savesamnishimura · 2 years
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After reading about the possible plots for the new Tomb Raider, I thought I should remind them that Sam Nishimura is Lara’s girl already.
Don’t be afraid to do the same, our girl deserves some love!
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cardiaceyes · 7 years
S.S. Endurance Week (2018) Day 1 - Aaannnddd I’m done!
Pairing: Sam/Lara Summary: Day 1: Inappropriate flirting (Posted a few hours early for reasons)
The gunfire pins her behind a sarcophagus, five men all hidden behind rubble. Ak-47’s. Everyone’s down to their last bit of ammo, but they have much more than she does, and they’re careful.
Bloody hell, she curses to herself.
They have the advantage of running even if they did run out of ammo, she doesn’t. This room while not small only has one entrance with no other way out. This doesn’t bother her as much as her bow not being with her does, she always finds ways out. It’s just easier with the only weapon she finds herself unable to easily part with. Like an extension of her.
She psyches herself to rush them, using her last clip to keep them behind cover while she vaults over and uses her knife to finish them off. She’s unable to as it’s this point when she feels the buzzing in her ear. Her earpiece she’d forgotten about amongst the commotion, hope seeps into her chest for a moment and she taps the button. Allowing the call.
Before she can say anything, a familiar voice filters through and part of her wants to be irritated. She can’t.
“Hi sweetie,” Sam speaks, there’s a series of sounds Lara can’t make out, “What are you wearing? Doing anything tonight?”
Lara almost wants to ask what she’s even doing, maybe distract herself with the flirtatious banter, but mostly she’s wondering-
“What in the world are you doing?” There’s silence on the other side that gives her, her answer, “No, Sam! You’re supposed to be a city away!” She sounds as equally irritated as she does frustrated.
“And let you leave me behind again?” That hits Lara harder than expected, “please stop giving the bullshit excuse of ‘for your own good’. I’m here whether you like you it or fucking not.”
Lara lets out a growl of frustration before a burst of fire causes her to duck down slightly. She shoots up almost immediately after it’s over and takes a couple of shots, she hits her mark. The shoulder of one man, everyone drops to the ground again.
“Can we flirt and argue later?” She urges.
“Flirt later? No. Argue? Yes,” The sound of cars honking finally reach Lara’s ears, “So...you remember that street racer I dated in college?”
Lara squints at nothing.
“She was horrid, so no.” At least Sam laughs.
“Well, who do you think taught her how to crash so well?”
“Impact in six seconds, embrace yourself!”
Lara doesn’t even have enough time to form a full sentence let alone decrypt the message. Not before the wall behind the shooters is hit. With a truck. A very large truck. They scream Lara shouts in surprise as debris flies but she doesn’t waste time.
She stands, finds Sam shaking her head from the impact, and vaults herself over the sarcophagus. The men are trying their best to make it to their feet or guns but Lara’s faster. The last of her ammo is emptied. One to the chest of the bigger of the five, one to the man she shot earlier, one to another that just barely manages to train his gun on her.
The sound of a large THUNK causes her to bolt around, gun in hand. She turns around just in time to see a man fall to the ground and what she assumes is a heavy and full toolbox, ignoring the last two men her attention is on Sam who is half out of the drivers' side window. She just shrugs.
“Really?” She asks.
“What?” Sam speaks innocently, “I didn’t have anything else- Lara!”
Lara’s last bullet lands in between a man’s ribs as she turns sharply to where Sam’s pointing. Letting out a breath of air, unwilling to let herself think about the killing she’s done today, she moves to Sam’s side of the truck viewing the destruction it’s caused. The unconscious man isn’t forgotten, but perhaps he can serve as a messenger to not follow.
Sam’s grips waivers and she starts to fall out of the window, Lara’s quick enough to glide forward and catch her. This close she can see the bruise and blood on Sam’s forehead it makes her frown, but the woman in her arms seems to be fine enough to wrap her arms around Lara’s neck and smile.
“Isn’t this a familiar position?” A brow raises, and Lara rolls her eyes.
“Are you okay? You’ve been hurt, and please stop flirting it’s not appropriate,” Sam snorts, “What?”
“It’s never going to be appropriate. I’m okay, by the way,” She confirms, “You didn’t answer my question, by the way.”
“Which one?”
“What are you doing tonight?” Lara sighs, “Come on, I’m kind of serious now.”
“Fine...taking care of my best friend.” She gives a pointed look.
“What about your girlfriend?” Sam raises a brow.
“She’s in my arms and I’m going to drop her.”
“Aaannnddd I’m done!”
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ss-endurance-fans · 7 years
S.S Endurance Week 2018
Day 7: Free Day
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Last day, go wild! Thanks to everyone who participated. You can still post your stories even if you're late to the party =).
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whattheschmuck · 6 years
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7595440/chapters/33425016
HEY TUMBLR! I’M STILL ACTIVE! And I just uploaded a new chapter so check it out! :) And always remember: #SaveOurSam!!!!!!!!!!!
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offbrand-valk · 7 years
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(From left to right, top to bottom: A picture of Lyrica Okano smoking a cigarette while wearing a leather jacket, a picture taken at night of a figure in a green hoodie, a collection of surveilance equipment including a drone a camera and a smartphone, a closeup of a nocked arrow ready to be fired)
Day 7: Free Day - Black Canary!Sam and Green Arrow! Lara
Read on AO3
"Well ladies and gentlepeople, it would seem you have well and truly caught me. Oh whatever shall I do?" Sam said dramatically and put the back of her hand to mimic swooning.
"What are you playing at Canary?" The lead henchman said with a glare.
"No nothing at all, you have accounted for every possibility, and all there is left for me to do is accept my inevitable demise." Sam was now full on leaning backwards over crate while she sighed deeply.
When the henchmen loosened the grips on their weapons and cautiously moved forward, she shot back up. "That is, everything except for this!" She said and let out and ear-piercing cry.
Glass shattered, wood broke, metal bend, and the goons dropped their weapons and fell to the ground clutching their ears.
Seizing the moment, Sam rushed for the leader, vaulting over them and slamming their head into the ground.
From the vault she moved into a high kick against one goon, which in turn lead to a throat punch against a second, before finally crotch kick back at goon number 1.
Sensing that the rest of the goons were starting to regain their footing, Sam grabbed her camera off the leader and bolted through a window.
They all rushed after her, but unlike Sam they didn't have a bike sitting ready for them, and as they scrambled for their cars on the opposite site of the building. Sam sped off into the night.
 "Hey baby, how was your night?" Sam said after she'd parked her bike in the garage beneath Croft manor.
"Nothing major, had a tussle with some home invaders in uptown, just a couple of angry slum kids, so I went easy on them, and pretended not to notice they'd stuffed 2 Ipads in their bags before running of. Oh and some of Atlas's boys were acting up around his old stomping grounds so there's a chance he's back in town, though for the time being I just chalked it up to them getting angry drunk with it being Friday and all. How about you?" Lara's voice came from further inside the complex.
As she walked, Sam first threw off her jacket, then slipped out of her pants with practiced ease. Leather pants were as stylish as they were protective, but once you had worn them for 8 hours straight and spent about half of that time on a heavily tuned motorcycle, they turned absolutely rancid to wear.
"I need to go over the footage in closer detail, but I might have found us a lead on Trinity." Sam said upon entering the armory/infirmary (space was limited).
Lara was sitting pantsless on the table in the middle of the room and going over something on her tablet. "I see this is a no pant's zone, and I'm absolutely okay with it." Sam added after giving her girlfriend an approving look.
"Huh?" Lara looked down at Sam, then herself, and the penny dropped. "Oh. Yeah one of Atlas goons nicked me with his knife, it's probably nothing but I figured I'd better check it over just to be sure. Then I couldn't remember who the architects that build the Hagia Sophia were, and well... I never got further than this."
Sam chuckled at her poor nerdy girlfriend, sat down between her legs and opened the medkit. "Let me do that for you so you can finish reading, you can thank me later."
Lara looked up from her tablet to press a quick kiss against Sam's lips, then hissed as she rubbed alcohol on the wound. "Do you have anything in particular in mind for that thank, or will a note suffice?" Lara said with a remarkably sultry tone considering she was in the middle of getting her wound dressed.
Sam chalked it up to a combination of how many times they'd had to stich each other up from worse, and the post-fight adrenaline still running through both their bodies. "Well, since we already got rid of our pants." As she spoke she aggressively wiggled her eyebrows at Lara who couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Yeah, since we already got rid of our pants."
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mjaravata · 7 years
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"You came back."
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daniboi360-tv · 7 years
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A lovely hello from Lara and Sam near New Navajo Falls! May you all be at peace and well rested <3 Gone but not forgotten, help us to revive the greatness of Sam Nishumara’s character in this battle for remembrance!
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heidiw27 · 7 years
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So they’ve added a title to the upcoming third arc of the Tomb Raider comic arc, “Survivor’s Crusade”. I should be excited, but my hopes have been dashed so many times I just feel jaded nowadays. 
Seems like it will be going straight to a 144-page trade paperback come January, which I prefer to monthly issues anyway. But if Sam gets shafted AGAIN (or worse, simply doesn’t even get mentioned) I think this may be my last TR comic purchase. Especially if it turns out to be as soulless as the previous arc.
I’ve followed both writers on Twitter for a few weeks now and they clearly have their heads on straight with regards to women’s issues, representation and so on -- but if CD have directed them to bury Sam again I’ll be through with throwing money away on future comic runs. They deserve (both Sam AND Lara) so much better than to be permanently separated because of corporate (and predominantly male) cold feet.
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savesamnishimura · 4 years
Hopefully Rhianna Pratchett is hired to write for the Netflix Tomb Raider animated series
Hey! Sorry didn’t get a notification. Sadly no, it’s not her. It’s still a woman though but I don’t know her.
It’s supposed to be after Shadow so, no Sam and weird Lara, I don’t think I’m gonna watch
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savesamnishimura · 5 years
‪#LaraCroft said Gay rights! With lots of love to her ‘gal pal’ #SamNishimura ‬
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savesamnishimura · 6 years
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savesamnishimura · 6 years
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savesamnishimura · 6 years
*slow clap* You had one job
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It’s #SamNishimura, not Nakamura, why don’t you check your own story and try something like continuity for once?
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savesamnishimura · 6 years
I really need to understand what happend to Sam. I played the reboot thousand of times, mainly because of Sam, and now, she kinda of vanished from the franchise. What's the "official" reason??? I was reading the comics, but I got so upset that I gave up. Im afraid Lara becoming a killing machine, just like the old games.
Oh honey, it’s a mess.
What happened to Sam is the million dollars question.
She was a major character in the reboot and 2 first arcs of the comics. She had and still has thousands of fans but Cd paniqued it seems and decided to keep her away to keep Lara “straight”.
There are a lot of rumors, behind the scenes conflicts between the big Guys, the devs and the writers, and I guess a change of scenario was requested for Rise and then all the good writers, Pratchett and Simone who loves Sam and her relationship with Lara (that they humanized a lot) left, and now it’s all a mess.
They used her name a few times since (and sometimes fail to use it properly, calling her Nakamura, like they can’t even bother with their own continuity and story. It shows how little they cAre...) but she never came back.
Sam isn’t in Shadow, just mentionned in passing, making it looks like they lost touch when Lara left her behind in a very OOC way.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen in the future but most of us gave up, on seeing sam again, on the franchise and how they’re turning Lara into a killing machine, something, no matter what people say, she wasn’t in the Classic games.
If they do a wrapping up comics issue, it’s like our last chance to see them reconnect, I’m counting on Shadow not selling well like it looks to be the case, so they are forced to try and fix some stuff. All they understand is money and only new fans read the comics...
Recently Gail Simone tweeted about the “no Sam in shadow” thing so I guess she still cares, like Pratchett and like us but the fandom is devided and kinda hopeless and disappointed...
So yeah that’s pretty much the only hope left, one last issue with Sam and lara rekindling, but I’m not holding my breath...
No matter what and despite everything Crystal D did to make her disappear, fans are still there and #SamNishimura won’t be forgotten
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savesamnishimura · 6 years
Update on the group
I took an almost 3-week break due to our failed attempt at Tweet day.
I know a lot of you don’t have an account, but to sum up, barely half of the people who said they would participate actually did and it was a fail...
I was and still am disappointed so I’m back, but only part-time for now because I’m still not convinced this is all worth it, seeing how little people care about our efforts and events...
I love reboot Lara Croft, so much, but I don’t want to stay around and watch her turn into a bloodthirsty sociopath. To me, one of the solutions to Lara’s troubles is reaching out for help, and especially to the person who understands her the most: Sam Nishimura. Se/Cd once said we should forget everything we knew, that it was a new story, a clean slate, so why going back to a lone wolf story when Lara had a few sidekicks/employees/friends in the latest games...
So here’s my deal, I’ll be around until Shadow in September. If Sam isn’t back and especially if Lara has no agency and is all about her daddy’s issues, I’m done with the new TR series, no more group, no more tweets and posts. 
This isn’t a tantrum (I stopped supporting shows and movies because of bad representation and writing. I believe that if we take everything the industry is giving us with open arms, even when it’s bad, we’ll never get anything better), this is just me refusing to stay when I don’t agree with the direction SE & CD are taking, going backward and rewriting all the canons to fit Classic Lara.
It doesn’t make sense, especially in the comics, I’m sorry but female character should be written by women because the lack of character development and agency is so strong right now. Maybe I’m biased because I’m such a fan of Rhianna and Gail’s work but I’m definitely not the only to complain so maybe there is a part of truth...
So this is our last chance to try something, to try to draw Cd’s attention about our Love for Sam, in hope for a last minute addition... 
We’re more than a 100 here on Tumblr and on Twitter, I’m sure more than a dozen of you can help if they actually commit a bit. I’m not trying to be rude or condescending but I won’t go through another failed event because people don’t understand the point of the group... I’m really trying to organize stuff but If you’re done just say so, frankly, I’m halfway there after the spoilers we got, 
But I don’t know, I guess if you really love Sam and want to try one last time to do something for her character, it’s now or never, because in a few months, there’ll probably be nothing left and everyone will go back to miss Sam in their own corner...
Sorry but it’s all a lot of work just to be met by crickets noise...
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ss-endurance-fans · 7 years
SS Endurance Week 2018
Day 3: Wooing.
Lara Croft, a romantic at heart. Everything for her Sam Nishimura. A pretty flower for a pretty girl.
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