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pokotho · 2 years ago
rb for more votes?
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build-a-bear-altershop · 3 months ago
Hi there! Could I please get a songtive of Schizophrenic by Nightclub?
Name: Ace, Damon, Jax, Toby
Age: 19
Gender: delusionallexic, maricagender, cuvagender, axvir
Pronouns: they/them, it/its, xe/xem, tey/tem, 🧠/🧠s, ⏳/⌛s, 🗯️/🗯️s
Orientation: questioning
Species: human
Role: urge holder, prophet, delusion holder, psychosis aggravator
Cis-Ids: schizophrenia, delusions, self conscious, intense, glasses, heterochromia
Trans-Ids: transBipolar, transSane, permaPsychotic, permaConfused, transAmnesiac, transHarmed, transNormal, transHealthy
Likes: changes every day
Dislikes: changes ever day, being reality checked
Source: scizophrenic by nightclub
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- mod ☄️
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andreablog2 · 3 months ago
your post about mental illness its like that gemma collins video "was she really scizophrenic? was she just a bit out there, a bit fabulous"
Exactly…but I also don’t think it should be romanticized. Something in the middle would have been interesting.
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marshmallow--shark · 1 year ago
Oh, I love my girlfriend so much. It feels like nicotine everytime we get to have a date together. And what we did on this date, I shall tell you! I showed her Voyager and Ds9 characters and had her nickname them and give first impressions. And now I share her wonderful insights with you lot:
Janeway: Mama Maria, a renowened chef who owns a cooking brand of butter where the bottle is shaped like herself. Became a Star Trek to promote her brand.
Chakotay: Joey-David Hasselhoff, lost his legs in the great star wars as is now very short. Became a Star Trek to pay off his outstanding gambling debts. The marking on his face is a barcode to immediately kill him if he tries to escape.
Kes: Mama Maria's evil twin, not a true Star Trek and just has the visitor's pass. Has the power to return everything to its base components. She is always under attack so she wears an indestructible vest.
Doctor: Uncle Steve, do not trust around children. The blue is a warning and he's very bitter about it. Pretends he's a genius but he's very stupid. He has an ankle bracelet which keeps him from leaving the ship which he bothers everyone about.
Neelix: A criminal mastermind tattoo artist that destroyed his homeworld with a tattoo machine, not a true Star Trek but came along to be amused. Talks like a gangster. I.. don't remember the name she gave him..
Tuvok: Great Value Spock, bought at the store on a discount during a clearance Vulcan sale and they needed a Vulcan to complete their ship. His eyebrows are drawn on.
Paris: Milk toast, the whitest white to ever white. He goes to space church which he himself built and his favourite food is white bread. Just a guy, he has no reason to be here.
Torres: Laquisha, a plant that knows absolutely everything. Does not like Uncle Steve. Goes to space church but because she knows its fake, and the world is actually on a cracker with hummus that will eventually be eaten by the one true space god.
Kim: Mark, a part timer that's just there. He does a bit of everything but he isn't actually good at anything. A temporary Star Trek but eventually he'll quit and follow his dreams to go to space college.
Sisko: Carl, owns a vintage George Foreman grill and makes space hotdogs for everyone on Hotdog Friday. Uses his baldness as a weapon to blind his enemies.
Kira: Karen, a typical Karen who is rude to everyone around her. Complains about being on Ds9 but doesn't do anything about it. Hosts a radio show to sell her trademark cement purses, which she always carries around at all times.
Bashir: Dominic (named by the two of us), participated in the space sex offender shuffle. He is very creepy and no one likes him, don't trust around anyone. No one can stop him. Probably really into bondage.
Odo: Gorp, created by the Kardashians to be a clone but made wrong. Banished for being a failure of a clone. He has no feeling in his left hand and cannot feel pain. His ears are glued on.
Dax: Monica, a furry that believes she is a leopard. Also a sex offender but they forgive her because she's so good at her job. If you see her walking around in a fursuit, let her be. Do not anger her because there will be no escape. Sells pancakes alongside Mama Maria and they are dating.
O'Brien: Loppy, it's his first day! He's so happy to be here, he's having a grand old time. It's always his first day as he is actually a mind parasite that makes everyone believe it is his first day and they will never know how long he's actually been there. Never.
Dukat: Zorath/Zorag (We both forgot it so it changes to something else with a z) -Melty Candle Face, an obsessive yandere Klingon that's very mentally unstable. He was first in love with Dominic until he found he could not be trusted. He targeted Loppy next because its his first day. Currently dating someone else, but it's undetermined who it is.
Garak: From the Shining Jack Nicholson, a scizophrenic who causes problems for everyone. His daily hobby is crawling through the vents and he can show up anywhere at anytime. He is an unpredictable menace that likes to scare the ship.
Mirror Kira: Ds9, the ship itself embodied as a half robot. Abuses her power to sleep with everyone on the station. What happens to the ship happens to her and forces everyone to protect her under the threat of death. She will not hesitate to throw you out of the airlock if you disobey her.
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leos-soggy-wolf-nuts · 1 year ago
A guy with an past of drug abuse who struggles with god knows how many mental illnesses and his boyfriend who thinks scizophrenic halluzinations are a psychic ability go gohst hunting in furry silent hill. What could go wrong?
its interesting how the realization that he is psychic changed their whole attitude. before, cam was reluctant about echo, and dev was excited. now dev wants to gtfo and cam wants to stay
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milkybleachtea · 1 year ago
oh, ur worried im gonna find ur mental illness scary? some of my closest friends are scizophrenic, have did and are diagnosed psychopaths. i have bpd. i spend so much time on edblr. u wont scare me away, ur mental illness is docile in comparison to what im used to.
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lameassdumbass · 11 months ago
This is actively detrimental to people and society and is completely unreasonable as a stopping point.
No, there are some limits to when it's okay to take away someone's autonomy. This is when they are a danger to themselves or others.
The debate is not that there is no limit, the debate is what should be considered self harm or dangerous.
Is obesity dangerous? To the person who has it, yes. Is it determemtal enough to life and happiness to be policed? No!
Is scizophrenia dangerous? To the person who has it, yes. Is it determental to be policed? Yes! Yes it is! Do you know anything about what a scizophrenic person deals with?!
Do you have any concept of a *better* like? More wellbeing? Higher happiness? These are obtainable, get someone to help you touch grass if you need support holy shit.
some of yall need to understand that "my body, my choice" also applies to:
addicts in active addiction with no intention of quitting
phys disabled people who deny medical treatment
neurodivergent people who deny psychiatric treatment (yes, including schizophrenic people and people with personality disorders)
trans people who want or don't want to medically transition (yes, including trans masc lesbians with top surgery and trans women without bottom surgery, yall are so weird to them wtf)
and if you can't understand that, then you don't get to use the phrase
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servosomatic · 3 months ago
expect this blog to become progressively more and more scizophrenic as i figure out this website
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lemonclock · 6 months ago
why do people lack such basic respect for people who experience psychosis/are scizophrenic oh my god
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captaiinobvious · 1 year ago
youd have to be stupid to compare tagging things unreality to goofy shit like this. have some respect for psychotic people man. YOU try being a paranoid scizophrenic when there are popular memes like "im living in your walls" and goncharov going around
beautiful minded posters have always been under attack by the general public. first they called it "nightblogging," then it was the "and now the weather" phase, then the clinical and pathologizing "unreality tw." now theyre getting more creative, but "check your carbon monoxide detector" still has the distinct flavor of "op must have been HIGH to make this post"
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build-a-bear-altershop · 3 months ago
OK we were asked for an INBOX CHECK so here it is
- songtive of candy coated suicide by nightclub
- songtive of scizophrenic by nightclub
- jack skellington fictive
- snow leopard build a bear
- adult man abuser persecutor
the BOLDED ONES are the ones we’re working on but they’ll probably be posted in the order they were asked. i’m probably going to do a couple TONIGHT
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xquisitedeadguy · 1 year ago
and you got scizophrenics thinking people are talking about them behind their back. they think people are plotting. people are coming for them. and they leave the room and their friends and family they say see the bitch is fuckin crazy. well we’ll find somewhere to send her soon enough.
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jeintalu · 1 year ago
Netanyahu Seems to be a Scizophrenic
"The attack on the Jewish state is the biggest hypocrisy and decadence in human history against a people who rose from the ashes of the Holocaust Genocide."
"The State of Israel and its security services are fighting a just war against Neo-Nazis."
"No one will prevent us from fighting until victory in Gaza, whether The Hague or the Axis of Evil."
"What happened on October 7 will never be repeated, and this is our commitment."
"The supporters of the new Nazis dare to accuse us of genocide - they support murderers, rapists, first-borns and baby-burners. No one will stop us - not The Hague and not the axis of evil. The hypocritical attack on The Hague is a new moral low."
"We are on the path to victory, and we will not stop before that, and we will not give up a clear victory."
The supporters of the new Nazis dare to accuse us of genocide...
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bpdrug-addict · 1 year ago
genuienly scared that o, scizophrenic and my cognitive, negative, AND positive symtpoms have all been getting worse. like it just feels like itll never go away at this point but my brain just doesnt feel like it works the way it used to. i feel my cognition declining idk
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years ago
Im gonna talk with azzie as a scizophrenic oc of mine, ight?
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the-grey-hunt · 2 years ago
putting my thoughts under a second spoiler-free readmore:
i will start by saying that I do know people who liked gideon and were very put off by harrow. as much as GtN focused on gideon, HtN focuses on harrow, and despite being products of the same environment they're very different people who are rendered in different ways, care about different things, and see the world with different emphasis.
harrow the ninth is also a book where many readers discover that the author has written harrow to be scizophrenic, and the uncertainty of reality as harrow percieves it is offputting for a lot of people who don't "get" it or who are expecting/used to gideon's solidity.
however, i really enjoyed harrow, and i think it holds many of the same charms as book one. i think a lot of your worries, as much as I can say without spoilers, do not necessarily come true, but not in any way you might expect.
i can really only recommend harrow the ninth by saying that this:
Because I want to enjoy whatever Gideon the Ninth had, because I don't think the series will ever go back to that. I feel like from now on, it will be a fundamentally different story.
is exactly the attitude harrow starts HtN with.
Question for those of you who have finished Gideon the Ninth and have read Harrow the Ninth and perhaps even Nona.
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So as many of you may have guessed, I finished the first book a while ago. My reaction to the entire ending went something like this:
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So as one may guess, I have mixed feelings.
They're not a mix of good and bad. They're a mix of Good and Complicated Good.
I legitimately think it was a great ending... but I am also struggling to reconcile what appears to be the death of one of my favorite characters.
On the one hand, I don't want to simply throw my toys off the table and yell 'I WANT MORE HARROW AND GIDEON DANGIT, LOCK ME IN THEIR HATE-LOVE PURGATORY FOREVER'. On the contrary, I love the idea that we get to see Harrow's side of things. I am fully aware that the world has not even been explored fractionally, and I want to understand more of it.
On the other hand........... I have very few things to care about anymore. I care about Harrow, this is true. But the rest of the characters I had an attachment to (Palamedes, Camilla, etc) are all kinda. Dead.
I want to read Harrow the Ninth and consume its entire carcass, meat bone and all, almost as much as I want to push it away and hold off on starting it as much as possible. Because I want to enjoy whatever Gideon the Ninth had, because I don't think the series will ever go back to that. I feel like from now on, it will be a fundamentally different story. And that's not.... bad! I think I will enjoy that new story.
But I feel like clinging to the tiny bubble of Gideon the Ninth because the beyond of it all feels as unknowable and as incomprehensible as death. And that naturally kinda repels me.
So I ask you, fellow readers - are my worries justified? Did you share them?
I don't want spoilers. I don't want summaries. I just want to know:
Does the story's soul fundamentally change here? Or is the soup still the same, even if the ingredients have been a little blended in the great mixer of plot?
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