#sawyer kohl
ghostcasket · 2 years
OC songs tag
Tagged by: @memento-morri-writes
Tagging: @aritany @lowslore @abalonetea @khufiya-khaufnak-antariksh
Rules: Post 3-5 songs from your OC’s playlist and or songs that make you think of them!
I’m gonna be extra and also add the lyrics that feel the most like a punch to the gut because i like to suffer :•)
Sawyer Kohl brainrot. that is all! In no particular order:
1. Don’t take the money - Bleachers / And I saw your face and hands / Coloured in sun and then / I think I understand
2. Echo - Mokita, Augustana / I turned fortune into dust / Built walls around my love, around my love
3. Sorry - Kensington / You will forget / And all there's left will be / A faded memory / A dream you woke up from
4. Stranger - Blanks / Stranger in the mirror / Where are all your friends?
5. this is what losing someone feels like - JVKE / So it breaks my heart that I let you leave / Burn so hard, learnin' how to grieve for you / I should've let you know the truth
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yamishika · 8 months
have any other ethnicity headcanons for fairy tail characters?
Fairy Tail Characters Ethnicity HCs
I don’t have as much extensive proof as I do for my Erik headcanons post but I will explain my thoughts for why I think certain ethnicities.
Natsu Dragneel : Japanese + Greek? (Because of the clothing style in his past flashback with his biological family)
Erza Scarlet : British + ? - I say British because she reminds me of Lara Croft who in her older days had reddish hair, also English history is big on knights, which Erza is. The other half I can’t tell as I don’t actually know what to think of her father Rung as. He seems like a POC though. (Maybe Mexican?)
Lucy Heartfilia : British / American - Because Lucy’s heritage as a noble it reminds me more of English nobility, but then her characteristics remind me more of american for some reason (it doesn’t help that Lucy looks a lot like Ashley Graham from the original RE4 and she’s American so I am kind of biased there)
Gray Fullbuster : Canada or Serbia (I think that’s mainly because I am making the link of cold countries though). Also if with Serbian I can see Ultear and him coming from similar places)
Gajeel Redfox : Native American (His hair and features remind me of Native Americans and I don’t know he kind of reminds me and looks like of Ratohnhake:ton / Connor from AC3) Juvia Lockser : Spanish + Russian (Spanish as the name Juvia is Spanish origin and Russian since the ushanka she wears and her clothing style in general)
Jellal Fernandes : Mixed ethnic - Mixed Arab (mainly Levantine Arab) + Brazilian, but then in my HCs he’s also part Desi too since the name Jellal is most prominent in India (And I want Erik to have a desi bro in CS). And the Arab/South asian idea came from him wearing Kohl/Surma in S1 in the anime. 
Ultear Milkovich : Serbian with mixed Central Asian or Kazakh (Again cold countries but since Ultear looks Eurasian but with dark features these countries came to mind. Serbia because apparently the name Milkovich is Serbian origin)
Macbeth/Midnight :  English w/Scottish + Irish + Japanese - English/Scottish/Irish is a given since his name ‘Macbeth’ but since his aesthetic is alike to Visual Kei, I see Japanese influence. But I don’t know, I just can see Macbeth with a british accent, maybe that’s just me.
Sorano Aguria : French and Korean/Japanese (I don’t know why I have the French, it just fits me when discussing with my friend @acutemushroom. Korean/Japanese because despite having a Japanese name (her and Yukino) due to her features she gave me kind of Korean vibes for some reason)
Sawyer : English (I can’t explain other than the name. But I thought of Romanian too for some reason, so English + Romanian?)
Richard Buchanan : South African + Scottish? (My only thought for this was because Buchanan I knew it as a last name big in South Africa, and Scottish is probably because of the red hair and ruddy complexion that I know scottish people can have)
Meredy : Irish (I don’t know why, it was hard to think of anything for her)
Kinana : Desi (Since the name Kinana is an urdu name apparently - So Pakistani) 
Cana Alberona : Irish + Italian (Guildarts gave me tanned Irish vibes for some reason and Alberona is I believe an Italian name)
Minerva Orland : Chinese + Latina (She wears a Cheongsam and her hair reminds me of Chinese culture but then I see Latina too) BUT, maybe she has Egyptian too and Italian since Minerva (Italian/Latin) but the blue eyeliner/eyeshadow she always has is alike to Malachite powder that was used by ancient egyptians 
Laxus Dreyar : Ukrainian + Russian (He gives me eastern europe vibes and also his features) but also since he's Makarov’s grandson he’d have Russian in him 
Makarov Dreyar : Russian - (I think his full name is of Russian origin but I can't be sure.) These are the HCs I have off the top of my head, hope this answers your question!
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darkeyesunderthesky · 14 days
juliet https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFRyNv8q/
WAIT YOU'RE SO RIGHT!! sawyer at the club shaking ass and only accepting payment in the form of kohl's cash and he gives it to juliet
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namenerdery · 1 year
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri between 2010-2015 [K]
Kacedy Nicole Anne Kacer Lee Kaclyn Jewel Kadalayha Nicole Kaebington Franklyn Kaebryk Rhebyl Sawyer Kaeston Bradley Kagerston Raphael Kahtnisss Juiel-Anne Kaidrianna Nycole Kaightlynn Kristyne Kaisaiah Alexander Kaistyn Waylon Rylan Cole Kamberlie Ann Louise Kansas Skie Karastyn Faith Kardashian Kay-Leolia Kaydience Lee Kaydrienne Denay Kaylsee Mae Kaywinnet Leeinara Kayzlynn Nicole Keatche Kyndle Kehvyn Enrique Keighden Macaiah Keirstynn Marie Keitlynn Rose Keliegha'mae Qmarie Kelslyn Marie Kemystri Cherie-Nicole Kenseleigh Sue Michelle Kenstin Tyler Kenzliegh Kaylynn Kenzzy Erin Kermit Jay Kernel Saimon Kevieahnna Renee Kevrence James Kewper Kohl Keylixx Lameer Keyrstin Rayne Kheaton Thomas-Wyatt Kholbin Jacob Khynslee Raegahn Kieghlyn Skye Kiffany Vay Kinclee Jo Kindzley Makayla Kingdom Reign Kingdom Reign Kinglundyn William Kinnerleigh Tate Kintslyann Genesis Lafayette Kirksey Anne Kissabella Miracle Jean Kixson Jude Klhoey Lee Lynn Klinique Louise K'lise Klowii Marie Nadine Knawledge Machi-Bryce'n Knellie Ann Corrine Kneyli Sephine Knoble Elijah Knoxville Thomas Knyvasia Gwendallen Abigail Jlee Kodiak Pearlee Kohlbe Ranson Kolumn Elijah Konscious Everlasting Koreah Ciara Monet Korlenzie Marie Kountry Gene Kourage Rae Rowdy Kozy Leairre Kraiylee-Ann Ivy Kranston Eugene Dale Krash Kyote Krayzden Layn Kreidence Joshua Lee Krezdyn Allen Krispen Lucas Krizztopher Joseph Krossyn Sofia Rayne Kryder Cole Kueen Kamya Kurtesy La'shay Kutter Jonathon Ingold Kwynn Aries Kylix Andrew Kymper Levi Kyntleigh Delois Laurene Kynzington Rae Kynzler Joyce Kypson Thomas Kytt Abigail
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pnkb1tch-archive · 1 year
" am i dreaming? is this real life? "
Tumblr media
bites back a chuckle, waves off sawyer's teasing with several ring - adorned fingers . how long has it been, almost three years now? since the last instance he'd seen her, that is, all long lashes && kohl - rimmed eyes , dark tresses and smirking, rouged lips. it doesn't seem possible but he thinks she's become even more beautiful , time having been nothing but kind to the singer. he wonders for a moment, how he appears to her, shirt wrinkled, dirty - blond locks matted with sweat and stress, cornflower eyes red around the corners, sunken and skin gaunt   ( something something , his eye bags are gucci ? )   . it's been a hell of a month, the   PAPS  &&  SOCIAL  MEDIA   alike relentless in their defamation of arlo's character. the actor's exhausted, and he's sure he looks it, smiling up at sawyer weakly.   ❝ no, unfortunately for you, this is nae dream. i am, in fact, arlo thompson in th' flesh  ━  even if i look like a right sorry bastard, as it were, ❞   he shrugs his shoulders, suddenly feeling meek. he wonders then, if sawyer has seen the rumors. and, fuck,   who  is  he  kidding   , of course she has. but…still, she's here, meeting him for lunch, so surely that means something. he can only hope that deep down, she's got faith in   HER  CHILDHOOD  FRIEND   .   ❝ i've missed you. you…you look lovely. much better n' i do, tha's for feckin' sure, ❞   he gestures to his unironed slacks, the general mess of his visage.   ❝ it's…it's good t' see you. ❞
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lachlantrash · 6 years
“Did you seriously just wipe your popcorn fingers on me?”
"Yes, Lachlan?" You sigh, answering the phone from your car as you drive to the supermarket.
"Don't answer me in that tone, missy." Lachlan scoffs, making you let out a laugh. "Alright, I know you just left, but Emmett won't stop pestering me. How long until you're home?" He asks.
"Tell Em that I'm not sure, me and Gray haven't even arrived at the supermarket yet." You laugh, checking on your three year old as soon as you mention him through the mirror. With Grayson just turning three, your daughter Briella is approaching her sixth birthday. Emmett, your middle son is eight years old, and your oldest son Sawyer has just turned eleven. You only brought Grayson with you on your errand run, being assured by Lachlan he could handle your three older children.
"Shit, I mean shoot, alright I'll tell him. Bye, babe." Lachlan says, another laugh escaping you as he hangs up the phone.
"Daddy said bad words." Grayson informs you as you pull into the parking lot of the grocery store.
"I know he did, Gray. We'll have to yell at him when we get home, yeah?" You ask, grabbing your purse before getting out of your car, walking to the backseat to grab Grayson from his car seat.
"Be nice to daddy. Daddy buys toys." He laughs, a dimpled smile falling onto his face.
"Alright, we can be nice to daddy." You sigh dramatically, walking to the stores entrance. "Wanna ride in the cart, or walk all by yourself?" You ask, knowing Grayson loves exploring but you're hoping he'll choose the cart.
"Ride in the cart, mumma." He says, reaching for the first cart he sees from your arms.
"Good choice, little dude." You hum, placing him in the sitting part of the shopping cart. You give Grayson your phone to watch an episode of Paw Patrol while you grab groceries, getting through the first few aisles before Grayson's handing you your phone because of a FaceTime request.
"What's going on, Lachlan?" You ask, handing the phone to Gray so he can look at his daddy while you continue moving through the aisles.
"Listen, (Y/N). Don't get overwhelmed or anything, but Briella just fell down the stairs. I think she's gonna be fine, she was just rough housing with Em, but where's the band-aids? I swear it's just a little scrape." Lachlan promises, preparing himself for the earful he's going to get from you.
"In the bathroom by the kitchen, Lachlan." You sigh, deciding not even to bother scolding him for letting the kids be rough with each other. "Here, Sawyer talk to your mom. I'm gonna grab some band-aids..." Lachlan trails off, handing the phone over to your oldest.
"Hi, mum. Hey, Grayson!" Sawyer laughs, looking at his brothers face upside down.
"It's Soy, mumma look!" Grayson squeals, almost dropping your phone to show you his undoubtedly favorite sibling.
"What the heck is happening in my house right now, Sawyer?" You say, grabbing your phone from Grayson to look at Sawyer.
"I don't really know, mum. I was playing pokemon and then Bri started crying and daddy was calling you because she has a cut." He explains.
"Bring the phone to Bri, please." You sigh, grabbing a few things from the aisle you're in before heading to self-checkout.
"Mumma, Emmett pushed me!" Briella cries as soon as Sawyer hands her the phone.
"I did not! We were playing, and she fell down the stairs, Mumma. I didn't push her." You hear Emmett huff from somewhere off screen.
"Listen, both of you. Daddy's grabbing you a band aid, Bri. He's gonna clean up your booboo and then after that, I don't want you two playing rough anymore unless it's in the basement, in your playroom. I don't think he pushed you Bri, I doubt he meant it. And Emmett, you know better than to play rough by the staircase." You sigh. "I'm in checkout at the grocery store now, I only have a few more stops. Be good to Daddy please, all of you. I love you, I gotta go though, okay?" You tell them, listening for a few mumbled 'I love you's' from your two grumpy kids, Sawyer taking his dad's phone back to tell you he loves you before hanging up.
"What happened?" Gray asks, little brows furrowed as he sees your mood drop from what it was in the car.
"Briella just got a booboo, buddy. Daddy's gonna fix it right up though, he's the best at that." You tell him, giving him a smile before you start scanning items and bagging them. As you place bags back into your cart and pay, your phone goes off again. You groan, letting it ring as you go back to your car. You get Grayson buckled in and put groceries around him, pushing the cart to cart return before getting into your car.
"Should I just go home at this point?" You sigh as you call Lachlan through your car, exiting the grocery store.
"No! Don't do that. I just, I have a quick question, okay?" He says, and something about his tone of voice eases you.
"Alright, what's the question?" You ask, driving down the street towards the Kohls for a quick stop.
"So we wanted to make popcorn, but none of us know how long to cook it. Do you happen to know?" He asks hopefully, making you groan.
"It says on the box that you cook it for three minutes, Lachlan." You sigh, pulling into the Kohls parking lot. "I'm at Kohls now, Gray and I are just gonna run in and get some new bathing suits for the kids, because it's almost summer break. After that we're running to Dunkies, and then we'll be headed home after I quickly stop at your mother's. It should be within like, an hour, we'll go quick. Can you handle that?" You ask, already unplugging your phone and getting out of the car, quickly unbuckling Grayson to carry him.
"Yeah, we'll be fine babe. I promise, thank you. We're just gonna watch a movie and have smooth sailing from here." He promises, though you don't believe it for a second. After exchanging 'I love you's' you hang up, speedwalking into the Kohls and grabbing a basket as opposed to a cart, knowing if you do you'll shop more than you need to. "You need to hold my hand, okay Grayson? We need to be quick." You say to the toddler, who eagerly nods at your words.
You find your way to the bathing suit section, letting Grayson pick himself a green dinosaur swim shirt and bathing suit bottoms. You go to the little girl options, grabbing Briella a black and white striped two-piece. Though you want to grab Sawyer a set, you know he's at the age where he prefers just swimming trunks, so you grab Nike swim trunks and decide to do the same for Emmett. Though you know you're on a time crunch, you quickly grab Lachlan a new set of trunks, along with grabbing yourself a one piece before forcing yourself to go into line.
"My legs are tired, Mumma." Grayson whines, reaching up for you to hold him. You struggle but successfully lift him, holding him to your hip as you empty the basket onto a conveyor.
"Seems like you've got a full house, huh?" The cashier laughs, making small talk as she scans your items.
"Oh, do you know it. Four kids and a husband that's just as bad as a kid." You laugh, taking your credit card out to be ready to pay.
"Gosh, it is a full house. I'm guessing he's home with the other children?" She asks, noting just you and one child.
"Yeah, he offered to watch the other three while we went on an errand run. It would've been easier for me to take all four with all the calls I've been getting." You confide as she bags your items, handing her your credit card after she finishes.
"That always seems to be the case. They always mean well, but they're a lost cause without the wife home." She smiles, handing you back your card before giving you bags.
"Here he is calling me again." You sigh, making her laugh before you excuse yourself, walking out of the store.
"I know I promised we'd be fine and -Hey! Did you seriously just wipe your popcorn fingers on me?" Lachlan yells, letting you watch his face form to one of disgust through facetime.
"I'm gonna guess it was Emmett." You laugh, putting Grayson in the car and the two bags go in passenger seat beside you.
"It was actually Briella." He sighs. "Anyways, my mom just called me and told me she'd meet you here, so don't stop at her house. Are you already out of Kohls?" He asks.
"Yeah, you called while we were finishing checking out. We're gonna stop for coffee and then head home, huh Grayson?" You say, including Grayson in the conversation.
"Can I get a coffee?" He asks, making Lachlan laugh.
"No, but since you're being so so good for Mumma, I'll get you a coolata." You say, making his eyes light up. "What do you want from dunks, Lachlan?" You ask, pulling into the line for the drive-thru.
"Just get me a medium iced, cream and sugar please." He says, and immediately your kids are all shouting at him. "Jeez, alright I got it. The kiddos here all want a donut, and are demanding they also get coolatas."
"Tell them it's a no go on the coolatas, Gray's only getting one because he came with me. I'll get them donuts though, I suppose." You sigh dramatically, making Lachlan groan.
"You're really gonna leave me here with kids who aren't getting there way?" Lachlan gasps, making you laugh.
"Sorry babe, it had to be done. I love you, and I'll be home soon!" You say, exaggerating a "Muah!" before ending the call. You move through the drivethru, ordering half a dozen donuts and your coffee, Lachlan's, and a small coolata for Grayson.
Once you pull up to collect your order you thank the staff, pulling away and handing Grayson his drink. "Drink that before we get home, or your brothers and sister might try to steal it from you." You tell him, pulling out of the Dunkies and driving off to your house.
"We're home!" Grayson cheers, almost done with his coolata by the time you get home. We sure are, bubs. Let's go get everyone to come help with bags." You tell him, taking your key out of the car and grabbing him from the backseat, leaving the doors open while you walk into the house.
"Honey, I'm home!" You sing, placing Grayson down in the kitchen as soon as you here a stampede running towards you.
"Mumma, you're home!" Briella says, jumping with excitement.
"I am home! Can you three go get the bags from my car? I could only carry the little guy and the coffees." You say to the three older children. "You can each have a donut after." You add, which immediately gets them all running to the yard.
"Thank god you're home." Lachlan sighs in relief as soon as he enters the kitchen, immediately pulling you into his chest to hug you.
"Couldn't hold down the fort for a few hours?" You tease, pulling away slightly to look up at him.
"Not at all, next time I'm gonna go shopping, or have you bring at least two of our gremlins." He sighs. "I don't know how you do that all week, even with school, that was a shit show." He complains, making you laugh.
"You did great, Lachlan. Only one scrape, it happens. Everyone survived, so I'd call that a win." You praise him, planting a kiss on his lips.
"I'd call you a win." He mumbles, pulling you in for another kiss, only pulling away when Sawyer walks in and gives an audible 'ew' at your current position.
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dailylouishofmann · 7 years
Louis Hofmann was born on June 3, 1997 in Germany, where he lives with his parents and his older brother. His first experience in front of the camera was for Servicezeit, a radio program on the WDR network. There, he auditioned as Ausflieger in the family leisure activities section. After two and a half years at Servicezeit, he decided to become an actor and is represented by Agentur Schwarz.
In 2009 Hofmann was involved in the filming of the series Danni Lowinski. That year he also played the son of Edgar Selge in Der verlorene Vater, and the son of Heino Ferch in Tod in Istanbul.
In 2010 he performed in Wilsberg and Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei. He portrayed the title character in Tom Sawyer. Along with Leon Seidel, who played the role of Huck Finn, he sang on the soundtrack of the film in the song, Barfuß Gehen (Going Barefoot).
The filming of The Adventures of Huck Finn in the summer of 2011 was his third collaboration with the director Hermine Huntgeburth. The film adaptation of the classic Mark Twain novel was released on December 20, 2012 in German cinemas. Beginning on October 24, 2013 Hofmann appeared in the comedy Der fast perfekte Mann (The Nearly Perfect Man).
In 2012 Hofmann played a starring role in an episode of the television series Stolberg. In 2014, Hofmann took over the role of Werner Krollmann in the film The Zeugenhaus after the book by Christiane Kohl. In 2015 Hofmann starred in  Freistatt, the lead role of the rebellious Wolfgang, who is deported to a care home. For his performance, he received the Bavarian Film Award in the category Best Young Actor and the Young Talent Award of the German Actor Award. Louis Hofmann gained his first international experience shooting the 2015 Danish-German co-production Unter dem Sand - The Promise of the Freedom of the Director Martin Zandvliet. Also for this role he won several film awards. In the novel adaptation of Andreas Steinhöfel's bestseller Die Mitte der Welt in 2016 he took over the lead role, Phil.
Hofmann moved to Berlin after his graduation, where he now lives with two friends in a shared flat in Mitte.
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Long-Ass List of Newly Available Characters
(Note: This post is basically relating to the RP forum I was apart of with some of my friends. We have this thing that we do called claiming, in which if someone wanted to make a ship with another person’s characters, they would “claim” them. After losing touch with some friends that had ships with my characters, I decided to open some of them up back for claiming by my other RP friends. If you like to RP and are interested, by all means hit me up.)
Nobody will probably care or read this, but it feels so freeing so I’m gonna put this up here. Also, all the Traveller characters (pretty much) are open for claiming if anyone is interested. Anyways, here are all my characters that are officially re-opened for ships. If you’re interested let me know.
Note: The ones with asterisks are characters for which I will probably be pretty picky when picking a new partner, just because they’re very special to me. Basically these characters need someone very special and not just a random side character. :)
Vit Myers, 21, Voices
Octavian Spencer, 19, Voices
Paradise Krietzer, 15, Voices
Crickette Jenson, 15, Voices
Angler Jenson, 18, Voices
Watt Fairbend, 18, Voices
Switch Fairbend, 15, Voices
Gulliver “Gig” Disney, 18, Voices
Orville Bell, 16, Voices
Suki Tachibana, 16, Voices
Malthe Hier, 18, Voices *
Joe Sawyer, 17, Voices
Duff Shoemaker, 18, Voices *
Knut Passerini, 14, Voices *
Ged, 14, Voices *
Guinness Fielder, 15, Voices
Jessie Adams, 18, Voices
Cassia McIalwain, 19, Radioactive
Flounder Hanes, 14, Radioactive
Cliff Archer, 17, Radioactive *
Ciacco Capitani, 17, Let the Sky Fall
Nash, 17, Let the Sky Fall (Maybe I’ll put him with Zora?)
Pomponius “Pomp” Hilton, 18, Frozen
Sampson Kiefer, 18, Frozen *
Salvador Castillion, 17, Frozen
Lanchester Schuster, 16, Frozen
Chase Lotus, 14, Frozen *
Aly Stevens, 15, Frozen
Boxer Warrick, 16, Frozen
Cerulean Holst, 18, Monochrome
Chartreuse Holst, 14, Monochrome
Adventure “Vent”, 18, Monochrome
Ravinder Hari, 15, Monochrome
Jupiter Tamboli, 18, Monochrome
Ophelia Raines, 17, Monochrome
Rai Raines, 18, Monochrome
Rasputin McKinley, 19, Monochrome/Luetis *
Clyde McKinley, 18, Monochrome *
Eliezer McKinley, 17, Monochrome *
Levon McKinley, 16, Monochrome *
York, 18, Monochrome
Belle Sawyer, 16, Monochrome
Collier “Collie”, 19, Monochrome
Becker, 18, Monochrome
Dash Foster, 13, Monochrome
Kelley O’Callaghan, 18, Once More Unto the Breach!/Hunger Games High School
Thatcher Culbertson, 18, Once More Unto the Breach!
Sadie Fowler, 18, Once More Unto the Breach!
Joanne Eldrige, 18, Once More Unto the Breach!
Cash Walton, 17, Once More Unto the Breach!
Leviathan “Lev” McKinley, 18, Luetis *
Avogadro Bismarck, 14, Instinctive Travels **
Bronx Stringer, 19, Instinctive Travels/Masque
Aquarius, 22, Masque (stylist)
Fiona Nawrocki, 13, Masque
Christer, 25, Masque (stylist)
Wyatt Calistro, 16, Masque
Stanton Calistro, 11, Masque
Charm Spalding, 18, Wings of Freedom
Nestor Elias, 13, Wings of Freedom
Caridad Salamanca, 18, Wings of Freedom
Bow Peterson, 18, Wings of Freedom
Capstan Peterson, 21, Wings of Freedom
Solace Kasser, 16, Wings of Freedom
Leslie Galloway, 16, Wings of Freedom
Bryson Gardener, 8, Wings of Freedom
Eli Gardener, 15, Wings of Freedom
Britton Bethel, 19, Wings of Freedom
Zayne Tidwell, 17, Wings of Freedom ***
Valerie Tidwell, 16, Wings of Freedom
Giselle Tidwell, 10, Wings of Freedom
Cadogan Tidwell, 6, Wings of Freedom
Ant Tidwell, 3 (or older?), Wings of Freedom
Kaliko Laity, 17, Wings of Freedom
Steve Eberly, 18, Wings of Freedom
Tye Bannister, 12, Forum (died before birth)
Mary Catherine Bundren, 19, Silhouettes
Vienna Turner, 19, Silhouettes
Akiro, 17, Silhouettes (first tribute Kendal ever lost)
Brio Leighton, 18, Champion of Destruction
Joltee Rutilus, 20, Champion of Destruction
Phoebus Armstrong, 24, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
Justus Fiore, 18 (or 34), The Last Lullabies *
Joost Bishop, 21,  Danzón
Tertius Amatore, 33, Danzón
Vesperus Floridius, 18, Danzón *
Royce Kohl, 9, Danzón
Indie Kohl, 7, Danzón
Ambrose Kohl, 5, Danzón
Tartan Vincent, 16, Danzón *
Prentice Tholbert, 18, Danzón *
Jude Faure, 13, Danzón
Braelyn Colonomos, 15, Danzón
Allegra Pakulski, 16 (24?), Danzón
Hoke Tolbert, 18 (26?), Danzón
Philander Markov, 21, Danzòn
Henryk Markov, 8, Danzón/Forum
Trojan Nicastro, 26, Danzón/Forum
Morrigan Nicastro, 23, Danzón/Forum
Isis Nicastro, 19, Danzón/Forum
Anubis Radner, 19, Danzón/Forum
Sutter Christenson, 15, If We Met at Midnight
Indiana “Indi” Christenson, 18, Castle (died at birth)
Weston Sheffield, 18, If We Met at Midnight *
Dallas Sheffield, 12, If We Met at Midnight
Marx Whittaker, 16, If We Met at Midnight
Emma Hourner, 10, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
Rouge Beauregard, 19, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
Walt Lassiter, 20, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams ***
Byron “Geronimo” Sedwick, 20, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
David “Adam” Flynn, 21, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
Nick Kensy, 18, Frozen/All My Broken Hopes and Dreams
Fujita/Fuj “Fujey” Halifax, 18, All My Broken Hopes and Dreams ***
Lester McKinley, 17, Forum
Fletcher McKinley, 15, Forum
Shepherd McKinley, 10, Forum
Aria McKinley, 6, Forum
Pidge McKinley, 4, Forum
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moretechtips · 5 years
Content Rated By: An Oral History of the ESRB excerpt — “Chairman of the TBD”
GamesBeat is publishing this unique excerpt of Content Rated By: An Oral History of the ESRB. Read Part 1 right here. 
To assist commemorate its 25th anniversary, the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) reached out to Blake J. Harris, the best-selling writer of Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle That Defined a Generation and The History of the Future: Oculus, Facebook and the Revolution That Swept Virtual Reality to doc the behind-the-scenes origins of the ranking system for video video games and the way it has advanced over the previous quarter century. Content Rated By: An Oral History of the ESRB supplies eyewitness accounts from the key individuals concerned in the ESRB’s creation and its improvement into one of the nation’s best examples of business self-regulation. 
PART 2: Jack Heistand, Chairman of the TBD
On January 6, 1994, over 75,000 of us from numerous areas of the shopper electronics enterprise flocked to Las Vegas for the yr’s Winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES). There, the Software Publishers Association (aka the “SPA”) gathered dozens of individuals from the online game business to debate the improvement of a unified ranking system.
At this cut-off date, the SPA — which boasted over 1,000 member firms — was the nation’s preeminent commerce affiliation for software program creators, producers and distributors. Typically, the affiliation was finest recognized for its anti-piracy efforts (highlighted by their common “Don’t Copy that Floppy” advertising and marketing marketing campaign”); however with the current stress from Congress, the commerce affiliation had began to show its consideration in the direction of scores.
“Companies such as Sega, 3DO, Atari, Acclaim, id Software and Apogee already have and use rating systems,” defined Ken Wasch, who was the Founder and President of the SPA. “So there are rating systems in use today. But a proliferation of rating systems is confusing to retailers and to consumers alike.”
To clear up this downside, Wasch believed that his group was the reply. Together, with 5 different software-related associations, the SPA was in the midst of establishing a “Computer Game Ratings Working Party” in order to finally create an unbiased ranking board with the power to “penalize wrongdoers,” “keep pace with technological advances,” and “advertise the ratings so that they become as well known to purchasers as movie ratings are today.”
In idea, this typically made sense to Jack Heistand, SVP at Electronic Arts. But in execution, he had a distinct imaginative and prescient.
JACK HEISTAND (EA): I simply thought it might be rather more environment friendly to construct our personal system.
If there have been any doubts as to why it may be essential to construct one thing from the floor up — one thing devoted particularly to the online game business — all Heistand needed to do was level to the occasion that he and his fellow executives had been at.
TOM KALINSKE (SEGA): Every yr, twice a yr really (as soon as in the summer time, then once more in the winter), all of us went to the Consumer Electronics Show and confirmed off our newest merchandise. But for some motive, they didn’t suppose extremely of the online game business. So they might put us in the again of the corridor; or by the grownup porn part; or one yr, even, they really had us in a tent. And it occurred to be raining that yr, and the tent leaked throughout some of our Genesis shows.
JACK HEISTAND (EA): I keep in mind that yr — after they had us in that little tent. Meanwhile, they handled the TV guys and the automotive stereo guys like royalty.
DON JAMES (NINTENDO): There was quite a bit of unhealthy blood. Rather a lot of individuals felt like we had been being handled as second-class residents to the relaxation of the industries there.
With this in thoughts — and with the intention to keep away from an analogous destiny of, say, feeling like second-class residents to longer-tenured members of the SPA — Heistand approached EA CEO Larry Probst.
JACK HEISTAND (EA): I stated, “Let’s get all the CEOs together and we should form an industry association and I will chair it. Larry said, “That’s a great idea.” And inside a pair hours we had been in a position to arrange a gathering with the heads of the greatest firms in the business.
JACK HEISTAND (EA): EA, at the time, had no first-person shooters. The bulk of our income got here from sports activities video games. But we had been motivated to get rid of the pall that the controversy [about violence] was placing over the total business. If we weren’t going to discover a resolution — if we weren’t going to “self-legislate,” if you’ll — then others had been going to do it for us. And I additionally thought it was the proper factor to do. I actually believed in my coronary heart that we wanted to speak to folks what the content material was inside the video games.
TOM KALINSKE (SEGA): So we had this secret assembly in Vegas….
DON JAMES (NINTENDO): Where we determined that as an business we should always have a commerce affiliation. And it was variety of humorous as a result of Howard Lincoln and I had been the two individuals who had been in that dialogue [from Nintendo] and at the finish of that assembly, Howard checked out me and requested, “Can you handle these guys?”[laughs] I stated, “Yeah, sure.” Then he stated, “Don will represent Nintendo.”
DOUG LOWENSTEIN (ROBINSON LAKE SAWYER MILLER): At that time, I used to be solely peripherally concerned. I used to be working at a strategic communications agency and we had been working slightly bit with Electronic Arts, however not round any of the points of violence and video games. The consensus amongst the business’s management was that the [Congressional] hearings had been fairly disastrous. And the business wanted to answer what had more and more been perceived as an actual menace to the underlying enterprise.
JACK HEISTAND (EA): I actually turned fond of Doug — thought he was only a buttoned-up man. And he was actually useful as an “outsider” giving recommendation to these of us in the business.
DOUG LOWENSTEIN: Like any new business … nicely, it wasn’t new since video games had been round for some time, however “new” in the sense that it was new as a cultural and political goal. Most industries don’t put together for that. They typically develop into targets as a result of they’re new and completely different. The people who find themselves concerned in constructing these industries will not be spending quite a bit of time worrying about the Federal Trade Commission or Congress … so, they’re by no means ready for abruptly being in the cauldron of public coverage controversy. In that sense, I believe, the individuals in the business who had been concerned had been making an attempt to really feel their approach alongside. This was new territory to them. At the identical time, there was definitely a “wild west” side to the business in the sense that there have been some who dug in and stated, “Screw ’em! We’re going to make the games we want and they can’t touch us!” But the cooler heads acknowledged that there was an actual existential menace to the business, an actual menace of authorities regulation, and simply giving critics the finger and hoping they’d go away wasn’t prudent or viable.
ARTHUR POBER (CARU): They had me flown right down to Las Vegas and all of these software program builders had been sitting round a desk screaming and carrying on with one another. And at a sure level I simply stood up and stated, “Guys, I gotta tell you: if you can’t be unified here, behind closed doors, you certainly can’t walk outside when the press is gonna be there.”
As the recreation business tried to prepare itself, Sen. Joe Lieberman upped the ante and on February 3, 1994, he launched the “Video Game Rating Act of 1994,” which known as for the institution of one thing known as the “Interactive Entertainment Rating Commission.” As per Sen. Lieberman’s invoice, this Rating Commission would consist of 5 members — every chosen by the President of the United States — and given the mandate to determine requirements succesful of sufficiently warning “parents and users of the violence or sex content of video games.”
Meanwhile, all through early ’94, of us from the recreation business continued making an attempt attempt to provide you with some semblance of a plan that would work for everybody. Early in the course of, they acquired some encouraging information — that Walmart, the nation’s greatest retailer, had agreed to solely inventory video games that had been rated. But aside from that, particularly so far as the ranking system itself, it was robust sledding at the outset. However, time was of the essence — particularly after Congress known as for one more set of hearings in March.
On March 4, 1994, Sens. Lieberman and Herb Kohl welcomed again representatives from Sega and Nintendo to additional focus on the concern of violence and video video games. This time, nevertheless — as a substitute of watching the proceedings unfold on CSPAN — Jack Heistand could be there, available to personally clarify what steps the recreation business was taking to deal with legislators’ considerations.
Above: Video recreation violence hearings in 1994
“I’m here on behalf of our industry rating system committee …” Heistand defined. “Besides EA, committee members include Acclaim, Atari, Nintendo, Phillips, Sega and the 3DO Company. Together, these companies comprise over 60% of the interactive market. And…we strongly believe that it’s time to put the game controls in the hands of parents and adult consumers through the creation of a universal, responsible, reliable, understandable, and independent rating system.”
Heistand then briefly outlined some of the distinctive challenges dealing with the recreation business—specifically that no matter resolution the recreation business got here up with would want to fulfill an extremely numerous group of publishers, spanning from “garage operations” to “multi-national companies”; and that the quantity of video games to be rated would doubtless surpass 2,500 titles annually.”
“To put this into perspective,” Heistand continued, “that’s four times the level that the Motion Picture Association of America reviews annually…With this context let’s get to the meat.”
Heistand then listed 13 factors that his just-under-two-month-old coalition had agreed upon:
Above: The 13 factors the online game business agreed on to self-regulate
In response, Sen. Lieberman known as this “a very encouraging report.” Both he and Sen. Kohl had been significantly inspired by the information that Walmart had already agreed to inventory solely rated merchandise. “I think you’re doing great,” Sen. Kohl added. “It’s a wonderful start.”
And, of course, that’s all it actually was: a begin. In order to maintain the authorities off their backs, Jack Heistand and everybody else in his yet-to-be-named commerce affiliation (and their yet-to-be-formed scores board) would want to truly ship on all these items and extra.
  The subsequent six components of Content Rated By: An Oral History of the ESRB embrace the improvement of the scores and enforcement system, how scores are assigned, garnering help from online game retailers and the way the ESRB created a scalable world ranking resolution to fulfill the wants of cell app and different digital recreation storefronts. Part Three might be revealed subsequent week in the ESRB weblog.
Blake J. Harris is the best-selling writer of Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation, which is at present being tailored for tv by Legendary Entertainment.
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