#scarab crew
whumpbug · 2 months
i'm sorry it took so long guys i've been in a bit of a funk these last few days BUT i really wanted to post this!! i have much more planned for them but i am trying to pace myself because i've been struggling a little bit!
this also counts for early whumperless whump event day 23: well, that doesn't taste right @whumperless-whump-event (allergic reaction / anaphylaxis)
word count: 2507
see this post for info on the scarabs crew!
In hindsight, Hari probably should have told the team his allergies to start.
There just wasn’t a convenient time for him to do it. It felt weird.
He already felt their judging eyes on him because he was human. Humans weren’t necessarily looked down upon, but it was quite the common consensus that they had more biological flaws than most other races.
This was, of course, made worse by Hari’s precarious condition. 
Introducing himself as the human missing a leg with a blood circulation disorder, an inflammatory lung disease, and food allergies was not something Hari imagined would get him much in the way of respect.
So, he stayed quiet.
After all the introductions and mission briefings came and went, everyone retreated to their respective rooms to settle in. A message over the intercom told Hari that Nyla, the pilot, was going to start making dinner.
He supposed now could be a good time to mention it. He remembered how to get to the kitchen, and Nyla should be in there cooking already, but Hari had just taken off his prosthesis. He didn’t feel like going through the trouble.
Besides, what were the chances that, out of all the things in the galaxy, Nyla made something Hari couldn’t eat.
An hour came and went before Nyla’s chipper voice came over the intercom once again.
“Food’s ready, everyone! Come on down to the kitchen!”
Hari perked up. Now that he thought of it, he was hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything more than protein bars and yogurt cups since the initial launch. An actual meal sounded wonderful.
He grabbed his crutches and began making his way to the kitchen. 
As he walked through the halls of The Scarab, he couldn’t help but feel a bit astonished. Just a few days ago, he was on his home planet, Earth. Then, he was shipped off to Asto’is. Now, here he was, floating in space with a group of strangers towards countless unexplored territories and potentially dangerous star systems.
What a story he was going to have to tell.
He arrived at the kitchen and quickly saw he was the last to do so.
Captain Nieven Alaric, the Asto’isian, was sitting at the head of the table, typing away on his detpad. A cigarette was held loosely in his free hand, and he brought it up to his lips with a deep inhale. His brow was furrowed, like he was trying to figure something out. 
Zel, the Huelxcan, was sitting towards the middle of the table, but her entire body was tensed up. She looked terribly awkward, like she’d rather be anywhere but there. Her gaze remained trained at a spot on the table, but upon Hari’s entry, she lifted her head. Hari met her eyes on accident and flashed a small smile, and he could have sworn she snarled at him.
Vinny, the Z’edin, was sitting opposite to Zel, but they looked significantly less uncomfortable. On the contrary, their knees were pulled up to their chest with their own detpad balancing on top. A peek over their shoulder told Hari that they were reading.. a scientific article? On biochemistry? For fun? That was perhaps scarier than the Huelxcan staring daggers at him from across the table.
And finally, indicated by the soft humming from the kitchen, Hari caught a glimpse of Nyla plating the final dish with her back turned to him.
Hari hadn’t seen many Haryen in his time. The race preferred not to make too much contact with the other PAGE territories, so seeing one out in the open felt odd.
Still, Hari didn’t need to know much about the race to know their signature trait—large crimson wings on their back with a span almost longer than their full height. Hari also didn’t need to know much about the race to know that this particular Haryen’s wings were not paradigmatic of her people’s.
Nyla’s wings were small and curled tight against her body. The muscles in them looked atrophied and shriveled, and even the way they moved with her body seemed off.
Nyla didn’t offer much of an explanation. She simply stated that she was born differently and left it at that. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation anyway; Hari figured. Still, it was not something someone saw every day.
Hari finally took a seat beside Vinny and rested his crutches against the edge of the metal table. Vinny’s gaze flitted to him before coming back to their detpad.
Hari risked another glance at their screen, and saw that not only were they finished with the first article, but they had moved on to another longer one. Hari had to ask.
“What’cha reading about?”
Vinny’s ears flicked at his voice. “Botany.”
“Mhm. The first planet on the course is a forest planet, so I wanted to brush up.”
“I see—”
“Do you know much about botany? You’re the medic, after all. Figured you’ve at least taken some life science classes, but I don’t know how much time the curriculum would have spent on botany specifically.”
“Well, I was in highschool when—”
“I guess if it was a general biology class, the content would be broader, so you probably spent a little bit on each subsection. Still, I think botany is underappreciated. There’s so much to learn about a planet based on what kind of flora thrives in it.”
“I agree—”
“Plus, it can tell you so much about culture! Your planet, for example, has such a diverse ecosystem with so many different biomes. The different ways your people use the plants in each area is fascinating!”
“Thank you?”
“Not to mention—”
“Dinner is ready!” Nyla chirped, padding into the room with plates precariously balanced on her arms. Hari silently sighed in relief.
Nieven set down his detpad immediately and stood up to take two of the plates from Nyla.
“Thank you very much for making dinner, Nylath... Nylathrania.”
The syllables sounded clumsy on the Captain’s lips and a slight flush creeped up his cheeks at his fumbling.
“Oh please, just call me Nyla. Nylathrania is a hard one, even back on Harye.”
Nieven cleared his throat. “Very well. Thank you, Nyla.”
“It’s my pleasure! What better way to welcome you all onto my ship than good food?” She smiled and set a plate in front of each person at the table before taking her own seat next to Zel.
Hari smiled right back at her and, he figured he could try probing about the ingredients. Subtly, of course. “Yes, thank you, Nyla. This looks good! What is it?”
“Oh! I wanted to start with something pretty universally liked. It’s noodles with a darzel nut sauce, wozoik leaves, and some poultry from Earth! It’s pretty simple. I didn’t want to try anything too wild on the first night.”
Vinny, finally, lifted their head from their detpad and faced Nyla. “You took the meat out of mine, right?”
Vinny’s tail swayed slightly and a slight smile overtook their face. “Thank you, Nyla.”
Hari suddenly felt very stupid. If the kid could let Nyla know about their dietary preferences, why couldn’t Hari? 
Still, it was fine. Nothing she said was on his allergy list. He’d just let her know after this meal and everything would be fine.
Nyla picked up her fork. “Well, dig in everyone!”
And with that, they did.
Zel sniffed the food experimentally and swirled a forkful of noodles onto the prongs of the utensil before lifting it to her mouth. The usual scowl on her face lessened greatly and she turned to Nyla.
“You made this?” She said softly.
“...I did. Why? Is something wrong with it?” Nyla almost looked sheepish.
Zel said nothing. She simply turned her face back down to her plate and began scarfing down the noodles.
Vinny was following suit, tail swaying freely as they forked mouthful after mouthful into their mouth.
Nieven was a bit more polite. He ate slowly, and in small bites, but the enjoyment of the food was written all over his face in the way his eyes shone.
Alright, now, Hari needed to try it.
He scooped some of the noodles onto his fork, took a bite and—wow. If this was the kind of food he’d be eating for the next few years, he had no complaints.
The nutty flavor of the sauce was light and fresh, enhanced further by the aromatic greens. The chicken was juicy and flavorful, and the noodles were cooked to perfection. Hari’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head. 
Nyla swallowed a mouthful of food and tapped her finger idly on the table. “So... How is everyone feeling about the trip so far?”
Vinny perked their head up. “So far it’s been interesting. Your ship is really cool. I can’t believe you fly it yourself.”
“I do! She’s my pride and joy.” She turned to Hari. “You’re somewhat of an aerospace engineer, right? What kind of ships have you worked on?”
Hari startled at his name and glanced up. 
“Me? I’ve worked on a few. I worked mostly on airplanes, though.”
“Oh? So a bit different, then?”
Hari nodded and opened his mouth to respond, but found that his tongue didn’t move the way he intended it to. It felt tingly, like it was swollen in his mouth. He furrowed his brows.
“Sorry. I just— My throat feels weird.” He swallowed convulsively. 
Nyla tilted her head and leaned forward to get a better look at him. Zel followed suit, sharing a glance with Nieven.
“Are you okay?” Nyla asked.
“I’m fine... I’m...” Hari swallowed again as an abrupt wave of nausea had him clamping his mouth shut.
Nieven suddenly turned his gaze to meet Hari. “Hari? Are you sure? You’re quite... flushed.”
Hari nodded and scratched at the side of his neck. Stars, when did it get so itchy?
And then it occurred to him. The way he was feeling—the way it felt like his throat was swelling and the way his skin felt too hot for his body—stars, he was allergic to the damn food.
Of all the foods in the galaxy! This delicious meal was one his body decided was a threat! He would have groaned if he could.
Instead, he let out a vaguely choked whine and clawed at his throat, desperately pulling at his collar to get some air. Hives were starting to break out along his arms and shoulders rapidly, and the heat was searing.
Everyone was staring at him now. Even Vinny, who had set their detpad on the table, was in a hurry to get a proper look at Hari. 
“Hari?” Vinny questioned. 
They stood and leaned over, scrutinizing his face. They looked like they were racking their brain for something. Hari truly hoped they were as smart as they came across, because he wasn’t sure he had the faculties to explain what he needed. With their knowledge on Earth and biology, they were probably Hari’s best bet.
They suddenly jolted with thought. “Anaphylaxis! Allergic reaction! That’s what's going on, isn’t it? Your symptoms match!”
Bingo. Hari nodded frantically, pulling in a wheezing breath. Shit, it really was getting difficult to breathe. He needed to do something—and fast.
“Allergic?! Why didn’t you say something earlier!” Nyla shrieked, practically leaping over the table to reach Hari. “What do we do?! You’re the medic!”
Hari wanted to tell her to relax and that it would probably be fine once he got his epi-pen, but he could quite literally feel his airways shrinking and he figured that might not be true for long.
Vinny tapped away on their detpad before whipping their head back up. “We have to give you epinephrine, don’t we? Where the hell are we going to get that?!”
Hari vaguely gestured to the bedrooms, hoping someone would get the hint. He had a small bright red first-aid kit in his luggage, left out in the open. Never had he ever been so grateful for his disorganized unpacking.
“On it,” Nieven muttered, racing toward the hall. Hari tugged at his collar once again, wheezing desperately. It felt like his head was going to explode now. He was sure he was quite the sorry sight with how red he felt his face getting. Not a very good first impression.
Finally, the captain came sprinting back with the little red pouch. He all but threw it onto the table and ripped it open, before realizing he had no idea what he was even looking for.
“Epi..pen..” Hari managed to rasp out, doubling over when another awful wave of nausea overtook him. 
Vinny watched Nieven frantically search for a few more moments before grumbling and lunging over to snatch the pouch from him. They procured the item immediately and began to read over it.
“It’s a needle?”
Hari nodded, wondering why that mattered. He didn’t care if someone had to cut his other damn leg off to get the epinephrine in him—he just wanted to breathe.
Vinny uncapped the needle and hesitantly crouched beside Hari. They were moving at far too leisurely a pace. Hari shot a weak glare.
He would have done it himself, if he could. It’s just that his hands were numb. He could barely lift his arm, let alone have the dexterity to administer it properly. Maybe he should start having his epi-pen with him for every meal. Stars, his head was spinning.
“I can’t do it!” Vinny cried, suddenly pulling away.
“For fuck’s sake—” Zel plucked the pen from their hands, skimmed the directions, and plunged the needle directly into Hari’s right leg with no hesitation.
Hari had never been so grateful in his life.
In just a few moments, Hari felt his breath starting to come easier. He slumped back against his chair and gulped down sweet, sweet oxygen.
No one said anything for a beat. And then, Nyla smacked the back of Hari’s head.
“You idiot! If you’re allergic to something you need to tell me! What was your plan if we didn’t get the epi-pen in time?! I would have been responsible for manslaughter!”
Hari blinked. “I didn’t know I’d be allergic to it.”
Vinny stepped in and crossed their arms. “But you have existing allergies, yes? I could have done some research on how similar the food was to your allergens. Darzel nuts, for example, are remarkably chemically similar to peanuts.”
Oh. That explains it, then. Hari felt a blush creep up on his cheeks. He said nothing.
Nyla let out a soft hmph and pointed a finger at Hari. “After we clean up here and I make you something else to eat, you’re going to sit down with me and make a list of your allergies. All of them. This won’t happen again.”
Hari could tell she meant to be vaguely reassuring, but with the way she said it, it sounded like a threat. He gulped and nodded.
Vinny let out a soft laugh that doubled as a sigh of relief. “Welcome to the expedition, I suppose.”
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adventure-time-news · 5 months
Hanna K has posted some production art from her work on Fionna and Cake season 1.
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hpholo · 2 years
I interviewed James Cambias and his latest book HAS A TALKING SPACE DINOSAUR IN IT GO READ IT
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sillybond · 1 year
As a send of here's my compilation of every detail/gag or pretty much everything that I loved about the Fionna and Cake finale.
First off, the lighthearded stuff.
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First of all. That's Hunter!!! We finally get to see HW gender-swapped counterpart's design. Gotta say I love that they kept it the same, it does feel like it could fit anyone.
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Talking about him, I LOVE that they are finally adding him to the gang. I didn't expect him to be so prevalent in the finale, but I couldn't be happier! It seems like the crew has finnaly learned to apreciate HW and they are inserting her (even if it's Hunter) whenever they can.
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All the raw emotion of the lich would have been unheard of at any other point in AT's history. The depression and hopelessnes, such human emotions were amazing to explore in him. He poses himself as a "ceesless weel" a god-like beeing of pure destruction, but even he neels when he realices it was all for nothing.
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For some time I theorized that Golb (and subsequently Golbetty) was, in fact, Scarabs and Prismo's Boss. Kind of like a ultimate deity, high up on the pantheon. But seeing how Scarab adresses her in such a careles way, emphasizing that she should "stay out of this" made me think about the real power dinamic between thees two. And thus, of the whole multiverse bureocracy.
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This tittle card rips me apart. It's briming with thematic importance. But I feel so many emotions simply beacuse it says cheers, it's like a send-off, a happy cheerfull goodbye to all of us who enjoyed this show. It made me tear up a bit when I first saw it.
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For thoose who aren't aware Pawn Swan's was created by Steven Wolfhard after CAWM alongside the pup kingdom. He has in his tumblr a gigantic amount of lore about it. I'm sooo happy they finally got to use his ideas and designs. Many of the pups seen all trought Shermy and Beth's sequence were in his drawings too. So go check that out!
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I'm a complete sucker for happy endings and THIS was PERFECTION. I simply connot describe how much I obsolutely LOVE that they are able to comunicate and talk. it's just perfect, this show has me spoiled-rotten.
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In pure Marceline fashion Marshal tries playing another song. And Gary is soo into this man it's unreal
But, also in pure Marceline fashion, he gets interupted. It kind of reminded me about Marceline's song to Bonny in Obsidian. But it's kind of the oposite outcome, Scarab isn't affected by it at all while Glorbo is finaly delt with.
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Talking about Simon being happy. I'm just so glad that he has been able to reconect with Astrid!!! This man is such a DAD, I love him :,)
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Before Fionna's world was finaly canonized we can see that it really just amounts to the city. Which makes sense because if you are trying to put a whole world in a dude's head, you are going to have to cut some stuff out.
Anyways, after they are made legit we can see that the city has expanded! And I also assume that now there's not only a city, but a whole world too!!
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This really came as a surprise honeslty, but a welcomed one at that. I assume that since Jay agrees to stay in the city, even if it's not forever, Farmworld Finn must be fine. It doesn't make any sense for him to drop his 4 little brothers just to screw around in another universe.
The only sad part is that, since we don't see neither PB nor Marcy in the tank that means they are probably dead. In the end it does seem like they took eachothers life, together.
Now onto the heavy stuff!
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"This is the world we want to fight for. The Scarab is kind of invincible. But we won't give up. If we die, we'll die together, as ourselves"
This cuts deep. At this moment Fionna was ready to die. She acknowledges that she had tried everything she could and that, in a way, it was her fault. But she also understands that this is what it is. And she's ready to depart. In what she thought were her last moments she found happines in thoose and that around her. Magic or not, they were all together, and that's what mattered.
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"We made our choices. We could have made better ones, but I don't have any regrets. You were a wonderful experience"
We knew Simon had wronged Betty. She had put away everything for him. He didn't do it on porpuse, but he recognised he could have been more thoughtful. In the end, while Simon acknowledges his mistakes Betty doesn't demonise neither him nor the relationship that came bacuse of it. It's a very sentimental, heartfelt conclusion.
As humans we often try to make our best to navigate life. But with all the choices in front of us it's very hard to get it right. A lot of time might have to pass before we truly see how wrong we were. We realize that we hurt people, and that things didn't have to be this way. But once we acknowledge this we can finaly move on. At this moment, Simon realizes that it's okay to fail but, unfortunetly, we can't go back. We have to live with it and it can't prevent us from moving forward.
In the end all we can do is have compassion for ourselves, and for each other.
That was pretty much all of the details and highlights for me. There's some other ones but they are kind of too obvious to point out.
Thanks a lot for reading the whole thing! It means a lot :)
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inbarfink · 1 year
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It is actually super thematically important that the Gumlee Subplot is, like, the Fluffiest Fluffy Coffeeshop AU in existence.
Because the whole universe-ending danger Fionnaworld faces is, like, to me it reads very much as a metaphor for the value of art and creative works that are self-indulgent?
Like, the whole Problem is that Prismo is not supposed to use his powers of Creation for his own personal enjoyment - he’s only supposed to use it to grant Ironic Wishes for others. Metaphorically, I think this is like a Creative making art for a studio or some other kind or employer, or for the sake of some specific audience or something. 
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And while Prismo found some creative fulfillment in his job, he also wanted to make something for himself, something private, something self-indulgent. And thus Fionnaworld was born. A personal creative project made with no other consideration but the artist’s own sense of fun and pleasure.
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Which is very appropriate considering how in the real world Fionna and Cake, while it grew into more than that, it was originally just the personal lil’ creative doodles of Natasha Allegri did for fun while she was working as part of the AT Crew.
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In the eyes of the Scarab, and apparently the greater cosmological laws that he enforces - the existence of Fionnaworld is an ‘abomination’. Prismo shouldn’t be allowed to use his powers of creation for anything but his designated role of creating for the sake of others. 
And it seems like the resolution of the whole Scarab and Prismo plot thread is going to be on some level a reinforcement of the value and importance of creative projects - or whole universes - that are born out of self-indulgence and a desire to have fun and nothing more. You know, maybe it's not the worst thing in the world for Prismo to do something for fun, Fionnaworld clearly grew into something more than just God's self-indulgent doodles... something like that...
So it seems only appropriate that our main representation of Fionnaworld once the plot kicks into gear, the thing that gives the viewers a face and a personal angle to the unfathomably monumental task of saving a whole universe - is a Fluff-tastic Coffeeshop AU. 
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In many ways the icon of silly indulgent fiction that exists just for personal pleasure. 
Especially as it contrasts against the generally much darker and grimmer ‘Authorized Universes’ we’ve seen.
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Of course, not everyone creating silly fanfics for just their own sake is gonna create peaceful low-conflict Modern AUs. I bet there’s tons of AT fans creating fanstuff for their own sakes that are going to make stuff that’s just as heavy and dark as Vampireworld or even Extinctworld. Sometimes self-indulgence looks like angst and pain.
Buuuutt, the Fluff-heavy fanfiction and Coffeeshop AUs are still associated with wish-fulfillment and self-indulgent fiction in a way that really feels thematically important. 
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j4gm · 1 year
Let's see what this episode has in store.
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This is an alternate universe where Simon was killed by vampires before he found Marceline. Even the scientific parasite in his breast pocket looks like it has been drained of blood.
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Our Simon demonstrating his survival skills. We never got to see him dealing with vampires in his own universe, but presumably he ran into them a few times and is familiar with their weaknesses.
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These kinds of vampire minions last appeared in the Stakes miniseries. They are a lot more varied in design now. Also, the architecture of this world is interesting. It looks like gothic palaces have been built into the roots of decaying skyscrapers.
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Bonnie's crew has several of the familiar vampire hunting tools from Stakes, including stake launchers and garlic bombs. They also douse some of the vampires in holy water, which was previously shown to harm demons in the episode Dad's Dungeon. This is the first time it's been seen working on vampires.
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Marshall Lee has a Hambo mirror decoration. In the prime universe Hambo was Marceline's toy teddy bear, given to her by Simon.
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Martin is an interesting choice for Bonnie's crew. In this universe it seems like he never had a son, since the humans presumably never left Ooo for the Islands. It also seems like he's a better person here, willing to risk his life to follow Fionna's noble lead. He has the same jacket as he had in The Visitor, which several people identified when we first saw Fionna wearing it in the trailer.
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The cat on Bonnie's mug is Timmy from the episode The Pajama War. The fact she broke it is surely the most heartbreaking loss of this episode :(
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The other member of the team is Huntress Wizard, who looks to be a human in this universe for some reason. I don't think Huntress Wizard was originally human in the prime universe.
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Baby Finn snuck into this universe, and by the end of the episode was left to be raised by self-repairing battletank single gay dad PepButt. I'm sure he'll turn out fine.
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The Cosmic Owl has been flagged up on Scarab's arrest list for "profiteering". Perhaps his neglect of his duties during Hoots has been discovered, or perhaps this is a new crime.
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There are loads of new genderswapped characters in this scene. I've already reblogged a post listing all the ones we've spotted so far, so refer to that for details. The most significant is Ms. Abadeer. According to the credits, her first name is Hana.
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Even Billy has been slain by vampires.
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Princess Bubblegum calls Fionna a dillweed, her go-to insult from the episode Hot Diggity Doom. It's good to hear some Adventure Time swearing from time to time despite the liberties they're taking with the TV-14 rating.
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Enter the titular character! Like the other members of the Vampire Court from Stakes, Marceline has taken a new name from the ranks of the Major Arcana of a tarot deck: The Star. Huntress mentions that she is the last member of the court, having outlived everyone beside the Vampire King himself. The fact she can fly suggests she killed and sucked The Fool's soul despite him being a fellow member of the court.
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She is seen using her soul-sucking demon powers, inherited from Hunson, on Martin. She also demonstrates that she has no problem drinking blood in this universe, despite the fact vampires can eat the colour red.
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Bonnie and The Star have such an interesting dynamic in this episode. It seems like fate is seeking to entwine them, but this has been twisted into a relationship of mutual hatred. Yet The Star is furious when a minion suggests she kill Bonnie, and Bonnie fails to take an opportunity to kill The Star later on. Something is keeping these two immortals in an eternal dance, even in a universe where they are arch nemeses.
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A lot of this series has centred around Simon's relationship to fatherhood, and realising that he is a better dad than some of the others he's met will likely end up being a key moment in his recovery.
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I believe this section was boarded by Hannah K. You've probably all seen her famous Bubbline stakeplay drawing. This scene must have been fun to draw.
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I really enjoyed the parallel of Gary and Marshall getting their climactic kiss while Bonnie and The Star fell together to their deaths, demonstrating that the girls' fall was just as gay as the boys kissing, but in a very different way. We also know from interviews that Gary and Marshall's relationship is supposed to parallel that of early Bubbline in the prime universe. Perhaps Princess Bubblegum got Marceline out of a bad deal with Hunson Abadeer, shortly after their first meeting at Marceline's concert, and that's when they first hit it off.
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The dream in this episode's credits features Marceline's house; a home that neither The Star nor this Marshall Lee have ever known.
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writing-in-sin · 8 months
Since he's closely associated with the sun and of course, Nika, I think linking Luffy's love for beetles and the sun would be an interesting next step
As many may have already know, the beetle specifically the scarab beetle is closely linked to the ancient Egyptian god Khepri who is a sun god
Knowing this, I like to headcanon that Luffy's favourite beetle is the dung beetle. The scarab especially
Kids his age would usually pick the rhinoceros beetle, Hercules beetle or stag beetle as their favourite which is common for beetle lovers
Luffy on the other hand, has always loved dung beetles most of all. He likes the humble insect as it rolls its ball of dung, finds them silly and fun. Luffy especially likes how scarabs 'dance' on their ball of dung, even dancing along to the beetle's rhythm
Because of his adventures, fighting against boredom and responsibility as a captain, Luffy rarely ever gets to slow down and talk about beetles. On occasion that he does remember, he sometimes talk about it with Chopper and Usopp. Most of the time though, the conversation tends to focus on beetle fights and having fun
Then, he meets Torao
Torao who prefers the quiet and reading books as well as sora comics. For whom that Luffy wants to learn to slow down and appreciate the quiet and thoughtful patience. The person that Luffy always wants to tuck himself by Torao's side and rambles quietly about anything and everything about his beetles and knows that the older captain is listening
Luffy knows this because whenever he gets talking, Torao would have an arm around Luffy's waist. But whenever he gets to his beetles, Torao would always tighten his hold and rubs a thumb against Luffy's hip
As time goes on, Torao would slowly lower whatever book he's reading and would actually ask questions. The 1st time that happened, Luffy couldn't stop rambling and answering each and every question Torao has for hours
Luffy didn't even notice that it'd been way past lunch too
And in that time, those gold eyes (different from the bright rays of the sun though. If anything, Torao's gold eyes are cool and luminous like the moon of the autumn equinox), would never stray from him
It never fails to make Luffy sway closer to the older captain, telling him about the little things too. About his favourite, the scarab and how warm his chest feels when Torao doesn't laugh and gives him that faint smile and asks to tell him why the dung beetle is his favourite
So he does
He tells Torao everything that comes to mind about his favourite scarab. Its quirks and facts. Like why they roll dung or how good of a navigator the little creatures are. And Torao?
He listens and asks questions. Sometimes simple. Sometimes complicated. But always curious and clever
It makes Luffy grin, smiles so wide that he rambles even more. Makes him crawl and settle onto Torao's lap in his excitement that he barely noticed when Torao supports him instead of pushing him off. Makes him wants to stare into those golden autumn moon eyes for hours on end because he never, ever wants Torao to look away from him
It makes him drag Torao by the hand to dance the scarab beetle's silly little dance that earns him a laugh that's far better than any gold or riches
Which is why when he finds a really old amber fossil with a beautiful scarab immortalised inside that had somehow hidden itself within the band of his hat, Luffy knows who's it from
It tooks hours for either crew to pry him away from cuddling Torao like there's no tomorrow because of that
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lucraven · 3 months
how would Laios and crew cook the scarabs
OOOOOOO I LOVE THIS They're classified as insectoids which makes me believe that they're closer to a monster than demihuman despite their faces? Mastery over insects works on them too (which means they're similar to insects BUTTTT they're also sentient.... the party wouldn't know this though). I feel like Marcille and Chilchuck would be very hesitant to eat it. Laios obviously not at all, and Senshi may have some more knowledge about it.
I wish we could see the underside of them!!! I would assume that the face is the shell (the eyes/nose/mouth may be fake? no idea but I'll get to this later) and the underside is softer. Some of the limbs are more human-like than others, but we can assume none of them are actual human flesh. It's more mimickry like the barometz tasting like crab (not actually a sheep).
There must be some sort of flesh on the inside though, so I think you could eat the limbs. If they're like insects then the outside might be like a shell, but they look kind of fleshy. Basically, you can eat them but some may have to be prepared differently. They might taste different too!! Not sure what though lmao.
As for the shell/face, when you use 'devour' in game, it says that the shell was too crunchy for your liking. They also can't be skinned. I originally thought that they could be used as a plate/bowl as it's mentioned they are very sturdy, but now I'm unsure. Maybe you could harden them after removing the innards? Or they could just be eaten with the crunch.
Innards time!! They spray acid from the holes in the shell!! Definitely remove any toxic organs, specifically anything connecting to this point. I don't know what specific organs they might have, but if you cook them enough they might be edible? It would be safer to eat the parts closer to the limbs just in case though. Also! To test if something is acidic you could open an organ and place it upon something to see what it does?
Okay now for the actual preperation except I don't cook: Prep: Laios would suggest to eat it obviously, and the typical shenanigans ensue. Senshi would first take off the limbs just in case the acid spreads out when taking it apart (defense mechanism??) while it is flipped shell-side down (again, avoid the acid). Then open the inside (skinning doesn't work so I'm unsure of the details) and inspect the organs. While Senshi takes them out, Laios and Marcille check out the limbs. Marcille takes care of the less humanoid limbs, cracking them open. Laios cuts away the meat from the bone(?) to make it look less human. He gives Senshi the hands. Chilchuck meanwhile is with Senshi sorting organs. He suggests cutting open organs to see if they are acidic. By now the innards are stripped except for the ones connected to the "mouth/nose/eyes", aka where the acid comes out from. Senshi thoroughly cleans these while Chilchuck tests the organs.
Cooking: Senshi starts the meal by preparing a stock for soup. Previous vegetables/spices etc. For the meat he uses the hands that Laios gave him for flavor (think of adding bones to stocks). As that develops, He salts the organs deemed safe to add to the soup when some time has passed (do people do this?? idk). I think the insect-like limbs would be boiled like shellfish in water, or added to the soup to cook. Meanwhile, Laios works on grilling the human-like limbs after salting them. A few are just salted/peppered, and some have sauce on them. They're made like skewers with some previous veggies. Finally, the shell is delt with. These are thoroughly cooked in a way that would soften them a little, but they're still crunchy. It's broken in a bunch of pieces, removing the ones close to the acid sacks. These will be used as bread to dip into the soup!! The acid itself can be used as a weapon/tool/ or can be sold. The gang doesn't have anything to contain it except for the organ, so they might pass on keeping it.
Eating: I hear insects taste kind of like shrimp? I think the organs/shell pieces closer to the facial features have a slightly bitter taste to them. The human-like limbs are less shrimpy and have a texture closer to muscle while the insect-like ones are closer to crab/lobster. They don't eat the hands, but I'm sure they're very flavorful.
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I’ve got a take on a prohibitedwish/fionna and cake pirate au that I thought of while listening to music and will never write a full fic for, so I just wanted to write out the ideas I had for funsies
It starts at night when Scarab, a feared pirate captain, kidnaps Prismo, son of the navy’s head general, to be used as a bargaining chip to save Jake from being hung.
Prismo has befriended an owl (Cosmic Owl ofc) and it follows them as Prismo’s taken away. On the ship, Fionna and Simon are ready for when he returns and they have Prismo tied to the mast to be clearly visible.
With no better way to help, Cosmic Owl attempts fly in and attack Scarab. It isn’t very effective when Scarab manages to grab Cosmic Owl by the claws. Scarab questions Prismo about the owl and Prismo panics to explain that Cosmic Owl was some of his only company.
Begrudgingly, Scarab sends Fionna to get something from below deck. Fionna returns with a small pouch. Scarab takes a pinch of colored dust from the pouch and blows it into Cosmic Owl’s face. Prismo’s worried about how it might hurt his eyes when Cosmic Owl sputters and is now *magically* able to speak (the first thing he says is probably yelling at Scarab to let them go or something before being like ‘wait oh shit I can talk’). As Prismo and Cosmic Owl are both coming to this realization, Cake comes up from below deck and makes a casual comment abt how great two way communication is (ref to what the squirrel said to cake in fionna and cake).
^that’s like the closest thing to an actual scene I’ve thought of
so more general lore just laid out
Meet the Crew (and learn the lore):
Scarab- captain, helmsman (does the steering). He is the owner of the boat, and is the one to decide who gets to join and who doesn’t. To his own annoyance, their safety is top priority. He claims it to be because they’re already such a small crew, and cannot afford to lose any more (but really he’s grown attached, though it would take a significant amount of inebriation for him to admit it). He carries an unassuming cane everywhere because of its magical ability to transform into a weapon (his crystal from fionna and cake but pirate themed). Previously a bounty hunter, he formed the crew after a target got the jump on him and left a scar slashed across his back. Now they search for magical artifacts and treasure to get by.
Simon- navigator, cook, surgeon. He takes care of everyone’s wellbeing and responsible for most technical stuff. He joined the crew in pursuit of knowledge about the treasures out there to be found. Years ago his long time girlfriend Betty sacrificed herself to save them from the kraken that rose from sea during a large battle at sea. She did it by using one of their treasures to fuse with the kraken before it could sink their ship, and the part of her that remains now allows them to cross its territory unharmed. He still misses her, and drops small offerings/gifts that he thinks she might like into the water when they pass over.
Fin- master at arms. Fin is well trained in combat and responsible for teaching the others how to handle themselves. He and Scarab are well matched when they duel, with most ending in a draw due to an interruption eventually requiring their attention. Growing up he was an orphan living on the streets with his only friend being his dog Jake. They were thieves to get by, and one day stumbled their way into finding the sack of magic dust that allowed Jake to talk. One day they stole a relic from bounty hunter Scarab that granted Jake his stretchy powers. They were caught in the act, but became the first to be recruited by Scarab as he saw their potential. Upon Jake's capture, he has become dead set on saving his best friend.
Jake- Cabin boy. With his stretchy powers he improvises ways to help the crew or hold together the ship. He met Prismo by chance and got to know him well enough to find out he didn't like his life stuck on land. They became friends before Prismo knew he was a pirate, but things went downhill when Prismo's father caught them and had Jake arrested. Stuck in jail, his only knowledge of what is happening is through the complaints of Prismo's father blaming Jake for Prismo's capture. Safe to say, it's the only reason he has yet to be hung.
Fionna- Rigger, Swabbie. She and Cake are the most recent addition to the crew. Like Fin she was an orphan before being recruited, and was the same age as he was when he was recruited many years ago. She reminded Fin of himself, though she was much more eager to be a pirate, so he convinced Scarab to allow her and Cake in. As the youngest in the crew and filled with a need for adventure, she often is the first to rush in without thinking things through. This has gotten them into troubling situations before. To make up for it, she is doing her best to learn how to fight from Fin so that she can properly defend herself.
Cake- Swabbie. When she joined, she was given the same magic dust that Jake had. In Jake's absence, she has had to learn how to use the stretchy power relic that he left behind on the ship. With some big shoes to fill, she makes it her business to keep others positive/entertained (this has yet to work on Scarab)
Not sure if there should be Bubblegum and Marceline or Gary and Marshal, or both, so feel free to imagine their inclusion however you prefer. Coming up with this stuff is hard, okay?
Prismo- hostage. Prismo lived most of his life under control of his strict father, and began sneaking out at night to live his own life. With little friends, he befriended an owl that happened to nest outside his window. One night he met Jake and they got along well, meeting up every night for a week until Prismo's father caught them. Only then did Prismo find out that Jake was part of Scarab's crew which his father had been working tirelessly to catch. Prismo was grounded, and Jake was jailed to be hung. After his capture, Prismo sympathizes with their crew, and wants to support their goal of having Jake released. It takes a lot of convincing from Prismo to be allowed to roam free on the ship after they have set sail (which Scarab permits on the grounds that Prismo simply doesn't have the combat skill be able to seriously injure any of them even if he wanted to). Scarab is highly skeptical of Prismo's sympathy, and keeps a close watch that Prismo cant help but be highly aware of. Fionna reassures him that it's just how Scarab is, but with his nervously pushy attitude Prismo is slowly able to break down Scarab's emotional walls one by one.
If anyone does anything with this I'd love to see it
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sorry but frankie being the ONLY ONE at monster high who thinks cleo is Cool will never not be my fav headcanon
cleo LOOKS like she's the popular one-
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the attitude! the presence! the outfit! the ambition! the kind heart and the CONFIDENCE!! But Canonically Speaking-
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frankie's the one made from various famous monsters, hanging with the ghoul kids in school. THEY'RE the one crushing hard on the local organization nerd ("self-proclaimed party princess"),
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cleo, miss Number One human enthusiast, who means well but isn't always the best at reading the mood or focusing on priorities
(all of werewolf weekend) (also "clawed and clawdeen?? thank ra my parents didn't name me nefra-een! ugh~!" smiles, realizes no one else is smiling, "...right not the time cleo.")
she WANTS more fame, but mainly spends her time setting up school events, talking with her scarabs, and is starting to tag along with the popular group sometimes
result is THIS
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So whatever her song says, i headcanon the vibe in school is more like....
Random Monster High Student:
Oh Cleo? Nefera's little sister, the one who always plays a tree in school plays?
Yeah, she has the funniest, most TRAGIC picture in the fearbook- I hear she has to make herself sneeze all over again whenever she wants to get something at the Coffinbean!
She's head of the dance committee, right? They did a "human themed" dance night once, because of her. And didn't she also organize the after-pep-rally eyescream this year? I think I remember her asking me what flavor I wanted...
Her friends? Um well, she's got these scarabs that are kinds cute. She tags along with Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura sometimes, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't at that wild Nightmore party the crew had at one of Drac's mansions.
Other than that...
Oh oh wait!
I've seen pics of her hanging out with Frankie, though!
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You know Frankie Stein- tall, goes by they/them, wears pretty much nothing BUT school memorabilia, falls apart a lot
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I think they built a robot instead of turning in a paper one time, and blank out when remembering something from one of their famous brain bits?
They've got like, bits from almost any amazing monster you could name in the last half century! Monster models, Scareisian monsters, ballet dancers, monster scientists, lawyers. Even a bit from a king of Goreway! They're pretty clumsy but I mean, they HAVE only been alive for less than a year...
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They dorm with Drac and Clawdeen- those three are pretty much always a trio, except for fearleading practice and theater stuff.
And yeah, I guess I see them with Cleo pretty often. Frankie, that is.
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They sit with her at the creepateria a lot!
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Huh. The brilliant franken monster and the second-in-line, dramatic, wanna be queen... I mean, don't get me wrong, Cleo's really nice! And her outfit is AMAZING... Just... I wonder what they even have to talk about...?
meanwhile, Frankie, @ Cleo:
actual canon dialogue: "Any party you're in charge of is sure to be zaptacular! You're so good at parties, and planning things, and picking things, and ah... (flustered) ..making things nicer, and..."
cleo-> decides to sneak into the family tomb. frankie -> PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME PICK M-
also frankie: laughs way too long at cleo's lame pun, tells it it's a good one anyway
also also frankie: goes to cleo for help looking good in their fearbook picture, even though cleo's last photo was a disaster and is the whole reason frankie got nervous about theirs
also also also frankie: "Anything for you, Cleo!"
also also also also frankie, after cleo holds their face and compliments them:
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Me: what do they talk about? well mostly frankie just flits with her and is smitten and stuff XD
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whumpbug · 2 months
GUYS IT'S TIME. i now introduce.....
(scarab is the name of the ship they are all on do you guys get it. because. whumbug. beetle. scarab. the ship is shaped like a beetle--okay im done)
the vibes/tropes are: sci-fi/space fantasy, dysfunction junction, found family, accidental child acquisition, AND MORE!!!
HUGE thank you to @lemlem21 for listening to me Yap about them and helping me iron out a lot of the details!!! also for recoloring some of the skincolors!!!!
i apologize in advance. this is a long post. please please feel free to ask questions because this can get confusing. there are 6 characters all with complex traits and names so please ask me for clarification if you need it! i apologize for all the reading guys (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥⋆)
OKAY! ONTO MY SPACE SILLIES! they are Everything to me.
okay just before i start, i want to briefly explain why all these people are together on a ship.
in this universe, theres a central government that spans across many planets in neighboring star systems. this is known as the Provinces of the Allied Galactic Empire (PAGE). this is the explored and "civilized" part of the galaxy.
recently, there have been more attacks on PAGE-affiliated planets and systems from the unexplored galaxy (known as the Outer Sector, or just Outsec in shorthand) and PAGE intends to get to the bottom of it.
and that's where Scarab Crew comes in! multiple teams were formed of people with exceptional talents in their species/planets and were sent on multi-year long exploratory missions under the name The Expedition Program (TEP). the scarabs are one team of many!
TEP's goal is to record and report all that they find as well as identify threats and/or the planets responible for the attacks. they are to come back with information and new technology that would make PAGE stronger and more well-rounded!
NOW ONTO THE SILLIES!! i used different picrws for each of them to match their Vibe
(also i added pronounciation guides to the best of my abilities i hope it helps im sorry in advance)
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Captain Nieven Alaric (Nee-ven Ah-la-rik)
pronouns: he/him
role: captain/leader/correspondence with PAGE
planet of origin:  Asto’is (species: Asto’isian)
age and height: late '30s to early '40s / 6 ft. 0 in.
description: the competent, calculated, and and cold head of The Scarab. he was a well-off government official before TEP, but unfortunately, he lost his family in an attack by Outsec rogues. he is a man hardened by life and unwilling to get attached to others again and because of this, is very efficient when it comes to running his ship. still, efficiency is not always the most important thing when it comes to leading a team. this is something nieven must learn.
species-specific traits: horns on the top of the head-- very interconnected with the central nervous system. decorated as a sign of age and/or accomplishment. also, asto'isians have pointy teeth! they are carnivores!
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Hari Khurana (Huh-ree Ku-rahna)
pronouns: relaxed he/him
role: engineer/medic/chemist
planet of origin:  Earth (species: Homo Sapien)
age and height: mid to late '30s / 6 ft. 2 in.
description: a simple human that started from the bottom. hari grew up in a trailer park, raised by his older sister when his father worked 3 jobs to put food on the table. since he was little, it was known he was a genius when it came to stem subjects. into adulthood, he excelled in every stem job he took on. still, no one expected him to get singled out when TEP was recruiting. aside from his smarts, hari is cheeky, sly, a bit of a Bastard™ but he also has tremendously big heart. he's passionate about what he does, no matter how hard it can be for him sometimes.
species-specific traits: despite his brains, hari is... a defective human. due to malnourishment as a child, he has a plethora of health problems that worry his team to no end. some include: asthma, lactose intolerance, allergies to many foods, marie antoinette syndrome, POTS, among others. he is also a below-the-knee amputee on his left leg due to an accident in his teens.
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Nylathrania (Nyla) Qifir (Nye-lah-trah-nya Kee-feer)
pronouns: she/her
role: pilot/navigator
planet of origin: Harye (species: Haryen)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 7 in.
description: the haryan are an extremely superstitious, winged race that place an extreme importance on flight. when a child was born with in inability to even lift her wings because of nerve damage, you can imagine it did not bode well. nyla was passed around from household to household with no place to call home. she wants to prove herself to her homeland by becoming the most successful pilot in TEP with her pride and joy of a ship, The Scarab, but even that will never make her good enough for her people, and consequently, herself.
species-specific traits: the bat-like wings and short horns are trademarks of the haryen people. unlike nieven's, nyla's horns are simply bony-keratin structures as extra protection for her brain. her wings are a bit smaller than other haryen's due to muscle atrophy.
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Ytzel (Zel) Mixca (Ee-tsel Micsh-cka)
pronouns: relaxed she/her
role: gunsman/conflict strategist
planet of origin: Huelxa (species: Huelxcan)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 4 in.
description: born to a planet of war, zel grew up around bloodshed and violence throughout her life. in her culture, getting close to people was discouraged becasue you never knew who would be on the other side of the next civil war. she was often forced to fight her siblings and friends (to an extreme level) as a test of strength, so she comes off as abrasive and rude because violence makes her feel in control. it's a familiar pattern. she hasn't yet learned that love does not need to be painful.
species-specific traits: the huelxcan actually have a second pair of arms! these arms sit slightly more towards her back, in the middle of her rib cage. the huelxcan people also have evolved with enhanced hearing, and wear accessories on the ears to enhance it further.
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Vin’ri (Vinny) L’aoh (Vin-ree Luh-ow)
pronouns: they/them
role: scribe/recorder/photographer
planet of origin: Z’edin (species: Z’edinra)
age and height: late teens (17-19) / 5 ft. 9 in.
description: vinny is heralded as the voice of reason when tensions are high amongst the rest of the crew. they are level-headed and approachable, making them an instrumental member of the team. but their secret? they're so lonely. in their culture, it's customary to stop being affectionate with children when they reach about 14 to encourage growth and independence. vinny didn't have a problem with this at first, but now that they're so far from home? they feel the need for comfort more than they'd like to admit.
species-specific traits: the z’edinra all have a prehensile tail that is about an armspan in length. it is capable of grasping, and can hold their body weight. also, z'edin is an ice planet which leads vinny to be prone to overheating in even mildly warm environments quite easily
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Ren "Alaric" (Rehn Ah-la-rick)
pronouns: he/him
role: healer/newest member (not with scarab crew initially)
planet of origin: Siea W5M (species: Amb’toman)
age and height: about 7 years old / 4 ft. 3 in.
description: ren's parent's were killed when he was only 4, and he was taken to Seia W5M to be sold as a commodity-- his species is sought after for their abilities. he was under the ownership of a man for a few years before he escaped and has been on the run ever since. he covers his eyes with a blindfold to conceal the signature trait of amb'tomans-- white scleras lacking a cornea. because of his years blindfolded, light tends to overwhelm him. he is skittish, flighty, and in need of people who will take care of and love him.
species-specific traits: the amb'toman are a desert-dwelling species that evolved healing abilities to cope with the harsh climate. the short version of how the abilities work is essentially: people spend a certain amount of energy to heal themselves of injury or illness. ren can spend that energy all at once on himself or another person to heal them exponetially faster. the draw back is gets extremely sleepy after healing, and tends to be unable to stay awake
RELATIONSHIPS: ask me about them!!! there are Some romantic relationships but i also love platonic and familial relationships so ask about whoever you'd like! i'm aiming to start the story early on to when they first meet so it'll be fun to develop their relationships as i write!!
PICREWS: 1 2 3 4 5 6
BONUS: here is all their height differences (ren is itty bitty guys)
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and that's it!!! thank you SO much if you've read to the end, it honestly means so much. and like i said before please please PLEASE dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you want (about specific scarabs, or the crew as a whole but just know if its the crew it might not be as detailed because. theres 6 of them.) these characters can get confusing and i want to make as easy of a reading experience as i can!
i hope you enjoy my little passion project and im so excited to develop these sillies further!! (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡
tagging: @sethlost and @mellowwhumps (≧▽≦)
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azuremliam · 6 months
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Another thing just to be silly and I guess I'm joining the turning Scarab into a cat crew lol I couldn't capture the extreme grumpiness of some Sphynx cats have
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Tell us about the bird/bug symbolism?
so that one STARTED just as a "i think it's cool". however, there are a few symbols i specifically use.
three is an albatross; the albatross has a WEALTH of literary symbolism to draw from, and that's mostly what three is calling to. it is the albatross around the evo crew's neck in the sense that it is the misfortune that has left them where they are; also, however, it was important to me that three's bird symbolism was not a bird of prey of any kind. albatross are seabirds who spend a LOT of time flying, and three should be more free than it is. and, well, bad things come to the sailor that hurts the albatross. also, albatross are famous for their endurance, and boy does three have THAT in spades.
jimmy is a black swallowtail. (notably, he's trans, so the description of the butterfly with blue spots alongside the yellow is because of that.) butterflies in many cultures are associated with the dead; black butterflies (and white ones) are also very associated with death. jimmy isn't a canary here; he doesn't warn you when its time to die. instead, he carries forward the souls of the people who have already died. additionally, it's a stealth reference, as i point out in chapter 12, to the butterfly effect; it is jimmy's presence at the dragon fight that is arguably the root canon divergence in this au.
finally, martyn's pendant is a beetle, referencing the fact there are many beetles in jewelry, the scarab beetle specifically as a symbol of renewal, and, for a deep cut, the fable of the eagle and the beetle.
watchers being birds and listeners being bugs also tends to position the listeners as more of "underdogs" at first glance. however, i'll note this isn't true - many bugs are very fierce predators (even if they don't predate birds unless they're REALLY big spiders), and the watchers are mentioned to be birds of prey as a whole, a type of animal that wouldn't normally predate bugs!
so there's some symbolism for you! most of this isn't like, important to the fic, it's just stuff i thought would be neat.
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mindareadsoots · 11 months
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So on some level, we all know that Scarab has to succeed here so that he can get back to being the antagonist for the show.
But how funny would it be if he just completely wiffs this speech, and the Fionna crew never see him again?
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akitanerufan · 9 months
HI i forget i have a Tumblr a lot Ummm heres some recent works it's a mix of fanart anddd ocs. Mostly ocs
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TAILGATE!!!!!!!! andsd my oc Mikey HES AN AMNESIAC that crashed and forgot a lot of things KINDA LIKE SKIDS SORT OF including his name so he picked a stupid ass human name and i think it just fits him bc hesnsmall and hes stupid. Anndd I THINK HE'D BE BEST FRIENDS WITH TAILGATE AND SWERVE AND maybe even whirl just bc shes my favorite lost light crew member YAY anywau
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Assorted fanart.....ice spice mf doom and a stingray for my friend scrybist dave I dint like superjail but this is for him Yay
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ffooorr @retshirou this is their at/f&c oc witthhh scarab for a commission YEAH yaah
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Lastly MY OCS YAYY i love my ocs in Order its it is ummm Jestergirl , Mr.Renshaw, andddd SHELL. ok bye
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skippyv20 · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Skippy & Friends-A Christmas card of sorts from Pilgrim
The Christmas Message from The Other Side of the Coin, The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe by Angela Kelly; pages 150/151 “So many people want to see what The Queen wore to church on Christmas Day but, of course, there are many more across the country and around the world who look forward to The Queen’s Christmas Message. It’s an important part of Christmas Day for many people - something to be enjoyed after a long lunch and a time to reflect on the events of the year. It’s a privilege for me to be involved in this significant occasion.
As part of the preparations for the speech, I am in touch with the broadcasters a couple of weeks before filming. I’ve got to know them quite well over the years-at the BBC, ITV, and Sky-and we’ve developed a smooth process for making sure everything goes perfectly. Firstly, I ask what colors and decorations they’re planning to use for the scene, and they’ll give me a detailed description, including which furniture will be featured and how the tree will be decorated. I then pick out a selection of outfits for The Queen that might be suitable, based on the colors chosen for the setting. Ultimately, I leave it up to the production team to decide on the final outfit as the camera crews and producers know what will work and what won’t: red, for example, is difficult to capture on camera, and in green Her Majesty might disappear into the background, depending on the positioning of the tree.
In 2012, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee year, as well as the eightieth year since King George first broadcast his speech over the radio, the production company suggested that it might try something a bit different. The Queen is always willing to embrace technology, so it was agreed that for the first time the Christmas message would be broadcast in 3D. On the day of filming, nothing was noticeably different with the cameras, and Her Majesty was a professional as ever, with the speech captured in one take.
It’s a very rare occasion when someone else decides what The Queen will wear, particularly on such a significant day! But I trust the television crews and we work brilliantly as a team. Of course, I’ll discuss their choice with Her Majesty, but if I’m assured that it’s the right decision, she is satisfied. The only other thing left for me to do it to arrange for the make-up artist, Marilyn Widdess, to be there on the day of filming. You might be surprised to know that this is the only occasion throughout the year when Her Majesty does not do her own make-up.”
Photo caption: “The Queen recorded her Christmas Day message in 2018. The Duke of Edinburgh designed this brooch in 1966 for Her Majesty in the shape of a scarab, wrought in gold, rubies, and diamonds.”
Thank you so much!  This is so lovely!  Merry Christmas dear Pilgrim to you and yours!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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