#school starts tommorow
mixxsweetheart · 1 month
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percephilous · 3 months
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What's this remake after uh. It's too late to count I made the other one in March figure it out
The Melia :) the mels the mewia the (I'm shot)
Old one down here
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salosanim · 18 days
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LET'S GO BRIAN STELLS HELL YEAH yes another brian stells because he's my favorite 😘😘😘
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I go eep now
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Red dead sims 4 real
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sophoscorner · 1 year
Congrats! You finished today to get to tommorow!
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sarkamancy · 23 days
What are your thoughts on this
how beautiful...
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feral-goblin-kid · 1 month
I am not ready for tommorow
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ghostighostly · 6 months
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clulessmess · 7 months
I feel. Out of it
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mun-urufu · 1 month
silly note list because I need to fix things
no rules spamming is allowed :3 (I really wanna get these things done but need someone from the outside to nudge me, the note count is high because some things need to be later or further apart)
5 notes and I’ll drink water rn
10 notes and I’ll brush my teeth today
20 notes and I’ll have a proper full breakfast tommorow and for a week afterwards
30 notes and I’ll try to convince my parents to buy me the electronics needed to finish my tv head
40 notes and I’ll post a picture of the tv head
50 notes and I’ll post a picture of me in the tv head and a kimono I made once it’s finished
60 notes and I’ll put my laptop into a repair shop to fix it bluescreening every 10 minutes when I’m working on something more requiring on its RAM
70 notes and I’ll actually draft a project for a silly metroidvania I started working on
80 notes and I’ll post dev logs of said silly metroidvania
90 notes I’ll get my shot together and start a twitch channel
100 notes ill try and draft up a stream plan once I know all my school and extra curricular stuff
125 notes and I’ll stream my development process
150 notes and I’ll do some more extra streams and prepare an introductory video
175 notes and I’ll start a YouTube channel where I’ll reuse some of the VODs I’ll eventually get and make some actual videos
200 notes and ill talk to my therapist about thinking I have adhd (I barely avoided failing last year)
250 notes and I’ll try to go to sleep early for a week straight
300 notes and I’ll try to fix my sleep schedule before school starts
400 notes and I’ll organize my room before school starts
500 notes and I’ll release a demo of said metroidvania
600 notes and I’ll release it on Itch.io
1000 notes and I’ll try to come out to my parents as trans (again)
1200 notes I’ll try to make some money with my skills
1500 I’ll make a 2d game adding only y’all’s ideas
I might add some more later goals later (some of the numbers are prone to adjustment but I’ll try to avoid that, and do it only for the yet to be completed ones)
tags under the cut to get this started
@hadoom @uwathebestgirl @im-a-sentient-magic-carpet @thecrazyalchemist
I’m making a mistake with this one
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makkir0ll · 5 months
you finally turn in your essay you breathe a sigh of relief. but that feeling is soon gone when you check the time and see that it's 11 pm.
you look at the windows nearby and see that it's pitch black, and you check your surroundings and there are very few people left. it's finals season and the library is no stranger for students to be pulling all-nighters trying to study or turn in their projects at the last minute.
you close your laptop and pack up your stuff and go to head out when you look outside the door and you see a weird man outside, smoking something that smelt absolutely disgusting. you felt a pit of anxiety grow in your stomach because this is the only way out and any of the other exits would sound the emergency alarm. you take deep breath and decide to walk out (dumbest decision ever) and you're hit with a "hey there pretty girl, what are you doing here?" from the creep and you immediately run back into the library.
you open your contacts and go to the one labeled tobio❤️ and click on it, calling him. you knew he was probably sleeping, but you didn't really want to sleep at the library.
he picks up "hello?" his voice is groggy and laced with sleep. you start to feel bad knowing you woke him up.
"tobio?" you start. "hey i'm sorry for waking you up but there's this creep outside the library and i just-"
"i'm on my way." he cuts you off. you hear some shuffling in the background. "give me like ten minutes and i'll be there". his house is a thirty minute walk from the university library. "just wait inside okay? don't worry."
"it's okay tobio you can take your time. i'll be waiting. i love you"
"i love you too." and he hangs up. you put your phone back into your pocket and you can't help the guilty feeling that begins to swirl in the pit of your stomach. you know he has a busy schedule with balancing volleyball and school and you soon begin to regret your decision. but there was no stopping him he was probably halfway to the library by now.
you're sitting on one of the armchairs with your phone in your hand, mindlessy scrolling on social media when you feel a hand on your head, you look up and see your dark hair boyfriend. he seems out of breath and his hair a mess. he's still in pajamas, you can tell because he's wearing a stained hoodie underneath his puffer.
"lets go" he says with a small smile.
you stand up and he follows next to you as you walk out the building. when you see the man coming to approach you again you feel his arm wrap around your shoulders and pull you into his chest. you can hear his heartbeat.
"oh? back again pretty girl-"
"hey man fuck off alright." kageyama scowls at him, pulling you impossibly closer to his chest as he begins to walk faster. leaving the creep behind.
once you guys are a safe distance away he begins to loosen his grip on you but never moves his arm from your shoulder.
"i'm sorry if i woke you up." you start to say.
"i don't know, i guess it's because you have such a busy schedule. and i know how much you care about your health and that stuff-"
"but i care about you more." he says bluntly, dark blue eyes staring into yours. "i mean i would much rather be tired at tommorows practice than have you be unsafe." he says with his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. yours do the same at his words.
you continue your walk back to his apartment. he says that after waking him up you owe this to him. of course you can't deny when he offers to give you his t shirt, and when you pull the covers up to your chest and feel his hand snake around your waist and pull you close to him, nose nuzzling into your neck you hear him whisper.
"don't ever worry about bothering me if something like this happens again." he presses a kiss to your neck and you turn around to cup his face and kiss his lips softly. you see the moonlight illuminate his features as you pull back, his eyes half lidded with a smile on his face.
"okay, tobio. goodnight" you say smiling. resting your head onto his chest as he pulls you closer.
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jesuscrab · 2 years
ughhh i want to work on my new video but im so tired from my work and school that i just want to play vida gams :(((
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Secret Saviour
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Damian Wayne x Male Reader
Warnings: None…
Part 1: Being the son of Roulette and meeting Damian Wayne…
Summary: When Bruce goes missing Damian finds an unexpected help in Y/n Sinclair…
(A/n: I changed the title from the poll)
Ever since the two of you studied together you and Damian had grown fond of each others company. Despite that Damian would never admit this fact, he insisted to his family that he was simply investigating you to see if you were somehow involved with your mother’s criminal activities.
He hadn’t actually found anything suspicious connecting you to Roulette yet which pleased him. Because according to him it means ”he dosen’t have to contact the GCPD… yet”. But Damian would have to put his ”investigation” on halt for a bit.
One dark night during patrol Bruce had suddenly disappeared without a trace, no comms could reach him and they had no way to track him except for the Batmobile’s last location, which hadn’t revealed the slightest hint. His allies looked for him for days trying to find even the smallest clue that would at least let them know he was alive but nothing.
Just when they felt like there was no where else to look they got a call from the watchtower. They answered and Martian Manhunter appeared on the screen of the Batcomputer.
”Hey J’onn, good news I hope” Dick greeted. ”The watchtower recieved an urgent message about Batman’s current whereabouts from an unknown source” J’onn said and another voice started playing from the speakers, one which Damian recognized…
”Is this the watchtower?” A voice came over a weak signal making the sound crackle lightly. Despite the bad audio quality Damian knew that voice immediately it was Y/n’s voice. ”I know Batman has disappeared and I think I know where he is, have someone meet me on the 4th floor of parking garage next to the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday at midnight and I’ll tell you what i know”.
The message then ended and J’onn said ”I’ll let you decide how to deal with the informant, make sure to be careful, contact the League if you need any further help, good luck”. Then he hung up and disappeared from the main screen.
”Do we go meet the informant? It could be a trap to get us too” Duke questioned. ”We don’t have anything else to go off, this could be our only lead, we have to go” Tim stated. ”How about two of us go meet the informant, while the others keep watch in the surrounding area and Oracle monitors, incase it’s a trap” Dick said drawing up a plan.
The others muttered and nodded in agreement of the plan. ”I wanna meet the informant” Damian then voulenteered on impulse making the others turn to him suprised by his eagerness. But Damian needed to make sure it was you, even if you might be luring him in to a trap.
”Alright” Dick said and walked them through the plan ”Me and Damian meet the informant on the 4th floor. Jason, you keep an eye from above the top of the Royal Hotel. Cass and Steph, i want one of you on the 5th floor and one on the 3rd floor, incase we need back up. Duke and Tim, you’ll watch from the building across the street, everyone clear?”.
The each member of the team uttered a quick ”Yes” in understanding. As Damian went to bed he knew needed to keep an eye on you tommorow.
The next day when Damian attended school he was on the watch for you. Once he found you, you greeted Damian as you usually did but as you got to class he noticed you seemed off. You were usually the more talkative out of the two of you but today you seemed distracted, almost nervous today.
When you got to lunch time and you and Damian sat down together he questioned ”Are you okay? You’re being quiet”. ”Oh… no I’m fine I just got a lot to do, so just a bit stressed you know” you answered vaguely.
The fact that Damian had pointed it out, made you seem more focused and yourself, he assumed it was to not seem suspicious and make him ask more questions. Once the school day ended you were quick in saying goodbye to him before you got in to a car as your chauffeur took you home.
Later that night Nightwing and Robin grappled to the 4th floor of parking garage and started looking around. There were some cars parked there that they kept a watchful eye on in case any goons were hiding inside. Soon the two spotted a figure dressed in all black.
The figure was looking down to the streets below the garage. The two approached slowly ready to grab their weapons in case of an ambush. As they stopped behing the stranger he turned around.
Damian had been right there you were hidden in a black hoodie. Not something you’d usually wear but Damian understood it was for stealth purposes. And even then he thought black suited you well.
Dick however was caught slightly off guard a kid was the one who had made an emergency call to the Watchtower…
”Thanks for meeting me” you said, your voice cautious as you looked around to see no one would hear you. ”So, what do you know?” Nightwing asked.
”I think that Batman was taken by the criminal, Roulette, ever heard of her?” you started. ”Yeah, she’s the one who runs those illegal cansinos, what makes you think she’s behind this?” Dick asked.
”I… have sources who work closely with her” you said Robin and Nightwing noticing the slight hesitation in your voice. ”They say she’s advertising a special event with her superhero cage fights that started around the same time Batman went missing” you explained.
”Any idea where she might have taken him?” Robin spoke up, his voice throwing you off for a moment, Robin sounded kinda like Damian. You got back on track and answered ”My guess would be her casino in Las Vegas, it’s her biggest one, she holds all her major events there and I think she’d make having captured Batman, a big event”.
You held out a flash drive in your hand and said ”This contains the layout of the Vegas casino”. Nightwing picked it up and said ”Thank you, you’ve been very helpful to us”.
”It’s the least I could do after all you’ve all done for the city” you told him with a small smile. ”I have to leave now” you told them. ”Good luck” you said walking off, you felt someone grab your shoulder.
Making you turn around being met with Robin. ”You shouldn’t walk home alone, It’s dangerous this late at night, someone should escort you” he stated. You smiled at him. ”Don’t worry I’m a tough boy, who can take care of himself, thanks for the offer though” you stated, a teasing tone to your voice and you once more turned around and strolled off.
Dick and Damian then started their drive home in the Batmobile. ”I wonder what sources he had, hope he’s not mixed up in that crowd, he seemed pretty young” Dick said with a worried tone.
”That was Y/n Sinclair, he probably got the info straight from Roulette herself” Damian revealed. ”Oh! That was your boyfriend? The one you’re ”investigating”? He seemed nice, I like him, Good pick” Dick stated.
”He’s NOT my boyfriend!” Damian said annoyed.
”You just offered to walk him home” Dick accused. Damian glared at his brother and said ”Just to make sure he stays out of trouble”.
”…Right” Dick said not believing a single word Damian said.
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kyemna · 7 months
Alastor with a non-biological teenager who died in the 80's
This is kind of based on some headcanons I posted earlier. I wanted to include some in the story, so here it is!
Again, i made him a softy here, to come for my throat😞
I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes.
TW: Mentions of death
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It was strange, dying. Apparently there's a whole process that happens after..
Standing in Hell when you 'wake up'..
Processing, and finding a place to live.
Getting kicked out of that place, because they find out you lied about your age, and now living on the streets.
A girl finding out you live on the streets, and you discovering she's the Princess of Hell.
She invites you to stay at her hotel, rent free, but in exchange, you have to rehabilitate. Okay, do-able right? Wrong.
Finding out the radio demon stays at that EXACT Hotel.
The demon you wanted to avoid the most.
Sighing and accepting the fact that your stuck with him.
So, there you were. A 16 year old, standing in the door opening of the hotel, ready to be Rehabilitated.
Charlie, the girl you met on the streets, walks up to you and shakes your hand enthusiasticly.
"Welcome (y/n)!! We're so happy to have you here!" She smiles widely.
You awkwardly smile back at her.
"Thanks for taking me in.. i really do appreciate it."
"Ofcourse, it's no problem. We need more guests here anyways so, your helping me out more than your aware." She drags you inside the hotel, introducing you to the staff.
"Everyone this is (y/n), our first ever teenager at the Hotel! (y/n), this is, Vaggie, Husk, Angel Dust, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Alastor"
You looked at everyone taking in their appearances and names.
You make eye contact with Alastor, his usual grin widens, as he tilts his head a little to the left.
"Nice.. to meet you all." You smile a little.
Alastor spoke. "So, how old are you, dear?"
Taken off-guard by him actually speaking to you, you answer.
"When did you die?" Angel dust asks.
"1983" you answer, again.
Angel whistles.
"How did you die?" He asks.
You stayed quiet for a moment.
"I drowned." Your grip on your bag tightens.
"Charlie, can you show me to my room, please? I need some time to... take it all in"
She nods, leading you upstairs.
Alastors gaze follows you.
"Wow, well done Angel. Asking a teenager how they died. real smooth." Vaggie says.
"How was I supposed to know it would upset them?"
"I don't know.. common sense?"
He rolls his eyes.
Charlie opens the door to your room, as you both step in.
"Take your time to get settled in, there's no hurry. Breakfast is at 8:30, lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 18:00 (6:00). There's also a meeting tommorow morning at 10 but you don't have to come to that if you don't want to." She smiles, leaving your room.
You sigh, and plop down on your bed.
You turn to your left, being met by Alastor staring at you.
You scream, rolling off the bed.
"What the hell, Alastor?" You say, loudly.
"My apologies, dear. I just noticed something was wrong when you spoke about the way you died. Now, i'm no therapist, but I am a good listener.
Would you like to talk about it?"
You inhaled sharply
"What's there to say? I was fighting somebody off near a pool. I killed his friend. He pushed me in, and he drowned me. That's all there is."
He hummed as you stand back up, and start unpacking.
"Did you know him?"
"Not really.. I went to school with him but that's all." He nods, as he stands up, taking the shirt you had in your hands, and folding it properly for you.
"If you need a hand with anything, just ask" He says, leaving your room.
The next morning you wake up at 7:00 am.
You sit up, as you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in" you say, yawning.
Alastor opens, enters, and closes the door.
"Charlie asked me to help you get settled i-" He stops and looks at you, noticing your hair. "-in." He stays silent for a moment before speaking again.
"My goodness, you look an absolute mess, dear."
You roll your eyes, laying back down.
He walks towards the curtains and opens them, light cutting off your vision for a few seconds. You groan.
"Time to get up, we have a trip to make." He lays an outfit on the end of your bed.
"Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."
He exits your room again.
"Strange guy" you mumble, getting out of bed.
"And make your bed!" he says loudly from the hall.
"Okay, dad" you yell back, sarcastically. That came out quicker than you wanted it to. You hoped he didn't hear it. With no response, you assumed he didn't.
You get dressed, brush your teeth, do your hair, and all in a hurry since you only had 15 minutes.
You run downstairs, noticing yourself in the mirror. Your wearing a white button-up shirt, with a dark blue skirt that reaches to your calfs, a pair of low black heels and a black hat, with lace. Not to big.
You weren't used to dressing so.. conservative.
Alastor was already waiting at the door.
"17 minutes. your late."
"Oh, whatever. It's only two minutes."
You say, straighting your skirt, hearing a quick static sound of irritation.
He sighs and opens the door for you.
"Thank you." You step outside, the cold wind hitting your skin, as you breathed it in.
You two were walking in silence when Alastor spoke.
"We'll be going to Cannibal town, where we'll be meeting a friend of mine. I need to ask a favour of her, and I wanted you to tag along, so you could get accustomed to Hell."
"What kind of favour?" You asked, looking up at him.
"I'm afraid that's none of your concern, dear."
You hummed in response, looking around, trying to memorize some of the streets.
"Alastor, when were you born?" You ask.
"1893, January 1st. Why do you ask?"
You whistle, a little surprised.
"No reason, just curious.."
You guys arrived at Cannibal town.
Everyone looked so old fashioned.
You realised why Alastor picked this outfit for you. You blend right in.
You two enter a small communal building.
He waves at a woman.
"Oh my stars. Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor, it's been ages!" She walks up to us, kissing him on the cheek.
"And who's this? Come now Alastor, she's much to young for you. I'm just kidding, I know your an ace in the hole." you snicker.
"A what now?" He asked, confused.
"I think she means ase-sexual, Alastor."
"Yes, that!" The woman says, snapping her fingers.
"I'm Rosie, dear. What's your name?" She smiles.
"I'm (y/n), ma'am, nice to meet you."
She gasps softly, laying her hand on her chest.
"A pleasure meeting you, dear. So polite. Alastor you could learn a thing or two from her." She says, laying her hand on your shoulder and taking us to a table.
You wiggle your eyebrows at Alastor, grinning. He rolls his eyes.
"So what can I do for you two?" She asked.
"It's better I discuss this with you privately, Rosie." Alastor says.
She nods, turning to me.
"You can wait here, Dear. We'll be right back" she smiles, as they enter her office.
An hour later, they came back out, laughing.
"Sorry it took so long, we got a little carried away" Rosie apologized.
"It's okay" you said, standing up.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Rosie."
Alastor thanked her.
She waved it away.
"No need to thank me, Al. It's always a pleasure having you around. See you next time!"
We both smiled at her as we left.
"So.." i started. "What did you two talk about..?"
He raised his eyebrow.
"I'm still not telling you."
You shrug. "Worth a shot"
You two got back to the Hotel, and had dinner with the rest of the staff.
At 23:00 (11:00) you stumbled upstairs, exhausted from your long day.
You opened the door to your room, and kicked off your shoes, falling onto your bed, immediately dozing off.
Alastor entered your room, about to say something, when he noticed you were asleep. He sighed softly, walking over to you. He gently picked you up, laying your head on your pillow and tucking you in.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all...
Thank you for reading!
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