#scipio should not have happened
muyru-iru · 2 months
Fox: if you're driven by that deepest hate...then go on let it go. Kix: I'm not going to shoot you, I'm a medic. Fox: shoot me coward, he can't kill me if I'm already dead Kix: he? Ghost Thorn: sounds reasonable....wait no Fox: shoot ME Kix: I feel threatened to not do it. Fox: Kix: no.
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the-selfinsert · 12 days
There should be a meet up of all the Undertale OCs with Justice souls, I think. I think that'd be really interesting.
Like, for me, I think it'd be really awesome to have a Vengeance route Clover meet Scipio (if any of y'all remember him from my previous posts) because it just be like looking at a past version of himself. I feel like there's some really interesting stuff that could happen with that.
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clonemando · 7 months
For the Fox prompts, how about Riyo helping Fox through some of the guilt and self-loathing he feels at not being able to do anything to help the guard more and feeling like he’s failed as a commander?
I tried to write something soft but Fox just wanted a good long cry. So here's some hurt/comfort with more hurt and an attempt at comfort. At least Fox has some support.
//warning for referenced canon character death for Thorn//
The room was quiet but it wasn't in the way Fox was used to. The quiet was usually bad, meaning a lack of brothers, a lack of support. It meant being too far from Coruscant's endlessly busy streets to hear the normal hustle and bustle of activity. However, he wasn't in danger here. The quiet was due to the sound proofing of the Senator's office and Fox was there because... he struggled to remember.
"Commander? It's good to see you awake. How's your headache?" a soft, friendly voice called and Fox relaxed as he saw Senator Chuchi walk in and he stretched out his sore body on the soft cushions of the couch he had been drooling on pushing the blanket down from his shoulders to accept the glass of water she offered him.
"Senator... I apologize, I shouldn't have-" He started but she shook her head.
"Fox, we're friends. You needed a safe place to sleep last night and I don't blame you. You had a migraine and my office couch is the least I would offer to help you when you need it." She said kindly and it eased some of the tension away from his shoulders as he tried to remember what happened and how he ended up there.
"I... I can't remember." He finally admitted shamefully and she frowned reaching out to brush some of the dark curls that were starting to fall into his face away.
"I have heard that sometimes our minds try to protect us from remembering things that hurt the most. I once had a bad injury to my leg and still can't remember any of it even with the scar there that shows it really happened and everyone telling me the tale." She murmured sitting on the arm of the couch as Fox sipped the water.
"Something bad happened?" He asked and she looked down at her own hands fiddling with a gold bracelet she was wearing.
"You showed up at my office crying Fox. You told me that you got word back about Commander Thorn and his mission on Scipio with Padme." She murmured, her voice somehow sounding even softer than normal as if the tone of voice could lessen the blow of what she was saying.
"Thorn... Oh... Thorn." Fox swallowed hard and closed his eyes as tears started to threaten to fall. He remembered now.
"He was killed. He's not coming home again. He's gone." He said and Riyo reached out to squeeze his hand.
"I am sorry Fox. I know you were close with him. He was a good man and I remember his smile and jokes fondly. He was always so cheerful." She said and Fox had to nod at that even as the tears started to spill over and his hands holding the glass of water started to shake.
"He made it worth it. Kriff. How am I supposed to keep going without Thorn? I knew he shouldn't have gone on that mission. I told him he shouldn't go. I should have made it an order." He croaked out brokenly.
"He saved Padme's life. They all did. Maybe they still would have without him but maybe not. Maybe he would have stayed and tripped down the stairs and still passed away the exact same moment he did but without it having been of his own choice on how to go out. We can't say Fox and getting lost in what if's won't make this easier or bring him back. Blaming yourself won't do anyone any good." She said and Fox looked up to meet her golden eyes and sniffled hard.
"I try so hard to keep them all alive but I can't. If I can't keep them alive then what's my point? To serve the Republic that hates me?" He spat before flinching.
"Sorry Senator." He murmured but she shook her head.
"Just Riyo right now Fox. You're not wrong as much as I wish you were. I wish I had answers or that I could promise you anything other then a couch to cry on. I can only tell you that you are making a difference. Your brothers all need you Fox. They need you more now then before and I know it must be hard because you need someone too. You can't always carry everyone on your shoulders, no matter how broad they are." She said quirking her lips up at the little joke which also made him smile a little knowing Thorn had always said Fox would need to get new shoulder plates with how much of the planet he tried to carry.
"Thank you Riyo. I should check in. I don't need Thire and Stone sending out squads searching for me." He said taking a hand from the glass finally to rub at his tears.
"I'm honored you trust me enough to let me help you. Please at least stay long enough to finish your water before you call your brothers. I did let them know you were with me after you passed out last night. I figured you would prefer they know. Stone said they'll be taking the day off and you should do the same and to come find them when you were ready." She assured him an Fox nodded taking deep breaths to calm his heart again even as it ached.
Kissing Fox's cheek she stood. "I am here however you need from me Fox. I'm sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do to help make this any easier for you and your brothers just let me know." She said before giving him some space. He looked down at the water and took a moment to be grateful he had Riyo in his life because without her he knew this would have hurt even worse then it already did.
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airlock · 8 months
CYL8 Nerding - Internal Bottom 10
y'know, last year, the least voted character in CYL had just 2 votes to his name, so I thought this might be the first year we ever see a character get 0 votes!
this did not happen -- our least voted character this year has 1 vote. fucking incredible. anyway, shall we go all-in on this year's biggest losers?
AKANEIA #1: Dice, also Roberto (3 votes) #3: Reiden (6 votes) #4: we all still think of Luke as a small fry (11 votes) #5: Frost (13 votes) #6: Malledus (16 votes) #7: Boah (17 votes) #8: Roderick, also Belf, also Ymir (18 votes)
VALENTIA #1: Tatarrah, also Garth (3 votes) #3: Dolth (4 votes) #4: Barth, also Jerome (6 votes) #6: Grieth (7 votes) #7: Halcyon (11 votes) #8: Slayde, also Blake (15 votes) #10: Marla (16 votes)
JUGDRAL #1: Danann (3 votes) #2: Scipio (4 votes) #3: Hilda, also Halvan (8 votes) #5: Sandima, also Alva, also Perne (10 votes) #8: Munnir (11 votes) #9: Tristan, also Deimne, also Safy (12 votes)
ELIBE #1: Lundgren (6 votes) #2: Zelot, also FE7!Murdock (8 votes) #4: FE6!Merlinus (10 votes) #5: Desmond, also FE6!Murdock (11 votes) #6: Hellene (14 votes) #7: Barthe (18 votes) #8: Saul (19 votes) #9: Fargus, also Durban (20 votes)
MAGVEL #1: Riev (8 votes) #2: Hayden (11 votes) #3: Rennac, also Vigarde (13 votes) #5: Dozla (26 votes) #6: Fado (28 votes) #7: Caellach (33 votes) #8: Orson (41 votes) #9: Natasha (42 votes) #10: Tethys (43 votes)
TELLIUS #1: Muston (1 vote) #2: Bertram (3 votes) #3: Daniel and Jorge twinning it the FUCK up (4 votes) #5: Hetzel (6 votes) #6: Kasatai (8 votes) #7: Bastian (10 votes) (I'M ONE OF THEM. YOU ABSOLUTE DASTARDS--) #8: Ludveck (12 votes) #9: Izuka (13 votes) #10: Numida (14 votes)
YLISSE #1: Cervantes (14 mustache hairs) #2: Validar (16 votes) #3: Phila (17 votes) #4: Kjelle (24 votes) #5: Flavia and Basilio sitting under a tree, F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G (25 votes) #7: Mustafa, also Excellus (31 votes) #9: Brady (33 votes) #10: Yen'fay (37 votes)
TMS#FE #1: Teru & Garrick (8 votes) #2: Kuen & Excellus (11 votes) #3: Chikaomi & Lon'qu (12 votes) #4: Chouten & Pheros (13 votes) #5: Nobu & Gangrel (19 votes)
HOSHIDO/NOHR #1: Tarba (7 votes) #2: Zhara, also Lloyd (8 votes) #4: Fuga (9 votes) #5: Llewelyn (11 votes) #6: Funke (12 votes) #7: Senno (15 votes) #8: Hans (17 votes) #9: Daichi (24 votes) #10: Arete, also Kumagera (30 votes)
FÓDLAN #1: Tomas, also Gwendal (4 votes) #3: Lonato (5 votes) #4: Pallardó (6 votes) #5: Aelfric (8 votes) #6: Ludwig aka Duke Aegir (9 votes) #7: Solon (11 votes) #8: Kostas (12 votes) #9: Volkhard aka Lord Arundel (13 votes) #10: Grégoire aka Count Varley (16 votes)
ELYOS #1: Hyacinth (38 votes) #2: Seforia (68 votes) (god dammit I knew I should have voted for her--) #3: Saphir (74 votes) (I DID VOTE FOR HER THOUGH YOU ABSOLUTE--) #4: Lindon (97 votes) #5: Morion (142 votes) #6: Bunet, also Zephia (158 votes) #8: Marni (187 votes) #9: not Marni (201 votes) (ie Madeline btw) #10: Vander (215 votes)
ZENITH #1: Ganglöt (50 votes) #2: Hel (69 votes) (nice) #3: Ótr (77 votes) #4: Nótt (88 votes) #5: Freyr (91 votes) #6: Ylgr (94 votes) #7: Múspell (116 votes) #8: Reginn (121 votes) #9: Letizia (122 votes) #10: Gustav (148 votes)
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: Expendables 4
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I believe we're all familiar with the term "too little, too late" correct? Well that's especially true for this installment of a dying now dead franchise. The first film was campy fun with a healthy amount of blood, guts and a promise that was to see the action legends of the past come together in a massive film. That promise was fulfilled and then we got a sequel that doubled down. The second film improved on everything the first film did and fulfilled the dream of seeing the big 3 action stars of the 80's together on screen gunning down goons in the most explosive and violent way possible. Then the franchise went completely off the rails with its PG-13 third entry. The franchise really lost its identity by trying to pander to the younger audience by watering down the best elements of the franchise and over crowding the film with the popular stars at the time. Now comes this entry that desperately tries to get back on track with it being the hyper violent action driven vehicle it started out as. Well, it got the violence part right but after that, we are treated to one of the dumbest, lackluster and uninteresting action films I've seen in quite some time. Not only are most of the action scenes so boring, the characters themselves are tired and should have retired along time ago. The novelty this franchise used to be have was all but drained from this sequel and I was so sad watching it happen.
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Sylvester Stallone returns as Barney Ross and he still has the same charm as the character. He finally admits he's starting to get too old for his life style and is gone shortly after for most of the film. Jason Statham returns as his best friend Lee Christmas and he continues to be a fun character. The chemistry between them was the heart of the franchise and it continues here for the most part. Megan Fox joins the franchise as Lee's new girlfriend and CIA operator, Gina. Megan has done good work before, but this was by far her worst performance as she only is there for eye candy and delivering the worst onscreen chemistry I've ever seen between two "lovers". Randy Couture returns as Toll Road and he still does the same thing he's done since the first film. He delivers many random facts that somehow returns to him talking about his ear. Dolph Lundgren returns as Gunner Jensen and I still enjoy seeing his character go through many life changes. The character has shown real progress since his drunken days in the original and I liked that he has controlled that demon. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson joins the team as Easy Day and he does his job. There really wasn't anything special about the character and he typically just fades into the background even when he's front and center. The great Tony Jaa joins the team as a former Expendable, Decha. There was a fun story that surrounded the character even though it was nothing you haven't seen before. I still enjoyed his presence on screen and when he gets to fighting, its still a joy to watch. Jacob Scipio joins as the son of former Expendable Galgo, Galan. He tries to capture that same energy that Antonio Banderas had in the previous film and that's basically it. Andy Garcia was all over the place as CIA Agent Marsh. He delivers his trademark charm in the beginning and the swings for the fences by the end of the film. He truly was having fun with the character and you could tell. The amazing Iko Uwais was the main protagonist of the film, Suarto Rahmat and what a waste. Sure he gets to show his amazing martial arts prowess, but that’s all. He wasn't menacing or even really that much of a threat once you get to the heart of his plot. He almost felt like a F1 racer stuck in the bus lane in a school pick up area. He never really got to open up against a worthy opponent.
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The score by Guillaume Roussel was nothing special. It was a decent backing track to the action in the film and accents the few emotional moments in the film. The action in the film was somewhat decent, but truly lacked the joyous feel of playing with your favorite action figures the others had. It all felt cheaply made and even more so with over use of CGI for a franchise known for its practical stunts. The extreme close ups in the middle of all the fights truly showed the lack of skill in filming and design of action sequences. This film really knocked the genre back a few decades and I was sorely disappointed and bored. Honestly, if you have any curiosity in seeing this hopefully final chapter, don't waste your money and wait for streaming. This is undoubtedly one of the worst films of 2023. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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rndyounghowze · 8 months
Review 523: Jack The Whipper (with special guest Ses Carny)
Jack The Whipper and Ses Carny
Presented by: WBUR City Space
Most of you have met Jacques Ze Whipper on TikTok. Well, to paraphrase a golden oldie song we’ve seen him through fire we’ve seen him in rain. We’ve seen him do tricks that we thought would never end. Yet one of our favorite ways to catch his French whipping action is at WBUR’s City Space digitally. With his friend and fellow performer Ses Carny, they make a comedy duo unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed.
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As much as we know Jack for his stunts and whipping abilities we should also consider him a full-time comedian. In effect, a whip artist is a stand-up comedian with a weapon in their hand. A circus artist’s skill with “patter” (aka the whole spiel they’re saying while tricks are happening) is almost as if not more important than their other skills. If the audience is not laughing with you or cheering you on at the appropriate moment then the stunt can go flat. Or if the audience is too worried about you hurting yourself, they will be too busy flinching to enjoy the trick. So a well-crafted set (like Jacques’) becomes a thing of beauty. It is road-tested in front of audiences of all shapes and sizes. That’s why no matter how many times we’ve seen this act we still laugh out loud. On top of being super skilled, he’s comedy gold.
If you want to see a prime example of someone who can spit jokes just as deftly as he can spit fire you have Ses Carny. Ses can nail a spike in his head (this is not one of his usual tricks) and not lose the crowd. When he and Jack are working together it is so weird that he becomes the straight man of the two. We’ve had the pleasure of seeing him perform with his wife Crimson Locksley and not only can he hold the stage on his own he is not the straight man of the two. We understand that his fire-eating may be a bit much for WBUR Cityspace so we don’t get to see him dancing with torches to any of Jack’s songs like we see on YouTube. This is why we’re glad that he and Jack added in a couple of tricks in the second show where Ses gets to be more than just on the receiving end of the whip. In the second show, they added some extra bits that will probably be in upcoming shows headed to a town near you, It was amazing to see him try a whip stunt of his own (no spoilers see it for yourself.)
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We really like the new material. We wish that we could tell you all about it. But we will say that balloons were still involved (Dana was triggered). There were also new stunts, new jokes, and a feeling that Jack wanted us to get to know him and his life better. We definitely got to hear more about Scipio and his family.
The new show felt like the next evolution of the Secret Show. As if this show was hiding under the surface of the Secret Show just waiting to be born. We can’t wait to see them again in-person and see what else they have to work with.
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"Is that an enigmatic smile that I see?"
The opening sequence of the movie THE GIRL FROM PARMA (org'l title: LA PARMAGIANA - 1963) introduces a character named Dora, played by Catherine Spaak, arriving by passenger train in Parma, Italy. Dora is young, she looks to be 17 or 18 years old. She steps down from the car of the passenger train and regards her surroundings. The look on her face is, well, difficult to describe. It's an unusual looking smile, a smile that seems to be a mix of emotions. The word 'enigmatic' does not adequately describe it.
In hindsight, so many years after the debut of THE GIRL FROM PARMA in Italy, it would be interesting to find out how the script describes the scene -- as well as the way that the character responds to what she sees when she steps out of the train car. And for that matter, did anyone, at the time of the movie's debut, ask director Antonio Pietrangeli whether he had to guide his star actress in the way that she responds, in character, to her surroundings.
THE GIRL FROM PARMA debuted in theaters in Italy, starting in February of 1963, and played in theaters elsewhere in Europe in 1964. It did not play in theaters, here, in the U.S.A.
This is a contemporary combination comedy and drama. And it is also a character study.
The first scene stays in my thinking because of everything that happens afterward to the character, Dora.
Dora has arrived in Parma to stay with Amneris and Scipio Pagliucchi, husband and wife, who were friends of her mother. And she arrives unannounced.
The plot of THE GIRL FROM PARMA is an examination of the changes that have been taking place in Italy. The changes have to do with Italy's economy. Starting in the 1950s, there has been rapid economic growth (The website of the Encyclopedia Brittanica has a concise article on the subject.).
The changes in Italy's economy affect men and women differently and the character, Dora, has been created -- first, by novelist Bruna Piatti, and then by the screenwriters -- to show those differences.
Dora does not tell Amneris and Scipio what she has been up to prior to her arrival. Six flashbacks, from Dora's point of view, tell the audience what has happened.
THE GIRL FROM PARMA is another example of a movie that should be better known. It's available on DVD with English subtitles. I recommend it to movie lovers, here, at Tumblr.
-- Drew Simels
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heart-forge · 4 years
H’m, Adastra came out with the sequel Khemia and I would do anything for Scipio.
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Evasive Maneuvers
You’re excited for your first mission only to realize you’ve been paired with the one Jedi that broke your heart five years ago.
Pairing: Obiwan x Female reader
Contents: Angst, tension, past friends to enemies to lovers, obiwan secretly pining away, thigh grab fight scene (need I say more)
Word Count: 3.2k
You’d been beckoned to the Jedi Council at once, the frantic protocol droid had let you know. A spur of excitement kindled within you, having been stuck in the library for so long because of your research on a new separatist droid had made your eyes mildly aversive to the light. But being out there in the battlefield and getting appointed on missions was a rare opportunity for you, so your hopes were up, in the possibility that this might be your first deployment.
The double doors of the Council hall stood undisturbed by passing individuals, locking away the secrets and strategies that were discussed behind it. Steadying yourself for a moment to dust off and smooth out your robe, you proceeded to raise your hand to push through the door when it began to move on its own. Shielding your eyes from the streak of sunlight that escaped through the creak between the doors, you made your way inside. “Right on time, you are.”, Yoda spoke as he remained seated. A small smile spreading across your face, you bowed your head in respect. The need to be impeccably perfect was nagging your mind. You cannot afford to lose this opportunity.
Mace Windu seemed to be deep in thought when only then did you begin to recognise the other faces in the room. Senator Organa and Senator Padme had worry etched across their faces which only made you feel more nervous. The possibility that you could have been called upon only to assist with information was sedimenting itself in your thoughts. Clearing your head, you continued to stand firm. “Where is Skywalker?”, Windu asked his voice edged with annoyance just as the doors behind opened and footsteps were heard shuffling in. The peaceful environment was broken with the utter sound of bickering between Anakin and –
Your hands clenched together, tighter as you recognised the voice of the other Jedi. It was one you had not heard for years. Unknowingly your breathing began to feel laboured, this cannot be happening now. You braced yourself, there was only one reaction to this situation. You will ignore him just as he had ignored you for the part five years.
Anakin came to a stand still next you. “This time it was your fault.”, he spoke. “How is it my fault?”, you heard him. “Had you listened to what I said, we would still have my ship.”, Anakin continued. “Parts of it. We should be glad we landed at the state it was in.”, he responded, his charm still intact. Anakin huffed. “Generals, if you’re quite finished, we could get on to more important matters.”, Windu chided. The two Jedi quieted down.
“Senator Padme, could you explain the recent developments?”, Windu asked. To which Senator Padme can forth elegantly.
“There has been a tip off about a meeting on Scipio involving Senator Clovis. It is said that intelligence about the next location of a droid factory and General Grievous’s whereabouts are to be shared.”, she explained. It made sense as to why she was worried, Clovis was her friend.
“I was asked to spy on Clovis but it will cause for the others to become suspicious and could lead to a the disk being lost. However, a source has promised to give us this information if we send a Jedi to collect it. I suspect it to be a foul play of sorts but the intelligence on such matters could turn the tide for the Republic.”, Padme looked at Anakin briefly before turning towards the panel. “Important it is, to get the disk.”, Yoda leaned onto his staff. “Which is why you’re here”, Windu addressed you. “None of the politicians have met you. Your anonymity can serve to our advantage. Moreover you are thorough on separatist weaponry, it will allow you to assess new technology you happen to spot in Scipio.”, You nod suddenly aware everyone’s focus was on you, especially his. “Settled, it is. Accompany you, Kenobi will.”, Yoda spoke and you froze. This was exactly what you did not want to happen. “Master if I can, might I suggest that Anakin take my place? His quick thinking might be well suited for this mission.”, Kenobi interjected. This sparked frustration within you, that you looked straight at him, your face betraying your thoughts, you were offended. The daylight made his hair look like it had been spun from gold and everything about him had changed. The last you had met him was when you were both padawans. You didn’t recognise the man who stood in front of you. He was your closest confidant when you were young, making life easier when you were living alone. But be had broken that bond long ago. Now you were strangers.
“I only- Kenobi caught your gaze. It was a lie, his eyes held the same familiarity you grew to love and yearn for. The very same ocean pools that were reserved only for you to take stolen glances and that spoke a secret language only to you. But now, he would give everyone else the luxury of his company while he pretended like you never existed. He averted his gaze back to Yoda. “Skywalker has been requested to be in Senetor Padme’s security detail for her trip to Naboo today.”, Master Windu let him know. “Oh.”, Kenobi let out a dejected sigh. The library began to feel better than this humiliation you felt your thought surge.
He feels insulted to even be seen with you
“When am I to leave?”, you asked the panel. “You both are to go in disguise to the masked ball that is to happen this evening. It will grant you access into the palace.”, You nodded in response. “It feels nice to be relieved from tolerating his company for a change.”, Anakin was the first to respond, a playful smile on his face as he looked over to Kenobi, who was now looking distraught. “Well you’re lucky. You had to tolerate him when he liked working with you. I don’t think I will have the same privilege.”, you stated which earned you a genuine smile from Skywalker. “Next mission, I want you to join me and my Padawan, Ashoka. Till we meet again.”, he bowed his head and followed Senetor Padme and Organa out.
“ General Kenobi, a pleasant surprise.”, your face remained calm, while the bones in your hands might as well be broken now. “Ah yes. A surprise for sure. I will meet you at hangar bay 5. Don’t be late.”, with that he walked out the hall, it was clear how he viewed you as something that was beneath him. Balling your hand into a fist, you knew this mission was going to be a difficult one.
The disguise was extravagant. A dark blue silk gown with gold embossed patterns. Your dark brown hair down up in a similar fashion to that of the other senators. The finishing touch was a black lace mask to hide your identity. You had never worn anything else apart from the Jedi robe. Looking back at the clock, panic struck you. You should have met Kenobi at the hangar five minutes ago. Picking up the ends of your dress you ran down the corridor. Breathless when you reached the bay, his back was facing you and his arms were folded. He stood tall, his shoulder muscles held taut beneath the baby blue silk tunic. His foot frantically tapping away in leather shoes and the pristinely pressed silk pants accentuating his frame. His head perked up. “I remember telling you specifically to not be late. Now – he turned to see you. The second time he’s done that, forgetting what he wanted to say. He sported a similar mask to yours, his hair swept back with his beard trimmed down. You were strangers yet again but it felt new. Like you were seeing each other for the first time. He composed himself. “We better get going.”, he held a palm towards the ship’s entrance. Not wanting to push your luck any further, you walk ahead.
General Kenobi, who gave out commands and led troops against droid armies found it difficult to sit still next to her. His cool demeanor was lost, around her he felt like a boy again. Picking at a wound on his finger, he thought better to not acknowledge her, but all he wanted was to look at her. Soft starlight illuminating the length of her neck, her brown eyes were dark moons drawing him in like he was at the mercy of its gravitational pull. This was why he had to avoid her. He had become infected with an alarming rush of emotions that went against the code. He thought putting adequate distance between them would cure whatever it was that was making him sick like this. But it had only made it worse, all that time apart did him no good. He feared if he rested his hand he would want take hers in his. He didn’t speak to her because he knew he’d be begging for forgiveness for what he did. He had become the reason her smile didn’t reach up to her eyes. He broke their friendship all because he was scared and foolish. Now she hated him, the only person that felt like home. This was his own doing, now he will bear the consequences of it.
“You’ve been keeping well.”, she broke the silence. His fears were materializing. “You seem to have grown out of your awkward phase.”, the corner of his mouth tipped up in a half smile, his eyes still focused on his fingers. “So you still remember, General Kenobi.”, her voice did not retain any sort of pleasantness. Blast it, he was supposed to act like he was indifferent about her. His eyes met hers, her face was now contorted in anger. “Do you take pleasure from this? Five years Kenobi. You had not spoken a word, ignored me in the corridors, to a point you will not even meet my gaze. What have I done? To deserve such a punishment? Am I so beneath you now that you have your fame?”, she asked every word sharp as a dagger.
“Now you sit next to me and talk as though we are friends?”, She continued. He didn’t know what to say, how could he make amends for what he had done? Even to say her name he felt worthless, guilty. “You were my best friend once. Never making me regret having left my family and home to become a Jedi, because I found you. And yet I was labelled as an unwanted attachment that you had to cut off. All the kindness you show to others, you seemed to have forgotten when it came to me.”, she spoke trying her best to mask the pain. He drew up his courage to look at her, the edge of her eyes glistening in the faint light. His chest tightened, this was not what he wanted. He had to tell her. He needed to tell her the truth. “I don’t want to be your best friend.”, he found his resolve to fix all of this now. The ship jerked out of hyperspace, a trooper asked for his assistance. Not now. But the moment was lost. The hurt in her eyes were too palpable to ever try to go back. He pursed his lips, any hopes of fixing this was lost now. He headed to the command pit.
You didn’t know what you were expecting to hear. But his confession was the closure you needed. You were the fool, holding onto the past when he has clearly moved well past. You fixed your mask back on as the ship prepared to land. Your lightsaber remained well hidden tucked beneath a ruffle in your dress. Your focus was the Intel disk, anything else can wait.
The ball was well in motion as you entered the hall filled with royalty and senators. He extended his arm, which you took to keep up appearances. Smiling and navigating through the crowd, your eyes scanned for the man you were supposed to meet to retrieve the disk from. But you could sense it, that something was off. You looked up at him just as he looked at you. He sensed it too. Someone bumped into you, but before you could recover, they were lost in the crowd. “Its too crowded.”, he spoke closely to your left ear. “It’s a ball, what did you expect?”, you responded when you felt something in your hand. A small piece of paper, on it scribble ‘Meet me at the west balcony’. “Kenobi”, you alert him. “Something doesn’t feel right.”, he spoke. “I predict it’s a trap.”, you tell him. “I predict the same as well.”, he responded.
You make you way towards the Balcony, walking past the entrance to see if anyone was there. “No one is here.”, you hold on tighter to his arm. “The disk, it is a trap.”, you explained. “To get the republic to send the Jedi.”, he deduced further. “If caught by the separatist’s, the Republic will have to pay a heavy ransom.”, your mind now attuned to the surroundings sensed the call for droids. “They’re sending in droids.”, you look at him, nervous. Looking about before anyone could spot you both. He leads you into a tight darn enclove.
Pressing the button on his comms, “Rex. Come in, Rex.”, he whispered. “Yes, sir.”, Rex’s voice responded. “Bring the ship to the west balcony. We won’t be able to make it out otherwise.”, he relayed the command. “We’ll be there, Sir.”, Rex’s response cut out. “Do we wait it out?”, you ask. “Ideally, unless trouble decides to follow us.”, he spoke in a low and measured manner. “Trouble always follows you.”, you look up at him. Almost pressed up against eachother, “Yes, mostly in the form of Anakin Skywalker.”, He spoke keeping watch. “If we’re not friends then what are we? What is this?”, you motion between him and yourself. To which his attention is focused on yours, his blue eyes appearing dark and solemn with no hint of mischief. “What I said earlier, that wasn’t all.”, he spoke. “So there’s more? Please save me the heartache”, you fanned your arm which he caught in his and slowly placed it on the side of his face.
His skin was warm to the touch, you only conjured this moments like these in your dreams. Grazing your thumb across his cheek bone, he leaned into your hand, his eyes filled with pain, so much pain that you began to feel it. “I never meant to push you away. If I could take it all back, I would.”, he spoke softly. He inhaled sharply and said your name. And you wanted to tell him to say it again. “All these years, I spent in agony. Everything I did, I wanted to do the exact opposite. I’ve come to learn how much you mean to me. I can’t lose you again. I won’t. Tell me what I need to do earn your forgiveness. I will do anything.”, you took a second to decide, he was earnest in his apology. You cup his check, the stubble under your fingers feeing deliciously rough. Sliding your hands behind his neck, you hugged him. His hands were around waist in an instant pulling you close. “Just say you’re sorry.”, you whispered in his ear. He buries his face into the crook of your neck. “Oh.”, he says your like an antidote that had cured his spirit, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”, he says as his hand finds the back of your neck, tilting your head towards his. Slowly he placed his forehead on yours, his breath soft and hot against your skin, the smell of sandalwood making you forget everything else.
The sound of droids from both sides of the corridor began to echo. “How about we continue this after we get back in one piece?”, he took your hand in his and in the other, your lightsabers ready to ignite. Spinning you so that your backs were against each other, you began to deflect blaster shots as the ship emerged near the balcony. It's ramp lowered down and ready for you both. Slicing though the droids that got too close, you fought to find an opening to make a run for it. “It still doesn’t explain why you did it? Or what you meant earlier?”, you asked as you run your saber through a droid. “Now is not the time.”, he responds angling a blaster shot back at a droid. “Was your apology a gimmick then?”, you ask. “No.”, he shouts over the sound of cross fire. “Then tell me why you did it?”, you press on, almost rid of most droids on your side. “Maybe we should go back to how things were, you’re still as insufferable as I remember.”, he grunts as he knocks down a droid.
Turning to help him, you balance yourself on his weight placing a hand on his thigh to kick down another droid. “Not my answer. Why?”, you turn towards his as he thrusts his saber just above your shoulder to drive it through the head of a droid behind you. You widen you eyes and fold your arms waiting for his answer while you use the force to deflect another droid. “We need to go.”, he turns to leave once the first troop of droids were handled. Turning to see you haven’t moved. He huffs. “You will never tell me the reason in quiter circumstances. Knowing you, you’ll lock it away for the next five years. Why did you do it? Why did you push me away?”, you ask. He taps his foot impatiently. Running a shaking hand through his now messy hair. “Because I was starting to fall in love with you.”, he yells out in a quick sentence. “Now let’s go.”, he jumped off the railing and onto the ramp. You follow suit but can’t help the smile that’s breaking out on your face. You jump from the rail and he catches you, steadying you in his arms. The ship whirs off into the atmosphere. “That’s the smile I’ve missed for years.” he says smiling. “So now that we’re not in a life threatening situation, is it true that you love me?”, you ask wrapping your arms around his neck with a grin. “Yes, you’re the only one I’ve loved”, he laughs as though he were offended you would even think other wise. “I was hoping you’d say that, Obi.”, you smile again. “You just want to hear me say it again.”, he smiles his cheeks turning red. “Yes, now tell me again. You need to make up for the lost years.”, You close your eyes, expecting him to feel flustered, but he leans in and whispers in your ear, “I.”, a pause, “Love.”, a soft kiss on your cheek the ends of his mustache grazing your skin lightly. “You.”, he looks into your eyes. You were experiencing joy that if you tried to put it into words it will not make sense. “No, that won’t do.”, you scrunch up your eyebrows, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. He blinks back in confusion, trying to figure out what was wrong. You tilt his head towards you. With no prying eyes around, you pull him by the collar of his tunic, your lips find his.
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astralscrivener · 2 years
For the micro story post 🥰❤️❤️
#15, #24, #26
#10, #35, #28 (in a gay way) 😌❤️
15. trembling hands (klance)
“I’ll see you soon.”
Keith’s cheeks burn where Lance last caressed him as he cradles him in the center of the med bay. He pays no mind to the rest of the team around them, taking notes, muttering to each other. All he can focus on is Lance, unmoving, unbreathing, in his arms. 
He almost looks like he’s sleeping.
“Please,” Keith whispers, so near to inaudible he might as well have merely mouthed it. 
It’s another agonizing five minutes before Lance’s eyes flutter open. He gives Keith an easy grin. “Hey, Samurai.”
“Oh, shut up,” Pidge mutters while the rest of the team—minus Keith—lets out a collective sigh of relief. 
“Thank goodness,” Keith finally manages, hunching over to crush Lance in a hug.
“Easy, easy,” Lance murmurs, reaching up to tangle his fingers in Keith’s hair. “You’re shaking. You weren’t even the one who faked their death.”
Keith laughs weakly.
24. tender (divine protection) agatha and arguably scipio belong to @queen-eevee.
Scipio winces when Agatha lightly presses two fingers into the bruise on his cheekbone.
“Not so harshly,” he says, as if it will make up for his wincing, and the fact that he’s bruised at all. “It’s still tender, you know.”
He waits for the rise it might get out of her, the chastisement that he’s hurt and shouldn’t be making light of it because he could have died. Instead, though, when Scipio opens one eye to gauge her reaction, he finds her eyes dark, her piercing hazel clouded over and stormy.
“Scipio,” she says, her voice suspiciously unwavering and dangerously low, instead of shrill and annoyed or half-heartedly reprimanding like Scipio expected, “I am going to ask you this once, and you’re going to give me a straightforward answer: who did this to you?”
26. senseless (klance)
“What were you thinking?”
Lance wasn’t thinking, is the problem, but telling the rest of the team that will probably make them start yelling, and if they start yelling it might just be the thing that sends Keith into sensory overload. So instead, he says, “Keith would die if I didn’t?”
Really, they shouldn’t be asking this many questions. Yeah, he threw himself headfirst into a swarm of enemies who outnumbered him so badly that any person would logically decide Lance’s odds of survival were slim to none at best. Yeah, he did it without a plan. But what would have happened if he hadn’t?
Hello? He got out. And he got Keith out. 
“You both could have died,” Shiro says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Lance raises one shoulder in a shrug. Just one, because Keith is currently half-asleep and still bleeding a little bit on the other. “But we didn’t.”
Shiro sighs. “But you didn’t.” He turns to the rest of the team, gathered in Green’s cockpit, and shrugs. “I mean, he’s got a point. You really can’t argue that they’re not alive.”
10. righteous (declarian) declan and valerian belong to me.
“Everything I did,” Valerian snarled, striding forward as Declan stepped back, “was for you. For us. Yet day after day after day all I get in return is you being ungrateful.” 
Declan didn’t so much as flinch when his back hit the wall, nor when Valerian stepped so closely to him, enraged, that their noses nearly touched. “I never asked you to do anything.”
Valerian laughed, an unhinged sound that bubbled out of him. “Of course you didn’t! But I did it anyway! Isn’t that what you should look for in a spouse? Someone who does things without being asked? Someone proactive? Who thinks of you, who does things for you—”
“Except to stop.”
Valerian froze. A vein in his throat twitched. “What?”
“I never asked you to do anything,” Declan said, “except to stop and leave me be.”
35. filthy (team voltron) (and klance if you squint)
Keith knew how to raise a dog. So did Lance, for that matter. And Pidge. And the rest of the team had a general gist of how to take care of one. But Kosmo was not some sort of husky or malamute or golden retriever; he was a cosmic wolf, and up to now, nobody knew that cosmic wolves could teleport.
“He is not tracking dirt all over this castle,” Allura had decided, and that was how the team found themselves spread out and staked out across the castleship. 
“He’s just a puppy,” Keith insisted, “and if he really wants, no matter what we do to catch him, he’s going to teleport away again.”
“I see the logic,” Hunk said over the comms, “but consider that he’s covered in dirt. Now consider that he sleeps in your bed.”
“Keith sleeps with his shoes on anyway,” Lance muttered, earning a chorus of HE WHAT and Keith please tell me he’s lying and SHOES in BED?
“Not the point,” Keith said, cradling his cardboard box closer. “Point is Kosmo needs a bath, remember?”
“Okay, Mr. ‘He’s Going to Teleport Away Again’,” Lance snarked back.
Keith shook his head, slowly inching down the hall. “Real bold for someone who willingly shares that bed with me.”
28. something about her (caldara) dara belongs to me, cal belongs to @itsthearthipelago (it’s you!), and the setting belongs to @swapink.
The girl across the tavern was terribly out of place, in Dara’s opinion.
Not that she was out of place in Veritas Ascent, necessarily; just that the garish colors of her outfit belonged anywhere other than here. Dara studied her as she knocked back another shot—the bright pink of her hat and veil, the electric blue of her shirt, the chunky earrings dangling on either side of her head. She was a beacon amongst a dark sea of cloaks and concealed daggers, of sheathed swords and steel-toed boots. 
For what it was worth, though, she carried herself like she meant business as she strode between booths and tables.
Who are you? It crossed Dara’s mind before she could stop herself, the first time such a thing had happened since Varrick. 
She didn’t want another Varrick, and yet…
thank you for the ask sweetheart 🥰🥰🥰 (don’t mind that these were all more inspired by each word/phrase rather than using it directly in the text 😶😶😶)
send me a number and i’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase!
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kkrazy256 · 3 years
“ i thought i lost you. ” with my fav bros Fox and Thorn? <3 (all the sentences are soooo good)
Hey Amiko <3 Hope you don't mind that I used this prompt for CommanderFoxWeek @loving-fox-hours
Title: Redemption Inside the Grave
Prompt(s): Day 2: Hope | Forgiveness, "I thought I lost you"
Warnings: None
Characters: Commander Fox and Commander Thorn
Additional Tags: Post- Scipio, Commander Fox Needs a Hug
Word Count: 1821
[On Ao3]
The amount of datawork that sits on Fox’s desk after a mission is usually a good indicator of how it went. 
Good missions start with stacks of blueprints, detailed strategies, and the files of his best troops. These missions end with minimal thanks (it’s expected, it’s what they’re made for. What need is there to show gratitude?), and most troopers on the file with their status update still green and labeled functioning. There isn't much datawork for these types of missions. 
Bad missions start hurried by time and Senators, with minimal preparation, and not enough vode (never enough vode). They end with everyone important mad. Mad at him (of course, who else? He deserves it. He deserves it all. He fucked up. He’s always fucking up). It ends with spitting insults about incompetence and hurling threats of decommissioning. But none of it hurts. At least it never hurts more than the blocks of red (deceased) on the files he has to read through and sign off on. These missions end with more vode coming back in bodybags than on their feet, and Fox can’t help but think, I did that to them.  
The worst missions? It’s the ones where he wakes up underwater, a weight heavier than an anvil over his chest, stealing every breath and pushing him deeper and deeper into the dark. Missions where he does things he doesn’t fully comprehend beyond I followed my orders, I am a good soldier. Only to look back and think, is he?  
It’s holding up his blaster with still hands and perfect calm. It’s taking deadly aim even when he sees the resignation in Rex’s eyes and feels nothing. Nothing until the body hits the floor and he can’t take his own helmet off to pay respects because what right does he have? Because his hands are finally starting to shake, the weight of his actions hitting all at once and dragging him to the bottom of the ocean floor. 
But this, 
Fox looks down at the stack of datapads on his desk. The room is dark, the desk lamp unplugged and on the ground. There are no windows. The air is stuffy and stagnant; he wonders if they are cleaning the vents again. 
The top datapad lights up when he lifts it. The halo of blue illuminates his immediate area. The helmet sitting at the corner looks purple, the visor staring back at him like a void. Every time he blinks, it burns from somewhere behind his eyes. Fox doesn’t remember the last time he truly slept. (Before the ARC trooper, before Scipio —) 
It’s a mission summary report, written hastily enough for there to be a few typos. It’s short, barely a few paragraphs long, and his eyes glide over the words without retaining anything. His focus is on the attached list of updated statuses.
It’s all red. Red Red Red Red.
He thinks these types of missions are even worse than the ones where he doesn’t have control. 
 Red Red Red.
These missions should not end like this. They go prepared, they go with their best. 
Red Red Red.
So why do they end like this?
Red Red Red —
The stack of datapads shift slightly, and the desk trembles as a shadow settles on the edge.
“If it breaks, I’m stealing your desk.” He pinches the bridge of his nose hard, and the throbbing ebbs away into something dull. 
“Does that mean you’ll do my datawork too?” Thorn’s voice is light and teasing, but something’s off. He leans forward to pick up the helmet and the blue lights up his face. His eyes are tired, but the crinkling around the edges always betray his mirth. There’s no crinkling there right now; Thorn just looks exhausted. His hands turn the helmet around, fingers tracing over the painted wings on the temples. 
“I’ll do it for Scipio.” Fox blurts out, and the fingers pause. 
“You don’t have to.” 
“I do,” Fox doesn’t know why he does, but there’s something pressing in the back of his brain, telling him that he shouldn’t let Thorn do it, “you should get some rest. Remedy would kick your sheb if he finds out you came here instead of to medbay.” 
“Well, you don’t have to snitch.” Thorn sniffs and Fox shakes his head with a scoff. He picks up the stylus to start going over the report in detail.
A gloved hand lands on the corner of the datapad, and Fox looks up. Thorn’s eyes reflect the blue glow, flickering to read the upside-down words. 
“Hawk found me.” Thorn whispers.
Fox remembers the pilot during one of the 501st’s shore leaves. Thorn’s batchmate is slightly more serious than Thorn himself, but they share the same air of wild freedom, unable to be tied down. He remembers them taking off their helmets with matching grins, showing him their twin emblazoned wings. 
“How’d he look?”
“Horrified. Scared.” Thorn’s laugh is humorless, “I thought he was going to kill me himself if I wasn’t a—.....it wasn’t pretty, Fox.” he swallows hard, “there wasn’t much we could do.” 
“...You went with less than two platoons. None of us were expecting the level of activity you got.” 
The hand pulls back, leather creaking under the pressure of a clenched fist, “I lost them all, ori’vod.” 
“But you’re here.” Fox places his own hand over Thorn’s. Everything feels cold, “I...it’s not your fault.” 
“I think if any fingers are to be pointed, it would be towards the commanding officer during the mission, Fox. Which would be me.” 
“You weren’t supposed to be the one leading Scipio.” Fox snarls and the aftermath of his outburst echoes through the room. He takes a shuddering breath.
“I was.”
The air gets stuck in his lungs, and he kneads his palms into his eyes hard enough to see sparks behind the lids. 
Scipio was supposed to be his mission. But he was—still is, a complete and utter wreck. After the incident with the ARC trooper, he hadn’t had a chance to stop. It became a blur of meetings. With the Chancellor, with Skywalker, with Rex, with his Guard. All with little variation. Everyone just wanted to know, what happened?  
And Fox didn’t have a good answer for any of them.  
He’s so tired.
And Thorn had found him in his office then, just as he did now. He had found Fox sitting at his desk with the stylus in a death grip, staring at plans and contingencies. Found him running on fumes that not even caf could fix at that point. Found Fox in his arms immediately to steady him when he stood and started careening to the side. 
I fucked up, Thorn. I fucked up so bad. 
I’ll go to Scipio. We’ll talk more when I get back, alright? Please get some rest, ori’vod. Please.
And Fox had agreed. Because he was tired.
Tired of seeing the ARC trooper’s bone-white armor out of the corner of his eye every time he started to slip. Tired of the Chancellor’s oily praise for a job well done in killing a vod for the Republic. Tired of Skywalker’s needling curiosity. Tired of Rex not blaming him. Tired of everyone telling him, it’s—
“Fox, it’s not your fault.” Thorn’s words from before the mission mesh with the words that Thorn’s repeating right now. 
“Well, who’s is it then?” Fox snaps, slamming his palms back down on the desk. His vision blurs with random patterns from the prolonged darkness, and Thorn’s image swims in front of him. He had gotten about an hour of unconsciousness before his comm beeped with urgent matters from the Chancellor. He’s been on his feet ever since. 
He should’ve just stole some stims and gone to Scipio. 
“Why aren’t you all angry?” He continues, the plastic of the datapad strains under his grip, “not you, not Stone, not Thire. Not—” He stutters, “not Rex. None of you are, and I don’t understand .” 
“Why do you want us to be, Fox?” 
He falters, heart stuck in his throat. It beats erratically and his stomach turns. 
If they’re mad, there’s something to work with. He can apologize (even if it means absolutely nothing). Amends can be made (how. You fucking bastard, how?) He can fix it. He has to fix it. 
“You want us to be angry because you’re angry with yourself.” Thorn sets his helmet down, leaning forward to study Fox with dark eyes that see through his very core. 
His lips curl upwards.
“Oh, ori’vod. You want us to forgive you.” 
There are tears in Thorn’s eyes. (Or are they his own?) 
Thorn’s forehead presses against his, and Fox presses back with a sobbing exhale. 
“You already have it. We’re not the ones you’re looking for forgiveness from.” 
 A strand of long hair slips from Thorn’s ponytail and brushes against his cheek. It hits Fox with a sudden urge for how things used to be. Back when the war had only just started, and they were all shiny and thought things would get better. Back when he had enough time and energy to sit in the command lounge and braid Thorn’s hair clumsily. 
Hound’s better at this than I am, you know.
Mmm, yeah but I want my ori’vod to braid my hair.
Spoiled little kih’vod. 
“I thought I lost you.” He manages between hitched keening breaths ( when had he started to break down? Just now? Months ago? Two years ago?) 
“I’m never gone, ori’vod.” Thorn hums, reaching up to squeeze the back of his neck. It’s so cold, “Just marching—” 
Far away. 
The door to his office opens, and Fox jumps back. 
“...You alright, Fox?” Stone stands at the entrance, a datapad in his hand. 
Fox blinks, glancing down at the one in his own hands.
The list of troopers stares back, every name in red.
The Separatist Blockade was successfully broken through. Senator Padmé Amidala was safely extracted from Scipio under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and the 501st Legion. 
No other Republic survivors were extracted. Recovery efforts have been approved and engaged. 
 — CT-4991 (Hawk) 
“...What is it?” 
“The recovery mission on Scipio just returned. We’re heading to the crematorium right now.” Stone shifts on his feet, “you coming?” 
“...Yeah.” Fox reaches for the helmet on his desk, red and black without any wings. His eyes feel crusty and swollen. At this point, he has no idea if they’re even open and seeing the right things anymore. 
He’s so tired.
Fox slips the helmet on and stands. The world spins, and he bites his tongue hard enough to taste blood. He walks towards Stone. 
“You sure you’re alright? I could have Thire take the next shift. He’s—” Stone’s breath hitches, “he’s up for promotion now anyway.” 
“I’ll be fine,” Fox says as he passes his Second, stepping out into the hallway.
He’ll be fine.
[ao3]  if you wish to drop a kudo/comment :) 
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enemyofrome · 3 years
You know those alien invasion movies? How some of those even have enemies, state or personal, have to work together for the sake of humanity?
Idea: near the end of the second punic war scipio and hannibal were about to meet each other on the battlefield- had aliens not landed in Rome. From Italy onwards they rapidly conquered ground and so two generals fate put on opposing sides have to join forces to save their homelands and end the threat once and for all. They find clues pointing to rome, where the aliens first landed, to hold the secret to their overwhelming power so there is only one path open: to march on to Rome
There was an invasion movie on tv yesterday so my brain gave me this. Idk how the enemies can have tech and be overwhelmingly strong without being completely unbeatable for an army of that time (cause they are generals it should play to their strength so the genre typical small stealthy group of fighters gets upgraded to an small army). Unless... they use guerrilla tactics to take down some of the aliens and then steal their tech. Period typical hannibal and scipio except they have guns. They fly an alien ship across the alps. This ask was not this long in the beginning what has happened.
Anyway, ...yeah
bless you. what a concept.
also imagine: pacific rim but it's the mediterranean rim. hannibal and scipio are on their way to zama when the kaiju attack. surprise! they're drift compatible. the war is cancelled so they can team up, save rome and carthage from evil aliens, and fall in love along the way. cato's having an aneurysm somewhere. all is well.
anyway this ask is the best thing that's happened to me all year. i'd read 100k of it
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gffa · 5 years
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DID I YELL A LOT ABOUT THIS MOMENT?  YES, I DID. I’ve yelled about this very thing before, but to have it smacked right into our faces again in this final season was pretty damn satisfying, because it’s such an important point--in this war, neutrality is not the ethical option. Neutrality is an ethical option in a galaxy that’s operating on good faith, when both sides are entering into the conflict for valuable reasons and behave reasonably. But that’s not what’s happening in the Clone Wars, where this scene illustrates it beautifully. Yes, many of the Separatists worlds joined because of disenfranchisement and dissatisfaction with the Republic for very valid reasons, because they were ignored and overlooked and taken advantage of.  There were valid reasons for many of them.  But where those valid reasons get left in the dust is in the way the Separatist army behaves--they attack and oppress worlds, they enslave the populations, they strongarm and kidnap, or even outright murder leaders who disagree with them.
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We see a perfect illustration of this when Bail Organa goes to Toydaria and begs them to let the Republic use them as a staging area to send aid to Ryloth.  The Trade Federation shows up and says, no, you can’t do that, because then the Separatists will see that you’re joining the war and all your contracts with us will be void and your economy will tank.  Toydaria, known for its compassion, says, no, they can’t do it.  Not until the episode progresses and King Katuunko realizes, no, they do have to join the war because the people of Ryloth cannot be left to suffer and be oppressed just for the sake of their neutrality. (Neutrality that doesn’t even work really.  Mandalore tried to be neutral and it was wrecked for it.  Scipio tried to be neutral and it was wrecked for it.  This war left no one out of it.  And, frankly, given the parameters of this war, no one should be sitting it out.) And then we have “The Wings of Keeradaks”.  Where they’ve crash-landed on Skako Minor, the native population saying that they don’t want the Republic bringing war to their village, that the clones and Anakin say they just want to rescue their friend and be gone, but ultimately, yes, war does come to Skako Minor.  The war was already there. And Rex says, yeah, we did bring drag the war over here (it’s left unsaid that Wat Tambor and the Techno Union weren’t going to leave the native population alone for long anyway), but look what they did to one of our people!  They stripped his humanity from him, they tried to turn him into nothing more than a machine!  You have to choose a side. Because this isn’t a war where both sides are equally at fault.  Yeah, the Republic sucks in a lot of ways, but fighting in the war wasn’t one of those ways, not when this is what the Separatists did.  Not when they murdered and oppressed so many worlds, like Ryloth, like Mon Calamari, like Kiros, like the virus they wanted to unleash on Naboo.  Not when they literally tortured their prisoners, like Even Piell and Agen Kolar.  Not when they literally enslaved people, like aligning themselves with the Zygerrians to restart their slave empire and kidnapping the people of Kiros to make them literal slaves.  Not when they’re taking someone like Echo and doing this to him. Neutrality was not an ethical choice when this was on the table and being done.  The Republic needed to fight.  The Jedi couldn’t have stood by and watched this happen without doing something.  More worlds should have joined this fight and stood up against what the Separatists were doing and made sure their Senators were actually being held accountable for what they were voting for. In the end, the Poletec people agree to help and even say that the Jedi will always have an ally on Skako Minor.
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The people of Skako Minor make a choice because evil must be fought.  Just as the people of Onderon made a choice to join the Republic after working with the Jedi, who was fighting evil.  Just as the Toydarians joined the war, after listening to Bail, who was fighting evil. The politics of the prequels are pretty damn fantastic and this episode just nailed yet another point home about why it may not have been just black and white, but sitting it out wasn’t a good option, either.  Real people were really being hurt and it’s the duty of the people who live in that galaxy with them to help when they can.
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kenobihater · 4 years
Fox’s eyes burn from staring at his datapad for too long. 
“Fox, you got word back about Scipio yet? How’s Thorn holding up on babysitting duty?” Thire asks, leaning into Fox’s office. Fox can’t look away from his datapad.
The words begin to blur together, and Thire repeats himself. Fox looks up.
“W-what?” Fox asks, voice wavering ever so slightly. Thire looks like he’s seen a ghost.
“Are you crying?” Thire asks, and Fox reaches up to find his face wet with tears. He numbly wipes them away and looks back down to the datapad before extending it towards his brother. After a moment of staring, Thire takes it. Fox can tell he’s read it by the way he involuntarily lets out a gasp.
Thorn is dead. This wasn’t supposed to happen! Sure, Scipio was sketchy, but he’d been on worse missions and came back without a scratch. Thorn was capable, and strong, and a good commander, and- and none of that mattered. He’s dead, and he isn’t coming back.
“-so sorry. Fox… can you hear me?”
Fox rubs his face and looks to Thire.
“What?” Fox asks, confused. Thire comes a little closer.
“I’m sorry, Fox. I’m so sorry,” Their says, placing a hand on Fox’s shoulder. Fox shrugs it off and stands up, intending to brush past his brother when Thire catches him by the wrist. Fox whips around, ready to lay into him, when Thire envelops him in a hug. It’s so unexpected that he freezes for a moment.
“I don’t think you should be alone right now. I’m here for you, okay?” Thire asks, and Fox feels his walls crumble to dust as his knees go weak. Thire supports him easily, and lowers them to the ground. Fox feels a hysterical sob creep it’s way up his throat, and pretty soon he’s wailing. He cries for his brother, he cries for his vod, he cries for that last piece of goodness he’d held onto with both hands. It’s gone, his little brother, his batchmate, the man he was sequenced next to in the tube is dead.
Thorn, CC-1011, is dead.
“I’m here, Fox, I’m here,” Thire murmurs, and Fox cries harder at that. He can’t breathe, and he has to match his breaths to Thire’s to gain any semblance of control back.
It takes a while, but he manages to stop his pathetic crying.
“I’m… I’m sorry-”
“You have nothing to apologize for, alright? You would do the same for me,” Thire tells him, and Fox gives a weak nod. He tries to rise to his feet but stumbles. Thire catches him and helps him back to his feet. Fox sniffs, wipes a hand down his face, and turns to look at his brother.
“Thank you, all the same,” he says, and Thire squeezes his shoulder.
“Where are we going?” Thire asks, and Fox nearly loses it again by the casual way that his brother offers to keep him company, but he manages to keep it together.
“To- to tell Stone. In person,” he says, and Thire grimaces.
“Alright. I’m here for you, alright?” Thire asks, and Fox distantly notes that taking care of him is likely the only thing keeping Thire from losing it as well. He cared for Thorn too. 
“Alright,” Fox says, and grabs his helmet. He catches a glance of his own reflection in the black shine of his visor. His face is haggard and worn, his eyes are puffy, and his hair is a mess. He closes his eyes and puts on his helmet, only opening them when it’s secured. He pulls himself up to his full height, grabs his datapad, and walks over to the door. This whole time Thire has been watching with sad eyes, but Fox ignores him. 
He’s fine. 
He has to be. 
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hyacjnthus · 3 years
Do you have any sad headcanons about Jason?
• jason was pretty lonely after his mother left him. he went to the wolf house and trained with lupa, and she wasn’t as kind to him as jason soon found out that she was with the others. it was because he was a son of jupiter.
• he wasn’t sure of his godly parent for awhile so he didn’t know what he was good at and not a lot of people took him seriously for his age.
• he tried healing, and it didn’t go well... he tried archery, and it still didn’t go well...
• not too long after that did he find out his godly parent and then everyone wanted to train with him. as good as that was, in that moment, they only seemed to care because he was a son of jupiter.
• when the whole incident of leo attacking camp jupiter happened and jason woke up on the argo ii, he was disappointed he didn’t get to speak to reyna and explain how he and piper were together. he didn’t know how the quest would go, so he worried what might happen if he never got to tell reyna.
• of course, he never told piper because he was afraid she’d take it the wrong way and jason didn’t want to offend her.
• when nico suggested jason give up his praetor-ship in the house of hades, he was reluctant. what if he did go back to camp jupiter? would people still respect them if he wasn’t their leader? would he just look like an extra to the others’ successes? but given the way he is, he knew promoting frank was the only way, so he did it.
• when reyna shows up on scipio, jason considered telling her about him and piper but her and nico have to leave so he doesn’t get a chance.
• jason didn’t see nico until a few days after the war with gaea, and at nights he was making a list of things, a script if you will, for what to say to convince nico to stay. nico found that script a few days after jason died and it sits nicely in a box in cabin thirteen.
• jason waited in elysium, met all the people percy and annabeth had talked about, then told them all his stories. and he got really funny childhood stories from leo and frank’s mothers (let’s be real, they’re probably in elysium. emily zhang, definitely)
• and he meets maria di angelo. she tells him everything about nico and jason tells her how nico’s doing but doesn’t tell her about the outing because that’s nico’s choice. she also thanks him for taking care of her son. jason cries at that.
(again, idk if esperanza, emily, or maria are in elysium yet they probably are)
• a few times he’ll catch nico trying to sneak in, disobeying his father’s orders, but all he says is “all in good time, nico. you’ll see me when it’s your time.”
• when piper had particularly rough nights, going to bed upset due to jason’s absence, he’d visit her in a dream to assure her these things were not her fault. that she doesn’t need to dwell on it and that she should go live a little, find new love.
• jason visits leo too, though the first time is a heated discussion about how leo tricked them into thinking he was dead. from then on, they were just leo talking about calypso and how he finally got his mechanic shop and jason is just so damn proud of how far his best friend’s come.
• soon, jason finds out from nico that reyna joined the hunters of artemis and jason is sad that he has a ways to go before he can see his friend, and his sister.
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big1ron · 4 years
Senate Murders.
The resolute was under complete lock-down while the senate got word of what was happening. And as it turns out, when senators start feeling threatened, it does not end well for the clones. They started saying things like, the clones are dangerous, that they need combat in order to keep themselves in check, otherwise they begin murdering.
One night after the Resolute was grounded, Commander Fox of the coruscant guard was placed on senator guard duty. Nothing new. 
Except this specific senator was Rush Clovis. Head of the banking clan. And he was directly responsible for thorns death.
It took all of Fox’s strength not to strange that man, especially with the way he treated clones in general.
He stood at his post, by the door, while Clovis sat on the couch, eating his bantha steak room service meal. 
“Hey foxy, what do you think about this? ‘Clones can't be trusted, if they turn to murdering all organics on a ship after just a few days away from battle. Therefore the coruscant guard should be retired for the safety of the senators. An excess of clones that don't see combat in the senate building could prove disastrous for the republic, if they suddenly turn to murder as a clone on board the resolute has.’”
Fox couldn't tell if Clovis was serious, or if he was goading him, like he so often did. He stayed quiet though.
“With the current situation I'm glad those droids took out Amidala’s escort. It would be a shame if something bad happened to her, or she was murdered by one of those clones. I doubt she would be able to defend herself against those troopers” he gave fox a smug smile, knowing, thinking, fox could do nothing.
Fox discreetly double tapped one of the buttons on the panel near the door on the wall behind him. The room would now be soundproofed.
“Ah Foxy but whatever will happen to you? Maybe the same thing that happened to the commander with Amidala? What was his name…? It doesn't matter anyways now. He put up a good fight, he really did. It was visible from my window you know?”
Fox balled his fists. He was about to snap. Clovis had watched thorn be shot, had watched his stand, and still, he was glad it had happened? Clovis must have noticed.
“Hm? What's wrong Foxy? I strike a nerve?”
“It's nothing sir. If you're done, I'll take your plate.”
“Yeah sure, step outside. Go take a breather.” Clovis said smugly, smiling as if he had won.
And he had won. He had pushed Fox too far. Fox put down his blaster, and slowly walked over to where Clovis was sitting. He took the plate and cutlery off the table, stood straight up, and picked the knife up off the plate. He let the plate drop and shatter at his feet. He stared directly at Clovis through his darkened glass visor. 
“Uhh… Foxy?? What's… haha… whats wrong foxy?” Clovis was scared. Fox could hear it in his voice. Clovis may have won but he was not going to get the last laugh.
“C-commander fox? Hey I’m sorry ok i didn't-” at the sound of his name he sprung forward, plunging the steak knife into Clovis’ chest. the first of many times to come. Clovis screamed and fought him but the head of the guard was too strong for the senator to fight off.
“Yeah, that's my name. Commander fox.” Clovis punched and kicked at the solid armor Fox wore. Fox went in for another slash, this time cutting across the senators collarbone. “Not “foxy.” commander. Fox!” Fox yelled over the senator's screams. He brought the knife into the senator's side, holding onto his shirt to prevent escape. “And thorn. that's the name you were looking for.” Clovis screamed and kicked but that only earned him another stab wound to the thigh. “Commander Thorn was the man you killed on Scipio” the senator was weakening as his blood flowed out of the holes he was now filled with. Fox jammed the knife into his neck to finish the job quicker. He was done here.
He stood up and viewed the scene.
Suddenly he heard the door open behind him. He whipped around thoughts racing through his head ‘am i discovered? How could i be so stupid, i forgot to lock the door, This is the end for sure-’
“Hey Fox i- whAT THE KRIF-”
“SHHHH! Please dont panic” Fox raises his hands and takes his helmet off and drops it as the door closes behind thorn.
“Fox… what did you DO!?”
“I… he killed Thorn. He WATCHED HIM DIE THIRE. He watched him, and he didn't care. He said he was GLAD he had him killed. He didn't even know his name. He knows Thorns name now though. I doubt he'll forget it. He got what he deserved.”
“Fox… that isn't going to bring him back. That's only going to get you killed! How are you going to explain this!?”
“Ive avenged him, Thire. I couldn't bring him back but i could kill the man who was responsible. I … I've got an idea on how to get away with this. But I'll need your help, and you'd have to lie for me.” Fox’s heart beats fast. He's killed criminals before, with his blaster. But this is different. Much more personal. And it feels good. The power he’d felt over Clovis who he had felt powerless against before. He, nor his brothers, would be harmed by Clovis again. And it felt great.
Thire sighed and rubbed his face. lying for and helping Fox would make him an accomplice. But he couldn't let fox be taken away. And if he didn't say yes…
“Fine. what do you need, Fox?”
“I need you to help me wash my armor, first of all. And lock that door.”
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