eddiewithcat · 7 days
and when we get a parallel to 704 with someone (most likely maddie) asking buck why he hit gerrard but this time, he has the answer.
“because it was eddie”
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little goddamn creatures
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saturnniidae · 16 days
First red flag (other than it being live action) with the minecraft movie was the lack of captaindparklez or ldshadowlady...
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mitski-slope · 7 months
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i know there's a whole ep about bojack never crying in front of others but im 99 percent sure herb/ princess carolyn have seen him cry.. even mr. pb i just imagine him crying while talking about his regrets with sarah lynn..
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absentmoon · 2 years
i need a HUG
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synthwife · 2 years
don't wory. 1 million faggots ok?
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unroxyfication · 2 months
*giving you a loving handjob* and you love me. btw. youre in love with me. *gives it a cute little kiss* and you love me the most. right? *puts it in my mouth* sayw it or ilw bite as hard as i can
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earthtooz · 11 months
Earth without an underscore on the E and an h is just fart.
So technically you're just "Fart with _ and h".
Earth without the "th" is just "ear", so you're also technically just ear (with th).
Farts and ears are cool, so by default you are too
...I'm sorry idk what I'm doing I hope you have a good day, fart earth
sayw ahat now why did u call me fart at the end and sign it off pretending that it just wasn't there what the what what in tarnation exsqueeze me why did u do that...
somehow i've been called worse than 'fart'... but no one has ever called me 'ear' before so this is completely new territory for me!
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uhjules · 2 months
hi i feel like crazy bcswhy can i never sayw hat i really meaj cuz im scarednof hrurting them but they never feel like that apparently
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sunloveskel · 5 months
Did you figure me out yet? Im pretty easy to guess lol
i wanna sayw your this little fellow
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then again i have no clue. so uhm also my guessing skills are trash
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
"Our Way" as sung by Harry to Meghan by u/Visible_Ad5164
"Our Way" as sung by Harry to Meghan And now our end is nearBut don't bring down that final curtainNo friends, oh yes it's clearThey hate our guts, of that we're certainBlackballed from black-tie ballsNFI'd to every partyBut still we're proud to sayWe did it our wayRegrets, they're not for usThe Toad Abode, a drafty wreck The jobs they sprung on us Were carried out without a paycheckNo freebies were allowedThe staff were rude and way too whineyAnd so, my love and IWe did it our way.Yes, there were times our big fat mouthsLeft our IQs in zero doubtBut through it all, when we were bashedWe doubled down on all our trashWe know we liedAll that asideWe did it our way.Who needs a family When all we need is one another?Your dad is sick and broke (and by the way I lost my mother)The Windsors cut us offThe MI5s kept me at bayI tried to get the scoopThey stood in my way.Oh, what are we, if not two dummiesWith no more access to royal money?The Bank of Pa Has slammed its doorBut we will grift our way to more!Let the record show --then pass the blow--We did it OUR WAY. post link: https://ift.tt/O7RrAwP author: Visible_Ad5164 submitted: February 20, 2024 at 03:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Hi sugar!
How's my girl? Sorry i haven't been responding much... beem busy coming back from the misson.... but thats no excuse *sigh* amway i heard and sayw you "tagged" me i think thats what people online call it? Man i still new to this online thing.... *rubs my neck* anywho you were having a big 500 followers celebration? I wanted to say congratulations baby girl! It is well deserved by someone who is as talented as you, amazing as you, such a kind soul as you! *kiss your lips* i heard you can make "make requests"? I like to request a "moodboard" please! One that symbolizes our love me and Buck if thats possible? Please/thank you
*my checks grew warm as a smile forms on my lips* he means the world to me and pretry soon im going to pop the question shhh dont tell him! Its our little secret *winks*
I love you girls too! You all mean the world to me and i would do anything to make sure you all are happy!
Hi, handsome!! Thank you so much for sending me an ask and for the congratulations ❤️ I'm so happy you sent in a request for a moodboard. I know how much you and @bucky-barnesrp love each other. I hope you both like what I made. I'm sorry it took me so long, I had to make sure the pictures were as perfect as I could make them.
I love you and Bucky so much 🥰
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dio666sblog · 1 year
Meeting invite: Jimmie Moore is inviting you to a meeting
To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
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OUT GAY AND HERE so tell me what it meant to youin all your human glorythe fears, the chance, the honesty,the day you told your story.was shame the thing that kept you fromrevealing your true wants?were you afraid of hearingall the ridicule and taunts?or did you hold your head up,highdefying any doubt...and did you shout with confidenceI' m here, I'm gay, I'm OUT?!? did parents, friends, and foes alikerecoil in true disgust,or did your people smile and saywe thank you for,your trust?did you feel better having saidwhat some already knew,and were you now beginning toexplore a better "you"?is being out the best thingthat you've ever done so far?or were you left with wonderingwhy you are who you are? is life a bit more happy nowthat you have said the word?has anybody turned awayand left your voice unheard?have you been embraced bya community of peers?and have you now acknowledged that you're one of all the queers?you're here, you're out, you're satisfied.you're lesbian, you're gay.you're trans, you're bi, you're curious...but mostly, YOU'RE OK!! you've partnered with,you've broken up,you've shut your mouth,you've spoken up.you've bagged it up,you've not complained,you've used a whip,you've been restrained.you've doggy-styled,you've been on top,you've started it,you've made it stop.you've been alone,you've been in pairs,you've shaved it or,you've cut its hairs.you've used your tongue,you've used your hands,you've tied it upwith rubber bands.you've worked it in,you've done without,you've muzzled it, you've made it shout. but in the endyou've all declared...in voices loud and clear...this is who,you are and now...YOU'RE OUT AND GAY AND HERE!!!
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Most of the times I want what's best for the people of my country. And then I read and listen to the stupid ass and disgusting things they say and think "They have the country they deserve. Society is as fucked up as it is because people are that fucked up. Let them all sink and nuke humanity and take their ducking evilness from the surface of earth"
The guy who shrugs and sayw "whatever not my problem, doesn't affect me" when he could be doing something to better the life of his fellow man. And I'm talking about things so small that wouldn even take a minute of effort.
The teacher that gets a student from s poor house or neighborhood and excludes them and uses his power to make them feel inferior.
The old lady who looks with disgust to other people that look different her and thinks they deserve whatever shitty things happens to them.
Tha lack of empathy and love for your fellow humans. The envy and need of superiority. The disdain for other humanity. And the fuckkng gratification so many get from the suffering of others. How comfortable all feel with forgetting and ignoring societies injustices.
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