#schnozmo cosma
slime-sandwhich-nom · 13 days
Their Christmas family dinners are probably a blast
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edergtz · 28 days
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Based on a Gravity Falls scene
I HC that Papa Cosmo is the type of dad that is just nervous all the time and ended up being kinda traumatized thanks to Cosmo’s weird baby magic. He also had like thousands of baby books that he tried to consult and never worked (kinda how Peri always checks Da Rules)
Extra: other HC, his name is Orion, and Mama Cosma's is Mint (i'm not original sorry)
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lovelywayniac · 1 month
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Some more suggestions!
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nalooksthrough · 3 days
Something that always suck out to me about Schnozmo that I have yet to see anyone mention is just how much of a glutton the man is.
He dine and dashed at a sushi restaurant. Hiding out at his brother's godkid's house to avoid paying.
He than raided said Godkid's fridge. Eating a sandwich and a donut before taking a bunch of junk and leaving.
And then only a few minutes later he started roasting a whole ass pig for himself. To eat.
Cosmo was literally going to give him a whole ham leg before he found out he was lying.
Literally insane. Why do you need that much food my guy??
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butchlesbiancosmo · 2 months
the family drama between the Cosmas and the Fairywinkles is a disaster in general but I think out of all of them, Schnozmo has the healthiest relationship by far with Cosmo and Wanda which is kind of funny since he’s most likely the only convicted felon. he’s the only one getting invited on the holidays, ugly homemade sweater and everything
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what-with-you-dear · 1 year
I'm going to do the impossible and write about Schnozmo x Anti-Cosmo.
Good luck to me✌️✌️✌️
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buttheadstan-nr1 · 3 months
Am I the only one who likes Cosmos Brother Schnozmo? He was so funny and I am sad that he only had one episode.
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eemoo1o · 2 years
I can’t stress how much that I, as a kid, wanted Schnozmo and Blonda to get together. Like dude, they would have been perfect.
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doodletrash · 1 month
The introduction of Cosmo's brothr makes no sense because in a earlier season Wanda says Cosmo is an only child.
Clearly the writers forgot but since its a dumb plothole I'm just gonna say Wanda disowned Schnozmo as Cosmo's brother because he's such a con.
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milkywaygg · 2 years
Time Passing Ch 2
The cold December freeze hit them hard as Darren and Chelsea has left the bar. Instead of carrying her guitar all the way home, Chelsea had decided to pack it back in its suitcase and send it to her hotel with her hand, telling her bandmates that she’d be back later. With nothing but a white t-shirt as his top, Darren found himself struggling to keep his composure as he started to shiver, hugging himself tight for warmth. After a little while, when Chelsea had felt like it was just the two of them, she stopped and took off her leather jacket, throwing it onto Darren’s arms.
“Here, take it. I’ve got a long sleeve shirt on anyways.”, Chelsea said.
“Thanks.”, Darren said, throwing on the jacket, “Uhh…don’t take this as me being an ungrateful bastard or anything, but why are you being so nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You don’t remember all the fights we had as kids? That one time we nearly choked each other unconscious before Papa came in and stopped us? Not to mention, all the times we insulted one another, even in front of Cosmo? I mean, don’t you still resent me.”
“The only person I resent is Ma-I mean Nora. She doesn’t deserve to be called a mother.”, Chelsea muttered, though Darren could hear that she was holding back shivers of her own, despite her assurance that she’d be fine, “Despite what you think, I don’t hate you Darren. I just never approved of your choices, and I was scared you were gonna turn out like that curly-haired troll.”
“Hey, I only started because we didn’t have any other options when Papa wasn’t around. It wasn’t like Nora was gonna get off her lazy ass and get us food. It’d be too much work to give a shit about anyone but herself.”, Darren ranted, and to his surprise, received a laugh from Chelsea.
“You remember the time she was rushing the barista at the donut shop because she had to wait an extra minute on her order?”, Chelsea smirked, making Darren nearly explode in laughter.
“Oh my god, yes, and her head shrinking when that barista ended up putting something in her drink. That shit was hilarious.”, Darren laughed, though wasn’t sure why Chelsea had brought that up, “Why’s that matter.”
“It doesn’t, but I always found it hilariously sad what lengths she would go through to make other miserable. Plus, I honesty find it funny to bring up some of the dumb shit she’s done.”, Chelsea shrugged, “Guess it’s kind of a coping mechanism of mind. Dude, I shit you not, I literally danced on her grave when Papa wasn’t looking at her funeral.”
“Wow, finally something we have in common. Never thought I’d live to see the day. I’m almost proud”, Darren chuckled, finding himself feeling a little more light hearted as the two continued their path, “I still remember that one time she nearly tried to shoot someone at a Wish fil A over someone taking too long at the drive thru. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if Papa wasn’t there.”
“Dude, I wish you would’ve been there for Cosmo’s baby shower.”, Chelsea said, recounting that faithful evening, “She and Wanda started a fist fight over…god, I don’t really remember but It was definitely over something stupid. Both of them were so drunk out of their minds, I thought they’d get arrested or some shit.”
“Damn. Is he doing ok, by the way? Does he know I’m out?”
“I dunno. Probably not. It’s been a while since I talked to him, but when we did, he seemed fine. I dunno. You’ll have to call and tell him yourself.”, Chelsea said, as the two had finally come across a tall, magenta building with a double door at the front. The building was about 15 stories tall, and some of the lights in the windows were lit-up, while others were just as dark as the night sky.
Beginning to feel his stomach getting queasy and his heart race, Darren had no choice but to follow Chelsea into the office and talk to the receptionist at the front desk.
“Excuse me, what apartment does a Linnie Cosma live in again? I’m his daughter, Chelsea.”, she asked the receptionist, a brown haired male that looked no older than 19,000. The kid smiled at her as he checked the book of records and found Linnie’s name under the list of current tenants.
“He’s in 701. Just take the elevator to the 7th floor and it should spit you right in front of his door.”, the kid said, “Oh and by the way, your new song, Fat Fucking Bitch, is one of my favorites. What’s the inspiration for it?”
“Oh you know, just a relative of mine.”, Chelsea smirked as Darren tried to hold in his laughter, before she lead the both of them towards the elevator. Darren felt his anxiety getting worse and worse as they got closer to the 7th floor, his heart dropping at the sound of a loud DING! Just as the receptionist had promised, the two fairies immediately found themselves standing in front of a white, wooden door with a bronze 7, 0, and 1 plated on the front. Chelsea knocked on the door and waited for a minute, only to receive no answer.
“Oh well, sounds like he’s asleep. Oh damn, well, I guess I better crash at the hotel or something.”, Darren said, attempting to leave only for Chelsea to pinch his ear.
“Oh no, you don’t get to pussy out, get back over here.”, she said, “Let’s just try one more time. Maybe he didn’t hear me.”
Chelsea knocked on the door a bit louder this time, initially receiving no answer. But before Darren could sigh in relief and leave the apartment, a “Be right there!” was heard from the other side, along with some footsteps moving around. Within the next few minutes, the door finally opened, revealing a tall man that looked almost exactly like Cosmo, except his hair was slightly longer and wore rectangular reading glasses, alongside a green turtleneck sweater and black pants, with a belt resting at his waist. The man smiled softly as he pulled Chelsea into a hug, rubbing her back gently.
“Oh, I missed you so much, honey! What are you doing here? I thought you had a tour?”, Linnie asked, before noticing Darren, who waved awkwardly. Chelsea smirked at the two males.
“Well, I was gonna head back to the hotel before I found a little surprise.”, Chelsea said, “He was wondering if he could stay here for the night, so he can take care of his own apartment tomorrow and make sure it hadn’t been put back up for lease.”
“Oh, of course. Come in, both of you, please.”, Linnie said gently, allowing Chelsea to go through before stopping Darren, pulling him into another hug, “I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re ok.”
“Ack…good to see you too Papa.”, Darren managed to grunt out, before Linnie let go, and had him sit down at the couch. Compared to their childhood home, Linnie’s single apartment was much nicer, despite being a lot smaller. It was only a one bedroom, but there wasn’t a trace of alcohol stained on the light pink walls, and the cream carpet was nice and clean. Darren sat on a green, leather couch as he looked around at the living room, with not a single picture of Nora’s pig-like face on the wall. Instead, there were frames of the few good memories the kids had growing up, when Nora would have to go out of town, or just flat out never came home at all. Darren couldn’t help but tear up a little bit as he saw a picture of him as an 8,000 year old, swinging on the swing set as Linnie stood behind him, pushing him.  
Next to the TV that centered the room, Darren also saw a green shelve of books resting neatly in rows. He even smirked a little bit when he saw some titles that mentioned divorce, and how to celebrate after leaving a toxic relationship.
“Papa? Do you have any beer?”, Chelsea called from the kitchen, digging around a stainless, steel fridge.
“No dear, I don’t drink, remember?”, Linnie said sweetly, before turning towards Darren, his eyes filled with compassion, “Oh dear, you look so cold…and it looks like you hadn’t gotten a good meal in several years.”
“Well…I mean….I WAS kind of you know…in prison.”
“Oh my god Darren, don’t be rude.”, Chelsea said, rolling her eyes as she got a water from the fridge, “So Papa, What’s new? You’ve been ok?’
“Yes sweetheart, I’ve been alright. I’ve just been working at the nursery most of the time, and here when I’m off. Sometimes I get to babysit a little one though, and that’s usually a lot of fun. Uhm..”, Linnie said, looking concerned at Darren’s body, “Do you want something to eat? I could make a nice soup for you if you’d like.”
“Nah, I had a burger and fries at the bar, not too long ago. In fact, that’s how Chelsea caught a wind of me being in town.”
“Well, alright then, but I think I’ll go ahead and make you some tea. It’ll keep you warm, hun.”, Linnie said, getting up from the couch as he fidgeting around with the cupboards and pantry, pouring hot water into a pot, “How long have you been released?”
“Only since earlier today. Didn’t have much else to go, so I ended up camping at the park for a little while to find some extra change lying around, before I went to the bar.”
“Oh dear, well you should’ve just straight to me, or called me. I could have picked you up and taken you home with me, or we could have called your landlord to figure something out. It would have been better than leaving you to walk in the cold.”, Linnie said, as he finished up the tea, pouring some into 3 little tea cups and bringing them to his kids. “How long are you still going to be in town, Chelsea?”
“Probably got one more night here before I get outta here for the next show. Honestly, I really only come to drop that one off since he didn’t have anywhere to go this evening.”
“Oh? Are you sure you don’t want to stay as well? I’ve got enough pillows and blankets, and I don’t mind going and getting the air mattresses out of storage.”
“Nah, I wanna keep a sharp eye on my equipment.”, Chelsea said, sipping the cup until it was empty, “Uh..you don’t mind, do you?”
“Of course not. All 3 of you know that you’re always welcome to stay here if you need, I promise.”, Linnie said, smiling gently.
“Man, we really don’t deserve you Papa.”
“Wait a minute, Dad”, Darren started, “Speaking of 3 of us, have you spoken to Cosmo lately? Does he know I’ve been released.”
“No dear, but I’m sure he’d be happy to know you’re out. Why?”
“No reason, just wondering.”, Darren yawned, placing his cup down, signaling Linnie to get up and go through one of the closets in his apartment, taking out a white pillow and a green blanket. Chelsea cleared the table and put the tea cups in the sink, taking her jacket back from Darren.
“Well, I guess I’ll let you two get some shut eye then. Darren, give me a call when you get up just so I make sure you’re still alive.”, Chelsea said, half-jokingly half-seriously before hugging her father once more, “Bye Papa.”
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cubbihue · 3 days
It would be nice to hear from Wanda and Cosmo! It is kind of nice that you guys have two children like your own family does. Are you two still close to your siblings? Wanda has a sibling and Cosmo also have a sibling just like Timmy and Peri. Do they share some sibling stories to your children?
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Wanda and Cosmo both reconnected with their siblings shortly after having Peri. Or, well. More like Blonda reentered their lives once she realized she had a baby nephew. Eventually, they slowly patched things up the more Blonda came to visit Peri.
Schnozmo was dragged back kicking and screaming. Mama Cosma refuses to have her sons live estranged lives now that she has a grandchild in the picture. Schnozmo doesn't know how to handle children, but he's doing his best.
Peri likes Schnozmo because he makes silly noises and funny stories. But he prefers Blonda's theatrics much more and loves playing Dress Up with her.
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 11 days
I made family dynamics idk
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I just think their family is unique okay
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amaryllidae · 2 months
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blonda and schnozmo !! we back on the lore baby
blonda, born willa vesta fairywinkle to matteo cadabra and amaris fairywinkle, is the elder twin of wanda and an actress in fairyworld. she looked up to her singer mother and never had much interest in the cadabra crime family business despite being raised around it her full life (much to nana cadabra's disappointment, but she always did take more after amaris). unlike most upper-class fairies (and even more unusual for the daughter of a crime family) she does not have a specialized wand and uses a regular one- the star on the black handle.
shnozmo, born ezra mercury cosma to cosmo julius (jules) cosma sr and euphemia helene cosma, did not inherit the magic talent or raw power that the ever distant von strangle bloodline generally offers- that all seemed to have gone to his younger brother. no matter, as ezra did inherit his mother's wit and applies it as a skilled con-man to get what he wants. he's almost a natural liar, and tends to struggle with empathy- perhaps he's always been a deviant at his core. he's used some of his winnings to net himself a pair of cufflinks that function as a wand, which makes his line of "work" all the easier.
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q-ueen-potato · 20 days
Yes ME with more about my Cosmic Royal au
(Again thank you for @crazysaru99 for all the amazing drawings and the help on the au. Without you this wouldn't be possible)
The fairies are split in classes and the number of their wings is directly affected by it. It is possible to change the perception of the wings ture nature but not the wings itself. Like a mirage or illusion.
The way to de terminate what class each belong is
First class - Royal family, seelie court(main family) and the council.
Second class - Seelie Court(other family memmbers), some aristocracy and knights (may add other folk)
Third class - commom fairies
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After Cosmo Sr. was born there was an event to introduce the royal prince to the fairies, on this same day Jorgen meet the prince.
Jorgen is a first class fairy as he is from a main family on the seelie court. He also have knights in his family being part of the fairy army.
His mother fought in the great magical and he was really close with the royal family. He also doesn't remember about them since this was long long time ago.
He is just a bit older than his aunt Tuli Von Strangle (Mama Cosma)
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While growing up, Cosmo Sr. didn't minded about how his father would soon forget, he always wanted to share his day and tell stories and just be around his dad.
Gonzo didn't ignored his child willing as he would mostly dissociate for a long time or forget where they are for a moment. He would always recognize his son thou, even if for a moment in his memories he was just a baby.
The events that lead to Gonzo's state was a mix of the attacks during the great magical war, his own stress and his own magic.
Stella had to assume the head of the family since the day they scaped the castle and even if she feels ready to break she will rise her head and face what she needs to do.
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The secret will be revealed on a festival, Timmy had learned about a anual festival that happens in fairy world and wished to be there. It wasn't prohibited for godkids and Timmy even found one or other godchild around the fair so this was fine.
The festival was to honor and celebrate all the lives lost during the Great Magical War. The current Fairy King, King Oberon, was giving a speach about the honor of his family and the sacrifices of the crown withou a single remorse even if he knows he is a fake.
Eventually Cosmo distracts himself to get something to eat and find his mother, they argue as she tries to bring him back to her and Cosmo Sr. who just happens to be there goes in defense of his son.
Wanda appears with Timmy and because of their arguing they accidentally end up in one of the old tunnels
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The tunnels are a giang catacombs under the fairy castle connecting the dungeon and other areas. One of the areas is a garden where the mural made to celebrate the birth of the prince
The mural was abandoned but the faces are easy to recognize
And then the secret of the royal family is revealed. With a wish, Timmy let the truth spread for the fairy world
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After facing the council and being revealed what was done, Cosmo Sr. Is crowned King Cosmo I.
And his family restored to the throne as they deserve.
Cosmo Sr. have a talk with his oldest son Schnozmo that because of all he has done is welcomed in the family but cannot be a heir to the throne leaving this to Cosmo.
Alot of fairies wanted to Cosmo and Wanda stop being godparents because of their current status but they couldn't do it as their heart is to make children happy, and they love Timmy too much
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nalooksthrough · 1 year
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Baby Cosmo being held by his big brother. 💕
I gave Schnozmo swirly hair because, I can okay? I think it looks cute. And I feel like adult Schnozmo does something to change his appearance. He is a con artist after all. And Blonda already canonically dyes her hair. So I thought it would be boring if I did that for him as well. 
The glasses were a last minute addition. But I’m glad I added them. The red is a good break away from all the green. And it draws the eyes to their faces. Which is where I want the focal point to be. Plus it just makes little Schnoz look so cute. 
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go for purely my own style or a hybrid of the show’s art. So I did both. 
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butchlesbiancosmo · 1 month
Alright, I’m very curious:
And if you picked any of the last three options, feel free to add what your headcanon for their names is then!
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