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frenchcurious · 3 months ago
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Ryabushinsky House (Maxim Gorky House Museum) 1902. Malaya Nikitskaya 6, Moscow. Architect Fyodor Schechtel (1859-1926). - source Aure Bonmatí Mondéjar.
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styledach · 2 years ago
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#Klempner #Spengler #Dachdecker #Schechtel #Freital #Baustelle http://dlvr.it/SqCwnG
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nus-in-am · 3 years ago
Парадная в египетском стиле (особняк Морозова в Подсосенском переулке). Архитектор - Шехтель.
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taliatalia · 3 years ago
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 3 years ago
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classic television |undated|
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mills-mansion · 3 years ago
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Ryabouchinsky House, 1900-1902. Architect Fyodor Schechtel.
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bignaz8 · 3 years ago
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Fabulous Art Nouveau staircase at the Maxim Gorky Museum in Moscow, built between 1900 and 1902 by Architect Fyodor Schechtel.
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cheshirelibrary · 4 years ago
Perhaps you recently read or listened to a book by Juliet Hulme or David John Moore Cornwell. Or maybe it was a novel from Chloe Ardelia Wofford or Sidney Schechtel. If these names don't sound familiar to you, it's because you know them better as Anne Perry, John le Carré, Toni Morrison, and Sidney Sheldon. For centuries, writers have been using alternate names, also known as pen names, noms de plume, or pseudonyms.
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Why do authors use pseudonyms?
There are many reasons why an author might use a pen name. A woman writer might have a better chance of getting published if she is thought to be male. This was done frequently in earlier centuries, when women were not published at all. For example, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë first published under the names Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin also chose to use the pen name George Sand for this reason, although it was becoming more common for women writers to get published in her lifetime.
Alternately, to cite a recent example, more male authors are choosing female or gender-neutral pen names when they submit thrillers, a genre that has become female-dominated over the last decade, thanks in part to authors such as Gillian Flynn, Tana French, and Megan Abbott. Riley Sager (Todd Ritter), A.J. Finn (Daniel Mallory), and S.J. Watson (Steve Watson), are some of today's successful writers to adopt this method.
Some authors choose a pen name to write in a different genre than the one for which they are best known. Agatha Christie published several romance novels under the name Mary Westmacott. Nora Roberts and John Banville both chose pseudonyms when they started writing crime fiction. You will find their mysteries under the names J.D. Robb and Benjamin Black.
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How do you choose a pseudonym?
There are infinite ways to come up with pen names for writers!  You could use your initials or combine the names of your favorite musicians, or pets, or your children. Here are a few ways famous authors chose their pseudonyms:
Theodor Geisel got into trouble while he was a student at Dartmouth College, so he was banned from submitting any more articles to the school paper. To get around his punishment, he began submitting articles under his middle name: Seuss.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens worked on Mississippi steamboats before he became an author. He got his pen name from the term they would yell out when they reached the mark on the line used to measure the depth deemed safe for steamboat travel: "Mark Twain!"
David John Moore Cornwell might have the coolest reason of all for using a pseudonym: He published his first novel as John le Carré when he was an agent with MI6, the foreign intelligence service of the government of the United Kingdom, and was required to use a pen name. (After all, you can't be a secret agent if you're splashing your real name around on a book jacket!)
Click through to read more.
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boudhabar · 6 years ago
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Dori Schechtel Zanger
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ckriek · 6 years ago
RN Portfolio #7 - Period style
Selected Design Periods from the Mid-19th Century Onwards
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau was fashionable towards the end of the 19th century, up until WWI. The style is very ornamental with an asymmetrical design that has sweeping and rhythmic long lines holding the design together. It often includes naturalistic elements such as plants, making use of lines and forms reminiscent of vine tendrils. Insects, especially insect wings, are frequently incorporated as well. Designs were often colorful and playful.  
Pictured below is a pendant that can easily be recognized as Art Nouveau. The figure has an asymmetrical pose that ends with the dress turning into rhythmic and sweeping lines. The figure is also framed by insect wings.
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The following pictures show the interior of a mansion in Russia designed by the famous Art Nouveau architect Fyodor Schechtel in 1900-1902. Looking at the staircase there is a rhythmic flow, wavelike and pulsing downward, again the sweeping lines are seen to be a very prominent feature. Naturalistic elements are found throughout the house as is typical of the style. A lot of sea life is incorporated, such as the jellyfish light at the end of the staircase. Other animals that are featured are the lizards at the top of a column in the last picture. Note the rhythmic form of their poses with the tails ending in tendril-like curves.
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Art Deco
 Art deco was a style that emerged after WWI and when Art Nouveau was considered old fashioned. The style used geometric forms often designed into bold patterns that created visual drama. Characteristic patterns were stepped designs and starbursts. Colors were bold and metallic finishes were often used. Below is a picture containing examples of characteristic Art Deco elements, one can see various designs of starburst and step-like features consisting of clean geometric forms.
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The following picture is the top of the General Electric Building designed in 1931 by architects John Walter Cross and Eliot Cross. One can see the geometric elements that create patterns throughout. Even the faces of the characters near the horizontal center line of the picture are made up of geometric forms. Looking to the sides of the faces, the building has a step-like structure.
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Art Deco is still considered an elegant and timeless design today. Pictured below is a modern room decorated in the style of Art Deco. Metallic finishes are used throughout the room along with geometric patterns such as those seen in the mirror. Increased use of mirrors is also a design characteristic of Art Deco.  
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Deconstructivism is a style that started in the postmodernism era in the 1980s. It challenged the characteristics of typical design, and what is considered form and order.
In challenging form and order, deconstructive architecture appears like controlled chaos, where the skeleton of the building seems distorted. There is often a surprising fragmentation of a design with unexpected twists and turns.
 Below is an image of a geodesic dome home, a design with natural stability and which appears solid and sturdy. The images following is the deconstruction of a geodesic dome created by architects Kristopher Tejlgaard and Benny Jepsen in Denmark, 2012. One can see the fragmentation of the design, it has unexpected turns and to a degree may create a feeling of instability, a typical characteristic of deconstructivism.
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travsd · 2 years ago
The Other Side of Sidney Sheldon
When I was a kid I associated the name Sidney Sheldon (Sidney Schechtel, 1917-2007) exclusively with cheesy paperback novels my mother read, and the soapy TV movies they made out of them. At the very same time, it somehow managed to evade my notice that I was actually a big fan of a lot of his work — his earlier work in other media. For Sheldon was the rare writer who managed to be a success in…
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Особняк промышленника, мецената и историка иконы С.П. Рябушинского на М.Никитской улице в Москве, постороенный в 1900-1902 годах, ��лассический памятник русского модерна. Во 2-й половине XX века стал музеем А.М. Горького, жившего здесь в 1931-1936 гг. Думаю, что его по праву можно назвать и музеем замечательного архитектора Ф.О. Шехтеля - автора проекта особняка и его внутреннего оформления. Листая карусель, можно увидеть некоторые элементы оформления первого этажа: столовой, библиотеки, кабинета, холла. / The mansion of the industrialist, philanthropist and historian of the icon S.P. Ryabushinsky on M. Nikitskaya street in Moscow, built in 1900-1902, a classic monument of Russian Art Nouveau. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, it became a museum of A.M. Gorky, who lived here in 1931-1936. I think that it can rightfully be called the museum of the wonderful architect F.O. Schechtel - the author of the project of the mansion and its internal design. Leafing through the carousel, you can see some elements of the first floor: the dining room, library, office, Hall. #russianphotos #МосковскийМодерн #daand_photo #russianArchitecture #шехтель #daand_art #moscowheritage #историяМосквы #московскоеНаследие #Историякультуры #russianart #russianantiques #russianArtnouveau #russianInteriors #арнувоМосква #московскийМодерн #интерьерМодерн #интерьерАрнуво #русскаякультура #историямосквы #стильМодерн #арнуво #стараяМосква #древностиМосквы #москваАрнуво #москваистория #ИсторическаяМосква #особняк #прекраснаяМосква #архитектураМосквы (at Особняк Рябушинского Арх. Шехтель 1900г - Дом Горького) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nCPo-oJOW/?igshid=5t03s892y4d7
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nus-in-am · 3 years ago
Тоже египетские мотивы, тоже Шехтель, но уже в особняке Смирнова.
После��ний кадр про котиков и рыбов.
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taliatalia · 3 years ago
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genitchkaworld · 6 years ago
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ИЗБУШКА ШЕХТЕЛЯ Это - избушка Шехтеля. Так он сам называл свой дом. «Построил избушку непотребной архитектуры, которую извозчики принимают то ли за кирху, то ли за синагогу» - писал Фёдор О́сипович Ше́хтель (Франц-Альберт Шехтель, нем. Franz Albert Schechtel; 26 июля (7 августа) 1859, Санкт-Петербург — 7 июля 1926, Москва) — русский архитектор, живописец, сценограф. Один из наиболее ярких представителей стиля модерн в русском и европейском зодчестве, принадлежит к числу крупнейших зодчих рубежа XIX—XX столетий. В этом его доме большие окна и высокие потолки, что не характерно для архитектуры того периода. Причина тому, что Россия - холодная страна, а обогрев - дорог и экономить тепло проще при низких потолках и маленьких окнах. Если отойти далеко справа по улице вдоль особняка, то за высокими воротами можно разглядеть мозаичное панно с ирисом и монограммами “S” и “N” мозаичиста Владимира Фролова. Шехтель продал свой дом, потому что комнаты в нем необычные - неровные, несимметричные, с большим числом непрямых углов и жить в такой геометрии непросто, а сам построил себе неоклассический особняк на садовом кольце, о котором в следующий раз. Интерьер дома Шехтеля, напоминающий театральные декорации, полностью сохранен, но сейчас там посольство Уругвая. Говорят, два раза в год туда можно попасть, но желающих очень много, поэтому по факту, маловероятно. . . . #помоскве #прогулкипомоскве #кудасходитьвмоскве #вмоскве #прогулкапомоскве #гуляемпомоскве #москва #москвацентр #москвапешком #москваялюблютебя #москваграм #москваонлайн #москвамоя #москвамоимиглазами #шехтель #домшехтеля #экскурсия #экскурсияпомоскве #экскурсияпогороду #пешкомпогороду #geniousha_travel #moscow #travelmoscow #moscowtrip #moscowwalks (at Резиденция посла Уругвая) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-0vMdFpaw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tasg5ko3947x
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kilnmasterpyro · 8 years ago
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Another piece srom the NCECA show evocative garden by an Israeli artist Doro Schechtel Zanger. . . . . #ceramics #pottery #clay #contemporaryceramics #modernceramics #art #handcrafted #handmade #sculpture #nceca #futureflux #nceca2017portland
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