#save me rockstar!dean
winchesterhymns · 5 months
Wincest but put them in a rockstar au.
Wincest but Sam was at college the whole time and one day, a year after grad, he goes to a concert at a bar with his friends only to see his shirtless, sweaty older brother performing on stage under moody lighting, looking at the audience with the most erotic face any man can muster.
Wincest but make Sam still date Jess except he fucks his famous rockstar brother on the side.
Wincest but Dean has an entire album dedicated to his fucked up family dynamics and a song called "Consecrated Ground" detailing how he wants to mess up Sammy's body in a church so the act may be witnessed by God.
Wincest but fans speculate about the brothers relationship at concerts when Dean talks about him between songs, not knowing he's talking about his brother until later when they search them up.
Wincest but make Sam Dean's manager/groupie.
Wincest but have Sam and Dean perform Dean's most romantic song together on stage (the tension is fucking HEAVY).
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wayfaringstrangxr · 2 years
Just my tag dump don't bother
This is my design | Will Graham All good things for those who wait | Hannibal No voice to cry suffer | Aphelios I'm on the case | Caitlyn For Demacia | Jarvan IV This'll be fun! Right? | Zoe Saving people; hunting things; the family business | Dean Winchester The devil is in details | Sam Winchester Life is ephemeral in death there is reckoning | Hades No matter what you keep finding something to fight for | Joel Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Not even your dreams can save you | King of nightmares The most beautiful and powerful of them all | Lucifer So uncivilized | General Kenobi Welcome to the jungle! | Eddie Your favorite rockstar is here | Eddie Munson You can run on for a long time | Henry Creel I see the devil in me | Vecna There is no hope in endless winter | Peter Ballard All I got left is my bones | Leonard McCoy Make me your villain | Darkling
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tjmystic · 1 month
I've heard that everyone hates crossovers, but bear with me for a moment.
I think it's safe to say that Dean Winchester—Dean who canonically hums Metallica when he's scared, who still owns cassette tapes in 2020, who loves Led Zeppelin with a passion—would be a huge fan of Corroded Coffin (in an alternate universe where Eddie didn't die and, instead, got to live out his dreams of becoming a rockstar). I think it's safe to say that Dean would own every one of their albums, know all of the guitar riffs by heart, obsess over the band's lore as much as he does any monster's. I think it's safe to say that Eddie Munson, who would have just started making it big when Dean was still a kid, would be one of Dean's rock heroes.
So imagine that same Dean, about age 35, off on a hunt. He and Sam are fighting. Cas has fucked off to who-knows-where. He's riding solo on this one. A contact of a contact of a contact called him to give him a heads-up about something lurking around this ghost town in Indiana. Like, literal ghost town—no one's lived there since the early 90s, and there are huge craters dividing the town into quarters. Dean agrees immediately, because this sounds like exactly his kind of thing. He finds out that there was a string of disappearances and murders between 83 and 86. He finds tabloid reports of dogs with flowers for faces. He finds more tabloids about supposed MK Ultra research activity in the local lab, long-since shut down. But, best of all, he finds out that this town used to be called Hawkins. Hawkins, Indiana, aka the hometown of the one and only Eddie Munson, front-man of Corroded Coffin.
He's fricking ecstatic.
At least, he is until he gets there. Until he starts doing a little exploring. Hawkins is nothing but a dead-end. Literally no one lives here anymore. And, more importantly, none of the usual tricks are working. No cold chills, no smells of sulfur, no fogged breath. The streetlights keep flickering, but that's to be expected in a "town" this empty. He's about to call it quits, write this one off as a dud, when, suddenly, there's a clicking sound, and the trunk of the tree he's staring at starts to warp. A monster at least 9 feet tall with gray skin and a flower-shaped head climbs out. He can't even begin to think of what this thing might be. He's never seen anything like it.
So imagine Dean's surprise when he's almost immediately saved by Eddie Munson himself, brandishing a can of hairspray and a lighter, and a veritable silver fox swinging a bat full of nails?
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nescaveckwriter · 8 months
Old Barrooms, Saving Grace & Guitars - Chapter One 🐞🤠
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A/N: Alohaz, my dear bugsies, this is not requested, but instead a prompt I saw, for the 'month of love' to write about a rockstar, and who better than our 'Dean Winchester', but I'm gonna warn, y'all this is a tear-jerker, I hope you all enjoy this first chapter, if you do, please let me know.❤️🐞
Side Note: Thank you for all the love Bugsies, I appreciate all of your support.🥰❤️
Warnings: Some profanity, mentions of death, drug use and alcohol use mentioned, if anything else, please let me know.🙈🙊
Also Please take Note: That only the first song/poem is my own work, as for the other lyrics used in this chapter, is from 'War Hippies' aswell as 'Carolyn Dawn Johnson'🤠🥰
Description: Famous Country-Rock Artist, High On Drugs, Booze & Guilt, after almost hitting rock bottom and meeting a angel in a smoky old bar room, his saving Grace, he finds his way, during the last words she'll ever say.
Chapter One 🐞🤠
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The sound of the acoustic guitar plays throughout the studio, the man's voice, tugging every heart string as his southern draw comes through with every word, ''You were my saving Grace, my safe space, maybe if I prayed a little longer, the bond between me and up above would've been stronger, maybe if you told me sooner I could've loved you for a while more, but that's not what fate had in-store, between my whisky drinking, my heart and hopes sinking, into the darkness I wanted to dive, then you came along, with your eyes, looking so full of life, I'm man enough to admit that at first I hated you, my heart already knew, but my mind had no clue, Your honesty took me by surprise, your smile could brighten up a room like a sunrise, your sweet voice told me not to fall in love, but how could I not, ho do I just make it stop, when I first tasted your lips, feeling the touch of your fingertips, you made it possible again, for me you know, the part of living, when the news came you were dying, of course it destroyed me, she just smiled and said that's how it's supposed to be, I found my way, in the last words, she'll ever say, during her last breath, I found my will to live, I realized during that time, I found true meaning of love and light, Knowing, she weren't just my lover, she was my Saving Grace, oooooh, she was my saving Grace'' 
As he looks up over the studio, you can see his emerald-green eyes, is moist, his dirty-blonde beard, defining his amazing jawline, the smile on his rosy plum lips is warm, raking his longer hair through his fingers, so it will fall backwards, and out of his face, showcasing the lines on his face, telling a story of a few hard years. His smoky voice fills the emotional crowd. ''Thank you'' he mouthed.
Walking closer to the dark brown armchair, he greets the woman with the short blonde her, pulling her into a side hug. 
Her voice a little hoarse, ''Welcome Dean, glad you could finally make it,''
''Thank you for having me'' he smiles
''That song was beautiful as always, it always leaves a tear or two,'' she chuckles, while swiping away the last evidence of the wetness on her cheek.
Letting out a laugh ''Thank you, this song means more to me than anyone will ever know,''
''Yes, for sure, its so different from your usual stuff'' she suggested
''That's very true Claire, the other songs were just words, stringed together, but this, this, song its a story, its my reality, it was Grace's reality, it speaks about me hitting rock bottom and how she saved me'' his voice breaking a little at the end.
''I hear you, that woman had a voice of an angel'' she said smiling
''More like a choir of southern angels'' he lets out a chuckle
Laughing with the good looking man, ''Tell me Dean how does it feel knowing, you've reached double platinum and millions of online streams, with your song 'Saving Grace'''
Pulling his fingers through his hair, a smile curving on his lips ''You know Claire, I feel blessed of course, I never thought that it would reach so many people, but I'm satisfied in knowing that it means so much to them''
The live studio crowd, cheers and claps, in response. One of the guest's takes the microphone , going around, ''Excuse me Dean, can I ask you a personal question?''
Turning his glance towards the woman in the crowd, smiling, ''I'm a open book, ask away''
Smiling excitedly, ''How did you two meet, or rather what's the story behind the song?''
Letting out a nervous chuckle, ''Well, I met her during the darkest time of my life, when none of you wanted to listen to my music anymore, and I was a drunken, jerk with a huge ego''
''I always loved your music'' she laughs
''Thank you'' he smiles ''Well it all started two years ago''
'Heard about the crossroads
Yeah it's a real thing
Sold my soul, traded love out for a dream
Yeah she's gone for good and it's killing meWhen the curtain falls
And there ain't no missed calls
The room is empty
And I should be feelin' ten feet tall
The shootin' star that's killin' it
But I ain't feelin' nothin' at all'
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''Thank You'' he shouted, stumbling off the stage, with his guitar, holding onto the walls, as he walks backstage, ordering the drummer, for another bottle of whiskey, Garth just shook his head, and handed him the bottle, knowing, there's no use trying to make him see the light.
As he fell down, on the couch of his dressing room, swallowing, away the gold liquid, hearing his manger saying the same old tune, ''Dean, you got to start getting your act together, your loosing fans with your drunken ass, when last did you write, some of your own songs'' 
Glaring at the old man, ''The people love me, I'm Dean freaking Winchester, best damn, country-rock artist, they've ever heard, the charts don't lie'' he slurred, 
Clearly frustrated with Dean the old man leaves, walking into the smoky old barroom. The bar was just almost too quiet, you could hear a pin drop so to say. Glancing over at the stage, there stood a woman, he heard about her, but never really heard sing.
Her voice was sweet and filled with a deep southern accent, almost like Wynonna Judd, or Dolly Parton. ''Good evening, Nashville, who's ready to go back to their old country roots, tonight I'll be doing one of my favorite songs of Carolyn Dawn Johnson,'' the crowd cheered ''Yes y'all its 'Die of a broken heart'
'And take me fast or take me slow
I don't really care how I go
In the daylight or in the dark
Just don't let me die of a broken heart
Take me fast or take me slow
I don't really care how I go
In the daylight or in the dark
Just don't let me die of a broken heart
No, don't let me die of a broken heart
A sweet smile, on her face, revealing the rosy cheekbones,  her fair skin damp, from the heat, her strawberry blonde, hair draped over her shoulders, the blue denim jacket hugging her hourglass figure, her electric blue eyes glistening, with the stage lights, her voice filled with life, ''Hit it Jimmy, lets give these folks a little taste of a simple life''
'Spend my days in the sweet sunshine
Rock in my swing and watch my garden grow
Know that I'll always have someone to hold
Oh I wanna live the simple life, yeah
I wanna take a blanket down to the creek
And let the water sing me to sleep
And let go in time
Live the simple life..
Well lately I've seen too many city lights
I wanna go somewhere where i can see the stars at night'
As he listened too this beauty singing her heart out, he had an idea. Almost running over too Dean after he'd had a talk with her manager, only too find the man passed out drunk. When he promised his daddy he'd take care off him, he'd never would've guessed this would happen, he's not really sure were Dean's life took a turn for the worst, maybe the day his brother walked away, not wanting to deal with his crap anymore, hell maybe the day, his fame went to his head, maybe the day the car crash took Kevin's life, but whatever it was, he needs too find a way to help him, and something tells him that Grace Tucker is the answer.
Chapter One Here :)
Chapter Two Here :)
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that-one-i-think · 6 months
For @localcryptidinthewoods 's Divine Warriors Rockstar AU
I have some ideas on all of their backgrounds (but featuring my own headcannons for the Divine Warriors) and feel free to bounce ideas as well.
They all met at a boarding school, one that was where they sent kids in need of a "second chance", a(r/u)tistic folks, and kids who were musically talented and slightly annoying to their parents. A take my troubles away school for the parents.
Irene: She gives big large-range-soprano energy. She was a theater kid who said she was either become famous by 25 or start murdering people. Fortunately their band got a big break rather early. Not in contact with her parents but was at the school with scholarships. Possibly foster care.
Shad: He and Menphia knew each other for a long time, both having really rich parents who threw money at them. Shad technically was being raised by an uncle but it was a "I give you money and roof, you leave me alone" relationship. Led to a LOT of teenage rebellion.
Menphia: Her dad was a fashion model and her mom was a boxer. Her dad was very much a girlboss malewife while her mom was a Gaslight Mansplain type of person. Both fueled her interests and encouraged her rebellion. They weren't regular parents, they were cool parents.
Enki: Their dads were professors and sent her to the school so he could let his creativity flow. They were very encouraging of the arts but believed it was more of a phase. Did help them get a solo dorm so they could be as genderqueer as they needed to be. Enki is incredibly smart and to make her parents happy she did get a librarian degree.
Esmund: He was an Irish exchange student who got a scholarship. The scholarship was due to his dad helping the dean get out of a bar fight and saved his life. There because of nepotism but genuinely talented, and he also never knew of the nepotism so he believed he had to work hard.
Kul'Zak: A part of the second chance program. Incredibly musically talented, like broadway vocal talent and worked hard. Naturally gifted but he isn't there because of a scholarship, his juvie officer recommended him for the second chance pity/charity program after seeing him make a guitar out of contraband. (Juvie officer also wanted people to stop trying to hide contraband in his prosthetic leg).
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e10 road trip (w. andrew dabb)
didn't realize we were on a 'road so far' episode already. oh did we really need a funeral pyre? buh. okay what irritates me about that is it can lean on the emotions i associate going back to john's pyre. as much as i warmed up to kevin, his death did not really make me feel anything. and now they can borrow against my fucked up dead parents feelings that got shaken up via john. don't like it.
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also borrowing against my thoughts on dean's feelings via john's death, having this long zoom out from dean at the fire, licensed music playing. oh, it gets worse! the cleaning up kevin's footprint in the bunker. no more extra little brother at home.
was thinking today actually about mrs. tran, how crowley said she was dead but i couldn't remember if we ever confirmed if she was actually dead?
thought of it because of the phone. the logistics of the aftermath of someone has died. i was too young to deal with anything from when my dad died, but i was 32 when my mom died (fun fact i guess that would make it a year before this season aired) so my brother and i dealt with the house and belongings. damnit. now i'm upset about that, buncha cheap shots, show. sigh. too much thinking, more watching.
dean guilt++ and no sam because he's off being ridden around by a fucked up murdering angel
all right the picture with kevin and his mom got me. don't throw the fucking phone, asshole. break everything else, but not the phone, come on. this is like bobby burning the family picture with jo and ellen in s5e10 (brain, stop it)
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so we go from this scene to.... this one.
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okay tonal whiplash. they could have had a rockstar character and not making it into a cheesy joke. weird choices.
DEAN Sammy was dying. What was I supposed to do?
can't blame a shark for being a shark. can't blame a dean for doing anything to save his sam.
CASTIEL You kill an angel, its vessel dies, too. DEAN Think I don't know that? If I don't end Sam and that halo burns him out and I... God, I was so damn stupid. CASTIEL You were stupid for the right reasons. DEAN Yeah, like that matters. CASTIEL It does. Sometimes that's all that matters.
castiel is banking on it being the something that matters for personal reasons too :p
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CROWLEY I told him this was gonna happen. I was the only person who tried to warn him. I told him to run. DEAN From what? CROWLEY You. How many times am I gonna have to say this? People in your general vicinity don't have much in the way of a life-span.
don't let him make you feel worse, dean (even though it's true)
will admit i wonder what crowley does chained up for days, weeks?? at a time between visits from someone.
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definitely. good levels of quippy crowley
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CROWLEY Looks like we need a tiebreaker. Go get Moose, squirrel. Unless... Unless, of course, you can't. That's why you're here, isn't it? The poor giant baby's in trouble again, isn't he?
i will admit he made me laugh at that. poor giant baby samoose
dean is Very Sad and Very Guilty but i would like to take a moment to say i like the plaid he has on today. it's pretty. not covered up by a jacket so i can actually appreciate it
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okay that made me laugh too
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CROWLEY Shotgun. DEAN Uh, wrong. You're in the back. DEAN Hey – you, too. Keep an eye on him.
so dumb but i cackled. more cas and crowley bickering please
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dad!dean yelling at the kids fighting in the back. here for it
all right. mega confusion. so i was like this dude, why do i know this dude, is that ezekial/gadreel, was he in an older episode of spn? anyway i apparently didn't look him up when we first met him but he was one of the dimi's in s1 of altered carbon... and dimi 2 was in an spn episode (s4e5 the black and white one). i had forgotten that while dimi is the same dude, it was different meatsuits (sleeves, in the show).
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s9e10 / altered carbon s1e1 tahmoh penikett as dimitri kadmin
wonder how padalecki felt about playing an even more different character now. recall reading something recently about jackles talking about how it was harder when he was playing soulless!sam etc because it wasn't that same dynamic
I've shared this before, it did make it a little bit more difficult when Jared was playing soulless Sam or Dean was playing demon Dean or Michael. It made it a little bit, well, it was different because that person that you rely on who brings their character to life in a way that supports what you're doing and that is relatable and that is almost, is somebody that you rely on to fulfill—he completes me. Great, that's the headline tomorrow... "Jensen Ackles finally admits... ...that he really does love Tom Cruise movies." So yeah, to get back the question, it it did make it a little bit more difficult to do what we were so used to doing when you take that element away and but again that's I think that that was one of the great things about Supernatural is that we took chances like that, we swung for the fences on a lot of different things.
-from 2022 JIB 12 Jensen Sunday Morning Panel
LOL i just realized i had the wrong era license plate in the painting i just did. cue me flushing and sweating. i did something wrong on the internet where people can see, the HORROR
CROWLEY Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania, 10 minutes ago.
lol. classy
this whole gadreel/abner thing. i dunno, man. there's just too much shit going on to care about everything
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no judgement, i pet my car too
great, jabbing holes in sam's brain and wiggling a big needle around in there. like trying to find a recessed reset button with a paperclip
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DEAN Pretty much, yeah. How are you doing? CASTIEL You want to talk about me now? DEAN I want to talk about anything that's not a demon sticking needles into my brother's brain.
oh dean. i'm feeling the feelings, jackles
CASTIEL You thought his life was at stake. DEAN Yeah, I got played. CASTIEL I thought I was saving Heaven. I got played, too. DEAN So you're sayin' we're both a couple of dumbasses?
me three
CASTIEL I prefer the word "trusting." Less dumb. Less ass.
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sorry but i laughed. that was a weird watery delivery
now crowley gets to tromp through sam's brain too, greeeeaat. this is just great.
DEAN If you mess with Sam, if you try anything– CROWLEY I keep my bargains. Besides, I don't want to be inside your brother any longer than I have to. I'm not one for sloppy seconds.
classy as ever
DEAN This don't make us square. I see you again– CROWLEY I'm dead. Yes, I know. I love you, too.
kisses, byeee
SAM What you do want me to say – that I'm pissed? Okay. I am. I'm pissed. You lied to me. Again. DEAN I didn't have a choice. SAM I was ready to die, Dean! DEAN I know. But I wouldn't let you, because that's not in me.
it doesn't excuse what dean did, but sam knows this. neither dean nor i can tolerate sam being okay with dying. just like sam and i can't tolerate dean being self destructive and ready to die at the drop of a hat
at least i can tolerate it a little better when they have these little mini breakups, now that it's happened so many times. and i don't think they're committing to a long separation onscreen? but i don't know honestly
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quality time for sam and cas?
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hoper-n-dreamer · 2 years
Title: Mr. Crowley.
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Gif (howtobesupernatural)
Crowley (supernatural) × platonic!reader
Spoilers for season 12 episode 'Stuck in the middle (with you) '
Summary: sometimes thanking the king of hell might be a nice thing to do.
Word count : somewhere between 500-600 words.
Today was one of the scariest thing you had witnessed, the man Mary thought was a demon turned out to be a prince of hell, Mary's friend Wally was killed, and Castiel, your buddy ,had nearly said goodbye to this Earth if it were not for the king of hell. Oh how thankful you were when you saw Cas getting completely healed and without even wasting a second you hugged the grace out of your dearest angel.
That night you with the Winchesters went back to the bunker only to crash on the bed reliving the moments that had occurred moments before. Your train of thought soon turned into an observation of how Crowley had helped the Winchester boys over the past few years, even though for his benefit somehow you felt that he actually cared about them.
You recounted the incidents where Crowley had helped them, whether it was with beating Amara or when he was ready to distract the kinda famous rockstar version of Lucifer. Maybe it was the human blood that had made him soft. But today you had seen him talk Ramiel out of killing the Winchesters and finally breaking the Lance to save Cas. He could have had the Lance for himself right? For future use or making his personal collection but he didn't think just broke it to save the angel. 
Somehow this made you really grateful, although initially he had been a pain in the ass for everyone but recently he had become an ally. So the next thing you did was what you thought you needed to and then you summoned the demon.
' My My, I thought the Winchester boys needed my help yet again but look who it is , the polite Winchester minion. '
' Hello Mr. Crowley. Sorry to summon you but I really needed to say something to you.'
'Well that's why there are cell phones, believe it or not the signal is great in hell.'
' But I also wanted to give you something. Here.' you said, giving him a folded piece of paper.
'What's this?'
'I know it may come off as childish but it's something I have done since I was a kid and I still do it. I just wanted to thank you for today , and for everytime you have helped. Sam and Dean might not say it, given your evil past but they are grateful as well.'
Crowley was taken aback listening to this. He was silent for a long time.
' Never took you for a Dewey-eyed. Why are you telling me this ?' The demon questioned.
'Just thought you should know that we might look ungrateful but really we are thankful, especially for saving Cas.'
' Hmm. ' And with that he disappeared. 
In hell while drinking his special scotch he looked at the piece of paper you gave him. It had an adorable cartoon version of him with a big "Thank You Mr Crowley" written on it. 
Looking at it he smiled , and carefully put that paper into his box of important possessions. 
It had been long since Crowley had genuinely smiled and it won't be wrong to say he was thankful to you for that.
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Rasputin - Majestic, Boney M. 
RAW - Victoria Justice
REACT - Switch Disco feat. Ella Henderson, Robert Miles
Reckless - Madison Beer
Remember - Becky Hill, David Guetta
Risk - Gracie Abrams
River - Tom Gregory
Rockstar - LISA
Rumba (Puro Oro Anthem) - Maluma feat. The Sun
Run Your Mouth - The Marías
Runaway - OneRepublic
Rush - Ayra Starr
Sad Happy - Circa Waves
Sandman - Tei Verdes
Santa Doesn’t Know You Like I Do - Sabrina Carpenter
Satellite - Bebe Rexha & Snoop Dogg
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Secrets - Regard, RAYE
Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender
She’s All I Wanna Be - Tate McRae
She's Gone, Dance On - Disclosure
Shivers - Ed Sheeran
SICKO - Felix Jeahn feat. GASHI, FAANGS
Single Soon - Selena Gomez
Small Town Friday Nights - Kaylee Bell
Smile - Martin Garrix feat. Carolina Liar
Smooth Talk (Seduction Pt.1) - Le Flex
So Am I - Ava Max
Somebody - Dagny
Space In My Heart - Enrique Iglesias, Miranda Lambert
Stars - PNAU, Bebe Rexha, Ozuna
Stay - The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
Stay With Me - Calvin Harris feat. J. Timberlake, Halsey & Pharrell
Stayed A Summer - Erin Kinsey
Stick Season - Noah Kahan
Summer Rain - Victoria Nadine
Supernova - aespa
Supersad - Suki Waterhouse
Survive - Lindsey Stirling feat. Walk Off The Earth
Survivin’ - Bastille
Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max
Sweeter - Cannons
Take You Dancing - Jason Derulo
Talk About Love - Kate Hudson
Talk That Talk - Twice
Taste - Sabrina Carpenter
Tears - Perrie
Tennessee Orange - Megan Moroney
That's Not How This Works - Charlie Puth feat. Dan+ Shay
The boy is mine - Ariana Grande
The Business - Tiesto
The Door - Teddy Swims
The Hardest Part - Olivia Dean
The Lost Ones - Florrie
The Motto - Tiesto & Ava Max
The Passenger (Lalala) - LUM!X, MOCABI & D.T.E., Gabry Ponte
The Show - Niall Horan
These Walls - Dua Lipa
Thinking 'Bout Us - Danii Minogue & Autone
This Is Why - Paramore
Tomboy - (G)I-DLE
Training Season - Dua Lipa
Trustfall - P!nk
Truth - Godsmack
two thousand songs - spookybands
Unconditional - Molly Burch
Underdog - Alicia Keys
Unhealthy - Anne-Marie, Shania Twain
Unsure - Alan Walker, Kylie Cantrall
Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
Use Me (Brutal Hearts) - Diplo ft. Johnny Blue Skies & Dove Cameron
Used To Know Me - Charli XCX
vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
Von dutch - Charlie xcx
Waffle House - Jonas Brothers
We're Good - Dua Lipa
Wellerman - Sea Shanty - Nathan Evans
What A View - Girl Named Tom
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
What Would You Do? - Tate McRae
When We Were Young (The Logical Song) - David Guetta, Kim Petras
Where Am I - Cha Eun-Woo
Where Are You Now - Lost Frequencies feat. Calum Scott
Where Did You Go - Jax Jones feat. MNEK
Wherever You Are - Martin Garrix & Dub Vision
Whoops - Meghan Trainor
Wild Things - LAUREL
With You - Oliver Tree
WOMAN'S WORLD - Katy Perry
Words - Alesso feat. Zara Larsson
Worth It - Colbie Caillat
Yes, and? - Ariana Grande
You broke me first - Tate McRae
You For Me - Sigala, Rita Ora
You Know What I Need - PNAU, Troye Sivan
Your Love (9PM) - ATB, Topic, A7S
0 notes
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 263
Rock Never Dies/Hell Bent
“Rock Never Dies”
Plot Description: Castiel and Crowley close in on Lucifer as the fallen angel realizes his new rock-star vessel allows him to get fans to do whatever he wants
This is such a huge “ask and you shall receive,” but as I thought harder on it last night, didn’t Rowena banish Lucifer to the bottom of the ocean after decaying his body a whole bunch?? How is he back already??
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I would not try to summon Lucifer, I’m good
I was promised Castiel, why are we getting Dean playing Words With Friends??
The boys really do stick to small towns and whatnot. It’s gonna be weird seeing them in LA
It’s bad that you have to lie to Dean saying you’re listening to a podcast on the Protestant reformation just so you can MAYBE listen to your hair metal band (that Dean hates) in peace
You leave Castiel and his one outfit alone, Dean. You have, like, 10 and they ALL make you look like a lumberjack. Hashtag team cas
Poor Castiellllll, he’s so over working with Crowley
Oh, Cas…can’t tell the difference between the aftermath of a fight and the aftermath of a rockstar ~spending time~ with a groupie
Apparently, sometimes it does pay to have Crowley on your team. You get perspectives you never thought you would that way
How did Castiel get in with Vince/Lucifer’s band mates? The Winchesters are posing as a band themselves to Vince’s PR person, Crowley has a deal with a guy in the music industry….but Cas??
(There was a lot of just trying to get to the concert that happened that wasn’t too interesting)
I don’t wanna watch Lucifer beat the shit out of Cas and Crowley…
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Ok but Sam being the one thing standing between the crowd getting out and Lucifer locking them in the venue with him??? And then Lucifer locking Sam in the venue with him???????
I AM here for Castiel beating the shit out of Lucifer and getting to repeat his “Hey, assbutt!” line
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Sometimes you pause at the exact right time
Well, that didn’t last long
Ok but like…………sympathy for the devil has gone way up again “he finally apologizes for abandoning me, and what’s the very next thing he dies? Ditches me” luciiiiiiii, babyyyyyyyy. He’s really having an existential crisis and spiraling into a very “nothing fucking matters” mindset
Did Horikoshi watch supernatural when coming up with Dabi? Lucifer is really breaking down all while saying that his whole plan is to just keep breaking everything his dad created
Jesus, Crowley, you look terrible
“Hell Bent”
Plot Description: the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time
I don’t know why we’re starting in this sort of random and almost certainly fake scene between the Doctor and Clara in a 50s style diner (or not really Clara)
I know he’s on Gallifrey now but I truly do t know what’s going on
This poor Gallifrean woman who keeps getting hassled by the military and high council all while the Doctor refuses to see them…til the high council’s leader comes calling
Oooooo!!!! The Doctor telling the Gallifrean president “get off my planet.”
Ok, so not Clara and the Doctor is happening in some sort of real time and everything on Gallifrey is in the recent-ish past
Ok…I’m probably gonna Gonzo and Rizzo when the ghost of Christmas yet to come showed up, but more out of confusion than fear
Well cuz now I’m wondering if the Hybrid IS the Doctor. I know he said he was, but what about Clara? Clara who we met as Oswin in the Dalek asylum, who kept so much of her humanity while being a Dalek…whose very continued existence as the Doctor tries to save her even know could fracture all of time
We already knew I love the Daleks but hearing this one yelling out “exterminate me” is heartbreaking
Did Clara ever come up against the angels? Why would she know what to do in their presence??
I’m not ready to hear the Doctor’s answer to how long it’s been since he last saw Clara.
I’m shattered at the Doctor not telling her, Clara had to ask someone else…and it was 4.5 billion years. 4.5 BILLION. YEARS. of running and solving the puzzle and dying and reincarnating, trying to claw his way out of the confessional dial just for the chance to maybe save his best friend’s life. I am a wreck
Ohhhhhh, Doctor, you really shouldn’t have been alone so long. This is just like at the end of Ten’s time. He really believes he is the end all be all of time and existence, that he answers to no one because we’re at the last dying embers of the universe.
Not Arya is also here at the end of time.
What?? I’m ngl I’m getting a little lost in all the “who/what is the Hybrid?” theories they’re tossing around
I hate watching them say goodbye AGAIN.
Why does the Doctor and a companion who was his BEST FRIEND always have to end in a memory wipe for one of them???? There’s an emptiness and yet i can’t stop crying
Wait… is this the diner from the impossible astronaut? Is he remembering incorrectly? I knew it looked familiar
Oh, she returned his TARDIS to himmmm
I’d love to have a mini series of Clara and Not Arya’s adventures on their way to Gallifrey…
Oh thank god he has a sonic screwdriver again
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waywardwriting · 3 years
Hi can you write for Sam and Dean x platonic where Dean monkeys Sam saying he looks such like dad to y/n ( she/her) because how he treats her and then turns out dean do the same to the kid.
Dad Days || Sam And Dean Winchester x Platonic! Kid! Reader
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Enjoy!! Also added a little dig to W.B Yeats because I’m Irish 😌 surprise Yall , writing all this fine supernatural fanfiction from Ireland 🇮🇪 💖
Sam and Dean realise how much of a father figure they both are to the reader
Sam had taken on the duty of homeschooling Y/N , him and Dean had saved her from a group of demons on a hunt about a year ago now , she was 13 now , they had taught her to hunt, to defend herself and had tried their best to help her heal from the trauma the demons caused although that wasn’t their strong point, she felt at home here with the winchesters , felt safe , and that her existence actually mattered . Sam had been teaching her an English lesson, they were studying poetry, W.B Yeats , an Irish poet, to help Y/N become closer to her heritage . Y/N was becoming a hunter but Sam wanted her to still have an education, that was very important in life. Sam had explained everything to her and had left her to do her assignments , Dean had been watching from the hallway and followed Sam into the kitchen “you know you look like such a dad to Y/N it’s really sweet actually” Dean teased and Sam sighed “shut up Dean , she deserves a family and that’s what we are giving her and if that makes me a father figure then so be it” he rambled while making some eggs and bacon for breakfast in the pan, they were leaving soon to go on a road trip, they were going to visit Bobby since they hadn’t seen him in a while and the break from everything would be nice for them all, Bobby was like Y/N’s uncle and he was always very happy to see her , and was proud of how the Winchesters were raising her into being a strong powerful woman she was becoming more by more every day .
They all ate breakfast and then they were on the road , Sam sat in the back because he wanted to have a nap leaving Y/N in shotgun next to Dean in the front of the Impala. Sam had dozed off but when he awoke he saw that Dean and Y/N we’re singing together to Back In Black by AC/DC and Y/N was doing an air guitar solo , Dean laughing and cheering her on playing the drums against the steering wheel. “You’re a rockstar Kid! I’m proud of ya” Dean spoke wholeheartedly, telling Y/N the story of Ac/Dc coming together and all about the band members. Sam smiled in the back seat , guess they were both father figures to rockstar Y/N.
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Lost Years
Summary - After spending five years in LA, Dean comes back to Lawrence and meets up with his bestfriend or rather his then bestfriend. Y/N isn't exactly happy on seeing Dean either. Will he be able to fix his strained relationship with her?
Pairing - Rockstar!Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warning - Cheesy fluff, angst, mentions of unrequited love, mentions of divorce, parents separation, drinking, bad dates, kissing, unprotected sex 18+ (wrap it before you tap it), p in v smut, oral sex (fem receiving), sex in the Impala.
WC - 5.3k+ (....oops)
Square filled - Angst ( @girl-next-door-writes ) and “Why the fuck would you laugh at that?” ( @anyfandomgoesbingo )
A/N - This is my submission to @downanddirtydean's 500 followers writing challenge (Congratulations again, Lyd). Prompt is in bold.
This is an AU. Flashbacks are in Italics.
Beta'd by @miss-nerd95 (Thank you so much, hon) and thank you to @whatareyousearchingfordean for giving this a read and leaving some valuable comments❤️
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Fuckin’ brilliant!” A weary exclamation left the woman's mouth as she read the text displayed on the device's screen in her hand.
There was a very significant reason why she didn't believe in blind dates, but Jo had been stubborn and insistent. And with Valentine's Day approaching, Y/N didn't want to spend the day in her pjs, crying over The Notebook again. So she had agreed to give a chance to Jo’s friend, or to be more precise, her friend's cousin. His name was Gabriel, and from what she had heard from her mutual friend circle, he seemed to be a decent guy.
But now all she wanted was to go back in time and change her decision to give into Jo’s request, because looking at the empty chair in front of her, she regretted allowing her friend to even try to interfere in her love life.
She signaled the waiter to bring over her check after downing the entire glass of wine. The restaurant was quite busy tonight. It was packed with people on this fine Saturday evening - from lovestruck couples to families with crying kids, Y/N found herself feeling quite lonely as she had stupidly waited on her date to show up for such a long time. Heat crept up her neck in embarrassment when the waiter showed up, the latter’s eyes filled with sympathy as Y/N paid the price of her drink.
Within no time, she was out of the restaurant.
Glancing down at her green dress, she swore under her breath. She tried to book a cab to return to the comfort of her home when her eyes caught the glowing signboard of The Roadhouse right around the corner of the street. The only thing she could think of was to get black-out drunk now. Y/N, still in her high heels, trudged down the path to Ellen’s bar.
Dressed up all for nothing. Rolling her eyes at herself, she went inside the establishment, heading straight towards the counter and taking a seat there. Like any other weekend nights, the place was stuffed. Y/N let her eyes trail over the many patrons of the dingy bar, landing finally on the middle-aged brunette who ran the place
“Ellen!” She called out to the woman.
“Hey, honey,” she approached Y/N, all the while glaring daggers at the drunk she had just previously been arguing with, “A bit overdressed for this place, don't ya think?”
“Your daughter is officially fired from matchmaking services,” Y/N sighed.
“Boy troubles, huh? What can I get ya, hon?” Sympathy was evident in Ellen’s eyes as she spoke. Y/N was as much of a daughter to her as Jo was. The girl had been through so much heartbreak, all Ellen wanted was to see a smile on her face.
“The usual,” Y/N gave a sad smile.
“Rough night indeed, huh?” She raised an eyebrow. The woman in question shrugged defeatedly. Ellen patted her arm in comfort before she left her to arrange for her drink, leaving Y/N to wallow in self-pity.
She thought back to when her life had taken such a traumatic turn. All her friends were either getting engaged, married, or popping out kids. But not Y/n... she was in her late twenties now, and she couldn't even find herself an eligible man.
Ellen pushed the glass towards her. Sighing, she picked it up as she admired the liquid in it. She drank slowly, every sip creating a burning sensation at the back of her throat. Fingers still wrapped around the glassware, she set it down, looking around the bar. The place was filled with mad chatters and howling laughs along with the music blasting from the stereo placed on the deck inside the room, a stark contrast to how lonely she felt. She signaled Ellen for another round, who nodded before giving her that sad understanding smile Y/N was now starting to hate. Frowning, she dropped her head and exhaled.
“Sweetheart, where did that pretty smile for yours go?” Y/N was quickly pulled out from her daze by a very familiar voice; a voice she hadn't heard in a few years. It couldn't be him, he was supposed to be in LA!
“Ella?” The term of endearment brought back dozens of memories, some good and some bad, but all were about him - the freckled face teenage boy with dirty blonde hair and eyes as green as the forest in the summertime she had once fallen for. It brought up the painful memory of their first meet which she had tried to forget so hard.
She remembered the day of their first drama practice when Dean had grudgingly walked into the room. He had reluctantly agreed to play the Prince in the Cinderella act after Cas who was supposed to be the Prince had accidentally ended up with a broken leg. He didn’t know her name, so he had called her ‘Ella’ to get her attention which was the start of their epic friendship.
Y/N didn't dare to turn around to look at him, after all, he wasn't the scrawny teenager from Lawrence anymore. He was now the lead singer and guitarist of a popular rock band with a fancy name and songs that were in the top ten of Billboard music charts. Yes, she did keep up with his rising fame, sometimes even listening to one of his songs before she was once again reminded of the heartbreak he had caused.
“You can't even look at me.” His voice was barely a whisper but loud enough for her to hear as he slid into the stool beside her.
Gathering enough courage, she raised her head. “Dean.” His name rolled off her tongue so easily, but her heart ached for the past. Dean cracked a smile at her as his emerald eyes did not leave hers once. It was as if he was memorizing every tiny detail of her face and if anyone would've asked him, he would've replied that he was.
Y/N hadn't changed much over the years he had spent in LA. She was still the same girl he had first met in school and the last time he had seen her at their graduation. She was a shy girl but they had clicked instantly. Growing up, she was his best friend, his person, his escape.
“Dean Winchester has walked into my bar. Must be my lucky day!” Ellen’s voice thundered across the room, grabbing the attention of a few intoxicated people. “How's LA treating you, boy?”
“Ellen! It's awesome to see you again.” A grin broke out on Dean's face as he jumped out of his seat and pulled the lady into a bear hug. “LA’s pretty okay. It is as good as the industry can be.”
“Heard some of your songs, I knew you had the talent,” Ellen said, jabbing her finger into his chest to prove her point. “Now what can I get ya? On the house.”
“A beer will be just fine. Don't want to show up to the Winchester house drunk!” He chuckled.
“Alright, coming right up. Y/N, honey, you want another round or a glass of water?” The lady asked.
“I'll be leaving in a few. Glass of water it is, El.” She replied but was then interrupted by Dean.
“One drink, with me. It's on me, Ella.” There it was again, that fucking name. A few years ago, that name would have made her cheeks heat up but now, it just made her blood boil. She clenched her hand into fists, tears pricking at her eyes as she swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Do not call me that.” She hissed, surprising Dean. Y/N turned towards the man, finally taking a good look at him. He had changed a lot, had become more handsome but LA had not modified his clothing style because he was still wearing his signature flannel and jeans accompanied by a jacket. She wondered how many girls had stopped him for a picture or an autograph on his way back to Lawrence, jealousy seeping into her. She hated the way he still had that effect on her.
“Y/N-” She knew what he was going to say. ‘I am sorry’, but she wasn't ready to forgive him now, if ever.
“No. Don't.” She stopped him mid-sentence, hands digging into her purse as she pulled out the money for her drinks, dropping them on the counter.
“El, I am going home.” Ellen, who was silently watching their whole exchange, nodded her head before asking, “Want me to call a cab for you?”
“No. I'm going to crash at your place. I need to have a word with Jo.” Y/N said since it was near impossible for her to walk back to her house, considering she was quite tipsy and still in heels, but she also didn't want to wait until the woman called a cab with Dean Winchester anywhere nearby. After getting her belongings, she got out of the barstool and left the place on wobbly legs. Her feet would no doubt be screaming in pain the next day.
Stepping out, she inhaled deeply, letting a few tears fall as the cool air hit her face. After their graduation, Y/N had sworn she would try her best to forget the older Winchester. She wasn't quite successful in her aim, because many times she would come across his gorgeous face on the cover of a magazine or his song would be playing on the radio, striking up old memories of their time spent together in high school.
Still lost in her thoughts, she took a step forward, only to misjudge the cobblestone path and end up losing her balance. She braced herself for the impending fall but was saved by a pair of strong hands wrapped around her waist.
“Watch your step, sweetheart,” Dean said, letting her down gently. “Lemme see, did you hurt your ankle?” He went down on his knees in front of her, pulling a low gasp out of her as he examined her feet.
“Were you following me?” Y/N gritted out those words.
“No.” He shook his head but she clearly saw through the lie.
“I’m fine. You can go now.” She said, her eyes looking everywhere but the man.
“Come on, don't be so stubborn. Get in the car, I'll drop you off at your house or Jo’s place if you want.” He said looking up, trying to catch her eyes but she was adamant about not giving him that satisfaction. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, lips quivering before she answered.
“Leave me alone.” She muttered, a tear running down her cheek. All that preparation for not breaking down in front of Dean and her body still betrayed her. The man got up. Y/N noticed that he was now wearing a cap, probably to hide from any bystander who might recognize him.
“Y/N/N, I-” Dean was at a loss of words. He hated seeing her so heartbroken and he loathed himself for being the cause of it. He tried to reach out and hold her hand but she recoiled back, making him wince. “Please, Ella.”
“Stop calling me that, Winchester. How many times do I have to repeat that?” Her voice came out as a little whine, making Dean chuckle. He missed it - her tone, the timbre, the intensity in her pitch, and the words it said, which used to be his voice of reason; he missed his best friend. “Why the fuck would you laugh at that? I am not doing stand up comedy out here.” Y/N was still the strong-headed girl he adored.
“You'll probably hurt yourself if you walk in those heels again with how tipsy you are right now. Get in the car, I know you missed cruising around the town in Baby because she missed you for sure.” And that thankfully got the exact reaction out of her that he had anticipated. She finally looked right at him, her face lit up at the pretense of seeing the beloved black car again.
“I thought she was in LA with you.” Y/N said and then it dawned on her, “Did you drive across the States?”
“Damn right I did!” He beamed in reply like he had won a trophy, his heart swelling with happiness when he saw the smile forming on her face mixed with awe and surprise. He still had to go a long way to get her back, but he had to take baby steps. At least he managed to make her smile. “So? Want to go out, just like the old times?”
The smile instantly disappeared from Y/N’s lips and Dean knew he fucked up right then. Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the good ol’ days. “Sweetheart, I'm sorry-”
“Just drop me off at Jo’s. That's it.” She said, lowering her gaze. He waved her over to the direction where his car was parked. Y/N started to walk along as Dean wordlessly followed her.
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Y/N felt a wave of nausea hit her. She didn't do well in social gatherings and this was her graduation ceremony. One wrong step, one wrong word, or a wardrobe malfunction, and the day could turn into a disaster in an instant.
“Honey, you're gonna be excellent out there! We're all very proud of you.” Mary said while hugging Y/N tightly as they both waited on the former's older son to come downstairs who was running late, as usual. She had grown incredibly close to the Winchester family over the years. They were her rock, especially Dean who was there with her at every step as she went through the separation of her parents.
“Are you and John going to join my parents at the ceremony? Someone needs to stop them before they end up killing each other.” She grimaced.
“Isn't this going to be the first time they are together in one single room, since their….you know-” Sam asked as he came out of the kitchen, a green smoothie in his hands. Dean might have been her best friend, her confidante, but Sam was the little brother she never thought she needed.
“First get that green drink outta my sight, I already feel like I'm gonna throw up. Second, you can speak about the divorce. It's not taboo and it was a long time coming. Everyone knew that.” Y/N reluctantly said. The separation of her parents might have been foreseeable but, nevertheless, it still hurt her to see her parents walkout in two separate ways once the divorce was finalized. The house had become much quieter these days which she was thankful for but she also felt the evident absence of her father.
“Mom and Dad will definitely be there!” Dean announced loudly as he came down the stairs. “Come on let's go. Don't wanna be late for our own graduation ceremony!” She could always count on him to make her day better.
“I should have told you.”
“W-what?” Y/N asked dumbfoundedly as Dean’s gruff voice broke her out of the reverie and pulled her back to reality. A minute passed when she noticed even if his hands were on the steering, he wasn't driving anymore.
“This-” she looked out of the window, “this isn't Jo’s place.”
“No, this is our place,” Dean said.
“Dean.” This was the last place she wanted to be at, let alone be here with Dean. It had taken every ounce of her strength to not run back to this place over the past few years whenever she missed her best friend, only to realize that he had left her in the dust on his path to fame and didn't care about her as much as she used to think. Too many memories were attached to this particular place.
“I missed this, Y/N.” He said, killing the engine and slowly opening the door on his side. Y/N understood what he was trying to do and her mind screamed at her in protest to not follow him but her heart told her to follow the man it belonged to.
Dean finally stepped out of the car and walked over to the closed door on her side. She opened the door herself before he could and stepped out as well with a huff. The place was the same as it ever was. “I haven't been here since graduation.” She blurted out.
“I should have told you,” Dean said as they started to walk to their spot. Y/N chose to remain quiet. “Ella, please say somethin’.”
“I am not your Ella anymore, Dean. Stop calling me that.” She said but this time it wasn't a whine, instead, she yelled it out. She was sick and tired of yearning for the man who had broken her heart several years ago and now she was scared that he was gonna leave her once again.
“You'll always be my Ella.” He said.
“The Prince didn't lie to Cinderella and leave her behind but you- it hurts me to remember how close we were then. You left me without even a simple goodbye, so no, I am not your Ella anymore.” She flinched when he reached out for her.
He had stopped walking now and so had she. Dean moved closer to her before standing exactly in front of her. His hands lightly traced her jaw as she looked up at him. She looked just as enchanting under the moonlight as he remembered. He cupped her face in his hands, thumbs gently caressed her cheeks. She had given up fighting herself now, driven only by instinct. All the walls that she had put up came crumbling down with one touch of his.
“Why do you think I didn't say goodbye to you?” Dean whispered.
“Maybe all the years that we spent together meant nothing to you.” Her voice was like a melody to his ears but the words broke his heart even further.
“Because it was too damn hard. When RC Records called me up three days before graduation, you were the first person I wanted to tell, but I couldn't, ‘cause if I did, I wouldn't have made it to where I am right now.” He said, not a trace of mirth on his face.
“I wouldn't have held you back.” It was simple. Y/N always wanted to stay in Lawrence and look over her mother's bakery shop, and that's what she ended up doing. She now owned the shop and her business was thriving. Dean had wanted to become a singer ever since he was ten when he was forced to play the Prince, opposite to Y/N’s lead. He had found his passion and she had always encouraged it, even when John had strongly protested against him choosing music as his major. “You know I always supported you.”
“I know that, but thinking about not seeing you every day made me not want to go. I kept imagining you upset and that's why I didn't have it in me to tell you about my break.” He said. Y/N grabbed his hands pushing them away from her face.
“You ended up making me sad anyway. So why the fuck are you back?” She was enraged.
“Ella-” Dean tried to come closer but she stepped back, “I came to see my family.”
“Then why are you wasting your time here with me?”
“Because you're the most important person in my life and every day I spent away from you, you were the only person on my mind.” Dean smiled.
“You were the first thought when I woke up and the last thought when I went to sleep.” He said and pulled her close when she finally stopped fighting. “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I know I am late and probably missed my chance, but five years in LA have taught me to take the risks. I love you, Ella.”
“I can't-” Dean’s smile felt but he quickly recovered.
“I-I understand.” He let out a dry chuckle, “You got a man back at home waiting for you. He sure is one lucky bastard.”
“No. You do not fucking understand! You are just so in your head, it's just-” She flailed her arms around in utter frustration. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to move on? I have been on so many dates but no man was ever enough for me, all because of your sorry ass! The Graduation Day - I knew you always thought of me as your best friend, so I had decided to ask you out myself,”
“No, let me finish. You have to fucking listen about how much pain you put me through these five years! The next day, I went to your house only to hear from your parents that you were on your way to LA. I fucking hate you!” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I fucking hate how much I still love you, Dean!”
His eyes widened in surprise as he kept opening and closing his mouth like a damn fish. He was unable to form a coherent sentence and so he cupped Y/N’s cheeks in his big, warm hands once more, but now he dipped down, tilting his face and pulling her in for a kiss. His teeth grazed her bottom lips, making her moan into his mouth. She could feel the blood rush to her cheeks as she found herself completely enamored by him. Her hands snuck to the back of his neck as she steadied herself. Her knees buckled under his hypnotic touch as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, her whole body tingled and toes curled up as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth.
“De,” Y/N tried to catch her breath when Dean finally let go of her lips, already missing the feel of her on him.
His hands traveled down her body, making her gasp aloud at the feel. He lowered his mouth as he started to leave a trail of kisses along her jaw and down her neck. “Dean, please. Don't.” Her three short words made him stop.
“Alright.” He gulped.
“I don't want to get my heart broken again, Winchester, I don't think I can survive it again.” Y/N knew he would return to LA within a week, and so she didn't want to take this any further. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, right?”
“I won't. I am not going back.” Y/N looked at him, surprise evident in her eyes, “I don't care about my career anymore. Five years without you was like living in hell and my bandmates are probably so tired of hearing how much I missed you. I will write my songs from here in Lawrence if it means that I'll be closer to you.”
“You would do that for me?” She asked sincerely.
“I would. I was a stupid kid back then but now I have realized that nothing's more important to me than you. I don't want to lose my Ella ever again.” He said, “I'm sorry for taking so long to understand that. There is no way-” His words were cut off as Y/N captured his lips with her own. The sudden kiss caught him off guard but he quickly pulled himself together to kiss her back. “Shit, Y/N-” he gasped when he felt his dick twitch. He picked her up in quick motion and went towards the car. Y/N giggled when her back lightly collided with Baby’s door. Dean dropped his head, nipping at the pulse point on her neck.
“Dean-” She moaned, which was better than any music he had ever made as his hands slipped under her dress, his fingers hovering over her soaked panties. Her thighs clenched in anticipation.
“You have no idea how long I dreamt of having you. You're soaked, sweetheart. ” He huskily said, his fingers hooking on the waistband of her cotton panties. “Tell me to stop and I will, in a heartbeat. No questions.”
“N-no. Don't stop.” Y/N cooed. Dean dragged down her panties which pooled at her feet. He picked it up and stuffed it into his pocket. Thankfully, there was no one around but the thrill of being out in the open with Dean got her even more hot and bothered. Her hands grasped onto his biceps tightly so that she wouldn't topple over when Dean slipped a finger into her tight pussy. Her mouth fell open, her head dropping on his shoulder as he started pumping slowly, every drag of his finger pushing her closer to the edge.
Dean felt his pants tighten as he heard the sweet moan of his name leave her lips. Her raspy voice was one he could hear all day long, her heavy pants tickling his skin. With one hand he unbuckled his belt, trying to relieve himself a little, but when a cry of pleasure left her lips as he slipped in another finger, he hoped that he wouldn't cream his pants like a freaking teenage boy.
Y/N felt the coil in her stomach tighten as she inched towards her climax. Dean quickened his pace, curling his fingers inside her and brushing her g-spot, each time eliciting a low moan out of her. “Dean….” She couldn't form any coherent words other than chanting his name over and over again and a moment later, the coil snapped as she felt herself coming undone. He delicately pulled his fingers out of her, which were covered in her juice. Dean reached behind her, yanking the door open as he nudged her to go in. She readily obliged and slid into the seat with shaky legs. He climbed into the backseat after her, closing the door behind him.
Her dress had ridden up her thigh, exposing her glistening pussy. Dean’s eyes darkened at the sight before him as he swiftly pulled his shirt over his head, discarding it somewhere in the front. He pushed her dress further up. She raised her hands as he successfully got her out of the garment and unhooked her bra. Y/N moved further back into the seat, her back resting against the door on the other side as Dean started to leave kisses down her body.
“Have you ever thought about this? ‘Cause I did, every freaking day.” Dean asked, kissing the valley between her breasts, the rumble of his voice sending shivers down her spine.
“E-every time I touched myself, I thought of you.” She said, gasping out loud at every word when his mouth found her breasts and started to suck on the soft skin, flicking a nipple with his tongue and twirling the other within his fingers.
“Oh-” Dean raised his head to look at her before he moved south, “Did you think about me between your legs just like this-” He said as he left kisses along her thigh, his stubble creating soft burns on her skin in its wake that she would definitely remember. He finally stopped at her nether regions, his hot breath fanning against her throbbing pussy. “Did you think about me tasting you like this?”
Y/N threw her head back in pleasure when his mouth latched onto her sensitive bundle of nerves, his tongue flicking at her aching nub. Her hands traveled down to his head, her fingers getting tangled up in his soft hair and pulled at the strands, making him groan.
“Fuck-” She exclaimed as Dean hungrily devoured her, his tongue repeatedly assaulting her sensitive pussy, sucking needily on her bundle of nerves. Y/N threw her head back in pleasure as she felt the coil in your stomach tighten before a wave of pleasure washed over her. “Shit!” She gasped as Dean’s tongue lapped her juices hungrily.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you taste so good.” He panted before he unbuttoned his pants pushing them down along with his boxers, freeing his erection sprung from his confines. “Son of a bitch, I don’t have-” Y/N sensed his uneasiness.
“I’m on the pill.” She smirked as she stared at his toned body.
“Well, I’m clean.” She reached out to touch his stomach, hands then traveling down to his length. Dean dropped his head, biting down on his lips, “Y/N-” He pushed her hands away, smirking as he ran his hand along his hardened cock, giving it a few strokes, the tip beaded with precum. He looked at Y/N once and lined himself with her dripping entrance when she gave him a nod to go ahead.
His swollen tip teasingly nudged at her opening before he pushed himself into her.
“Shit Y/N-” Dean grunted, simultaneously as Y/N hissed out at the painful sensation at the beginning as he pushed himself into her, letting her adjust around his size before she told him to move. He circled his hips as he slowly pulled out, leaving only the tip of his engorged cock inside her, before pushing back in again, deeper than before.
“Holy fuck-” Y/N moaned out when he quickened his pace, hitting her g-spot repeatedly with every thrust as they both inched towards their release. Dean kissed her as he continued to thrust deep into her, their breathing growing erratic, the windows of the chevy fogged up and the car filled with their groans and moans as they both chased their release. She hooked her arms at the small of his back as he started to nibble at her sweet spot. His hand moved south, his thumb rubbing circles on her clit which further edged her.
“Shit De!” Y/N cried out loud as her walls fluttered around his pulsating length when she felt herself coming undone. Dean’s thrusts became sloppy as he grunted into the crook of her neck before he spilled into her with one cry of her name, painting her walls with his seed. He dropped his head, trying to catch his breath before he gently pulled out.
“Fuck sweetheart.” Dean panted, beads of sweat lining his forehead as they both laid in each other’s arms, basking in the post-coital bliss. “Was this better than your fantasies? ‘Cause, ‘twas surely better than mine.” Dean smirked, reaching out to grab a piece of cloth to clean themselves up. “We should have done this sooner.”
“If only you hadn't been such a coward.” Y/n teased with a giggle.
“Your dumbass could have called me up. I wasted five years being one, terrified to hear how much you hate me.” He grumbled, cleaning up the mess on the seat. Honestly, she could have but she didn't ‘cause she was scared to hear the truth as well; that Dean had truly left her.
“So, you’re sayin’ we’re both a couple of dumbasses.” Y/N chuckled, putting on her bra.
“Your words, not mine.” Dean gave her a sly smirk. “The Winchester household will be so delighted, once they know I finally got my head out of my ass and looked at the beautiful woman right in front of me.” He was right in every sense. The Winchesters, all of them had always believed that those two would end up together. Everyone saw how in love they were except Y/N and Dean.
“Isn't it too early for the introduce-the-girlfriend-to-the-family thing?” She asked which got an eye roll out of the man. “Panties?”
“I don't have them.” Dean sneakily raised his hands.
“I saw you stuff them into your pocket.” He grabbed her dress from the front seat, throwing it at her.
“Put this on, or preferably, just don't.” He gave her a boyish smile, getting a raised eyebrow in reply, “Oh I'm not done with you. Gotta make up for the lost years, sweetheart.” Dean's eyes darkened at the thought as Y/N gulped, knowing she wouldn't be able to walk properly for weeks.
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Feedback is highly appreciated!
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xlynnbbyx · 3 years
Okay before I get too wrapped up reading some fics to where I will forget & since I can’t write my own fanfics cause I have more fun reading & sharing them. I do have an idea for a Jensen Ackles x Female Reader & Dean Winchester x Female Reader series. I figured I would share it here in hoping one of the many great Dean/Jensen fic writers use my idea. I would really love to see more Rockstar Dean & Rockstar Jensen series. I know there are 2 currently in progress stories 1 Dean 1 Jensen but I want to see more! So here are my ideas:
Rockstar Dean Winchester x Female Reader Series- of course this would be an AU I mean Rockstar kinda points to that 😂 anyway this should be a friends to lovers series where Dean & the Reader grew up together they could of been best friends or neighbors maybe both. Dean could of fulfilled his dream of being a rockstar and left home. Dean leaving means he leaves the reader behind. The reader can be sad about this cause she had a crush on Dean but never got the chance to tell him. Dean could enjoy the perks of Rockstar alcohol, women and etc. After years of what seems like a non stop party Dean can come to realize he doesn’t want to be a rockstar anymore. He could get news of Sam getting married maybe to Jessica or Eileen whichever you choose. Dean realizing he misses his family can give up being a rockstar to go home. Dean can also maybe secretly hope the Reader is still there too. The Reader can still be in Lawrence their home town. She is of course still friends with Sam and best friends with his fiancée. She can also be in a abusive relationship that she wants to get out of but is afraid to. That or she could be falling on hard times like maybe she lost her home to where she secretly lives in her car but no one knows. It doesn’t matter which one you choose. Either way Dean can be her savior he can save her and she in a way can save Dean.
Rockstar Jensen Ackles x Female Reader Series- this would also be a friends to lovers story. After Supernatural Jensen could focus on his band with Steve Carlson Radio Company. Jensen filming The Boys can be mentioned in this if you like. But after releasing Vol. 2 Jensen & Steve could want to play their songs in front of fans. The pandemic doesn’t really have to be mentioned here as after all it is a fanfic. The reader of course is Jensen’s friend maybe best friend besides Jared & Misha. Radio Company first show can be in Jensen’s home town. The reader not having seen Jensen since he was filming can be excited. She can attend the show wanting to see Jensen. The reader can be trying to get away from her possessive boyfriend well ex boyfriend who mentally abused her. Jensen could catch the douchebag ex screaming at her. Maybe see him hit the reader to where he goes to save her. Jensen can then ask the reader to go on the road with him so he can make sure she is safe. You can take the story from there adding whatever you want.
Both series should have FLUFF tooth rooting fluff just FLUFF! Of course smut maybe fluffy smut(love making) cause I am a hoe for series including smut. 😂 Also angst should be included as well I mean you do need a little angst in every series. Both series needs to have a mega super cute fluffy ending. Cause sad endings break my heart. If I am going to cry it needs to be tears of joy for a mega fluffy ending. So mega fluffy ending is a must. Epilogue should be included Prologue can be included if you want. Both series should have 15 or more chapters. If any of these ideas are used please let me know!!
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xsimxx77 · 4 years
Dean ❤️😭
So yeah Spn ended and ep20 sucked and it's been days and I still can't process ! (I'm a mess btw so God knows how this will come out)
The finale sucked and dean's death sucked basically I'm devastated !! And no it's not just "another Tv character's death" it's not just "a death" no ! it just sucks and lemme start up with some shit here !
So why his death is just bullshit !
Dean out of no where was put into some circumstances that can't be understood or be dealth with at 4 LIKE 4 ! Like suddenly his life just turned upside down and he was faced with "you gotta take care of ur little brother!" HOW WOULD A 4 YEAR OLD UNDERSTAND WHAT TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE MEAN !!? but he did it anyways and guess what he freaking did amazing job in that !!
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But wait -
HOW OLD WAS DEAN RIGHT HERE !!!? (btw this is the dark side of the moon ep when angels made them relive their fav memories ) he used to do what he was always doing his whole life !!! His father just messed up sth and he just went there and tried to fix it , tried to make it better for his mother ! He just did that !! And Sammy was like wow "never realized how long" ! yeah Sammy apparently he's been doing this his whole freaking life !
He had to do things that weren't even his job even before Mary's death! He was just so good that he couldn't see her anxious or sad about certain stuff ! And HE WAS SO YOUNG BACK THEN OMG !
yeah He never had a childhood thanks to his lovely father ! Been treated his whole life as a soldier , was raised like one !! He was always convinced that he had one job , just one job ! What he felt and how he felt never really mattered !
Reminder: he never got to graduate , never got to college ! And how he was just so proud that his samrtass brother went to Stanford is just so precious !
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"Always wanted to be a fireman" wanted ! What a word huh ! And again sammy went just like wow "never told me that" yeah Sam cuz what he wanted was never important apparently !
He always thought that the things he loved were just never his things , thinking he is nothing and no one. Always thought that he's not really worth anything !!
Imagine being convinced that everyone around u will leave u at certain point and u can't be enough ! and how he's so attached to his family knowing he can't be that for them !!
And don't u dare tell me that John didn't really affect him with so many things !! His whole life Dean was just trying to be good for the man!
Yeah I mean what a bright life right
and yes we can clearly see Dean using sarcasm in facing his problems ! Just all with the "Idc what happens to me" attitude but not bcz he's just careless like that nah not really he's just too scared to admit that he is scared if that makes sense ! U can see that clearly in many seasons
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in s3 Sam was trying to find a way to save his brother ! And dean was just like u can't do anything cuz there's no way and acting with the "careless" sarcastic way he is and Sam was just like "How can you" , "what's wrong with you!" He just can't let himself feel that he will be saved cuz there is nothing that can save him , he even admits that he is scared later on !
and to me Dean is this one dude with that mindset that he can't have hope , he won't allow himself to have hope ! So yeah he can't let himself believe that Sam will save him bcz what if he believed that and it just didn't work ! He's just too scared !! I mean can you imagine that !!
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he was just so scared dammit !!
S10 (this whole season was so heartbreaking tbh)
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and here !! (btw this the paint it black ep) How he just admits that he keeps expecting death ! And how he's just scared !!! "there's people , things feelings I want to experience differently!" And again with the want word !! HE WANTED THINGS FOR HIMSELF but never thought or even made things for HIMSELF !! and u telling me why this hurts so bad !!
He loved cars , wanted to be a mechanic or maybe even a rockstar and we can see that from previous seasons but he gets to talk about it with that girl in the "bad boys" ep ! reminder : that this is the "let him rot in jail" ep ! Imagine Dean with that mind of his and all of those thoughts thinking he's not worth it and shit like that only for his amazing father to leave him out there just like that !!! Thanks again John ! 🙃 YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE DREAMS OF HIS OWN !! But again he did come back for baby Sammy and I love him !!
I just love him sm and I know he never deserved any of this !!
How he was just convinced that he's just a grunt and couldn't see himself as this smart strong hero he truely is !!!😭 HE'S BEEN FIGHTING HIS WHOLE LIFE ! He'S BEEN SO GOOD HIS WHOLE FREAKING LIFE !!
How he just kept questioning why would an angel save him from hell !! "Why me !!? If there is a God out there why would he give a crap about me ?"
Never really came across his mind that he's worth it !
he never knew , never been told how great he was until Cas happened !! And Cas , this one angel is a wholeee other story !❤️🥺
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"imagine telling someone u love 'em only to have him give u this face !" Yeah lol that was funny but u know what ! imagine believing ur whole freaking life that ur nothing and not really worth anything , that ur just so pathetic and can't do anything and then having soemone just state how good and lovely you are and that they love u ! Like love u ! Yeah I find that funny too u know ! Like look at his face it just feels like "don't tell me that cuz I ain't worth it , I ain't that good Cas "
and I just love Cas so much cuz he just wanted to show Dean how lovely , selfless and just how precious he is !
Cas loved Dean the way he should be loved !! He just saw right thru his soul and loved it all !! Cuz he saw exactly what he is !! saw it all and understood it AND HE FREAKING LOVED HIM FOR EVERYTHING!!
and when we finally see Dean kinda accepting that yes he might be worth it , that yes he might be good just like Cas said ! That he deserves to live a life for himself !! They just kill him off !! Just like that ! Throwing everything away !
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And this this this right here just hits so hard and painfully rn !! Cuz How many times did Dean say this over many seasons !! Like how many times did he say that "a hunt gone wrong" is what gonna end him !! and seriously don't u dare tell me that yeah he was just ok with that or he wasn't really scared or that *the ending* he's got is the perfect one for him cuz nah !! IT'S FREAKING NOT !!! He kept saying that and he was expecting that !! HE WAS EXPECTING GETTING KILLED LIKE THAT ALL HIS FREAKING LIFE !! But he was literally dreading it !!!That's why this sucks !! That's why this is just so messed up and cruel !!
Imagine getting killed the exact way ur dreading for it to happen !
Like When Dean fianlly goes like "We gotta keep living Sammy" he really wanted to give this a shot !! He wanted to finally give it a shot for Cas and for himself! It's like he finally allowed himself to have hope !! Finally got his whole freaking free wil to do literally whatever he wanted !!!! He had a dog u know ! 😭 HE FREAKING APPLIED FOR A JOB !! FOR A JOB !! HE WAS GONNA GIVE THINGS OTHER THAN HUNTING A SHOT !! HE WANTED THIS !!
only to have him lose all of that !! all ripped away from him !! So yeah this is NOT JUST ANOTHER CHARACTER'S DEATH !!
He was so scared , he was freaking so scared and shaking "didn't think that this day would be today" he just wanted Sam close cuz he was so scared !! and u telling me that this is just another character's death!!
my baby boy , my comfort character deserved better !! I love him so much I can't-
i really thought Cas's death was bad (and it was hell tbh) but Dean's ending just messed me up in ways I can't even tell !
like he had to suffer too while dying !! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR !! Like ffs !!
this is literally depressing and so cruel !! And hopeless LIKE SO FUCKING HOPELESS !
he's been suffering his whole freaking life !! ALL HIS LIFE !!
and I know That he kinda got his peace at heaven (and tbh that might be the only thing that will help me go on with my life and the fact that Cas isn't in the empty too !) but that's just still doesn't make things right !! He freaking deserved a life !! HE FREAKING DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER !!
I just hate those writers so bad !
I will just end this with saying THANK U DEAN WINCHESTER , u've helped me thru alot !! u've changed me ❤️😭 ! Hope ur having all happiness u deserve at heaven baby boy ❤️😭😭
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katsidhe · 4 years
could you do 9.10 and 9.13 for episode reviews.
Love your takes btw.
9.10 Final Thoughts
well, well, well, if it isn’t my old friend season 9. God I love season 9. buckle in. 
Plenty of what season 9 tries to do with angel drama falls flat, but plenty of it doesn’t. It’s at its strongest when interrogating the ways that the angels are looking for personal purpose, rather than folding themselves into various suit-clad factions. In this episode, we have Gadreel, Abner, and Thaddeus, all with very different takes.
Thaddeus is the most boring of the three—a straightforward narcissist and sadist. (Lucifer will follow in his rockstar-impersonating footsteps in s12. SPN clearly has a dim view of the music industry.) We don’t care when he dies, and we aren’t meant to.
Abner’s found a family, and he’s let go of revenge. He’s clearly found peace and happiness—but it’s stolen.  I’m ambivalent about this. I guess I could take his word that his vessel was abusive and therefore deserves to have been permanently body-snatched, and I guess I could believe him when he says his new family loves him, even though they clearly don’t know what he is or what he’s done. His regard for humanity as something other than a project is… uncertain. Even if everything is as sunny as he explains to Gadreel, there is fundamental selfishness and short-sightedness here. Get what you want, Abner says, and never let go.
Gadreel asks Abner if his vessel is happy. This reveals both Abner’s scorn for his vessel, and Gadreel’s uncomfortable awareness of and respect for Sam (and his bartender vessel, who Gadreel stares at, and who accepts Gadreel back easily).
Gadreel! OF COURSE Gadreel’s gotta be the scapegoat for Lucifer’s release, HAHAHAH. I love him to pieces, oml. Seriously, the Sam parallels could not BE more blatant. I’ve talked about this before, that it makes the earned antipathy between them all the more alarming, all the more visceral. The big sticking point is that Gadreel’s years of pointless torture came prior to his “redemption” arc, rather than as a consequence of it. Gadreel has all of s5 Sam’s despair and helpless anger and self-loathing, all of his drive to set things right at any price, and all of it is amplified by his trauma.
Sam and Gadreel’s relationship is defined by its liminal spaces. Gadreel threatens to tear Sam apart, but he does not, even when he is tortured. He locks Sam away in a dream rather than force him to watch him kill, or to suffer. But when Sam forces Gadreel out, Gadreel leaps instantly on telling Sam he is weak, reciting back Sam’s fears and Gadreel’s own. This reads like Gadreel is aiming quite a lot of his own self-pity and self-hatred at Sam.
Cas’s murderous rage at Gadreel when his identity is revealed is fun. It shows that Heaven’s PR team did a good job, for one thing. But Cas is furious because it’s specifically Lucifer. And the Apocalypse, and all the attendant suffering, his and Dean’s and Sam’s. It’s a personal wrath.
“Stupid for the right reasons…” oh, Cas, your scarcity of positive human role models is showing. Also, Cas’s particular brand of reassurance here isn’t actually something Dean has a problem with. He expresses regret over having been tricked—he says he’s stupid, he says he got played—but he’s never in doubt that his intentions were good. He’s never in doubt that he did the righteous thing. He’s never in doubt that he’d do it again.
Dean apologizes to Cas for barring him from the bunker. (Sam will not receive an apology.) Cas compares what Dean did to Sam to what Cas did by trusting Naomi. There’s a key difference here. Cas’s moral compass is not the problem; it’s his critical thinking skills.
Crowley, Cas, and Dean are a hilarious trio. (Also, I really hope that Cas’s pimpmobile got to Heaven too, like the Impala.)
Crowley being genuinely sorry that Kevin’s gone and his willingness to risk his life to help Sam are the best two moments of the generally weak Crowley-has-human-blood plot line. They feel earned. [also Crowley’s ‘I told Kevin he should’ve run!’ is both accurate, funny, and sad.]
Let’s talk 4.21 parallels! I mean, first, the glaringly obvious: Sam locked down to be purged of something supernatural; Sam suffering; Dean unable to bear Sam’s tortured screams; a very atmospheric fan. Dean walking away.
and then, of course, there’s “at least he dies human.” Right off the bat, Dean tells Cas he’s going to kill Gadreel. Cas, concerned, says that this will kill Sam too; Dean, sounding tortured, says he knows. Now, obviously, Dean doesn’t kill Sam. He doesn’t even get particularly close. But it’s really interesting that this is the first thing Dean brings up! He declares unprompted that he’s ready to kill Sam rather than leave him possessed. Which is both a recapitulation of the save-him-or-kill-him mantra, and an ironic twist on the decision Dean made in 9.01. Then, Dean knew Sam would rather die than be possessed, but had him possessed anyway. Now, Dean has decided instead that Sam must die because he is possessed. Obviously Dean’s opinion on the possessing entity has changed in the meantime: Sam’s hasn’t, but Sam’s isn’t what matters. 
Dean reaches new levels of PEAK IRONY when he declares that Cas should possess Sam too. Cas has to actually point out that Dean can’t, in fact, volunteer Sam’s permission. Because apparently Dean had forgotten, lmaooo. Crowley, on the other hand, is happy to oblige. Dean directs Cas to burn Sam’s tattoo off.
The language of this entire scene is so sexual. I mean, it’s Crowley, of course it is, double entendre is his first language. But this theme recurs again and again. Here it is just more pointed than usual. It is queasy.
Gadreel has Sam trapped in a Dean-type happy place—a hunt with ghouls and cheerleaders, no organic produce to be found. And I don’t think it’s because Gadreel doesn’t understand what Sam likes. I think it’s because Gadreel’s aim was for Sam to feel comfortable, not blissful. It smacks of Hallucifer, just a bit—using the verisimilitude of Dean’s louder moods rather than trying to appeal directly to Sam’s contentment, because of his always questionable, always a question, sense of reality. If things were too smooth, too cheerful, Sam might just be suspicious. Sam is easier to trick by proxy. 
The HORROR of this episode for Sam: Gadreel washing someone’s blood off of Sam’s hands. Crowley pushing needles into his brain. Sam’s body and life as a bargaining chip as Gadreel threatens to kill him, and then as Dean threatens to kill him right back. The quiet heartbreak as Sam remembers Kevin’s death, as he realizes the magnitude of Dean’s betrayal. But the worst part of it, I think, is somehow still Sam’s face when Crowley comes to get him in the dream where Gadreel stashed him. How his expression just crumples as Crowley tells him he is trapped in a lie, that his mindscape is once again a prison, that he truly cannot trust his reality. The sheer devastation of this on top of Sam’s history, plus the knowledge that Dean did this—and he pulls himself together and puts his foot on Gadreel’s neck and casts him OUT anyway. Sam Fucking Winchester.
and then the Bridge Scene. The lighting, the staging… it’s fucking gorgeous. It’s one of those scenes where I knew as I was watching it for the first time, seven years ago, that it was going to be something. I held my breath and still hold my breath. I can’t take my eyes off the way that Sam is shaking slightly, the entire time. The way he can barely meet Dean’s eyes but he does it anyway. He SAYS HIS PIECE, says it clearly, says it with an even tone despite what he’s gone through, despite the holes in his head that were healed seconds ago.
I love the gentleness between Sam and Cas here. I love knowing that 9.11 follows this. I love that there is no question that Cas will leave with Dean—he is staying with Sam, to heal and support him, even after he spent this episode mostly reassuring Dean.
Dean does not start this conversation to apologize. He starts out with the intent to DELIBERATELY egg Sam on: “come on, let’s hear it.” It’s an incitement, because Dean wants Sam to act angry, so that Dean can feel more justified in leaving. Sam does not rise to the bait.
Dean has an excuse for every point Sam has: I had no choice, you were dying, it’s not in me, he saved your life. He says, “I did a bad thing with bad consequences and I would 100% do it again, anyway, bye.”
And then the most infuriating thing: Dean is in the wrong, so he tells the person he’s wronged, ugh, I’m just such an awful poisonous person, I’m going to burn for this. It’s so clearly wrong-headed. Intentional or not, it’s such an obvious invitation for Sam to comfort him that it might well have been embossed. If this were in e.g. season 15, or if the crime he’d committed had been less awful, I can easily hear Sam’s reassurance: no, Dean, I promise you’re a good person, we all make mistakes. It is the most toxic way possible to frame a potential apology.
The textual theme of Dean-as-poison (and, for that matter, the consequence of Kevin’s death vs. the initial crime of the possession) is an intentional muddying of the waters: Crowley, Cas, and Dean himself all bring it up in some fashion, linking some fundamental aspect of Dean himself rather than Dean’s choices to Kevin’s death. Crowley is trying to be cutting; Cas is trying to be supportive; Dean is both excusing himself and camouflaging that fact in his exhausting self-loathing. There is a complicated interplay of what the text says about Dean’s guilt and what it condemns; this pattern continues throughout s9, and reaches its apex in the next several episodes. Dean’s love as a condemning feature rather than a redeeming one is one of my favorite things about SPN, and s9 has it in HIGH gear.
But, here, at least, Sam doesn’t rise to this bait either. “Don’t go thinking that’s the problem, ‘cause it’s not.” The problem is obviously, achingly, exhaustingly clear. Sam’s spelled it out in this very conversation: you tricked me. You lied to me. You got me possessed when I was willing to die. But Dean, and a fair portion of the audience, can’t hear it. So he doesn’t. And they don’t, and they pretend that this line is some sort of puzzle! a cliffhanger on a conversation unfinished! when it was the conclusion, not the beginning.
image that is now inextricable from 9.10
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Any Fandom Kink bingo - Masterlist
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Here are my cards for @anyfandomkinkbingo​!
There’s two of them because of a slight confusion and I loved them both too much to pick one so I kept both! 
(And I plan to fill all of them (except the double squares) nyehehe)
All the fics will also be posted on my main masterlist under the proper character/fandom/actor!
Bold: Done
Italic: Planned
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First Card:
A Knight’s Tale AU: A Knight with Bowlegs 
Cannonball - Radio Company: Dirty Dancing 
Jensen Ackles: Naive
Phone Sex: Call Me When You Need 
Temporary Break-up:  It’s Always Been You (Sam x Reader)
Food Play: Cake by the Ocean 
“Don’t be crazy, there’s not a day I don’t think about you”: Breaking Apart 
Boyfriend’s Sister: How it Feels to Float (Meg x female!reader)
Praise Kink: Sexy Rules (Dean x Reader)
Dylan O’Brien: Behave
Lingerie: His Perfect Doll (Michael!Dean x Reader)
Sex Hotline AU: Good Boy 
Free Space: Adrenaline Momentum (Dean x Reader)
Tom Holland: The Girl on the Bus 
Unrequited Love: The One That Got Away 
Play Date - Melanie Martinez: Play Date 
Inconvenient Attraction: Between Heaven and Hell 
“If you solve this, I’ll buy you lunch”:
Bondage: Dangerous Attraction (Dean x F!Reader)
Royalty AU: Forever and A Day 
Blind Date:
Hickies: Violets are not Blue 
Break Their Hearts to Save Them:
“I can’t tell you the secret, because I don’t know the secret”:
I’m a Mess - Bebe Rexha:
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Second Card
Wet Dreams: You Own Me 
Strip Club AU:
“Shut up and take your pants off”: Unchained Melody 
Dirty Talk: The Dress 
Rockstar AU: Any Way The Wind Blows 
Livin’ in You - Radio Company: Livin’ in You 
Ceo/Secretary: Time’s Up 
Masturbation: The Most Innocent Sinner
Ennemies w/sexual tension:
Neighbor AU:
“How do I not regret any of you?”: Driving on Sunshine
Hero/Sidekick: Collateral Damage
Tattoo Artist! Clint Barton:
Hospital AU: Porcelain 
Finally//Beautiful Stranger - Halsey:
Uniform Kink: November Rain 
“If you solve this, I’ll buy you lunch.”:
This will be updated as I write the fics/find ideas!
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spnsmile · 4 years
D. W is complete. coda15x20
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gif are not uploading so imma write instead lol
He greeted death like an old friend. There was no pain, only weight off his shoulders. He wasn't afraid. He saw a burst of light, flashes of his old life, the ones he loved, the world he protected and then silence, him and the universe being one, consciousness no longer trapped in his old vessel. He was one with everything existing, the air, the earth and he was gone, but also was there.
Everything was him, he was everything. Then before him towered a presence of nothing but pure light, harmless and warm. He suddenly thought of home and he knew-
"Cas." His figure appeared as he spoke, young, the same. The surroundings change to something more familiar. Dean's dream lake and now Cas was there again. The angel still too encompassing. It was hard not to smile when meeting like they never parted. He loved it, this profound connection. Cas' presence assured him he belongs in this place.
"Hello, Dean."
Dean tried not to tear up in happiness.
"I've missed you. You look uh... Holy. Is this your true form?"
"Yes." It draped warmly around him, Dean was blessed.
"Your beautiful, Cas."
"So are yours, Dean. But your soul had always been beautiful."
Another blinding light, then Castiel in his vessel stood there, trench coat and all. Dean closed their distance, never again to part.
"This is heaven?" he could tell, his happiness was uncontainable there was no other place.
"Paradise. As I have once told you." Cas squinted.
"And you're my escort?" he quipped.
"I am your guardian angel. When you entered the doors of heaven, my brothers and sisters all sang your name and mine, it was as you would say, like rockstar came in." Cas won't be Cas without his dry humor.
"You got your wings back."
"Yes. Jack saved me from the Empty and restored heaven. He restored me as a seraph but... I could not meet you in that form and I dare not use another vessel... I could not meet you. I wanted to, so much. So I waited."
"I know." it made sense, Dean bowed his head.
"I heard your prayers, Dean. All of it." Cas tone was heavy with emotions and Dean just knew nothing had changed. He was afraid meeting Cas in heaven would be different.
"I knew Jack would save you." Dean gulped, hard, "I just... Knew you were out there, watching over me."
"You're not wrong. I waited. Even when you couldn't see me, I waited and watched...I was always with you, Dean and I'm glad, you kept your faith."
It also never changed, the way they could stare each other to literal death.
"I have you for that... You were watching me, Cas I... I know this is too late, even if you heard my prayers... and --you know my answer. You. know..."
Cas just stared at him seeing something Dean could never.
"I love you, alright? I always did..."
"I know." Cas said softly.
"I love you!" it needed to be said aloud, let heaven endure, "before I missed again-I love you because I do-I can't tell you how or when but I do! And I've wanted to meet you-Cas-"
Cas smiled it was blinding. "I know."
It was heaven but Dean was still crying. Cas was on him, Cas was near, Dean got him and they were inseparable light.
Dean Winchester is now complete.
"I love you, Dean Winchester. I..."
He wished he could tell Sam about how he kissed an angel. (x)
Happy 100k fic on ao3 Destiel ❤
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