, trying to piece together everything they said, hearing how they were impressed with his work as well. He was offered some sugar, watching the ants push it around.
"H-how do you make them do that?" Scott asked pointing to the said ants, watching one climb onto Jason's finger with ease.
"Ants can lift objects 50 times their size. They can build farms. Corporate with each other." Hank explained.
"Right. But how do you make them do that?"
"I used electromagnetic waves to stimulate their factor's nerves center using a device. I speak to the Ants. I can go anywhere, see everything and hear everything."
"And still know absolutely nothing. I'm late for a meeting." Hope injects with a clear tone, pressing a kiss to her uncles cheek and a nod to her father.
"Be safe!" Jason calls out with a half smile, sipping his tea.
"Always am!"
With that she walks out. Scott raised an hand asking who the hell they are, what the hell is going on and if he could back to jail. Jason rolled his eyes telling both men to follow him.
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They walked and talked heading down to the basement to reveal a small headquarters as Scott looked around in awe. Hank explained the suit and his role in this as Jason finished setting up a few things adding in a jab or two as he went along.
"Pym tech? SHIELD?" Scott said muttering under his breathe as he followed their voices.
"Darren Cross had heard rumors around the Pym Particles. Something that both companies tried to keep under lock and key, with only a few knowing it existed." Jason explained.
"And he became obsessed with recreating my formula." Hank continued to explain holding a vial of Pym particles, "But I wouldn't help. So he partially voted me out of my own company. Hope was chairmen of the board, so that helped. But she came back to me when she saw how close he was with his process. But without a suit, the brain isn't protected."
"Causing a fiery sensational effect that can make the brain unstable. And Cross hasn't realized that part yet. So with our luck, he'll die."
"Be nice, JJ. Cross isn't the most stable guy to begin with."
Scott listen then asked, "So what do you want from me?"
Both men exchange a look as Hank walked over to Scott Lang and told him he believed in second chances for everyone. A redemption. Saying that if he does that, he can start a new path and get some insight wiped off his records. Scott looked pleased declaring that he will go along with the plan of theirs. Within a couple of hours, they all got to work.
Scott began to start training how to use the suit, understanding the plan and communicating with the idea on how to get into the building. He got learn about the concept of the ants and their behavior in the process of the world. Hope and Jason offered to teach Scott some fighting techniques to help him later on. Hope smirked getting a good swing at Scott punching him hard enough he fell backwards, as Jason snorted at their dynamic play between the tackles to the ground.
It got to a certain point where Scott was given the opportunity to learn how to control the ants. Hank acted as director for him, telling him to focus having faith that he can do it. Scott tried but it didn’t work. Hope groan annoyed telling him how he needed to commit to communicating with them, he has to mean it. The father daughter duo, once again began to argue over the subject. Jason reminded them on how the focus should be on helping Scott with the trails.
“Really? That’s where our focus should be?” Hope said, taking the device used for the ants and held it close to her ear controlling to do more than just add sugar to the tea. She caused to room to darken as the ants blocked out the lights, Hank caught her before she can act by further. Her voice broke as she muttered a few words at her father and sighed before exiting the room.
Hank knew he couldn’t do it without her. Since day one she has requested to be put in the suit, do the trails and get the mission accomplished herself, but her father refused every request she made. Jason knew the reason why. Scott noticed the problem being a father himself and went out to talk to her, hoping to knock some sense into Hope and have her see behind the act.
The two were alone in the house, standing in awkward silence as the moment of Hope’s departure replayed in their heads. Hank walked around the first floor, fumbling with a small piece of dice he found in the living room as Jason watched from the window the car sitting in the driveway with the two figures talking inside.
He broke the silence with a scoff, biting in the inside of his cheek as he said, “You have to tell her.”
“No.” He muttered in response, knowing exactly what he meant by those words.
“If you want her on your side, you have to break the ice here. She knows Janet didn’t die cause of some accident involving a plane. I know it’s painful for you, Hank, but she deserves to know.”
“Like you told Stark about his parents death.”
That silence Jason quicker than expected. He remembered how Howard and Maria died, when he was at his lowest moments during the holiday season. He told Tony what he knew and what he only could’ve revealed of that painful memory, going as far as to show him the photographs he dug up a few days later from news reports. Hank might’ve had a falling out with Howard but he was at the damn funeral for a short period of time before returning home.
Hank knew he hit a nerve and continued, “You couldn’t even wrap your head around fact that you lost them. Worse, telling a child their mother died and they never had the chance to say goodbye. I lost Janet that day because of my misfortunes during the mission.”
“I know, I heard the story. I can only imagine how you felt when it happened, when she shrunk down to that size..” Jason added trying to find his voice again.
“Please, don’t remind me, Jason, she went sub-atomic...”
“And you tried to get her back by studying for weeks on an answer to get her back”
“I made a mistake letting her come with me..I was stupid enough to let that happen..you know how hard it is for me just to relive that experience again…Hope might hate me when she finds out..”
“I know, she might but she will forgive you…Hank..you and I have made a lot mistakes in the past 3 decades. We made decisions that we aren’t proud of..thinking we are protecting them from harm..”
“That’s the whole point! That’s our job, to keep them safe and not be heartbroken by the truth. You only gave Stark the benefit of the doubt about his parents death and how it affected the outcome, you said he hated the world for it..I can’t tell her..we have secrets for a reason..”
“Yeah well, Tony could care less about his father…How about you only tell her what you can? When the time comes where she asks for more, you go into more detail about what happened. You are driving her away now…I know you hate the looks she gives you. You said it yourself..”
There was an unspoken number of casualties among those accidents that occurred during the death of their loved ones. Only so much information, they kept closed to their chest to prevent others suffering in those moments. The amount of consequences to their loved ones being gone felt like a huge blow to the head and stuffed around in secret.
Hank knew that, especially with the fact that his very friend lost more than he can chew.
He felt sorry for bringing it up, but it just didn’t occur to him the words would impact that hard. Hell, the memories of his wife were still so fresh in his brain like it was yesterday.
Hank ran a couple of fingers cross his hair muttering, “Sorry for bringing that up. It’s just…”
“I know..I know. But you do need to let her know what happened that day.” Jason responded taking a breath to regain himself.
That was when Hope and Scott returned from the car, about to say something but was cut off by Hank’s statement. He had a hand against the fireplace beforehand turning around to face the two of them, to face his daughter with the truthful remarks she desires to know. He slowly but surely explained what he could to his daughter onto what happened to her mother as her voice broke mumbling a few questions.
He did in best to answer them. It hurt to talk about it, as it felt like he was reliving the same day all over again. She wanted to know more but her thoughts didn’t seem to allow her to think straight as she teared up even more. Hank just told her in the end he lost her mother, he didn’t mean to lose his daughter too.
Scott ruined the moment with a quippy response that caused Jason to roll his eyes, telling him to go make some tea. Afterwards the four of them got back to work on training Scott and working with the plans they had in motion.
At some point, Jason went upstairs to get something to eat and suddenly got another set of calls. He sighed deeply knowing they must've been from Liane or Rei, he ignored knowing it was probably something they could've handle themselves. They had to learn how to get along and figure out solutions to things without an actual adult fixing it entirely for them.
With a deep sigh he answered, “Hello?”
“Jason! Aha we might got an issue at the compound—dude shut up!” Said the voice that clearly belonged to Liane.
“Okay, who burnt the toaster again? Wait why are you at The Compound anyway? Your supposed to be at The Tower..”
“The adults went out on a small scale meeting, so we were left alone. Long story short, we had an incident at The Tower and decided to visit The Compound for breakfast instead—Ughhh Rei be quiet! Rick calm it’s gonna be fine—I was saying, we came here and Sam made us breakfast…and then..”
“Then what? Liane spit it out or put Rei on the phone.”
“Then we saw an issue and Sam told us to stay inside.”
Just as Liane and Rei’s voices were heard, along with the other members in the background, Jason was called downstairs by Hank to check on something. And let’s just say, he wanted to punch the older man for his actions. From the panels on the screen, shots of Scott fighting The Falcon to get inside Avengers Compound. Hope half smiled, annoyed and confused by Scott’s actions.
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It was honestly hilarious yet stressful.
He put the phone call on mute as he whispered, “Hank, what the hell?! You said that the item you were looking for was at an old building, not Avengers Compound!”
“I didn’t know that it was remodeled after all this time! You could’ve said something.” Hank remarked looking up at the blonde from his seat.
“You weren’t speaking of the specifics either! Oh god..Scott better get out of there.”
“He’ll be fine. Besides he’s fighting an Avenger, this can be taken as part of his training for the next assignment. What are you worried about?”
“Half of the other avengers are inside the building now and they’re a little terrified.”
Hope said an eyebrow confused onto what her uncle meant until she heard the voices over the phone and almost immediately laughed at the sound.
She couldn’t make out the voices very well but one caught her ears as she asked, “Is that Felton? Since when is she freaked out over something like this, isn’t she an Avenger?”
Jason just shrugged at this point and responded, “It’s a great mystery to all of this. And yes that was her. I can already picture Rei’s annoyed expressions. Whatever we do, we just have to get Scott out there and fast.”
“Or they might call the other heroes for assistance. Damn it.”
“Days like this, I wish my retirement plan was completely different.”
“You can always come stay with me instead. Wait, I’m still in the Will right?”
He winked at her meaning a clear ‘yes you are, honey.’ As they both returned their focus back onto the screen watching Hank navigate Scott across the field to fight Falcon, suddenly they lost visual contact with him as the ants couldn’t see what was happening inside. It went silent as the only sound came from the cell phone in Jason’s hand.
He raised the phone up his ear to respond, “Whatever happens stay instead. I’ll be there in a couple of hours to check up on—”
“About time you picked up the damn phone!” Yelled the voice that belonged to his first godson.
“Rei?! What happened to Liane?”
“I took it off her hands, she went to help calm Rick and the others down or whatever. I really don’t care. Do I have permission to take her down Felton and shut off the systems?”
“Permission granted—wait, hold off on shutting down the systems for a few minutes and then reboot The Compound.”
“Does that mean I’m in charge of everything?”
“Does it mean the house won’t be fire when I come over to check on you guys?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then you’re in charge. And please get a hold of an adult!”
The phone called ended with Rei’s voice being heard over the speaker as you can imagine the others not sounding too pleased about the news. Jason just smirked already picturing their faces as he watched the panels of Scott escaping and Falcon on the floor. Him and Hank fist bump at the process of the mission turning out decently well.
He knew Hank was gonna have a talk with Scott on his actions and how he handled it, but Jason knew based on the files that Scott must’ve gotten the item needed for the job.
And he was right.
Hope was very impressed with what he did as her father sighed in relief at the assignment being completed. Scott Lang had skills and knowledge to be used on a battlefield one day, possibly even a hero. The four of them talked about upcoming events that were set in motion as Jason texted his nephew for updates on the situation from earlier as it seemed like things have calmed down over there.
He will need to drive over there to check up on them later.
As of now, all he knew is that the four of them were headed into a very dangerous environment within the incoming hours. Especially after Darren Cross’s appearance at the household, assuming he was just speaking with Hank Pym, as the others were silently standing in the kitchen.
The next couple of hours were gonna be a wild ride.
That’s what I got! Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. 📺
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @savemewattpad and etc
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neonshrike · 1 year
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Drew an adorable moment with Scott, Kurt, and Lucille inspired by this post by @antvnger!
“This nerd belongs to Luc ❤️”
Tag List: @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @detectivelokis @superblizzardfire @marivenah @shegetsburned @the-laridian @the-lastcall @sstewyhosseini
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braveclementine · 2 months
Thanos. . . Again
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Steve heard her scream as he fell.
"ELIZABETH!" He shouted falling himself. And then he hit the ground.
"Come on buddy, gotta wake up." Tony stomped lightly on his chest and he inhaled sharply. "That's my man."
Steve sat up quickly. "ELIZABETH?"
Tony bent down, holding his shield, "You lose this again, I'm keeping it."
"Where's Elizabeth?" Steve repeated. "What happened?"
"You mess with time it tends to mess back." Tony replied. "You'll see."
Steve followed Tony, scanning for Elizabeth, for their children, for Loki's children. Finally, they found Thor, who was standing and looking.
There was Thanos, sitting in the middle of the crater.
"What's he been doing?" Tony asked.
"Absolutely nothing." Thor answered.
"Where are the stones?" Steve asked.
"Somewhere under all of this." Tony panted. "All I know is he doesn't have 'em."
"So, we keep it that way." Steve said. Suddenly, he heard Elizabeth scream. He didn't hesitate, sprinting back into the mess.
He sat her, trapped under the rubble, some sort of creature leaning over her. His shield took off its head and he helped her out from underneath. "Elizabeth?"
"Where are they?" She panicked, looking around. Only Delilah was in her arms, a small bloody scratch across her tiny forehead, "No-"
"Look at me." Steve demanded. "Focus up Princess."
Elizabeth looked at him, "Thanos is here. He has to be engaged. Can you find them and get them to a safe spot?"
"While you do what?" She asked.
"I'm going to fight him." He answered.
She looked at him and then around and nodded in determination. "Go."
He kissed her, "I love you."
"I love you too."
And he ran back to find that Tony and Thor were already getting ready to engage with Thanos.
"Let's kill him properly this time." Thor said harshly.
Thanos smiled as they approached, "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me, that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."
"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony replied.
"I'm thankful." Thanos said. "Because now, I know what I must do." He stood. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one, teeming with life, that knows not what it has lost, but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."
"Born out of blood." Steve said.
"They'll never know it." Was Thanos' reply. "Because you won't be alive to tell them."
And the three of them attacked him.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Astrid, wake up." Elizabeth commanded in a soothing tone, waking her daughter up from where she was laying on the stone. "I need you to wake up. You have a large task ahead of you."
"Mom?" The seven year old girl opened her eyes.
"I need you to get your siblings to safety." Elizabeth said, moving to wake her elder son up now. "You and your brother must get five little babies to safety. Can you do it?"
"Yes." They both groaned in determination. Elizabeth had made sure that they were all alive.
"Good. Follow me." She said, carrying Delilah and Rose in her arms. She moved along the pathway. She could see Thanos fighting Steve, Tony, and Thor and knew that she had to join them. "Keep following this path, go over that ridge. Follow around the edge of the lake until you reach the tree line. Stay safe. If something approaches, keep moving."
"Okay." Astrid whispered.
"Take care of your family." Elizabeth said to Halfdan. "Promise me."
"I promise. On dad." Halfdan said.
Elizabeth kissed their foreheads quickly and then murmured, "Go."
And then she turned, running down the wreckage to join her family.
She watched Steve flip and kick Thanos in the face, before Thanos tossed him away. She ran, jumping off the rock, slamming both feet into his face so he stumbled backwards, though he didn't fall.
"I know you." Thanos said as she slammed into a rock, wincing. "Loki's soulmate. . ."
"Not anymore." Elizabeth growled. "My last name is Rogers now. And you are really pissing me off." She hit him with a wave of her power so that now he really did go flying off his feet, before Thor slammed into him with his hammers.
Elizabeth rushed him again, swinging off Thanos huge blade to get her legs around his neck. He grabbed her leg, slamming her down to the ground, before placing his blade against her chest. He pulled his blade up, and then suddenly was slammed by Thor's smaller hammer, which came back to. . . Steve's hand?
"I knew it!" Thor roared, getting up from the ground himself.
Elizabeth smiled, laughing in amazement seeing him hold the shield and hammer. She watched Thanos turn on him. Steve swung the hammer, leaping off a rock, slamming Thanos in the chin with the hammer.
She got to her feet then. She watched as Steve just brutally started to defeat Thanos single handedly. Throwing the shield and hammer, hitting his shield with the hammer, and drawing up lightning through the ground. "Don't. Ever. Try. And. Stab. My. Wife. Again." Steve snarled, before calling up lightning and slamming it into Thanos.
And then suddenly Thanos was on his feet, going after Steve. Elizabeth watched, trying to find a good moment to intervene and her eyes widened in shock, watching the shield get hacked into bits.
Vibranium. . .
Like the Titanic. Unsinkable. Unbreakable.
Steve didn't get up.
"In all my years of conquest," Thanos said as she watched Steve roll over, struggling to get up. But Thanos was between the two of them and there was no way for her to get to him. "Violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet, I'm gonna enjoy it, very, very much."
Elizabeth watched as his sons and daughters were beamed down from the planet, along with an army and she felt the hopelessness rise up in her again.
Steve finally got to his feet. The two of them met eyes as he cinched the shield tighter around his arm.
The two of them started to walk towards Thanos together, now that she had skirted around the purple grape.
"Hey, Cap, you read me?" A very faint voice suddenly asked in their coms. "Cap it's Sam. Can you hear me?"
Elizabeth started to laugh.
"On your left."
Steve and Elizabeth turned to see one portal at first, T'Challa walking through with Okoye and his sister Shuri on either side of him. And Elizabeth nearly fainted as Sam came flying through. They watched as more portals were opened up.
There were the Wakanda soldiers and the spider-kid. Doctor Strange and a bunch of Magicians. The Asgardians as well, Valkyrie flying on her Pegasus.
There was Y/N, sprinting through with a smile on her face and. . . Bucky.
Scott chose that time to break through the ruins, holding Rhodey, Bruce, and Rocket in his hand.
Elizabeth watched Bucky approach them and Steve kissed him passionately and then whispered something to him.
Bucky smiled, standing between her and Steve, "So you're my new wife?" He grinned.
She smiled and let out a nervous laugh, which was broken off as he bent down and kissed her. "About time Steve grew some balls."
"Jerk." Steve muttered.
"So," Y/N said on the other side of her, smirking, "Ready to kick ass again?"
"Oh hell yeah." Elizabeth smiled.
They were back.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
One minute, you had been in Wakanda. The next minute, you had been in some sort of weird. . . space place. Like you were high on drugs or something. And after five hours, you were back, laying on the ground next to Sam, who was breathing hard like he had been on a run.
"Did any gummy monsters try and eat you?" Sam asked, sitting up.
"The fuck?" You groaned, getting to your feet, looking around. Pietro's dead body was gone, a grave marker in his place with his name on it. Damn Wakandans had moved fast. Vision's body was gone, though Wanda was laying next to where it had been.
Suddenly, an orange portal appeared for you and you saw what looked like the army. . . again. "Aw man." You whined. You could see Elizabeth standing next to Steve, both of them looking like they'd showered in dirt. Steve's shield was broken.
"Damn the punk really broke the unbreakable." You heard Bucky groan next to you. "And Howard Stark isn't here to make him a new one." Then Bucky winced.
You patted his shoulder. "Tony can do it. Let's go and join them, shall we?"
You saw Tony far away, his Iron Man suit looking like it had been through the mill. Pepper was there in another suit, much like his but slimmer with blue and silver tracings.
You joined Elizabeth's side. "So, ready to kick ass again?"
"Hell yeah." Elizabeth smiled.
"AVENGERS!" Steve shouted and you watched in amazement as Thor's hammer came to his hand. It was dead silent for a moment and then he said, "Assemble."
You shouted with the others in battle cry, and then ran off to attack.
Or, more like, run straight into Tony's suit as he landed in front of you, knocking you off your ass. He just landed on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. "Five fucking years Y/N."
"Five?" You asked incredulously. "Oh damn you're gonna have to fill me in."
Tony winced, "Uh Pepper and I have a five year old daughter named Morgan because you and Happy were both gone and we sort've fell together. Oh and Cap and Elizabeth are sort've married with twins. Also, both girls."
You raised an eyebrow, "You know. I think I always knew the two of you had chemistry."
"I love you most though." Tony offered, helping you to your feet.
"Oh good." You teased, readying your AK-12. "I was a little worried I might be placing second first time in my life."
"Never." Tony scoffed, and then flew up to join the others.
You couldn't focus on much else besides the aliens you were trying to kill around you. Although you did see Pepper and Tony fighting together in the sky. They actually really did make a good duo.
"You're going to make me a suit too, right?" You joked in the coms.
"Just give me a colour scheme." Tony teased right back.
You ended up back near Tony as he landed near Doctor Strange. "Hey you said one out of fourteen million we win this, right?"
"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." He replied ominously.
"Well, you better be right." Tony said, taking off again.
Strange looked at you for a moment and then went right back into the fight. You didn't like that. That felt ominous.
You saw T'Challa running with the glove and you went to catch up to him. It was knocked from his hand and Thanos ran towards him before Wanda landed in front of him, hands and eyes glowing red.
"You took everything from me." Wanda hissed.
"I don't even know who you are." Thanos answered.
"You will." Wanda growled.
"Hey." Elizabeth said brightly behind you. "That's What Snape said to Harry."
"Huh?" You asked, completely taken aback by the randomness of the comment.
"You know." Elizabeth said in a duh voice, "What Wanda said, Snape basically says to Harry. But Harry doesn't know who Snape is, cause he doesn't know Snape loved his mother."
"Elizabeth speak English!" You shouted. "Also, I think Wanda needs our-"
You watched as Wanda enveloped him in red.
"Yeah. . . " Elizabeth said slowly. "No she doesn't." and She ran off towards Bucky who knelt, cupping his hands, and catapulted her into the air so that she could slice through flying aliens.
"Okay then." You muttered.
Then it started to rain fire down from the ship. You watched Bucky grab Elizabeth, Rhodey grab Bruce, everyone trying to protect each other as Peter used his ropes, trying to get the glove back to the van. The wizards lifted their shields above their heads, protecting everyone.
Sam barreled into you, lifting you into his arms, before the two of you crashed near where Sam's soulmate was trying to keep the dam from overflowing, turning it into a tornado.
"SAM!" Stephen shouted.
"I'm fine!" Sam shouted back and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
"Perfect" you gasped out and then pushed the two of you off as another bomb came down. "Okay, now perfect."
Suddenly, the firing stopped and they started firing at something in the sky.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. what are they firing at?" You and Tony asked at the same time.
"Something just entered the upper atmosphere." The Irish voice that you had missed so much answered. You exchanged a look with Sam.
It looked like a glowing person as they crashed into the ship, setting the thing on fire. The plane went down in flames, crashing into the lake below it.
"What was that?" Sam asked.
"I think it was a who." You murmured, the two of you turning to get back into the fight.
You and Elizabeth caught up together, going to join the women's battalion to charge the army that was coming towards you all.
You fought your way through the hoard, trying to reach the van. Turquoise and red, beams of yellow and blue swirled around you as you shot aliens through their heads.
You thought you won as Thanos was pinned to the ground, before he turned and threw his weapon into the van.
You felt yourself flying through the air, before you landed, looking immediately for the gauntlet. It was near Tony, who tackled Thanos to get him away from it.
"Tony!" You shouted as Thanos tossed him away. Thanos went to grab the glove as you staggered to your feet, running for it. Thor landed, fighting him with two lightning weapons. Steve landed on Thanos' back before Thanos head butted Thor and grabbed Steve. Thanos punched Steve hard in the stomach so he was still.
"No!" You heard Elizabeth shout as Thanos grabbed the glove then.
The glowy lady landed, fighting him, before he grabbed her arm, flinging her across the crater as well. He went to snap his fingers before she was back, trying to bend the glove backwards so it could never snap.
He pulled the power stone out, bashing her away.
You watched Tony and saw him staring at someone else. Stephen holding up a shaky finger, the number one.
Thanos put the power stone back and you rushed him, stabbing him in the chest, uppercutting, kicking him in the chin before you felt his fist collide with your back and you went sprawling in the dirt, groaning, coughing out a rock you swallowed.
You managed to get to your side to see Tony fighting with Thanos now, grabbing at his hand. He pushed Tony away and then lifted his hand but you could see there were no stones in it when he raised it. "I am, inevitable."
You watched as Tony went to put the stones in his glove. "I am Iron man."
You looked at Strange again, who gave you a terrible, apologetic look.
But nothing happened and you looked back to see Tony staring down at his hand, frowning.
And then you heard Elizabeth behind you, surrounded by turquoise whisps. "And I, don't have a catchy phrase to say." And she snapped her fingers.
"NO!" You heard Steve shout somewhere behind you as everything around you crumbled to dust.
"Elizabeth!" You shouted as the girl you'd known since kindergarten fell to her knees. She would have fallen on her face if Tony hadn't caught her. You slid to her side on your knees. "Elizabeth?"
"Elizabeth." Steve fell by her side, tears on his face. "No, no why would you do that?"
Elizabeth looked more confused than anything else, the glove having fallen off her hand so that you could see the skin was burned. Turquoise still surrounded her body, though it had faded immensely. "Y/N. . . my sister. Couldn't let her know what it feels like." Elizabeth whispered, cupping Steve's face. "You have Bucky, you'll be okay."
Tony used that special substance that you couldn't remember the name of, trying to cover her burns that traveled from fingertip all the way to the right side of her face.
"And my looks are kind've gone." She managed to laugh a little.
Steve shook his head violently. "Elizabeth-"
Elizabeth gasped then in pain, tears pricking her eyes. "Stevie, it hurts." Her hand clutched his arm just slightly and he cupped her face. 
Steve was hyperventilating, sobbing. "It's okay sweetheart. It's okay. You're going to be okay. Please, I need you to be okay."
"Take care of my kids." Elizabeth begged, tears in her eyes now. "I thought maybe with magic. . . I'd make it but. . . clearly. . . not right." She smiled a little, looking up at Steve.
Bucky was there now, looking at her with some mix of horror and heartbreak. "Doll?"
"Keep him . . ." Elizabeth whispered softly, her hand dropping from Steve's face.
"Princess." Steve begged, letting out another sob. Tears were streaming down your own face in traces and Bucky knelt, pulling Steve into his arms, also crying.
Suddenly, Thor came down from the sky, slamming his hammer into her chest. You watched as lightning covered her body, her back arching. She screamed then and Thor let up.
You all waited in silence. One. . . two. . . three. . . four. . . she inhaled, eyelashes fluttering.
Steve immediately started CPR and you all waited. Everyone was surrounding the lot of you now. Stephen looked confused while putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. T'Challa, Pepper, Peter, Wanda, Natasha, Clint. . .
Elizabeth suddenly jerked, spasming as she jerked up, nearly colliding heads with Steve. She breathed deeply, spinning around, "Did it work-"
Steve kissed her then. Cupping her face with both hands. You almost expected Steve or Bucky to hiss in pain from the 'cheating', but it didn't happen. Steve broke away from the kiss. "Don't ever. Fucking do that again."
"Yeah, no worries." Elizabeth panted and looked up at Strange, "One in fourteen billion eh?"
"Actually," Strange said slowly. "Tony was to die but I mean, this works too. Guess you beat the odds. Two in fourteen million then."
"So that's why you didn't tell me." Tony grumbled.
Elizabeth tried to get to her feet, but cried out in pain, collapsing back to the ground.
"I've got you." Steve said sweetly, lifting her into his arms.
"Sorry." Thor grunted, "I couldn't lose my last bit of family."
"Yeah, I know." Elizabeth groaned, leaning up on Steve's shoulder. "Ow."
You bent your head and you cried. Because everyone was alright.
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elisaphoenix13 · 2 years
3 year old Hunter: Daddy, did you eat all the penis?
Hunter: You like penis, Daddy?
Scott: PEANUTS! Yes, I ate the peanuts.
Hunter: You like penis.
Quill, dying of laughter: I mean--
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multiversxwhore · 1 year
Was It Worth It?
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more☽☽☽  
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Chapter 2
I woke with a pounding headache, I turned my head too fast, and immediately a sharp pain shot up the back of my head. 
“Fuck.” I grunted, I could feel tears threaten to fall, and I let them. I tried to remember what happened, but everything is a blur. 
“Poor kid didn’t even see it coming.” Someone mumbled from beside me, this time I slowly moved my head in the direction the voice came from. My vision is blurry at first, I blink a few times trying to fight off the anesthetics. My eyes caught a flash of a smile, bright perfectly white teeth, and hair framing the lips. 
“Tony?” My voice cracked, I swallowed the dryness in the back of my throat, someone else on the side of me grabbed me by the arm. A gentle touch, but one I didn’t recognize.  My body tensed, a flash of earlier passed by my mind, Bucky, and I were arguing. Why were we yelling at each other? I tried to push further into the memory, I could see the silhouette of a large man, but I couldn’t totally make out who it was. 
“Careful, she’s still deadly, even at 30% of her power.” Tony warned, finally my head stopped spinning enough for me to sit up properly. I took a moment to breathe, one deep inhale after the other, and finally when I felt less panicked I opened my eyes. To the right of me stood Tony, a worried gleam in his eyes, but the smile on his lips still remained. Hm, this is either bad, or really bad. I thought to myself, he’s never been able to deliver bad news, at least not in a serious way. 
“Your heart is finally resting Ms. Deveruex, I suggest you don’t try to move around too much for the time being. The sedative Sargent Barnes injected you with was enough for an adult Elephant. He nearly…killed you.” Vision assessed, it was oddly adorable seeing him dressed in pants, and a button up shirt. Must be Wanda’s idea of ‘normal’ though there's nothing anyone can do to hide the fact that Vision is indeed an Android. 
“Angelica, my first name is Angelica, you don’t have to be so formal.” I croaked, he nodded his head in response, then offered me a glass of water. 
“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind…Angelica.” Vision awkwardly shuffled out of the room, if he was human, I bet he’d be blushing from embarrassment. 
“Bucky did this to me.” It was a hard pill to swallow, your new boyfriend teaming up with your ex boyfriend, what a nightmare. 
“I wish I could say I told you so in a more comedical way, kid.” He came and sat at the foot of my bed, the lines on his forehead evident of the amount of stress he’s been under these past 6 years. I think I have just added another year's worth of it. I wasn’t sure why he was involved, or how he even found me, I still felt bad that he is involved in whatever mess this is. 
“Why would he do this? He’d never hurt me, when he fully recovered, and we started dating, you know he didn’t even want to sleep in the same bed as me?” 
“Smelly feet?” 
“The nightmares were still there, sometimes he’d have terrible reactions to them. He’d wake up screaming, crying, and sometimes fighting. It was horrific.” I breathed through my nose, that was a point in time I hoped to never revisit, but it seems like I’m pushing my luck. 
“Now all of a sudden…he attacks you? Why? What triggered him?” His inquisitiveness wasn’t as intense when it comes to Bucky, at least not for the last 6 months. In fact, he would purposefully ignore any, and everything Bucky related, including me. He tolerated Steve, for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on. 
I paused looking at Tony, I realized, talking to him of all people about Bucky felt like snitching to the cops. He’s been waiting for a chance to nail Bucky since he found out The Winter Soldier was partially responsible for his parents' deaths. I shrugged my shoulders and did what any good girlfriend would do, I lied. 
“I don’t know, it all happened so fast.” I said dismissively, that did nothing to throw him off, if anything it aggravated him more. 
“Do not… lie to me Angie, you’re smarter than that. You know who I am, you know I know your profile like the back of my hand, and I fought beside you many times. Maybe you forgot that in your little tiff with Bucky.” The inclination of Bucky being violent towards me on purpose hurt me, Tony was creating wounds without blinking, this was a side of him I had yet to familiarize myself with.
“He didn’t put his hands on me, Tony.” I grimaced, my voice even, and unwavering. 
“I didn’t say he did.” 
“You’re implying.”
“I’m not implying anything, but clearly something is going on. As far as I see it, I’m the only one that’s willing to put their neck out for you. I’d suggest you speak up.”
“Where’s Wanda?” 
“On a mission.” 
“Okay, Natasha?” 
“On a mission.” 
“Better than talking to you.” I grumbled, my eyes flickered over to the window, all I could see were clouds, so clearly making a jump for it was  out of the question, unless I want to be a human pancake.
“Bite me. Listen here princess, I’m not saying Bucky is guilty, but for a man who just beat a murder case, going rogue really isn’t the best look for him.”  
“You heard me.” 
“No, that’s impossible because he’s working a case with—
I stopped myself before I let anymore slip, Tony leaned forward, his eyebrows raised waiting for me to continue, but I kept my mouth closed. 
“That’s fine, you don’t have to tell me, but you’re in a facility full of superhumans and scientists, I can make you talk.” Tony’s eyes lingered on me for a moment longer, then he got up from the bed, and left my room. I sat in the gnawing silence, trying to think, any type of thoughts would be helpful, but my mind is blank. I went to move my wrist to scratch my head, the metal clanging, and my hand being snatched back startled me. 
“Son of a bitch.” I looked down to see a thick electronic handcuff attached to my wrist. When I tried to bring my arm upwards, I struggled against the strength of the magnetism. 
“Fucking Stark tech.” I grumbled, I’m not surprised he took my abilities down a notch. I felt it was unnecessary, considering Wanda already siphoned half of it from me when she was ‘The Scarlet Witch’ now I was probably down to an ordinary human. 
“One order of freedom for the wrongly accused.” 
I turned my head to see Maria Hill walk through the door, shortly followed by…Nick Fury. 
Maria, and Fury spent an hour leisuring around my hospital room talking about utter nonsense. He told me this long dramatic war story of 20 years ago that his father told him when he was a boy, and as he talked, Maria watched cartoons. I felt like I was going crazy after a while because none of what was happening was making any sense. 
“And that is how my father single handedly won the war.” Fury sighed, he pulled out a photo of an older looking dark skinned man with a little boy standing next to him. 
“That’s me and my padre, I usually don’t show people pictures of me as a child. Consider yourself one in a million.” Then he flipped the thin piece of paper over, I read the first few lines, ‘do not overreact, they're watching us, act normal.’ My heart jumped, the ekg attached beeped loudly, my eyes darted from the picture to the heart monitor, to Fury. Of course he said nothing, he just kept talking about his father, I had no fucking idea he had so much to say about his old man.
I looked back down at the back of the picture, more instructions followed, ‘on my signal, run to the bathroom, suit up, and jump out the window…trust me’ 
As I read the last sentence I inhaled as deeply as possible, and held my breath in order to calm my heart rate down. Suddenly another beeping noise sounded off, but it wasn’t the heart monitor, the magnetic cuff around my wrist fell off, and onto the floor. Instantly ear shattering alarms went off, Maria sprang back to life as she popped up from her seat next to the bed, and began to assemble a large Assault Rifle. 
“Haul ass now!” Fury shouted, without hesitation I jumped out of the bed; I struggled to walk in a straight line, my feet flip flopping in front of the other. I tried not to pay attention to the commotion going on behind me, multiple gun shots went off, and the bullet that whizzed past me caused me to immediately drop to the floor in a panic. 
“If you don’t get your ass up!” Fury shouted again, suddenly I was picking myself up off the floor, and making a run for the bathroom. 
Sitting perfectly folded on the face bowl was my old suit Tony made for me. As confused as I was, I didn’t have time to think about that at the moment. After hastily pulling the suit on, I turned to the large, ceiling to floor window. 
I breath heavily taking a few steps back, I created as much space as I could between me, and my exit route. “Fuck, when am I gonna catch a break.” My heart pounded furiously, it’s not like I free dive from 30 foot buildings often. Running at a full speed, I threw all my body weight into the glass, it instantly smashed to hundreds of pieces under the weight of my body. 
My body landed with a thud, something, or someone had caught me. The hand that caught me released its grip to reveal Scott Lang, he had grown bigger than I’ve ever seen him. 
“Angie!” Scott shouted, he was wearing the helmet, but I could still tell he was smiling. After Steve and I broke up, I hung around Scott a lot, he’s someone I consider a close friend. He always made me laugh, even when I felt depressed, and didn’t want to get out of bed. 
“Scott! You’re so huge!” I shouted jumping up and down like excitedly in his large palm, carefully carrying me the rest of the way down. With one large finger he patted my head, then slowly side stepped me; a second later he shrunk down to a normal sized man. He pulled the helmet off panting as he tried to catch his breath, his face was sweaty from all the energy he used to size up.  
“That was awesome! I haven’t seen you in so long, there’s a lot we have to explain to you, I was sitting at my dining table two weeks ago. I was  having breakfast, beacon eggs, toast, and in walks Nick Fury, oh Cassie was there…” Scott had begun to prattle, if we weren’t pressed for time I’d definitely would have  a laugh about this. 
“Today Scott.” I grabbed him by the shoulders, he nodded his head profusely in an attempt to focus his thoughts. Right as he opened his mouth to speak a large explosion went off inside of Stark tower. 
“Maybe we’ll talk about it later.” Scott suggested, I nodded my head, he’s already headed in the opposite direction, so I followed his lead. In the distance I can see Maria Hill waving us down with her arms, Fury is in the driver's seat of a black Dodge Ram with dark tinted windows. We were a few inches from the passenger door when shots were being fired at us, “Shit, shit shit.” I turn back at last second to see Wanda high in the sky, red orbs shooting from her hands as she takes down each one of the Shield agents. Choosing this as an opportunity to escape, Scott, and I hop into the truck.
“It took you long enough.” Fury watched me from the rearview mirror, he whipped the truck out of the parking lot, and into traffic. I rolled my eyes and huffed out air through my cheeks, Scott bumped his shoulder into mine, a soft smile on his face. 
“I was nice enough to bring you a pacifier, I’d figure you would be cranky after that fall so I called in Lang.” Fury grumbled, his eye shifting over to Scott who was currently bickering with Cassie on the phone about his whereabouts.
“That’s fair…but is anyone going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Fury swerved the truck causing us to make a sharp turn merely flipping us over. Maria was still hanging out the passenger window shooting at police cars, and shield agents. 
“It’s not something I like to talk about during intense, high speed car chases.” Fury whipped us around again, this time taking us off road, and into the forest. After about an hour of driving, Scott finally spoke up. 
“We think Bucky went rogue to save you.” Scott blurted out, Maria and Fury sucked these teeth. 
“Damn it Lang.” Fury breathed heavily, then digging into his pockets he slapped a hundred dollar bill in Mariah’s hand. 
“What? How long did you know about this? Why hasn't anyone told me?” My heart date skyrocketed, I was livid at the fact that all my ‘friends’ have been keeping something like this from me. Especially Bucky, maybe that’s the reason things have been off between us, he’s had this look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. 
“I’m sorry guys, but I couldn’t hold that in much longer, I’m surprised I got this far.” Scott had an apologetic look, I appreciated his honesty since everyone else felt it was necessary to lie to me. 
“You know what, thank you Scott, that did put me at a bit of ease knowing somewhat of what’s going on, no thanks to you two.” Huffing, I folded my arms and sat back in my seat looking out the window. My heart is heavy, my baby is out here risking his life…for me? 
“We have to help him.” I spoke up after a while, Maria looked over at Fury, Fury looked up into the rearview mirror to me. 
He breathed heavily, his lips pressed together in frustration, “I know that.” He grimaced, then I looked over to Scott who was already watching me, he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Alright then, let’s hope we get to him before anyone can fuck with his brain…again.” The rest of the ride was silent, eventually I passed out, I couldn’t fight the sleep even if I wanted to. 
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eunoiaastralwings · 5 months
Once Upon a Dance
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featuring merryman!bucky x mysterious noble!reader
fandom mcu- what if medieval era
a/n for @buckys-metal-arm
warnings only fluff and before you read just know am dyslexic. also the reader lowkey became my oc again. . . oop
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Bucky was in the village square with his fellow merrymen and Steve Rogers-Hood. They were having celebrations after another successful steal and distributed it among the poor.
The music and dancing made usual quiet village square lively and spectacular.
“Come on, Bucky! Dance!”
Scott Lang and his other fellow merrymen tries to encourage Bucky as they danced among the village square as Bucky stayed in one place – scowling with his arms crossed as he looked at the square.
He only like the actual action – the loud music and celebrations didn’t call to me.
He rather stays in the sidelines – sipping his beer quietly watching.
But as much a Bucky tried to ignore the dancing, the music, which makes him even grumpier and uncomfortable than usual – but his fellow Merryman did not give up and dragged him towards the crowd of dancers.
Steve and the others laugh – pulling him into the dance as they sang on top of their lungs. He was now forced to dance.
The music, the noise, the crowd, he was so done with that. The other Merrymen tried to cheer him on – as they danced around him, in a circle.
He grumbles under his breath – letting out a sigh and it only got worse as the town decided to dance to the traditions and given with partners to dance with.
Bucky was now forced to find a partner. He didn't like this at all. It made him more uncomfortable as everyone danced around him with their partners.
He tried to stay isolated – but it didn't seem to work with his fellow merrymen determined to bring him into the fun of dancing.
Bucky was about to slip away again when suddenly – you – a female with pretty hair that was tied with a light blue ribbon that matched your white and light blue dress was suddenly caught in his hands.
Your exquisite dress and its intricate designs suggesting you were no village born woman – but of the nobility and Bucky was never too fold of the nobility.
Your eyes were wide as you looked into his blue eyes – as you appeared to be flushed and slightly out of breath.
Bucky’s eyes widened – but not in a good way. The only thing you managed to do was further irritate him. You were beautiful –  yes, but he had no interest in dancing with you, especially considering you were of the nobility.
“Let go of me!”
Bucky tried to pull your hands off him and back away from you – but his fellow Merrymen were having a good time laughing and watching him trying dance with you.
“No – please! Just a moment!”
You were practically begging – your eyes moving around frantically around the crowds as if trying to hide among him and the others within the dance.
Bucky looked at you – your desperate eyes – and wondered, what made you so desperate?
You looked like you were trying to avoid the attention and sights of someone.
“Just one dance! Just – lead me to the other side and I’ll be out of your hair!”
You said – then your eyes cast down noticing the feel of his hands.
One arm was flesh, the other metal.
He narrowed his blue eyes once again, as he raised an eyebrow at you.
Your words intrigued him.
“Fine – just one dance.”
He said – as some of his fellow merrymen gave a surprised look seeing him talking to you.
Perhaps there was something about you. . .
At his words – you sighed in relief and looked at him gratefully.
As he started to lead you out of the dancing crowd -the music started to sound to his ears, making him want to cringe. He looked at you but said nothing – suddenly your eyes and how you weren’t so bothered by his metal like others usually were seemed have given him ease to help forget the loud singing and music.
Why didn’t look at him strangely or with disgust like women usually did because of his metal limb? – it was odd in everyone’s eyes including his even if he had learnt to adjust to it.
Though here you were – simply dancing, following his every step without gawking at him strangely.
“Thank you. . .”
You whispered – breaking him out of his trance.
Your eyes however – were now again frantically moving amongst the crowd.
You were still a little out of breath from seeming having run for a long time.
“You seem oddly desperately trying get away from the crowd. . .”
Bucky mutters – slightly curious, his eyebrows narrowing.
Your eyes widened a little as he stated so – curious yet so confidently stating it with every step he led you with in the dance.
“No! Just. . . getting through. . .”
You mumbled.
He let out an almost humorless chuckle, though there was slight amusement in it too – when you couldn’t give him any answers as he spins you gently.
It only made him more intrigued, because you were clearly avoiding to give him answers.
“Then, may I know your name?”
He asks, now that you were once again facing him after the spin – he’d never having been intrigued by a nobility before – they were too rich and never cared for the poor people starving within the streets down from their large houses and courtyards.
You wondered for a moment if you should tell him the truth – but she have heard of Steve Rogers-Hood and his merrymen, they wouldn't harm the innocent – you only hoped despite your status in appearance you seemed innocent to him.
“. . .Y/N”
You decided to answer reluctantly.
Bucky thought for a moment when you said your name.
“Y/N. . .A beautiful name!”
He said – as he tilted his head to look at you better, seeing how easily you followed his lead, despite being strangers.
He felt like he was getting somewhere now. The more you tried to avoid the crowds – the more he wanted to find out more about you as nobles usually like to flaunt themselves in crowds.
But before you could ask anymore – his steps had led you to the otherside as you had asked initially.
“Thank you!”
You said – and before he could say anything more you had ran.
Bucky stared at you – surprised by how quickly you ran away – but held onto the pretty blue ribbon you had in your hair.
You hadn’t even noticed as it caught onto his metal untying the little bow you had the ribbon in to tie your hair away from your hair when you ran.
His blue eyes wander down to it – perhaps it was a sign. . .
Perhaps. . .he’ll see you again. . .
At least he found himself hoping. . .
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mlm-writer · 1 year
Wrapped Around My Finger (Scott Lang x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Scott Lang x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: General audiences Words: 1492 POV: Second Summary: You and Scott have a date at build-a-bear Note: I have seen this man only in the Antman movies and idc what happens in the crossover movies. I ain't watching em. Tags: fluff, return of my OC Daylen (only real members of the Thicc Court remember him), build-a-bear, established relationship and mentioned accidental fisting (just putting the tag here to fuck with y'all lmaoo)
All it took was one look. Just one look and you were in love. Just one look and Scott could not imagine a life without him. ‘Him’ being the frog at build-a-bear. “Look!” You both exclaimed before you even entered the bright-lit store. You looked at each other, looked at where you were pointing and like a cartoon you both realised you were in perfect sync. 
Your boyfriend almost trampled a toddler to get to the frogs. He pulled out two lime green, limp plushies from the basket and held them up next to his head. You two did not even bother bringing Cassie along to pretend you were going for her. You swerved around the poor, startled toddler to take one of the frogs from Scott. “They are so cute,” you scream-whispered, trying to hold onto some sense of adulthood. He nodded in agreement. “Shouldn’t we look at other options as well?” You questioned. Scott closed his eyes and shook his head aggressively. You giggled, getting the point; you two were going to bring these two frogs home. 
You already agreed before coming here you would add a voice message to each other’s plushie. Scott brought the one for you to the other side of the store so you would not hear it until later. You stared at the small device, still no clue what you were going to say. You just pressed the record button, hoping your heart would speak for you. “Scotty bear,” you started, “you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you.” You giggled when you were done. What an odd thing to say, but you meant every word of it. When you returned to the lady that helped you out with it, you found her smiling from ear to ear with Scott. “He said something really stupid, didn’t he?” You questioned as you switched devices with Scott. 
She shook her head, while trying to hide her toothy smile behind her hand. “You’ll love it, trust me,” she reassured you, before sending you on your way to the filling machine. You did the whole shebang with making a wish and putting a heart inside, before going on to dress up your frogs. There were several Avengers outfits to pick from, but no Antman. Scott was a little salty about it and he did a piss poor job at hiding it too. You would write a hearty letter to build-a-bear later. 
In the end your frogs were wearing both very jolly outfits, but they did not match at all. You joked about it, while you were filling in the information for the birth certificates. The date ended in a rather sorrowful moment, when the cashier rang up your purchases. You felt your bank account weep as you reached for your wallet, but Scott had his credit card already out. “Come on, I could use a bite to eat.” He suddenly sounded very off. You supposed he wanted to make the grand gesture of paying, but also felt his bank balance plummet to subterranean levels. You mentally vowed to pay for lunch. 
You were not sure whether Scott was penniless or not, because he was suddenly very particular about lunch, but still did not pick the cheapest option. Instead you found yourself in one of your favourite cafés. It was relatively cheap, had sockets under the tables to charge your phone and the lunch menu had the best wraps in the world on it. Your favourite waiter was working today. You smiled widely at Daylen as he approached your table. “Welcome back,” he almost sang, ever the chipper college student. You sometimes worried if he was really that merry or if his bright smile was a secret cry for help. 
Daylen never asked you for your name, so you were pretty sure he had no idea what it was. To be fair, you only knew his because of his name tag. “The house special wraps, twice?” He asked while writing it down already on the classic good old notepad he carried with him. He always had one with a Sanrio character on it.
You huffed a laugh. “Of course.” Daylen looked up from his Keroppi notepad and winked at you, assuring you he knew what drink to get too. Before he left, he gave Scott a wink too. “I feel like I have become boring, always ordering the same thing here,” you sighed as you reached into your bag to grab your phone charger. You plugged it in and then grabbed your cheerfully clad frog. “Time to listen to the messages?” 
“Me first!” Scott exclaimed as he hastily grabbed his. You laughed at his enthusiasm. He held his frog close and squeezed around until he found the soundbox. ‘Scotty bear, you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you,’ your voice came out from the green plushie. He chuckled, hiding his face behind his hand, the very one that your message was about. “That happened once!” He exclaimed, defending himself. 
“But you drool on me daily!” You countered. Scott reached around the table to give you a playful slap. “Hey! I said I don’t mind,” you added, before realising how loud you were being. Well, it was not like it was busy here. 
“Ok, time for you to squeeze your build-a-bear!” Scott loudly proclaimed. You frowned at him, but you were really curious what your frog had to say to you. You looked down at your frog and felt around until you found where to squeeze.
‘Hey sweetheart, today we are at build-a-bear, building frogs.’  There was a nervous chuckle. ‘Today it is frogs, but in the past years you have built me a better man. I’ll take you to the place where I fell in love with you later and I will ask you to build me into a husband. Please say yes. I love you.’
Your mouth fell open as Scott fumbled while getting off his chair. A box came out of nowhere. You turned your head to see Daylen toss it to Scott, the rest of the regular café staff filming the occasion. Scott barely caught it and you put your frog on the table while getting up, your hands covering your gaping mouth. “I know this is not our first date spot,” Scott started when he finally got on one knee, “but I actually don’t remember where that was.” What a great start. “Back then, I did not know what you would mean to me.” He sounded like he was about to cry and you already felt the tears pool in the corners of your eyes. “But I do remember when you took me here for the first time and forced me to try the wraps. I remember the first time I saw you eat them like they were the best thing in the world and I could not for the life of me figure out what made these ordinary wraps so special- I’m sorry Daylen.”
Scott briefly looked away from you to apologise to the waiter. “You’re ruining your own proposal!” Daylen yelled back and waved with his hand to Scott to make him go back to a very important milestone in his life. 
“Yes! Sorry!” He turned his head back to you and tried to open the box in his hand only to drop it on the floor. “Sorry! Uh… wraps! Yes!” He fumbled as he was clearly off track from his script. He had grabbed the box and went back to opening it while looking at you. “That’s when I fell in love, wait no, that’s not what I wrote down-” 
He dropped the box again. You bent down and grabbed it. You opened it for him and pressed it in his hands, holding them for a little moment. “Breathe,” you whispered. “I don’t need a beautiful speech. I always love to hear what you have to say,” you said a little louder, before letting go and straightening your back. 
Scott took a deep breath, before holding the ring up. “A couple of years back, I saw you eat wraps and I thought to myself ‘I want to make you even happier than these wraps do’. I don’t know if I’m there yet, but I promise to do my best every day for the rest of my life. So marry me? Please?” You wiped the tears off your cheeks and nodded, while holding a hand out. Scott put the ring on your finger and rose to his feet to kiss you. Applause and cheers exploded around you, Daylen’s quite possibly the loudest and when the waiter is out of earshot, you’ll tell Scott that he had surpassed the wraps a long time ago already. 
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Week 33 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 33 2023 or Week 189, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my August reblog masterlist 2023 here.
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𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 33 2023:
Hide from me (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @frostironfudge 💙❤️
Miguel’s obsession (Miguel O’Hara X Reader) by @sunflowersteves❤️
Tentative acclimation (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @defectivevillain💙
Rejected chapter 8 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
Dating Steve Rogers would include… (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lives-in-midgard💚
Secret kisses (Spiderverse characters X Reader) by @angelltheninth💚
Wishing on the wind part I (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord 💚💙
Rejected chapter 9 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
Where is she?! (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms💙
Miguel makes you sit on his lap (Miguel O’Hara X Reader) by @angelltheninth💚
Wishing on the wind part II (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord 💚💙
Rejected chapter 10 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
Time (Scott Lang X Reader) by @there-goes-thefighter💚
Lie, lie, lie (Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader) by @jamneuromain💙
I can see you (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @georgiapeach30513❤️
The earpiece (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @crazyunsexycool 💚💙
Cracks in foundation (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann 💚💙
Have it your way (Steve Rogers X Reader, Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @multiversefanfics ❤️
Steve one: forgiving yourself (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @queen-of-the-avengers 💙
Protecting my best friend (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @nicoline1998enilocin 💚💙
Hold on to me (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @giorno-plays-piano ❤️
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savemewattpad · 1 year
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Snow On The Beach Masterlist
Former Avenger Leila Whittaker lost everything in the snap–her chosen family, her reputation, and the love of her life. Three years later, she’s keeping a low profile in New York when Natasha, the de facto leader of the intelligence community, calls her back into the field for some undercover work. Leila finds herself paired with Scott Lang, known to the public as Ant-Man and known to Leila as some guy she met on the Raft six years ago.
This is fine. Leila is content with sticking with what remains of her team, and keeping the rest of the world at arm’s length. Most of them want to be there, now, anyway. And that’s fine. 
It’s fine, except that Scott Lang turns out to have a way of getting under her skin, in a way she can’t quite shake off. 
AO3 | FFnet
Chapter One
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a-strange-echo · 6 months
Marvel Masterlist:
You can request stuff here.
-Baron Helmut Zemo:
Flufftober day 2: Friends, family, loved ones
Summary: It's not possible to never think about something as traumatic as the loss of a child, luckily he is not alone anymore.
Flufftober day 3: "Wait you love me?" "I always have."
Helmut Zemo x vigilente!enby!reader
Summary: During a night patrol, reader ran into their old friend Helmut Zemo who then decided to walk them back home. Arriving at their house, he thinks it's a good time to confess his feelings.
Flufftober day 8: Rainy day
Sumary: A comfy rainy day between a couple.
-James "Bucky" Barnes:
Flufftober Day1: "I've got you."
Bucky Barnes x Oc (Spider-sona)
Summary: Bucky and Rigel are on a mission together but he has to relive a traumatic moment of his life to get out of this dangerous situation.
-Steve Rogers:
Flufftober Day 4: Cinderella moment
Pre-Serum!Steve Roger x reader
Summary: When working on fixing a boat on a hot day, Steve can't help but compare himself to Bucky again. Luckily, Y/N is there to remind him what really matters.
Flufftober Day 7: Porch swing
Summary: Just a nice evening with your husband Steve Rogers and his best friend.
-Tony Stark
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
-Sam Wilson
Coming soon...
-Peter Parker
Coming soon...
-Natasha Romanoff
Coming soon...
-Scott Lang
Coming soon...
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aceoflove · 8 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Hello Darlings!!!⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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I'm Bee. I'm a uni student who adores fandoms from across the galaxy
Pronouns: She/Her
I adore writing.
This is my second blog, but I've barely posted my writing anywhere, so I thought why not! I also thought that I could post my art here!
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Fandoms + Characters⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Ask about ships, I will most likely do anything from the fandoms except incest. The ask will be deleted if it breaks those rules/my personal rules
Platonic Only ✯
Set Ship (one that will be present as a background one if appropriate) ۵
𓆸 Marvel:
Tony Stark ۵
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Quill
Rocket ✯
Groot ✯
Cosmo ✯
Kamala Khan
Bruno Carrelli
Scott Lang
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Pepper Potts ۵
Carol Davers
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Shang Chi
𓆸 Narnia:
Aslan ✯
𓆸 Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Mattheo Riddle
Regulas Black
Sirius Black ۵
James Potter
Remus Lupin ۵
Lily Evans
I may be inexperienced with writing for some fandoms, but feel free to ask if I do know the fandom!
Ones that I am less confident in, but will write for include:
𓆸 Top Gun (both):
Goose ۵
Carole ۵
𓆸 Across/into the Spider-verse:
Miles Morales (Both)
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
Peter .B
Mayday ✯
Miguel O'Hara
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider-Ham ✯
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Notes⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
𓆸 I can do ships and x reader.
𓆸 I don't do smut.
𓆸 I can do requests, but they maybe a little slow
𓆸 Is this self indulgent.... yes
𓆸 I don't do some AU's, so if I don't do your AU request, I'm sorry
𓆸 I am straight cis and white so I am sorry if I do get representation wrong, I will try to do my research if it is specific and I will ask people around me to get it accurate as possible
𓆸 Please ask if you don't know!
𓆸 I may post OC's and their stories too
𓆸 I am open to talks btw!
Thank you my darlings!
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Masterlist (Old)
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🍮 My Favorites
Peter B staring down Jess while hugging Autistic!Younger!Spider
Peter B taking Autistic!Younger!Spider to a meeting
Dragon Age Inquisition characters finding comfort with you
Yan!Sera headcannon
Josephine Montilyet headcannon
Cassandra Pentaghast headcannon
Varric with a Noir Detective 🍮
Dorian, Cassandra, and Cullen finding out a Scout has a crush on Varric🍮
What if Sten was Pining
Vegas AU ideas
Okay hear me out... Trian and Alistair
Origins Fake dating ideas(Commenter has a great one for Shale)
DAI Modern summer events (Sera, Josephine, Iron bull)
You're a dark elf (Solas, Dorian, Josephine)
How they show affection (Varric, Cullen, Morrigan)
Their child is sick (Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne)
Pining over a scout (Varric, Cole, Josephine)🍮
Days Recovering; One, Four
Fallout Yan!Dudes with a courser s/o who left the Institute
Yan!Cait w/ Institute scientist Darling
Sole turns into a supermutant
Preston reacting to Sole w/ Auditory processing disorder (APD)
Yan!Girls Meeting your Assaultron Girlfriend
Yan!Girls w/ a tourist Darling
Reactions to terrifying super-ghoul
Super-mutant wing-man
Sole's accidental trick-shot
Sole painting companions in a surreal art style
Missing Sole turns up as a glowing ghoul
Girl companions meeting your ghoul parents
Sole sobbing uncontrollably when they come back from the Intitute
Modern!Companions comforting reader after a pet death (Not dogmeat's)
Cartoon door beat-up thing
Sole high on painkillers confesses (Deacon, Preston, MacCready)
Yan!Danse and Haylen react to Sole being former Enclave
Yan!Girls react to you saying you want to have a baby w/ them
Yan!Girls react to Sole leaving to hunt down an item and returning months later
Insults between dumb and dumber
Sole having four arms
Peaceful!Sole finally snapping at an ungrateful settler
Telling Yan!Girls you were once in the Enclave
Shooting Yan!Girls w/ a bubble gun🍮
Pouring your heart out to Yan!Girls
Companions gaining fire abilities
Companions (+Proctor Igram) react to a ripper doc
Life w/ Codsworth after the bombs dropped
Reader giving love-nips (Hancock, Nick, MacCready)
Scribe Haylen headcannons
Piper Wright headcannons
React to a magical girl w/ guns
Hancock, Deacon, Nick, and MacCready react to M!SS who shaves too much and ends up with a babyface
Companions react to Pacifist!Lycanthrope!SS who is stuck in werewolf form🍮
MacCready, Deacon, and Danse after a gore-y fight with blood everywhere🍮
X6-88's guide to cure love sickness🍮
React to the song Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
Chipper!SS breaking down after going to the institute
React to the song Glimpse of Us by Joji
Child giving them a friendship braclet (X6-88, Cait, Vadim and Yafim)🍮
Taking care of a Asian!Teen!SS(Travis Miles, Nick Valentine, Deacon)🍮
Deacon traveling with a Vampire SS(not romanced)
M!SS is protective over non-human companions (+Kent, Sturges)🍮
House husbands (Preston, Hancock, Deacon)
Favorite place to go for a date (X6-88, Preston, Hancock)
Yandere (Cait, Curie, Piper)
Having a trouble-making twin (Hancock, Nick, Piper, Deacon)
Yandere Preston, Gage, Danse
Relationship milestones (Deacon, Preston, Gage)🍮
Modern Companions
Modern Companions Love Interest/Ocs
You have a stutter (X6-88, Hancock, Piper)
When someone reacts negatively to them being a synth (With no interference)
What their kisses are like (Deacon, Hancock, Curie)
What are mornings like (MaCready, Cait, Preston)
Danse and Nate smut I wrote drunk
Marvel characters being inebriated
Finding a portrait of them you painted
Secretary!Trilogy!Peter finding out he's in love with you
Natasha and sleepy kisses
Secretary!Spidermen; You doze off
Secretary!Spidermen; Winter dates i guess
Secretary!Spidermen (MCU, TASM, Trilogy, Peter B., Miles Morales)
Secretary!Spidermen; Getting you ready before a meeting
You're a Slime (Peter, Tony, Bruce)
Glass in my hands (Scott Lang/Fem!Reader)
Yandere husband!Hank + son!Connor x willing!Darling
Supernatural lore ideas
Gavin having a surgeon husband
"You're so cute." (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)
Hugging them out of the blue (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)🍮
You don't like androids (Simon, Luther, Markus and Carl)🍮
Meeting your parents (Hank, Markus, Gavin, Elijah)
Darling is very tactile (Yan Connor, Hank, Gavin)
Please I need this Bagginshield ending
Yandere Elliott
Yandere Sam, Sebastian, Emily
Star Trek: Next Generation; Having a crush on Data (+Socially awkward)🍮
Overprotective!Yan!Parvati/Nyoka + trying to escape
Parvati romance headcanons (still ace)
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one." Bruce said. "Scott, fire up the uh, the van thing."
They were back in the Avengers compound, Scott's van that held the quantum tunnel thing was parked in the large room. Steve walked around, checking everything, "Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby."
"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose, uh, Tiny here in the 1950s." Bruce said.
"Is that likely?" Elizabeth asked nervously.
"Excuse me?" Scott asked at the same time.
"He's kidding." Nat said with a smile, typing on her phone and looked up at Bruce, "You can't say things like that."
"It was a bad joke." Bruce said.
"You were kidding right?" Nat growled out of the corner of her mouth as Scott headed towards the van.
"I have no idea." Bruce hissed back in panic, "We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke or none of it is. We're good!" He called back to Scott in a cheerful manner, even giving him a thumbs up. "Get your helmet on. Scott, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in ten seconds."
Elizabeth glanced at Bruce and then started to pace.
"Make sense?"
"Perfectly not confusing." Scott answered.
"Good luck, Scott. You got this." Steve said.
"You're right. I do, Captain America." Scott said. Apparently his fascination with Steve hadn't gone away. And then he was gone as Bruce pulled him into the tunnel. . . thing.
"On the count of three. Three, two, one-" Bruce said.
He brought him back and he looked like a young kid, "Uh, guys? This doesn't feel right."
"What is this?" Steve asked.
"Is that Scott?" Nat asked.
"Yes, it's Scott." Scott could barely say before he was sucked back into the tunnel and out came an old man.
"Oh my back."
"What's going on Bruce?" Steve asked, starting to panic just a little.
"What is this?"
"Hold on just a second. Could I get a little space here?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you bring him back?" Steve asked, moving out of the way to stand next to Natasha.
"I'm working on it."
Now Scott was a baby.
"It's a baby." Steve said.
"It's Scott." Bruce exclaimed.
"As a baby." Steve repeated.
"He'll grow." Bruce argued
"Bring Scott back."
"When I say kill the power, kill the power." Bruce said.
"Oh my God." Nat groaned.
"And. . . kill it!"
Scott was back to normal.
"Somebody peed my pants."
"Oh, thank God." Nat said and Elizabeth sank to her knees in relief.
"But I don't know if it was baby me or old me." Scott continued, "Or just me, me."
"Time travel!" Bruce said excitedly.
Steve shook his head, putting his hands on his hips, turning towards where he saw Elizabeth now exiting the room and he felt something like guilt and frustration inside of him.
"What? I see this as an absolute win!"
Steve headed outside and found Elizabeth sitting on the bench, looking out at the space.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." She said offhandedly. "Never thought it was going to work in the first place really. It was just scary. We lost so many people, I didn't really want to lose him either."
He remembered there was a time she used to run on optimism. Clearly, that wasn't the case anymore.
Suddenly, they both heard the squealing of tires and Steve frowned to see a car racing through the road. He went past Steve and then slowly reversed, Tony rolling down the window, "Why the long face? Let me guess he turned into a baby."
"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?" Steve asked.
"It's the EPR Paradox." Tony replied, not answering Steve's question, getting out of the car as Elizabeth joined Steve's side, "Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. Sup Kitty. It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it."
"You did." Steve responded, ignoring Tony's pet name for Elizabeth.
"Oh, did I?" Tony asked in fake shock. "Well, thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it." Tony held up the back of his hand, showing something that Steve had no idea what it was. "A fully functioning time-space GPS. I just want peace."
"Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it." Tony said, shutting his car door.
"Me too." Steve said.
"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying, would be nice." Tony said.
"Sounds like a deal." Steve said, holding out his hand.
"And one more thing." Tony said, pulling Elizabeth into his arms and hugging her tightly, "You're okay with all of this, kitty?"
Elizabeth hugged Tony tightly, though she rolled her eyes a little at the name. Then she pulled away slowly, "Yes Stark now get your ass inside." She walked back into the compound. 
Tony smirked and then shook Steve's hand. Steve gripped it hard and said, "Don't call her kitty again."
Tony smirked fully, before walking to the trunk and pulling out Steve's shield. Steve hesitated instead of taking it. "Tony, I don't know."
"Why?" Tony asked. "He made it for you. Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding."
Steve slipped his arm through it again and felt its familiar weight. "Thank you Tony."
"Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team." Tony started to close his trunk, "We are getting the whole team, yeah?"
"We're working on that right now." Steve nodded.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Where are you going?" Elizabeth stopped short as Steve saw her near the doors.
"With Rocket and Bruce, we're going to get Thor." She answered, giving him a small smile, even as her heart was a little heavy. "I figure, you know, he's Lokis' brother. So I should go and see him."
She saw Steve hesitate, knowing that he probably had wanted her to stay. "You'll keep an eye on Rose and Delilah, right? We shouldn't be long."
"Yeah of course." Steve said softly.
She gave him a smile she hoped looked real and then went for the doors again.
"Hey." Steve said a little softer and she stopped again. He wrapped a strong arm around her waist, pressing his lips to hers. She relished it, knowing it could be the last time and tried to hold back tears in her throat. "I love you."
Don't say that. She wanted to scream. Not when he was going to get his soulmate back. And she wasn't. And she would step aside, yes.
"I love you too." She whispered, meaning every word and then quickly turned and ran to get to the jet before he could see her cry.
As she walked up the ramp, she quickly blinked her eyes. That last thing she needed any of them to see was her crying. She was getting her kids back. She should be happy about that at least. And besides, it wasn't like there wouldn't be somewhere for her to stay when she moved out to let Bucky take her spot. She was sure Tony would let her stay on the Avengers Compound.
She distracted herself the entire jet ride with the possibility of running the Avengers Compound. Training new Avengers and agents.
They entered New Asgard, which was a sea side coast. It was so weird, seeing people that she had once known that had worn dresses and suits and armor now wearing Midgardian clothing. They saluted her with nods and hand motions.
"Princess," They greeted her and she just smiled, remembering a whole 'nother life before everything went to pieces.
"Kind of a step down from the golden palaces." Rocket said loudly as the three of them made their way down the bridge they had stopped on. "And the magic hammers and whatnot."
"Hey, have a little compassion pal." Bruce said in a warning voice. "First, they lost Asgard, then half their people. They're probably just happy to have a home."
Elizabeth remembered the last time she had been back here. Maybe a year ago. It was hard to see Thor the way he was now. Elizabeth wondered how much Bruce had come to visit his soulmate.
"You shouldn't have come." One of Elizabeth's favorite Asgardians shouted.
"Ah! Valkyrie!" Bruce said excitedly. "Great to see you, angry girl."
"I think I liked you better either of the other ways." Valkyrie greeted him. She looked at Elizabeth, "Princess Laufeyson."
"Just Elizabeth, Val." Elizabeth said, hating that name. She nearly added, 'And it's Elizabeth Rogers now' but held her tongue. Shit. Were her and Steve going to have to get a divorce? Fuck, probably if she ever wanted to get married again. . . to someone who didn't have a soulmate.
"This is Rocket." Bruce introduced.
"How ya doing?" Rocket asked.
"He won't see you." Valkyrie said.
"It's that bad, huh?" Bruce asked.
"As a soulmate who hasn't come to see him in five years, yeah." Valkyrie said angrily. Elizabeth glanced at Bruce and saw he looked sheepish. "Besides, we only see him once a month when he comes in for 'supplies'."
Bruce winced, "It's that bad."
Elizabeth sighed and then said, "Well I'm going to see him." She headed past the fearsome warrior and headed towards where Thor's humble abode was. She didn't even bother knocking on the door, simply heading into the house.
"What the. . . Whew! Something died in here." Rocket said behind her and she couldn't help but agree. It smelled terrible.
"Hello? Thor?" Bruce called out.
"Are you here about the cable?" Thor called out, "The Cinemax went out two weeks ago and the sports are all kinda fuzzy and whatnot."
Elizabeth stopped, just watching her brother in law pick up another beer.
"Thor?" Bruce asked in shock.
"Boys! Oh my God!" Thor greeted them happily. Thor went straight to Bruce, hugging him quickly. "Oh my God, it's so good to see you! Come here you cuddly little rascal." Thor said, manhandling Rocket.
"Yeah, no, I'm good. I'm good." Rocket protested. "That's not necessary."
Thor pulled back and hugged Elizabeth too, which really just made her sad.
"Hulk, you know my friends Miek and Korg, right?" Thor asked.
"Hey boys!" Korg greeted.
"Hey guys." Bruce said unenthusiastically. "Long time no see."
"Beer's in the bucket." Korg offered. "Feel free to log on to the Wi-Fi. No password, obviously. Thor he's back. That kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again." Korg said, pointing to a random fortnite character on the screen.
"Noobmaster." Thor grunted as though it was serious.
"Yeah, noobmaster69 called me a dickhead." Korg said.
Elizabeth put a hand to her head as Thor grabbed the headset and roared into the mic, "Noobmaster, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms, and shove them up your butt!"
Then in a whiny voice he added, "OH yes that's right go cry to your father you little weasel!" He growled the last bit.
"Thank you, Thor." Korg said as Thor handed him back the headset.
"Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?" Thor asked.
"Thank you very much, I will."
"So, you guys want a drink? What are we drinking?" Thor asked. "I've got beer, tequila, all sorts of things." Thor broke off the top of his beer and Elizabeth had enough, snapping her fingers and turning them all into water. Thor sighed, glaring at her, tossing the water away.
"Buddy," Hulk said, putting a hand on Thor's shoulder, "You all right?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" Thor asked. "Why, don't I look all right?"
"No." Elizabeth answered. "You're a mess."
"You look like melted ice cream." Rocket said at the same time.
Thor just laughed, "So, what's up? You just here for a hang or what?" Thor asked.
"We need your help." Bruce said.
"Mm." Thor said.
"There might be a chance we could fix everything."
"What, like the cable? 'Cause that's been driving me bananas for weeks." Thor said.
"Like Thanos." Elizabeth spat out.
Thor was silent for a long time and then said, "Don't say that name."
Korg got up rather slowly, threateningly almost, "Um, yeah, we don't actually say that name in here."
"Well guess what?" Elizabeth snapped. "I do. And you know what Thor, I expected more from you."
"Elizabeth. . ." Bruce muttered.
"No! Yes. You lost your brother and your kingdom. Well guess what? I lost it too and I actually have a soulmate bond with Loki so I felt his death ten times more than you did. And I lost my home on Asgard too. And I lost all five of mine and Loki's children. But you still had Bruce. Bruce who loves you so much that he can't stand to see you like this so he couldn't visit. And I've been trying to help Valkyrie run this kingdom because you still have people Thor!"
Bruce held up a hand, "I get it. You're in a rough spot. But you know who helped me out of it?"
"Uh Natasha?" Thor guessed.
"You did." Bruce said softly, taking Thor's hand.
"Yeah well, look at all those Asgardians down there and ask them how much my help is worth." Thor snorted. "The ones that are left anyways. Elizabeth's right."
Elizabeth sighed. "Thor. . . we can bring them back."
"Stop." Thor scoffed. "Stop, okay? I know you think I'm down here wallowing in my own self-pity, waiting to be rescued and saved, but I'm fine. Okay. We're fine, aren't we?"
"Oh, we're good here, mate." Korg said.
"Thor," Elizabeth said softly, "We can bring Halfdun back. Sage, Astrid, Hogun, my children. Loki's children. . . your nieces and nephews. Please?"
"There's beer on the ship." Rocket said suddenly.
Thor paused for a second, looking to the side before looking up and asked, "What kind?"
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phantom1fanatic · 10 months
⟼ Marvel Permanent RP Call ⟻
minors dni, 21+ pref
currently on the search for double pairs within the marvel cinematic universe and spiderverse universe! open to aus, canon divergent, and more. open to oc x cc and cc x cc pairings. any gender pairing acceptable, lgbtq+ characters and pairings welcomed! nsfw friendly.
interested? please give me a shout in my dms. discord only rper!
currently: open
updated: december 13th, 2023
below the cut you’ll find the canons i can play vs who i’m looking for
wanted opposites
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Katherine ‘Kate’ Bishop, Loki, Moonknight system, Sam Wilson
mcu canons i have experience playing
Arthur Harrow, Charles Xavier, Clint Barton, Eddie Brock, Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens, Erik Lehnsherr, Gamora, Helmut Zemo, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Katherine ‘Kate’ Bishop, Khonshu, Layla El-Faouly, Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Makkari, Matt Murdock, Monica Rambeau, Natasha Romanoff, Nebula, Peter Parker, Peter ‘Three’ Parker, Peter Quill, Pietro Maximoff, Loki, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Shuri, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Xu Shang-chi, Yelena Belova
spiderverse canons i have experience playing
Hobart ‘Hobie’ Brown, Miguel O’hara, Miles Morales, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir
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