#save me puppet... puppet save me... save me puppet. puppet. /ref
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peachyfnaf · 10 months ago
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happy (belated) mothers day to the... "doing-her-best" mom in all of tsbs!!! and i Swear the lines and strange framing of the images are Definitely artistic choices and not at all bc there were technical issues on my end nope nuh uh no issues over here at allllll /lh/sarc
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buildingabetterfuture · 3 months ago
“Looks like there's someone here to save me after all!”
“Me? Hatred? Not… being real?? I have NO idea what you’re talking about creator! Come now, let's chat while we walk.”
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important stuff under the cut :p
hiihihi @metashades here. block tales has been stuck in my head for a while now soo i'm making this!!
this is my first ever parody / roleplay account ever so be nice lol. it might take me a bit to respond but I’LL GET TO YOUR ASK BEFORE THE UNIVERSE IMPLODES I PROMISE!!!
also shoutout to @ask-builderman for inspiring this!! go check them out they're pretty cool :D
-please keep things family friendly, the mod of this account is a minor and any nsfw asks will be immediately deleted and or blocked.
-no politics / real world issues, this is a parody blocktales rp account you are in the wrong place bud.
-don’t be an asshole / use common sense, there is a real person behind this account!
#BUILDERMAN'S RANTS - Non - ask / roleplay posts
#PURPLE IDIOT - Fear blog interactions
#YELLOW IDIOT - Greed blog interactions
#BLUE IDIOT - Solitude blog interactions
#ANOTHER PUPPET - Other blog interactions
#ENDOCARDITIS - Posts involving Staph and Strep
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thecreaturecodex · 8 months ago
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Image © Paizo Publishing
[Sponsored by @coldbloodassassin, who asked for the slugspawn from Carrion Crown: Wake of the Watcher to be converted from a hazard to a full monster. It is a little weird in the adventure as published, and this art, which is from WotW, makes it look as if it was intended to be an independent creature originally. WotW has a very large Bestiary section (this is the PF1e module that introduced a ton of Cthulhu Mythos monsters), so it's entirely possible that this was its own stat block at one point in development before being changed for the finished product to save word count. Lucky for me, I don't have a word count.]
Slugspawn CR 5 CE Aberration This creature appears to be a greenish-black slug the size of a human arm. On its underside, it has a lamprey-like maw with layers of rasping teeth
Slugspawn are the juvenile stage of the moits of Shub-Nugganoth, grotesque creatures that use humanoids are hosts to create eruptions of parasitic plague. A slugspawn is barely sapient, existing only to lurk in a dark corner somewhere and wait for a passerby to infest. Slugspawn are slow but patient, and can eat insects, mold and other detritus if these are available, and survive for up to a year on reserves of fat if they are not. They require the thoughts of a host, preferably a humanoid, in order to molt and reach maturity and intelligence.
Slugspawn attack from hiding, attempting to ambush a victim and burrow inside of it without the victim noticing more than a faint twinge of pain. Although cold damage or surgical intervention can pull a slugspawn from its host, this must be done quickly before the aberration wraps around the host’s brain stem. There, it feeds on the thought energy of its host, but also provides blanket protection from mind-influencing effects. The infestation initially seems relatively benign, and the infested may go about their lives as normal until the moit suddenly and violently transforms into a spawning canker. This is universally fatal to the host, and the host’s corpse becomes little more than a puppet and layer of protection for a tentacled horror.
Slugspawn CR 5 XP 1,600 CN Tiny aberration Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsens 30 ft., Perception +5
Defense AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +7 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 51 (6d8+24) Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +4 Immune mind-influencing effects; Vulnerable cold, remove disease
Offense Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. Melee bite +13 (1d2+2 plus infestation) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Statistics Str 14, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 9 Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 21 (cannot be tripped) Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse Skills Climb +10, Perception +5, Stealth +21 Languages Aklo (cannot speak) SQ camouflage
Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary, clot (2-6) or infestation (7-12) Treasure none
Special Abilities Camouflage (Su) If a slugspawn is seen, a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering) or DC 25 Knowledge (nature) check is required to tell that it is not a harmless, albeit oversized, slug. Infestation (Ex) A creature bitten by a slugspawn must succeed a DC 16 Reflex save, or the slugspawn burrows through the skin and begins to infest the creature. Any amount of damage reduction is enough to resist the initial infestation. The save DC is Constitution based. On the first round of infestation, dealing cold damage to the victim can eject the slugspawn and save the host—but only if the victim takes 10 or more points within 1 round of being infested. Cutting the slugspawn out also works, but the longer it remains in a host, the more damage this method does. Cutting it out requires a slashing weapon and a DC 25 Heal check, and deals 1d6 points of damage per round that the host has been infested. If the Heal check is successful, the slugspawn is removed. After 3 rounds, though, the slugspawn has reached the host’s brain and cannot be surgically removed without killing the host. Remove disease kills any slugspawn in a host. A slugspawn ejected through cold damage or a Heal check is stunned for 1 round after being ejected. A creature host to a slugspawn is immune to mind-influencing effects. 2d6 days after the initial infestation, a humanoid or native outsider host metamorphoses into a spawning canker, and cannot be returned to life with any means other than a true resurrection, miracle or wish spell. Hosts of other creature types have variable gestation periods, and may never metamorphose at all, subject to GM discretion. Vulnerable to Remove Disease (Su) If a slugspawn is targeted with a remove disease spell or similar effect, it must succeed a Fortitude save against the save DC of the spell or die instantly. If they succeed, the slugspawn still takes 1d4 points of damage per caster level.
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anyathesnaketamer · 1 year ago
~the shadow jester's play~
reupload bc the first didn't have audio and got weird when I tried to fix it. Sigh.
I saw the update trailer and had the idea to make a puppet show of the story we know from shadow milk's point of view!
I made a script at 7 am and the video at 10 pm so It isn't the best but. Yk
All assets made by me one way or another, either drawn from scratch or using the trailer ones as ref
Song: shadow bonnie's lullaby
script in the part below ^^
(Dark blue curtains open to an empty stage. Only puppets of gingerbrave, strawberry and wizard are visble.)
"Our story begins with a small little INSAGNIFICANT child~! Oh! There he is now! Say hello, gingerbrave~!"
"Poor old gingerbrave! He was baked by the witches just to be EATEN! good thing he and his stupid little friends weren't there!"
"Nonono! They were seeking down the ancients~!"
(Curtains close. They open to show a pink, hollyberrian themed stage. A puppet of hollyberry, princess, and the redish green dragon are present.)
"There was hollyberry! The 'brave dragon warrior'! Can't be too brave to abandon her kingdom.. oh, but she came back to defeat the dragon! Doesn't that justify EVERYTHING in the end?"
(Pink curtains close. They open again to a purple, caconian themed stage. Puppets of dark cacao, caramel arrow, affogato and dark choco are present.)
"Then there came dark cacao, the undefeatable king! He's bested dragons, he's defeated armies! Just to be betrayed by his own son..~"
(Purple curtains close. They open to a yellow, golden cheese themed stage. Puppets of golden cheese, burnt cheese and mozzarella are present.)
"Then there was golden cheese! The golden sovereign as her people cry! But she couldn't even save those very people from death~!"
(Yellow curtains close. They open to a green, flower decorated stage. Puppets of white lily and dark enchantress are present.)
"Then there was white lily.. precious white lily.."
"She did her verryyy best to keep us sealed away.. oh but then came dark enchantress~! Pasts do come to haunt us, hm?~"
(Green curtains close. A stage opens to a soft yellow, vanillian themed stage, also decorated with flowers. Only a puppet of pure vanilla is present.)
"And there was pure vanilla. The great king, pure vanilla! But what king was he? His kingdom was dead! And worse, so much of this could be blamed on him~!"
(Soft blue and yellow curtains close. They open to a stage themed like a eye infested faerie tree, with Puppets of the ancients, gingerbrave, strawberry, wizard, elder faerie and some faerie kingdom cookies present.)
"Gingerbrave and his friends collected these five 'ancient heros' to defeat the (mock voice) 'BiG BaD AnCiEnT BeAsTs'! When the beasts came free, however, these silly silly cookies quickly realized they were outmatched! They quickly lost, and the beasts roamed free once again~! Hahahahaha~!!"
(The curtains close, and open one last time, to a bowing shadow milk surrounded by discarded- showing to be "dead", puppets)
"The end."
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polarized-here · 7 months ago
POLAR I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR OCS AND SEE THEIR CONCEPT ART‼️ please I need food, I need to eat your art sjdhhsjdhsj /lh
GRAHH FINE SINCE YOU ASKED… my lore. Sorry this is so late gngahgahshsjsh… you literally caught me as dinner came home. Like. Oops… crazy… right after I knocked out shekhrkdbddmbd anyway! :)
Under the cut because it may or may not be a long thing, with most plot points just being little ideas—no fully fleshed story, just, erm. Ideas I like.
Update. It’s long. Also tumblr is so glitchy rn it kept making this saved post disappear and then reappear in my asks after I exited the app and opened it again what the fuck 😭😭
So, in this world, a majority of the population do. Not. Have powers, having them is seen as a blessing, But… It's a dystopian themed world—where these powers are incredibly monitored and regulated by the government—with some being minor, and some being full on changes to the physical body and how they manifest. (ie. My excuse for drawing anthros… or kemonomimi… shushhhh/also allows me to just dump all of my ocs which you may have seen before, in one little world and play with them like they’re my puppets :( I love them sm!! One of them sora is from DND they hold a special place in my heart...)
But again, having these powers is seen as a blessing from a God of some sort—and a curse, as while they’re regulated by the national government heavily, some individuals still manage to slip by, or cause harm to the general public, so from this, they (the gov) took advantage of this to instill a system of ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ there’s a few ‘vigilantes’ but most either become heroes (through turning themselves in and doing plenty of community service work, and discussing a contract with some government representatives—most who become heroes are never the same. They always have a look in their eyes, as if valor to help their nation has blinded them), but some may become villains.
Heroes are those who just have a license and have signed a contract with the government—most get these contracts renewed or take a small few month break in between contract renewals. They’re unable to use their powers in these circumstances, unless it’s out of self defense. Civilians can too (those not heroes, are regulated by the government heavily, and choose not to pursue it. But it’s like US NAVAL contracts too. you can join programs in the gov that give you supplemental access and benefits to college/pay it off, etc etc etc. like the national guard but more celebritized), but they (civilians) need to find a GOOD lawyer. There’s so many laws that heroes are naturally given a smalllllll pass over, that it’s just best to run away, or be a hero in that small instance.
(This has sm mha influence. As sad as it is, that show influenced me sm. Got me into trying art. Fr fr/on digital. PLA is just where it improved a weeee bit).
OKAYYY ENOUGH AGOUT THE SET UP!! THE CHARACTERS… I’m so sorry idk why I’m rambling this much, I’m not even hyperfixated on my own OCs. Like what the fuck.
Anyways! A key note is that having bright colored hair is a key identification that you probably have powers that haven’t manifested yet, and the hair is always a bright color, unless, you’re Astor!
He’s got so much trauma *slaps roof of car.* You can fit so much trauma in this one bad boy. And despite it all he remains a good person. Dawg. You have more strength then I’d ever have. But igggg the want and need to help people because you were hurt and want to make a change does seem motivation enough… anyways. They’re so marysue coreee
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The main character & a small-time vigilante going to the new school that’s just been set up. His hair only really turns those bright colors when she’s using their powers—but in the ref it’s just for convenience sake. She has so many skeletons in her closet, that they can’t risk being caught. But they love helping people too much. They’re a bit altruistic.
Here’s their vigilante suit ref :)
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For ease of mind, they always have a small bit of static on their hands—both to stun new people meeting them. To make the air feel charged with thunder and electricity—a warning to her presence, and because it means their hair stays that color. No matter the charge. His eyes stay the same color though. Again. These are some old doodles from last year of some characters. Notably, that I also revamped. Heroes, villains, and vigilantes stories always hold a special place in my heart,,,
Next up is Anzu! Silly goober!!! Please give him head pats!!!! He loves it!!! This is Astor’s only… real friend. Since Astor likes his solitude. But tolerates Anzu’s silly behavior. Utter dichotomy between them!!! <333 I haven’t decided if they’d get together or nah, but! <3333
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Yeah, this guy (and Astor) both have autism (I didn’t even realize that him liking trains was an autistic stereotype… oops. Mb gang. But like. Seriously. Ywah didn’t mean anything by it. I’m autistic myself and I’m possibly pursuing physics or engineering 💪💪 I think it’s alr if I project onto a character I made 🔥🔥🙏)
Yes, he’s based on the irl dinosaur. Yes, he’s autistic, hear me out. I just put lots of things together. And he just ended up with major tism 🔥🙏
And finally, a hero I designed :) I changed her a weeee bit. But she’s mostly the same sand manipulation :) villains dislike her since she puts sand in their shoes. Her big container is full of sand and stuff. She doesn’t have a weakness other then she needs to be a bit concentrated on making her sand creations—but they’re like second nature to her because of how long she’s been a hero. She’s an antagonist only because she’s trying to take Nexus in. She sees how sweet she can be to the native cats (from a distance. Never touching them, and she never knows why, they look at the native cats, longing to pet them but always stops) so she wants to take him in and make a case for him to join the government’s hero program.
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Arizona! But her hero name is Sahara yk… Yeagh…. Anyways :) I love her lots. She does mean well. But she’s also blindly faithful in the government, or will see its problems and will deflect or try to be better to make things right. But she always holds rules above anything else. Even if she cares about someone who’s breaking them, a lot, so yeah… totally not talking about the mentor and mentee relationship between her and Nexus… where she pushes her morals aside just to listen to him seldom talk about his intrepid interests.
If Nexus didn’t have those powers—in her opinion—she would’ve made an excellent leader in whatever field he’d want to pursue. And she knows he’s got something up with them—some history. And that breaks her heart a little seeing how much pure joy Nexus gets at being able to try new things, like new foods, or try out purely common things that should be normal to a kid like herself.
Very much love found families and going to the extreme for them :33
ANYWAYS!!! Those are the main 3. I have some others I’ll show. But yk. They look a wee bit different + have names labeling them and the key parts of them. I don’t think tumblr would like me dropping all their refs :,)
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Actually :O hold on, their refs are here. Trust
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I’m so smart for pasting them all here. Trust anyways. Those are my pookies, so sorry this took so long.. erm I like them a lot. Oh yeah, I made a comic with them for art class. Yeagh. They were mostly changed for ease of drawing but yeah. I did not want to do it but I had not wanted to do this 🚬🚬
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But yeah, pookies…. Sorry you probably didn’t want this comprehensive lore about them grrr
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
A TAG GAME?! :O :D !!
♡ 3 Lovely Ships:
Soukoku (i just think theyre so ✨️silly✨️ & couples that are @ war r my fav so- 🥰) also i recently discovered MANGA soukoku??!?!?! like theyre literally
✨️🍒🍑🍓🩹🩸💀🔫🏳️‍🌈🚔🗡🍉🍊🍋✨️ <- this
IVE LITERALLY CEMENTED THEM SO HARD AS MY GAY DADS THAT I FUCKING FORGOT THEYRE NOT CANON- i get confused when theyre on screen and not more coupley 💀 biggest comfort ship <3
Myself / the near entirety of Genshin Impact Playable Characters LMAOO IM A POLYAMOROUS SL*T IDK WHAT U WANT FROM MEEEE-
♡ First Ship:
♡ Last Song:
Labour by Paris Paloma! Im so fucking obsessed it just embodies the entirety of Feminine Rage I need- and how hard women work all the fucking time!
(Idk ig this is part of the template but-)
Live, Laugh, Love Hatsune Miku too
@fandangotales lol
♡ Last Movie:
Cocaine Bear!
Kinda cgi gory, mostly gross, sometimes i gagged 😭, watched it in theaters and it was so hilarious tho, the dialogue was like, super natural too! Like realistic jokes i would make in those situations lmao
Hope i can write dialogue that natural one day :O
♡ Currently Reading:
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System!
♡ Currently Watching:
Bungou Stray Dogs & Saving 80,000 Gold In Another World For My Retirement!
♡ Currently Consuming:
Some fucking stellar Boba teas from my local shop in town! I got a sort of strawberry frozen one with whip cream and mango jelly stars + lychee popping pearls And my quintessential Thai Tea w/classic tapioca my beloved <3
Yes... I am a fancy drink bitch 😔, now you all know my secret
♡ Currently Craving:
God who wouldn't I kill for some pasta rn, like penne with the sauce and the cheeseeee UGH 😫 </3
(no pressure babes!)
@lonelyrosegold (i just found u but i rlly loved ur background music about Linked Universe, which I also just found out about lmao)
@bk-4-trash-fire (the OG, the SUPREME, My Liege 😌✨️ ur actually one of the first ppl that rotred my brain over genshin sagau! Thank u for all ur cool ideas that i may or may not write an entire short story abt some day lmao! The Possession AU i made was partially inspired by you!<3)
@intothegenshinworld (new for me but awesome writer!! I cant wait to see more of ur stuff!)
@chocogi (UR PUPPETEER AU PARTIALLY INSPIRED MY POSSESSION AU! thanks for the cool content!!)
@fandangotales & @undecidingfate
THANK YOU BOTH?! FOR THE TAG 😭 It sounds silly but ive never gotten tagged for these things before & i was so happy to see it ;u; !!
More asks answered/posts to come my fellow zodiac signs!!
Safe travels,
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piepiepiemag · 1 year ago
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finally made a proper ref for my beloved & first genshin oc :> ive been working on this drawing on and off for a year so im very happy. (also had to rewrite her story once cuz archon quest)
i kinda wanna ramble about her!! i’m bad at explaining stuff so sorry if this is lame djnfnfnf;;;;
she’s an orphan who was taken in by the house of heart at a young age. the rigorous training she received there managed to kill out most of her emotions and it molded her into the perfect blank slate solider who only follows orders and never asks questions. by the time arleccino took over the orphanage she was far too gone to be rehabilitated into a somewhat normal life.
she joined the fatui under la signora’s troop and both her and the rest of the troop dislike her because of her cold and aloof nature. she rarely talks and always has a thousand yards stare so they mostly assume that she’s stuck up because she was able to train under a harbinger. her squadmates would often pull pranks on her like locking her out of the dormitories at night and giving her nicknames like “little puppet”. she wound spend many night in the library, memorising where everything is thanks to that.
AND THATS WHERE I STOP CUZ IM CRINGE AND YOU GUYS KNOW IT!!!! (i may or may not ship her with scara ehe)
ok anyways. she has near photographic memory, so she’s usually tasked with finding documents and filing reports. (also since she was a child assassin she remembers all those things way too well). she also has autism and even though her cold facade hides it, she often sneaks away to be alone and breaks down and cries when she’s overwhelmed.
later on she meets an eccentric artist from fontaine and her companion, a spice salesperson (ocs that still need a ref). they became a ragtag team of adventurers for a while and then an accident happens, they get attacked, mila’s delusion backfires and she gains a vision while trying to save her friends. i don’t have it all figured out yet ehe >_< anyways if you read this far you owe me a welkin
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lululeighsworld · 1 year ago
FE OC Week Day 4 - Tragedy!
absolutely not shocking that im thrilled to share the horrors Summoner Leigh has been subjected to (by me). if you love your oc, put them through the wringer is how the saying goes, right?
gonna immediately throw this under a readmore. content warning for character death and the usual fe villain awfulness. tl;dr Summoner Leigh has been murdered twice in two separate timelines and they end up being an undead puppet each time.
[day 1 introductions] [day 2 relationships] [day 3 backstory?]
so one of my favourite ideas feh has established is that there are an infinite amount of worlds that exist and heroes can be summoned from. this lends itself REALLY WELL to playing around with various "what if?" scenarios, especially in consideration of the different "bad ends" a character may find themself face to face with.
(gonna try and save the details of these bad ends for the last day so i can talk about them alongside the good ends. for now, i'll just focus on the tragedy side of things.)
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Nemhain: Soulless Havoc
Like other cohorts of Hel, Nemhain takes their name from a mythological figure — in their case it is Nemain, the personification of the frenzied havoc of war from Irish mythology. Nemhain is to Leigh as Líf and Tharsir are to Alfonse and Veronica: soldiers in Hel's army of the dead, from an alternate timeline when both Askr and Embla were defeated by the undead realm. Having been murdered by Garon shortly after his arrival, Hel saw an opportunity with the summoner's corpse and decided to experiment with her construction of undead soldiers. Robbed of their voice and without Askr's blessing upon their soul (Hel has stolen this too), Nemhain is a ruthless and silent killing machine, roaming the battlefield with nary a trace and tearing a part their victims in the blink of an eye. They often return to Hel soaked in the blood of their victims, phosphorescent green (similar to arsenic-laced wallpaper) hue glowing sickeningly in the realm's darkness. Those who escape Nemhain's wrath report hearing the rattling of chains moments before the attack; others claim to have felt nauseous, the sensation lasting long after leaving the battlefield. Mysteriously, some succumb to an unidentifiable illness despite their initial luck.
jello-colour refs and my poor attempt at trying to put their design to paper (im a writer not a character designer okay)
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oh the bird flying above Nemhain in the second picture? in this alternate timeline, Summoner Leigh nursed an injured starling back to health before they got jello'd. starlings are very good at mimicking human speech, and may have picked up on their speech patterns while in their care. after becoming Nemhain, the starling finds and follows them. it's very unsettling when heroes who knew the summoner hear their voice but see the monstrosity before them on the battlefield :')
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Leigh: Beloathed Puppet
Anankos' hold on his vessels should never be underestimated, least of all by one whom wields the power to return heroes home. The arrival of Fallen!Lilith spells ruin for Summoner Leigh, convincing the wavering vessel which stands at their side to betray their trust and feelings so they can return to the Betrayed King's side. The deed is done when the point of a lance finds itself buried in the summoner's abdomen, to which they are then dragged half-dead by Gunter towards the dias where Lilith awaits. Mercy would have been leaving them in Askr to die after using Breidablik to send them home. The Mad Dragon is anything but merciful, however. With what little life they have remaining, Leigh finds themself tumbling over the cliff side of the Bottomless Canyon; they're dead before they reach Valla, just a corpse for Anankos' amusement. Similar to the kingdom's inhabitants, Leigh becomes an Invisible Soldier, now a puppet with no longer a will of their own.
:'''"") don't you just love when your oc's crush is the cause of their death. admittedly i go back and forth on the exact details of this tragedy all the time because there is just so much angst to play with.
speaking in terms of feh plot, the betrayal happens sometime during book 6 (both after Leigh first confesses their feelings to Gunter at the end of book 4 and Fallen!Lilith's appearance in book 6) but before Leigh starts studying magic under Niime and book 7 (Anankos shows up himself in book 7 and i wanna do something different with him storytelling wise).
im also undecided on how much Fallen!Leigh would remember Gunter, if at all. and yes they'll probably get a cool outfit! but ive been indecisive as hell for years and cannot for the life of me decide what i want it to look like. ah well, can't figure out everything all at once less i have nothing to brainstorm in the future!!
that's all for now! if you made it this far, thank you for reading!!
diver by Firefly Graphics
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paperanddice · 1 year ago
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Chelicerae are an unnatural form of giant arachnid, theorized by some to have been ripped from another world entirely. Their internal organs are quite different from regular spiders and similar creatures, with additional organs (particularly around the head and mouth) that perform functions not clearly understood yet. Something in their unnatural bodies allows them to gather magical energy from other creatures, and repurpose it into their own magical spells.
They stalk isolated victims, capturing them and injecting their venom, which knocks prey unconscious and drains their strength. If given enough time, they'll bind an unconscious target up in webbing, but this takes some time and isn't feasible in the midst of combat. Otherwise, they'll simply carry the body with them and use it as a battery for as long as possible, relying on the victim's weakness to prevent them from escaping before they run out of power. Once there's no more juice to be wrung out of a person, the spider may discard them to wake up later, memory foggy and potentially lost far from home. Or it may kill them and use their bodies as animated puppets to help guard its home.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Chelicerae Creature 7 Uncommon Large Aberration Perception +15; darkvision Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +19, Stealth +16 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2 AC 23; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +17; +1 status bonus to all saves vs. magic HP 116 Speed 35 feet, climb 25 feet Melee fangs +17, Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus Chelicerae Venom and Grab Melee leg +17 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning Occult Innate Spells DC 25, attack +17 ; 4th phantasmal killer (0 slots); 3rd haste, lightning bolt, paralyze (0 slots); 2nd invisibility, scorching ray (0 slots); 1st animate dead, burning hands, ray of enfeeblement (0 slots); cantrips (4th) acid splash, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand Chelicerae Venom (incapacitation, poison) The enfeebled condition from chelicerae venom lasts for 24 hours. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 25; Maximum Duration 4 rounds: Stage 1 unconscious (1 round); Stage 2 unconscious and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 3 unconscious and enfeebled 2 (1 round); Stage 4 unconscious and enfeebled 4 Siphon Spell Slots The chelicerae doesn't have spell slots it can use to cast its innate spells. Instead, it must drain energy from living creatures it has grabbed to power its spells. As part of the Cast a Spell action, it can draw energy from a grabbed creature, expending one of the creature's spell slots of the same rank as the spell it wishes to cast. It can heighten any spell it knows to the rank of the siphoned spell slot, even if the siphoned slot is higher than 4th. If it has a creature grabbed that has no spell slots (whether they've all been expended, or don't have any naturally), the chelicerae can instead increase the creature's stupified condition by an amount equal to the rank of the spell it wishes to cast, to a maximum of 4th rank. The creature's stupified condition can be increased to a maximum of double its Wisdom, and once it's stupified value has reached that point it can no longer be used to power any spells. The stupified condition from this effect is reduced by 1 each time the target completes a full night's rest.
13th Age
Chelicerae  Large 4th level troop [aberration]  Initiative: +8 Bite +9 vs. AC - 20 damage and the chelicerae grabs the target. Natural Even Hit: The chelicerae can make a venom attack against the target as a free action. [Special Trigger] Venom +9 vs. AC - The target is stunned (save ends). C: Psychic Burst +9 vs. MD (1d4 nearby enemies) - 14 psychic damage. Limited Use: The chelicerae must have an enemy grabbed to make this attack. The grabbed enemy either expends one of its spells until its next full heal up, or takes 10 mental damage and a cumulative -1 penalty to all attack rolls and defenses until its next full heal up (to a maximum of -4) if it doesn’t have any spells to expend. Wall Climber. AC 20 PD 15 MD 17 HP 106
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amphiptere-art · 2 years ago
I'm going to try and make chest up interaction things for the all the ask series.
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The plan is to make a generic puppet that I can then move into place and add details on. That way I'm not redrawing everything from scratch. I'm still going to draw over the perfect little things here to give that sketchy nature.
And it's likely if I'm going to put a character in a pose I'm going to save it as a separate thing so I can add different details onto it. Same thing with faces. Eyes mouth and the crescent remain mostly the same throughout on my characters so I can duplicate it.
But hey at least maybe soon you guys can actually get visuals on who you're talking to. Although it also reminds me that I have to get the refs done. At least I have most of red blue and black. Plus blackstar basically has a design so he's probably going to get one too.
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anonymeqaupdates · 9 months ago
Chapter 56 review
Already seen this part but I'm happy to know that the staff will do anything for their students.
Oh gosh, even Overblot Jamil wouldn't do something like this yet he made sure that the hypnotize students get hurt by themselves to distract them and prevent them from reaching Kalim. He is such sick monster.
Well give good points for Trey on using his UM. Honestly his UM is technically dangerous than Riddle given how it can use to murder someone if he wants to. But good luck on thinking ahead and points for Malleus for saving him.
Hope Leona's vocal tract isn't severe if he keeps using the roar too much. He might end up like Azul after he overblot and the poison.
A cute little ball of light Malleus is.
Sam has friends on the other side, I'm sure he knows much about dark secrets than anyone. Man I love your own take on his unique magic. Hope he doesn't dragged into the land of the dead.
Why are you keeping your powers a secret, Crowley? Your powerful yet didn't try to. I am so curious.
I'm curious why Crowley didn't ask to use his dimension to trap Kalim. I'm sure it would prevent things from happening
Also, love the nod of Crewel and Sam being classmates back in school. I want to see their little adventures together.
*Percy theme intensfies*
Love the nod that he using all of Hans' inventions that Percy destroyed and rebuild.
Abis POV, YAY!
I guess the Radiant Hope refers to Jafar as the B J instead of the snake or worst.
Yassin cursing is awesome. Love the Abis and Yassin friendship. Honestly if Al wasn't around, I'm sure those would have been old married couple or something.
Surprise that Hans was enrolled because of them, their paycheck should come in handy for the schools given the chaos they caused. Maybe it's good thing they did or Hans would have to deal with his family. Well poor Idia and Azul though once he learns about it.
Jamil and Jamil conversation. Man, past Jamil yelling at current Jamil who feels defeated. At least past Jamil is aware that the djiin will use them for his own goal and that everyone is in danger.
Haha...Floyd thinking that is was Riddle's doing because of Heartslabyul
Djiin trying to make sure Kalim isn't caught by anyone while the rest trying to make sure he does is really suspense. Kalim in regular clothes? Seems now I can picture during this happened.
Dragon versus the original Snake face off. Man, can't wait for the battle between them.
It seems only Sebek and Silver didn't try to attack Jamil but rest do. Showcase they truly do know that this wrong. Hope Kalim doesn't take this hard about them trying kill Jamil.
So they seperate three of them. The Magicless Jamil is the current timeline, the could is Jafar, and the blot Jamil is the past Jamil. I wonder what would happened if Azul didn't seperate them. Poor current Jamil, he became much more of a monster than the last timeline and he has chains like a puppet.
So I assume that Yuu is pretending he notice this and didn't know everything to keep them from distracting as he took care of magicless Jamil.
Yep, everyone is finally on circles now especially with Bill is here.
Awww...this is a tragic chapter to end the NRC saga and the Rescue Saga to come. Can't wait for the Genie battle and the dragon versus snake battle.
Hope we see the Cassim chapter soon. Take a good rest!
Yeah that was a pretty evil idea! I’m pretty proud of that one! I had to nerf Malleus somehow and this was the way that covered the most bases. 🙃
And it gave me a reason to make a sleeping beauty ref by having him turn into a ball of light! (*≧∀≦*)
I was also really happy to have Percy use Hans’ inventions and I’m glad you recognized them! Even if it caused Floyd some confusion!
Abis POV was short but a long time coming too. He was also probably the funniest part of the chapter. I guess I can’t help but add jokes everywhere!
Djinn VS Malleus was cut short but let’s see if they can get a round two sometimes! ;) Silver and Sebek had hesitated attacking Jamil in front of Kalim.
Speaking of, Damn did the Jamil’s had a bad time! But at least Blot Jamil knocked some sense to Jamil before it all went to hell. And Kalim’s last line to him? Oh dear that sure won’t haunt him!
Anyway I’m feeling really inspired so after I’m done voting I’ll start working on the next one. It’s voting day in France, if it weren’t for that I would be back to the writing table already.
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bvannn · 10 months ago
Weekly Update May 24, 2024
I tried being productive this week, and got some things done but not as much as I would’ve liked. I’m still super tired and work starts next week, but I’m hoping things will get better. Some personal things may come up so I might also be in a bad mood or busy helping family next week, but there’s also a chance we get a pet. I’m hoping I can convince my mom for a dog, since I don’t care for cats, but a cat is more likely. Anyway art stuff.
I didn’t make straightforward progress on the OEB video but I did some stuff. I redid boards for the first chorus twice, ran it past a friend for peer review. Friend has also offered to help with boards, and I gave him a general description of what I wanted, but I’m not going to hold him to it since I don’t currently have a way of repaying him. It’s more of a fun thing for him to do if he wants, and if he does it helps me, but if he doesn’t then I’ll still get it done on my own. I did write up what I want the boards to look like through the second chorus, and I got started on building the puppet of the main character. I don’t expect full puppets for all the characters, but I think the main at least makes sense, since there’s a good chance I’ll reuse him in other animations, or at least I can reuse his parts. Also looked into a certain feature of adobe’s and i should be able to skip the entire sketch line step I was doing before, and just do it in the program, which will be a great way to save time while still giving it that sketchy lineart style I love so much.
Comic: pitch comic is officially 20% done, and I figured out how to get Microsoft word back on my computer so I can get to writing the next stuff. I got about half an outline for an episode 2 of O’Malley, and I’m starting structuring Backstage’s overall plot, since time is a much more important factor there. I’m not sure if I still have the outline I did for episode 3 of O’Malley or not, but I remember the general chorus of events so I can redo it if I don’t. Sorry I don’t have much to say on the current comic other than I just need to keep working on it. Which I will, I’ll try to get page 7 sketched tomorrow. That’s Anastasia’s introduction, so hopefully I’ll be able to post something from it.
Music: I got impulsive and outlined another song. And started throwing instrumentals together. I’ll abbreviate it as RR, it’s an original, vocal, not sure what voice to use but it’s fine. I’m going to try for getting the lyrics done before writing the melody this time, shouldn’t be too bad as long as I have time and motivation. I’m still going to aim to finish up lyrics for BATB first, but those are slow because I keep second guessing myself about it. I started another draft of the first verse last night, I’ll try to get that done tonight if I have time.
I’m trying to get one general drawing done a night, but I’m falling behind. Right now I’m watching a movie with my mom since she’s had a rough day (Beetlejuice is still a good movie btw, better than the cartoon) but I’m hoping I’ll have time to get another one done once the movie is over. I did get an account on that sheezy.art site through luck, haven’t had enough time to tell whether it’s worth the exclusivity yet. Also heard about a site called unvale, haven’t poked it at all yet, maybe I’ll do that soon. Anyway point is I’m trying to get more general drawings done on days I have free. Those are going to be more sparse with work but I’ll try to still get some done on the weekends.
All things considered I did a bunch this week but it isn’t a lot that I can really show. I’m still trying. In the next few weeks I’ll finish up some more general drawings and try to get on redoing some of the Artfight refs that need it. I’ll definitely have more to show during July because I want to go ham with that, although again time will be a bit constrictive. This next month I’m going to try finishing up some projects I want to get done before then, but I’ll try to see how much of that I can multitask with other big projects. It’ll be fine!
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star-fandoms · 1 year ago
One Piece ocs part 1
This absolutely will not be one part, I have too many ideas, I just also haven't finished all the refs yet. More will be added onto this post until I can't add images which will lead to the other parts. Also yes, this is a Canon x Oc based post, but also I do ship my own ocs so feel free to do that as well. Once again, If you don't like that, please just block me and move on about your day/night :3 I did try to copy the One Piece style, I like to do that with my fandom ocs, although not every art piece will be done in the styles.
This is my first crew, the Rosettes!
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Name: Cordelia Cordenza Age: 21 (2/14) Devil Fruit: Tsuyo-Tsuyo no mi (This devil fruit is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit, it gives Cordelia extreme strength, so it can alter her body by giving her more muscles. It's pretty basic but imagine the strongest character x10) General info: She's the captain, although she doesn't really deem herself as fit to be a captain. She hardly even classifies herself as a pirate. She doesn't strive to be the best, she just wanted to leave behind her home town and abandon the memories from there. She's allies with The Dreamers(Another crew I made) and The Strawhat Pirates. I ship her with Zoro, I'd say they both admire each others strengths and enjoy working out together. I do think Cordelia might get in Zoro's nerves every now and then because of her passive personality. Although you could ship her with pretty much anyone on her crew, though I mainly ship her with Suki and Charlotte. She fights with a giant, heavy sword that Esme painstakingly made for her.
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Name: Suki TBA Age: 21 (TBA) Devil Fruit: None General: She's the captains right hand and the second person to join the Rosettes(Third if you count Cordelia herself). She's one of the more capable members on the crew, earning her that position next to the captain. She also works as the chef of that group, though she mainly bakes since that's what she likes doing more. Her and Charlotte often butt heads over their mutual obsession with their captain. That said I do ship Suki and Cordelia together. Suki cares about the others on the ship, but not as much as she cares about her captain, the one who saved her and took her in. I do also ship her with Sanji, I think they would really bond over cooking/baking, and also being one of the people who have to constantly save their crewmates as they don't have devil fruit powers. She fights with a dual sided sickle type of weapon.
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Name: Charlotte TBA Age: 19 (TBA) Devil Fruit: None, although she is technically powered by a devil fruit. General: If Suki is Cordelia's right hand then Charlotte is Cordelia's left hand. They both stick close by to their captain and ensure that their captain is safe and comfortable. Charlotte's just a bit more obsessed with Cordelia, although she does try to interact with the other crewmates more eventually. In the beginning she really doesn't care about them, only Cordelia and Esme. Charlotte is not a human, she's a doll, a puppet brought to life with the powers of the devil fruit. That said, she breaks extremely easily. I do ship her with Cordelia, though I ship them less then I do with Cordelia and Suki. Canonly, I ship her with Luffy, I like the dynamic in personality with Luffy being more outgoing and reckless and Charlotte being more serious and careful. She has strings running throughout her body that she can shoot out(like spiderman), and they're tough(Imagine the plastic string on shirts)
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Name: Mila TBA Age: 1000+ (TBA) Devil Fruit: None(?) I kind of just made a snake species, I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a devil fruit or not. General: So I made Mila and Ines before I knew there were snake people, they aren't a part of the Kuja pirates, no they're a part of an endangered tribe and species, their people were wiped out hundreds of years ago and they're the last two alive that they know of. She serves as the crews Navigator. She's pretty antisocial mainly due to her insecurities that she got at her previous island. Mila has poisonous venom, with that she has a poison resistance. Her and Ines are childhood friends, to enemies(?), to friends again, of course I ship em a little. Canonly, I ship Mila with Usopp, I think it would be a slow buildup with Usopp's cowardly personality, he'd most likely be afraid of her at first.
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Name: Ines TBA Age: 1000+ (TBA) Devil Fruit: None(?) I kind of just made a snake species, I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a devil fruit or not. General: Ines is the crew's healer. Despite being around humans more then Mila, Ines is still curious and fascinated by them and is more clueless about them. Although Ines loves learning about death, which disturbs Mila. Basically people should be fearing Ines more then Mila, but they don't. Ines has healing venom, of course there are disadvantages to this power as well, like the healing venom running out and needing to flow through again, or being easy to access by the bad guys after she readies the healing venom. She's pretty clueless all around, so she really relies on the rest of the crew to help her understand things(Esme loves using this to her advantage) I ship her and Mila together. Canonly I ship her and Law together, they're both healers and I like the dynamic of their personalities, I think Ines would often go to Law to learn things as well, like I think she'd like listening to him and reading the books that he has. I also think that she'd get along great with the rest of the Heart Pirates!
(Refs + writing needed for characters below, writing will most likely be added with refs)
Name: Esme TBA Age: 39 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Kamari TBA Age: 22 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Kyrie TBA Age: 22 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Sheri TBA Age: 23 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Caelia TBA Age: 43 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Lule TBA Age: 27 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Prachi TBA Age: 50 Devil Fruit: General:
Name: Katla TBA Age: 45 Devil Fruit: General:
0 notes
triannguyen2007 · 2 years ago
Trian’s Universe: Mordetwi’s nightmare disaster
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On Meet Mordetwi.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh hey there.
Mordetwi: Hi.
Trian Nguyen (Me): So what’s your name.
Mordetwi’s: I’m mordetwi from my little pony and regular show.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Okay, good luck.
Sparity: What’s wrong.
Mordetwi: My haters made a video I’m getting exposed.
Sparity: Awww, just ignored them. We are about to go with Mrbeast.
Mordetwi: Mrbeast, really.
Sparity: Yes, let’s go.
On Wrapsnap’s Theory.
Mordetwi: Okay, I got every likes and viewers. Phew.
Xeba: Oh hey there, wanna Wrapsnap.
Mordetwi: Oooh, that was lucky day thank you.
Xeba: Don’t forget, wanna grimace’s birthday milkshake.
Mordetwi: Uhhh… yea, thank you.
On Eleanor’s backstory.
Xeba: Hey, wanna go to great America.
Mordetwi: Uh… sorry, I was busy by the way. Good luck.
Trian Nguyen: Okay…. “Never mind.”
On Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori’s bad opinion about Akedo, Heroes of goo jit zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X.
Xeba: Hey.
Mordetwi: Uh…. What day is it.
Xeba: It’s 2 years anniversary of Akedo.
Mordetwi: Uh…. Yeah. But, I’m still busy right now. I’m going back to work.
On meet puppet ref from unknownspy.
Mordetwi: Wait, who’s that.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh…
Mordetwi: …
Puppet: Phew.
Mordetwi: …. ! Oh no! No!! No!!!
Xeba: Hey, what’s are you doing here.
Mordetwi: I’m block and report Lygiamidori’s arts. Okay, time to deactivated Lygiamidori’s DeviantArt account.
On Kevin’s birthday special. (Birds Odin Xd/Fanvideogames)
All: *Talking*
Mordetwi: ……………………………………….
Trian Nguyen (Me): Opened up.
Mordetwi: What is it.
Xeba: Kevin’s birthday.
Mordetwi: Oh sweet, happy birthday Kevin.
Kevin: Thank you.
All: *Talking*
Mordetwi: Why’s everyone so loud. Why’s everyone so loud!!! Okay, c’mon you got this. You got this.
*Wifi disconnected*
Mordetwi: *evil laugh*
*slammed the open door*
Mordetwi: SHUT UP!!! CAN YOU ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!! All: *Screaming*
*slammed through the door*
Mordetwi: *Sigh* This time, I don’t want to disturb in my room.
Mordetwi: Alright, how many viewers what I got. Yes, that was so many of them. YEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!! Shadow of evil: Hello there.
Mordetwi: Who are you.
Shadow of evil: I’m shadow of evil. I collect all every villains.
Mordetwi: Okay.
Shadow of evil: Join me.
Mordetwi: ….
Sparity: Well, looks like we are…
Puppet: Wait, is he done yet.
Sparity: He just literally stop making all videos, arts and posts. Uh… Mordetwi, are you there.
Shadow of evil: *evil laugh* Well you thought mordetwi will be friend.
Puppet: *gasp*
Sparity: Uh… what happened to your eyes.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Wait, what’s going on.
Arthur Gillman: Oh no.
Matt: *screaming* what is that.
Delta Brony: Oh no, we’re too late.
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Shadow of evil: *Evil laugh* you really think about Mordetwi was best friend. I don’t think so. You come with me Sparity and Puppet. Sparity: Get out! *break through the glass*
Trian Nguyen (Me): Guys, what happened.
Sparity: Mordetwi’s summon Shadow of evil.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh no… Guys, we are about to stop shadow of evil and save Mordetwi.
Studder Mcstudderpants: Okay, I’m doing it.
Hiro Hamada: We did it! Aang: Uhh… I think it didn’t work.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Uh oh…
All: *screaming*
All: *gasping*
Sweet Alleia: Ugh, what happpned.
Werner Werman: Wait, it’s that abandoned room. That’s terrible.
Jordan: John.
John: Ugh, guys… I don’t feel so good.
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Transformation into a monster.
Trian Nguyen (Me): 😨😨😨
Shadow of evil: MUAHAHAHAHA!!! You think John is here. Well no, his name is Johnny old boy MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Johnny old boy: Ha ha ha!
Xeba: Guys, what can we do.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Guys, get some stuff.
Ruby Gillman: So, how can we turn him back.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Guys, the god’s chest.
Ruby Gillman: Yeah, it will capture that monster away.
Werner Werman: You know what guys, Let’s defeat him before we go to the Mordetwi’s room. Xeba and his friends: *screaming*
Max: John, clam down
Trian Nguyen (Me): Hold… still. Uh oh… AAAAAH! Parker: Trian!
Trian Nguyen (Me): Here.
Theo: Max
Max: 😨😰 John, I know this is a golden cross. Please do not leave on earth.
Johnny old boy: Aargh!!! Max: TURBO TIME!!!
Shadow of evil: NO!!! NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HOW DID HE ACTUALLY DIE!!! Jack Sullivan: Did it work.
Jordan: I think he’s okay.
Quint Baker: Well, we did it.
Tobuscus: Wait, it’s open.
Jordan: I will take care about John.
Gold fin: Really, we are about to-
Trian Nguyen (Me): Not yet.
Sweet Alleia: It’s that their painting.
Eleanor Pig: I think it is.
Xeba: Hey look, it’s looks like a museum.
Golden pig: 🤭🤭🤭
Delta Brony: Guys, there’s no time to take a picture. Steven Universe: Ugh, it’s lock.
Din song: Wait what are you.
Sparity: Umm… Mordetwi, are you there.
All: *screams*
Shadow of evil: Ha ha ha ha ha! No one talks to that painting. So, you must unlock this door with sacrifice.
Sparity: Ah! 😰
Trian Nguyen (Me): We got you.
Sparity: Well, I heard about to “unlock this door with sacrifice.”
Parker: What! Sparity: He’s saying “unlock this door with sacrifice.”
Max: What, you can’t let go.
Sparity: Sorry, save me later.
All: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Mei Lee: What happened.
Tee Zeng: I don’t know, I heard shadow of evil says “unlock this door with sacrifice, and now we lost him.
Uncle Brill: Oh no, we’re doom! I don’t get sacrifice. I’m just survived the scary places. If I don’t, this is end of my life. Oh no no no no please, I don’t wanna die soon 😭😭😭.
Xander Gibson: Well, the door’s unlocked.
Molly McGee: So, where is he.
Trian Nguyen (Me): That shadow of evil.
Shadow of evil: Ha ha ha! Well, looks like you tried to defeat me huh.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Well, take this. Huh! Wait……………. What the…… Hey, I’m just hit once. Wait, why is the background is changing. Ah! Stop it! What is happening that bakcground. Shadow of evil. Muahahahahaha! You really think you tried to hit me.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh yeah, it’s time to finish you.
Trian Nguyen (Me): What, where did he go.
Trianpus: Tell me about it Trian.
Trian Nguyen (Me): What, my nice clone, my evil clone, my anti clone, and all clones.
All: 😐😐😐
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Trian Nguyen (Me): 😨😨😨 😰😰😰 😱😱😱
Max: What’s happening to him.
John: Huh! Oh no no no? Parker: *gulp* This isn’t good.
John: Guys listen up, things are scary. It might be a nightmare.
Cyclops skeleton: John, how are you still alive.
John: Because I’m awake, did you remember that villains are here. For the last year. The villains are introduction on history. You know what happens.
Wilbur Robinson: For what…
John: It’s time to make him free.
All: Wait what are doing.
John: Saving Trian Nguyen (Me):
Trian Nguyen (Me): *screaming*
All: *screaming*
Trian Nguyen (Me): *inhale and exhale* Phew. John: Let’s go.
Blossom: We can’t make them free.
Phineas: Guys look.
Foreman Pig: 🎵Boom, boom, boom, boom! I want you in my room. Let’s spend the night together.🎵
Minion Pig: Could you not.
Foreman Pig: Uh… excuse me, let me sing. 🎵From now until forever-🎵 Hey! Watch where you going. Oh.
Corporal pig: Alright, looks like we are destroyed the nightmare disaster. If we don’t, it might be the end of the world.
King pig: Fire! *explosion*
Corporal: Oh fudge.
Foreman Pig: Don’t even say that word.
Corporal pig: Sorry.
John: Okay, we need to go at Mordetwi’s room. Theo: I know, we are about to save mordetwi until it’s too late.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Another door.
Uncle Brill: Guys, we’re doom again. We are about to die again. 😭😭😭
Xeba: 😰
Louisvsfrist: There’s no need to cry.
Time traveler Tim: Okay, who’s goes first.
Puppet: I am.
Jim: Who’s gotta be second one.
Ruby Gillman: I am.
Trian Nguyen (Me): What! Are you sure you wanna kill each.
John: No, this the soul keys and we are unlock that door.
Trian Nguyen (Me): *sigh* whatever.
Hiro Hao: well, there only six locks to the door.
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John: That’s one.
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John: That’s two.
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John: That’s three.
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John: That’s four.
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John: That’s five. One more until we go to the next wave.
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John: Number six.
John: 😎 Huh! Trian Nguyen (Me): Well, they have keys to unlock that door.
John: Yeah, I’m just carefully not to distracted. Oh….
All: …
John: Well, are you coming.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Yes.
Sweet Alleia: So, what happened to this place.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Let me guess, if you tried scared me. I will sent you imprisoned.
John: Whoa, please do not hate me. This is the abandon area. The scary black guy named… “Shadow of evil.” Shadow of evil collecting every villains what he liked. This is what happens mordetwi creating a nightmare disaster.
Trian Nguyen (Me): First, we need to stop Shadow of evil, and we save mordetwi.
Shark puppet: Yeah.
Xeba: So, why is shadow of evil is here.
Trian Nguyen (Me): I don’t know. Let’s go.
Golden Pig: Okay, let’s follow Trian.
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Sweet Alleia: What’s happening here.
John: Shadow of evil is defending himself. Looks like we are fight those enemies.
Trian Nguyen (Me): If there is more enemies, we could fight them.
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Eleanor Pig: This is getting us worse.
*more summon every villains*
Trian Nguyen (Me): We did it! John: Uh… guys.
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Werner Werman: I only have one thing to say.
All: *yelling*
*fighting again*
Mikecrack: encendido y boom.
Manny the mummy: Muahahahaha!
Sweet Alleia: So, how to use that upgrade into more power.
John: There’s only one thing to do. They are transforming into monster for beast.
Trian Nguyen transformed into a blue monster.
All characters are transformed into a monsters.
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Gatekeeper: Attack!
*fighting yet again*
Ultimate KO
John: Let’s go!
Xeba: Hmm… there’s another door to unlock. Sweet Alleia: I know, it’s you need soul keys
Xeba: k-k-k-keys! Now what John.
John: Well, the biggest fear. I think all of you guys don’t like it.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Well, this is how we unlock with soul keys right.
Sweet Alleia: Okay, we don’t wanna lose their friends again.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Don’t worry, it will be what happens.
Foreman Pig: Ugh, this isn’t working. How can we do.
Minion pig: Oh I know, nuke.
Corporal pig: Great idea, let’s destroy this.
Corporal pig: No! Trian Nguyen (Me): Battle! Xeba: So, if we unlock this door. Now we are in the “next wave.”
Sweet Alleia: Yes, let’s see what happens.
KO, that’s a tie.
John: We did it.
Sweet Alleia: Hmmm… I thought there’s only two. Now there’s only only eight instead of two.
Trian Nguyen (Me): I didn’t see anything. Oh.
Werner Werman: Uh… guys, there’s only six left.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Werner Werman, are you okay. 😨
Nightmare Werman: What the… we thought that’s only two.
Werner Werman: If it’s not open yet, we need six of them.
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John: It doesn’t make sense.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh no, please do not tell me it’s disappeared. Oh no, it can’t be. They’re gone. 😢😢😢
Max: Hmm.. I think we are safe.
Eleanor Pig: Guys, we got two. But, we need six soul keys until the door will unlocked.
Fandroid: So, how can we unlock this door and losing their friends.
Quasimodo: Calm down fandroid.
Flippy: Well, I’m in.
Minnie Mouse: I will battle this.
Delta brony: Me too.
Nimona: So, who wants to fight with us.
King Blackcrown Werman: I will do it.
Trian Nguyen: King Blackcrown, but you can’t. You been left from Werner Werman.
King Blackcrown Werman: Don’t worry Trian Nguyen, I’m gonna save your friend and my father.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Okay, time to battle again.
John: Alright Louis, now it’s your turn.
LouisVsFrost: Alright, here we go.
Flippy: It’s time to unlock this door.
Minnie Mouse: with soul keys with sacrifice.
Trian Nguyen (Me): …and save Werner Werman.
Astroboy: Ahem
Fliqpy: But, I like to kill them.
Astroboy: No, you must do tie.
LouisVsFrost: Okay- What is that thing here.
*fighting again*
KO, but that’s a tie again.
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John: Okay, this is a boulder.
Xeba: You know what, I’m gotta push that boulder. John: Wait, you can’t.
Xeba: Ow!
All: Whoa!
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Ruby Gillman: What is that
Trian Nguyen: That’s the boulder with face
Shadow of evil: This is a high note. If you reached high note, you win. If you didn’t reach the high, you have failed. Like, I’m not kidding, this is a lesson. Theo: So, how can we reach the high note.
Hiro Hamada: You speak louder. I think we like to sing.
Theo: Awww hiro.
Hiro Hamada: I mean it.
Theo: …and I mean it, and I say… 🎵Can we fall, one more time? Stop the tape and rewind oh and if you walk away I know I’ll fade cause there is nobody Else. 🎵
Hiro Hao and Sweet Alleia: 🎵It’s gotta be-
Hiro Hao: “You!” “You!!” Ahem “Y- you!!! “You!!!”
Hiro Hamada: Oh no, you almost.
Hiro Hao: I can’t reach that high note.
Shadow of evil: Ha ha! Three of you have failed. You go to the prison.
Sweet Alleia: Just go.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Xeba, jumpscared at me.
Xeba: What! Trian Nguyen (Me): “Jumpscared at me.”
Xeba: No I can’t, you know you have a bad dream. So, I comfort you.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Xeba, did you know Nemao did on discord and stole cuddles girlfriend. Everyone have no longer to trust him anymore.
Xeba: *jumpscaring*
Trian Nguyen (Me): 🎵“YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”🎵
Matt: Great job Trian, you got this.
Xeba: 🎵“YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”🎵
Hiro Hamada: You did it.
Trian Nguyen (Me): We did it.
Shadow of evil *sigh* Well, you win. Looks like giant lookie have those lookies. I will push him away.
Mei Lee and Ruby Gillman: “Yes!”
Trian Nguyen (Me): Finally, that’s his room. We are about…
All: *gasping*
Trian Nguyen (Me): Werner Werman.
Xeba: King Blackcrown.
Sweet Alleia: Nightmare.
Mickey Mouse: Minnie.
Sunset Shimmer: Delta Brony.
Flaky: Flippy.
Time traveler Tim: Louis.
Miles morales: Nimona.
Uncle Brill: Sparity.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh no, what have they done nine of you.
Sparity: HELP ME!!,
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Sparity: *jumpscared*
All: *screaming*
Xeba: *gulp* what happening to them.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Looks like they are infected.
Agatha Gillman: This is not even good.
Dirk Savage: Uh…. What can we turn them
Jack Sullivan: God’s chest.
Quint Baker: Right, it will take away all monster.
June Del Toro: Sam.
Sam Gillman: Yes.
June Del Toro: We are battling them up.
Sam Gillman: Okay.
Ben 10: Well, it’s time to battle them.
Infected Werner Werman: *roaring*
*fighting* Gwen: Ben, use fusion aliens.
Ben 10: Great idea.
Kevin 11: This monster is so strong.
Parker: “God’s chest!”
*open the God’s chest*
Monsters: *screaming*
Werner Werman: What the…
Nightmare Werman: Huh! King Blackcrown Werman: Woohoo! Yes!
Nimona: We’re free.
Delta Brony: Thank you! LouisvsFrost: Wow! Flippy: Whoa! Minnie Mouse: Mickey.
Mickey Mouse: Minnie.
Sparity: Ugh, what happened.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Sparity, you’re okay.
Sparity: I know but, what about Mordetwi.
Tobuscus: Okay.
Tim Tim: I’m scared.
Gabuscus: Are you is safe.
Tobusucus: I don’t know.
Sparity: Mordetwi, we need to talk.
Mordetwi look behind them and betrays shadow of evil.
Shadow of evil: What are you doing.
Mordetwi: Saving my friends. I will not go with you anymore.
Shadow of evil: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Happy tears.
Mordetwi: Sorry guys, I should never summon shadow of evil and creating nightmare disaster.
Trian Nguyen (Me): It’s okay, we’re here for you.
Queen Glowena: Guys, let’s get out here. Or else it’s too late.
Mordetwi: Aargh.
Sparity: What’s wrong.
Shadow of evil: Not so fast. Sparity: Trian, the God’s chest.
Trian Nguyen (Me): God’s chest. Here, here’s the God’s chest. It will sent them to the prison.
Sparity: Perfect. Go, now!
Foreman pig: All of you guys.
All: Yeah.
Daniel: Wait, where’s Mordetwi and Sparity.
Trian Nguyen (Me): I think Sparity is gotta save Mordetwi from Shadow of evil.
Sparity: Mordetwi, I will help you.
Mordetwi: I can’t, this is end of my life.
Sparity: No, your life never ends. You come me and my friends.
Sparity make Mordetwi free.
Mordetwi: Okay.
Sparity: Alright, let’s sent Shadow of evil to the prison.
Shadow of evil: What are doing! STOP!!! Mordetwi: Sorry master, this is my friends for now. Shadow of evil: What! No! No!! No!!!
Sparity: Time to say “goodbye.”
Shadow of evil: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Mordetwi: We did it, or not.
Sparity: “Jump!”
Mordetwi: uh oh, we’re too late.
Sparity: Woah, I almost fell off.
Sparity: I don’t have wings. You have wings.
Mordetwi: I have my wings.
Sparity: I can’t make it.
Mordetwi: Use the wings power.
Sparity: Okay.
Mordetwi and Sparity flies with wings.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Sparity and Mordetwi, both for you are okay.
Mordetwi: Yeah, sorry about that I summon shadow of evil and creating nightmare disaster.
Sparity: Well, never do this again Mordetwi.
Foreman Pig: Well, shadow of evil will be no more. Uh… sir.
Foreman pig: Hey, what’s wrong. You’re alive.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Well, Mordetwi’s house is gone.
Gwen: The house never come back.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Well guys, on 16 years ago. I was born on January 2nd 2007. There is green slime devil is here. This is my birthday on 2008. The candy corn monster here too. The pumpkin killer just like them on Halloween. 2007 and 2009. On 2010, my brother was born on September 27. Oof.exe is here and scared people. The black licorice kids are rise up. Caillou.exe is here now and kill his family and the monster buster stop him. 2013, candy corn is coming. 2014, the green slime devil’s return. 2014 to 2023, all night at monsters. 2015, Caillou.exe, Dora.exe, Little Bill and all characters.exe are here. Summer camp from the last year. Me and family and other cousins goes to the carnival ship. 2016, this is from our neighborhood 2017, long time ago I went to the carnival ship with my family and their cousin. In my new life from six years ago. Our heroes are joining. Caillou.exe 3, his family are became .exe. Our adventure, we stop exis and right now my life is over. Glitchfield and sonic.ece turning people into a monsters, and more.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Wait, what is this.
Mordetwi: That’s my parent. Unfortunately, my parents are dead.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Alright, I will bring that God’s chest. Alright guys, let’s give him a new life of Mordetwi.
Parker: Yeah, what if Mordetwi play with us.
Sweet Alleia: Yeah don’t forget about hang out with us.
Xeba: Yeah, play some games, sports, and more.
Cyclops Skeleton: Yeah, we are be friends with you.
Mordetwi: Okay Okay, I know.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Alright, let’s go home.
The End
Dipper: Hmm… did we forgot something.
Sweet Alleia: WAIT!!! Where’s Cocoarts123
Trian Nguyen (Me): Ugh. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Cocoarts123: *yawn* ! *screaming*
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renee00124 · 2 years ago
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With mind controlled Neo-Nazi's 100% mobilized around me which I first observed the other day and again blatantly today, I went back and looked for an odd book review to one of my books.  It was recorded between 2011 to 2013. I went through each review for all six books in my Amazon book series.
This specific review stand's out in my mind then and now.  
I remember wondering then, who could the ignore open literature evidence, the foundation for these books, then conclude and steer focus aways from confirmation of DECADES of ongoing human experimentation instead to Neo Nazi and the KKK targeting me specifically when I know this is a military, unified COINTELPRO and have seen them all in and out of uniform.  Instantly I felt then and now that this was likely a military typical PsyOps hoping to implant fear then later back it up, as apparently they are doing now.  
The strategic goal is to redirect focus from the fact that our military has been turned on U.S. citizens and using subtle mind control on any and everyone, men, women and children.  Their Handler's do not want it known or publicized nor the fact that our military has partaken in this specific type of human experimentation.  This encompasses Intel Agency inception of MKULTRA testing various drugs, mind invasive, mind reading, Synthetic Telepathy, dream manipulation and beamed subliminal influence.  
About three years ago, a young black kid was hung from a tree in a park in a park her on the East side and right in front of a Fire Station with security camera's around it.  News reports reported that he climbed the tree, put a noose around his neck then jumped all by himself.  So, without a doubt, hatred for no apparent reason except mind control is alive and well.
I was literally surrounded by this now mobilization group and based on years of research, these groups have always been a focus for specific elements of mind control experimentation including tge Puppet Master's "divide and conquer" for those who fall for it.  
For the record, I fear nothing and no one on this mission.  I consider it a privilege to make my small contribution and serve beautiful, good, decent, people of ALL races and hope that what I do is saving lives in contrast to this MONSTROUS program, destroying lives, by grossly programming puppets while sitting behind advanced technology in an operation center using beamed technology that is portable, handheld, land, sea, drone and spaced based.
People have been used and programmed for specific goals and reportedly Charles Manson at the forefront of LSD MKULTRA experimentation.  
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clownfall · 2 years ago
intro post time (ive had this blog for years but . no time like the present i guess)
hey im fitz im 21 i have issues
i like funny things so i reblog funny things. also sometimes other things that i think r interesting or want to save for later but mostly funnies.
i think trans people are better than cis people btw (<- terf repellant)
more under the cut if u even care
ok thanks ily bye
other interests include
philosophy and sociology
clowns and puppets and the like
minmaxxing the neurochemistry of my brain
cats and other beasts
evil schemes
sex* and drugs and general deviance
art and music and movies and shows
and so much more!
* i rb nsfw jokes sometimes but if its rly graphic i'll tag it nsfw so like. filter that if u want ig. i dont rly tag anything else but you can dm me or send me an ask if i frequently post something that you want tagged so u can filter
other tags r
#posts about me
#life could be a dream
#nonfunny posts (usually stuff i still personally think is important but its none of my business whether u give a shit)
side blogs r
@claroobscuro (aesthetics and drawing refs)
@schizautist (multifandom: mlp, hs, dunmesh, others)
@butchb3ar (fagdykeposting)
heres credit for my pfp
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