#savas drink
serifgothic · 1 year
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lunastrophe · 9 months
🕷️ Drow Lore
Hello! Here is the list of my posts about D&D drow lore, organized thematically - it will be regularly updated. Feel free to take a look if you are interested in a particular character or topic, or if you are looking for inspirations for your fanfiction or artwork 🙂 I also have Ask Box open.
☕ Ko-fi - link for those who feel like leaving a tip. It is totally not obligatory, though - all my posts are free to read and everybody is equally welcome to send a question!
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🕸️ BG3 Drow Lore:
🕷️ Character: Minthara
• Minthara's Social Station in Drow Society
• About Minthara's Past
• Minthara's Past: Age and Name Meaning new
• Minthara's Past: Minthara's Mother new
• Minthara's Past: Childhood new
• Minthara And Orin: Before and After Indoctrination new
• Minthara About Slayer
• Minthara's alurlssrin
• Minthara's ust-nor
• Minthara's Tattoo
• Nightwarden Title
• House Baenre Family Tree(s) new
🕷️ Character: Nere
• Nere's Social Station in Drow Society
🕷️ Character: Araj
• Araj's Past and Ambitions
• Araj and Her Army
🕷️ Character: Dhourn
• Dhourn's Social Station and Past
🕷️ Character: Kar'niss
• Kar'niss' Past: Szarkai Theory
• Kar'niss' Past: Eilistraean Theory
• How to Feed Your Drider
🕷️ Cult of Lolth:
• Prayer to Lolth
• Sacrifices and Adjuration to Lolth
• Order of Soul Spiders
🕷️ Cult of Eilistraee:
• Prayer to Eilistraee
🕷️ Other:
• Eliette / Phase Spider Matriarch
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🕸️ Drow Culture - Part 1:
(Part 2 - about Drow Social Relationships and Drow Nature - can be found here)
🕷️ Language:
• Glossary from Drow of the Underdark (2e)
• Official and Unofficial D&D Drow Scripts
• Drow Names (sources)
• Common Drow Phrases / Sayings (and their translations)
• More Drow Phrases and their translations
• Drow Phrases from Icewind Dale 2 drow sound sets (and their translations)
• Drow Pronunciation
• Prayer to Lolth (translation)
• Prayer to Eilistraee (translation)
🕷️ Sign language and gestures:
• Sign of Dead Spider (quote)
🕷️ Drow spirituality:
• Lolthite and Eilistraean Clergy and Dogmas
• How Eilistraee Feels About Lolth
• Eilistraee and Corellon (and Seldarine in general)
• Followers of Other Gods in Lolth-sworn Drow Cities
• Eilistraeans in the Underdark
🕷️ Drow cultural values and worldview:
• Eilistraean vs. Lolth-sworn Drow Worldview
• Drow Culture And Menstruation
🕷️ Drow and surfacers / other races:
• Drow And Sunlight
• Drow as "Beautiful" People
• You worship what? (quote)
• Dangerous Drow Merchants - History of Nym
• Drow And Slavery
• Half-drow in Drow Communities
• Valas the Black Raven, half-drow from Rilauven
🕷️ Drow free time:
• About Menzoberranzan Festivals and nedeirra
• Drow Games: Sava And Charhylniss
🕷️ Drow appearance and fashion:
• Drow Fashion and Hairstyles - various information
• Drow Textile Markets
• Drow And Spider Silk: Part 1 , Part 2
• Drow Haute Couture - Matron's Robe
🕷️ Food and drink:
• Poisoned or Not?
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🕸️ Driders & Co:
🕷️ Driders in drow culture:
• Driders of the House Melarn
• Sorn and Nadal, Drider Brothers: Part 1 , Part 2
🕷️ Habitat:
• Cavern of Driders (quote)
🕷️ Feeding habits:
• How to Feed Your Drider
🕷️Other spider-like creatures / transformed drow:
• Aracholoth
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🕸️ Drow Lore in D&D History:
• Drow First Mentioned (D&D 1e)
• Drow and Concept of Evil Matriarchal Society - about possible inspirations
• Drow Lore Sources
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makeitastrength · 2 months
If this is really all that I get
Chapter 1
“Do you wanna come in?”
Her voice is low and her gaze is seductive and God yes is the answer that’s immediately on the tip of his tongue, held back only by the no filtering in from the last remaining rational part of his brain
“I… I shouldn’t,” Tim stammers instead.
And the thing is… he knows that’s true. He shouldn’t walk through that doorway. He shouldn’t want to come in, shouldn’t feel the way he does about her, shouldn’t even be considering crossing this threshold. He has a girlfriend and Lucy has a boyfriend, and they both know the ‘technically, since we haven’t been debriefed yet we’re still undercover’ excuse is flimsy at best. If they do this, there will be nothing pretend about it. It won’t be Jake and Sava. It will be Tim and Lucy.
And perhaps it’s that truth more than anything that pushes him through the door. Because there is no Tim and Lucy. And after ‘it’s basic biology,’ he’s not sure there ever will be. So if this is his one chance to be with her in this way… well, there’s no universe in which he would ever say no. He knows it will probably backfire, and he knows when it does it will hurt. But he wants her more than he’s wanted anyone in a long time – maybe ever. Consequences be damned.
Lucy closes the door behind him and turns, looking up at him through her dark lashes, so sensual and alluring. He wasn’t just teasing when he told her he likes her hairstyle, the soft waves that formed after her shower. She looked hot as Sava, the straight hair and darkly lined eyes and full lips giving her a more severe appearance than he’s used to seeing. But she was softer after she showered, the sharp fake nails removed and the harshest of the makeup washed away. She’s still wearing the fake eyelashes and her eyes are still darker than normal, but she looks less like Sava now and more like Lucy.
“Can I make you a drink?” she asks, her voice tearing him from his thoughts.
This answer he doesn’t have to think about. If this is his one time with Lucy, he’s going to be one hundred percent sober so he can remember every moment. “I’m good.”
Lucy sets her keys on the counter and her bag on a chair and then turns to face him. Their eyes lock, dark and intense, and Tim’s not sure who makes the first move, but the next moment his hands are cradling her jaw and hers are fisted in the flaps of his shirt and he’s kissing her. Hard.
Read the rest on AO3
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talshiargirlfriend · 9 months
Remember when I said I’d been thinking about how (some) other Vulcans (mis)treat T’Pol? This…
— post Terra Prime ficlet
“Perhaps the kin-kur-savas would be more to your liking,” the Vulcan steward suggests.
T’Pol’s lips tighten fractionally before she quietly responds, “Thank you for the recommendation, but I am content with my choices.”
The man turns slightly to include Trip in his blandly disapproving stare.
There’s some Vulcan social subtext Trip can’t parse, so he just stands sternly at T’Pol’s side. She has hardly eaten a thing since Elizabeth died, and if this jackass puts her off her meager breakfast Trip’s gonna put him out an airlock. Mentally, of course, while outwardly observing appropriate decorum on the Vulcan transport delivering the grieving parents to Vulcan for an acknowledgment and internment rite with T’Pol’s clan.
Enterprise had been ordered to remain in-system around Sol tying up Terra Prime loose ends and doing coalition schmoozing. Blessedly Trip and T’Pol have been spared any more Earth media scrutiny for now.
Shran had actually offered to give the pair a lift to Vulcan on his way back to Andoria to continue rallying support for the fledgling Coalition of Planets, but T’Pol was insistent they travel via Vulcan ship. At Trip’s questioning she’d reluctantly admitted that her ties to Vulcan society were somewhat tenuous, and there were many who would view her arrival on an Andorian vessel as evidence she no longer belongs to her home planet at all.
Trip quietly wonders if it was worth the trouble given their reception aboard the T’Mara. For every “I grieve with thee” there’s been a haughty look or three. He’s doing his best to be a perfect guest and support T’Pol. Most of the time he wants to scream, cry, hit someone, or all three.
The steward has thankfully left to go be dour elsewhere, and he and T’Pol take their breakfast trays to a table near a window.
T’Pol glances at her food and drink and then stares out at the passing stars.
“You wanna tell me what that was about?” he asks her gently.
He can see by the tightness around her eyes and mouth that she very much does not “wanna.”
“Kin-kur-savas is a Vulcan stone fruit. It has variegated skin of yellow, green and red, pale yellow flesh, and a small deep red pit at the center. You once likened them to Vulcan peaches.”
“I remember.”
She hesitates, “It was an insult meant to imply that while I may still appear Vulcan I am human at my core.”
Trip inhales sharply and bites down on his anger.
“Additionally, his use of English gave him the plausible excuse of deference to your presence while effectively… alienating me further,” T’Pol finishes.
He doesn’t insult her by asking if she’s sure she’s not reading too much into it. It doesn’t surprise him that Vulcans can be just as bigoted and cruel as humans, but it’s still hard to see it directed at T’Pol, especially when he knows how hard she’s working to hold herself together right now.
Trip is absolutely not going to do anything that will bring shame to his daughter (may she rest in peace), or her mother (may she live long and prosper), so he breathes in a controlled manner and tries to keep all traces of what he’s feeling off his face.
He reaches for a utensil and casually touches T’Pol’s hand. When she makes eye contact he thinks as clearly and deliberately as he can: What an asshole. There’s a flicker of amusement in her eyes. Whether she understood his thought or was just entertained by his pathetic attempt at telepathy, he’ll take the win.
“I’m sorry if my presence is making this worse for you,” he tells her with sympathy.
She gives him a long look. “Trip, his actions reflect only on himself. Your attendance is appropriate and necessary as Elizabeth’s father,” she looks down briefly before continuing, “and I personally find your presence… beneficial. As I said, I am content with my choices.” Her voice is soft but firm.
It may not be a romance novel confession of love, but Trip is moved nonetheless.
“That’s good. I … I feel better when you’re around, too.”
T’Pol gives him a soft look and sips her tea. Trip flashes her a quick smile and takes a bite of the strange but not unpleasant plomeek porridge in front of him. Silently he rejoices when she follows suit, and they finish their meal together in companionable silence.
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
the pain of letting you go- e.m (epilogue)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x AFAB!Reader
Summary: a few years have passed since your lunch at the diner with eddie
Warnings: birthday shenanigans, fluff, domestic!eddie, best uncle steve and aunt robin ever, mentions of sex, suggestive language
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: the finale has arrived! thank you to everyone for the continued support, i have loved writing this series and loved hearing your theories and suggestions! reminder: if the topic is sensitive for you, please do not read. enjoy! :) -sava
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september 1994
The fall leaves swirl around the backyard as you watch a gaggle of kids run past you, their giggles filling the blocked off outdoor space and warming your heart. You watch your son Christopher smile, the party hat situated on his growing mane of hair waving about as he runs with his friends. It was hard to believe that your baby boy was ten years old. Double digits. It feels like yesterday that you and Eddie were holding him in your arms, newborn home straight from the hospital and ready to begin your new lives as parents.
You find yourself half-paying attention to the conversations happening around you, the parents talking amongst themselves as you try to add to their different topics sporadically, silently wishing for some of your own friends to show up and save you. There was nothing wrong with the parents of your son's friends, other than how quick they were to gossip about and judge you a few years back. You were just wanting to crave any actual conversation with people you loved.
“Auntie Robin has arrived,” Robin announces from inside the house. You stand from your position on one of the chairs situated outside, sliding open the back door of your home to come and greet her. Bags are hanging to her sides as she lets out a small squeal, rushing over to hug you tight. Wrapping your arms around her, you return the gesture, happy to have her here to help endure the countless screaming children and judgmental parents that made your life all the much harder four years ago, but insisting that it no longer bothered you for the sake of the kids. 
"Where's Vickie?" You question.
"She'll be by later, she's wrapping a few things up she had planned out a while ago. I tried telling her that the kids don't want to go to band practice on a Saturday, but she said they needed the extra practice before heading to their competition next weekend," she explains. She looks around the house for a moment, chin resting on your shoulder as she takes in the decorations.
“Can't believe it's taking me this long still getting used to the new house. The old one just held so many memories, ya know? But I do like the upgrade,” Robin tells you, breaking away from the hug and sending a smile your way. You take the bags from her and place them on the coffee table, guiding her into the kitchen for a snack or something to drink.
“It definitely was time for the upgrade. With my promotion money plus Eddie’s hefty contribution, we definitely could afford it,” you explain a bit, pouring a glass of water and offering it to her. She takes it and gulps it down, sighing in relief before her brows twist in a bit of concern.
“Speaking of, where is Eddie? Is he outside with the rest of the kiddos?” She asks, looking through the large window in the kitchen to try and spot him.
“Actually, I think he’s upstairs with-“
“Here we are!” Eddie blurts out, darting from around the corner and greeting you both. “Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart. Kas here decided she didn’t want to wear the outfit Mommy laid out for her, so she gave Daddy some grief. But we worked it out, didn't we Kas?”
You reach out for the two-year-old, hands resting underneath her tiny armpits and bringing her close to your body, placing her on your hip. Eddie reaches out to plant a kiss on your lips, a quick peck before offering a hug to Robin. You raise your index finger and play with your daughter, tickling her chubby cheeks and watching her giggle. 
“Now why didn’t you want to wear the pretty dress Momma laid out for you, babygirl?” You ask her, your voice pitched up as you stare at her in wonder. You turn to Eddie with a smile, taking in his slicked back hair and nicer attire before opening your mouth once more. “How’d you convince our little stubborn princess to wear it?”
“I may or may not have promised her a big piece of cake,” he admits, coming over and wrapping his arms around you. You shake your head, laughing as you play with your daughter’s hair a bit. Robin sets the glass of water down, looking between you two for a moment before reaching her arms out. You give in and hand Kassandra over to her godmother, watching the smile on Robin’s face grow as she begins to dance to the low music playing in the living room, extending your daughter’s arm in an attempt to dance around with her.
Robin makes her way into the living room, leaving you and Eddie alone in the kitchen. His hands find purchase on your hips, tugging you close to him as he dips down to take your lips in his again, making sure to take longer now that your hands are baby-free. You bring a hand up to cup his cheek, melting into the kiss as you taste his minty fresh breath. Eddie sighs, his fingers hooking into the loops of your jeans and trying to tug you closer, leaving no room between you as your bodies press together.
“Alright, alright. It’s still a kids birthday party after all. No need to scar any kids today,” you tease, pulling away from his as you play with his beautiful brown curls. He smiles as you, hands still on your hips as he traces random patterns into them with his thumbs.
“Okay, okay,” he says, admitting defeat. You chortle, looking deep into his eyes before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek and peeling yourself from him. “I called for pizza on the phone upstairs, so it should be here shortly. Cake is still in the fridge, away from the tiny grubby fingers. Do you need me to do anything?” 
“No, I think everything is handled right now,” you tell him, flashing him a smile. He comes over and presses a kiss to your shoulder, before you both turn to the sound of the door opening. You walk towards the front door, watching Steve and a very pregnant Nancy come into view, your smiles stretching as you greet them. 
“How are you guys?! I feel like it’s been forever since we properly hung out, even if it was just three weeks ago,” you ask, retreating to Eddie, who is quick to wrap an arm around your waist. 
“Yeah, I know! I’ve been pulling a couple weekend shifts at the Hawkins Post since my due date is coming up. Trying to get everything situated there before I start maternity leave,” Nancy explains, extending the gift resting in her arms to you. You're quick to put it on the table with the others, jogging back and nuzzling into Eddie's warm figure.
“I still can’t believe you took the job there after all the shit that went down during your internship back in ’85,” you let out, shaking your head. She laughs, rest her hand on Steve’s arm as she nods.
“Oh trust me, I know. I was really worried about going back but the new management is so much better, and with all the creative freedom I was promised and have now received, helped with the decision. Plus Steve here," she looks to him, smile big and bright as she rests a hand on his arm. "Helped convince me to move back and take the job. And I'm glad I did, I’m really happy there. Hey, is there somewhere I could sit? My back pain has been horrible since the third trimester started.”
Nodding, you lead Nancy towards the backyard, allowing her to take the seat you were sitting in before Robin's arrival. Meanwhile inside the house, Eddie clasps a hand on Steve’s shoulder, a smirk situated onto his face as the two boys watch you make your way outside. Eddie turns to Steve, who has a face full of admiration.
“Can’t believe you’re finally gonna be a dad man. I’m really happy for you and Wheeler. You have everything ready? The due date's coming up soon, right? Couple weeks now?” Eddie asks him.
“You know she doesn’t go by Wheeler anymore, right? Like we've been married for two years now man.” Steve chuckles out.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Old habits die hard I guess,” Eddie lets out, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen.
"But yeah, we've got everything ready. Nursery is done and the bag for the hospital is packed. Baby proofing has been done for a bit now, so we're just waiting for the main event."
“That's really great to hear, I can't wait to meet the little guy. You want something to drink, man? We have sodas and water out in the coolers, as well as some juice boxes, and for us adults,” he pulls out a couple of beers. “We have brewskies.”
Steve reaches out, taking the beer from the metalhead's hand and clinking it against his. Twisting off the cap, he brings the glass bottle to his lips and lets out a sigh, relishing in the crisp taste.
“So how was the tour?” Steve asks. Eddie’s eyebrows lift as he tears the bottle away from his lips, nodding as he wipes the small amount of beer dripping from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.
“It was awesome! We had an amazing turn out, which was metal as hell. Really happy it happened during the summer so I could take little man on the road with me for a few stops, and he loved it. It was tough being away from Y/N and Kas for so long though, so I’m glad to be back home for a good bit,” he tells Steve, smiling as he peeks out the window at the sight of you, hands moving everywhere as you animatedly talk with Nancy.
“That’s great, I’m happy for you man. And I’m really glad things worked out between you and Y/N. I know it was a bit difficult a few years back, but I had faith that the two of you would work your problems out and get back to being the annoying loving couple everyone knows you to be,” Steve teases. Eddie smiles, a blush creeping onto his cheeks at his friend’s kind words. He clasps a hand on his shoulder again, nodding at the words. 
The sound of the doorbell pulls Eddie from the conversation, excusing himself from Steve as he jogs to the door to greet the pizza delivery person. Grabbing the multiple boxes of pies, he tips them and bids them a good day, shutting the door with his foot as he walks through the house towards the backyard, carefully gripping and balancing the tower of boxes. 
“Alright kiddos, it’s pizza time!” Eddie shouts playfully, letting out a “woohoo” as he sets the boxes down and starts laying them out on the table. He flips open a box and takes a big whiff, sighing in content as the delicious smell flows through his nose.
You watch from your spot next to Nancy as the child line up by the snack table, Eddie taking orders and dishing out the slices, making jokes and hearing the kids roar in laughter. You can’t help but beam at him, which doesn’t go unnoticed by both Nancy and Robin.
“So how have things been now that Eddie’s home from tour? Happy to have him home?” Robin asks, handing your daughter back to you as she begins to cry and using her now free hands to scoot closer to Nancy, forming a small circle between the three of you. 
“It’s been good! Like, really good. I missed him a lot but I know he was out doing what he loves and what was important to him. I'm just glad he's back now so the bed doesn't feel empty anymore. Not to mention that we've-” you look around you, making sure there are no children within earshot before covering your daughter’s ears. “We’ve been having sex like…non stop. It’s fucking amazing, like mind-blowing orgasms left and right, multiple times a day even, but I’m almost worried that I’m gonna get pregnant again if we keep going at it like we have been.”
“Would that be such a bad thing? Do you see yourself having a third?” Nancy asks, letting out some laughs. You bite your lip and think for a moment, before nodding.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to another. I mean, we have room for one more in the new house, so that wouldn’t be an issue. I think I’d want to wait a few more years before trying again though, that way I can soak up my time with baby Kassandra here before trying to tackle that all over again,” you answer, nuzzling into your daughter and tickling her sides, an adorable chortle coming from deep in her chest. The group of you laugh at your daughter’s cuteness, rubbing your finger at her chin to coax more giggles out of her.
“That’s really good! Happy things are working out between you too, really,” Robin lets out, rubbing your arm gently.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies,” Eddie cuts in, sliding in between the small gap of the seats and holding out a plate of food to you. Nancy takes the plate for you as you hand off your daughter to him, watching his eyes become bright and his smile stretching as he makes eye contact with her. He lifts her up into the air, shaking her around and pulling more laughter from her tiny body. You thank Nancy and take your plate, eyeing Eddie and Kas as your heart melts at their behavior. 
The idea that your marriage nearly came crumbling down four years ago felt weird to think back on, considering how things have evolved since then. Some days aren’t as picture perfect as other, and the negative thoughts haven't left your head completely, but it isn't nearly as bad as things were all those years ago. You were content with where you both stood, with the two of you still attending therapy every few months and communicating with one another about certain problems that may arise. But ultimately? You were in a much better place than you found yourself at Christopher’s sixth birthday party. 
Christopher runs up to you, smiling as he shows you his empty plate. You laugh at the boy, tussling his hair a bit as you pull him onto your lap and take a bite of your pizza.
“Hey Robin, do you mind taking a family photo of the four of us?” You ask, reaching over towards the outside side table and grabbing one of the disposable cameras you bought for the party. She nods, taking the device from you as you playfully pinch Eddie on the leg, waving him over as he dramatically gasps.
He sits down in the chair Robin was in, scooting it closer to you and turning it to face her. Resting Kassandra on his lap, he reaches around to lay an arm on your shoulder, bringing you closer as you all crouch into one another, the biggest smiles adorning your faces as you wait for the camera to snap the memory into existence forever. The flash goes off, freezing the moment in time before Christopher hops off your lap and takes off running after his friends. Eddie’s figure stays close to you, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek before moving his lips closer to your ear.
“I love you so much sweetheart,” he whispers, pulling away with a grin. Looking into his eyes, you can't help the genuine grin that creeps onto your face, handing resting on his knee as your chest fills with awe.
“I love you too baby. Now give me my daughter and go get ready to bring the cake out, you big sap.” You tell him, before moving your own lips close to his ear. “I’ll show you just how much I love you later tonight, big boy.”
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hi! can you do one where while Lucy was pregnant, Tim and Metro answer to a case where Sava was involved and heavily injured and everyone thought it was Lucy, Tim just shutdown for a few minutes before the paramedics/Bailey says it must be Sava and that's only when Tim starts functioning again. Something like when Aaron mistaken Jake as Tim but this time Tim and Lucy aren't together physically because Lucy was on a day off or smth. 🙏🙏🙏
Chenford + Sava is mistaken as Lucy & Tim panics
I hope you like this!
I would fight for you, I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you, yeah, I'd die for you
Tim sits outside the store knowing there is a group of suspects inside and possibly a hostage. He is about to move in they just need to be given the green light so the hostage is hurt. He sees Mad Dog and Po move in to the store. He counts to ten but there’s no signal for him to move in.
And then Mad Dog’s voice sounds over the radio his voice a mix of panic and fear. “We have a heavily injured woman. It’s Detective Lucy Chen.”
Tim’s entire body deflates and before he even realizes what is happening he’s running towards the store, his heart pounding and his mouth dry. He can’t think, he can’t breathe. He sees black spots in front of his eyes and he feels dizzy. In and out. In and out
Oh god!
“Sergeant!” He hears someone calling after him he’s not even sure who it is. His mind is on Lucy and her being injured. Her being the hostage. His baby girl being in danger too. And there’s no one who could stop him from getting to Lucy.
Someone blocks him from coming into the store and he pushes at their chest but they are stronger somehow.
“Sir.” Says a voice. “You don’t—”
“That’s my wife!” He snaps through he knows his voice sounds weak. “She’s pregnant let me in!”
Someone pushes past them and Tim realizes it’s the paramedics. He’s sees the back of Bailey’s head briefly before she inside the store.
“Let. Me. In.” Tim growls angrily even though his brain still isn’t working. His mind is on Lucy. Injured. And the images in his head are terrible.
He looks up to see Mad Dog looking at him sadly, “Sir she’s—”
And then Bailey’s voice sounds from the back of the shop. “Let him in! It’s not Lucy!” She calls. Tim’s heart beats faster and he pushes past Mad Dog and runs to where there’s a group of people gathered.
Bailey sees him first and rushes over to him. “It’s not Lucy Tim. It’s Sava.” She says reassuringly
“Why was she here?” Tim asks softly trying to calm his heartbeat but knowing he won’t be calm until he sees Lucy with his own eyes.
“As far as we know she was just stopping here to get a drink.” Bailey says. “Wrong place at the wrong time.”
Tim nods although he’s not really listening. He grabs his phone out of his pocket and taps on Lucy’s name. She doesn’t answer right away and he sees black spots in front of his eyes until….
“Tim?” Her voice sounds over the phone and he slumps against the wall, his entire body feeling heavy.
“Thank god.” He breathes. “Where are you?”
“At home—what’s wrong?” She asks her voice full of concern. And he swallows knowing he has a job to do. But he’s not sure he can look at someone who looks so much like his wife.
“Um.” He starts. “There was a hostage situation and they you were hurt. But it was Sava and I feel… I feel like I can’t breathe.”
Lucy makes a soothing sound. “I’m okay baby. Other than your daughter sitting on my bladder. I’m okay.” She says.
Tim huffs out a laugh and runs his hand down his face. “I love you. Just please..” He trails off and Lucy hums in his ear.
“Breathe Tim.” She says soothingly. “Just breathe. I’m okay. Our baby girl is okay. Now go do your job and come home to me okay?”
Tim nods and pinches his nose. “I love you.” He says a little breathlessly. His heart rate is still going fast. He breathes in and out. In and out. Lucy’s fine, their daughter is fine.
“Sarge.” Says Mad Dog and he looks up to see Mad Dog looking at him. “Um I’m sorry I got confused. They look so much alike.” The man looks guilty and Tim normally would be furious at him for not waiting for proper identification, he understands.
Tim waves him off. “Don’t worry about it. It happened to me with my look a like.” He says and Mad Dog looks like he has questions but Tim talks before he can ask any.
“How’s Sava?” He asks. Mad Dog sighs and looks over to where they are cleaning up the blood.
“She’s hanging on. She was pretty badly injured but it looks like she’s going to make it. We just need to figure out which one of these idiots beat her up.” He says. Tim glances over at the three suspects handcuffed and sitting on the floor.
He sighs and motions for Mad Dog to help him lift them up. His mind is still on Lucy.
Once they are back in the shop and heading back to the station, Tim leans his head back against the headrest trying to breathe. In and out. In and out.
The other officers process the suspects and Tim heads to his office ready to finish up and go home.
When he opens his office door, he almost falls over when he sees Lucy sitting in his chair. She stands up when she sees him and heads over to him.
“Hey.” She says softly and he wraps her in his arms feeling relieved and relaxed for the first time since they found Sava.
“Hi.” He mumbles into her hair. “What are you doing here?” She runs her fingers through his hair knowing it calms him.
“I could tell you were still.. worried. And I knew you wouldn’t relax until you saw me.” She says and he shakes his head because she really does know him.
He brings her in and sways with her for a little bit. “I love you.” He says his voice thick with emotion again. “I don’t know what I would have done if—”
“Hey.” She says turning his face towards her. “I’m fine Tim.” She places his hand on her heart. He feels it beating against his hand and then moves it down to her stomach where their baby girl rests and grows. 2 more months and they would be holding her in their arms.
“I’m okay.” Lucy repeats and Tim nods and kisses her while his hand is still on her belly. “How long until you are off?”
Tim shrugs looking at his desk behind him. “Soon. I hope.” He says. She nods and kisses him one more time before she turns to walk out the door.
Tim watches her go and then sits down at his desk finally being able to breathe normally. She’s okay. Their baby girl is okay. He could do his job knowing that she was safe.
He still was counting down the minutes until she was back in his arms and he was at home. He glances at the pictures on his desk, one of their wedding day and a recent picture of them. And then tucked inside one of the frames was their daughter’s first ultrasound. The one before they even knew what she was. He smiles and gets back to work. He’s got this.
When he gets home he wraps Lucy in his arms and doesn’t let her go for the rest of the night. He knows with their jobs there’s no certainty either of them will come home and they could be like Sava and just get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. But he’s going to make sure to try and always come home to her just like she will always try to come home to him.
And that’s something he can hold on to.
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gratisdiamanten · 7 days
primož + bringing someone home
Tadej, circling the heel of his palm on the steering wheel, watches in complete disbelief as a Škoda Fabia driven by a suicidal fortysomething with the dark stub of a cigarette in his mouth careers around him in a large arc, cutting into the other lane before nearly kissing the front bumper of his own car.
"What the fuck," he starts, before Primož, yawning, responds offhand.
"Oh don't think too hard about it, none of the drivers here are interested in surviving a trip to the grocery store."
Tadej mouths it again, a silent what the fuck this time, and now it's his turn to cross the Sava. It's a glittery green ribbon around here, almost pretty enough it might be due to industrial contaminants or something sinister. Mostly, the day is blue. Primož still listens to music on an iPod from 2007, one earpod popped politely out in case Tadej decides to say something.
"You know my accent isn't even close to how theirs is, you know," Primož says; he looks outside, there is a blanket of sun on the trees, clean and pale. "My old trainer, his accent's gonna give you a run for your money."
"I know enough, it's not like you havent brought your parents to dinner," Tadej says. They could be worse, he guesses, comparably conservative to his own parents, but on top of that, they're weekly church attendees with a photo of Pope Benedict in the house. Tadej doesn't look like enough of a girl for plausible deniability. "Dodged a bullet this time," he says, quieter.
Primož presses his lips together in consideration. His hair is ruffling from the air conditioning turned up on high and backlit by the sun outside. "You'd get along with Andraž, maybe, or Mitja. Zagorje's got more than old guys, I promise." He waggles his eyebrows. "Got some cute girls too."
"Oh shut up."
His grin is warm, sincere. Tadej feels something pop in his chest like a muffled gunshot. The fondness of it all. The road is white with dust. Tadej spots a SPAR as they head into town, debates stopping for a soda.
"How much are you looking to drink today? I'll pick from my list accordingly, huh?"
"Someone I need less than four beers for, please," Tadej says. He pulls into a gas station. "Now it's your turn, you get out, good sir, and pump the gas."
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MY THOUGHTS ON THE SECOND EPISODE LETS GOOOO *extreme spoiler alerts read at your risk*
Not Percy turning his back on grover so grover can’t see the tear falling from his face
”IM GONNA GO FIND MY DAD” help the door slam
Grover yelling “wait wait wait wait” it was really giving “help, my rogue wild best friend is on the loose”
The whole Mr,D scene was foul and evil but hilarious i loved it
Chiron’s face when “My father wont talk to me unless i bring him a drink:’(“ PRICELESS
Chiron said something about the “god’s design” JOE TRACZ ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME START SINGING…well it’s working
Percy immediately stopping chiron when he calls everyone’s attention,,, Walker exceeded expectations and more
How defensive Percy gets when luke tries to talk to him
The actor for Luke really killed it with the acting
I love the establishment of chris from the start he just poofed into botl out of nowhere and rick expected us to feel something about him
I love the whole new “kleos” concept, it gives so much more depth to these characters than before
Whos this dude where’s beckendorf give me beckendorf
“They like the smell of begging”
“You’re going to have to sit down….I think ive made some friends…real friends….and i think they might actually like me…imagine that” STOP THESE WRITERS KNEW HOW TO DIG THE KNIFE IN DEEPER DON’T THEY (also, this implies percy’s never had real friends which is killing me)
That whole scene
also the fact that he’s angry at grover and doesn’t like annabeth that much yet so he’s talking about luke and chris, even though luke and chris are the traitors and annabeth and grover are his actual real friends stop
”are you stalking me” “yes” “okay…why?” i love them
“Today feels like a winning day to you?”
Not percy flossing
That calculating look was nailed down to the t
the claiming scene was so aesthetic
The pacing is so fast i wish it were a bit slower. It was just “claiming” and then “PERCY THERES GONNA BE A WAR FOR THE MASTER BOLT AND YOU HAVE TO RETRIEV—“
Also, I liked it in the books where percy is sitting in the campfire and they were all singing and percy finally feels at home with the campers. In this episode he was kinda only attached to luke and chris and wasnt interacting with anyone else
Hopefully theyll show that next episode.
“YOU’RE POSEIDON’S SON” “IM SALLY JACKSON’S SON” The world was never the same after that i could hear the tumblr girlies screaming from home
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shoku-and-awe · 3 months
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OH NO :( Shopping distracted in the heat, I thought I'd found a high-protein chocolate flavor of Oikos. Japan's foremost (only?) maker of Greek yogurt. That sounded a little weird but maybe potentially promising, so I had to try it. BUT, the next morning, when I opened the fridge, I realized it was actually yogurt from Savas, Japan's foremost maker of icky protein drinks that make me say yuck.
15 grams of protein in this weird sludge, but it wouldn't be worth it at 30, as far as I'm concerned. Even fresh strawberries couldn't fix it.
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littlemourningstarr · 4 months
Dear Agony
One year after their first visit, Sekh and Astarion return to Lolth's Cradle, searching for answers, for truth, for closure. But closure comes with a hefty price- and if Sekh is willing to pay it, it could be the end of who he is, of everything he has become.
Read on AO3!
Pairing: Astarion x Transmasc tav
Part of the Eternally Yours series!
Tags: Transmasc tav, blood drinking, blowjobs, rimming, anal fingering, multiple orgasms, hands free orgasm, prostate milking, angst, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, violence, gore, hurt/comfort
List of drow terms: Sava - a board game similar to Chess or Lanceboard. Jaluk - derogatory term for a man Szarkai - albino drow
This one is simply too long to post on tumblr, sorry everyone! But it is available in it's entirety on AO3.
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ex-textura · 6 months
Please word vomit to us about Ilztaufein's complicated relationship dynamics (if you want, no pressure) 💜
HAH! Oh, you've asked for it.
i'm not proof reading any of this stream of consciousness lets goooo
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Alright soo early in the game Izzy never had any sort of actual interest in the other party members at all, romantic or otherwise. He's a pissy little prince of a man who likes things a certain way and isn't so far removed from his noble upbringing in the underdark that he's unlearned all his negative associations with other races (or even with drow themselves tbh. he'd say he's complicated but he's mostly just a bitch), but he's still a good guy in the most technical sense so he did start to get close to them in spite of himself.
He's also a man who's pretty used to just casually sleeping with other members of his teams whenever the desire arises. So when Astarion propositioned him like...QUITE early on he was like fuck it. Whatever. I could use an orgasm. And Astarion was similar enough to him in personality (and to drow in appearance to be quite honest) that he didn't give it that much thought. Fun romp in the woods, whatever nbd.
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Only that Astarion like...didn't seem to get the hint, or something. Because despite Ilztaufein being pretty clear that he was just having fun, Astarion started crossing some lines from one-night stand to fwb and then maybe a little more? Only Izzy still was never really feeling it. I mean, Astarion was fine. The sex was technically well executed and Astarion is handsome and fun so he had no regrets in that regard. But see this sad little human was starting to worm his way into Izzy's mind. He kept showing pieces of himself that Ilztaufein didn't expect from someone like him. Hints and pieces of greater power, greater ambition. And Ilztaufein was intrigued.
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Then Izzy learned about Gale's past with Mystra, about the truth of the orb and what he'd done and rather than being worried he was sorta. kinda.... well that was like really really hot??? I mean sure it was foolish and it backfired but the power it had to have taken in the first place to do what Gale did. To catch the eye of a goddess too. And the ambition to aim so damned high. That was the turning point. Gale was no longer just some wizard that claimed to be an archmage and wanted to learn to play sava. Gale WAS an archmage. A chosen. A powerful man with powerful means and powerful desires and Ilztaufein wanted, needed, to be part of that.
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So he was still sleeping with Astarion on occasion, the vampire showering him this performative sort of affection that never really did anything for him but Izzy didn't care enough to stop because like. Whatever floats your boat, man. And flirting with Gale in the meantime, spending most nights discussing magical theory over a game of lanceboard or sava as they taught each other their chess game of choice. Falling hard for Gale, and not ever really trying to hide it. He'd never wanted someone like that before, but being such a little princess, he always got what he wanted.
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The hiccup is where Astarion comes into this. Cause Astarion's little pet names and affection and all that definitely started as a performance but in spite of himself he'd actually started to fall for Ilztaufein. A sassy little minx who shared a lot of his interests (and mannerisms. and clothes), who even though he was a good person fundamentally, didn't really do anything for the sake of altruism. Who made him laugh, and didn't give a shit about his past, or what he'd done, but was immediately more than happy to help him with whatever - whether that be casting Hold Person on a bandit specifically so Astarion could drink from them without fuss, teaching him how to make drow poisons, or straight up plotting against Cazador.
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So Astarion is maybe sorta starting to fall hard. But he's never been free before. He barely knows who he is. He doesn't know how to be alone but he also doesn't know how to be with someone...in the way he might want to be with Izzy. Maybe. If he lets himself think about it long enough. So he's weighing his options.
Talk to Izzy. Tell him how he feels. Tell him that maybe what he wants with him is more than sex (and, honestly, maybe not even sex at all). Maybe they get together, maybe he swipes the drow out from under Gale's nose and they live a long, long life together of hedonistic debauchery. After they kill Cazador together. Maybe Ilztaufein helps him find a cure. Maybe they spend the rest of their lives in the underdark. And Astarion never truly gets to be his own man, shackled forever to love.
Don't talk to Izzy. Keep up the seduction and squash his own growing feelings. Keep Gale's big soft eyes off of his paramour long enough to get the job done, kill Cazador, and be free. Then dump him, and go learn who the fuck he actually is. Take many lovers or none at all. Every choice made from that point on would be his own, at the cost of perhaps breaking his own heart.
Or, the option he's starting to realize might already have been made for him when he wasn't looking: Let whatever is happening between Gale and Ilztaufein happen. Just. Let him go. And hope that they'll still be willing to help him anyway out of..what? the kindness of their hearts?
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Or maybe if the old tramp who came by the camp gets his way, Gale will blow himself up and leave Izzy in mourning and Astarion can be there to pick up the pieces and resume their little thing from wherever they left off. Have his cake and eat it too, at the cost of a perfectly good Gale, I suppose.
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serifgothic · 1 year
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lunastrophe · 6 months
You are amazing! I literally jumped for joy at your reply. My fic thanks you for your work. (The nedirra is also performed nude, I believe. Naked Underdark raves. LOL)
I do have one more question. No rush or anything. I am deeply grateful whenever you get to it.
What about games? Board games. Card games. Whatever.
Thanks again so so so much. You are truly a gem.
No problem, these are such delightful topics!
Nedeirra totally gives rave vibes, I agree. And yes, dancers often become nude - in Daughter of the Drow, it is mentioned that some drow discard their outer garments while dancing. After nedeirra ends, all participating drow customarily remove their clothing and enjoy a cleansing, relaxing steam bath together.
🕷️ About drow games - I planned to make a separate post about them one day because according to lore, drow generally like to engage in various sports and games in their free time.
🕷️ One of the popular drow board games is sava - equivalent of chess, of sorts. I remember that it was described in Dissolution (War of the Spider Queen series) as a board game that represents war between two noble houses, with grid-like, web-shaped board and game pieces named Mother, Priestess, Wizard, Warrior and Slave. There is also a pair of dice the players can throw in certain circumstances to have a chance for special move. One of the rules is that the player who disturbs the arrangement of pieces on the board (by accident or on purpose) loses the game.
🕷️ In taverns, drow like to gamble and they often play dice and cards, but as far as I remember, no details of such games were mentioned. They also practice knife throwing and engage in drinking contests for fun.
🕷️ There is also a game played to score social points, mainly during formal parties - charhylniss. Basically, it is a conversation game when a drow tries to make their conversational opponent openly angry, using manipulation. Participant who openly loses their cool, loses the game.
Personally, I really like the concept of charhylniss. Sounds like a great opportunity for an intelligent drow to subtly and bloodlessly prove themselves to be superior to their rival!
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gyunikum · 1 year
Käärijan prompt: Bojan has languages georg'd and has learnt better Finnish than Käärijä's English.
Below the cut! Enjoy this petit fours!
Jere is mesmerised by Bojan's fake British accent, but somehow his tongue, that fucking wriggly obscene tongue can not compute the likes of bottle of water. Whenever he trips over, he laughs with that abashed giggle, perhaps the only time Bojan sees Jere being not so confident even among friends. Jere is anything but shy, and yet that awkward chuckle upon butchering yet another one of Bojan's English examples comes about until Bojan grows tired of it.
The third Finnish word Jere teaches Bojan is a tongue-twister because of fucking course it is.
Ääliö, älä lyö, ööliä läikkyy! - Jere keeps yelling and laughing it, flicking his tongue like some sort of physical hyperbole, while spritzing a bottle of beer about the table. Bojan picks up on it like there's glue on his tongue for words to get caught. The ös and ys are easy, he's heard enough Hungarian in his life before, though with each drink of beer his lips grow more and more numb, until, in the end, whatever comes out of his mouth is a mix of Slovene, English and Finnish, all with their different tonalities creating a sort of linguistic abomination that cracks up both of them.
The Finnish words roll off his tongue like the Sava, a gentle-looking but powerful river, smooth surface with an undercurrent of something ancient. Bojan feels like he's drowning in them, until Jere, laughing, he's always laughing because he's so happy, coaxes the words out of his throat, around the lump that keeps growing still each time a moment of clarity hits Bojan.
After the fourth bottle of beer, Bojan has mastered Finnish, and Jere is so impressed that he leans close to plant a friendly smooch on his cheek, except it lands on the corner of Bojan's mouth. If Finnish had a taste, it would be this--alcohol and snus notwithstanding.
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
the pain of letting you go- e.m (pt 12)
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Pairing: Ex!Eddie Munson x Ex!AFAB!Reader
Summary: steve has a heart-to-heart with you before your lunch with eddie
Warnings: a bit of angst, confessions, revelations, steve being just the best
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: part twelve of the series is here! only one more part after this! thank you to everyone for the continued support! reminder: if the topic is sensitive for you, please do not read. enjoy! :) -sava
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“He’s going to quit the band? Are you sure that's what he said?” Steve asks, nearly choking on his drink as he sets it down on the coffee table in front of him. You continue to pace in front of him, biting your nails as you nod at his question.
It’s been almost a week since your therapy session s a family and the detail Eddie hit you with at the end of the session has stuck with you this whole time, keeping you up late as you toss and turn in the bed you once shared with him. He is willing to quit the band in order to show you how serious he is in getting you and Christopher back and show how he can be better. 
Sure, the reason he asked for the separation in the first place was because he was worried about his image and was insecure about his low body count, but at the end of the day, being a successful rockstar still his dream. The passion and craft he has been perfectly for longer than your relationship together. Finally being able to escape the town that has treated him like dirt since his earliest memories as he does the only career he's ever shown an interest in was something the two of you spent many nights talking about, before and after Christopher was born too. So the fact that he was willing to give all that up without hesitation was throwing you more than you thought it would.
“Yeah it’s…it’s weird to think about him potentially not performing anymore. I can’t ask him to do that, right? That’s his main source of income, and they’ve been gaining a following as of late, so it just feels like they’re on the brink of a record deal. I can’t take that away from them, especially the others members,” you ramble, continuing to pace in your place while bringing the wine glass to your lips. 
“I mean…I think you can,” Steve starts, raising the glass bottle to his own lips before setting it back down. “I mean, you said he wanted to have some kind of badass rocker persona and wanted to go around banging groupies. So what makes you think that you’d be able to trust him during performances again? You and Eddie would be constantly stressed during the shows and I just think he’d start to lose the love he has for it.”
“I still don’t know if I even want to take him back, Steve,” you admit, stopping in your tracks to plop on the couch next to him. You set your glass of wine on the coffee table before covering your face with your hands and a loud grunt escaping your lungs. “I mean…how can I trust him to not hurt me like this again? H-how can I put that kind of faith in him? He basically tossed me aside like garbage and came crawling back the moment I even thought about moving on? And when things were getting better, he goes and tells me that he was upset about not getting his dick wet like other rockstars? I mean, we did just barely get to speak during the session last week because we wanted to let Christopher have enough time to let his feelings be known, but he just kept apologizing and not really giving much substance behind it. I just…I just don’t know what to do Steve. I really don’t.”
“I think it could be deeper than you might be leading on…”
You turn to him, confusion mixed into your features. A few weeks ago, Steve was leading the “fuck Eddie Munson” campaign, and now he sits on your couch saying there could be more to it? 
“Really Steve? I thought you were on my side,” you say, throwing your hands up in defeat as you turn away from him. You feel his light touch on your shoulder, nudging you to turn back to him as you meet his sympathetic eyes.
“I am on your side, Y/N. I’m going to support you in any kind of way you need me to,” he tells you with a smile. You return the smile and lean on his shoulder, letting out a sigh as you feel yourself deflate a little. “But with that being said, I need to be honest with you. I ran into Eddie the other day.”
“I’m sorry…what? Did you kill him? Steve please tell me I don’t need to lie to Jim Hopper’s face because you know I’m not good at-“
“Y/N, I swear if you don’t shut up I’m going to pour my beer all over you,” Steve interrupts. You look at him and push his shoulder, a giggle tumbling out of your lips as he joins in. “No, I didn’t kill him, but we talked a little. I ran into him at the Shell station a couple days ago, I think it might’ve been after he dropped Christopher back. He was out of cigarettes and I was getting some beer so-“
“Steve?” You interrupt, pulling his attention towards you as his words stop. He quirks a brow at you. “Get to the point.”
“I was getting there, god you’re impatient. Okay, so we were talking and honestly, I don’t want to tell you much because you should hear it from him tomorrow, he made that a point during our conversation. But from what he told me and what I could digest from the whole thing, I think he means serious business. I believe that he really wants to fix things between the two of you and be better, so I say go for it! I mean, I know you still love him, so why not give him another chance?” Steve explains to you. 
You take a minute for his words to sink in, letting them play through your head and hit you in your own emotions. Steve really was the only person who could read you like an open book, knowing your own feelings before you even had the chance to think about it. As much as you valued Steve’s opinions, thanks to years of friendship, you still weren’t convinced that you should give him another chance.
“I never said I still loved him, Steve. Plus, I know he keeps saying he wants to try this all again, but…what if he just ends up hurting me again Steve? I can’t put myself or Christopher through any of this for a second time, it’s too much on him and I’m barely able to keep my sanity at bay,” you question. He scoots closer to you and puts a hand on your shoulder, a mockingly look plastered on his face.
“You act like I don’t know you Y/N. You and Eddie were always the couple people looked up to, hell, even I envied your relationship and wanted something like that for myself. I know he hurt you, and I hate him for putting you through months of pain. But at the end of the day, Eddie made a mistake. He got so mixed up in his head and let something stupid destroy the thing he loved most. He has his reasons that, like I said before, won't repeat, but the regret is so evident Y/N. Plus, Eddie has never given you a reason to doubt him before this. The thing you two used to argue about most was what music to listen to in the car or what movie to watch during movie night, nothing this big. After talking with him, I can see just how much he really wants to be with you for the rest of his life, so if you’re asking me, I think you should take him back,” he explains to you.
You shoot him a toothless smile, looking down at your lap as you let his words soak in. “You know, I thought you’d be telling me the opposite…telling me to leave him in the dust and be with you instead. Like, I know you felt a little something brewing between us over the first few months. Especially that night in the kitchen when you made me make that big mess-,” you tease, making him laugh. His cheeks turn a light tint of pink as his soft brown eyes look at you for a moment, boring into your soul in an intense gaze that makes your breath hitch for a moment.
“Part of me wanted to be selfish and tell you to choose me, give me a fighting chance. But…I know you wouldn’t have been happy. We’re great friends, sure, but I’m not Eddie. You were always so drunk on the guy, I could see how much you cared from him the minute you saw him ranting in the cafeteria after we all hit puberty,” he pauses, taking a moment to laugh as giggles tumble from your lips. “So I gotta push you towards who I know you’ll be happiest with. And I know he’s hurt you now, but he won’t make that same mistake twice.”
You feel a tear slide down your cheek, happy to see and hear just how much Steve has grown over your decade long friendship. King Steve would not have wasted a moment in snatching you up and playing the hero, taking you away from Eddie for good and just allowing himself to have that victory and satisfaction. But his ability to see the love you had for Eddie and take a step back from his own feelings for the sake of yours warms your heart. Steve moves his hand up to your face and wipes the stray tears away with his thumb, leaning his forehead against yours as a sob leaves your mouth.
“You really are a great friend, you realize that right?” you let out, laughing a little as you continue to cry a bit.
“Wow Y/N...way to hurt a guy while he’s down. You seriously have to friendzone me right now?” Steve teases, pulling back and shaking his head as you laugh.
“Shut up, dingus. You know what I mean though. Junior year Steve Harrington would never say the shit you just did or act so selfless. I really like the new person you’ve become over the years, and I know you’ll find someone who appreciates that too. If you need me to, I can help Robin be wingwoman on our drinking nights from now on,” you offer with a smile. He lets out a dry laugh, taking the beer bottle he’s been nursing all night back in his hand and bringing the glass to his pink lips. 
“Mommy?” You hear from around the corner, your ears perking up and standing from the couch. Rounding the corner, you’re met with a sleepy Christopher hopping down the last step, turning to face you as he rubs his eye with the palm of his hand. You shoot him a sincere smile, walking over to him and crouch in front of him. You run your hands along his covered arms, grazing over the dinosaur print of his pajamas as you look in his big brown eyes.
“What are you doing up sweetheart? It’s-“ you pause, looking up at the clock that rested on the wall in the entry way. “10:30 at night bud. You gotta get a good nights sleep for school tomorrow,” you say.
“Had a nightmare,” he tells you simply, frowning a little. You pull him into your arms, rubbing his back as you mutter out soothing phrases. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you get back to sleep okay? I’ll meet you upstairs, I’m going to tell Uncle Steve real quick,” you reassure him, turning his body and gesturing for him to get back upstairs. Standing up straight, you take the few steps back towards where you were earlier and whip your head around the corner, watching Steve shove a slice of the pizza the two of you had forgotten about into his mouth. 
“Chris had a nightmare, I’m gonna go put him back to sleep. Be right back,” you tell him before disappearing behind the wall without letting him reply. You make your way up the stairs, taking it one step at a time before slightly jogging to get to your son.
He’s already in his small twin bed again when you enter the room, bundled under the covers as he sees you. You sit next to him on the bed and brush his hair, knowing it calms him and helps him get back to sleep easily. He smiles, showing off some missing teeth as he closes his eyes and relishes in the feeling of your soft fingers gliding along his head of hair. 
“You want to tell me what your nightmare was about little man?” You ask him. He opens his eyes and pouts a little, the relaxation you had briefly brought him fading away quickly.
“It was about you and Daddy. Y-you guys were fighting and said you were getting a divorce,” he admits. You stop your motions, blinking at the boy who was laying in front of you as you try to process the words that just left his little mouth. 
“How do you know that word buddy?”
“Kyle said that his parents are getting one, and he told me it means that they won’t be with each other anymore. Like a breakup, but worse,” he explains softly. You nod, turning your head and closing your eyes for a moment, bracing yourself for the words that enviably would be leaving his lips in just a few moments. Part of you was surprised to be hearing about Kyle’s parents divorce from Christopher rather than the other moms around Hawkins. Another part felt relieved, as much as you knew you shouldn’t be. The word of their divorce spreading around would finally give you time away from being the center of the drama. No more knowing stares and loud whispers being pointed your way…at least, not as often anymore.
“Mommy? Are you and daddy getting a divorce? Are you guys not going to be together ever again?” Christopher asks. You let out a sigh before turning your attention back to him, his big sad eyes looking up at you from his position and making you feel weak.
“I don’t know yet buddy. Daddy and I are going to lunch tomorrow to talk about some things, so we’ll know more about it then. But even if we do, I don’t want you worrying about that okay? We will both love you the same amount, if not more, if things don’t work out between us, okay?” You assure him, resuming your motions along his hair.
He frowns, looking away for a moment. “I hope you guys make up. I want you to be together forever.”
“I know you do buddy. We’ll just have to see how it goes tomorrow. And you will be the first person to find out after our lunch okay? No one else will get to know before you, because you mean that much to the both of us,” you smile, standing from your spot and tucking him into bed. You lean in further, pressing your lips to his forehead briefly before turning towards the door. “Get some rest buddy.”
A yawn leaves his mouth as you turn, watching him flip onto his side with his back towards the door. You pull the door shut, taking a moment to close your eyes as your press your back to the wood. At the beginning of the night, you were still lost in your head, fighting through the different feelings trying to assert dominance in your decision to be with Eddie. But after hearing not only Steve talk you down and reassure you about the relationship you used to have with your husband, but also hearing your son share his support of your relationship with his father to continue on, you knew one important thing that would stick with you until the afternoon hour strikes tomorrow.
You know exactly how you felt, and exactly what you are going to do.
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Chenford + "what do you think would have happened if Tamara never walked in?" 💜
Stay, stay, stay (I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time)
Chenford + "what do you think would have happened if Tamara never walked in?" 💜
I hope you enjoy this anon! 💞
“Hey I have a question for you.” Tim says as he sits next to Lucy on the couch. After being caught yet again by Lucy’s roommate it got him thinking about the first time she had walked on the kissing.
“Hmm?” Lucy looks up at him briefly from her phone and raises her eyebrows slightly.
“What do you think would have happened if Tamara hadn’t walked in?” He asks her. Lucy tilts her head at him which he finds strangely adorable.
“Tim, you and I both know what would of happened. You practically had my—”
“No!” He says quickly. “Not today or yesterday.. but the first time.” He grins slightly remembering both times.
Tim watches as his girlfriend’s face changes as she realizes what he’s talking about.
“Oh you mean.. when we practiced kissing for the UC op.” Tim nods and Lucy glances at him quickly, her face turning a little red.
“I- what do you think would have happened Tim?” She asks him. He looks over her face but she remains neutral.
Tim sits back against the sofa and thinks about it. He knew she had taken him by surprise when she had kissed him like her life depended on it. He had already been annoyed that she was criticizing him for his little peck, which to be fair he knew was kind of pathetic. He really wasn’t sure what would of happened. They probably would of kept kissing but he wasn’t sure it would of gone much farther than that. He knew after that, in the hallway that he wanted it to go farther. Maybe not right then while they both were in relationships but later.
“Tim.” Lucy prompts him and he sighs. He knows he has to answer her.
“Honestly?” He starts turning fully so he is facing her. “I don’t know. You kind of just sprung the kiss on me. And my mind was spinning after. If we hadn’t been interrupted I think my brain would of caught up eventually. But honestly Lucy I don’t know.” And that was the truth. He wasn’t sure what would have happened. He knew how he felt after. But in the moment he had no idea.
Lucy nods and she fidgets with the blanked sprawled across her lap. She bites her lip and he knows she’s thinking about her answer.
“I don’t know either- I didn’t want to stop. I had a dream about it and Tamara interrupted that too-”
Tim snorts in amusement. “You had a dream about the kiss?”
She blushes again and nods. “It was quite the kiss.” She says and she moves closer to him.
Tim hums in agreement and pulls her in for a kiss because he can.
A few days later, Lucy has her own question for Tim. His question the other day got her thinking. This time though they were in bed, tired from the day. Lucy moves herself so she is fully facing Tim. His eyes half closed and Lucy realized he’s about to fall asleep. So in her usual nervous way she blurts out her question.
“What do you think would have happened if Chris wasn’t on the couch bleeding?”
Tim opens one eye and then the other, he studied her for a minute. She watches as his face changes and she remembers what she was thinking that night. She didn’t just invite him in for drinks, she invited him in because she wanted more.
The fact that they were both in relationships completely leaving her mind.
What happens undercover stays undercover she remembers him saying.
“I knew it was wrong to come in.” He finally says. “I knew that but god Lucy I wanted more and I didn’t think you did after—”
It’s basic biology. She doesn’t say it out loud but she knows that’s what he’s thinking about
“Right so you were coming in for a drink.” She asks and Tim immediately shakes his head.
“No.” He says. “I was coming in because I was thinking, we were still dressed as Jake and Sava so it wasn’t technically— even though it was. But I wanted more Lucy, from the point forward I did.”
“Me too.” She whispers. “Even after everything. Chris. UC School. Ashley. I wanted more.”
Silence falls over them as they realize they would have cheated on their respective partners because their want for each other was overpowering. Lucy realizes she was never like that before. She would have never even thought about cheating on her boyfriend. She knew how she felt about Tim back then and now were different. Back then it was more of a want, she was needy and desperate and willing to do anything just to be with him. Now it was still a want but it was a calmer kind of want. One that she knew she got to come home to him everyday.
Tim pulls her out of her thoughts by leaning forward and kissing her.
“You know I am glad we didn’t do anything that night. If we had who knows if we would be where we are now.”
“Me too.” She pauses for a minute. “We are exactly where we are suppose to be.”
Tim pulls her closer and kisses the top of head in agreement.
They are exactly where they are suppose to be. And there was no other place she would rather be.
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