#scool of media
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nothingwitty · 1 month ago
Tiktok is destroying Media Literacy
I am constantly amazed at how much tiktoks are destroying the art of film. This isn't meant to be whiny, but like... I spent 4 years in film school studying the craft. We've had 100 years of experimenting to find effective story telling methods. From the earliest days of silent Russian cinema to the minimalist French Dogme and everything inbetween. Every film has been made with one goal in mind - how do I convey this compelling story in a visual way?
And tiktok is just - destroying it. Literally setting us back because these influencers can't be bothered* to learn how to edit.
(*note - I am aware that in order to be competitive on the internet you have to churn out so much material in such a fast paced inhuman speed that not all of the artistic integrity can be blamed on laziness)
But anyway, here are some things I've noticed --
not using subtitles or cuts to show passage of time, but rather the actor just flatly says "5 minutes go by" or "they give me a death glare."
Baby, it's called SHOW, DONT TELL. It takes all of 5 seconds to make a cue card or get an insert shot. Everyone makes fun of the student film that starts with an alarm clock beeping but ya know what's worse? Hearing your depressed voice say "She hands me her credit card"
2. The censorship of language to avoid the algorithm
Hear me out on this one -- I know that censorship is no joke. Guess what? In old Hollywood they had something called the Hayes Code, which was basically a bunch of Catholics running the ethics committee and saying that you couldn't show or say anything immoral on screen.
AND YET. Clever directors and writers found ways around it. These films OOZE with sexuality, depression, suicide, LGBT, racial relations, etc. And they didn't have to say "He un-alived himself".
And these directors WERE RADICAL. Look at any of Billy Wilder's films. Otto Preminger. They weren't shying away from big topics - they spoke about suicide, gay relationships, corruption of power, the news aiding and abetting politicians.
My point is that I see that these tiktokers are creative people. They're smart. I wish they would use their talent for more substantial means. In two years no one is going to remember a 2 minute tiktok about a customer service rep.
But they might remember a powerful film. A novel. A song. A stand up comedy routine.
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thesinglesock · 1 year ago
no joke, when this website eventually dies I will take my graceful leave from social media and you may only find me on Tattered World
I only made my account yesterday but no joke this is what was missing from my online experience. Virtual pets, unlimited character customization, minigames, an ongoing interactive plot, roleplaying, old-scool forum discussions, and to top it all off: extremely thoroughly done and charming art direction.
in conclusion: quit your social media. join my fantasy university :)
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works-irusu · 3 months ago
共同利用・共同研究拠点2024年度リサーチ支援型プロジェクト 公募研究 2024年度リサーチ支援型Ⅰ|支配的なイデオロギーへの対抗の場としての身体:ジェンダー・セクシュアリティの視点からの新たな文法創出
通年…ケアまねぶ 『芸術の現場にケアマネジメントの仕組みうぃ導入することによる新たな芸術家支援システムの構築』(助成:セゾン文化財団)協力アーティスト
9月…豊岡演劇祭2022 フリンジ Showcase『 不 快 な も の に 触 れ る 』@芸術観光専門職大学 そぞろ座
4月…THEATRE E9 KYOTO × 京都舞台芸術協会 × DIVE ショーケース企画“Continue2022” 『 不 快 な も の に 触 れ る 』 @THEATRE E9 KYOTO 主催:THEATRE E9 KYOTO × 京都舞台芸術協会 × DIVE
12月…YPAMフリンジ2021『 ふるえる。 』@東京三鷹SCOOL 主催:居留守 /京都芸術センター制作支援事業/ 助成:全国税理士共栄会
9月…豊岡演劇祭2021 フリンジ Showcase『 不 快 な も の に 触 れ る 』@江原河畔劇場 主催:居留守/助成:AFF
2月…『 不 快 な も の に 触 れ る 』@MEDIA SHOP gallery2 主催:居留守 /京都芸術センター制作支援事業
2月…『鳥を吐き出す。』@京都芸術センター / Co-program カテゴリーD採択 主催:居留守 共催:京都芸術センター 
8月…『ふるえる。』@Social kitchen 主催:居留守 /助成:京都府文化力チャレンジ補助事業
10月…『鳥を吐き出す。』@人間座スタジオ 主催:居留守 /助成:京都府文化力チャレンジ補助事象 / KYOTO EXPERIMENT2017 フリンジ『オープンエントリー作品』
2016年 12月…運良く陸地を見つけ、上陸する際の注意点 』@アトリエ劇研 主催:居留守 共催:アトリエ劇研 アトリエ劇研創造サポートカンパニーとして上演
9月…『 運良く陸地を見つけ、上陸する際の注意点 』試演会@人間座 主催:居留守
4月…アトリエ劇研スプリングフェス参加作品『ベルナルダ家』@アトリエ劇研 主催:アトリエ劇研
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chachun · 9 months ago
Ok, i would make it clear, because something's happening here, and even if many people see it as wonderful, i know it a real problem. I'm talking about politics. Clearly, i'm NOT here for that reason, but i seen some shared publications, about Gaza, Israel, etc... and i feel like it's better to explain why i really don't care about Gaza... and people who pretend they do care are lying ! I already been into riots and protestations, and if we froget the only time it was organised into the capital city, i always been IN THE CITIES where the unacceptable situation were. "Protesting" in your safe countries, for Gaza or Kyev is simply stupid, and a demonstration of a lack of courage. You REALLY wanna help ?? Ok, then go there and help these people, really do. Stop pretend you do this or that, on social medias, or in the streets (or high scools) of your occidental country. I will not support, or pretend to support, any of Israel or Gaza. I don't live there, i know it's sad for them but it's THEIR problem, to not be smart enough to make peace a reality. 8 decades war, seriously, if they would like to make peace, they'd made it before today. I'll deeply respect you if you go in these countries to try making the difference, supplying medics, food or else, for the ones who lost almost everything. Who will do ? Probably none, and we all know that. And after all, why would you help people who aren't your friends ? At best, they would ignore you, at worst they would like to kill you, just because you're occidentals.
Of course, you can hope Biden the wise listen to you... Are you aware he clearly told, to the TV (i'm sure you can find this moment again, on youtube or idk) he spoke with Mitterand earlier this year ? Yes, Mitterand, the former french president... Died in 1996. The U.S.A. is the comedy club of the world since you let this ancestor enter the White House, seriously. And you're protesting in the streets, hoping to be heard by your politics ??? WTF ? Now this is said, i hope to not anymore see one of you ridiculizing themselve talking about politics, while living comfortably, peacefully, in any country that's not currently in war. Thank you.
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nixpix3 · 9 months ago
Research Post #2
(Semester 1, part 2)
John Willis is an american photographer currently residinding in Rhode Island. In 1986 he graduated from Rhode Island School of Photography with an MFA in Photography. Willis currently works at Rhode Island Scool of Design and Maine Media as a profesor.
I absolutely addore his depictions of death and decay in his Recycled Realities portfolio. The way he can find the beauty in trash is beautiful and unconventional in the best ways.
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pjoterart · 1 year ago
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I decided to take a break from my regular character concepts and went oldchool with just some FIne Arty stuff, prought me back to the days of art scool. its nice to not worry as much about design and just focus on rendering.
my social media links:
uncensored version on artstation:
Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/pioterconceptart/?igsh=MTdraWEyaDdiZmhjNg%3D%3D&fbclid=IwAR3NvW7BpUHb-8MBEvIO9AUbg0WuwZRNoM0zOvZKHjJRwgWjrAWYw9rZi5A
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mitsukohirai · 2 years ago
『華氏同盟Ⅳ』 2023年9月16日(土)~18日(月・祝) @三鷹SCOOL
俳優1人ー観客1人 で上演する「口伝え」のため映像Mix演劇です。
この演劇は参加体験型の作品です。 お客様にはベッドに寝ころび青い掛け布団をかけてご鑑賞いただきます。すると風景映像とお客さまの身体がリアルタイム合成された映像として投影されます。 ご自身の身体が誰かの見た風景と融合する体験をお楽しみください。
*各回1名さまのみのご入場となっております。  必ず事前にご予約のうえ、ご来場ください。
【会場】 三鷹SCOOL [東京都三鷹市下 3-33-6 三京ユニオンビル 5F ]
【公演日時】 9月16日(土)-18日(月・祝):3日間とも同時刻開演 
......11:00 ......12:30 ......14:00 ......15:30 ......17:00 ......18:30
*開演の10分前より、受付・ご入場いただけます。 *上演時間は約40分間を予定しております。
【チケット予約フォーム(協力=シバイエンジン)】 https://shibai-engine.net/prism/pc/webform.php?d=ihxim96o
…………. 戯曲:山田カイル(抗原劇場) 企画・演出・出演:平井光子 声・動画:小林玉季 美術・映像編集:Xu Wenfei 映像技術:Rob Moreno 音楽:石田真弓 主催:平井企画 × Media工房    平井光子 助成:公益社団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京 [スタートアップ助成]
公演Web-site→ https://the-fahrenheit-alliance-pj.tumblr.com
-------- 「華氏同盟」は あなたに同盟に参加していただきたいと思い上演します。
この同盟の目的は、 遠くの誰かから口伝えの言葉を受け取り、  遠くの誰かへと届けることです。
上演を通して  私は遠くから送られた言葉と風景を、  私を経由してあなたに手渡します。
そして劇場を出たら、 今度はあなたの声で言葉と風景を録音し、私に返送してください。 私はその声と風景を持ち運び、また遠くの誰かに手渡すために旅をします。
この同盟は、 領地と領地の間の防壁に風穴をあけて世界の温度を下げるため��ものです。 世界が華氏451度まで熱を上げ、炎が文字を焼き尽くす前に。
[上演の流れ]—————— *観客席のベッドに寝転び、布団をかけてご覧ください。 ①窓の向こう側のもう一つのベッドのうえに俳優が寝転んでいます。まずは、俳優が遠くの風景に包まれ、遠くの誰かから送られてきた声を聞き「ことば」を受け取る様子を、ご覧ください。
[ ご注意 ]——————- 以下の点をご了承のうえご予約ください。 *パフォーマーと観客が 1 対 1 でご覧いただく作品です。 *観客席はベッド型で、布団のなかでご覧いただきます。 *映像効果のために観客席を一時的にカメラで撮影します。 あくまで上演中のみの一時的な撮影であり、 録画・公開などはおこないませんのでご了承ください。 何かご不明な点や質問等ございましたら 【 [email protected] 】までお問合せください。 
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mediakobo · 2 years ago
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華氏同盟Ⅳ @三鷹SCOOL
—— これまで3回にわたりオンラインで上演してきた戯曲『華氏同盟』を 対面でおこなう演劇作品に作り替えます。
「華氏同盟Ⅰ〜Ⅲ」では、俳優から俳優へとオンラインを経由して、声と風景を渡し合う同盟を作ることをしてきました。 「華氏同盟Ⅳ」では、 オンラインから劇場空間へとその時空を移し、 あなたに同盟に参加していただきたいと思い上演します。
この同盟の目的は、 遠くの誰かから口伝えの言葉を受け取り、  遠くの誰かへと届けることです。 今回その口伝えのリレーに、参加していただきたいのです。 上演を通して  私は遠くから送られた言葉と風景を、  私を経由してあなたに手渡します。 そして劇場を出たら、 今度はあなたの声で言葉と風景を録音し、私に返送してください。 私はその声と風景を持ち運び、また遠くの誰かに手渡すために旅をします。 この同盟は、 領地と領地の間の防壁に風穴をあけて世界の温度を下げるためのものです。 世界が華氏451度まで熱を上げ、炎が文字を焼き尽くす前に。 …………. 【ご注意】 この演劇は参加体験型の作品です。以下の点にご注意ください。 *パフォーマーと観客が一対一でご覧いただく作品です。 *観客席はベッド型で、布団のなかでご覧いただきます。 *映像効果のために観客席をカメラで撮影します。  あくまで上演中のみの一時的な撮影であり  録画や公開などは行いませんのでご了承ください。
…………. 戯曲:山田カイル(抗原劇場) 企画・演出・出演:平井光子 声・動画:小林玉季 美術・映像編集:Xu Wenfei 映像技術:Rob Moreno 音楽:石田真弓 主催:平井企画 × Media工房    平井光子 助成:公益社団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京 [スタートアップ助成]
俳優1人ー観客1人 で上演する「口伝え」のための映像Mix演劇です。 各回1名さまのみのご入場となっております。  必ず事前にご予約のうえ、ご来場ください。 公演日時: 9月16日(土)-18日(月・祝):3日間とも同時刻開演  11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 17:00 18:30 *開演の10分前より、受付・ご入場いただけます。 *上演時間は約40分間を予定しております。 チケット料金:2,500円 チケット予約フォーム(協力=シバイエンジン)↓
平井企画 x Media工房『華氏同盟IV』チケット予約フォーム
この演劇は参加体験型の作品です。 お客様にはベッドに寝ころび青い掛け布団をかけてご鑑賞いただきます。すると風景映像とお客さまの身体がリアルタイム合成された映像として投影されます。 ご自身の身体が誰かの見た風景と融合する体験をお楽しみください。 [上演の流れ]—————— *観客席のベッドに寝転び、布団をかけてご覧ください。 ①窓の向こう側のもう一つのベッドのうえに俳優が寝転んでいます。まずは、俳優が遠くの風景に包まれ、遠くの誰かから送られてきた声を聞き「ことば」を受け取る様子を、ご覧ください。
②次に、お客さま自身が、俳優の見た風景に包まり、俳優の声で口に出された「ことば」を聴いてください。 ③劇場を出て家に帰ってから、お客さま自身の声で「ことば」を録音し、その時見えている風景を録画して、返送して下さい。
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kingkatsuki · 2 years ago
Omg the fact that he thinks being himself won’t work for him actually breaks my heart. The idea that since scool and the sports festival, and the media vilifying him he really thinks he can’t be himself because no one will want him then🥺😭
He’s deleted what he’s gonna say about 50 times, and he’s so out of his element he’s mistyping and stumbling over his words— then he doesn’t even have a chance to try and frantically disconnect the call and type an apology because you’re already answering on the other end of the line😭
Could you imagine Bakugou swiping right or super liking your profile on a dating site and literally waiting by his phone for you to respond? Probably texting Kirishima like “She hasn’t replied yet, she doesn’t like me.” And his best friend has never seen him so insecure and nervous before?🥺
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youandthemountains · 3 years ago
Before eveeyone yells at me we've had to be tested for work every week and the place we went required vax cards and IDs jayk
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alloutshirt · 5 years ago
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an-album-a-day · 2 years ago
Viva Las Vengance by Panic! at the Disco
Genres: Pop Rock, Glam Rock, Power Pop, Rock and Roll.
This is the seventh album by Panic!, and it is now officially their last.
This is a post I didn't want to write. I heard snippets of this album on social media and listened to Viva Las Vengence the song when it came out. I hated everything I heard and didn't want to stain the memory of what was once my favourite band. Now that "the band disbanded" (Brandon decided he won't write any shit anymore), I felt a little weird not listening to the final part of their discography, given how impactful that band was to me in middle and high school. So I decided to listen to it.
The only songs I liked were ones where I could hear bits and pieces of the band they used to be: Viva Las Vengenace, Don't let the light go out, Local God (if it weren't about Ryan Ross), and Something about Maggie.
I actually had to listen to the album twice to get an actual opinion on it. The first time I listened to it, I thought "Hey, this isn't that bad". But that's what the album is trying to do. It's music for people who don't think twice about what they're listening to. This album is a confused collections of songs which are trying to be Theatrical, clever and interesting. Brandon completely and utterly failed at doing so. The actual result lies between weird, awful and sometimes painful to listen to.
But I think this is enough about this awful album. I'd like to title the rest of this post "A love letter to Panic! at the Disco".
before listening to VLV, I decided to take a tour of their discography, listening to each album once chronologically before I listened to their final one. I felt two conflicting and opposite emotions doing so- I felt like I was both touring a graveyard and reliving my middle school years at the same time. From the grooviness and fun of Time To Dance, Lying is the most fun, Nine in the afternoon, Hurricane and so on, straight to the almost flashbacks of ninth grade I've had while listening to The End Of All Things, Always, and such. I was reminded of how much this band shaped me. Of how much of my teen years were inspired by Panic!. Panic! were my favourite band for I think around 5 yeras. from 7th grade up until right before I started this account and expanding my musical taste. They were the soundtrack to the hard times I had with studying in High School. When I hung out and laughed with friends in middle scool, Panic! played. When I cried, I comforted myself with Panic. When I was bored with something, I played Panic to entertain myself.
The last time I've listened to their albums was when covering them here. It was closer to relistening than rediscovering them like it felt now. I was still in High School, and I covered them because I ran behind by a few days.
I don't think I've listened to a single Panic song since then. Not because I didn't like them, I just fell in love with other music.
And I fell in love with them again The band I loved so much was as good as I remembered. Having gained some distance from high school, and having enlisted in the army, feeling the way I felt when listening to some pop punk and alternative rock is a weird feeling. It feels like coming home on a wednesday with a shit ton of math homework, and ignoring it to instead play minecraft with friends. It feels like going to school on a monday, bored out of your mind, wishing you could read your book instead. It feels like going to the library on a friday and coming back with 10 books, and giving half of them back by Sunday. It feels like going to the mall with friends and talking about who likes who and how mean is your English teacher.
It feels like Home.
And I want to thank them. Thank you Panic for your years with me.
Thank you for being the band which shaped me the most.
Thank you Ryan Ross for forming this band I love so much Thank you Dallon Weeks for going the way you went with TWTLTRTD, possibly my favourite album by them. could've done without the last two albums Brandon, But thank you all. Thank you for being my adolescence.
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annaraebananawriter · 3 years ago
Yellow there everyone! I recently decided it was time to make an ‘about me’ page and pin it to my blog. I also realized that my fanfiction masterlist desperately needed a redo, and why not knock out two birds with one stone? So without further adieu, let’s get into things!
My new desktop theme does have an about tab on it, with my name, birthday, age and likes and dislikes. While I don’t want to repeat myself, I also don’t want to be unfriendly to purely mobile users. I’ll do a summary.
My names Anna, I’m 20, turning 21 on September 11th. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’m somewhere on the Aro-Ace spectrum, though I’m not entirely sure where at the moment. I’ve also realized that I’m most likely an undiagnosed autistic and/or adhd person, though I do have a diagnoses in social anxiety. 
I love fanfiction (if you couldn’t tell by the amount I’ve written for it, or if you’re new to finding me), and will probably be writing it for the rest of my life. I love, LOVE writing as a general field, and do plan to become a published author in my adult life, alongside owning a bookstore.
I think that’s the basics. Now for other social media links!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anna_rae_banana
Discord User: AnnaRaeBanana#1104
My Discord Server: Coming Soon!
First off, I’ll start with a link to my Ao3 Account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/AnnaRaeBanana
My Wattpad Account: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AnnaMcLeod1
And now let’s get into the fics! They will be separated into two different versions, one for Ao3 and one for Wattpad, and further separated into different fandoms.
Drabbles - This is a link for all the ‘drabbles’ I’ve done, which are really just me answering asks based on numerous prompt lists.
Oneshots - This is a masterlist to all my oneshots I’ve done, both for Undertale and the DSMP. 
KINGDOM COME: (Published) - In Progress
RESTART MY HEART: (Published) - In Progress
ERRORDREAM WEEK 2020: (Published) - Completed
DARK CREAM WEEK 2021: (Published) - Discontinued
SANSCEST/UTMV ONESHOTS (VOL. 1): (Published) - In Progress - Also a collection of my oneshots and drabbles
EBOTT’S SCOOL FOR TROUBLED TEENS VOL. 1: (Published) - In Progress
THE BOY WHO NEVER DIES: (Published) - In Progress
DREAM SMP ONESHOTS (VOL. 1): (Published) - In Progress - Also a collection of my oneshots and drabbles
AND TO YOUR LEFT, YOU’LL SEE THE SUGARY LAND OF FLUFF!: (Published) - Discontinued (for now, may change)
ABA+: (Published) - Completed - Technically a oneshot, but is over 10k
THERE'S A MONSTER IN MY BACKYARD: (Published) - Completed - Technically a oneshot, but is over 10k
NO NEED TO SAY GOODBYE.: (Published) - Completed - Tribute for Technoblade
GOD?: (Published) - In Progress
THREE LITTLE BIRDS: (Published) - Completed - Technically a oneshot, but is over 10k
KINGDOM COME: (Published) - In Progress
ERRORDREAM WEEK 2020: (Published) - Completed
DARK CREAM WEEK 2021: (Published) - Discontinued
SANSCEST/UTMV ONESHOTS (VOL. 1): (Published) - In Progress - Also a collection of my oneshots and drabbles
EBOTT’S SCOOL FOR TROUBLED TEENS VOL. 1: (Published) - In Progress
AND TO YOUR LEFT, YOU’LL SEE THE SUGARY LAND OF FLUFF!: (Published) - Discontinued (for now, may change)
ABA+: (Published) - Completed - Technically a oneshot, but is over 10k
THERE'S A MONSTER IN MY BACKYARD: (Published) - Completed - Technically a oneshot, but is over 10k
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loveletter4katewinslet · 3 years ago
tw ana
I dont want,,, i need 2 be skinny right fkn now!!
I’m so tired of being fat,,, of seeing my fat ass and belly hanging… HANING!! 94 kg… just by looking at this number I want to smash my head into wall…
nononononononono… I rather die than going around in this ugly fat ass fuck body…
Fake it till u make it… I will go around 4 now like I’m a petite ana0###ic queen… and then I will become one)) the only gift I want 4 christmas is 39kg… give me them… is the only thing I want from this life…
I will be smaller then my classmates… I will get all I want from my parents because “I’m sick”… i will have a flat stomach,,, so flat that my hipbones will stick out more then belly… my legs will never touch each other… my hipbones/fingerbones/cheekbones/ribs/collarbones will show of so much that u can see more bones than fat… everything I will put on my body will look intelligent/beautiful,,, xxs and child clothes will fit me… my arms will be so small that I can wrap my finger around them… my eyes and lips will be bigger and my face smaller,,, no double chin… it will be my friends turn to be jealous of me… I will be kind,,, dreamy,,, everybody’s dream and just skinny… I will never feel shame because of how I look (because I look so perfect)… I will be my t41nsp0 board… when I meet “s”(my love) he will fall into me the same second he see my beautiful body n face… he will be obsessed with me and love me/care about me… all my classmates will love me,,, they will want 2 hang out with me and stalking my social media))
But now the question is: what do I need 2 do 2 get all this…??:
Do the “new jeans diet” (-10kg, 10 days)
Doing the kcal but only with liquids…
The scool starting is in 2 weeks and i must weight 74 by that…
My day:
4:00 wake up
5:00 going 10000 steps
6:00 doing “killer thigh gap/stomach workouts”
7:00 eat
11:00 1000 kcal work out
12:00 eat
16:00 sleep
-idk what 2 eat:((
1 raspberry, soup ( tomato soup,,, potato,,, chicken), tea, coffee, yogurt, Ice or cucumber with Italian salad seasoning, redbull, egg whites…
only I can make my wish come true…
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tingyoonhao-blog · 3 years ago
W5 - What does Social Media have to do with Politics?
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Who doesn't use social media now on a daily basis? People now use social media every time, every day. It is because social media contains lots of information and it keeps us updated on the latest news all the time. I believe many youngsters now do not spare their time for reading newspapers. What an old fashion way yikes. #justkidding
What Impact Has Social Media Had On Political Campaigns?
While rallies, peaceful protests, and fundraisers are still common, social media has surpassed them in terms of generating interest and action for various causes, particularly among the youth(The Graduate School of Political Management 2021). Now, social media has served as a focal point for political participation.
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I remember the time when Donald Trump was up for election, many celebrities were using social media to share their opinions and voice themselves out. Most of the celebrities did share their opinions on "why vote for Joe Biden". Fans were encouraged to vote for the Biden-Harris ticket by John Legend, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, and Cardi B, while 50 Cent and Kid Rock backed Trump until the end (Burney 2020).
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Donald Trump being Donald Trump himself had too much impact and influence during the time of election. In the end, Donald Trump had won the election and became the president of the United States during the year 2017.
Social media can be used for many purposes. Social media does influence our political behavior. Therefore, one should use social media carefully and not spread false news towards one and another. Celebrities and influencers really do play a very important role models for their fellow fans.
Burney, O 2020, 'Which celebrities voted for Donald Trump vs Joe Biden? 13 Hollywood and music stars who made their pick for president known in the 2020 US election', South China Morning Post, viewed 6 October 2021,<https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/news-trends/article/3109079/which-celebrities-voted-donald-trump-vs-joe-biden-13>.
'How Social Media Has Affected Political Campaigns', The Graduate Scool of Political Managment 2021, viewed 6 October, <https://gspm.online.gwu.edu/blog/how-social-media-has-affected-political-campaigns/>.
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awkward-karl · 6 years ago
(Nick)name? Preferred pronoun?
Amber. I’m good with any pronoun. Call me whatever~
December 4. I’m a Sagittarius ♐️
How would you describe yourself?
Uh... I’m a nerd/geek that refuses to grow up.
I like to read. I work in a bakery as a cake decorator and that’s pretty fun some days. I also travel a lot. So far I’ve been to Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Canada, and Iceland. I’m planning a trip to France and Austria this summer with a friend, so yeah.
Are you a fan of anime? If so, what are your favourite ones?
Obviously, BSD. I also like Sailor Moon, Durarara!!, Utena, Ouran High Scool Host Club, Hetalia.
Do you ship? If so, what is/are your favourite ship(s)?
BSD Soukoku and Ranpoe
DRR!! Shizaya
Favourite Character(s)?
BSD Chuuya, Ranpo, Dazai, Poe, and Gogol
DRR!! Izaya
If you could bring any character to life to become your best friend (or partner), who would it be?
Can I have Chuuya please? I adore him and he needs hugs.
If you could have any superpower (it can be from an anime, movie, video game, or anywhere really), what would it be?
I want to apperate so hard. I could go anywhere whenever I wanted.
How many posts do you plan on posting a day?
I have my queue set up to three posts a day, but it’ll probably be more than that. There’s only so much Karl content, so you’ll be seeing a lot of raccoons.
Other blogs/social media you want to share?
Main @virelay
You can also find me on instagram and ao3 under virelay. That’s my username on pretty much all social media
Anything else you’d like to mention?
Please feel free to leave me as many asks or anything as you like. I won’t bite and neither will Karl. He will love you forever if you leave him treats.
Oh, also if you want you can hit me up and I’ll leave you ridiculous anons.
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