#save me dawnbreaker
wolfofcelestia · 3 months
I said I wouldn't open that can of worms but let me just
take a peek at the worms
...what if Dawnbreaker is the key to saving all the Zaynes? Even though he has the worst life out of all of them (that being, a life with MC), he's able to hop into Zayne's body and interact with MC (or at least control Zayne's facial expressions)
So what if, despite him drawing the shortest straw, he's actually the one who can save himself, in all other worlds? Not only himself, but what if he can save all the other MCs too?
Dawnbreaker is always the odd one out. Both among the Zaynes and among everyone in his own world. The nail that sticks out gets the hammer but there’s something special about him
He doesn’t play by the rules, he defies them
So then, surely…
He can defy fate as well?
I said in a previous post that all Zaynes share the fact that they are all well-respected. So is this how Dawnbreaker gets his respect? Maybe all the Zaynes and all the MCs might not know what he did but we will
After all, we might be the MC he’s looking for
Dawnbreaker isn’t someone to be pitied. He’s someone to be revered
...Yeah, I'm stopping there before I write a whole novel about this
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dawnbreakersgaze · 7 months
The fact that Dr Zayne is saving people who want to live
And Dawnbreaker Zayne is mercy killing people who want to die
And both are obsessed/disturbed with each other across space and time
Really has me fucked up in a lot of ways and I'm not okay about any of this
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kykyonthemoon · 5 months
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When nightmares strike, you are the sole source of warmth that could help him overcome his inner turmoil.
ಇ. Character x Reader/MC
(Caleb, Rafayel, Zayne and Dawnbreaker, Xavier and Glitch!Xavier)
ಇ. Tags: hurt/comfort, angst with a little fluff, emotional hurt, comfort
ಇ. Word count: 3k7
ಇ. Requested anonymously.
ಇ. Masterlist
ಇ. Request
Pic from X
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It was a sunny afternoon when he returned to his old house.
That place still had a modest beauty, the kind of beauty that made family members feel sad every time they left. It was so deeply engraved in his mind that with every breath, he knew he was closer and closer to returning home.
There, would be someone always waiting for him.
The door creaked when opened. Caleb walked inside. The familiar smell of food and the sound of cooking in the kitchen were always the things that impressed him the most. He continued in that direction till he noticed a familiar figure sitting at the dining table, back to the aisle.
Caleb grinned and spoke your name. You did not reply. He went forward, putting one hand on your shoulder to turn you around.
Your lifeless eyes glanced up at him.
"Pipsqueak? What's wrong?"
You did not respond. You slowly rose up and entered the kitchen. Why was this place so dark and cold? Caleb failed to recall the house being this vast and gloomy.
"Where are you going? I'm back now, pipsqueak?
You halted. The warm sunlight poured down on him through the window, but where you stood just a few steps away from him, everything was in darkness.
Even you.
“You only came home now…” You spoke, but your voice didn't contain any emotion. You were always the one who ran into his arms when he came home after long journeys away! Why were you being so distant then?
Caleb reached out to you. How he wanted to touch you! He wanted to hold you in his arms and if he had to beg your forgiveness for leaving you, he would definitely do so.
He had been gone for too long.
You looked at him. Tears began to fall and your face showed little emotion. Not joy, but resentment. You became distorted and writhed as if fire surrounded your body.
“You've been gone for too long!”
You screamed out in pain. Caleb quickly rushed towards you, but it seemed like a force was holding him back, making him unable to move. Just like that, he could only open his eyes and watch you burn. The kitchen was on fire. The house was on fire. Everything was on fire.
“You've been gone too long, Caleb!” You shouted. Your tears turned into blood as your body burnt in the flames. “You left me alone! You abandoned our home!”
The walls cracked, the windows exploded and debris flew all around, cutting you, cutting him. The ceiling began to collapse. But there was nothing Caleb could do. He just cried.
“Pipsqueak… Please…”
“You… left me… here...”
Your plaintive screams were swallowed by fire. When he finally was able to reach out and touch you, there was nothing left there but a burned corpse.
The fire disappeared. The cozy house in Caleb's memory had become ruins. He clutched your corpse, which was scorched black and was disintegrating into dust. The sobbing inside him turned into a protest against himself.
He left, because he thought it was the best thing for you.
When it all came back, to this place, many years ago, he had caused the house to explode. To you, he had been dead since then. He didn't have time to say goodbye. But he only had to do it to ensure your safety.
In the end, he could not save you. He could not save himself.
Still, you left this world. Still, you turned into ashes. Who did this to you; it was not the matter. Not when you had already died the day he left.
Caleb yelled with anguish. He lost you, he lost his home. The one thing that kept him going was gradually vanishing, soaring with the wind and never returning to him.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Caleb shouted. He opened his eyes to see the familiar bedroom ceiling, which was dimly lit by street lights outside the window and visible through the curtains.
Beside him, you turned over. With your eyes still closed, one hand struck his chest.
“What now?… Waking me up in the middle of the night…” You said in a sleepy voice. Caleb grabbed your hand and turned around to hug you. Only when he felt your warmth and buried his face in the scent of your hair could he calm down.
“It's nothing, pipsqueak…” He whispered. “It was just a nightmare… Sorry for waking you…”
You breathed evenly in a straight position on the bed. Your mouth grumbled something like: "Idiot... You're a grown-up now, and you're still afraid of nightmares..."
Caleb smiled softly. He gave you an even tighter embrace. "Yes. I'm such an idiot. I'm so terrified of nightmares every time I have to leave you."
“But I'm right here. Now will you let me go back to sleep?”
“Just let me hold you a little longer…” He whispered as he put his hand beneath the pillow and softly drew you into his loving arms.
You were real in front of his eyes.
And he had no intention of allowing you to vanish like in that dream again.
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Waves crashed onto the shore in regular rhythms. The twisted moon overhead sent a feeble light into the sea, engulfing the two little figures standing by it. The water had reached their knees, and the two were leisurely dancing together.
Spinning. Around and around. Magically shimmering water droplets continued to soar high with each stride. You smiled pleasantly at him. That night, you became his bride.
The celebration was over. Only the two of you remained together, from now until eternity. You were so beautiful, so perfect. Your love for him was as pure as your smile.
And he should have felt happy.
He should have, because after all, he had got you and this perfect ending. But was this really the end?
He gazed at you with melancholy eyes. You smiled heartily as you whirled around. Sea water surged up high, bathing your entire body in a vivid crimson color. The entire water surface became the color of blood.
You were still dancing, as if the pungent odor of death gave you delight. You were immersed in blood when he gazed at you. Hatred was the only thing burning in his heart at that time.
You swayed a little farther, then turned towards him. Your arms stretched out as you called affectionately:
“Rafayel! Hurry. Come with me!”
He moved closer. He was strolling through a pool of blood from his own kind. Lemurian blood was dispersed over the waters.
Unbeknownst to you, as you turned your back on Rafayel, one of his hands was wrapped around your waist, the other brandishing a knife.
“I like this place. Can we stay here forever?” You said, as if you didn't care about the blood gushing at your feet.
"Alright." Rafayel replied in a cold voice. “If you like it here, we'll stay.”
You leaned your head back with joy, resting on his chest. You were so little, yet you had a powerful heart. So gorgeous. He only wanted to strangle it, tear it out of your chest, and toss it into the deep sea.
He wanted you to pay the price.
You closed your eyes and hummed the melody he once sang for you. How foolish of him! He had given you everything—his love, his life, his whole kingdom... Everything was ruined by your hands.
Now, he shall take it all back.
Rafayel raised your chin and let you stare at him for a long while. You were smiling still. But he swung the sharp blade high, plunging into your heart.
In your eyes was terror and agony. Tears streamed from the corners of your eyes, but he still held your chin in his palm, making you unable to look away as his other hand forced the hilt of the dagger, deeper into your heart.
“Rafayel… Why… Why?…”
That was all you could say before the vivid red blood from your heart spread to his palm, spilling into the sea and merging with the blood of the Lemurians.
He should have been satisfied. He should have been thrilled since he carried out his vengeance.
But he simply felt broken.
When he tossed your lifeless corpse into the water, it seemed like he had died too that very moment.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Rafayel!!!… Stop… I can't… breathe… Rafayel!…”
You pinched Rafayel's cheek hard; he was sleeping on your chest. His weight prevented you from breathing normally. The ache awoke him. White pearls dropped from the corners of his eyes.
You frowned and watched him slowly rose up, both hands resting on your pillow. When he lowered his head, the radiant pearls continued to rain on your face and the bed.
“Hey… What's wrong?” You lifted your hands to caress his cheeks. “Why are you crying?”
“I… just had a nightmare…”
Rafayel gasped. It must have been a really horrific nightmare to make him this way. He fell asleep, his body was all over you, and then he started weeping. You had never seen him like this, and it concerned you.
"What did you dream about?" Your arms curled around Rafayel's neck, bringing him closer. He hesitated, as if he didn't want you to know, then revealed:
“In my dream, I had to kill the person I loved.”
Silence filled the room. The sky over your head was twinkling with stars. Rafayel's bedroom was filled with the lovely sound of the sea. You rubbed your face into the crook of his neck and murmured:
“I trust Rafayel will never harm me.”
“Are you sure? Even I don't know... The person in the dream... It's not me..."
"That's right." You rubbed his sweaty back. “That person is definitely not you. You know, people say dreams are the opposite of reality. What you saw will not happen.”
Rafayel was calmer, however, you still felt his body trembling in your arms.
“I won't allow that to happen…” He replied. “Having to end the life of the person I love… It is far more painful than being stabbed in the heart by that same person…”
“Rafayel.” You said in a serious tone. You held Rafayel's face with both hands, forcing him to look at you. His hair was tangled, and pearls were no longer pouring from his eyes, but they remained red. “I don't know what will happen in the future, but as long as I still breathe, I will never hurt you.”
Rafayel gazed at you for a time before gently smiling. “That's a promise between the two of us then.”
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“Zayne… So cold… I'm… so cold…”
Zayne helped you up, quickly wrapping his thick coat around you. His hands stroked your body repeatedly to keep you warm. But you were growing colder. Your breath slowly escaped your body as the sorrow smothered his heart
“No… Wake up… Don't sleep! Please!… Don't sleep now…”
Zayne's scarred and bloody hand clumsily held on to you. So tight. He wanted to give you all his warmth. But did he even have any warmth left?
“It's useless.”
The voice sounded as if it had just escaped his mind. Zayne turned around. Behind him stood Grim Reaper, another Zayne dressed in a cloak as black as the night. Cold and cruel.
“You know you can't save her.”
"Shut up!" Zayne's shouts resonated across the wind and snow. He would never leave you alone in this cold.
Yet Grim Reaper's voice still echoed:
“You know why she died.”
Trembling, Zayne gradually dropped his gaze to the girl in his arms. In the center of your chest, bright, sharp pieces of ice were developing more and more.
"No… NO!" Zayne screamed. His palm touched the shards, causing them to tear into his skin. Bleeding. “I will save her! I must save her!”
He breathed into your numbed hand. But the more he touched you, the greater the ice formed around your body.
“Give up.” Grim Reaper spoke again. Zayne ignored him, despite the fact that they looked absolutely the same.
Nightmare. He had always been his nightmare. Perhaps in another universe, he was the Grim Reaper. And he felt like he was progressively becoming the Grim Reaper as you left this life, leaving him behind.
“Stay with me, please… Open your eyes and look at me….” Zayne begged over her corpse. His tears turned into drops of ice. They fell onto your body and shattered.
You could no longer hear his cries.
"You cannot save her." Grim Reaper said. He was bending down on one knee beside you, on the other side of Zayne. His hand in the black glove brushed across your frost-covered face, as if he, too, was in grief. "After all, you cannot save yourself."
"Leave!" Zayne yelled in rage and suffering. His embrace of you became more intense, as if he wanted to take you away from Grim Reaper's reach. He grinned with bitterness.
"Remember. You are the one who killed her.”
Zayne shook his head, repeatedly. Everything in front of his eyes drifted away. Grim Reaper also vanished. There were only you and him remaining.
He had murdered you.
You and he promised to get through this together. He would save your dying heart, and you would help him in his escape from the curse of his Evol. It was a curse. He was unable to control it, and there came calamity.
Help you? No, he was not your savior. He was your death.
Zayne heard Grim Reaper's laugh - his own laugh - echoing in his thoughts. Cruel yet full of bitterness.
The snowstorm came, but it could not bury his sin and regrets.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
When you came into Dr. Zayne's office during lunch break, you noticed the temperature was unusually low.
You discovered Zayne asleep on the sofa. His body trembled, he broke out in a cold sweat, and his mouth moved without any word heard. You even caught a tear falling from the corner of his eye.
“Zayne? Are you having a nightmare?” You shook him by the shoulders. His entire body felt freezing. The nearest window was covered in frost. You started to panic. But no matter how you attempted to rouse him up, he failed to hear you.
You had to sit on the sofa, placing his head on your lap. You caressed his hair, patted his shoulders and head while comforting him:
"It's alright. I'm here with you… You will be fine…”
After a while, his quiver stopped. His eyes opened slowly. He found you.
Zayne's hand reached out towards you and then stopped halfway. He was about to touch you but hesitated. Seeing that, you clasped your hand with his.
"What's wrong? Doctor Zayne is experiencing nightmares from overwork, isn't he?"
You smiled. So gentle. That warm beam seemed to calm him down. Zayne's respiration and pulse rate eventually returned to normal. He replied:
“Yeah… My apologies for causing you to worry again.”
When he recognized your cold hand, he became fully awake. He rapidly gained control of his Evol, and the room warmed up to some extent.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yes. Much better now.”
Zayne's eyes were still red. He wanted to sit up, but you kept him in your lap for a while longer.
“Lunch break is still long. You can sleep for a bit longer. I will stay here to watch over your sleep.” You declared out loud, as if you were his little defender.
This made Zayne quite happier. He grinned and replied:
“You are always the one who guides me out of nightmares. No matter how bad it gets, I know you will come to my rescue.”
"That's right. Now you can sleep soundly.”
Zayne slowly closed his eyes. He was unsure if he could sleep again after that nightmare. But having you by his side made him feel more at peace. Your fingers squeezed his hand. Your warmth enveloped him. You were alive and well. He still had time to save you, to save himself.
Knowing that made him feel a lot more assured. When you placed a kiss on his forehead, he was ready to face all of the nightmares to come.
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When Xavier returned to Philos, he did so as a traitor.
He gambled with fate, and lost everything. Honor. Freedom. Love. There was nothing left for him when he returned.
His fleet had crossed countless light years, to innumerable realms out there. But what he was looking for was just an illusion.
And suddenly his entire existence became a curse.
To lose his freedom, to lose the love of his life for eternity. Was that the price to pay for opposing destiny?
In the dark corner of the room, Xavier knelt on the cold stone floor. He could not move, nor speak unless granted permission.
He quietly observed the girl he loved in the garden on the other side of the door. The warm sunshine tenderly casted a lovely aura over your body. Your grin shone brighter than the myriad of flowers in the yard. How many times did Xavier want to approach you, call your name, and touch you? But he could not.
Every time he came close to you, the crimson chain around his neck tightened. It did not murder him, but it was painful and debilitating enough. All he could do was stare at you holding hands with an unknown person. Someone with a physique similar to his.
That man was the King, you were his Queen. And Xavier was nothing but a sinner, a tool to be used, a killing machine. All for you. He would do everything for you, but you were no longer his lover.
You failed to recognize him. You were no longer the same as before. Since the person he truly loved was dead.
She was once a Queen. He had vowed to be the Knight standing beside her. But he left her alone on the cold throne. She died and was reborn, again and again. How many times had his love died before he came back?
The girl in front of him now had no memory of those lives anymore. It was a blessing. For you would no longer have to cry over the treachery you believed he had committed on you.
His only wish was to save you; to save the girl he loved from the spiral of death and rebirth. But when he tried to cut off your chains, he, too, was bound by another curse.
He watched you die and come back in another life. As many times as you sat on that throne, he became a slave at your feet, and as many times as he witnessed your death. He could not do anything else, not even scream and weep.
For, he had been cursed since the day he left you alone.
“Xavier… Save me… I don't want… to die…”
He stared down at your body, which was securely tied to the stone table. Trembling. His Queen begged him. Xavier was shrouded in black. The chain around his neck became tighter.
“Do it, Xavier! Stop wasting time!”
The crowd behind urged him. Xavier's palm clenched on the shiny hilt of his sword.
“No… Xavier… Please!…”
“The sacrifice must be completed! Do not forget your duty as Philos' royalty, Xavier! Do not forget how you betrayed us and what punishment you must endure!”
Xavier closed his eyes tightly. You and him, you could never escape this fate. He raised his sword, once more. He ended your torment, for another life.
Yet, his suffering would never cease.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Xavier awoke with tight agony in his neck and chest. His pillow was drenched from weeping. He heard your frightened voice repeating in his ears:
"Oh dear! You have a high fever!”
Through tears, he watched you climb out of bed. You were going to go fetch him a damp towel and medication. But he pulled you back. He wrapped you securely in his arms.
“X-Xavier? How are you feeling? You scared me?…”
“Sorry… I'm really sorry…”
He continued muttering like that. You began to suspect that his apology was not for waking you up in the middle of the night screaming, or that he was hugging you so tightly that you were suffocating. Was there anything else going on?
"Did you have a nightmare?" You questioned as you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his neck and back.
Xavier responded with a gentle "yeah". He eased his hold slightly to allow you to breathe. But seeing his condition, you couldn't help but worry.
"You have a fever." You mentioned it again. "Let me get medicine for you…"
“Stay with me!” Xavier spoke, almost like a grumble. It startled you. His arm was draped around your torso, and his other hand gripped your wrist firmly. Xavier dropped his voice, recognizing he was becoming overly emotional: "Please... Just stay here a little longer..."
“Alright… I'm here…” You comforted Xavier. You cared about nothing other than his mental turmoil. But you believed he would feel better, and when he was ready, he would tell you everything.
A moment later, when he had calmed down, Xavier said:
“I'm sorry… I didn't mean to make you sad or worried…”
"It's fine. I just want you to know that I will always be by your side… Besides, we also have Galaxy Kid, Bunbun and these plushies..."
Both Xavier and you gazed at your plushie-filled bed. He grinned faintly, as if he was finally at ease. You added
“We'll get through everything together, okay?”
For a moment, Xavier said nothing. He just tilted his head slightly to look at you closely. His hand caressed your face as if you were a treasure he once lost, then found.
“Of course. We will get through everything together. Definitely…” His voice trailed off as he fell into a hazy condition caused by the fever in the middle of the night. “This time… I won't let you face it… alone…”
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xvysarene · 2 months
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𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕐𝕠𝕦
Pairing: Zayne x Fem!Reader Prompt: Inspired by the quote “I love you in every timeline”, but with a twist Words: ~870 Genre: Eventual fluff Notice: Spoilers of Zayne’s ‘Tower of Secrets’ myth & ‘Still in Dark’ anecdote
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Throughout his entire existence, Zayne believed that Astra’s punishment condemned him to eternal separation from his true love; forced to either sacrifice himself or spiral out of control upon her death.
But was this truly his punishment, or merely an obstacle? A cruel way to derail him from finding the one.
Thus, when he managed to save his childhood friend without any further complications—without having to give up or lose himself because she survived—he should have felt relieved.
Felt a sense of completeness that he had dreamt for so long.
Instead, the hollowness, the whisper of something just out of reach remained.
“What more do you want from me?�� he cursed Astra. Cursing His sick, twisted game.
And so, as he ventured back through his memories, aside from the occasional encounters with others, there was always one person who inexplicably found him.
You, who managed to pick up his broken pieces as he lamented.
You, who brought a sense of comfort like no other.
You, who always mysteriously disappeared in the end, forgotten by him.
“Zayne?” a surprise gasp left your lips.
His fingers remained wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from walking out of his life for the umpteenth time.
The setting sun accentuated your silhouette, as if emphasising the answer he had blindly missed in every other timeline.
“Am I Astra's punishment for you?”
And you, condemned to stay by his side, an unattainable man whose eyes and life were always set on another woman.
“What exactly is His punishment to you?” he pleaded, begging to understand. 
He would be damned if he let you vanish again this time, not when he had finally found the one he was destined to be with.
A pang of remorse washed over him as he heard your answer: “To be the fleeting pillar for the man who never looks my way, destined to forget me eventually.”
Just like him, you bore different personas in every alternate universe.
While everyone had forgotten the Foreseer and the Tower of Thorns, they had also forgotten about you—the only other person who had befriended the Foreseer and kept him company in his loneliness.
It was your laughter that thawed the icy hallways of the tower, just to be silenced once a woman intent on stealing the Creatio Protocore arrived.
He then remembered the surviving nurse, living in the same decaying city as Dawnbreaker, patching him up after every chaotic fight with the Abomination and Wanderers, and comforting him as he washed away Georgie's blood from his hands.
“Every time she appears, your memory of me will fade,” you whispered, eyes searching his in disbelief. “How have you not forgotten about me now?”
Oh, how bittersweet it was to continually forget the one who first taught your heart to love.
Unable to resist any longer, Zayne tugged you into his embrace, fearing that you might slip away.
In his arms, you fit perfectly, like the last chapter of a series, completing him.
“How could you remain so kind, when all I ever did was take, and take, and take from you?” The growing lump in his throat nearly choked him.
“If anyone needs a shoulder to lean on, it's you, Zayne. I've never regretted being there for you.” With a gentle touch, your palm came to rest on his heart. “There must be a reason I'm meant to stay by your side, even if it’s momentary.”
For the first time, he felt warm. A different kind of warmth that spread through him like a soft flame kindling deep within his heart.
“All my life, I've always set my sight on the wrong woman. My punishment is to be separated from you, not her.” Gazing at your eyes, bright with unshed tears, was like a punch to his sternum. “I wish you hated me now.”
“Why?” you murmured.
Lifting your chin, he lowered his gaze to your lips, closing the distance between you slowly. “Because then you’ll push me away, knowing that I am unworthy of this.”
And as your eyes fluttered closed instead, mouth already anticipating his, every fibre of restraint shattered.
Both of your lips locked without hesitation, releasing pure longing that had been confined for so long, now unleashed in a wave of intense emotions.
The world dissolved into the intoxicating sensation of lips moulding together. One of his arms pulled at your waist, fingers gripping your curve, drawing you even nearer. 
He realised right then and there that he would never have enough of your taste.
“Do you think this is Astra’s wicked scheme? That you still remember me after all this time, yet impending misfortune awaits us?” Traces of doubt were evident in your hushed whisper, lips lightly brushing with his still.
“Astra be damned.” The condemning words rumbled deeply from his chest, causing you to look at him in surprise. 
“He may test me, but he’ll not take you away from me. Never again.” Strong hands cradled your face, trailing gentle kisses from your forehead, down to your nose, and finally to your lips. “As long as I draw breath, I'll spend every moment fighting for you.”
In every possible timeline, he had loved you first, and in this moment, his love for you remained unwavering.
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lara635kookie · 1 month
Zayne's Birthday:
I don't want to give spoilers to people who haven't played much yet but I think anyone realizes by now that Zayne is someone that values work ethics in his field. So I think his arch will involve this:His character will pass through a test. Would he forget all medical ethics to save MC? Would he go against all his beliefs just to be with her?
My theory is that Dawnbreaker is the most important factor in all of this. Astra's curse says Zayne will not be together with MC in every universe, but Dawnbreaker DOESN'T have an MC. So the curse doesn't apply to him. And if he never gets an MC in his world, the curse never will, which would prove that the curse is imperfect and can be avoided in some way, maybe even UNDONE.
I think everyone noticed by now that Dawnbreaker is the odd one out between all Zaynes. He differs from all of the other Zaynes in many things. One of these things is ethics. Doctor Zayne has a very clear life overall ethic. The same applies to The Foreseer and Master of Fate. Even though their ethics are different, they still have ethics because they're divine beings. But Dawnbreaker doesn't have ethics. Or has a very twisted one. Because even though he kills people who became monsters(wanderers)/want to be killed, killing is still non-ethical. So maybe he is the key to the other Zaynes not having to put their ethics aside to save MC. Imagine if Dawnbreaker can see not only Doctor Zayne but also The Foreseer and The Master and goes all depressive like:"They all have her except for me." It would be so ironic if Dawnbreaker was the key to saving MC and giving happiness to ALL OF THE OTHER ZAYNES EXCEPT HIMSELF("always the bridesmaid, never the bride."). He would guarantee the happiness of everyone else and watch them being happy as some kind of torture knowing it would never be him. He would never have her, so he would never be truly happy. It's ironic to imagine the other Zaynes(at least some of them) envying Dawnbreaker for not being so helplessly in love with someone you will eventually lose and suffer forever because of it and Dawnbreaker envying the other Zaynes because he still would rather be with her for a while and then lose her than not having her at all.
If they don't give Dawnbreaker an MC after the curse is broken (I hope it will be broken), I will be so PISSED. But it would also add to the drama if after seeing Doctor Zayne's MC for so long in his dreams he knows her so well he fell for HER instead of his OWN MC (if she appears) because she's different from the MC of the doctor. Because his MC will probably be, just like all the other ones, a reflex on his world, and he doesn't like his world. He wanted to be in a better world. A world like Zayne's, with the MC of Zayne. So after the MC of Zayne being his only confort in a broken world, he would still rather be attached to the hope of an impossible better world with her than accepting his own MC and conforming and embracing the reality of his world. And then his journey with his MC would be him slowly falling out of love for Zayne's MC and falling for his own MC, accepting his MC and believing his own world can become a better world with her by his side, instead of him just going to another world.
Anyway, I am so excited for Zayne's birthday because, well it's ZAYNE, but also because it might clarify things not just with Dawnbreaker but all of the other Zaynes. I am saving diamonds like crazy and I hope I get an equally crazy amount of all of the Zaynes.
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odoraful · 6 months
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zayne finally meets with you again in his dreams, though he is unprepared to face the harsh truth
read part 1 content: dawnbreaker!zayne x reader; a direct continuation from zayne’s anecdote 'still in dark' (spoiler warning); 2.2k words; angst :( reading bgm ♫ It is The Nature of Dreams to End (Julia)
It took a few seconds for Zayne’s brain to register that he should reply to you. 
Stop staring with your mouth agape. Say something. 
The words were lodged in his throat.
You fidgeted with your hair, eyes turned downwards. “Excuse my manners. I should stop addressing you incorrectly and ask for your name.”
Zayne cringed internally. A great start — he now gave the impression that he was deliberately ignoring you for your supposed impoliteness. 
“No, please, it's alright.” The sentence tumbled out of him. “My name is Zayne.” His arms remained glued at his sides. 
“It's the same as his… everything is the same,” you murmured, shaking your head in disbelief. Your brow was in a deep furrow, as if you someone had given you some incalculable equation to solve. He could tell that a million questions were flooding your thoughts right now. 
“If it’s any consolation,” he tried his best to give a reassuring smile, but he felt his lips tremble as he lifted the corners of his mouth, “I also have questions about how we’ve come to meet.”
You raised your head, finally meeting his gaze. In all his dreams with you, he'd never seen such worry on your face. He felt a crushing urge to take you in his arms, smooth a hand over your hair, whisper in your ear that he was here for you, that he was here to protect you. Instead, he squeezed his fists tight.
“Then, should we go somewhere more comfortable and have a talk?” You offered, turning around to face the pavilion suspended on the river. You lifted a hand to shade your eyes. “The sun is too bright to be standing outside.” 
Zayne nodded. It would be too embarrassing for him to say that the golden sunlight targeting you was likely a product of his own subconscious. Moving to your side, the two of you headed towards the bridge leading to the pavilion. As he walked, Zayne relaxed his fists, feeling the sting in his palm from his own digging fingernails.
Your eyes went wide with alarm. “Humans that slowly transform into wanderers? That’s horrifying.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, goosebumps forming on your skin.
Sitting now on the bench that lined the inside of the pavilion, the two of you conversed about your respective worlds. With embarrassment, he mentioned how he dreamt about you since he was 12. You laughed at how shy he was getting, as he turned his head away from yours, not wanting you to see the break in his coolness. When you spoke, he acted as a dutiful listener, despite having already extensively researched the fabled Linkon City. It felt surreal to hear your experience first hand. It made him feel less crazy to hear everything he learned was true. 
“And are there hunters to help control this? To keep everyone safe?” You asked. 
Zayne inhaled a long breath. He looked out past your shoulder at the shimmering river. He turned solemn, his eyes unfocused. 
“I don’t know of anybody in my world who has an evol, as you’ve called it, besides me.” 
He felt no pride in owning this power. It was a burden he shouldered since he was a child. Yet, he understood the gravity of the responsibility forced upon him. If he abandoned this role, what would become of his world? The cards he were dealt gave him a singular purpose in life. 
That was until you entered his life. 
You remained silent, digesting the information he had given and what it implied. Zayne felt acutely aware of every one of his senses. The rhythm of his breaths, the weight of his hands clasped in his lap, the stiffness in his posture. 
“You save people’s lives.”  His eyes shifting back to you, Zayne unexpectedly saw a wistful look on your face. “It reminds me a lot of my Zayne.”
This should have been the part where you condemned him, like everyone else in his world. Called him a monster, a killer, nothing but a story to scare children into behaving well. If he wasn’t mistaken, the faint smile on your face was one of admiration. Never had he seen himself as heroic. Those few words you spoke made him crumple. He placed his head in his hands. Not only that, you said it reminded you of your Zayne. 
He heard the rustle of your dress beside him as you sat closer to him. Your legs almost flush against his. If he leaned barely a millimetre to his right, your arms would touch. 
“I want to know,” he started, finding his voice again. “In the past, you never realised I was someone else. What changed in that last dream?”
Humming in thought, you tapped a finger on your chin. “I’m not too sure about it myself.” You began to chuckle sheepishly.  “I do have a working theory, but I would need to…” Your sentence trailed off. Zayne stared at you, confused. You seemed to shrink under his gaze. 
“Is it alright if I…” Biting your lip, you fidgeted with your fingers. “Touch you?” 
What kind of theory is this? Zayne could never guess your next move. Freely speaking your mind, acting on your first instinct, these were traits so foreign to him. Your unpredictability was something he loved and feared.
“Of- of course,” he blurted out, less composed than he would’ve liked to show. He prayed his cheeks didn’t betray him by turning bright pink. Turning his body towards you, he rested his hands on his thighs, waiting for what you would do. 
You reached a hand and gently cupped his cheek. 
Unable to contain his reaction, Zayne let out a shuddering breath at the contact as he leaned in. The casual affection that was so natural for you to show completely overwhelmed him. As you leaned in, your eyes slowly examined him, moving up and down his face. All Zayne could do was yield under your attention. Despite no words being exchanged, he felt more vulnerable to you than ever before. 
He grasped your hand, holding it against his face. You felt so real. How could his mind conjure something so tangible? The shape of your knuckles, the creases on your fingers, all of it was warm and alive under his cool touch. He was certain that if he touched the underside of your wrist, he would feel your steady pulse. 
“Zayne.” Your voice was a hesitant whisper. “You’re hurting me…” 
Caught up in exhilaration, Zayne didn’t notice how tight his grip had become. Your fingers were being crushed together by his. He immediately released his hold, cursing inwardly at himself. What was he thinking? Your Zayne wouldn’t have done that. He wouldn’t have been so aggressive, so overly emotional. 
“I remember now.” Feeling your breath graze his skin as you spoke, he fought off the urge to shiver. “I started to notice that there was something about your gaze…” Your eyes softened with sympathy. “There’s no warmth to it.”
Your hand trailed down his cheek to his neck. “And when I touch you.” Tingles followed wherever your fingers went. “You tense up everytime.” Emphasising your point, your hand rested on his shoulder, forcing him to relax his muscles. “Almost like you’re scared of me, somehow.”
No, this wasn’t how it was meant to go. He had expected you to say something trivial — his appearance was slightly off, or he had just forgotten to say or do something that was an obvious tell. These were easy fixes for him.
Zayne screwed his eyes shut, defenceless against your pity.
After all these dreams living in snippets as this doctor, this perfect version of himself, he still couldn’t get it right. No matter how well he could copy, from watching all those medical show episodes or tasting as many desserts as his barren world could offer, there were fundamental things about himself he couldn’t change.  
“I-I don’t understand.” He said, strained. He felt like a child again, terrified of making the wrong move. “I thought I did everything right.”
“You did!” You exclaimed. Bringing your other hand to his other shoulder, you gently squeezed them. “You treat me so kindly whenever we met, but my Zayne is the one back in my world, in Linkon.”
Your hands withdrew from his shoulders. “And in any case, this-” You gestured around, “- is just a dream. I might not even remember this exact conversation when I wake up. I don’t think I’m even real in this-”
“Don’t say that.” He snapped. 
His voice seemed to reverberate around the garden. The severity of his tone silenced you instantly. 
Sitting still was too restricting for him now. He ran a hand through his hair, needing to move around. He stood up, nausea swirling at the pit of his stomach. Rubbing his eyes with the edges of his hands, he saw stars in the vision. 
To hell with composure.
“I’ve known you for so, so long.” It was difficult to speak when every word constricted his throat. “Do not tell me that you’re not real because then everything I’ve worked towards would be for nothing.” 
You cocked your head, confused. “Everything you’ve worked towards?”
Sparing himself the shame, he stayed quiet. He wouldn’t tell you how he spent his entire life in a fruitless endeavour to become the person you loved. It was a shattering realisation he arrived at. He was nothing but an imposter, a poor imitation. He could never be your Zayne. Desperation bubbled rapidly within him. The pressure reached a tipping point. 
“You told me before that you’d always stay by my side" His tone wavered, struggling to keep stable between his quickened breaths. "Don’t leave me, please.” He pleaded, face contorting with agony. This loss would be more painful than any Abomination strike to his heart.
Your eyes were downcast, shoulders slumped. “Of course I can meet with you again, but I don’t think I can stay with you forever.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. “I’m so, so sorry, Zayne. It- it just doesn’t feel right for some reason.”
The floor of the pavilion swayed under his feet. The tranquillity of the garden felt more like a mockery now than a solace. Why did you have to see through him? Could he have prevented this from happening? Seized by his own racing thoughts, he didn’t even detect you moving towards him. You encircled his waist with your arms and he crumpled into the hug instinctually. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. Nobody would be there to comfort him when he woke up. He’d share his misery with only the birds that nested at his window in the mornings. So, he savoured the feeling of your hand rubbing his back soothingly, letting your warmth consume him.
”Perhaps there’s an equivalent version of me in your world.” He could just hear your voice over the thumping heartbeat in his ears. “If there’s me and my Zayne in Linkon, then shouldn’t there also be someone for you?”  
A version of you? He couldn’t begin to process what you were saying. No one could replace you, it was a ridiculous suggestion. How easily you would brush him aside like this.
He dared to look at your face once more. There was no contempt in your expression like he thought there would be. There was genuine care in your eyes. Of course, you were always the hopeful one. 
“It’s not too late for you to find out who you truly are, Zayne.”
That was the last thing he heard before he was abruptly pulled from you. 
Dreams seldom have satisfying endings to them — bouncing from one scene to the next, blurring beginning, middle, end, and finishing far too soon. And so, like the snapping of thread, he was flung back into the waking world. 
When Zayne awoke from previous dreams, he’d always feel at peace. However, this time he jolted awake, gasping for air. Taking in deep breaths to steady himself, he saw the blankets had been kicked aside onto the floor. Sweat slicked the back of his shirt and beaded down the side of his head. 
Zayne sat up against the bed head, letting his head roll to the side to gaze out the window. The sun was just beginning to rise, the landscape outside diffused by pale blue light. A bird flew up to the sill, hopping curiously on the ledge. It then settled down, legs disappearing into its feathery body. 
He opened the drawer of his bedside table and wearily reached for his journal and pen. With a heavy heart, he scrawled down everything he could recall about the dream. Where he was, what you wore, what you said. The occasional lilting chirp from the bird cut through his pondering.
“Another version of me.”
Could there be someone like you in his world? Someone who would want to spend time with him? He’d never thought to talk to anyone else, he only ever needed you. 
He finished his final sentence, the writing almost unintelligible.
“Who you truly are.” 
When he wasn’t chasing down the person in his head, when he wasn’t trying to be someone else, who was he, truly? 
a/n: thank you for reaching the end xx 🥹 you've hit the surprise author note! i'm putting it here this time cuz i didn't want to detract from the main story with all my yapping at the start! i thought the bgm had a title fitting for my interpretation of dawnbreaker zayne's arc, and it does have the appropriate melancholic vibe to it :') this was my first time writing something longer and angst-ier, so apologies if it reads awkwardly D: i will continue honing my writing! i wish you a lovely day or night <3
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exactlycleverpirate · 7 months
(Over) Analyzing the Love and Deepspace Theme Song
“Some long for longevity
Before fading to dust
Some long for eternal sleep
And eulogy chanted by stars
Into that serenity
Their lost time forever buried
She rambled a thousand times
And million miles
Searching for her light
Free from the rule of death
Now seem so dull
Time goes by but memories rewind
Here she prays again
Back when things began
Where to go
Where they meet and grow old
Where no rivers would flow
No woods would grow
No life would never be ceased
Or somewhere they could start again
Where they would never be the same
Where rains everyday
Fain they would stay
Some forsake longevity
Then fading to dust
Some fall for eternal sleep
Their eulogies turn into gleaming stars
Will they meet in stars again
Or gone with the wind”
Spoilers under the cut.
Some long for longevity
Before fading to dust
I think this line could be a reference to the people of Philos, especially the ones on Earth. The Backtrackers are trying to find a way to prolong Philos and their lives with it. When Xavier cuts down the man in the alley, he dissolves into dust. The planet is dying and has no oceans. The whole planet is described as being dustier than Earth was. The imagery during the video for these lines is of the galaxy. 
The Wanderers also fade to dust when they are cut down. In fact, the first scene we see of Xavier in the game is him cutting down Wanderers and them dispersing into light.
Additionally, there are people on Earth who are trying to achieve immortality, particularly those who are using Lemurian blood to prolong their lives. Meanwhile, in Fragrant Dream, Rafayel dissolves into sea foam to save MC. (But this could be a bit of a stretch.)
Some long for eternal sleep
And eulogy chanted by stars
Eternal sleep is a common theme throughout this game. Zanye falls into eternal sleep in his myth. Rafayel will also fall into eternal sleep in his myth if something doesn't change. Meanwhile, Xavier is suspiciously tired all the time. 
Particularly telling is that these lines coincide with a silhouette of Xavier in the video, as well as a starry expanse. The implication seems to be that Xavier is longing for that eternal sleep. Which wouldn't be terribly surprising. He has been living and fighting and losing the person he loves over and over for a very long time.
A eulogy is something written or spoken to remember those who have died. In this case, the stars themselves are the ones speaking the memories. It makes me think of old mythology where great heroes and demi-gods would be immortalized in constellations when they died.
I think this segment is also connected to Wanderers, and Xavier's story is particularly tied to Wanderers. I think it is very possible that whatever humanity remains in the Wanderers wants to be at rest, finally. I think there is likely relief when Xavier (and Zayne in his 3rd Anecdote), set them free to finally rest in peace.
Into that serenity
Their lost time forever buried
Here, the video shows us a silhouette of Zayne, and behind him is Mt. Eternal. At the end of his myth, Zayne has slipped into the serenity of eternal sleep, buried under a snowy blizzard. Additionally, at the end of the Main Story chapter 8, we see Zayne interacting with something buried under ice.
Even before this, in Zayne's Myth, they lose time again and again as their memories are erased, and they are reset. Additionally, there is some time weirdness going on between Doctor Zayne and Dawnbreaker Zayne. 
She rambled a thousand times
And million miles
Searching for her light
The video shows planet Earth rotating and a sun rising over the horizon. This is clearly about MC, traveling worlds and times, resurrecting again and again, searching for her love(s), her freedom, her memories. Particularly poignant is Queen MC at the end of Xavier’s Myth, thinking about how her star is gone.
Free from the rule of death
Now seem so dull
Time goes by but memories rewind
This section is paired with Rafayel's silhouette in the video. It is hard to make out the background, but I think it is an underwater city, presumably Lemuria. Lemurians are naturally eternal/immortal. As far as we have seen so far, they are the only people in the game who come by this naturally (unless this is a result of that ancient Lemurian technology, but either way, immortality is literally in their blood).
Rafayel may die, but the implication through his content seems to be that when he does die, he will merge into the waters of the ocean and one day be reincarnated. He is free from the rule of death, but over and over in his stories and behavior, we see that he is bored. Life has become dull (particularly without MC). He talks of death as a blessing for Lemurians in Whalefall Lament.
Something that is an important reoccurring theme throughout Rafayel's content is memories. MC has forgotten him, which he is very frustrated about. In Fragrant Dream, she has forgotten him as well, and restoring her memories and humanity costs Rafayel his life. In his myth, Rafayel tries to erase her memories to protect her, but she remembers anyway, and tells him she is not someone who easily forgets (which seems a little ironic, given how much she has forgotten across times and tales). 
Rafayel also seems to have the potential to have the oldest memories with her. Where Xavier’s memories are primarily in the future, I think it likely that many of Rafayel's are in the past (though not the myth). If I were to have each man represent an aspect of time, I would say Xavier is future, Zayne is present, and Rafayel is past. And I think we see that connection here with memories rewinding.
I will add that MC has lost memories of all 3 men throughout her various stories, though I would argue that current day MC has primarily lost memories of Rafayel, as she only met Zayne after the Chronorift Catastrophe, and most of her story with Xavier is set in the future, but present day MC has only just met him (aside from a brief encounter during the Chronorift Catastrophe).
Here she prays again
Back when things began
The video at this part once more shows a galaxy/starry expanse. 
I'm inclined to say this is also connected to Rafayel's story, though I'm not sure. There are two different gods we see mentioned in Love and Deepspace, the God of the Sea (Rafayel) and Astra. Though this could refer to praying at the shrines and things of that nature just in general, praying for luck, well being, help, etc. 
But I do think it is interesting that in Rafayel’s myth, there is a suggestion that she is/was a follower/devotee/worshiper of the Sea God. Adding to that my thoughts that Rafayel has the oldest connection, and the “back when things began” is a good fit too. However, Xavier’s Anecdote 3 can also be seen as a beginning, particularly of the time-loop they seem to be trapped in now.
Where to go
On this line, the video flashes through the locations of each of the myths. First the city in the Golden Sands of Rafayel's myth, then the castle in Philos where Xavier is, and finally the Tower of Thorns where Zayne is trapped.
Where they meet and grow old
Where no rivers would flow
Here, we again see Rafayel in the video. Of my experience going through the content, Rafayel is the most blatant and consistent about wanting to spend his life with MC, and even refers to her as his bride in the myth. Thus we have connected with him the longing to grow old with MC. To have her beside him throughout his life. Indeed, I think he gave her his heart because he knew otherwise they would one day be separated by her truly dying, and he wanted to make her immortal like himself, so she could live on with him, over the course of their lives.
Rivers flowing is a plain reference to the city in the Golden Sands that is the source for 64 rivers, yet the land has no ocean. All water, at least in that area, flows from the city, which happens to be where MC is essentially imprisoned in order to protect the immortality of the people of Philos. The people of Philos, at least in the Golden Sands, hoard the water, MC, and immortality, all of which they have essentially stolen from Rafayel.
No woods would grow
No life would never be ceased
Here we go to Zayne. Honestly, I would have expected “no woods would grow” to be connected to Xavier and Starfall Forest. And while that may be a part of it, the video seems to make a direct link to the thorns in the Tower of Thorns instead.
“No life would never be ceased” is particularly interesting for Zayne. It works well as a connecting theme between Doctor Zayne, Dawnbreaker Zayne, and Myth Zayne. 
Doctor Zayne is haunted by every patient he loses, keeping a tally of them to remember. He is particularly haunted by the death of William on Mt. Eternal. And he is frantically researching to find a way to prevent MC’s life from ceasing as well. Additionally, Zayne has an underlying anxiety of protecting MC from himself, and he seems to be a ticking time bomb with whatever is going on with his Evol.
Dawnbreaker Zayne ends life after life rather than allowing these people to devolve into monsters. However, he longs for Doctor Zayne's life, where he could save others instead of simply putting them out of their misery.
Meanwhile, Myth Zayne has watched MC die again and again and again, failing to save her each time, until he finally breaks the loop, sacrificing his life for hers.
Or somewhere they could start again
Where they would never be the same
Here we come to Xavier. He and MC fell in love when they were young (comparatively), but it quickly ended in tragedy. When he is reunited with her in his myth, it looks at first like they might have a chance of being together this time. But then he learns the truth behind Philos, Wanderers, and MC’s connection to it all, and all his focus and energy goes into saving her, rather than their relationship. Indeed, even in Anecdote 3, Xavier sacrifices his precious remaining time with her in a desperate bid to find a way to save her life. 
This appears to be true in the Main Story as well. Rather than prioritizing a relationship with you, he is trying to find a way to save you, both current you and the Queen he left behind on Philos. If only there were a way to break from this cycle. To start from the beginning, without the fighting, heartache, and loss, and just be together. Where he didn't have to say goodbye to her in a desperate bid to keep her alive.
Where rains everyday
Fain they would stay
This takes us back to Rafayel. Rafayel loves the rain, forgoing umbrellas to enjoy being soaked. And deserts, such as the Golden Sands, desperately need rain. So where is a place where the rains would be glad to stay? Where water is abundant, life giving, and free, rather than hoarded, trapped, and closely guarded? Somewhere the Lemurians can live freely without being hunted or enslaved? Where MC is not trapped in a fancy cage to be used as a battery for a whole planet?
“Fain they would stay” also goes back to Zayne in the video. Where is somewhere that he and MC can stay together, where he doesn't feel the need to pull away to keep her safe? Where they aren't pulled apart by divine or cosmic forces?
Following this is an instrumental section where we see the Deepspace Tunnel, then Mt. Eternal (Zayne), the coast of Hat Island (Rafayel), and Tracback II (Xavier).
Some forsake longevity
Then fading to dust
Some fall for eternal sleep
Their eulogies turn into gleaming stars
During this segment, there is a galaxy in the background that slowly grows into the distinct shape of an eye. (Such as the eye MC sees outside her window, the eyes of the drones around the city, the red eyes of the raven in the forest, the eye of Astra given to Zayne so he could see through time.)
And now we come full circle. We started with those wanting longevity rather than becoming dust, but here we come to those willing to give up their longevity to fade to dust. Similarly, we started with those longing for eternal sleep and eulogies in the stars, and here we have those who fall into that eternal sleep, and their eulogies are in fact etched into the stars.
I think all of this is an indication of how all three of these men, Rafayel, Zayne, and Xavier, are willing to give to their lives, their longevity, their immortality, for MC. And their heroic sacrifices are of the sort that are etched into the very stars, like those mythological heroes of ancient times.
Will they meet in stars again
Or gone with the wind
We see Xavier interacting with what appears to be a wrecked Traceback II or similar machinery. We see Zayne at Mt. Eternal under an aurora, either freezing or excavating something (a protocore?) buried in the ice there. And we see Rafayel working on his painting that seems to depict a mermaid tale in an underwater city, then he vanishes, leaving the painting covered in a bloody red.
These are the final scenes for these characters at the end of chapter 8.
Meeting in the stars seems particularly connected to Xavier, as he has a consistent star theme throughout his stories. Connecting to the earlier idea of constellations and mythological heroes, there are a number of versions of loved ones who could not meet/reunite on Earth, but were able to find each other as stars (i.e. Gemini, Vega and Altair, Andromeda and Perseus (less tragic), and some others too, I think.)
What I find particularly interesting is the reference to the wind. In the prologue of the Main Story, the voice on the radio tells us the winds are at 5 km/hr. In the epilogue of Chapter 8, the radio voice says the winds are at 7 k/m. In both the epilogue and the song, the mention of wind coincides with wind blowing through Rafayel's house as he works on his painting and then vanishes. Gone with the wind. Leaving a bloody sea behind.
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Give me your thoughts, corrections, additions, what-have-you in the comments or PM me!
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iz-star · 2 months
Okay but listen, what if we really get to celebrate Zayne's birthday with both, Dr Zayne and Dawnbreaker?
We know that Dawnbreaker doesn't celebrate his birthdays bc of what happened to him when he was 12. His background and overall life is really sad and miserable (I need to hug him so badly) so it might not look like a situable theme for Zayne's birthday event, however, listen... What if...
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We know that MC and Zayne are childhood friends that reunited several years later when they were already adults. What if Dawnbreaker in the anecdotes is still 26 so in his 27 birthday he gets to meet the MC of his world? Just like Dr Zayne reunited with the MC of our timeline? From the info we are given about Dawnbreaker's world, almost all ppl stay inside their houses and use VR to pass the time while the ones outside doing all what used to be human labor are almost all robots. Considering this reality, it would make sense if Dawnbreaker didn't have a chance to meet the MC of his world before 🤔
Especially cause, both Dr Zayne and Dawnbreaker had something that changed them when they both were 12. When Dawnbreaker Zayne was 12, he had to kill his adoptive father using his evol, which was what marked his beginning as Grim Reaper, while Dr Zayne almost killed someone important to him (It's kinda hinted that it was MC?) because he lost control of his evol and that's what ultimately made him to become obssesed about saving ppl, thus, he became a doctor.
When they were both 12, they both had big events in their life that chose their path in life. It's interesting that Dawnbreaker could skillfully use his evol as a kid to kill someone while Dr Zayne lost control of his evol and accidentally hurt someone? As long as I remember, it was never mentioned in his anecdotes that Dawnbreaker had the same problem about his evol as Dr Zayne or Foreseer.
Dawnbreaker knew that Dr Zayne would reunite with MC at the age of 27, maybe It's also his turn to reunite with his MC and here's the plot twist: he can freely love her. Unlike Dr Zayne that loses control of his evol whenever he kinda gets close to her, Dawnbreaker doesn't. His payment for a life with her is to be a k1ller and that's because k1lling Abominations (humans that are about to turn into Wanderers) is his penitence for giving MC the Creatio Protocore in his Foreseer life.
Also, let's not forget that they will add more main story branches from September to December, yes, September! They're going to start with Zayne's birthday month! And also, Zayne was the first LI that disappeared from the main story, so they probably are going to start with him! I truly feel like they're going to give us Dawnbreaker Zayne content in September. Save my words!
Okay those are only theories, I could go on a go on about this brainrot but I better stop xD sorry but to think about Dr Zayne and Dawnbreaker similarities and differences makes me come up with the wildest theories, sorry ahaha.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 2 months
L&DS Zayne: The Reaper's Gaze
This was a request by one of my homies that day I was writing all those Xavier drabbles. He asked me to make Zayne hurt so I was super cute and decided to spend an entire 20 minutes on this one instead of ten. This is angsty tho so if it's not your cup of tea, please don't read. I have several other fics that are fluffy, funny, or smutty so feel free to pass on this one.
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♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Pairings: Zayne x Reader ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Warnings: Mentions of blood, Surgical Procedures, angst, Mentions of death, Loneliness, Nightmares, Hurt no Comfort, Dawnbreaker ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Synopsis: He sees him in his nightmares all the time, but this time it was different. This time it wasn't seeing the Reaper prowling the streets. No, he was there, in that room...alongside you on that cold surgical table. ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Word Count: 1.3k
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Blog Information | Masterlist
The Reaper's Gaze
Zayne looks down on his beloved, already knocked out by the anesthesiologist. He had gone over what needed to be done several times over. The surgery was almost a guaranteed success as he held his arms out for the nurse to place the gloves over him. They looked so peaceful sleeping there on the bed, delicate and fragile due to the circumstances. The life normally in his beloved eyes was no longer there, just peaceful sleep.
He went over his tools, making sure everything was good while verbally doing a checklist with the nurse. Greyson was there, his second in command for this operation. It was open heart surgery, one of the riskiest ones, and yet he felt so calm. As though this was always supposed to happen. He could finally save them, at long last.
Zayne looked up, grabbing his scalpel and was about to make the first incision when it happened. He glanced up for a brief moment and could see him off in the distance. His eyes widened at the man in all black, standing in the doorway. Zayne knew this man, he could tell who it was without even thinking about it.
The Reaper.
The one who plagued his dreams was now here, standing. Zayne barely blinked when suddenly the man was standing on the opposite side of his lover, looking down. Zayne’s eyes widened when he could finally see the face. It looked identical to his own, but the eyes were hollow. It lacked life to them as the Reaper looked down at his lover. His cold hand brushed their bangs out of their eyes and Zayne finally moved.
He needed to get him away from them. The moment his hand made contact though, the Reaper dissipated. Then he heard it before he could see it. The beep of the heart monitor as his lover flatlined. He glanced down, seeing their chest wide open, their heart no longer moving in their chest.
There was so much blood it pooled down from the table onto the floor. Zayne rushed over, trying to grab his lover's heart and get it to start beating again. The splashing on the floor was deafening and all he could smell was a sickly iron. On the ground were black boots and he went to scream for Greyson to move the Reaper out of there. He looked up at the Reaper and stared back at him, as though death itself welcomed him.
Zayne looked down and now all he saw was his snowflake, a cloth being moved to cover their face by a nurse, someone stating the time of death. The blood was pounding in his ears, a painful ringing that he couldn’t stop. He didn’t know what was happening.
Then he felt the cold air entering his lungs, his eyes jolting open and he’s no longer in the operating room. Instead there was a chill that crept into his bones as he looked around the room. 
A dream.
A nightmare.
His breaths came out ragged and he let out an audible whimper as he felt the shooting pain in his arm. He looked off to the side and flinched, jumping back in the cot he was in and crashing to the floor. He could see the Reaper’s gaze back on his own. HIs heart pounded heavy in his chest as he tried to calm down. 
Was this another dream? It couldn’t be…no.
Zayne looked up again, seeing that it wasn’t the Reaper who looked at him, instead they were his own hazel eyes reflected in ice. He could see the frost covering half his face and realized what was happening. He turned his gaze towards his arm, feeling the shooting pain going through it again as his evol began turning violent.
He was momentarily glad he was alone in that cold research base in Mt Eternal instead of waking up in a bed he often shared with them. The thing that kept him moving every day. His reason for life.
Zayne grit his teeth through the pain as he forced himself into a sitting position. He grunted as he could feel the ice under his skin, looking at small lesions forming already and he knew they’d only add to the scars he had all over his forearms.
He had to focus. Focus on his breathing, focus on where he was, who he was, what he was. Something to ground him, but the pain through his entire body made him almost scream from the pain. He could feel an involuntary tear rolling down his cheek before becoming a piece of ice by the time it fell to the ground, the shatter deafening in the otherwise quiet research facility.
HIs mind wandered back to the sound of a machine flat lining, then to his lover’s face as they died in front of him.
THis time the pain was searing and Zayne let out a muffled scream, grabbing his arm with his other hand and squeezing. He could feel the warmth of his own blood coating it and he knew he’d have a lot of cleaning up to do later. He sucked in a breath, panting as he looked around. He needed to warm himself up somewhere.
The recreational room of the facility that he often slept in had a fireplace along the wall. He could barely stand, his legs shaking as he made his way over. He had brought things for a fire and could even see the chars from the one he had set ablaze before going to bed. He put the logs in, working on starting the fire but progress was slow.
Every second that passed he swore he could faint. The throbbing in his arm, the whimpers that echoed from his own throat. He felt pathetic there, the only thing he could do right now was survive. He had promised them he would return, so return he must. Once he finished here, of course. He wasn’t done, and sometimes he felt like he’d never be done.
He swore he would save them, and this pain, this aching loneliness in his heart…it would be all worth it when he could see them smile. Just the thought of it warmed him slightly, or perhaps it was the fire that had begun to come alive once more.
He went over to the bed, grabbing a blanket and his coat he had left hanging and put it over him. He walked back to the fireplace, laying on the dirty floor in front of it and let the warmth take him over. His evol didn’t seem to be getting any better, but at least it wasn’t getting worse. He was slowly becoming a bit numb due to the cold.
He breathed shallow breaths, the occasional cry escaping his throat as pain ricochet up his body once again. He would need to treat his wound, clean it and wrap it. Later though, that would come later. He rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling.
His body shivered, his teeth clacking together and his jaw now hurt from the involuntary motions. How long had he even been asleep? He felt more exhausted than before he had gone to bed, and he knew now that if he fell back asleep he would see their face again, that lifeless visage.
This time when the tear came it didn’t freeze, it simply rolled down and Zayne raised his good hand to wipe it away. When did he start crying? He pushed it off to the side. It was fine. He could just lay here, clear his mind, and wait for the pain to subside. It was all he could do in this facility. Tomorrow would be a new day, but would anything change? Hope was what caused the most pain, but if he gave it up completely he would be like him.
The Reaper. 
He was already forgetting the face, how it had looked like him, how it was him. The broken version of him…but was the current Zayne and the reaper so different? Only time would tell that story.
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I could've hurt him more, just to let you know. I was being nice to him today.
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blue-howlite · 28 days
Rambling about my new obsession because I'm the sole lord of this glorified trashcan and I can.
Sylus from Love and Deepspace.
Warnings: spoilers for his two story chapters, spoilers about Dawnbreaker, generic spoilers about the game, a lot of self indulgent thinking, error.404 coherence not found, we're hopping from one thought to the other like the sparrows on the window, inaccuracies are likely to happen I'm just a silly guy.
So, from the blurred scene we see as flashback when we're on the rooftop with him and stuff, someone made out the figure of a "Wanderer" Sylus on his knees, stabbed with a sword in the chest by the MC. I'll add the link to the Tumblr post with the video here. The video is from TikTok but it's easier to see here if you ask me and besides this is what triggered all my thinking.
Now, hear me out.
We know the other guys (well you guys probably know, I landed on the game for Sylus and saw almost nothing of the in-game lore of the guys, I only know spoilers from social media and something from the anecdotes) all sacrificed something for MC in her past lives. Faith, power, people... They had all to renounce to something to protect MC. Some people were wondering what Sylus sacrificed for her in her past life with him.
This would be the explanation.
He literally died for her.
Like in the flashback he tells MC to press on, so she didn't kill him as an enemy, but he LET her kill him. And for some reason she HAD to kill him too. We can see his clawed hand cradling hers and making her hold the hilt of the sword.
Now if we go down the wanderer theory, y'all are familiar with Dawnbreaker anecdotes right? How people started turning into wanderers and the alternative Zayne had to kill them even though they still had human looks for the most part.
So what if Sylus was, in another life, that kind of wanderer? A human turned into a monster, that MC had no choice but to kill?
The surroundings, for what little we could see in the blurry flashbacks, weren't of Linkon, or any place on the current in-game earth for that matter. A very post-apocalyptic vibe, right?
AND we know from Dawnbreaker that his world is going in a similarly dystopic direction: the government is hiding the fact that people are turning into wanderers, Linkon in ruins, normal wanderers roaming free and people forced inside their houses. We've seen suspicious wanderers in the new story chapters too, when we were at the club fighting the other faction of Onychinus. Just reminding y'all.
Now I won't reach THAT much by saying that Dawnbreaker is in the same timeline of wanderer Sylus and MC (though...) BUT what if in their timeline they found themselves in that similar situation, just way further ahead and way worse? MC as one of the few surviving humans with Sylus as her companion, both of them trying to "press on", with ultimately Sylus turning into a wanderer and getting killed by MC, then her dying later on.
This feels like a mashup of Doom Breaker and Eternal Afterlife but it's probably just me.
And all the possible simbolysm, as the person in the video noticed, like the claw gripping a heart on Sylus's necklace? Could it be symbolic of his wanderer self clinging to his humanity? Or maybe his wanderer self, still somehow conscious, offering his heart to MC to be killed, like he did in the flashback?
Also, just to mention the other necklace he has, with the heart being impaled; I don't know how strong vampire lore is in China, BUT a stake to the heart is what is traditionally believed to kill vampires. And vampires, traditionally, are represented as parasites, or rather humans that are possessed by a parasite, and killing them is putting the human soul at peace and saving it. So apply it to Sylus and the earlier reasonings about his past life with MC.
It's the theme of losing humanity and being saved through death before it's too late.
Also it would be such a good parallel with the scene from their first (not exactly first but you get it) interaction, when Sylus presses MC's gun to his chest and encourages her to shoot. Like MC killed him at the first chance she got.
Which would support the wanderer Sylus theory.
And that thing about not being killed by the same thing twice in Lost Oasis??? Hello???
Yes he didn't actually die and can use his energy manipulation to heal himself quickly but you get my point:
He coerced her into shooting at his heart. Where she likely stabbed him in the other timeline.
Okay now that we've talked about this (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE LORE THE SYMBOLISM THE PARALLELS THE DEPTH I JUST CAN'T WITH THIS GAME) let's go to something lighter!
Like, did you know that crows are one of the smartest and most loyal birds out there?
They have a great memory and will remember you if you help them, becoming loyal to you (following you around, giving you trinkets...) and sort of adopting you as their god in a way (since they give you offerings and expect food in exchange so you are getting my point I hope). What does this say about Sylus? EVERYTHING.
He comes to MC when he needs help and always rewards her, he literally says that he adores her (not in the main story), has his "flock" (Luke and Kieran, and Mephisto if we want) looking out for her, not to mention the stalking...
He's that perfect mix between adorable crow husband and tormented gothic antagonist.
Alr thank you for coming to my LaD talk, have a cookie 🍪
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hananoami · 1 month
Hi, could you please tell us about your weapon preferences when it comes to battles? Ik sometimes it depends on the wanderer type or the battle type ( the scanning thing/ single target etc). Sometimes it also depends on LIs ig
ooo it sounds like you already have a good understanding the combat mode, nonnie! If I had to give you the TL;DR answer of my personal weapon preference it would be anything ranged - so guns or wands. I'm really bad with melee/close combat in any game I play... however more often than not, in order to clear high level orbit stages, you'll seeing me use the claymore since its charged attack deals heavy damage to Wanderers. If I had to use a melee weapon it would only be the Hunter Claymore.
You can use all of the Hunter weapons (Sword, Wand, Claymore, and Firearm) with all of the love interests. However, like you said it also depends on the companion you're using! So I'll break it down even further. The ones in color are their Myths stellactrum.
Rafayel: Abysswalker -> Phantasma Sands (guns) or Claymore
Rafayel: Artist -> Wand or Claymore
Rafayel: Fresh Paint -> Wand or Claymore
Rafayel: Phantom of the Siren -> Wand or Claymore
Rafayel: God of the Tides -> Tidal Embrace (staff) or Claymore
Sylus: Relentless Conqueror -> Harrier 700 (guns) or Claymore
Sylus: Otherworldly Visitor -> Wand or Claymore
Xavier: Deepspace Hunter -> Wand or Claymore
Xavier: Distant Youth -> Wand or Claymore
Xavier: Evol Police -> Wand or Claymore
Xavier: Lightseeker -> Luminescence Blade (sword) or Claymore
Xavier: Lumiere -> Moonchaser (guns) or Claymore
Zayne: Dawnbreaker -> Wand or Claymore
Zayne: Linkon Doctor -> Wand or Claymore
Zayne: Foreseer -> Everlasting Song (staff) or Claymore
Zayne: Master of Fate -> Sacred Rainfall (sword) or Claymore
Zayne: Medic of the Artic -> Wand or Claymore
I'm biased towards wands/staff weapons because I mostly play mage/caster classes/jobs in other video games. For non-myth companions I prefer using the hunter wand over the hunter firearms because it does AoE damage on multiple wanderers instead of single target. It saves me some time, yanno? Also if I know it's just one final boss in a fight I would choose a claymore to deal more damage in my charged attack.
I also have that setting checked where my weapon and outfit will automatically match with whichever companion I'm using, so that varies. I usually go in with whatever there on default when challenging a new stage. Depending on how my fight is going I may or may not switch out of it to use a hunter claymore instead. There have been so many instances where the claymore has hard carried me to a clear...
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wolfofcelestia · 3 months
Despite being a man of science, raised in a family of science, Zayne sure is very familiar with religion and fortune telling
And now with him being so cryptic here, I'm starting to wonder if Dr. Zayne has access to his other selves. So far, both his myth selves have the ability to see people's futures. Maybe Dr. Zayne is able to see his own? Or at least, maybe he knows what will happen to MC outside of his medical knowledge
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He looks troubled here, more than we've ever seen before. He looks lost in thought and shakes his head while MC is talking as if he's only half listening because he's trying to decide if he should tell her what he knows
That breeze and floral scent that passes by is no doubt a sign of the Master of Fate (and possibly his MC). But this really does not help deny the thoughts that Master = Dr. Zayne
My main criticism about how Master was written is that I couldn't separate his personality completely from Zayne's. They feel incredibly similar to me to the point where Master isn't distinct enough for me to call him a complete character that stands on his own
But are they now hinting that Master and Dr. Zayne are one and the same? That their way of writing Master was intentional?
I don't want this to be the case tbh. But Zayne is extremely suspicious here, speaking as though he IS Master.
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Why would he go into such detail about the motives of gods when all MC said was maybe they're busy? He even takes the flower petal from her hair just like Master did in the myth. And he suggests that a god, not even plural, A god only takes one person, female, as his priority, despite the yearly rituals of sex with priestesses and gods in mythology tending to have multiple lovers?
I'm usually the one out here with conspiracy theories but this time it's Zayne himself being the source of it all
If Foreseer is able to see the memories of all Zaynes, and they're kept all in that book... maybe all Zaynes have the ability to tap into that too and see all the memories that Foreseer's wraith keeps in his garden
It could explain the voices haunting Zayne in that promotional video. The voices could also be just from his timeline alone, but none of this is confirmed yet
The only thing that saves me from drowning in this conspiracy theory is Dawnbreaker
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If Zayne doesn't recognize Dawnbreaker, that means he doesn't have access to memories from ALL other versions of him.
(But the fact that Dawnbreaker has the ability to see into Zayne's life might suggest that he has an easier time tapping into the other Zaynes BUT THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER CAN OF WORMS THAT I SHOULDN'T OPEN HERE)
That throws one theory out but the main one that unsettles me the most is still up in the air
Dr. Zayne being the Master of Fate is still possible and still heavily suggested. Their mannerisms are very similar. The only difference is that Master tends to smile more. But is that not just a consequence of Zayne getting used to MC's influence?
Zayne's ability to smile is still there. He's still human. But if Master lost his ability to smile when he lost MC, and he... reincarnated as Zayne?? He'd still carry those wounds but he'd learn to smile again with MC's help
Sure, Master tends to use more wind than ice, but Medic Zayne's green ice is very reminiscent of Master's powers taken shape
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Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this
All I'm saying is that "Zayne in cosplay" might not be just a joke anymore asdflkjadklfn
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"Eternal Attachment" Post Zayne Birthday Event Review + Delulu
Note: Please take this with a grain of salt as I cry myself for this one. This is personal opinion and delulu brain working so no need to go violent at me as none of this was confirmed beside the cannon events connected to his birthday. MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. YOU ARE WARNED!!!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT FOR NSFW CONTENTS
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First Things first. Please stop comparing Rafayel's and Zayne's Birthday Event because they are special in their own way. Plus I trust that the dev knows what they are doing. In my opinion, they are basing the stories on the boys personalities and overall impact to the main stories. True we ain't able to give him a kiss on his birthday but we marked him on Misty invasion. All is fair guys! And if the dev give us same plots, then what are we going t look forward to?
Zayne's birthday event left us with warm feeling and overall stronger bond with him. His character development and relationship development is awesome and the fact the he easily smiles now gives me satisfaction. I love him so much.
The most memorable part of this event for me is the recording of Zayne's video message to his parents and him holding our hands in front of everyone. When he mentioned that "they already know you" it means he talks about us to his parents. This is again something so intimate yet so wholesome. He did really love us. And the holding hands is showing that he is taking claim on us. Yes, Zayne! I belong to you!
Zayne and M/C had s3x after the cake scene. Ok this is the delulu me, but M/C subtly offer her self to Zayne when she says "the birthday boy is allowed to be greedier than usual" and Zayne mentioning "my appetite is perfect for handling anything from you", "perhaps, it's because I already taste something sweeter" this might be just my imagination but remember that In the previous Banner he tasted "us" solidifying the fact that we are indeed and not just in a relationship with him but we are already intimate.
Dawn breaker is present in Zayne's body during this event/ This is yet a again a mix of canon and delulu. Canon because in Zayne's anecdote, Dawnbreaker was there during M/C singing happy birthday. Delulu because I feel like Dawnbreaker never left he is the one delivering the line "I wish that in the years to come, I won't have to imagine spending everyday of my life with someone". Think about it his way, Why would Dr. Zayne imagine that he is with us, when he is actually and physically with us? And the more deluded part of my brain tells me he is there as well when we are being intimate with Zayne and Zayne is actually aware of Dawnbreaker.
From here on will be the dark and sad side of the delulu I'm in due to this card. When I mention that Dr. Zayne was aware of Dawnbreaker being present in him, it is because he mention in the Daily Task Episode that "he just stops being afraid in the monster the lurks in them" (his dreams). Perhaps he don't view them as dreams anymore and he as aware that he have another presence/persona in a different time.
That being said, Dr. Zayne might also be aware of Foreseer and Master of Fate causing him to almost always speaks so formally and in 3rd person speech.
Dr. Zayne might also be aware of the killing Dawnbreaker needs to do to people that turns to wanderers. And this might also explain his needs to always save lives not just M/C. Dr. Zayne might be trying to save lives to compensate to the life lost on Dawnbreaker's hands. Oh no I am so so sad about this.
And the finally, Dr. Zayne might also be aware that Dawnbreaker does not have his version of M/C in his timeline. Since (delulu) he comes to terms that they are the same person on a different timeline, he is willing to share his happiness to his other self. And that happiness is M/C. This might also explain the touchiness and neediness from Zayne, cause they are 2 people longing for her.
Final Thoughts. It must really be twisted to have them at the same time. No pun intended. But if Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker is indeed present at that exact time, I really don't mind. I'll take any version of Zayne anytime. He have done so much for us and if I'm making him more happy by celebrating the day with both of them, I will gladly do so. Might it be Dr. Zayne or Dawnbreaker, they deserve all the happiness in the world.
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sanicsmut · 3 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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starmocha · 1 month
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
01. You were being irrational. You knew you were being irrational. You didn’t care. — even if the stars fall down
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
02. It was karaoke night at Onychinus’ base. — pain is all you'll find
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
03. It was rather common for Sylus to be up at 2 AM, since in his particular line of work, businesses were best done in the dead of night when most people would be asleep. — would you still love me if i was a worm? (and other thought-provoking questions)
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
04. Wine-stained lips fumbled in the dark, his moans mixing with yours, his fingers intertwining with yours, his heart willingly yours. — yours & mine 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
05. This was weird. This was very weird. This was so very fucking weird. ��� Crow in the Bedroom
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
06. “I can’t believe you actually saved me as ‘Kitten’ in your phone,” you grumbled for the fourth time that afternoon, pacing back and forth in Sylus’ office at Onychinus' base. — Caller ID
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
07. Sylus sat behind his desk, going over some new intel he had received that night. — Rock-a-Bye
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus + Daughter]
08. Xavier was surprised when he walked into his apartment and saw his two-year-old daughter kneeling with her little arms raised in the air over her head as she faced the living room wall pouting. — Time-Out
[Love and Deepspace - Xavier + Daughter]
09. “Is that all you’re going to do?” — Unhelpful Company
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
10. Can’t you just use the stairs like a normal person? — you are my favorite mistake 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
11. This was so unfair. Absolutely unfair! — tag, you're it 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
12. It was well past two in the morning when Sylus stepped out of the shower, water droplets still clinging to his hair. — fly to you like birds do 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
13. “Sweetheart,” Sylus’ sinfully deep voice rumbled behind you, his arm snaked around your stomach, pulling you closer to his toned chest and keeping you trapped between his long legs propped up on either side of you. — Mirror, Mirror 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
14. There is a hunter in Linkon City who has set her sight on him as her prey, not knowing that she is about to fall into his trap. — call me master (and i'll call you mine) 《 MDNI 》
[Love and Deepspace - Sylus/Reader]
15. He had that dream again. — never the same
[Love and Deepspace - Rafayel/MC]
16. It was one of Zayne’s very few days off, and unfortunately, he found himself at the doctor’s office for a routine checkup. — 12:30 PM Checkup
[Love and Deepspace - Zayne + Son]
17. She was coming home soon. — the day bleeds into nightfall
[Love and Deepspace - Zayne/MC]
18. On a window sill, a small pot housing an unflowered jasmine plant was meticulously cared for as its owner waited for the first blossoms. — calling your name
[Love and Deepspace - Dawnbreaker/MC]
19. Sesshoumaru should be used to it by now. — Got You Hooked
[Inuyasha - Sess/Kag]
20. When Nakyum looked at his Lord Seungho, he knew he was nothing more than a dirty open secret of the young noble. — look to me and only me
[Painter of the Night - Seungho/Nakyum]
The pattern is that 18 of these stories are all LNDS written in the last few months with like half of them being Sylus/Reader written within a span of a month (me @ me: excuse me????) 💀 I did skip one Sess/Kag story that was updated before the Painter of the Night one, because I didn't like the opening line standing on its own.
My favorite would probably be "yours & mine" for the imagery but I also like "Crow in the Bedroom" for the lolz. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shadowmaat · 5 months
username FIC game
Heya, @bluemaskedkarma I see your "choose a song for each letter of your name" and raise you "choose a FIC for each letter of your name." It's still a "get to know me" thing, but with the bonus of boosting other fic writers. SO!
S- Stonebrook by @sl-walker (Bail saves a young Maul from prison and takes him home to Alderaan. Lots of depth to this one. Doesn't shy away from things, though later fics in the series can be funny too.)
H- The House Built on Fresh Snow by @tiend (Jango/Shmi, AU where Shmi is an engineering slave on a ship where Jango is added to the ranks. Neither could predict what happened next. It's interesting to see these two thrown together and how they complement each other.)
A- After the Storm by SpaceWall (post-war AU, everyone is struggling to move on after the war. Cody joins an agricorp mission to Mandalore and tries to cope with putting his General in a coma. Heavy stuff at times, lots of angst, but there's a hopeful ending.)
D- Dawnbreak Accord by AugustArchon (Din/Leia, Leia defends one of the Mandalorian delegates and amid paperwork and political headaches, an unexpected kinship develops. These two really click, and it's wonderful to watch it develop.)
O- Out with Lanterns by Skyebean (AU where Mace is Ahsoka's Master, how that changes things... and what it doesn't. Some fun things, some serious things, and of course O66 still happens. This time Ahsoka is in the middle of it.)
W- Why Not's and How To's by @trixree (unadulterated crack AU where Obi-Wan is a lawyer who sets his sights on emancipating the GAR. Not yet complete. SO much silliness. But also, y'know, someone fighting for Clone Rights, which is always good to see.)
M- Mand'alor Cabur by @nautilicious (slow-burn Bobadin featuring lots of foundlings, growing a family, growing a community, and growing a brain to recognize the clues. Not yet complete. Din is an absolute idiot, but luckily Boba is incredibly, incredibly patient and forgiving.)
A- All Is as the Force Wills It by felurian (Rogue One escapes Scarif by the skin of their teeth and begin the long road to recovery. Distrust and uncertainty lengthen the road, but hope remains. Some good Chirrut/Baze stuff and Bodhi angst. "Everybody lives" doesn't mean things are magically all better.)
A- and your people shall never be destroyed by @bitebackbaby (Palpatine dies. The entire Corrie Guard has disappeared. Cody and some of the other Commanders investigate. One-shot. Cliffhanger. Heavy on the Corrie whump and Commanders guilt. I'm intrigued by the possibilities left out in the open.)
T- The 212th Attack Battalion's Guide to Staging Rescues by antigrav_vector and @quarra (de-aged clones and Obi-Wan get flung into the past to Korda VI and Jaster Mereel's camp. Chaos and mass adoptions ensue. Lots of humor, lots of competence. Gosh dang did I love watching the mini-clones (and Obi-Wan) running around and being amazing.)
This shit's trickier than you think, but anyone who wants to give it a go, consider yourselves tagged!
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