#the puppet/marionette (tsbs
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peachyfnaf · 8 months ago
Another Eclipse and Puppet Show meme thing to draw:
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(I think you know who is who, but the first person is Puppet and the second is Eclipse)
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this is yet Another way eaps was formed methinks
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alexandraisyes · 11 months ago
Sorry for being dead af content wise I’ve been depressed
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It’s okay though - she cured my depression
♻️Please Reblog To Support The Artist♻️
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peachyfnaf · 2 months ago
i fooken forgor to reblog this but HEYY LOOK I MADE THAT FELLA
Anime Event Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
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Puppet - Marcille - Dungeon Meshi
Eclipse - Momo - Dandadan
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Ruin - Teacher - The Girl from the Other Side
Ballora - Yuuri - Yuri on Ice
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Andrew - Haniko-kun - Toilet Bound Haniko-kun
FC - Luffy - One Piece •DRAWN BY @peachyfnaf !!•
References under the cut 💛
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peachyfnaf · 7 months ago
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in the discord, this weeks SOTW was to make puppet and eclipse visit p much any dimension, so. woe, mlp dimension be upon them .D.
theyre both alicorns because.. i Wanted them to be, but eclipse specifically is a bat-pony .D.
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peachyfnaf · 8 months ago
For the meme image redraws, you should do this one with Puppet :3 (and as a bonus, if you’re feeling it, Eclipse’s irritated reaction)
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Or for another one, any of the “sparkle on” Jerma memes with Puppet and/or Eclipse
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this is how the channel was made, right? take 3 separate versions dsfjkhd (and also the og bg as a bonus, too)
ALSO i think i subconsciously designed puppets hair off of how You draw it so. hope that's alright JKDHSDF
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peachyfnaf · 2 months ago
@cirrcusbun look
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Eeping puppet✨
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peachyfnaf · 10 months ago
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happy (belated) mothers day to the... "doing-her-best" mom in all of tsbs!!! and i Swear the lines and strange framing of the images are Definitely artistic choices and not at all bc there were technical issues on my end nope nuh uh no issues over here at allllll /lh/sarc
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peachyfnaf · 1 year ago
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i love. women :)
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peachyfnaf · 6 months ago
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
WHOOH boy, that's a fuckin' question and a half, ain't it? i'm prolly gonna piss some people off with this, let's see... i kidnapped most of these characters from polaris' list lol
So I don't go off on tangents for each of em, i'm gonna try to limit myself to 1-3 sentences
Sun: You've been through a lot, haven't you? Find something to do in life, something that you love because you want to, not something that you love out of obligation or programming. You're smarter and stronger than you think, stop being held back by the past.
Old Moon: You have not changed as much as you think you have- you still have some very toxic and abusive behaviors. You are not irredeemable, but you are deeply flawed. Take time, work on yourself, and understand that while making up for your past might be impossible; it's not impossible for you to carve out a future where you and those you love are happy.
New Moon/Nexus: Oh, you poor thing, what happened to you? You fucked up, but you didn't deserve the hand you were given in life, no one in your position would. Please, let yourself feel again- the pain of losing it all- only then will you be able to come back out the other side ready to love again.
Earth: As you've grown and experienced life, you've become very immature. This isn't directly a bad thing, but it contrasts with what you try to be, and makes you an unreliable person to go to with mental health struggles. Don't take life so personally, and push a little bit harder, there's no need to be so soft on people who reject help who clearly need it.
Lunar: I am BEGGING you to show some vulnerability. I know it's genuinely so fucking hard after all you've been through, but if you keep acting like you're okay after every loss then eventually you'll become a shell of a man. ...And also, respectfully, humble yourself- you are incredible, but you are not the main character.
Solar: Take a break. Please, for the sake of yourself and everyone you care about, take a break. You can't save anyone if you yourself are dying- and the people you are trying to reach won't extend their hand to a dying man. Take a break.
Eclipse (V4 Specifically): ...What can I even say to you other than that I am so incredibly proud of you. And that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything you went through, being compared to someone you're not. I wish people would leave you alone, as you so desperately want to be, you more than deserve that peace.
Bloodmoon: You're a lot more put together than people give you credit for. I'm sorry you were made the way you were, with the inability to live life without being consumed by your urges. You were born a monster, and no one gave you the proper chance to become anything but one.
Ruin: I'm sorry to say this, I really am, but even though the life you lived was horrid and tragic, that gives you no right to end billions of innocent lives in your quest for justice and revenge. You have my sympathies for the trauma you experienced, but my sympathies end there. Everything you experience after the massacre you pulled is your victims coming to bite you in the ass.
Jack: I love you, so much- I love you for trying as hard as you do. Remember, it's okay to say no. You are still growing and have a lot of it to do, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.
Dazzle: Sweet girl, the most precious thing. Never change who you are, you are literally the shining star in the darkness that is this world. Never forget how much you are loved, for it is more than you could ever know.
The Creator: No matter how many machines you build, what scientific discoveries you make, how much progress you offer to humanity, you will always be alone. No one will ever love you, and it's all your fault. Remember that when you die alone, old man.
Monty: Your violence is not funny, at least not at the severity of which you do it. You lying to your girlfriend is not funny. Do better or fuck off.
Foxy: You try so hard, and I appreciate it, but learn that there are some things that you can not fix, and some places where you shouldn't stick your nose in. It's okay to be "a rubber duck", it's okay to be normal. Stop trying to be something you're not and embrace what you can.
F.C: I love you so much kid. You're a bit wild and off your rocker, but you've also shown so much unexpected maturity. Stop growing up so fast, yeah?
Puppet: I can appreciate all that you try to do, but please, understand that you acknowledging that you make mistakes does not nullify them. You have been hypocritical time and time again, and you need to learn and grow from those experiences, not just brush them off. You are capable of great things- just learn to do them.
AND THATS EVERYONE. YIPPEE. im gonna go eat shrimp now lol
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peachyfnaf · 8 months ago
Hi I'm gonna be unwell over the concept of this for a little don't mind me <3 Even when you think you've finally reached the ending You might realize you've only been pretending You only want to tell the story right But you're haunted by the black and white It's not as simple as you thought But was it all all for not?
^ Andrew. Andrew, Andrew Andrew. "Even when you think you've finally reached the ending. You might realize you've only been pretending" this gives me vibes of Andrew realizing just how much he's been putting up a front as a villain when, in reality, he is like 13 years old. He had to act this way to survive. He was feasting and living off his anger (agony, if you will). "You only want to tell the story right," Something, something all Andrew wants to do is kill the creator and ""fix his story"" idk I'm not a poet. "It's not as simple as you thought. But was it all all for not?" THIS. This is him reminiscing over what he did to Jake. Over how he treated him, over if what all he did was worth it considering where he's ended up now. AUgh.
When the story drops you hard into the pavement Even though you thought you knew what "To behave" meant But you find out you were thinking wrong As you wind up back where you belong And you try to get it right But instead it just comes back to bite you
^ THIS IS LITERALLY JUST PUPPET AND ANDREW'S STORIES IN ONE VERSE. They were both dropped to the pavement (Feckin literally, in Charlie's case) when they were killed. They were both kids. Presumably, they both ""behaved"". They were both good kids. And even if they weren't, I don't think bad behavior warrants death. AND the last 4 bars- both Puppet and Andrew thought they belonged here, in this world, in this dimension. And while Puppet now has their family, Andrew is alone. They're both trying to get it right, to make things better, but with what Puppet is doing, it risks her endangering those she loves, or even losing herself. And Andrew is self explanatory- he tried to do something right. To get revenge on the man that wronged him, but look where it got him. Everything is coming back to bite him.
I never wanted to be the bad guy The bad guy The bad guy I never wanted to be the bad guy
^ I can literally only see this as Andrew, defeated and angry in a corner, maybe locked in a corner of P&S because of a device Monty made. He never wanted to be the bad guy, he was just a kid. He is still just a kid. A kid who's made irreparable mistakes that will scar people's lives forever. But he is a kid. A child. A murdered child.
But that's just how the story goes Yeah, that's just how the story goes
That doesn't have to be how the story goes...
^ Okay I KNOW you said just Puppet and Andrew duet but but BUT. Hear me out. Andrew doing those last blue lines, and then Puppet being joined by Foxy and F.C for that last one. Puppet is his main sympathizer, and if she wants to help him, I think Foxy would try to. Especially since, y'know, kid. And F.C joining in is just me being indulgent and delulu jhfgsdfhg but hear me outtt
@peachyfnaf @foxboidrew hi, this is how I imagine Andrew and Puppet’s talk will go, with her relating to him regarding some level of guilt and villainy in her backstory, bye
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peachyfnaf · 9 months ago
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cant believe i finally have enough unposted pieces for a "doodle dump" is this what professional artists feel like
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peachyfnaf · 9 months ago
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fighting the bad wifi demons in order to post this but AUGH look its the thing thats been taking up my time all week!!! and while i very much do enjoy the outcome i am FREEEEE!!!!1!!!
anyways, happy pride month to all the canonically queer characters of tsbs!! as someone who had to claw through sticks and mud to find even the slightest bit of lgbtq+ rep for their childhood shows, the rep from these channels genuinely makes me so happy :) shoutouts to all the boy, girl, other, and no kissers out there!! love yall
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peachyfnaf · 11 months ago
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happy (belated) birthday to our fav little princess <3
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peachyfnaf · 10 months ago
Eh- Freddy died today on Funtime Freddy and Freddy show and I’m ain’t sure how to feel about it. To be honest I don’t watch the channel that much. :/
Oh well- SO a body going to the funeral ??? 💐⚰️:)))))))
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obviously todays (5/27/24) episode makes this void cause freddy was saved via the power of the golden mc.guffin, but i still had fun drawing this :) in another world, this is his fate. also, followers of my blog, i wonder if that One flower looks familiar... :)
BUT, but- because of todays faffs events, it had me thinking, golden wasnt unaffected by switching his essence with freddy, so...
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what if its him instead..?
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peachyfnaf · 11 months ago
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hey did yall know it was tmgafs anniversary like a couple days back?? cause i sure did lol
there was a thing in the tsbs discord to celebrate, we had to draw or animate some of our fav scenes from the show, and i chose this moment that made me laugh so hard it almost made me choke on my raw ramen:
they are so funny. i love this show so much. yippee <3
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tinkpumpkin · 6 months ago
I LITERALLY AGREE WITH EVERY SINGLE ONE OMG. Expect for bloodmoon’s but I can see what your coming from! ALSO FINALLY SOMEONE DOESNT HATE NEXUS. Yes, you can dislike him. What he did WAS WRONG but man, people just hate right out of the bag. Monty’s is fair enough, and old moon’s is SO RIGHT. Thats all :D
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
WHOOH boy, that's a fuckin' question and a half, ain't it? i'm prolly gonna piss some people off with this, let's see... i kidnapped most of these characters from polaris' list lol
So I don't go off on tangents for each of em, i'm gonna try to limit myself to 1-3 sentences
Sun: You've been through a lot, haven't you? Find something to do in life, something that you love because you want to, not something that you love out of obligation or programming. You're smarter and stronger than you think, stop being held back by the past.
Old Moon: You have not changed as much as you think you have- you still have some very toxic and abusive behaviors. You are not irredeemable, but you are deeply flawed. Take time, work on yourself, and understand that while making up for your past might be impossible; it's not impossible for you to carve out a future where you and those you love are happy.
New Moon/Nexus: Oh, you poor thing, what happened to you? You fucked up, but you didn't deserve the hand you were given in life, no one in your position would. Please, let yourself feel again- the pain of losing it all- only then will you be able to come back out the other side ready to love again.
Earth: As you've grown and experienced life, you've become very immature. This isn't directly a bad thing, but it contrasts with what you try to be, and makes you an unreliable person to go to with mental health struggles. Don't take life so personally, and push a little bit harder, there's no need to be so soft on people who reject help who clearly need it.
Lunar: I am BEGGING you to show some vulnerability. I know it's genuinely so fucking hard after all you've been through, but if you keep acting like you're okay after every loss then eventually you'll become a shell of a man. ...And also, respectfully, humble yourself- you are incredible, but you are not the main character.
Solar: Take a break. Please, for the sake of yourself and everyone you care about, take a break. You can't save anyone if you yourself are dying- and the people you are trying to reach won't extend their hand to a dying man. Take a break.
Eclipse (V4 Specifically): ...What can I even say to you other than that I am so incredibly proud of you. And that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything you went through, being compared to someone you're not. I wish people would leave you alone, as you so desperately want to be, you more than deserve that peace.
Bloodmoon: You're a lot more put together than people give you credit for. I'm sorry you were made the way you were, with the inability to live life without being consumed by your urges. You were born a monster, and no one gave you the proper chance to become anything but one.
Ruin: I'm sorry to say this, I really am, but even though the life you lived was horrid and tragic, that gives you no right to end billions of innocent lives in your quest for justice and revenge. You have my sympathies for the trauma you experienced, but my sympathies end there. Everything you experience after the massacre you pulled is your victims coming to bite you in the ass.
Jack: I love you, so much- I love you for trying as hard as you do. Remember, it's okay to say no. You are still growing and have a lot of it to do, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.
Dazzle: Sweet girl, the most precious thing. Never change who you are, you are literally the shining star in the darkness that is this world. Never forget how much you are loved, for it is more than you could ever know.
The Creator: No matter how many machines you build, what scientific discoveries you make, how much progress you offer to humanity, you will always be alone. No one will ever love you, and it's all your fault. Remember that when you die alone, old man.
Monty: Your violence is not funny, at least not at the severity of which you do it. You lying to your girlfriend is not funny. Do better or fuck off.
Foxy: You try so hard, and I appreciate it, but learn that there are some things that you can not fix, and some places where you shouldn't stick your nose in. It's okay to be "a rubber duck", it's okay to be normal. Stop trying to be something you're not and embrace what you can.
F.C: I love you so much kid. You're a bit wild and off your rocker, but you've also shown so much unexpected maturity. Stop growing up so fast, yeah?
Puppet: I can appreciate all that you try to do, but please, understand that you acknowledging that you make mistakes does not nullify them. You have been hypocritical time and time again, and you need to learn and grow from those experiences, not just brush them off. You are capable of great things- just learn to do them.
AND THATS EVERYONE. YIPPEE. im gonna go eat shrimp now lol
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