#sbl characters
maiawe · 11 days
Starting a new legacy đź©·
I wanted for quite some time share a legacy here, because I love creating story in the Sims ✨ I’m going to do a Struck by love Legacy by @fruitysimsy and @hellohopesims, but with a lot of narrative so it won’t be 100% with the rules !
Meet Isabelle Sanford 🌸
Bookworm - Gloomy - Loyal
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Isabelle, barely 18, has just arrived in Del Sol Valley. Her goal? To take advantage of the mild West Coast sunshine to finally launch her writing career and make the connections to write screenplays for the big ones. The move reunites her with her childhood best friend, who plans to show her all the delights the city has to offer. But when her path crosses with Jasper, an up-and-coming movie director, her life may take an unexpected turn...
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I am already so in love with her 🩷 She’s from Strangerville, a small town located a couple of hours of Del Sol. All her family still lives there.
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The Sanfords have been a respected family in Strangerville for many generations, and this old house in the hills above the town seems to have belonged to them all their lives. Rose gave birth to Aria when she was very young, and Aria gave birth to Isabelle in her early twenties. You'll have no doubt if you come across one of the three: they're the spitting image of each other, except for a few details. No one knows who Aria and Isabelle's progenitors are, and frankly, no one cares. When you think of Sanford, you think of three strong, independent women who certainly don't need a man in their lives. The three women are very close to each other, and the two oldest are very protective of the youngest. If you enter Isabelle's life, you're bound to meet her mother and grandmother...
next >>
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glacialmaples-pkmn · 1 year
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oh I completely forgot since I got it like.... 30 mins before the end of the event, but I finally got the gold SBL Voltage title!!!!
my main reason for getting was so in case titles transfer from SIFAS to SIF2 I'd have all five 3* SBL titles. buuuuut as it turns out we're getting next to nothing for transferring our save data :) I'm completely normal about this and not bitter at all :)
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changingplumbob · 14 days
Today had no spiders so you would assume that went better for me than yesterday but not quite. My computer antics today included playing a day and a half of a sim family and renovating a house to look like a therapy clinic. Boy did I have glitches. I'm talking TOOL not letting me toggle active object on some sims, only four students spawning at prom and a confident sim not being able to select a swim option as they were greyed out because said sim was too uncomfortable. Said sim didn't even have any negative moodlets. I removed the most recent script mod and it seemed to settle but that means bye bye to the cute blush when flirty.
Now onto non virtual life. I bet you didn't know that a very small proportion of people cannot produce proper antibodies for Chicken Pox meaning they'll get it more than once. I am people, I've had it five times, none as bad as the first time but still clearly Chicken Pox. This morning I seem to have once again developed, as I like to non affectionately call it, the plague. The lumps are coming up and it explains my loss of appetite the past few days.
Since this issue is rare there is not a lot of science around it. The length of time I have the virus varies, as does the severity, so I'm not too sure how much it'll affect me. This one time I got them all over my palms and therefore couldn't use my hands properly. SBL is queued through the month but Rotations and Growing with Glenn each only have one more post set up so there will likely be a gap. Just a heads up in case they stop suddenly it's not because I've fallen out of love with my characters. It's because being itchy is tiring.
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whack-patty · 5 months
Why is it so hard to think of questions um… what’s an old character you’d love to revamp but you haven’t gotten around to it yet?
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This loser!!! MORE RAMBLE AND DEETS BELOW CUT, cut for minor trypopobia and eye weirdness warning!!!
Ok so I invented him when I was like. 14. And we all know I'm bad at naming things. So sometimes my bad names are absolute bangers (cough sneep snorp cough) and sometimes my bad names are. Slightly less bangers.
Anyway meet Doctor Nathanial Needle
Here's the old art from 2020/2014ish versions!
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Anyway every now and then I remember him and go "hm. He seems important" and then do nothing with him. I'd like him to be different than the other doctors I've got ((so not a necromancer like Icarus, not supernatural like David Bell, not a frankensteiner like Paradise/whatever Chronic SBL's brother's name was, etc.)) But idk what his mlp cutie mark is yet. I know he works in the island's underground and is 100% not legal. He might be the doctor for space aliens or the undead or might just be a completey normal doctor he just also prescribes drugs illegally or smth who knows
Anyway here's a non canon event. Because I know I'll figure him out better if I draw him interacting w others. I drew this and decided he's terrifying and has 0 bedside manner but does mean well (and is a lot gentler than Icarus is)
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spaceorphan18 · 6 months
Pretty sure the Perfect hate is because it’s in IKAG and how the Santana stans hate that episode.
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I'm trying to figure out how to respond to this, I'm not sure I have an SBL gif that truly explains how I feel about it.
But it raises the question of how do we look at these musical numbers -- does context matter? Can you separate the song/performance from what is going on on screen? Also - what happens if there's a double meaning?
So, let's talk about Perfect.
Let's start with just the song itself. I like Pink. Other people don't. I think musical appreciation is something that's always subjective and either you like the thing or you don't, and that's fine.
Now - the cover. It's fine, too. Is Darren the best rapper? No - he's not. (Though - I'll be honest with you guys, I don't listen to enough rap to tell you whether or not something is good or not, but it's definitely not Darren (or Chris's) specialty) It is bad musically over all? No it's not. So, again, I think it comes back to personal opinion when just looking at the song out of context.
The in context position of this song is kind of fascinating to look at - because there are two ways to look at it.
In regards to Santana and her story. Which - I mean, this is a shitty story. I like Santana, but am no way a 'stan' and I think this episode is a piling heap of garbage. I do agree that Perfect, within context of the fuller story of IKAG is not a great choice and it is unfortunate instead of letting the gay characters have a real conversation about what they all might be going through - or letting Santana process in her own way and being supportive of that, they sang a song more about themselves than something that would be more meaningful for her (which - really would be nothing because, especially at this point, Kurt/Blaine and Santana just don't jive on the same wavelength).
In regards to their own story, Perfect is an excellent summation of their own stories and I love this song in the context of what Kurt and Blaine mean to each other and their own struggles. It's unfortunate that this song is used for Santana when it works better as a song about Klaine for Klaine.
So yeah, there's a longer conversation here about how to look at these performances (which - one day, I'll get back to the retrospective) and there's a lot to say about Glee and it's musical choices.... And really, Glee's writing -- especially it's questionable writing -- leads to some broader discussions across the board.
Personally, I can't stand IKAG, think it wasn't great context for the song, but really love the performance of it and what it says about the Klaine relationship at the time. And I kind of love these bigger, more complicated conversations that come out of it.
There's a longer conversation in here, but I feel like I can save it for the retrospective or if I ever get around to looking at the episodes again.
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themiserymarquis · 1 year
So I was looking at other characters from west/kingdom that could theoretically be in this since clowns are kind of a no go, and I found a candidate, Ms Gun! Which is what I would’ve said if I didn’t find out she was born 4 years after before takes place. But this does bring up something interesting, due to Ms Gun not being born yet that means guns aren’t a thing yet. Making spells the only ranged attacks. (Cept for things like slingshots or magical utensils)
Oh boy I was hoping y'all wouldn't dive in that deep < - < I actually did think about this several weeks ago. Yes! Unfortunately SBL would make "Gun Manor" a little bit ...... non canon in this campaign. But who's to say that we can't make it a slightly alternate universe? Technically speaking, in real life, guns were invented in around 1364, and it felt unreasonable to have guns be nonexistent in this campaign in this time period.
I'll be speaking more on weapons in a different ask!
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samthecookielord · 1 year
Any ideas for the sbl campaign?
As in ideas for a character i could play? Yes i am cooking them in the microwave in my head slowly đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
You know what fuck it actually, answer all the writers asks that you haven’t already answered yet PLUS another #25 if you have already answered it bc you can be proud of multiple scenes HAPPY EL WOOWOO WEDNESDAY
I should've seen this coming. I am putting this under the cut because this got long. Again, I should’ve seen this coming.
I’ve already answered 5, 8, 9, 13, 18 and 25.
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I MEAN... look at my many, many WIPs. I think the main reason for holding off a fic is because I got stuck, or because I want to prioritise other fics. I’m trying to not take on new projects, but instead focus on older ones (famous last words, probably).
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
Anything written pre-2015, unless I have rewritten them (like This Charming Man or the SBL/Glee crossover). That, except for JTWLYT, even rewritten it’s bad. I don’t mind, You gotta start somewhere, right? Because otherwise I don’t really mind any fics. Like, I wrote a Glee/Animal Crossing fic once and it slaps.
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Mostly chronological, but it doesn’t really matter. So yeah I write what I have in my mind. For example with Ljubim te, I of course knew there were going to be 24 chapters since it’s the Advent, so I plotted out a little bit what happens in all chapters and by now each chapter has at least something.
4) favorite character you’ve written
Jack motherfucking Zimmermann, even though I have abandoned my boy and I haven’t written proper Check, Please! fic in all of 2022. I want to finish two Zimbits WIPs this year, though. Maybe the attic vs. roaches debate breaching containment will bring me back to this fandom. Aly, what would you rather have? A person living in your attic, or 1000 roaches living in your attic?
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
Oh I change things without shame. I do point it out in the author’s note, in case someone notices.
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
OKAY ALY I AM BACK (and also hello to others!)
So, this is a difficult question because I have the Fear of Being Perceived by people I know IRL. Not necessarily because I think they will judge me, but this is just something I’ve ever had. This is also why I am not going to karaoke night tonight. As a result I do not tell people I write, but not because I am embarrassed. I have just always kept my online and offline lives separately, you know? And this has only grown over the years. I have, like, one person I know IRL follow my personal blog and I created this blog because I do not want him to see my stuff. It’s literally in the bio of this blog. This is also why my name isn’t on here, although I do not mind when people use it in asks or replies. It’s not foolproof, I am aware, but it’s how it is.
But I am also fucking proud of my work and I an enthusiastic. This is why I love ask games like this or communites on Discord. I put a lot of time and effort into my work so of course I love to blabber about it. The person I mentioned above? Yeah, he knows I write fic. But I made him promise to not go look for it. Now I did meet some people who unabashedly talk about what filth they post on AO3. And I told these people I write fic to. But I am always feeling that hesistant feeling. I told them vaguely about Bakery fic and So Much Better, but I am never going to send them the link so if they want to find it, they can, but I will not be the one giving my AO3 away. (Rip. I never kudo their fics either for this reason, cause my AO3 account will pop up).
Aka it is just kind of weird.
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
I CAN NEVER WRITE WITH PEOPLE AROUND. This is why, when I visit my parents’ house for the weekend, I write less. I recently told Jenna (@thnxforknowingme, not Ushkowitz) that I am shook that she can write at work. I cannot relate.
I don’t like silence in general. I always have sound on, but it doesn’t really matter what. I am currently listening to The Last Five Years lockdown version, but I also just put on video essays that I have seen before, or gaming music, or YouTuber content. Only when I have a specific song/playlist for a fic, I tend to actively choose what I put on, like the playlist for River fic was on repeat during the writing. And Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing is my song for “damn Baz, you live like this”/Time After Time. That kind of stuff.
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Uh. Everything. But I am also not too harsh on myself. I was 13. I am 24 now. And my English has improved. Fun fact, I did not know the difference between make out and break up for a very long time.
12) your weaknesses as an author
Movements. Setting. That kind of stuff. When two people are in a scene and talk, I love the dialogue but I am constantly like “oh God, what else is going on in this scene?”
I am writing a scene for Ljubim te with Kurt and Sunil in a restaurant and I am constantly like “DON’T FORGET THEY NEED TO EAT!!!”
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
Not right now. I don’t make playlists for my fics that often, unless I want to integrate the music into the fic (again, see River fic). Or I make a playlist AFTER I am done, like my Myosotis playlist.
15) why did you start writing?
Fanfiction? When I first read Harry Potter when I was around 11, but I used to write stories before that. Shout out to TEENZZONE and my first ever gay character that I made when I was 10 and then I got scared cause oooooh homosexuality scary!!! ooooh taboooo!!!! and erased it and made him marry a lovely woman named Daisy but then years later I was like “fuck it he’s bi then”
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
Oh, uh? The first ever gay now bi character from TEENZZONE I guess. Fuck, was Danny his name, or was Danny the guy who came before Daisy? Look, I was 10. Ik zat in groep 7, of misschien zelfs 6. It’s been 14 years.
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
It doesn’t have to be perfect. I am not a published author. This is all for fun. Besides, I read a lot of fic that maybe aren’t “that good” in the eyes of whoever decides what’s good, but I still enjoy them and that’s what matters in the end. I write for me and me alone and hopefully people like it too and we will all have a banging time.
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
Jk jk
I often have a little section in my doc with “Information”, like a timeline or people’s names or what is happening when. The one for Ljubim te has the names of my OCs and the street names of where Kurt and Blaine live. I am thinking of also making a timeline, because there are some time jumps between chapters, although I also try to point out what month it is in the chapter itself.
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Depends on how inspired I am. I write when I have an idea. Sometimes things snowball from there, sometimes it’s to only add one line.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
Define older. As I said, everything before 2015 I pretend I do not see, but after that I actually reread a lot of my stuff. Hence the “I write for me and me alone” mentality. I reread Mendacious this week. And I haven’t read the Anyway series in years and I kind of want to.
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
There are too many to list, but from the top of my head: non-con/dub-con, detailed slavery or kidnapping or something like that, graphic violence, MPREG, fic with one being a minor other an adult.
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
Mendacious: a conversation I had with one of my friends about internalised homophobia
River fic: lol (my broken friendship) (it’s almost Real Blaine’s birthday) (ah, then it will have been 4 years since I last saw him)
Ebb & Flow: my love for Splatoon 2
Bakery fic: me being obsessed with a documentary about rich people in Dubai
Ljubim te: I miss Ljubljana
So yeah, sometimes it influences the plot (Mendacious and River fic) and sometimes it is more a starting point for me to build upon, but it’s my liiiiiiiife it’s not or neverrrrrr-
Also, okay, I am writing this Snowbaz fic called Just Some Guy from an outsider POV and that is coming from me very much believing that Baz is not that hot. Simon is just in love with him. Sorry Baz fans.
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Expert? I wouldn’t say that, but I do learn about obscure things like Broadway orchestra subbing. And of course I had that entire chapter about neurobiology in Myosotis sylvatica. But I can’t say I am an expert on things.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
You can get some All the pretty things lore as a treat.
“As if in every lifetime you and I have lived, we’ve chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all of eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I want to do, all I’ve ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you.”
This is how All the pretty things ends. Obviously it is not my writing. This is a direct quote from Glee. I may hate the proposal but they went hard with the speech. But I knew I needed to end the fic with this quote, since it actually inspired the entire premise of the fic. They hop through all these dimensions and in every one of them they find each other to go on to the next. And they grow stronger in the process. I do not know if this fic would be this fic without this quote.
For my own writing, I am really happy with the “emotional climax” of Paradiso 1 and Time After Time, but shhhhh spoilers, you gotta read that for yourself. But a shareable part that I am admittedly obessed with is from The Naked Truth:
We’re acting like a bunch of hormonal teenagers, but I don’t care. We’re high on energy and love. The moment we get to my flat and I close the door behind us, I press him against it and he laughs.
Again, there’s so much laughter.
Is this what love is like? Endless exuberant laughter? I revel in the sound of his joy.
I wrote this because I used “he laughs” or “I laugh” or “we laugh” A LOT in this fic up to the point that it was making me wonder if it’s bad writing, so I just put it in the story. Hooray.
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sblcoatings · 3 months
PU Coatings for Wood: Protecting and Beautifying Wooden Surfaces
At SBL Coatings, we understand the timeless appeal of wood. Its warmth, natural beauty, and inherent strength make it a beloved material for furniture, flooring, and countless other applications. But wood, like all things, needs protection to maintain its luster and functionality. That’s where PU coatings come in, offering a powerful shield while enhancing the wood’s natural charm.
Unveiling the Power of PU Coatings
PU, or polyurethane, coatings are a versatile family of finishes renowned for their exceptional durability and aesthetics. Here’s why SBL PU coatings are the perfect choice for your wood surfaces:
Unmatched Protection: Our PU coatings form a tough, resilient barrier that guards against scratches, scuffs, and everyday wear and tear. They also repel moisture, preventing warping, cracking, and water damage — perfect for high-traffic areas like floors and furniture.
Chemical Resistance: Spills and stains are no match for SBL PU coatings. Their superior chemical resistance shields your wood from common household hazards, making them ideal for kitchens, dining tables, and children’s play areas.
UV Guard: Sunlight can fade and discolor wood over time. SBL PU coatings boast excellent UV protection, safeguarding the natural beauty of your wood and preventing premature aging.
Beauty Enhanced: Available in a stunning array of finishes, from crystal clear to rich, warm tones, SBL PU coatings allow you to preserve the natural character of your wood or add a touch of sophistication with a colored finish. The high-gloss option creates a luxurious shine, while the matte finish offers a more contemporary aesthetic.
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SBL goes beyond just offering exceptional PU coatings. Here’s what sets us apart:
Unwavering Quality: We formulate our PU coatings with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring long-lasting performance and a flawless finish.
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With SBL PU coatings, you can breathe new life into old furniture, safeguard precious wooden floors, or create stunning new wood features in your home. Visit our website or contact a local SBL retailer today to explore the wide range of PU coatings we offer. Let SBL PU coatings help you achieve the perfect balance of protection and beauty for your cherished wooden surfaces.
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wintfashion · 2 years
Find italic text in nisus writer pro
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#Find italic text in nisus writer pro mac os x
#Find italic text in nisus writer pro pdf
Configuring your browser to use Unicode.
Configuring your computer to use Unicode.
In addition to the good theoretical examination that Rouke provides, see these particular pages to help with getting your system configured correctly:
Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web(P.
Charts for the Basic Hebrew range and the Alphabetic Presentation Forms range (.pdf format).
Charts for the Greek range and the Extended Greek range (.pdf format).
Unicode character ranges, index page (the official charts for all Unicode character assignments).
The Unicode Consortium(official “home” of Unicode).
Other Links Related to Unicode (Polytonic Greek and Hebrew) Unicode (official info) The excerpt contains all the material relevant to Unicode. 2001 on the use of technology in teaching Greek. Here is an excerpt from a paper that I presented at SBL, Nov. Once it is displayed correctly, then save the file. *Change the Normal style definition to whatever Unicode font you intend to use you may also then need to select all the text in the document, apply the normal style, and then perhaps even manually select the correct font. Other polytonic Greek keyboards for Keyman are also available (though I recommend the one above) Tavultesoft Keyman (Keyman is no longer free, but it is inexpensive–and worth it)Ĭlassical Greek keyboard by Manuel Lopez (see keyboard template for this keyboard below) They are listed here to make them easily accessible. The following links are mentioned in the paper just above as part of the recommended tools for doing Unicode on Windows. There is also a new appendix regarding Unicode input in Word (the same material that is included below). 1.1) and is expanded to include OT studies and biblical Hebrew. The current version (as of 1/11/06) is titled “What a Biblical Scholar Should Know about Unicode” (v.
#Find italic text in nisus writer pro pdf
It is linked here in pdf format and contains some clarifications provided by Peter Kirk for which I am grateful. I have since revised and expanded the initial paper. seminar to introduce doctoral students to Unicode in the context of biblical studies. This is a paper that I presented to a Ph.D. What a Biblical Scholar/Student Should Know about Unicode
#Find italic text in nisus writer pro mac os x
Tutorials for Installing and Using Unicode on Windows or on Mac OS X for Polytonic Greek.On a different page (opens a new window): Other Links Related to Unicode Polytonic Greek (on Windows, or Mac, or Unix).What a Biblical Scholar/Student Should Know about Unicode.There are also a few notes on Unicode Hebrew. Most of this material is also directly relevant to any use of classical Greek in a Unicode context, though this page doesn’t attempt to address all the issues raised in that area. This page serves as a central page for a number of items related to Unicode in the context of biblical studies (usually specifically focused on New Testament studies).
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globallong · 2 years
Neooffice date does not change when i copy it down a column
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Neooffice date does not change when i copy it down a column mac os x#
Neooffice date does not change when i copy it down a column free#
I will reinstall the SBL Hebrew font and see if I can reproduce the problem. One line is using falling back to Arial and the others are fine. Posted: Mon 8:11 pm Post subject: Re: Hebrew fontÄŞh, I think I see what you seeing. The larger, thinner font is the uninvited one (I think it's what is normally called davidka). I think there was a miscommunication, here's a screenshot of my problem. Posted: Mon 8:06 pm Post subject: Hebrew font png file will be created on your Desktop that you can attach to this forum topic. You can take a screen snapshot of an area on the screen by pressing the Command-Shift-4 and dragging a rectangle around an area no the screen. The font fallback process has not changed in nearly 3 years so maybe you are seeing a different problem? If so, can you take a snapshot of some the characters that have the problem you are seeing and attach the snapshot image? From what I understood, Palatino is a primary a Greek character font so I assumed that you are seeing fallback to a different font for Hebrew characters. Maybe we are talking about different problems. Posted: Mon 6:54 pm Post subject: Re: Hebrew font Also, the older versions of neooffice do not have this problem. If my machine does not have it, I am still confused as to why most of the document shows the palatino font (the whole thing was typed on this machine). I am pretty sure Palatino supports Hebrew characters, as I have used it with other word processors. Posted: Mon 4:21 pm Post subject: Hebrew font
Neooffice date does not change when i copy it down a column mac os x#
It is a Windows font that I can confirm installs and works on Mac OS X 10.4.11 and higher.
Neooffice date does not change when i copy it down a column free#
If you are working with Windows and/or Linux users, I found that the SBL Hebrew is a free serif font that supports Hebrew characters. If you are sharing your documents with Windows or Linux users, then it gets a little more complicated as you need to use a font that is both on Mac OS X and Windows and/or Linux that supports Hebrew characters but I am not sure if such a common font exists on all of those operating systems.Ä­oes the above explanation of the font "fallback" process that you are seeing make sense?ÄŻYI. So, if you really want your Hebrew document to use a specific font, I would recommend setting your document to a font like the Raanana font that is on all Mac OS X machines like Raanana that supports Hebrew characters. In all cases, the font listed in the Font Name listbox in the toolbar is the font that the author of the document requested. In that is the case, NeoOffice will also find the first font on your machine that supports Hebrew and use that to display the Hebrew characters that the Palatino font does not support. You have the Palatino font installed on your machine but it does not support Hebrew characters. If your machine does not have the Palatino font installed, NeoOffice must try to find a "fallback" font to use and since Palatino does not exist on your machine, the first font supports Hebrew characters (only a few Mac OS X fonts support Hebrew) is used as the "fallback" font. You have set your entire document to use the Palatino font which does not exist on most Mac OS X machines. I do not think that this is a NeoOffice problem but, instead, what you are likely seeing is one of the following: I am attaching a sample file and would appreciate some help/advice. The last two versions of neooffice have had the following problem with my previously saved hebrew docs: The font randomly changes on a few lines per page, but does not register as a different font. Posted: Sun 8:51 pm Post subject: Problem with Hebrew documents NeoOffice :: View topic - Problem with Hebrew documents Problem with Hebrew documents Problems after upgrading to NeoOffice 2022? Try these steps Download or installation problems? Try these steps
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maiawe · 4 days
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Do you know "Kid" ? If so, what's your relationship with him?
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Theodore: "You mean Newt? He's very... Peculiar. We're not exactly friends, we barely know each other"
Felix: "He hangs around that Nugget fellow. We try to stay away from him as much as possible"
Theodore: "People say he's seen things... I think that meant he's a seer. But oh well"
Felix: "Something about him doesn't seem right so best to just leave him alone with his little world"
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changingplumbob · 15 days
Today I existed. And managed to write up my screenshots of SBL. Then of course I needed to visit the family in game and grab a few more, including a solo one of Byron for his child stage pic. Then I moved lots since Mal got trust fund access (not really, I'm not cheating any money), built a new house and have the young adults a mini makeover.
So I wrote and scheduled the posts. Stuff will happen that'll include swear words so I'm putting those ones, and ones that could spoil if you like to read in order, under a cut. No I'm not going to start calling all my characters expletives so don't worry about that.
For the context of today's horror story you'll need to know our tap water is yuck. We boil it, let it cool, then place it in large empty bottles in the fridge. Boiling gets rid of any germs that could be in the water from bad pipes or the cat trying to lick the tap. Anyway I went to fill up my water bottle using one of the large bottles from the fridge and thought I saw something in the water as I was pouring. I stopped, looked in my water bottle, and saw a deceased spider! Below cut
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chef-peony · 5 years
Silhouettes and Exotic Character Design: Space Battle Lunchtime!
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[ID: a panel showing Peony floating through zero-G and looking panicked. End id]
Space Battle Lunchtime is a mini comic series about plucky Earth chef Peony, who finds herself competing in an intergalactic cooking competition. The talented Natalie Riess brought in some extraterrestrial fun while still keeping the exotic design clear by using clear character silhouettes and clever framing to convey emotion and setting:
(more under the cut)
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[ID: a panel showing Peony. She is wearing a pink chef’s coat and a frilly apron. The silhouette of a circle on top of a box is outlined in red.End id]
Let’s start somewhere obvious: the main character Peony. I’ve already talked about her design a lot in other posts, but I just wanted to highlight the consistent silhouette, even between different outfits:
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[ID: a panel showing Peony wearing a jean jacket and long frilly skirt. The same silhouette is outlined. End id]
And that doesn’t stop there. Take the alien characters, both major and background characters, and note how their silhouettes contrast with Peony’s:
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[ID: a panel showing Peony catching Neptunia’s dish. Their outlines are outlined in red. Neptunia, a blue alien, has mostly circular designs and is much taller. End id]
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[ID: a panel showing Melonhead looming over Peony. Melonhead has a circular head, square torso, and long body. End id]
I won’t get into the similarities between Melonhead and Peony’s designs, but do note the boxy chef’s jacket, hip frills, and characteristic round face.
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[ID: a panel showing Peony and Lil’ Magicorn. Lil’ Magicorn’s silhouette is all circles in contrast to Peony’s boxier design. End id]
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[ID: a panel showing five background alien characters, all with different basic silhouettes outlined. End id]
In conclusion, these basic silhouettes are the building blocks that let the unique designs shine without ever overwhelming the page or confusing the eye, no matter how foreign the character’s appearance looks to our mundane human eyes!
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[ID: a panel showing Peony and Aris’ silhouettes. End id]
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themiserymarquis · 6 months
Could we have played as Ed the Undying in SBL?
Been letting this marinate in the askbox for a little bit and I gotta say I have not had the strength to go onto the KoL wiki to figure out how powerful Ed the Undying actually is. Based on what I know from the guy being an easter egg in both the games I can say a hesitant maybe.
But for a person to use him as a PC, they gotta power him down in some way or have a drawback since I wanted everyone to be on a similar playing field. If there's a question of "hey, can my character, who is EtU, do this?" Then I would say "the answer is yes if you roll above a DC 15" probably depending on the thing.
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