#scat personals France
slobneedafeeder · 6 months
Need a new life
hello everyone, today I want to talk about my life. So I'm almost 27 years old, I live in France and since I was 12 I understood that I had desires which are considered strange by the people around me (feederism, bad smell, hair, scat, piss etc. …). Then I discovered thanks to the internet that I was not the only one to have this kind of fetish but because of my shyness I was never able to talk about it until today. So here I am at 26 years old, I'm depressed, I don't have the slightest savings, I don't like working because the only jobs I had accelerated my depression and I lost a lot of weight (I was 125 kg and today I'm 85). I haven't specified it until now but being very shy I have never been able to go to someone to confess what I feel which makes me a totally virgin man, the only girl who made me a kiss it was for a pledge with his girlfriends.
Finally I will talk about what I would like. my absolute dream would be for someone (man, woman, other, it doesn't matter) to take me under their wing in their home and force me to get fat and become filthy and use me as a sort of sex slave until as I take my last breath. Obviously I would prefer to be able to speak French with this person because I am rather bad in English (by the way, thank you Google translate).
I like watching anime, youtube, wrestling. For video games I like RPGs, rhythm games, racing games and roguelikes. I like to draw (even if I'm bad)
If anyone is interested in my proposal, let me know otherwise I thank you anyway for reading :)
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tatsuma-forever · 7 months
STOP LOOKING AT MY BOYCOTT EUROVISION POST PLEASE. or at least stop looking at it and then deciding to insult my intelligence. i got 99th percentile reading comprehension scores in high school, bitch. sorry i’m not from france or whatever. pathétique!!
also if you’re going to insult me, try to make it personal. it’s more interesting that way. give me more “your whole personality revolves around a shitty manga” and less scat porn. salut ❤️❤️
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mackat24 · 5 months
Analytical Application 6: Race and Representation
Cultural Hegemony
Cultural hegemony is the domination of a society, ideologically and culturally. According to Hall, cultural hegemony “is never about pure victory or pure domination… it is always about shifting the balance of power in the relations of culture” [1]. Cultural hegemony concerns how dominant groups maintain their power. 
“I Wan’na be Like You” showcases cultural hegemony. King Louie is king of the apes; however, he wants to learn how to be human. King Louie is in a position of power, but searches for other ways to maintain this power. He is the person dominating society. Afterall, King Louie sings, “I’ve reached the top, I’ve had to stop, and that’s what’s bothering me.” He demonstrates cultural hegemony because he wants to expand and solidify this position of power. Furthermore, this scene/the characters themselves are ways to solidify white power. King Louie was designed with Louis Armstrong as the voice actor in mind (hence the name King Louie). However, Disney hired Louis Prima, an Italian American jazz musician, instead because they were worried that a black person voicing an ape would be a bad image. Because of this original plan, King Louie still maintains some stereotypes. Louis Prima put on a black accent to become King Louie, which could suggest that blackness was essential to this role. That’s not true, though. By keeping this accent, scatting, etc., it pushes the idea that black people can gain power over other black people, but they will always strive towards whiteness (being “human”) because you need to be white to have power. So, this scene demonstrates cultural hegemony through the story and through its role in society. 
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The Occident
The Occident is a person from the West, such as America, Britain, or France. It is a man-made concept, and in Orientalist ideology, the Occident is the norm. In media, oftentimes “Occidentals are superior to Orientals” [2]. This is a way that Orientalism excuses Occidentals forcing their political and culture onto Orients. 
In The Aristocats (1970), Duchess, Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz are Occidentals. They are from Paris, a Western country, and are high class “aristocats”. On the other hand, Thomas O’Malley and the other cats that appear in the “Everybody Wants to be a Cat” sequence represent poorer, other races/ethnicities/nationalities. Thomas O’Malley could be American (based on his accent), and he could also be a mixed-race person. His full name is Abraham DeLacey Guiseppe Casey Thomas O’Malley. Earlier in the film, Duchess notes that it spans all of Europe. Abraham is Hebrew, DeLacey is Norman, Guiseppe is Italian, Casey and O’Malley are Irish, and Thomas is Aramaic. Thomas O’Malley could be all of these things. Furthermore, the cat that plays the piano very clearly uses Asian stereotypes. The others could be Russian, African American, a hippie (?), etc. They do not appear to be French at least; they are the “others” to Duchess. This is exemplified in Duchess’s segment on the harp. It contrasts the rest of the music, and everyone quiets to listen to her. It suggests that she, the Occident, has more power. She is the norm, and they are the “others”. Also, the harp is viewed as more refined and high class, like Duchess. Jazz is portrayed as more emotional and fun but less perfect in the sequence. The Occident is the only high class person, so the scene contributes to the idea that “Occidentals are superior to Orientals” [3]. Furthermore, when Duchess tells Scat Cat to “put a little soul into the tune”, Scat Cat does so and plays smooth jazz, which is viewed as more elegant. Only with the help of an Occidental was an “other” able to have attention and participate in something high class. The scene can be read in support of Eurocentrism, but ultimately the song has a positive message about individuality and shows people of different backgrounds getting along, so it’s overall a good scene. 
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The Orient
The Orient is a person from the East, mainly Asia. Like the Occident, the Orient is a man-made concept. Orients are the “other” to the Occident. They are portrayed in the media as mysterious, exotic, dangerous, alluring, and incomprehensible, but lesser than Occidentals [4].
The Siamese Cats from Lady and The Tramp (1955) are examples of how Orients are portrayed in the media. Si and Am are Siamese Cats, one of the first recognized breeds of Asian cats. They have almond eyes and pointed teeth, paralleling the almond eyes and buck teeth that Asians are stereotypically portrayed with in the media. Furthermore, the song uses gongs, chimes, and drums which are typically associated with Asian music. They also have a thick accent, which is portrayed by Peggy Lee. It could technically be argued that they are not representative of Asians, that they are not Orients. It is pretty clear that they were inspired by post-WW2 anti-Japanese sentiments. However, in other versions of the song, it is undeniable that Si and Am are representations of Asians. They sing, “We are former residents of Siam.” In these other versions, they also sing, “There are no finer cat than we am,” portraying Orients as lesser than Occidentals. Their English is not perfect, making them less powerful than Occidentals in that sense. Even in the version of the song that made it in the movie, they have grammatical errors such as, “Where we finding baby there are milk nearby.” It’s notable how they are mischievous villains in the movie and the only cats, too. They are the “other” to the protagonists, dogs that are American. Furthermore, their uncanny synchronization further pushes the narrative that they are other. Very rarely do you find synchronized doubles in nature, pushing forth the idea that Asians are uncanny and different too. Furthermore, many times in the film they are hiding, emphasizing the “mysterious Orient” demonology. For instance, before they begin singing, they hide in a basket and you can only see their eyes (Marshall, 1989, 00:16). They are unviewable and appear to be villains. Only eyes in the dark tend to represent villains. For instance, in The Little Mermaid (1989) there’s a shot of Ursula’s eyes in the dark after instructing Flotsam and Jetsam, her henchman, to keep a close eye on Ariel, the protagonist, as she may be the key to King Triton's undoing (Marshall, 1989, 00:11:59). Combined with the Oriental caricatures, this may insinuate that Asians are evil. Overall, the Siamese Cats are Orients in Lady and the Tramp. 
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Popular Culture
Popular culture is the culture (goods, media, entertainment) that the masses consume. Stuart Hall believes that popular culture is “an arena that is profoundly mythic. It is a theatre of popular desires, a theatre of popular fantasies. It is where we discover and play with the identifications of ourselves, where we are imagined, where we are represented” [5]. Popular culture is a place to explore identity and to have discussions. 
The song “What Makes a Red Man Red” along with its sequence in Peter Pan (1953) illustrate popular culture of the time. Peter Pan is a kids story that is/was widespread among the masses. The Disney movie was too. Both exist within popular culture. This makes “What Makes a Red Man Red” part of popular culture too. The scene also uses elements of popular culture during the time; it has stereotyped depictions of Native Americans. For one, they are called “injuns” and refer to themselves as “injuns”. Furthermore, this song answers three questions Micheal and the Lost Boys ask: what makes the red man red, when did he first say “ugh”, and why does he ask “how”. The responses are not based in reality or Native American culture; they are simply created by Disney for the segment. The responses are also a bit degrading. For instance, according to the song, Native Americans say “how” because they used to not know a lot of things, so they kept asking how. Considering it was 1953, these responses follow popular culture. For example, Tonto in the The Lone Ranger is a degrading representation of Native Americans. He speaks in a pidgin language and was literally created just so the main character had someone to talk to. Furthermore, some of the stereotypes portrayed still exist in more recent pop culture. Tiger Lily is portrayed pretty and desirable, whereas the older Native Americans are completely red and have unrealistic proportions. This trope of the pretty, young native woman can be seen in Pocahontas (1995), The Road to El Dorado (2000), “No Doubt” by Gwen Stefani, etc. So, Peter Pan incorporated elements of pop culture within the movie, and perhaps it contributed to what is popular culture today. 
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A stereotype is a belief held about a certain group of people. Stereotypes use images which lead to “essentialism [that] generates in its wake a certain ahistoricism” [6]. In other words, when people see something in the media, they boil the concepts down what they deem is most important to a person’s identity. This leads to a static idea about others that does not consider history whatsoever. Stereotypes are overly simplistic misrepresentations. 
The crows from Dumbo demonstrate stereotypes of black people. One huge issue is that the main crow, Jim Crow, is named Jim Crow. Jim Crow (not Dumbo’s) is a caricature of a slave. It originated in minstrels, used blackface, and stereotyped speech and gestures. “Jim Crow” became an offensive term for African Americans. There were also “Jim Crow” laws that enforced segregation from 1877-1965. Overall, associating an animated character with this history in itself is terrible. Moreover, there are stereotypes portrayed in the film. For instance, the crows’ speech and the jazzy music are typical traits associated with African Americans. This creates the idea that black people are flat, 2D characters. They are only their speech and music. Also, Jim Crow’s voice actor is Cliff Edwards, a white man putting on a typical “black” accent. The other crows were portrayed by the Hall Johnson Choir, a group of black singers. However, this furthers the stereotype that white people are “better” than black people. Why was the main crow the only crow with a white voice actor? It suggests that white people are the only ones suitable as a main character; people of color are stuck in a supporting role. Overall, the crows are a harmful stereotype of African Americans. 
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Jim Crow
[1] Stuart Hall, “What is this ‘black’ in black popular culture?” in Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (London: Routledge, 1996,) 471.
[2] Edward W. Said, Orientalism (London: Routledge, 1978,) 23. 
[3] Edward W. Said, Orientalism, 23. 
[4] Edward W. Said, Orientalism (London: Routledge, 1978).
The Little Mermaid, directed by John Musker and Ron Clements (1989; Burbank: Disney+, 2023), VOD. 
[5] Stuart Hall, “What is this ‘black’ in black popular culture?,” 477.
[6] Ella Shohat and Robert Stam, “Stereotype, Realism, and the Struggle Over Representation” in Unthinking Eurocentrism Multiculturalism and the media (London: Routledge, 1994,) 199. 
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corselove-makeout · 1 year
guide to my oc's
meet the band dudes:
lead singer
could steal your gf, could steal my bf, could steal your mom and dad.
hates diet coke, but all up for a coke diet
ironically grew up catholic and still goes to church every Sunday
thought that the USSR was still a thing until two years ago
thinks Anthrax is the best thing that has ever happened to music
thinks brandy and gin, neat style are the best drinks out there
permanently pissed off that Steven is taller than him
went to a Russian prison when he was 19
new york accent is thicker than pudding
ex theater kid
record signing money all spent on beer and play boys
book collection is worth more than his house
says his mullet is what makes him get girls, it's his sports car and big house.
has the ego of someone who's 7 ft
will sit you down and tell you why John Lennon changed music forever yet doesn't listen to the Beatles
went to harvard and then dropped out
smokes more cigarettes than all of France probably
If LSD was a person
I don't think he's been sober since he was 10
Tommy Lee is his hero
blood is probably alcohol as this point
rolls his own tobacco
was a boy scout and still brags about it at 25 years old
makes all of his coffee irish
things I will write:
nsfw (some kinks)
things i wont write:
anything illegal
scat kink, vomit kink, and anything like that.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
Patrick Star Day
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
World Leisure Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Sunday in February
College Goal Sunday [Last Sunday]
Freedom Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Woman’s Day (original date; 1909) [Last Sunday]
Independence Days
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
First Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Buergbrennan (Traditional Burning of Bonfires; Luxembourg)
Invocabit (Lutheranism)
Paisee Sunday
People's Sunday (Malta)
Publican Sunday
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Victor of Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2023; 308 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 8 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 7 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Adar 5783
Islamic: 5 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 27 Xin; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 13 February 2023
Moon: 44%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 7 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
Patrick Star Day
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
World Leisure Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Sunday in February
College Goal Sunday [Last Sunday]
Freedom Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Woman’s Day (original date; 1909) [Last Sunday]
Independence Days
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
First Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Buergbrennan (Traditional Burning of Bonfires; Luxembourg)
Invocabit (Lutheranism)
Paisee Sunday
People's Sunday (Malta)
Publican Sunday
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Victor of Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2023; 308 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 8 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 7 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Adar 5783
Islamic: 5 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 27 Xin; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 13 February 2023
Moon: 44%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 7 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
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Scat dating charlemagne and scat personals Sion
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koala-7yrant · 5 years
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Scat personals greeley and scat hookup Alfena
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Greta Lindholm - Rhythm Voice - looped and overlaid voice, with foot percussion (Black Sweat Records)
Greta Lindholm is an absolutely unique personality in the contemporary dance scene. She toured in India, Mexico, Japan, Scandinavia, Italy and France, during the '70 and '80 making known her synthetic and experimental approach in the choreographic field. Her art explores new boundaries and is essentially pure celebration of the body language and voice in its intimate relationship with the fluidity of movement. Using mainly foot drumming and vocal rhythms, she makes her body the only instrument of continuous exploration, halfway between traditional songs and rhythmic-gestural improvisation. Greta seems to treasure different vocal cultures and give them an avant-garde reinterpretation: from Scandinavian folklore to jazz scat singing, from baroque arias to the African Pygmy. Particular influence is given by the metric-vocal spelling of Karnatic and Hindustan music. All these differents suggestions serve to reinforce and accompany her plastic movements. Greta's performances are studded with imaginary phonemes, onematopeic patterns, rhythmic phrasing, phonetic articulations, breathing, spiral structures, frenetic drifts, clap handings or feet like timpani or snare drums. In this way her dance becomes "silent music" and can have analogies with other noteworthy vocal explorations, such as those of Meredith Monk. For the first time an audio document is a available on LP and CD, a co-production with our beloved friend: Sing a Song Fighter.
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idabbleincrazy · 4 years
Subvert the Lyrics Challenge
Subvert - to overturn or overthrow from the foundation; ruin; to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith
Synonyms: abase, bastardize, canker, cheapen, corrupt, debase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, lessen, pervert, poison, profane, prostitute, vitiate, warp
This challenge is to celebrate both finally reaching my milestone of writing 100 fics and reaching 850 followers! I got the idea for this challenge after writing Anything, Anything. After deciding on the title, I went and googled it to see if, by chance, there was a song with the title, and lo and behold, there was. By a band called Dramarama. I perused the lyrics and noticed that my fic was a slight subversion of the story that the lyrics told. That was a pleasant surprise. 
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to choose a prompt from the provided list and write a fic that subverts the lyric(s) of the song. Flip the script, if you will. Does the song give you the angsty sads? Well, then write your fave having the best day ever. That kinda thing. Most prompts are entire songs, but there is a stray prompt or two that is a single line from a song. 
Deadline: November 15th (I wanted to make sure you guys had a good chunk of time to write)
Must be following me (this is partly a follower celebration, afterall)
The prompts were mostly chosen with Supernatural in mind, but I will gladly accept fics for Lucifer(Netflix), iZombie, Farscape, The Magicians, and The Order, or anything Rich or Rob related.
Send in an ask with the # of your prompt, and a back up in case it’s been taken, and which fandom you plan to write for.
One person per prompt. 
If over 500 words, please use the Keep Reading tab, or an ao3 link so that I’m not filling peoples dashes.
Use appropriate ratings and warnings. Smut is awesome, but please let me know what I’m getting into.
I do prefer canon-verse, but if AU’s are more your writing style, that’s perfectly fine.
When posting, be sure to @ me and use #subvertthelyricschallenge in the first 5 tags. If I don’t get around to your fic after 24hrs, dm me to make sure tumblr didn’t pull a stupid.
Feel free to include this in other challenges or in bingo’s if applicable!
Things I won’t read:
Lucifer(SPN), Nick, Saileen, Incest, Underage smut (this includes Jack Kline), RPF, Watersports/scat, graphic rape/non-con (mild non-con, dub-con are ok), vore, daddy kink.
Happy Together - The Turtles @mir567
Wonderwall - Oasis
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
Only Wanna Be With You - Hootie and the Blowfish
Nothin’ But a Good Time - Poison
Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
Laisse Tomber Les Filles - France Gall/ Chick Habit by April March
The Wire - Haim @itsangelpie
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong @wingedcatninja
Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes
Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Meatloaf
“When you hurt, when you suffer, I’m your angel undercover” - Bitch, Meredith Brooks
Cruel to Be Kind - Nick Lowe
Gods & Monsters - Lana Del Rey @phantomwarrior12
“Will you hose me down with holy water, if I get too hot?” - I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That), Meatloaf
Anthem - Alana Yorke
The Rose - Bette Midler
I Believe In Angels - ABBA
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) - Irma Thomas
Once In A Lifetime - Talking Heads
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow - Soggy Bottom Boys/Dick Burnett
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club @cajunquandary
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Someday, Someway - Marshall Crenshaw
Thank you in advance to all who participate, and I can’t wait to read your lovely fics! If you have any questions, my ask box is open. 
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1p Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Spain is a master at aftercare, he’s very romantic and tends to all your bruises and sore bitemarks  
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your thighs are his favourite part of you, he particularly likes to be squished between them 
His back is his favourite part of himself, because of his muscles 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He prefers for it to stay inside the body 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes getting caught while jacking off, but will always deny it 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has a lot of experience from his pirate era, he had his way with a lot of comfort women 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The G-whiz, where you lie back with your legs resting on each of your partner's shoulders. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He prefers to be romantic, so please don’t laugh, he will think he failed 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s completely shaved but doesn't care about the state of his partner’s hair growth 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s an odd mix of romantic and rough 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Ever since he stopped screwing around as a pirate, he has jacked off 5-7 times a week.  
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Sensory deprivement
Fisting, giving
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere as long you’re alone
In the midst of his tomato field
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He’ll go wild when he sees that you’ve cut yourself or if he knows you’re on your period. Otherwise it’ the most random things that turn him on 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do)
Scat and piss play 
Consensual non-con/rape play
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s more used to receiving it because of his pirate times and that hasn’t worn off yet  
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He switches between being rough and being very romantic, which means slower than usual
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s up for it anytime any moment 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s game with risks as long as you are 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Holy shit boy he has a lot of stamina, as long it’s not during siesta of course
Otherwise he can go for about 4-6, depending on position and duration  
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own a lot of toys, he doesn’t really think he needs them 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He isn’t that much of a tease, he prefers giving his partner multiple orgasms 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He goes medium loud and he makes groans primarily 
He has a tomato vibrator, he got it as a gag gift from France 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He has a tomato vibrator, he got it as a gag gift from France 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
The boy is hung, and that’s that  
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a very high sex drive, which mainly stems from his pirate era 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
No sleep, it’s time for some aftercare, which can easily last an hour
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mindofthebreeze · 4 years
task 01: character introduction
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☼ who’s that hottie, standing outside the love hotel? it’s DOMINIQUE CONRAD, a BISEXUAL CISFEMALE, who looks a lot like ANNE HATHAWAY! BREEZE’s insta bio says SHE is a 32 y-o JOURNALIST and is looking for a fun time this summer. SHE is into EXHIBITIONISM and ROUGH SEX, but not into SCAT or GOLDEN SHOWERS. by the way, she reminds me of CHERRY RED LIPS and A BAY BREEZE COCKTAIL. i have a feeling things just got interesting!
name: dominique “breeze” josephine conrad
age: 32
dob: may 30
birthplace: nice, france
kinks: exhibitionism, rough sex, breath play, bondage, dominatrix/sub (switch), knife play, food play, wax play, masochism, sadism, anal sex, spanking, sensation play, sensory deprivation, choking, orgasm control, dirty talk, face slapping/face sitting, blood play, bdsm
unsure: group sex 
anti kinks: scat, golden showers, diaper fetish, gore, vore, foot fetish, vomit, pet play, infantilism, necrophilia, 
positive traits:
(+) creative
(+) enthusiastic
(+) individualistic
(+) open minded
(+) trusting
negative traits: 
(-) impulsive 
(-) insecure 
(-) stubborn
(-) moody
(-) blunt
childhood/family life: breeze’s parents met in paris while her father was on a student visa studying at paris-sorbonne university. when his visa expired, he went back to the united states to finish his education before officially moving to be with her mother and settling in nice. breeze is the eldest of five children: breeze (32), fleur (29), adeline (29), alexandre (24), and timothee (21). with her mother being french and being raised in nice, she is fluent in both french and english. her childhood is filled with memories of white, sandy beaches and clear, blue ocean with her mother having to practically drag her out of the water. to this day, she craves the fruit tarts her mother would bake almost daily. she would spend hours on the promenade, journal and pen in hand, describing in detail what was in front of her: the multitudes of families spending their day in the sun, the child begging their mother for a dip in the ocean, couples kissing slowly, sweetly. at the age of 16, she realized her calling was writing. 
education: her father encouraged her writing, but urged her to consider journalism instead as he thought it was more difficult to have a career as an author. and on she went, attending the same university where her parents met and four years later, walking across the stage with a journalism degree – a proud smile on her face that would grace her parent’s shelves. 
career: breeze has jumped from gig to gig in the journalism industry over the years. paris, london, dallas, new york city are just a few of the places that have had the privilege of breeze writing for their publications. she landed in california this year for a job as a concert reviewer and that’s how she came upon the love hotel. 
secret: the university is where breeze began her introduction into the world of bdsm. it was her third year and her roommate, clara, invited her to a party and without thinking, breeze agreed to tag along. what clara neglected to mention was that it was a play party. as soon as she walked in, breeze knew that she needed to leave. she had a test to study for, anyway. the more she looked, the more interested she became. there were people of all ages, tied up. canes, restraints, whips. it was as if no one was shy. that night, breeze delved into a world unknown and the next day, she was a whole new person. the sensations were unlike anything she had felt before. her limits were pushed. after the party, she and clara became closer, pleasing one another on almost a daily basis as her roommate introduced her to many new ideas. since this introduction, she’s encountered multiple relationships in which her desires are fulfilled and she can’t imagine not living this way. 
likes & dislikes: 
(+) mixing drinks, lipstick, road trips, reading, writing, oversized sweaters, rain, concerts, all genres of music, being called darling, fruit tarts 
(-) small spaces, sounds of people chewing, having her picture taken, seafood, hypocrites, bugs/spiders, invasion of privacy
(+) even though she completed the degree path her father pointed her in, breeze still finds time to write fiction any chance she gets. she loves being a journalist –she really does. but sometimes, nothing can compare to the feeling of making up your own world, making your own rules. the characters are yours and you’re free to do with them what you will. last year, she began penning a collection of short stories that revolve around life in france and she’s almost ready to send it in to a publisher. but with her insecure nature, will she be able to bite the bullet and let someone else read her work?
(+) when breeze was 25 and walking home later from work, she was attacked and brutally beaten which left her hospitalized for three weeks. the incident changed her, more than she realized. after she was well enough to go home, she signed up for martial arts classes, learning how to protect herself. breeze earned a black belt title and considers it one of her greatest accomplishments. to this day, she is paranoid as her attacker was never caught and recently, she’s felt like somebody has been watching her. does she have a stalker? breeze is unsure but has been vigilant each day since she’s left the hospital. 
(+) a couple years ago, breeze took up mixology classes online since she was tired of the same drinks over and over. her repertoire now includes: mai tai, manhattan, tequila mockingbird, zombie – among many others. she gets this question all the time: why are you called breeze? her specialty is the bay breeze cocktail and it quickly turned into her No. 1 favorite drink of all time – she knocks one back daily. and she could never forget the ingredients if you want it to taste just right: 2 oz of cranberry and pineapple juice, four ounces of vodka, one lemon and lime wedge each, and light ice. 
wanted connections:
 (+) someone she views as a younger sister: breeze misses her family as they’re all spread around the globe now. she needs someone to give guidance to so she can fill the ache in her heart. 
(+) fwb: self explanatory
(+) ex girlfriend/ex boyfriend from five years ago: the relationship was passionate and full of satisfaction – the only reason they split was one of them couldn’t deal with the long distance. 
(+) best friend: self explanatory
(+) dom/sub: breeze is a switch and is open to an arrangement where she and the other person can change roles often.
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waywardroserp · 4 years
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WAYWARD ROSE welcomes THEODORA WARR to their life as a CHATTEL. They prefer (SHE/HER) pronouns, is 23, PANSEXUAL, and has been with us for 1 month and belongs with the DEMONS (SUCCUBUS). They share an uncanny resemblance to MATILDA LUTZ. They work as a NURSE and are described as HEADSTRONG, OUTSPOKEN, and FEARLESS.
Full Name: Theodora Isolde Warr Nick Name(s): Teddy, Theo Age: 23 Pronouns: She/Her S. Orientation: Bicurious R. Orientation: Biromantic
Positive Traits: Loyal, empathetic, intelligent Negative Traits: Reserved, hard-headed, untrusting. quick-tempered
Former Occupation: Huntress Current Occupation: Nurse Species: Succubus (demon) Skills: Hand to hand combat, succubus charm, super physical strength and speed, emotional and mental manipulation, skilled in weaponry,
Rank: Chattel Role: Submissive to the right person Turn-Ons: sensory deprivation, spanking, hair pulling, rough sex. Turn-Offs: Filth, scat/urine, severe humiliation, severe abuse, being bitten (though it is okay with the mun)
It is unknown what Theodora’s true birth name is.
She wasn’t expected. Hell was full of demons who proudly indulged in every want they could possibly desire. Her parents were the same. She is the daughter of a high-ranking incubus-  an appointed knight and tormentor, and a succubus by blood. One would think that she’d have no worries, but they would be wrong. Theodora’s mother fled Hell before even knowing that she was pregnant. When she realized it, she kept it to herself and settled in with a little clan of demons in France. Shortly after having Theodora, she began to indulge in her insatiable desire for energy, which drew in the eyes of hunters.
The hunters attacked during the night, raiding the clan and killing all but one little demon. At first, they planned to, but they couldn’t. With the female hunter feeling some odd, maternal instincts towards the infant after losing her own weeks prior, she couldn’t bring herself to kill her. So they took her and raised her as one of their own – but used her powers for their greater good, hunting supernaturals.
They named her Theodora, and she became their infiltrator. They never lied to her about what she was (only how they came about her), so that she could develop her powers without fear, and could use them to kill other dark creatures. She’s been trained from a young age to hunt, deceive, and kill supernatural beings, and she does it well - though she is sometimes at odds with her ‘calling’. In April of 2020, the clan of hunters that her adopted parents belonged do was raided. Four were captured, all others were killed. After an escape attempt went awry, only two remained and were shipped to Wayward Rose to pay for their crimes. Theodora is one of them.
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absolut--cyrus · 5 years
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You should be cowering in fear, ( CYRUS ) is roaming the streets of this Wicked Little Town. It’s said they are the doppelganger of ( BILL SKARSGARD ), but don’t be fooled by their pretty face for they don’t hold back on that punishment as they are ( ARROGANT ). They’re ( PANSEXUAL ) and have no problems when it comes to ( PUBLIC SEX & BONDAGE ), just don’t think you’ll get away with ( BORING SEX & SCAT ). They are a ( MASTER ), and ( HE ) is thirsty for a taste of their next play thing.
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Name of your demon/titles they prefer
Cyrus. It’s just Cyrus. In a play setting, he’ll accept Sir, Master, Daddy, whatever.
Give us a physical appearance outline - both human & demon: 
His current human form is a rather dashing gentleman who was around 25 at the time he passed away and Cyrus slipped into his vessel. He stands tall at 6′5, slim but tough and wiry.
His demon form varies in size, though roughly stands at 7-8 feet tall usually.  Body shape resembles this with ornate black horns, his face is more or less humanoid though. Even though his angel wings were stripped from him when he became a demon, he spent so long in heaven/being an angel that his demon form sports large tattered wings, like so.
Notable personality traits
Snark. A lot of it. Charm too, if he is so inclined, avoidance of emotional subjects and feelings generally, deadpanning comments about others, not holding back his thoughts, whatever it is. He values intellect and intellectual conversation above all and does not suffer fools gladly. Has a known and great bloodlust, drinking blood, engaging in bloodplay, etc.
Do they own any slaves? If no, do they want to?
Cyrus quickly took a slave once he arrived, but discarded her when he grew bored. Currently he owns one, but not for sexual purposes; the slave is there to be his servant at every beck and call, mostly used as a punching bag when his rage runs too high. 
How do they feel about this new layout of hell? Do they like it or do they wish to return to the original layout?
Since Cyrus is relatively new to Hell, he’s had glimpses of the old layout but never really inhabited it permanently. He appreciates the aesthetics of the old and the practicality of the new. 
Are they a known demon in hell for any reason?
Cyrus stands out as being a very recent inductee into Hell. If other demons refer to him, they sometimes disparagingly call him “the angel”, which never fails to get under his skin. If he’s made any lasting impression so far, it’s for his voracious sexual appetites and bloodlust. It’s not uncommon to find him renting out two, four, six or even ten slaves at a time.  
Cyrus is old. At least 32,000 years old. 
He was an archangel tasked with the business of salvation, which he took to with importance, at first. But as the centuries wore on, he began to question Heaven’s methods. Why they did the things they did, for what purposes. 
This questioning nature got him into more trouble than it was worth and he was Burned, left with a permanent scar on his face, no matter what vessel he takes form in. He was also warned never to question the ways of Heaven again or face consequence. 
Tired of the angels’ rigidity and tyranny, Cyrus quite literally fled heaven. He became persona non grata there and ‘wanted’. But did he give any flying fucks, to use a pun? None.
Cue the next couple centuries of anarchy, debauchery, libertine living and raising hell on earth. He was there whispering in Torquemada’s ear egging him on to be more creative, standing by the guillotines in France watching heads roll, he’s certainly kept himself amused over the years...
His luck and heavenly powers ran out some two decades ago. He’d always been on the trajectory towards becoming a demon but had secretly been afraid of the agonising and unthinkable pain involved in the transformation; this development left him no choice.
He’s been in Hell now for about 20 years, adjusted to it more or less, but there’s the occasional thing that is new to him. 
Whatever he thinks of Hell, it’s a fuck sight preferable to being in Heaven.
Notable kinks: Blood play, pain, bondage, spanking/whipping, anal, gags/blindfolds, public sex, voyeurism, total power exchange, gangbangs/orgies, pet play, ddlg (sometimes, though he may grow bored of it), wax play, fire play, hypnosis, fisting, breath play, knife play, orgasm denial/forcing, watersports, gore, needle play, the list goes on lol... Anti-kinks: scat, dumb or whiny partners, anything boring. 
Open to all plots, ideas, whatever devious thoughts you guys may have!! Cyrus is an old, old muse of mine and one I can’t wait to get writing again. ♡ 
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Scat hookup modrý kameň and scat woman Dreta de l'Eixample
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arenxhanson · 5 years
hello lovely people! I'm marie, I’m 25 and here with my beautiful tall nerd who is honestly just a big ball of fluffy embarrassment -- good thing he’s hot. I’m terrible with intros, but let’s get this one out of the way shall we? like this if you want to plot/write with him and I'll get back to you asap. 
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[[ alexander skarsgård, cismale, he/him ]] aren hanson just walked into the club, the 42 year old surgeon has been a member since february 2019. I heard they’re pretty charming, but can also be a little demanding. rumor has it, they’re bisexual and also love bondage & public sex, but are turned off by scat & humiliation.
Aren is born into a family of wanderers, of overachievers, of people who always strived to be the best for no reason other than personal fulfillment and genuine joy for life and what it had to offer. his mother was a famous ballerina and his father, a diplomat. Due to his father’s profession, the family was never at one place for too long -- which is probably why Aren and his siblings were all born in different countries. 
He spends his childhood in Europe -- south of France, Gothenburg and Vienna -- until his father is relocated to the U.S. where they end up settling finally. By then, he is 17 and he doesn’t fit all too well with the other teens. He’s the tallest, blondest, palest kid in class, too smart for his own good and the fact that he’s only seen as another snotty rich kid doesn’t help.  
He goes on to be sure to rain on everyone’s parade (the one’s giving him shit at least) by having puberty hitting him hard like a brick wall and going from nerd to hunk (well, he was still a nerd and will always be one, people just didn’t focus on that anymore); he later graduated with honors and got into college to pursue medicine. 
He married when he was 32 and lived a happy marriage for four years until his wife was diagnosed with advanced stage stomach cancer, passing away soon after. It took him 3 years until he finally started seeing other people and moving on.
As a professional, Aren can be considered one of the best. He currently works in a private hospital as a head surgeon and although everyone tells him he works way too much and should try to live a little more outside of the hospital, it can be a hard thing for him to do -- mostly because working gets his head off of his own problems. 
He visited club bliss for the first time in 2018 with a friend who was already a member and dragged Aren along. It was not exactly what he had in mind when his friend told him they were going for a boy’s night out, but he went along with it. It was only early this year that he decided to formally become a member and relish on everything the club had to offer.
wanted connections include: friends, first girlfriend, first guy he slept with, the first person he allowed himself to “see” after the death of his wife and who actually turned out to be incredibly special, friends from college, fwb, drink buddies, someone he confides in, his younger siblings, former patient, escorts he’s slept / or sleeps with, exes with some sexual tension, someone who’s had a crush on him for the longest time but he never noticed, etc.) 
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