#schezo x satan
snicks-doodlez · 2 months
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hear me out
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cosmicsponge2004 · 8 months
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Watch the artistic process for this piece on my YouTube Channel!!
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puyopuyoconfessions · 1 month
Incusatasche save me… Incusatasche….
(Incubus x Satan x Schezo)
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I personally love incubus x schezo, after skimming through the WWPPD manga, I thought the ship was pretty funny and cute. Adding Satan into it seems so fun!! (,,> ᴗ <,,)
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fiery-is-in-pain · 4 months
I heard about ships… maybe… Satan x Schezo or klug x maguro….
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I see sataschez as an old couple who fights all the time and should be divorced
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mic-check-stims · 4 months
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Satan x Incubus x Schezo board for @blue-puyo-anon
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nenilein · 1 year
since it's pride month, do you have any lgbtq+ headcanons/interpretations for the puyo cast?
I got this one before pride month, so I was waiting till it's actually June to answer it.
Let me preempt this by saying that I don't really like making "headcanons" that would create contradiction in how I read the text as presented by the writers, because something that doesn't gel with the source material in a way that enhances my experience with it isn't a "headcanon" to me but an AU.
(I infamously once made a post on here where I was yelling about how people need to stop calling their AUs "headcanons" that went kinda viral... oops.)
(Don't look for it, that was YEARS ago)
So, while I love reading, for example, Arle x Rulue fanfics, lesbian Rulue would be an AU to me, not a headcanon, because Rulue being into Satan is just an undeniable reality of the source material.
(That said, bisexual or pan Rulue WOULD be a headcanon)
Likewise, due to how extremely proud Raffina is of being a "lady", trans girl Raffina would be a headcanon, but trans boy Raffina would be an AU... Anyway, I am rambling. This is just how I define those terms for myself.
So, let's move on to the queer readings I have for the Puyo characters (it's a lot).
Arle is asexual and aromantic. Schezo is asexual.
This one is obvious, I even drew art for that a couple days ago. It's not just a case of me projecting my own sexuality onto "my favorite characters" either; Schezo and Arle aren't even close to my favorites, I'm more partial to the Primp characters. However, in most of the games, with some sparse exceptions from the Compile era (where characterization was generally inconsistent and spotty), Arle and Schezo are written in a way that I can only describe as "arch-asexual".
Whenever Arle is written as she is currently understood (spunky, freedom loving, adventurous), she never shows interest in relationships of any kind. She outright calls Schezo and Rulue "sexy" multiple times in both, the Compile era and the Sega era, but that doesn't seem to make her feel anything, she uses the terms as blunt descriptors that don't have much meaning to her personally. As an asexual, I do find that very relatable. In general, Arle's only one true love seems to be the concept of adventure (especially dungeon crawling) itself. In the novel "Everyone's Dreams Come True", the projection the dream mist tries to entice her with when its sleep curse fails to grip onto her is a projection of the entrance to an underground dungeon. In the Web Original Manzai Shorts, when she tries to explain the concept of a "wedding" to Amitie, she is incredibly awkward about it, like she's never even considered it herself before. She really doesn't show any interest in "partnering" up with anyone (other than Carbuncle) for life.
Meanwhile, Schezo's entire running gag simply doesn't work if he's not asexual. His slip ups are funny because he does NOT mean it that way, but is really only interested in three things: Power, cute stuff and food (in that order). The two times in the Compile era where he's not written as "asexual" infamously are hated by fans because they ruin his entire characterization: Saturn Madou's portrayal of Schezo is a black sheep for the entire franchise, both in the Japanese and English fandoms, and the one line he has in Nazo Puyo Tsuu that contradicts his otherwise asexual portrayal (I won't even repeat what he says...) makes absolutely no damn sense, even in context. A Schezo who portrays actual genuine interest in sexual matters in canon materials is a badly written Schezo. We have empirical proof of that.
That said, unlike with Arle, I don't feel comfortable also calling Schezo aromantic, because... I feel like he just hasn't had the room to explore whether he wants someone in his life or not yet. He had the Dark Mage business forced upon him at a very young age. He's isolated himself from people in a way that made it hard for him to start connecting again once people actually did come back into his life. When he thinks someone (I think it was Draco, but I forget) is flirting with him in Waku Puyo Dungeon, he seems genuinely flustered, not because he's interested, but because he's never thought anyone ever would act like that towards him (and unlike with Arle, that moment doesn't disrupt his characterization at all), and when he thinks Ms. Accord is flirting with him in Puyo Puyo 15th he has a minor meltdown, because he's not even sure if he wants to turn her down, but also thinks he just shouldn't have a romantic partner as the dark mage... So yeah, I think Schezo still needs time to figure stuff out for himself.
Satan is bigender or genderfluid
While he's portraying a super-masculine image whenever he's on screen, he's also shown zero qualms about slipping into more feminine roles, and openly and happily admits that he wanted to LARP as a princess in distress for Arle to save in Chronicle. His "Satan Saturn" alt in Quest is also really girlish, with the bow and the ponytail and the cherry blossoms, and he seems to be enjoying himself... As an ancient, possibly primordial demon lord, I think it would be weirder if he didn't have a rather lax approach to gender, tbh.
Oh, fun fact, in Madou Monogatari 2, the first time Satan ever appeared, his description of the person he wants to marry does not mention gender at any point. His only condition is that they're powerful, beautiful, wise and intelligent enough to make it to the bottom level of his dungeon in the Layla ruins...
Klug is a baby gay.
His babysitter-crush on Lemres is so palpable, it's downright painful. :'D Even Feli sees him as a romantic rival! The way swoons about Lemres during Tet 2 was quite telling as well.
There are a couple of moments in 15th where Klug portrays interest in women (specifically, older women...) but those just stink of comphet to me and are genuinely just extremely awkward moments that I am glad have never been addressed again since. 15th was only the second time Klug was more than a minor side character and I feel his characterization wasn't quite settled yet back then, so even aside from this, there is a lot of stuff in there that generally "feels wrong" in comparison to how the character has been consistently written in all materials since then. Even in his White Day alt in Quest, he only talks about how being popular by giving girls chocolate gifts will give him a sense of authority AND bring him closer to Lemres, so yeah. In retrospect, I absolutely read those awkward moments in 15th as comphet. He's a baby gay with a babysitter crush on Lemres and will hopefully find himself a nice guy his own age as he grows up.
Amitie will grow up to be poly and pan
In the drama CDs and novels its shown that Amitie absolutely doesn't understand why anyone would want to have only one romantic partner, and when she first hears about the concept of a "wedding" (which she apparently has never been confronted with directly before then??) she immediately wants to have one with her entire class.
Rulue attributes this to Amitie being "still a child", but I don't see it that way, given this behavior persists for two novels in succession. Even when Amitie shows signs of a specific crush on Sig, it always comes with the caveat on "I want to get others in on it too!"
So yeah. No way this girl won't have amassed a "harem" of boy- girl- and other-friends by the time she's off age and certified as a sorceress...
Raffina and Lidelle give off trans girl vibes, and Raffina is probably a lesbian
Raffina's determination to prove herself as a "lady" and Lidelle's fear of having certain of her physical features be "seen" seem to connect really strongly to a lot of my trans friends as analogue to their own experiences and I can totally see it. Portrayals like that would just blend in perfectly with their characterization.
As for lesbian Raffina, it's just a vibe I get from her. The few times she mentions handsome men, it seems more like she wants them as a status symbol, but has no actual interest in being with them. Even when she thinks the prince Otomo is looking for is "handsome", she has 0 interest in helping the man search for the prince until Otomo offers her a reward. Then, "Everyone's Dreams Come True" showcasts it even more clearly when the dream she is trapped in includes her "keeping" an army of young bodybuilders as "servants", and enjoying the fact that they want to be with her soooo badly, while she has no intention of ever giving them the time of day, holding the fact that they are "not worthy of her" over their heads. Meanwhile, when she's with other girls (like Rulue or Lidelle post Fever 2) she seems far more appreciative.
Either Maguro or Risukuma is a trans boy. Either one of them.
I don't think about this one too often, but it would make sense. Maguro was bullied as a kid for "looking like a girl", and a friend of mine has this amazing headcanon that the experiment that turned Risukuma into a squirrelbear was actually homebrew instant HRT. Amazing, 10/10.
I'll admit, this is partially just me having fun with the fact that Maguro and Ris were originally written as girls before plans for Puyo Puyo 7 changed, but, hey! It doesn't contradict with anything, so why not?
Ecolo is Ecolo
'Nuff said. There is no gender that can contain the absolute glitch in spacetime that is Ecolo.
The fact that Ecolonosuke (one of Team Ecolo, who all represent aspects of Ecolo's personality) is canonically nonbinary helps, too!
Seo and Accord are lesbians and they will get married in this essay I will-
Eight = GAY
I'm sorry, Quest is not even SUBTLE about this one!
The day Eight shuts up about how badly he wants to get closer to Zero and his genius is the day he finally forgets to breathe between his words and perishes.
Okay, so these are all the big ones. If I forgot anything, it's because I don't think about it often or because it's canon anyway (cough, cough, dapper bones...)
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wormhole2anywhere · 1 year
Some art stuff
Given I haven't fed anyone for a while I'm gonna dump old art that's floating around other places, I apologize if it kinda looks different from my current works--
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I know a lot of you won't find the existence of twitter/X very fun and aren't willing to take a look into that... place, but this was a contribution for a twitter art project of redrawing the concept art to translate it organized by twitter user @PokeSuutamie!
You can find the translation edit version here!
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Uh... something something Jun Magma session, something something "Don't cry, Satan ass, ok?" I have no excuse for this one.
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A suspiciously smiling Emmet! I drew this after a mild discussion about various things with friends, I had fun going crazy with brushes without any particular expectation!
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WIP! I got really into Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and had to port my favorite train men into the series somehow! I had fun with the symmetry tool here!
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From an ex-tempore session where I drew outside and pasted it in the magma, two of my most beloved puyo puyo characters: Satan and Schezo! They're having their usual not very pleasant staredown! (the drawing is kind of incomplete since I was making sure only that they fit in the canvas, sorry)
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I was gonna post this one alongside his twin, but alas I haven't found the motivation yet to design Depot Agent Levi... This, however, is Depot Agent Lucifer!! A young aspiring trainer who joined the battle facility to sharpen his combat abilities, which were already pretty good. He is a serious man who takes his pokémon battles to heart much like Emmet and enjoys opponents who have a well thought out strategy to fight him with! He works in the Singles Lines as a solo trainer and in the Multi Lines with his twin Levi!
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another part of the ex tempore magma session, Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU (case sensitive) staring down at you with a not very sane face... oh well, they weren't very sane to begin with-- this is a sketch of a character I hadn't drawn in a while!
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From a meme edit I cannot bring myself to post outside of pride month that I kept seeing going around, Monochrome Railway bosses (Mono-)Ray and Ray(-Bus) (left and right respectively)!
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A good Satan ship is w his own wife (when she was alive–)
And the reasoning is:
>Schezo is too much by himself that the picture of him dating someone is Weird
>Rulue wouldn't handle we'll the fact of dating Satan (She would faint bc that's what most fans do)
>Arle is straight up discard since she's a minor, and because I like more the idea of Satan seeing Arle with melancholy, shw reminds him of Lilith but in a complete platonic way. I also like to imagine that when he sees her(or Doppelganger), he wonders if his kids with Lilith would be somehow like that.
I believe in Satan being like a Father to Arle.
Uhh fuck reaction pictures rn I’m kind of like lazy BUT.
Satan x Wife person (Lilith I presume you mean.) is literally already canon… i mean, at least in the Shin Madou stuff idk what Lilith’s status is in other Madou canons but the nature of Madou Monogatari means it kind of doesn’t matter which one is canon.
See, it would make sense that Satan would care for Arle in a sense because of “I miss my wife” Blues, and if we still play on Shin Madou, that literally gives Arle a father figure and everyone needs father figures!!
Or something. Good put in, Anon!
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kingofpuyo-hell · 2 months
Hello!! I'm Cobalt, you can call me Satan here!!My pronouns are He/it and bug/timr/dae
I'm a fictionkin of Satan from Puyo Puyo which is why i made this roleplay blog!!
Please be mostly nice
Also this is Incubus x Satan x Schezo :3
this will be updated
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incusatasche-warrior · 2 months
i need incubus x satan x schezo (incusatasche) content NOW
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nimue-hidden-lake · 8 months
🌦️❤️ for whichever insert ud like to answer for !! - @dmclr
Hello and thanks for the ask!
And one of my choices again. Hmm… For this one I will have Mina be the one, so the focus will be with Schezo. I try to be as in depth for them as I possibly can. 
Askgame here
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🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
Now you might expect me to say ‘Puyo Puyo is lighthearted so of course the fics would be primarily fluff and nonsensical’. And while I could see it happening do not underestimate the dark nature this can have. Well, if taking Madou Monogatari into, especially early on, there might be more angst than thought. I might have that impression myself because of how I like to view Schezo, even during Puyo Puyo – A lot of his behavior can be traced back to his beginnings. And while I am aware that Puyo-Puyo is a reset, I do not like to completely disregard key aspects within Madou Monogatari (the games themselves are a mess in terms of canon though, given some stories have multiple versions of the same tale).
Now, Madou Monogatari has stuff which is lost in translation so I only have to take word of mouth for granted as well as the things I can piece together when looking at some cutscenes. So take what I say with caution. I apologize if things are inaccurate.
So Schezo's deal is that he is a dark mage. How did he get there? Well, apparently he got trapped inside a labyrinth while on a school trip and had to escape. He used dark magic as well to escape, first swearing to only use it to escape this place yet it is hinted that it slowly consumes him. Add that he lives in isolation and prefers to be alone (which I think can explain his lack of communication skills… Seriously how he phrases things sometimes is terrible out of context) and you get a recipe for disaster.
Mina has a similar deal, I will keep her story short – Basically she is an immortal dark mage who lost her friend. She tempered a bit with mortality, resulting in her friend being in an endless loop of dying in the similar way he was killed and always around the same age. Her immortality is a curse she casted on herself by accident. 
Now, again, I can see light hearted stuff being a thing, obviously, but taking both backgrounds into account I can see a decent amount of angst being somewhat prominent as well between the two. There are several scenario possibilities fics could focus on:
The immortality curse – Schezo's mortality status isn't too clear but Mina could be haunted with thoughts of him dying, even if only in nightmares.
An alternate timeline where Schezo completely loses himself due to dark magic and is beyond saving.
When being closer perhaps a fear of isolation on both ends – That one leaves the other alone permanently. Especially in Schezo's case since he was trapped inside a labyrinth for a while.
These are just some specific ideas yet there might be more – I just say that there is potential.
Or disregard everything I just said and only have fluffy, funny nonsense between them going on, especially thanks to Nyeli. Then again, seeing a couple hanging out with cute creatures because they both love cute things is also not a bad thing.
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
That is a tough one for these two. Uh let me try to make sense of it… 
Outside of my fic I picture that Schezina is at least somewhat implied after all across the games – Mina is rather obvious, given how she acts around Schezo and it is almost a gag that everyone else notices. However, Schezo might have hints but nothing too obvious (he doesn't dislike Mina but I do think he misses the signs for a while, mainly because he pays no attention to something like that due to his own pursuits).
I could see people liking such a dynamic and it might be decently popular because the hints are there. Plus unlike some other dynamics (Satan/Rulue for example… As well as Satan/Arle) it is not stated to be one sided. At worst Schezo is just a bit dense when it comes to Mina's feelings. So it could prove to be at least somewhat liked but not the most popular, given the popularity I think Schezo/Lemres has (and I think Schezo/Arle… Uh… I see it around. It… Exists).
I would say it is in the clear middle, not quite a rarepair but most likely far from the most popular one.
Thanks for letting me ramble and as well for the ask. I hope it was at least somewhat interesting to read!
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fesheik · 6 years
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i was upset over something so i drew these two to cheer me up
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amalgoomation · 3 years
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something of a fallen angel
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puyopuyoconfessions · 21 days
this confession is my official promo of incusatasche (incubus x satan x schezo)
there is no content of the polycule and i am still going bald
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mic-check-stims · 4 months
uuu are you comfortable with polyamorous ship stimboards? if so then can I get a Satan/dark prince x Incubus x Schezo stimboard? All 3 are from puyo puyo ^^ thanks!
- @blue-puyo-anon
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 3 years
NOTE! Even if I have a thing on my source I will need you to specify what exactly you want me to do. Whitelisted things are USUALLY exempt from this but I still appreciate at the very least a vague aesthetic to go off of. /nm
(bold are favorites, bold and italic is current main special interest/hyperfixation)
Rain World
Puyo Puyo [Tetris {2}]
Hollow Knight
Baba is You
Legend of Zelda (i will not do anything with characters who r racist in design or dialogue, sorry)
Stardew Valley
Monument Valley
Yummy Nickle
Monster Hunter
I’ll do requests for pretty much anything, so if you want to request from a source not on the list feel free to ask about it
I will make:
Stimboards (now one of my favorite things to do, but can be very selective)
Wallpapers / headers / layouts
Flag recolors (color-picking from a specific palette, using a certain theme or color-picking from a character)
Color palettes
Character/aesthetic icons
Pronoun/name validation (will be posted on hydrangealemonade-mogai)
Pronoun sets
Name sets (including names I made up on the spot)
Terms (only gender-related)
Playlists (only on youtube, i do not have spotify or whatever)
tl;dr: Don’t be disrespectful or a creep
If I do not finish a request in two months and you requested whatever thing off-anon, feel free to message me again.
I have the right to refuse to make any request for whatever reason
Do not request for me to do anything NSFW or kink-related.
If a post is tagged as “fictive” or “headmate-made” you are not allowed to tag it as kin/me/selfship/etc.
Please make sure to specify the source of the character(s) if they aren’t from any of the sources listed above.
I am fine with making moodboards, stimboards, etc. of general aesthetics or “vibes”, specific character[s] (including OCs!) and ships. I will research all ships I don’t recognize before making anything for them, so don’t try to make me make something shitty.
The only time I will make anything for the sources on my blacklist is when a friend or fictive requests it. I will not be publicly posting whatever I end up making, and if you want to request anything for the blacklisted sources you will have to do so off-anon.
Whitelist (stuff I really like doing):
Space aesthetics
Sea/nautical aesthetics
Savory foods in stims
Blacklist (stuff I almost always won’t do):
stuff in bold is stuff i wont do bc. it is genuinely harmful
stuff in italics is stuff i'll do for good friends
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Friday Night Funkin’
Sig’s Secret.
Anything related to Klug or Dark Sig kinning or having either of them as a f/o
Any of the following ships:
[puyo] Squares X ANYONE, Ally X Rafisol, Sig X Amitie if we aren't friends, Schezo X Satan if we aren't friends, Arle X ANYONE romantically, romantic Maguro X Ringo, romantic Ringo X Tee
[deltarune] Kris X ANYONE romantically, Susie X any men
[other] Meta Knight X any women, Say X Arc, Emmet X ANYONE romantically
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