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nicoleprins · 6 years ago
I asked my husband what he wanted from McDonalds and he said a McChicken sandwich. When he gets home, he gets his McChicken sandwich and asks me “All you got me was one McChicken sandwich?? You should know me better than that!” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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aprilhunter · 7 years ago
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Accurate. #funnyshit #PCisboring #life #bereal #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay https://www.instagram.com/p/BnCx5pAg9Zr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qoxiew8c1p80
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msafiyathediva · 7 years ago
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Yes! You talk a good game, but can you deliver? 🤔 Remember your #integrity is on the line. #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #beintentional #walkitlikeyoutalkit #takeaction #showandprove #protectyourreputation #wordstoliveby #reminders
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pbcnita · 5 years ago
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Things happen the way they are most effective not the most comfortable. The humbling and attitude fix lesson comes rough if you don't really mean to make an actual life change. #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #ahardheadmakesasoftass #yourwordshavepower #lessonsrepeatuntillearned #weareheretolearngrowelevate #protectyourspirit #itstimetowakeup #youarethesource #onlyyoucansaveyou #throatchakra #yourdeedsarewhatcounts #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #workisrequired #adjustyourfrequency #knowledgeunderstandingandwisdom #theuniverserespondstoyou #callyourpowerbacktoyou #theancestorsways #yourguidesareheretohelp #wearespiritfirst #energyisthecurrencyoftheuniverse #learnhowenergyworks #sundayservice #sundayspecial https://www.instagram.com/p/CBtHFfnHr1A/?igshid=w9l5tdzdr8ue
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lindsaylegs22-blog · 7 years ago
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So many things are changing! Thanks @hairnailstoessalon for starting the changes off right! #purpleisafallcolorright #somanychanges #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay
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speakroc · 6 years ago
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#motivate #inspire #minister 🔴 》》FLASHBACK FRIDAY《《 Somethings with me never change. Stand on what you say even if that means you have to stand alone. #SayWhatYouMeanAndMeanWhatYouSay ⚫ In this world of wanting acceptance; there is something special to be said about a person of principle. • #publicspeaker #minister #speaker #retiredmilitary #veteran #keynotespeaker #keynote #motivationalspeaker #motivation #inspirationalspeaker #inspiration #realityspeaker #ministry #business #church #highschool #middleschool #organization #fortune500 #globalbusiness #socialmatters • #SPEAKROC #SPIRIT • #PURPOSE • #CONVICTION (at Planet Roc) https://www.instagram.com/speakroc/p/BxSAnSIj9C2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hhz9j43hs4h2
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noblereynolds · 6 years ago
maybe and probably
I keep them for just in case moments, but believe me. They are not permanent solutions.
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vitalizeone · 7 years ago
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#investment #luxury #businesslifestyle #lifestyle #achievers #luxurymagazine #leaddontfollow #business #followme #valentus #billionairebook #moneymaker #therightman #plans #commit #followthrough #makeplans #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #bereal #saywhatyoumean #dontplay #dontplaywithme #womenwantingmore #networkmarketing #bossgoddess #bossup #likeaboss #bosswoman #bosslady #bossman
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michellebrowning-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Looking for a man I can trust when I'm not around. Is this a thing of the past? #loyalty #respect #honesty #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #saywhatyoumeanandmeaneverythingyouresaying #imfirst #notyoursecondchoice #priorities #monogamy
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mojitomoproblems · 8 years ago
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#speakit #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay (at Mid-City New Orleans)
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simitresuade-blog · 8 years ago
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mood #morningmessage #speakitintoexistence #affirmation #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #manifestation #Simitre #simitrethehealingarts
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iamnicosmom · 8 years ago
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#perspective #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #fact #wordsofwisdom #kahlilgibran #timeless
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msafiyathediva · 5 years ago
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#HappyFridayEve #lifelessonslearned #experienceisagoodteacher #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #actionsmatter #reminders https://www.instagram.com/p/B5slfOkFA_I/?igshid=13p223glfqi6g
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pbcnita · 5 years ago
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This is a public service announcement. #dontconfusethetwo #theydontalwayscoincode #beclearaboutwhatyouwant #opencommunication #unblockthatthroatchakra #yougottaaskforwhatyouwant #weallgrown #saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #sayitwithyourchest #beaccountable #knowledgeofself #noonereadsminds #boundariesmustbeset #selfboundaries #dontgetittwisted https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LJnI-HckK/?igshid=e3t5p6tfb6y
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badlands75 · 8 years ago
Badlands75RT @KaivanShroff: WATCH: @DebraMessing tells Ivanka #SayWhatYouMeanAndMeanWhatYouSay, calling out her faux-feminism & imploring her t… https://t.co/f1DBN876rB
WATCH: @DebraMessing tells Ivanka #SayWhatYouMeanAndMeanWhatYouSay, calling out her faux-feminism & imploring her to stop her father's hate: http://pic.twitter.com/8chTwKtRll
— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) May 7, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Badlands75 May 08, 2017 at 01:29AM via IFTTT
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mytriptosanity-blog · 9 years ago
Reassurance and encouragement
So, last weekend my friend, and I went into a Bath and Body Works. As most Bath and Body Works, you are greeted when you come in and asked if you need help.
My friend, and I browsed each section of what seems to be hundreds of lotions, and body sprays. We smelled them, and sprayed them, and made conversation with the sales associate who was the only one working there. She seemed to enjoy her job, and was a spunky lil thing. I know from experience how hard costumer service can be. It is what makes or breaks a franchise (at least in my opinion), and is the #1 thing I ALWAYS pay attention to in any store or restaurant.
When we were done shopping we went up to the counter to purchase the items we wanted. I had a coupon for my friend to use, but couldn’t find it, so the same sales associate said she would go ahead and use the one she had on hand. That lead to scoring more “points” with my assessment. (I know, I’m horrible.)
We paid for our stuff and as we were heading out I turned to her and told her she was doing such an awesome job. I told her that I liked her personality, and to keep making customers feel welcomed because you don’t see many people these days help out, let alone, act like they actually want to be at their job.
She looked at me with tears welling up and said, “Thank you so much, you have know idea how much that means to me to hear you say that!”
This is kind of my thing, and the reason why I “keep score” when I enter a retail type place.
Sometimes, people just need some reassurance. “You’re doing a great job”, “I’m here for you”, “I really appreciate everything you do”, “Do you need help?”, and you NEED to mean the words you say!
Too often people say things they don’t mean!!! Let’s start making someone’s day with kind words. Too many people do not get encourage in their life, even with the simplest of thing. Be the difference!
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