#scavenger hunt 88
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everydayyoulovemeless · 2 years ago
Hello, friend. I really love all your works you post on Tumblr. How do you think Courier and his/her companions from Fallout: New Vegas would interact with Sole Survivor and his/her companions from Fallout 4?
FNV Companions Interacting With Fo4 Companions
➼ Word Count » 0.9k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ A/N » This is such a fun concept! I lost count after a while so I hope I included the pairings you were looking for!
Arcade finds Curie's synth body incredibly fascinating and the two will sit and question each other for the longest time.
Boone reminds MacCready of the toy soldier Lucy gave him and either can’t stop talking to him or avoids him entirely out of guilt.
Lily realizes how much more different she is compared to Strong, but it doesn’t stop her from listening to him ramble about Shakespeare or treat him any differently from her other grandchildren. She loves him and they hit it off quite well.
Raul and Nick are both grandpas who’ve got memories from before the war, so, unsurprisingly, they hit it off quite well. They’ll talk about their lives before the bombs and how it all compares to their current ones.
Cait and Cass hit it off almost immediately and leave the initial group to go drinking. The two of them will open up and talk about anything and everything.
Veronica ends up hanging around Danse as often as she can since they both stand for the same cause. It ends up just being Veronica rambling about how much fun she's had traveling with her group and Danse just awkwardly nodding and saying he hates his.
Codsworth will go and clean the rust off of ED-E. They'll end up forming a brother-like relationship since Codsworth can understand his beeping and ED-E likes how doting and friendly he is.
Dogmeat ends up being really scared of Rex because he won't stop chasing him around.
X6-88 thought Arcade talked too much and decided to just ignore all his questions about the Institute.
Deacon immediately disguises himself as Boone the second he notices that they look alike. Boone hates it but he can't seem to get the spy off his trail.
Old Longfellow and Lily argued like an old married couple, with Lily wanting him to quit his drinking habits and Old Longfellow saying she's "crazier than the people in the fog".
Hancock thinks Raul is great and will offer him a place in Goodneighbor. He might even end up referring to him as "Uncle Raul" if they stay together long enough.
Cass assumed Preston was NCR and he got incredibly flustered when she started hitting on him.
Piper and Veronica become best friends when they find out they both like scavenging and being everywhere except where they're supposed to be.
ED-E freaks MacCready out since it reminds him of the Enclave Eyebots in the Capital Wasteland. He'll try his best to avoid him, but the bot seemed to really like the comics he carried with him in his bag.
Old Longfellow loves Rex and gladly takes him to go hunt mole rats.
Hancock REALLY likes flirting with Arcade and does it whenever he sees the opportunity.
At first, Boone and Cait didn't seem to like each other, but then they started talking about how much they both despised slavers and suddenly became an incredibly reliable duo when it came to killing legionaries and raiders.
Lily and Codsworth really enjoy each other's company and will sit together in patio chairs and drink lemonade or something.
Try as he might, Raul doesn't fall for any of Deacon's lies and, instead, just laughs it right off.
Dogmeat really likes Cass and will follow her around until she finally relents and gives him her hat. (which won't be for a long while)
Gage thinks that Veronica's annoying and will either avoid her or will try and get her sold into the legion.
ED-E and Curie end up getting along really well due to their general innocence and curiosity.
Danse will probably end up washing off the legion marking on Rex's side and replacing it with either a Brotherhood or Minutemen logo (depending on where he's at in the story). He doesn't think it'd be right to just leave the markings of a society built off the backs of slaves and wants him to represent something better.
Veronica reminds Nick a lot of Piper, so he'll sit and listen to her ramble on about everything she wants to see, and he'll gladly do his best to keep her out of trouble.
Piper is constantly hitting Raul with questions because she's desperate to learn more about what Mexico is or how the world was before the bombs. She finds his story so interesting and will do anything to get more information out of him.
At some point, Preston will go up to Boone and start a conversation with him, saying that he really appreciates everything the NCR has done to help out on the west side. They could both talk about their respective factions for hours and they do.
Arcade teaches Strong all he knows about Macbeth and literature in general, and in turn, Strong shows Arcade how to stomp someone till they pop.
Lily will keep telling X6-88 to take his jacket off since it's "too hot out here to be in all that!" He'll eventually relent and will be handed a sweet little shirt completely out of character for him that she had stashed in her purse prior.
Gage and Cass get into a bar fight. It could honestly be for anything, their thoughts on slavery, how they treat strangers, their sense of family. These two just can't get along.
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uchicagomagazine · 3 months ago
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The founders of Scav share its origin story. “I was in Hitchcock-Snell—not Snell-Hitchcock, by the way. I thought, as a house activity, it would be fun to have a scavenger hunt. It got shot down miserably at the house meeting,” says Chris Straus, LAB��84, AB’88, MD’92.
@scavhunt @uchicagoscrc
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slocumjoe · 2 years ago
Companions react to the Scorched Plague
Ada; Sent on supply and scavenging runs, gets what's needed and takes it where it needs to go. When she's not doing that, joins hunting parties and gets deep in the fray. She can't get infected—the squishy humans can. Ada is joined by Codsworth pretty frequently. At the end of it, keeps a Scorched Beast tooth in her home (whatever it may be) as a souvenir.
Cait; One of the first to join the Scorched Beast hunting parties. She recognizes a 'all hands on deck' situation when she sees it. And when the usual monsters of the waste give way to crystallized husks, working as one mind hell-bent on destruction? Fuck it. If it takes her out, she'll have taken out far more. Danse gives her a sweet suit of Power Armor and she wears out the knuckle joints a lot. Why shoot when you can punch, right?
Curie; You can't pull her away from her labs, her medical bays. Curie works herself to the bone and then some, trying to find a cure, a prevention, anything. She still ends up having to restock her ammo, when her patients or test subjects succumb and have to be put down. It's the hardest thing Curie has ever gone through. She doesn't come out the same person.
Codsworth; Bounces many different jobs. Ferries supplies, tends to the wounded and sick, feeds the civilians...he's a nervous wreck, but determined. He's often sent into infection hotzones with other robots, who can't get infected. Ada and him make a good duo, together. If only the decontamination process didn't rust him so badly...
Danse; On the outside, he's in Paladin mode. Barking orders, leading hunting parties, rarely does Danse stop firing at something. But internally, holy shit, this man is terrified. The Brotherhood is familiar with this plague, but if they couldn't stop it before, how could they now? He's the first to give an inspirational, do-or-die speech, and the last person to believe it. Makes Power Armor for anyone who'll join the cause. Ends up really bonding with Cait and X6-88 over the duration of the epidemic.
Deacon; keeps an eye on the wandering packs, the trails he finds of the Beasts, and points the hunting parties at them. The Railroad, for once, joins the fray. Instead of moving just synths, they move everyone into safe areas. He's not as nervous as other people; he can't be. Panic isn't going to keep people safe. Deacon stops cutting and dying his hair, pretending to be someone else. Staring at the Scorched, watching their individuality melt away into one mindless, all-thinking husk...you learn to value who you are. Even if you don't always like yourself, at least you are yourself.
Dogmeat; is trained to sniff out the plague, both in people yet to be taken over, and the hordes of Scorched. Dogmeat gets passed around to whoever needs his nose—Deacon takes him for tracking the Beasts, Curie has him find infected, Preston has him herd the Scorched into a nice, easy place for Artillery to rain down on. When all is said and done, is fed the highest quality meats while he catches up on his naps.
Gage; Bye, fuckers! He grabs as much as he can, finds a nice, cozy little bunker somewhere, and happily plans the rest of his life there. Starts gardening, like a Minuteman nerd. It's open season if someone opens the door. If the world ends a second time, Gage will watch it with bottle-cap sunglasses, and a glass of home-brewed mutfruit wine in hand. Will have a crisis over how much he likes the simple, quiet farming life. Has to get dragged kicking and screaming to leave his bunker, convinced there'll be a second wave or something.
Hancock; Debates leaving Goodneighbor. Loves his town, but they're not the kind of folks to...y'know. Quarantine, practice safe sex, not get into weird substances they find...he sticks by them though. Everyone gets armor and masks to cover up, keep the plague off them. There's a strict curfew, neighborhood watch delivers supplies to each building. Hancock has Kent work with Piper, keep the airwaves pumping out information and news as it comes. Hancock himself works with MacCready. Keeps off the chems to not dull his senses. Has a giant, week long party in Goodneighbor afterwards.
MacCready; Helps Goodneighbor get supplies in. Travels exclusively by rooftop if he can help it. Daisy sets him up with a long-distance radio so he can get word to Kent, Travis Miles in DC, and the Minutemen ASAP. A very valuable agent in the mess. Hancock watches his back as he scopes out the hordes and picks them off. Duncan draws pictures of his dad shooting down Scorched Beasts; they stay on the fridge long after the Plague is dealt with.
Nick; Travels with Piper as she investigates and reports the movement of the plague. Since he's immune, he ventures into the hotbeds of the plague, where Piper would get infected. Nick takes note of the appearance of individual Scorched, hoping to tell their worried loved ones what became of them. He leaves pamphlets of these descriptions at the agency, printed in the Publick Occurances alongside the news. Once the dust settles, burns all of his clothes; can't risk them being contaminated. Diamond City gets him a nice new trench coat as thanks for everything.
Old Longfellow; Takes point at settlements and safe zones. Whenever he's posted, not a single Scorched get within a mile of the area and leaves it alive. They start piling up at some point. He shoots down a Scorched Beast all on his own and bars everywhere are doomed to hear it echoed throughout eternity. Old Longfellow ends up teaching Minutemen rookies some tricks while on guard duty with them. Gets yelled at for giving them booze.
Piper; Chases the hordes, the infection zones, the Beasts, and stops only to write the info and news. She teams with the radio hosts of the Commonwealth, Travis and Kent Connolly, to deliver immediate warnings. The Brotherhood, Railroad, Minutemen—Piper is their top source of information. She could never truly fathom how important her work is, and how many people it saved. After the plague, she writes a book about the experience.
Preston; It is difficult to describe how hard this man works. He's giving rationing orders to a settlement while in a firefight across the state. He's making decisions about an assault ten different assaults away while hitting Beasts out of the air with Artillery. He's like a workaholic octopus. It's kind of incredible. Consumes only coffee and whatever someone else can shove in his face while he uses his hands for something else. The General has to chase him down and tranq him so he sleeps. Like Curie, fundamentally changed. Loses all of his hinges through it all.
X6-88; The plague effects Gen3 synths, so he has to don full-coverage armor and forgo his sunglasses. Deeply upset by this. Coursers, once rare to see and rarer to survive, are everywhere hunting the Beasts. X6-88 gives Institute info to Piper when he can get away with it. He hates the wasteland already—he doesn't want it getting worse. At least the topside scum aren't possessed by weird zombie bats. X6 joins Danse's teams, brings Curie samples, and when all is over, breaks into Gage's bunker and drags him out to rejoin society, as per the Sole Survivor's orders.
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hergrandplan · 11 months ago
today on "nina wilmonifies everything"
During a Crazy 88/Scavenger Hunt, Wilhelm gives his number to a complete stranger at the bar.
He never actually expected the stranger to call him back
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paperanddice · 2 years ago
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A gigantic bird head running about on four long, scaly legs, achaierai are fiendish creatures that revel in causing chaos and destruction. Despite having no real need to eat, they hunt and scavenge, killing creatures and devouring corpses for fun. The thick, oily feathers covering the creature's body-head come in a variety of colors, though there doesn't seem to be any particular pattern as to why. They don't appear to be for attracting mates or providing camouflage. Perhaps they function for intimidation? Oddly, the creatures do have atrophied, flightless wings, rarely seen as they are buried under feathers.
While their beaks and claws are deadly weapons, capable of ripping a target to pieces, more terrifying to many is the horrific black smoke the creature can unleash. Leaking out of pores in its skin, the cloud surrounds the fiend in a cloud of pain and terror, melting flesh and causing violent confusion. These clouds can be useful for hit and run tactics, distracting opponents for the achaierai to retreat and launch another attack from a different angle. In groups they can coordinate their clouds even better, as they're immune to the effect. A group of achaierai can use the clouds to corral prey into position, or cause chaos in the lines of a battle to cover their retreat.
The achaierai tracks all the way back to the Fiend Folio, and appeared in the Pathfinder Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Achaierai Large fiend, lawful evil Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 120 (16d10 + 32) Speed 50 ft. Str 19 (+4) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2) Int 11 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 16 (+3) Skills Athletics +7, Perception +5, Stealth +4 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Infernal Challenge 5 (1800 XP) Actions Multiattack. The achaierai makes three attacks; one with its Beak and two with its Claws. Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage. Black Cloud (Recharge 5-6). The achaierai exhales a cloud of black smoke in a cloud around itself. Each creature except achaierais within 10 feet of the achaierai takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned on a failure. While poisoned in this way, the target can't take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior to that turn. On a 1, the target takes no actions and uses all its movement to move in a random direction. On a 2 to 6, the creature doesn't move or take actions. On a 7 or 8, the creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature instead uses its movement to get as close to the nearest creature as it can. On a 9 or 10, the creature can act and move normally. A poisoned creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The achaierai can use this action three times per day.
13th Age
Achaierai  Large 3rd level spoiler [demon]  Initiative: +6 Claws and Beak +8 vs. AC - 11 damage. Natural 15+: The achaierai can make a second (but not a third) claws and beak attack this turn as a free action. C: Black Cloud +7 vs. PD (all enemies engaged with the achaierai plus 1d3-1 other nearby enemies) - 4 ongoing damage and at the start of each of its turns, the target has a 50% chance of being confused (save ends both). Limited Use: 2/battle, when the escalation die is even. AC 18 PD 17 MD 14 HP 88
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breezybeej · 2 years ago
Hey so I stumbled onto an image through the imgur archive project. From 2011, it's someone wearing underwear on their head that has "GISHWHES" written on it. Recalling my tumblr lore, I looked up the 2011 Ghishwhes list.
Some interesting entries:
-An arousing photograph of toe cleavage (6 points) -Photo of someone who has had their nails (finger and toes) painted with roofing tar (4 points) -The reaction on someone’s face after being on the receiving end of a “Dutch oven.” Interpret however you like. (7 points) -A woman wearing underwear on her head. Her eyes must be visible through the leg holes. (9 points) -A photo with a girl who works in a Times Square peep show. (8 points) -Cover a slip ’n slide with dhal (the Indian lentil soup), and then go for a slide. (40 points) -Think of a scavenger hunt item that should be on the list, then get it. (Extra points awarded based on awesomeness of idea.) (14-88 points) {Excuse me?} A photo of someone proudly wearing a Prada handbag at an Occupy rally. (20 points) {isn't this protest a good place to go mock people???}
Meanwhile there are a ton of clearly impossible entries, meaning these easy "photo of my feet" tasks would be the ones that get submitted the most? Impossible as in:
-A chandelier made from kale with at least 3 light bulbs that are turned on. (24 points) -Display an artifact from the Ottoman Empire in a Pizza Hut in Bulgaria. (17 points) -Bring a ladder and attempt to scale a wall of the Zubara Fort. (32 points) -An accurate watercolor painting of the future. With the phrase, “GISHWHES is everywhere” painted somewhere on it. (24 points) -As you are all aware, the Georgian military still uses some Soviet-era T-72 tanks. Make a video that shows a T-72 moving, the T-72 stops, the hatch opens and a person pops their head out and says, “When’s lunch?” (80 points)
-Say, “You can buy happiness.” In 5 languages in 15 seconds inside the UBS headquarters building in Basel, Switzerland. (21 points) -Fill hundreds of balloons with helium, tie them to a decorated Christmas tree and watch the tree float away. Tree must be a real pine tree (not faux) and must be at least 5 feet tall. The video must show the tree floating off and should be 40 seconds long. (217 points) {It would take more than "hundreds." Also this is incredibly dangerous??? Tree falls??}
Now, I'm not saying anything weird was going on but it is weird how the easiest ways to get points are through close up photos of feet, fingers, and bellybuttons or putting people in situations like "bathing suit but covered in food" Just an odd thing I noticed.... Probably nothing.
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rabbitindisguise · 6 months ago
Pen convention: success!! I tried (almost) all the pens I wanted to and got 2 (steeply discounted) pens and 1 bottle of free ink from the scavenger hunt
And of course a couple stickers that came with the pens. Which was good because I was disappointed with the stationary supplies I could find there :/
I didn't buy a case there but I found someplace with really awesome ones that I'll probably get one from later. I didn't like any of them enough to decide to get one over the pen I tried and loved. The pen was a brand I never heard of nestled right up next to the sailor pen booth
I really wish I could have found the meetup but I got free ink instead ^^' also I'm totally wiped. I think next convention I'll just go to be social and hang out, the buying stuff was way too stressful. A class might be fun too (those were sold out by the time I heard about it and I was like, maybe I should get a pen first before I try that out)
I'm also glad I went because the opus 88 pens I was looking at potentially saving up for were not what I was after (slow starter, bland nib feel, not very pretty in person, etc). In theory they would be great but the pens I got for less than what those would be even on sale were much better
I ran into like, 11 mishaps trying to get to the bus but it's fine now x.x pen convention here I come!!
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teamdoubleoh · 4 years ago
007 Fest 2021 Art Round Robin
The Agents did a thing!
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We chose to illustrate a scene from a ficlet set in Ato’s Highland Bond’s ‘verse, including the label of a prize-winning gin.
mish did the line art for people in the background maplesleep colored the people in the background nana did the sketch for the foreground bottles/ribbon/plant/drinks celandine did lineart over nana's sketch of the foreground thomasin colored the foreground achilles created the label for the prizewinning bottle khre created the label for the 2nd bottle anyawen created the bartop and tweaked the layers and added random bits, blurring/dimming the background ...
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dassandre-00qpidsarrow · 3 years ago
Dassandre’s Masterpost 2022
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Wow!  Another amazing 007 Fest has come to an end already!  I’m in awe at all the fabulous fan works created by everyone on all the teams.  I was again honored to be a part of Team Q-Branch this year, and I think we pulled together some darn good stuff!  Go Team Q-Branch! I want to give a particular shout out to my partner in writing crime, @boffin1710​.  Not only was he an amazing writing partner, but the graphics he generated this year had many of us sobbing in the wings with No Time to Die angst.   Anyhoo ... on to my Masterpost, and this year’s is a doozy!
Dassandre’s 007 Fest 2022 Master Post - 1811 points
Written Fiction - 860 points (additional categories noted, and their points totaled in those categories below)
Rings (rare pair)
Château de la Résurrection: Part One (Fix-it Day, Story Header Graphic)
Château de la Résurrection: Part Two 
Château de la Résurrection: Part Three (Prompt Exchange Fill)
Alone at Last (Queering the Character’s Day)
Without Being Told: Chapter 130 (rare pair)
Without Being Told: Chapter 131  (rare pair)
Death Ends Life, Not a Relationship (rare pair)
Life is Pushing Past It (rare pair)
Calamity  (rare pair)
Other Fan Creations - Graphics  - 150 points (additional categories noted, and their points totaled in those appropriate categories) 
Not Even Death
The Boffin and the Bureaucrat (plus meta)
Ellery’s Garden: Tomatoes (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden: Tomato Jam (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Courgettes (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Courgette Fries (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Brussels Sprouts (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Crispy Brussels Sprouts (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Pumpkins (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Stuffed Pumpkins (recipe)
Things James and Q Never Thought They’d Say (head canon, rare pairs, Head Canon Day) x 10  Note:  These were originally posted individually on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to their new collective home on Ao3.
Best Memory of Partner (head canon, rare pair, Polyamory Day)
I Love Boffins (Q-Branch Day)
Villain Walk-Up Songs (Villain Day; Scav Hunt Fill)
The Agent (Meta Day; Scav Hunt Fill)
Dad Jokes (Scav Hunt Fill)
The Ties that Bind (head canon, rare pair)   Note:  This was originally posted on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to its new collective home with other WaterVerse head canons on Ao3.
Family of Five (head canon, rare pair)   Note:  This was originally posted on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to its new collective home with other WaterVerse head canons on Ao3.
Til Next Year 
Scavenger Hunt Fills - 120 points
Bond Actor/Actress Crossword - #10
Collaboration with a Teammate - #2
Anime Character - #65
Five Songs for Bad Guys - #4
The Raven Pastiche - #22
Bond’s Business Ad and Logo - #88
Dad Jokes - #15
Find the Difference - #54
Animal Newsletter (Animal of Bond Day)- #97
Gift to Member on Another Team #83 - Life is Pushing Past It 
Theme Days - 15 points
Fix It Day
Head Canon Day
Queering the Character’s Day
Polyamory Day
Q-Branch Day
Villain Day
Meta Day
Animals of Bond Day
Miscellaneous Points - 340 Points 
Beta - Day One Photo Prompt Writing - for @boffin1710​ 
Beta - Harry Potter and the Fucking Audacity - for @ato-the-bean​ and @anyawen​ x 10 chapters
Productivity Hours x 3
Piece of Meta x2
Head Canons x 15
Recipes x 4
Round Robin Writing - Juggling Act
Comments - 182
Prompt Fill Sheet Bonuses  - 13 points
2002 Prompt Exchange - #8 (Write a circular fic in which the story must end how it began)  Château de la Résurrection
2018 Prompt Exchange - #31 (Poly Relationship; plus previous year fill bonus) Death Ends Life, Not a Relationship
2022 Prompt Exchange - #99 ("I don't know what any of that means.") - Without Being Told - Ch. 131
Additional Bonus Points - 313 points
Collaborative Prompt Table ( @ato-the-bean​) - Things James and Q Never Thought They’d Say (30 points)
Theme Day Bonus (15 points)
Featured a Rare Pair x 17 (85 points)
Comment Bonuses (80 points)
Head Canon (28 points)
31-Day Challenge (75 points)
And that, I believe, is that.  Looking forward to next year’s Fest already!!
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that-blue-vault-dweller · 4 years ago
Can you write about the various activities the SS does with each of the companions?
I was a little worried about this one, but I tried! Hopefully it's good! 🥰 Thank you for the request! 💙💛
Cait - If F!Sole drinks, then they go drinking together and get into the biggest bar fights ever. But if F!Sole is not the type to drink, then they are both perfectly happy with spending time in silence together as they each do their own thing. However, F!Sole also works with her and teaches her how to add mods to her weapons. They are currently working on an upgraded baseball bat for Cait to use in combat, and Cait is both frustrated with the process as well as thrilled with how awesome the bat is and will be.
Piper - Helps her proofread and brainstorm for different articles. (If F!Sole is according to canon) Her time in law school really helps with refining Piper's grammar and punctuation. They also people-watch together and make up funny backstories and names for the people they see. They can spend hours in Diamond City and Goodneighbor whispering amongst themselves and giggling like madwomen and at the same time trying to look innocent. They also spend quite a bit of time discussing things from the old world with Piper eagerly taking notes as F!Sole answers any and all questions the reporter may have.
Curie - F!Sole usually goes out scavenging with her to look for various things to experiment with. Most of it consists of mole rat teeth and bloatfly glands, and F!Sole loves to listen to what Curie is doing in her work. F!Sole oftentimes helps her with the experiments, and even when their efforts blow up in their faces (sometimes literally) they have a good laugh and debate about how to avoid the mistake next time.
MacCready - They work together oiling and polishing each other's guns. They also go out hunting together since they both have great aim and good eyes for spotting creatures moving in the bushes and grass. They also like to talk about their kids (providing that F!Sole kept the robot Shaun) and they spend a lot of time scheduling play dates for the boys.
Deacon - They like to disguise themselves in plain sight and see if the other companions recognize them. They also have absolutely zero reservations about pranking anyone nearby. Their most favorite target of all is Glory because although it is rare that they ever successfully prank her, it is very rewarding when they do due to her very gratifying reaction.
Codsworth - They oftentimes work together to repair things around Sanctuary Hills. He will happily hand her tools and offer assistance if she cannot quite reach something or is not quite strong enough to get it into place. They also happily recount stories from their time together before the bombs and they sometimes speculate about what life would have been like if the bombs never happened.
Hancock - If she is into chems, they get high together. If she is not into chems, then they like to go and make some people uncomfortable in Diamond City. (Post-McDonough-synth-reveal) Now that McDonough is no longer mayor, they have nothing stopping them anymore. They take a particular pleasure in striking up conversations with the higher-class citizens just to shake them in their hoity-toity attitudes.
Danse - They work on power armor together. It seems a little obvious, but they both genuinely love to give one another pointers about mods and help one another through issues and snags with the armor. They are currently trying to build the most fortified, safest, most invincible power armor that they both can possibly piece together.
Preston - They love to go out and take walks through the woods near Sanctuary Hills. They are always armed just in case something goes wrong, but overall, it is just a relaxing look at nature as they talk about anything and everything. It is a really nice way for both of them to wind down and calm themselves from the stress of running the Minutemen and helping so many people.
Valentine - They love to share stories of the old days and experience all of the nostalgia. They also work out detective cases together and with their astute minds put together, they sack the bad guys almost every time. They also like to look into old cases before the war and dive deep into all of the potential motives of the criminals that did it.
X6-88 - They usually do target practice together, and work on one another's aim. He gives her recommendations for improvement and she wastes no time in utilizing them, becoming almost as fast and strong in a gunfight as the courser himself. Of course, whenever he screws up (which is extremely rare) she wastes no time in teasing him a little. After all, he gives her pure heck when she messes up.
Dogmeat - F!Sole loves to play fetch with him and they can go for a while with that. They also play hide and seek. She tells him to stay and then runs away and hides. She then calls for him, and runs around, looking for her everywhere. When he finally finds her, he barks excitedly and she runs from him, the game evolving into tag as they run.
Strong - They have made up a game where they each challenge each other to lift different things. F!Sole almost always loses, but Strong has a good time boasting and picking up things. F!Sole enjoys seeing him happy rather than his usual grumpy self, so she is more than happy to take a few "puny human" comments for the opportunity to bond with Strong.
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fallout-drabbles-n-stuff · 4 years ago
Companions and how they celebrate birthdays(whether theirs, the Sole Survivors, etc)(+Maxson)? *My birthday is coming up on July 31 so ye.*
(I feel like celebrating their own birthday might get a little depressing with our more edgy companions *cough* X6 *cough* so I'll give you them celebrating sole's! These are more on the platonic side but if anyone wants romantic, just send an ask!)
•As one could probably guess, Cait isn't exactly equipped to throw some extravagant birthday bash. She wouldn't even know where to start. Plus as bad as it might sound, unless she's particularly close to you, she may even feel a little weird trying to do anything for you.
•Now that that's out the way- Cait would do simple things to celebrate. Maybe share a couple halfway decent beers with you, have some laughs..maybe go out and terrorize the town with some light hearted trouble making if you'd up to it.
•If you're especially close, she'll do her best to get her hands on a little gift for you. Most likely a new knife.
•She does her level best to put together some type of gift basket- including stimpacks, hub flowers, low-radiation snacks, and a sweet little heartfelt handwritten note (granted she's a synth)
•Would try to get some of your friends together for a "party", taking extra careful precautions not to let those who want to rip each other's eyes out mingle.
•He'll try his best to make it special, no matter how silly it is.
•If it's pre-Blind Betrayal, he'll wake up extra specially early and grab you an actual hot breakfast from the mess hall, maybe even throwing in a fancy lad snack cake as a makeshift birthday cake. He won't sing happy birthday for you though, but hey, he will let you skip out on morning training exercises.
•Now if it's post-Blind Betrayal, the snack cakes are still on the table but no mess hall breakfast. Seriously though, Danse with his newfound time to spend would spruce up your power armour and maybe a couple of guns if he knows you wouldn't mind.
•HQ party? Oh yeah. Expect everyone to be forced into wearing stupid, vibrant birthday hats handmade by Deacon himself. How he even knew it was your birthday is yet another one of Deacon's mysteries.
•Anyways- He genuinely wants you to know that you're appreciated, and doing so on your birthday just seems fitting. Even if he does so by dancing around like an idiot with a terribly beaten up piñata so you laugh.
•Tries not to "overdo" it, seeing as these types of things were pretty much alien to him. Think about it- you think raiders throw birthday parties? Even if they do, it's probably not the traditional party a pre-war vaulter would vibe with, even the overboss.
•He'd celebrate with just the two of you up in Fizztop, two chairs pulled up to the balcony so you can view the little raider kingdom you've established.
•Might even sing you happy birthday if he's in a particularly good mood, chuckling the entire time through it before taking a nice long drag of a cigarette to hopefully deter you from noticing the blush on his face.
•It might not be much, but his company and maybe a couple ice cold colas is hopefully enough.
•Oh, he's making a big deal out it.
•Makes sure to decorate the Old Statehouse, invite some of your friends over, shit- he might even get some fireworks if you don't mind him being a little "extra"
•You're a very important person to Hancock and Hancock treats important people in his life well. Expect a party like none other and quite possibly little gifts from the inhabitants of Goodneighbor that know you well, including your very own "Happy Birthday" sung by Magnolia.
•Will dance with you if you're up to it.
•Believe it or not, he's right up there with Hancock when it comes to enthusiasm for celebrating. Sure, he may not have a whole big place to decorate and throw a party but..hey, he does his damn best. Birthdays have always been fun for Mac, ever since Little Lamplight.
•It may be a little crappy, but he'll hand make little decorations and stuff for your home in Sanctuary- put together a little buffet of both your fave snacks and pig out.
•Later on, and only if you're up for it, Mac might just show his more childish side and propose making a "birthday blanket fort".
•I hope you know that it's not just Arthur celebrating- bastard made sure to go behind your back to the proctors and Captain Kells to orchestrate a little surprise party for you.
•It may not be an overly done up party, but you'll get the privilege of the Elder singing for you and an alarmingly eloquent birthday letter from said elder after all the other officers return to their stations.
•If you have no other duties to tend to (which you won't because he said so) Arthur will then proceed to invite you to his quarters for drinks and maybe a game or two of chess...which somehow turns to him bringing you on a vertibird joyride.
•He's actually hella fun.
•He manages to set up this elaborate birthday themed scavenger hunt, leaving clues with your friends so everyone gets to be involved. Each individual clue leads you to small presents he managed to acquire until finally you find yourself where he put the actual party together at.
•Just to be a little different, Piper decided to gift you a recording of her and Nat singing "Happy Birthday, Blue!"  Perhaps secretly hoping it would take place of the heart wrenching "Hi Honey!" tape you seemed to painfully play every once in a while.
•In any other news, Piper would also be happy to put together a little get together for you and the rest of your companions so everyone can celebrate together.
•The entirety of the Minutemen are going to be celebrating. Think Hancock can throw some parties? You oughta see how these people get down. Expect a whole bonfire party, violin playing with dancers, and the finest wasteland chow (which probably is halfway edible) If you don't reign them back, they might start firing artillery rounds in stead of fireworks.
•It's probably a strange celebration idea but..X6 isn't exactly savvy to what most people do for their birthdays seeing as The Institute doesn't celebrate synths’...much less treat them as humans.
•Through his job, X6 has seen some of the most impressive sights the Commonwealth can offer- so to commemorate your birthday, he decided to take you around and see them all.
(And a happy early birthday to you! Hope it’s a good one ❤️)
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shitty-fallout-art · 4 years ago
Horrorout canon lore as established in “Rusted Shut”
-Shaun has a skewed, classist view of the commonwealth and its inhabitants due to his institute upbringing (he is not aware of this however)
-Shauns current objective is to locate a specific person he believes can help in his overall goal to save the commonwealth.
-The first wastelander Shaun encountered bit him.
-X6-88s current established role is to hunt down Shaun and return him to the institute.
-Shaun knows X6-88 personally and also knows how to evade him.
-settlers see dead paladins in suits of power armor the way we see a can of beans.
-Paladin Danses voice is F U C K E D.
-danse still believes he has authority by right of the brotherhood and that he obligated to help others because of it.
-The brotherhood placed regulation on who could scavenge and where.
-Danse sleeps standing up.
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castillon02 · 4 years ago
007 Fest 2021 Masterpost
Written/podficced works (less than 750 words): 
Podfic of Mish’s “Of Socks and Desserts” (James/Felix) (Felix Friday) 
Girls’ Night (Eve/Camille) 
An Intimidating Prospect (James/Felix/Della) (Polyamory Day)  
Q’s Revenge Ratatouille (00Q) 
Feeding the Trolls (00QFelix) 
The Least Unacceptable Solution (Q&Silva) 
Written works (750-2500 words): 
Selling Secrets (James/Felix) 
Support (Tracy/Eve) (Food Day) 
The Claw (00Q) 
Eve’s Birthday (Moneytanner) (Moneypenny Monday) 
Physical Art: 
Felix’s Shark Carving 
Spectre Coasters (Villain Day) 
Silva-inspired scorpion-lidded box 
“Taking Life One Cup of Coffee at a Time” 
CR-inspired playing cards 
Spectre-inspired sugar skull 
Sharks in Bond Media 
Silva and Scorpions 
Bond and Luck  
Tracy’s Buttery Christmas Bars (James/Tracy) 
Bill Tanner’s Roasted Onions (James/Bill) 
Felix’s Savory Cornbread Flapjacks (Felix/Eve) (Characters of Color Day) 
Q’s “Fuck It” Chocolate Coconut Nests (Q/Felix) 
James’s Melted Coconut Eggy Cake (James/Tiago)
M’s Hearty Coconut Pancakes (M/Bill/Q) (M Monday)     
Moneypenny’s Lemon-Raspberry Muffin Bites 
Scavenger Hunt: 
#44 The double-oh cat 
#82 If Tanner were a breakfast cereal mix (Tanner Tuesday) 
#88, Mish’s 00Leiter podfic! 
Beta: Blood Sacrifice, by Hexiva (a fantastic 00Leiter vampire AU!) 
Attended: Quiplash, hosted by Lin  
Rare Pairs: 12 
Theme Days: 8 
Prompt tables completed: 1 
Comments: 603 (with 20 comment bonuses) 
Total points: 1164 
Reflection: I definitely wrote less than I usually do, but I also did a lot more wood carving than I usually do, too, and I think I got some good woodworking XP. I wish I could have done some anon prompt fills! But what with moving across the country in the middle of the month, I’m pretty proud of what I managed to finish during this Fest! 
Huge shout-outs to my co-mods, Lin and Christine, and to the amazingly inspiring folks on Team00, especially Mish (the inimitable 0069) and team captains anyawen and celandine!  
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the-future-war-of-2030 · 3 years ago
A friendly Community of Terminator Fans! Come and Role Play in The Ruined world Ruled by Skynet, or in the past as Hunter or Hunted! Enlist in the Resistance, Come Online for Skynet, be converted by the Crazy Cult of Skynet worshipping T-Hybrids, Arrive from a different time, or be a Scavenger just trying to make their own way...whether that be honest or not.
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cricketnationrise · 4 years ago
quarantine reads part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
76. The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan: book 3 of the brothers sinister romance series. you absolutely DO NOT need to read these in order. i certainly didn’t. also. its a romance novel. there is sex.
77. Joy: And 52 Other Very Short Stories by Erin McGraw: short story collection. some of these are less than a page long. ideal reading for only having like 5 mins.
78. One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean: did i get this from the library because of the title? yes. is it a fantastic story? also yes. book 2 in the rules of scoundrels series. romance novel. there is sex.
79. The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman: magical library world at the heart of multiple universe has agents that retrieve unique works. featured universe is a sort of victorian england plus elves and werewolves and vampires and dragons and magic and this book is FANTASTIC. still need to get the others because IT IS A SERIES BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP
80. The Rogue Pirate’s Bride by Shana Galen: book 3 of the sons of the revolution series. look i like romance novels. i especially like that you don’t have to read them in order. its a romance novel. there is sex. also PIRATES and the leads saving each other’s lives.
81. The Queens of Animation: The Untold Story of the Women Who Transformed the World of Disney and Made Cinematic History by Nathalia Holt: non-fiction look at the history of disney animation via the women who worked there. lots of details i didn’t know. chapters are movies rather than years.
82. The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett: bit of a misnomer since the guy is straight up stealing rare books with credit card fraud. he just thinks he’s being gentlemanly by amassing these books. it started off as a feature article and it shows.
83. We’re Here, We’re Here by KM Szpara: tor.com short story, 2 members of a boy band fall in love. management doesn’t like that so starts to control/manipulate the implants they put iN THEIR VOICE BOXES AHHH
84. The Night Soil Salvagers by Gregory Norman Bossert: tor.com short story, cool story telling form with in-world songs/poetry/recipes, very poetic writing
85. The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt: two brothers are hitmen get hired for a job. one of the brothers is really excited, the other starts to contemplate a different life, gold rush era california/western USA, horses, violent, seriously at least one person is killed in every chapter. at one point they burn down a whole lodge. cw: harm to animals, murder, starvation
86. The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin: classic piece of writing about the Black Male experience in the united states
87. The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick: lonely old man goes on scavenger hunt to find the meanings behind the charms on a bracelet he finds in his dead wife’s closet. travels all around UK and paris and makes friends near and far.
88. The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by HG Parry: some people can read characters out of books. i repeat. CHARACTERS CAN COME OUT OF THEIR BOOKS. theres a whole diagonalley esq space that houses characters that can’t go back. chaos and danger ensue when uriah heep refuses to go back into his book. magic!
89. Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett: #11 in the discworld series, DEATH gets tired of doing all the things and decides to retire.
90. Death and What Comes Next by Terry Pratchett:  discworld short story
91. Love and Other Foreign Words by Erin McCahan: girls life is about to change when her sister is proposed to, very gifted, coming of age, crush on her teacher, endgame is her/her best friend who is a guy and has clearly been pining THE WHOLE TIME
92. Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder:  i love the little house books and this was the first non-fictionalized account of her life i’ve read. the introduction by the editor was especially cool/helpful to read, lots of photos and drawings
93. Exhalation by Ted Chiang: this might be my favorite book of all quarantine. and i read a lot of books. a collection of short stories that all fucked me up, but in a good way? title story contains the sentence, “It’s no coincidence that “aspiration” means both hope and the act of breathing.” which like, how dare you sir
94. Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell: book 2 in the simon snow series, which is a fantasy series created by rowell in her novel Fangirl. She then proceeded to write fanfic of this already fictional series. i’m in love with the meta. 3rd book out in 2021.
95. Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward: set in mississippi before/during/after hurricane katrina hits, follows one family through the eyes of the daughter. tw: sexual assault, dog fighting, harm to dogs, death of dog
96. The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce: was still doing my Emelan reread. 4 protags reunite to help out Sandry as she goes to Namorn to deal with her estate and her cousin the empress. whether they will be allowed to leave is another story
97. The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner: book 3 in the queen’s thief series, seriously, go back and read from the beginning. political machinations of the king from a (Mostly) outside POV. the gods are always closer than you think
98. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson: a very Spanish vibe fantasy novel. book 1 in a series. chosen one trope. new queen stumbles into the resistance. magic!
99. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley: first book in a mystery series. a young teen girl is super into chemistry in 1950′s england countryside. someone is murdered in her garden. she tries to figure out what happened because her dad is still shell shocked. cw: kidnapping, harm to children
100. A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White: first in the salvagers trilogy. motley crew turns into found family on a space ship. in this world almost everyone has magic. older female protagonist. queer representation out the wazoo, SPACE. boots just wants to brew her beer and be left alone.
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aestheticvoyage2021 · 4 years ago
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Day 225: Friday August 13, 2021 - “Vaccinated Baby”
We took William in for his 2 month check up today, that included a fun scavenger hunt on the wall in room 2, and a round of three vaccines; one was a sugar water drink, and then two needles.  Only one seemed to upset him.  Mama fed him and soothed him and then it was like nothing happened.  Very impressive, our little lion.  He had a couple cute stickers on his chunky legs. Alls well that ends well.  Our nurse, Leah, had us prepped for a potentially fussy night.  But he went down easy and hard for a good long nap in his crib, and slept decently well through the night with each of us having to get up once, and in the morning, he woke up happy and ready for another Saturday (his 10th ever).
We were in the same room that we were in the day of the first massive blowout poop.  And I was thinking about that while we sat waiting for the Doctor to come in and tell us everything was great.  I thought about how far we’ve come from parents, and how much you learn and get used to, so quickly and how quickly the first two months have gone.   That night I got a note from an old college football teammate, who you would never guess at being nostalgic but he said “You will want him to crawl then walk then you will say man I wish he can talk then one day in the not to distant future when he is doing those things you will say man I want a little nugget back for a few cuddles”  and with that in mind I enjoyed the happy time in the bed the next morning and glad that his important vaccination shots didn’t mess him up a single bit.
His stats from two month check in:
Weight: 14 lbs 1 ounce 85% Length: 60 cm 88% Head Circumference:  41.5 cm 96%!
Song: Blind Melon - Change
Quote: “As Max grows older, I hope that...he will feel empowered to make his own decisions and will have the self-confidence to challenge traditional wisdom. I also hope that he learns the difference between critical thinking and getting swept up in a wave of self-righteous hysteria, and I hope he considers the effects of his actions on those around him. Finally, for his sake and for that of everyone else alive, I hope he grows up in a world where science is acknowledged not as an ideology but as the best tool we have for understanding the universe...” ― Seth Mnookin
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