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wanderingweird00 · 4 years ago
Wander over Yonder Messages
To anyone who dares to think this show is stupid
1) Actions speak louder than words
2) Accept defeat with dignity
3) Not everyone you meet has good intensions
4) Love always wins
5) Think before you speak
6) Make sacrifices for those you love
7) Do good and you will receive good
8) If you love something, set it free
9)  Life may not be perfect, but that doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful
10)  All’s well that ends well
11)  You’ll always get caught in your lies
12) Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not in order to fit in
13) Know how to accept it when you’re wrong
14) Ignore people who insult you and want to bring you down
15) Having a beautiful heart is what really matters
16) Have a strength of character
17) Stand up for yourself and those you care about
18)  It doesn’t matter whether someone else believes in you or not, you need to believe in yourself first
19) Life doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need
20) Don’t make quick judgments
21) Don’t underestimate someone’s abilities
22) Face your problems head on and don’t run away from them
23)  A true hero is humble, kind and selfless
24) Life isn’t a fairytale and things don’t always work out the way we want them to
25) The biggest gift anyone can give you is a smile
26) Always be grateful for the little things someone does to make you happy
27) Always make sure to set a good example for others
28) The most powerful thing you can do is win a battle against yourself
29) Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not in order to impress someone
30) Don’t trust everything you hear and everyone you meet
31) Enjoy the ride and don’t compare yourself to others
32) Deal with problems with intelligence and wit and not violence
33) It’s not good to spend too much time in your head and forget about reality
34) Always take into consideration the needs of others
35) You can’t force someone to love you
36) Expect the best, but be prepared for the worst
37)  A true friend is always there for you when you need them, believes in you and won’t give up on you
38) Follow your heart’s desires
39) Make sacrifices for the betterment of others
40) Even the smallest things can mean the world to someone
41)  Imagination is a beautiful and powerful thing
42) Don’t be selfish and always focus on what you want
43) Appearances are deceiving
44) It’s better to have a beautiful mind and soul than to be physically appealing
45) Good and evil are both equally important
46) Instead of fighting with someone, try to put your differences aside to solve the issue
47) Nothing is impossible
48) Some people are manipulative and fake
49)  Behind every hard exterior there is a heart that wants to experience love
50)  Always be kind to someone, even if they’re not kind towards you
51) We are one
52) Everyone deserves to be happy and to feel loved and appreciated no matter who they are
53) People are not always what they seem or who you thought they were at first
54) Sometimes you are the reason for your own problems
55) Have balance in everything you do, even good
56) Hang out with people who make you a better person
57) You never know how much you really need someone/something until they’re gone
58) Always make sure the people in your life know how much you appreciate them
59) Friendship is the biggest adventure of all
60) An enemy is just a friend you haven’t made yet
61) It always pays off to be kind
62) Always keep your promises
63) Sometimes the kindest hearts have felt the most pain
64) Keep your eyes on the prize
65) Karma will always come back to you
66) The secret ingredient is love
67) Don’t try to change someone and accept them as they are
68) Let people find their own happiness and don’t force them to be happy
69) Accept every single part of someone, even their flaws
70) Respect your elders
71) Some things/people are built to last
72) Your weakness can also be your strengths
73) True friendship (love) is better than being cool and popular
74) Superficial things are temporary and unimportant at the end of the day
75) In order to achieve your goals and dreams, you need to be ambitious, hard-working and determined. With those qualities and a good plan, you can do anything
76) It’s easy to manipulate huge masses of people
77) Enjoy every little moment spent with those you love
78) Loyalty is priceless
79) Live life to the fullest while you still can
80) Don’t be afraid to be different
81) Always try to understand where people are coming from
82) Patience is an important quality
83) Real life is so much more beautiful than virtual reality
84) Take risks
85) There’s good in everyone
86) Love is a battlefield (and sometimes you lose)
87) We’re all just little black cubes of darkness
88) Don’t come to conclusions without thinking things through
89) Making someone else feel special is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world
90) Sharing is caring
91) Don’t hide who you are and be unapologetically yourself
92) Don’t be what other people want to see
93) Don’t let greed get to you, because you’ll end up losing what you already have
94) Always be humble and kind
95) Keep in mind that you’re not the only one who’s suffering, and that there are many people out there who’re hurting too
96) Love is worth fighting for
97) People tend to present themselves in a better light than they really are
98) Be carefree and go with the flow
99)  It’s important to have balance between your head and heart
100) People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
101) Never give up when things get hard
102) Your family loves you unconditionally no matter what
103) Don’t be bothered by other people’s business and do your own thing
104) Deal with unrequited love with hope and optimism
105) Let people believe in whatever they want to believe in
106) Don’t break people’s illusions because they give them hope
107) First come small wins, then big ones
108) The darkest times are when you should laugh the loudest
109) Spending time with the ones you love is never a waste of time
110) Don’t focus on the past or future, but the present
111) Don’t waste time on jealousy
112) Even when it looks like other people have it all figured out, that’s not always the case
113) Keep toxic people out of your life
114) Just because we fail doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try
115) Our world is created by our state of mind
116) We won’t be able to see beauty around us if we don’t carry it within ourselves
117) You can’t allow pride to stand in the way of doing what’s right
118) We’re all eternal students of life
119) Nobody’s perfect
120) Not knowing yourself and what you’re capable of is dangerous
121) It’s a pleasure to do what people say you cannot do
122)  It’s better to believe in a lot of things than not to believe in anything
123) All good things come to an end, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make memories
124) Everybody needs somebody
125) People are more than they show on the outside
126)  Nothing can separate those who really care about each other
127) You can’t buy love
128) People and their actions can be unpredictable
129) We don’t live for love, but we die for it
130) Those who are less scared of death have more meaningful and fulfilling lives
131) Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened
132) We should sympathize with other people’s struggles
133) If something can’t be in your life, keep it in your heart
134) We can change the world only when we experience change within ourselves
135) Friendship means cooperation and mutual respect
136) We become more like the people we spend time with
137) Bad things/people can change
138) There’s more power in doing the things that scare you than in the most powerful weapons
139) Help yourself and let others help you
140) No one knows everything
141) Little things in life are those that really matter
142) The more you know, the more you grow
143) Teamwork is important
144) Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means you’ll stand alone
145) Never give up hope
146) Be aware of your emotions and express them without shame
147) Life is all about transformations; when some things end, others come to life
148) True inner strength is being able to deal with your own passions
149) You can do anything with the help of those who care about you
150) There’s always a reason why someone acts the way they do
151) Have the strength to give those who have wronged you second chances
152) All you need is love
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thesecretingredientislove · 3 years ago
Trending 27th-
Which ep. would you dislike to be in Wander’s shoes?
The Box:
Wander is really anxious and scared in this episode. Also I have had a meltdown on a train station and I think I probably looked like Wander. The feeling was not nice and I wouldn't like to suffer something similar again.
The silhouettes chasing him at the train station looked similar to the ones at "The Heebie-jeebies" which makes me wonder if Wander had had a bad experience with someone of similar shape.
He doesn't sleeps well in this episode, has nightmares, self-harm behavior. He is under a lot of stress in this episode
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cindysparkle96 · 4 years ago
What would have been a satisfying ending of Wander over Yonder?
Well, Wander Over Yonder needs a future ending in which Lord Hater defeats the villain in Wander Over Yonder Season 3 and Lord Dominator (villain of Season 2) reforms similar to Darth Vader from Star Wars. Don't forget for Lord Hater and the Watchdogs they became friends of Wander and Sylvia while Hater and Dominator become the couple.
Please Disney make Wander Over Yonder Season 3
@disneyanimation @disneyxd
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bilumi · 4 years ago
T27th June 2021
Good memories I got because of Wander over yonder
Because of Wander over yonder I met my best friend @peachywander We got so many beautiful memories watching the show together and talking about Lord Hater and Wander. If woy didn't existed we wouldn't have met and that sounds so crazy. We would absolutely love to see one day on Disney Wander over yonder season 3!!!
Other precious memories I have with woy fandom: they are the kindest people I met (like Wander), many creative people and artists that inspired me and let's not forget how everyone got excited when we learned that Lord Hater might be a space monkey. We all want to hear Lord Hater's origin story and that's one of the reason you should consider bringing back this amazing show
@disneyanimation @disneyxd
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geekyreverie · 4 years ago
What would be in your “Welcome to the Galaxy/Friendship” giftbasket?
Cookies and sweets. A beautiful card with kind welcoming words. A small plush (e.g. Wander plush - how nice it would be! :D) or a cute trinket. A couple of nice books with lovely illustrations. And a music box! Yay! :D
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@disneyanimation  @disneyxd
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imhereformysciencefriends · 5 years ago
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My girl Sylvia from Wander Over Yonder! She’s smaller than I expected but that also means I finished her pretty fast :3
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danitza-drtc · 7 years ago
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Feliz 5to Aniversario Galaxia Wander!! This is a redraw of my old fanart https://www.deviantart.com/danish-rose-drtc/art/We-re-ready-to-save-the-Galaxy-607955273 #wanderoveryonder #galaxiawander #wander #sylvia #peepers #odion #lordhater #happyaniversary #5th #WOY #savewoy #savewanderoveryonder #disney #digitalart #InfinitePainter #redrawincolor
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a-bunch-of-small-aliens · 7 years ago
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@disneyxd I want to see Commander Peepers tempted to a darker side! 
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cindysparkle96 · 3 years ago
I wish Wander Over Yonder comic books would be coming to stores
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What 3 pieces of Wander Over Yonder merchandise would you wish for: 3/3
For years, i’ve daydreamed at the thought of this show having comics. Imagine like… stories focused on the watchdogs, what Westley spends his time doing, reformed villains befriending each other, our main 4 going on adventures together, maybe stories that never got turned into episodes….I need more of these characters.
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draw-your-watchdog · 7 years ago
Draw your watchdog...
Playing with their pet! 
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wanderingweird00 · 4 years ago
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thesecretingredientislove · 3 years ago
Trending 27th-
Which ep. would you dislike to be in Wander’s shoes?
I am posting several episodes, starting with...
The Good Deed.
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Wander tries to do the right thing, but every actions seems to lead to a bigger conflict until Wander is so terrified of even trying, afraid that his actions could lead to the end of the universe.
As always, Sylvia is there to support him and at the end everything turns out ok. Still, the amount of stress was huge, enough fir leaving Wander almost hopeless and terrified of trying to do what he loved the most, help.
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mp-knight · 3 years ago
Which ep. would you dislike to be in Wander’s shoes?
I know I would dislike to be in Wander's shoes in The Family Reunion, because I'm not comfortable among strangers and being forced to be among strangers and having convertations with them, without a friend beside me, is very scary for me
@disneyanimation @disneyxd
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cindysparkle96 · 4 years ago
We really want to see the real name of Lord Dominator revealed in Season 3.
@disneyanimation @disneyxd
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bilumi · 4 years ago
T27th June 2021
What do you think Star Force Enforcement Force role would be in S3?
I think they will be the new Lord Dominator of season 3. But they will more likely make our main characters suffer more emotionally (there will be a lot of tears, more than in season 2). But the only way we could find out is if Disney gives us wander over yonder season 3
@disneyanimation @disneyxd
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mp-knight · 4 years ago
Let’s do this!!!
But not just for this one time
Let’s restart T27th!
I know @mp-knight ceased Trending 27th several months back, but since next week will mark five years since we witnessed Lord Hater put an end to Lord Dominator’s galactic onslaught (good end to the second season, but NOT a good end to the whole show for reasons too numerous to mention), here’s my suggestion for a T27 topic:
“Craig McCracken brought up Star Force Enforcement Force, a team of space cops after which Kid Cosmic’s Earth Force Enforcement Force are named. He confirmed that they would play a big role in the still cancelled third season, thus implying that they may be the threat we’ve been waiting 5 years to know more about. Taking into account that SFEF are three new main characters who exploit strengths and ‘test Wander in a really cool way,’ what do you think their role would be like in S3?”
Let’s bring back T27 for old times’ sake, shall we? Just for this one time.
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