#sawada tsuna
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samairuart · 5 months ago
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Boys & girls, be ambitious
Boys & girls, keep it real
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incorrectkhrquotes · 1 year ago
Gokudera: You can’t make everyone like you, you’re not Tsuna.
Yamamoto: What? Not everyone likes Tsuna.
Gokudera: What- who doesn’t like Tsuna?
Gokudera: Names, Yamamoto. I need names.
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lazyytrick · 6 months ago
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tsu kun
Commissions 💐
Kofi ☕
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aranciafiamma · 2 years ago
One More Thing about Tsunayoshi Sawada that's just great as a character
He's such an average teenager. Like he's fucking thirteen. He's still working on being compassionate. He yelled at Haru that one time when they were both equally stressed out and Haru was just trying to cheer him up. Also: Tsuna's careless advice nearly pushed Yamamoto off the roof. His first instinct isn't always "Time to Go Hero Mode".
I like that Tsuna has to learn to take into account other people's situations. I like that being kind is actually a skill and like any skill requires practice and lessons. I like that Reborn pushes him to check on people because it's not instinctive yet! It's not ingrained yet! But it will be. But it can be.
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boxonarock · 2 years ago
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sorry for not posting i was watching kamen rider
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rahxe-things · 1 year ago
Yo KHR fandom!
So quick question, has anyone ever actually looked up the real people Tsuna and his shit dad are named after? Cause holy crap, that is a rabbit hole!
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cantheywinthehungergames · 1 month ago
Submitted anonymously
Keep Reading for Tribute Info
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If you would like to see your favorite character either as a tribute or as a mentor, please fill out this Google Form. Just keep in mind that for mentor polls, they will be posted every Saturday so chances are it could take a long time before they are posted.
Please also look at my pinned post for submission rules as well as a list of previously submitted characters prior to submitting your character.
Tribute Name: Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada
Age: 14
Media: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (or simply REBORN!)
Restrictions: No superhuman abilities of any kind
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lazycowboy666 · 1 year ago
hc for the vongola kids’ favorite video game genres / titles, pt 1 (nami trio); aiming for late 90s-mid 10s which is the general timeline for the series.
mixed PC and console, mostly console (PS2 or Game Cube). already canon that he likes rhythm games (which is so cute and kinda funny considering how uncoordinated he is), so he’s a big fan of Beatmania IIDX, Pop’n Music, osu!, Taiko no Tatsujin, etc. pretty good at them and they help calm his ADHD down. plays Katamari for similar stimulation reasons with the loud cheerful music and straightforward structure.
tried playing DDR and almost actually died. he avoids any footwork ones in the arcade; playing in public stresses him out in general so he usually will buy or rent games for home. Lambo got a Wii for his birthday and between the two of them, the controllers were lodged in the drywall by the end of the day after playing Wii Sports.
likes the Animal Crossing series because it’s cozy, doesn’t get too serious with in-game achievements but plays regularly. doesn’t time travel; got yelled at by Resetti once when he was younger and shut the game off on accident, he cried so hard he almost threw up. feels bad if he leaves his villagers alone too long. when he didn’t have friends growing up, he’d really look forward to in-game holidays and birthdays (sob). trying to collect the squirrels.
will play Smash with Lambo; that’s what helped them bond when Lambo first moved in. fighting games kinda stress him out so this is the most he’ll really play them. his main is Kirby, or Luigi because nobody picks Luigi. :( low to mid-tier.
also they play Minecraft together and are both pretty terrible at it but have fun. introduced it to Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Ryohei and they’ll play it with Lambo when either (or all) of them are babysitting him. Tsuna’s constantly on the death alert feed, usually dying from falling into lava. somehow slayed the Ender Dragon.
PC gamer trash, uses emulators because he can’t afford a console. loves difficult, convoluted RPGs and RTS (gag). does not like online lobbies. horror and sci-fi fanatic, especially survival-esque games that require puzzle-solving like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Bioshock. is one of those freaks who illegally downloads unsettling, semi-dangerous games (like Lostboy, Sad Satan, LSD: Dream Emulator) and plays them with HyperCam on because he’s convinced he’s going to see a ghost. has had to install like 5 firewalls and rebuild his PC once.
Demon’s Souls / Dark Souls loser. has a freakish knowledge of where everything is, including short-cuts and secrets. he focuses on magic and will discard and replace weapons without much thought. knows lore simply from the item descriptions. really strategic, memorizes enemy move sets, but will go the hard way because it’s fun. utterly deranged. it’s honestly pretty impressive but it kinda scares tsuna because how many hours did you put into this? how did you kill that boss so quickly? where is your armor, gokudera-kun—
he doesn’t like most FPS games because they can trigger his PTSD if they’re too realistic, but killing endless undead/demons/monsters scratches a weird itch for him so he can play DOOM, and L4D w/ his vongola friends eventually (he’s constantly reviving Tsuna). really likes Half Life and Portal because aliens and puzzles alongside bip-bip. will play Hotline Miami w/ Shittopi if only for the god-tier music but has to be really stoned with her, else he gets uncomfy w/ the content being so close to his old hitman lifestyle.
hates platformers with every fiber of his being. says they’re for children but really he’s so impatient he sucks at them. Yamamoto made him play Yoshi’s Island and he almost blacked out from sheer rage. only tolerates Pikmin because, again, aliens and puzzles. will play Smash under duress: mains Samus or Fox, mid-tier, loses to Yamamoto half the time. returns the favor in Mortal Kombat which he’s pretty decent at.
the only one who plays Minecraft outside group sessions. has started building late at night when his insomnia is bad; really likes the soothing music and will leave it on even when he’s not playing. makes replicas of structures from his favorite nerd media (currently working on the Enterprise).
pure console lad, likes the Genesis, the Dreamcast, and the GameCube; his dad has a few older consoles that he’s also inherited. in similar hand-me-down style and true to canon, he owns a ridiculous number of late 90s/early 00s baseball video games. can play them for hours and gets really serious about them.
a Sonic stan. does enjoy some Mario Kart and Smash with the boys (mains Ness or Link, mid-high tier)—but he was a Sonic kid and really wanted Soap Shoes growing up. likes the OG 8-bit side-scrollers like Sonic Adventure 2 the most but his ADHD clings to super fast, timing-based shit like Sonic Heroes. also enjoys Rayman but gets stuck a lot.
weirdly good at Super Monkey Ball and knows how to short-cut in ways previously unknown to man. will launch himself across the level and win in less than 3 seconds. how? “idk just lucky i guess.” plays Baby.
has a few broken, shitty titles like Dark Castle, Pen Pen Trilcelon, Puyo Pop Fever. will make Gokudera play them just to infuriate him; this also applies to annoying platformers, it’s just funny to watch him rage quit. generally will troll Gokudera in video games to get a rise out of him, like dropping gravel on him or flooding his caves in Minecraft; never enough to actually ruin the game but enough to annoy him.
started playing Hitman as a joke but is spooky good at it despite not playing FPS/stealth games. “hey gokudera did you ever get to dress up as—” “for the last time, NO.” is generally pretty bad at games with a lot of details/strategy (other than baseball) because he starts tuning out. strong-arms Gokudera into tag-teaming hard puzzles and co-op games in general to build teamwork.
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pulaasul · 1 year ago
I am genuinely curious how Daemon has warped how Enma sees Tsuna.
This Tsuna
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Like I am genuinely curious how "evil" Enma truly thinks Tsuna is?
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harmonious-symphony · 4 months ago
Silly idea!
Tsuna never forgave Levi for nearly killing Lambo. So one night, he's just at the foot of his bed. Levi wakes up in a cold sweat, thinking it was just a dream
He's in the hospital, surrounded by the Varia
There's a knock at the door. Who is it? It's the Vongola guardians! With Tsuna at the tail end!
Levi screams in horror, telling the others what happened
Everyone is like "You're crazy" Even Tsuna is like "I have no idea what you're talking about"
But he knows
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thatsmydonna · 26 days ago
"It was not until he'd seen her that he'd thought that humans were indeed made of fallen stars"
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thatsmydonna · 4 months ago
This art is so pretty!!!!
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hopeswriting · 3 months ago
reminder that if you back tsuna into a corner he
A) sends you right back into the worst prison for mafia criminals you just escaped from, but even worse than before (enjoy being unconscious and tied up in your one room swimming pool for the next 10 years)
B) freezes you with flames burning so hot they turned into ice (< this isn't how the zero point breakthrough is explained in canon but it's the more dramatic explanation), fully knowing you were already frozen by similar ones for 8 years until, like, a month prior
C) burns you fucking alive and also undoes the last 10 years of your existence across all existing timelines. also he won't think anything about it afterwards ever (?????? like. it's not that he didn't deserve it, to be clear, but damn. 😭😭😭 middle schoolers when you just want to take over the world(s) for a bit, smdh 🙄)
D) is willing to become the boss of the most powerful mafia family in the world with a bloodstained history if it means getting the opportunity to get his hands on you and kill you beat the shit out of you. but you're lucky he likes you so you could stay on very thin ice long enough for both of you to clear things up
E) gangs up against you with all the current and future strongest people in the world, and then punches you so hard he makes you see the light of doing the right thing despite your centuries years old deep rooted hatred which singlehandedly kept you alive as an undead person
also reminder he did all that while he was only 14 years old. this is all things he did in less than a year.
this is tsuna's resume during the course of less than a year of proper mafia business.
so, you know. the next time he goes "i just want my friends and i to be safe and happy and live in peace. 🥺🥺🥺 please don't make me fight you to make it happen? 👉🏽👈🏽🥺👉🏽👈🏽🥺👉🏽👈🏽🥺"
just maybe, consider listening to him
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slonechnik · 28 days ago
being a random mafia guy in khr must be crazy everyone is talking abt vongolas new honcho and how literally the most feared criminal ever is his mist guardian and how he burned a whole guy to ashes (they're besties now its okay) and ended a 10 generations long family feud with the simon and how he beefed with the mafia zombie police and somehow un-babyfied the arcobaleno in the process and all that and then you see him at some random function and he looks like this
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like how do you not lose your shit he probably barely reaches your armpit
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aranciafiamma · 2 years ago
I Remember You
KHR version 😈
When they placed that ring on Tsuna's finger, no one could have expected this consequence. Not after generations of Vongola bosses wore the ring and none suffered this specific consequence.
And yet, Tsuna was always special, chosen in a way unlike any other Vongola boss before him.
It begins with the visions. At first, everyone believes that there was some sort of Mist attack localized or targeting only their boss. But no Mist could identify any sort of flame tampering. Tsuna will yell and scream at phantoms only he can see. But almost as soon as these fits began, he would calm down. And he would have no memory of it happening.
Next, his memory degrades, faster and faster, further and further back. When Tsuna asks the maid to introduce herself after her fifth month working in the mansion, for the fifth time, well... That could be dismissed as the effect of a very busy schedule. But when he begins to forget the names of important allies, forgets Yuni's face, forgets Dino's name, that makes everyone nervous.
Finally, he begins to confuse people's identities. He once called Takeshi by Asari's name, then he called Ryohei by Brow's name. Somehow, this was still better than the times when he mistakes his family for enemies. He will not recognize them even as they kneel on the floor, clutching the hems of his pants, begging for him to remember.
One day, Tsuna slaps Lambo across the face in a paranoid fit. This stuns everyone, and perhaps its for the better that Tsuna has no memory of doing such a thing. He regains his mind and he asks Lambo if someone is bullying him. Lambo is the Lightning Guardian. His job is to protect his boss from pain. So he smiles at Tsu-nii and says, "yeah you should see the other guy."
It doesn't get better from there. Despite their best efforts, his guardians can never hold a secret for true, for ever, not from their Sky.
And by that time, when he wakes up in a room full of ashes with a mouth full of blood, when he hears Hayato yelling at Fuuta to take Ipin and leave... When he loses the time between waking and throwing up in the toilet, when he doesn't know how he got from the dining room to the basement...
When he forgets... When he forgets... When he forgets...
Tsuna knows, even as his guardians tell him - tell each other - that everything is fine. Tsuna knows that it's far, far too late.
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aliyme · 4 months ago
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Thinking about him
(Close up)
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