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pjunicornart · 9 months ago
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Happy Father's Day.
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pjunicornart · 8 months ago
Cornelius' Subconscious Throughout the Multiverse
OG Neil: "I'm going to invent something that'll single-handedly fix global warming. But also, wife pretty." Lazy Neil: "I can't be bothered to wear my dress shirt today. Or my nice shoes. You know what, it's a sweatpants to work day." Abomisons Neil (SC0R-P10N): "Hunting. Analyzing. Mission acquired." Nature Neil: "...screw it, I'll just pee out here." Lamb Lewis: "I hate it when Daddy yells..." Agoraphobic Lewis: "What was that noise?! Ah! Someone's in the house! I have to call - Oh wait, it was just the door." Little Neil: "Which paci should I use today?" D-R Neil: "All I do is fuck everything up. There's no point to anything." Unknown Neil: "YOU'RE A MURDERER! THERE'S BLOOD ALL OVER YOUR HANDS! INNOCENT PEOPLE'S LIVES WERE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Unknown/Nature Neil -> @xskywalker21 Everybody else -> Me
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pjunicornart · 11 months ago
SC0R-P10N (cw: body horror)
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I was sitting in a coffee shop today and made an abomination, as one does. It's another variant of what I feel a dystopian future for MtR (specifically, Cornelius) would look like. First it was Dor-15's pet, now I present to you: Biological Experiment 1: SC0R-P10N.
For those who can't read my handwriting, here's the majority of the most important points: - His body is more mechanical than biological. Some biological elements remain. - Special reinforced bowler hat. - Needle delivers a "healthy" dosage of tranquilizers. - Flesh is infected and rotten. - His humanity is still in there. - Replacement robotic limbs for the ones that rotted off. - Forced to act feral (because Dor-15 sees him as an animal). - Due to technological advancements, Dor-15 now have biological elements, which requires incubation time. - Stomach heals after "birthing". - The tail contains pieces of his brain and heart. So you take out the tail, you kill him. - The tail is directly connected to his spine.
Under the cut is more info about how he'd work.
Okay, so I'm imagining this as if it were a game. One where you play as Wilbur trying to fight for his future; His goal being to get to the time machine which is locked up in Dor-15's main operations building, where his mother and father are both twisted experiments who help Dor-15 with her sick endeavors. Carl would be his companion throughout the adventure.
Cornelius I feel would be the second to last boss of the game. (The final obstacle before Dor-15.) Over the course of the game, I feel like he would've been a looming, constant threat. Something along the lines of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3 (original), but more tame. Like there are certain areas of the game where you'd have to sneak around Cornelius. It would be an instant game over if you're caught.
How would his boss battle go? Well, since his life force is essentially in his tail, I feel like it would be like Ko-omote from Ghostwire: Tokyo, where you'd have to sneak up behind him to rip parts of his tail off. For reference, here's what Ko-omote's battle is like -> YouTube Link.
After the battle, Wilbur would have to watch as his father comes to, feels all the pain his body is in (because it's basically a corpse), and dies. Not before seeing his son for the first time in years, and telling him how proud he is. Carl would help Wilbur give his father a proper-ish burial. (As proper as you can get for a shit show future like this.)
SOUND DESIGN AND MOVEMENTS! Obviously, because he's basically animalistic, he moves on all fours and has a move set similar to arachnids. However, I also think he would move a lot like Queen Chrysalis from MLP:FiM. Bug-like and weird. See the first couple of seconds of this clip to get a reference -> Queen Chrysalis
For sounds? Easy, like the Warpers from Subnautica. Cornelius can still talk, but it's completely distorted amongst mechanical whirrs and glitches. Here's what the Warpers sound like for reference -> Hunting. Analyzing.
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pjunicornart · 11 months ago
Wilbur and DeeDee (Abomisons)
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Why is it that I always come up with dark stuff while I'm sitting in a coffee shop? Anyway, Wilbur from the AU Sc0r-p10n is in. (Just an FYI, he's 16 in this AU.)
In case you can't read my handwriting, here are some of the main points: - Scars (from a previous Dor-15 fight). - Wilbur knows karate, and uses this as a primary fighting method. - DeeDee offers her claws as a more powerful fighting method, and she can wrestle stronger enemies. - *Most of his clothes and gear were stolen. - Scarf doubles as a mask. - Coat carries various tolls and knives. - Backpack carries resources (water, food, etc.). - Oversized coat and pants.
I'm declaring this the official song of the AU -> Viscera by Riikira
Hardened by the apocalypse, Wilbur is a ruthless, brutal survivalist. Ever since Dor-15 started experimenting on humans to the point where their humanity is not there anymore, he's had no qualms with brutally slaying the "Abominations" as he calls them. They're not human anymore, so what's the point of empathy?
At the start of everything, Cornelius escaped with his infant son and robot assistant Carl in tow. For three years, they hid safely in an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of the city. Until Neil was captured, leaving his now three year old son behind with Carl. Luckily, Wilbur was found by another man who had escaped and managed to survive. Edgar.
Edgar and DeeDee found each other before they found Wilbur. Essentially, if you know the story of Telltale's The Walking Dead (the games), then you know their dynamic. Edgar is the Lee to Wilbur's Clementine. In fact, I'm even gonna base Edgar's design off of Lee's, just without the convicted felon part.
Wilbur calls Edgar "Dad", because he barely knows Neil. The only memory of Neil he has is him getting captured. They lived in the hospital until Wibur and Edgar figured out there was an end to all of this. The Time Machine Neil was working on before it all started. He just has to go through his mutilated family to get it.
Yes, Wilbur knows how to use a gun. He also has his father's intelligence. So, you have a choice in this game: Kill your family, or save them? (Except for Neil. He dies either way because I'm a sadist.)
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Ask box is open if ya wanna know more. I love ranting about my AUs!
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pjunicornart · 11 months ago
Tell us about the Abominsons!
In general, The Abomisons is an AU where Wilbur has to either kill or free the entirety of his family, who have been experimented and tortured by Dor-15 into hellish freaks of mechanical and biological nature.
I'm imagining this AU as if it were a game. I think it would be a hack n' slash/beat 'em up. Like what Hyrule Warriors was, just more dark and gross because this is me we're talking about. I'm talkin' blood and puss raining down as Wilbur shreds his enemies with DeeDee's claws. They've all been experimented on so much to the point where they have no humanity left anyway, so go feral.
Now, he has the choice to kill or free his whole family... except for his birth father, Cornelius. He's Dor-15 right hand animal, a twisted experiment known as SC0R-P10N. While the others can be saved, Neil cannot. Because his body is a walking corpse, moving only by the sheer power of the machines embedded into his skin. Once the bowler hat on his head and tail break off, and he is able to see clearly for the first time in 13 years, he dies with Wilbur in his sight. He's proud of you.
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