#sausage party brenda
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sh1th3adsceneart1st · 1 month ago
Very sigma sausage party art dermp.. A
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I’M IN PAIN AAAAA!!!!! (Btw I’m prob going into hyper-fixation on Sausage Party donno.. rrrrrr)
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feralfirewater · 2 months ago
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Here are doodles and stuff, but I’m also not that much into sprunki at the moment so I don’t think anyone should expect sprunki related content from me 😓‼️ but this was fun yea
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ignocubo · 6 months ago
finished sausage party: foodtopia. nobody talk to me. nobody look me in the eye. don't offer me a hotdog. don't even ask if i'm hungry. i am fed.
(beware! spoilers in the tags!)
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jillyb2004 · 1 year ago
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juanathesillyuser14 · 9 months ago
i wasnt expecting this to happen but THIS IS SO COOL !!! :DDD
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Sausage Party: Foodtopia, starring Michael Cera and the rest of the Sausage Party cast, premieres July 11th only on Prime Video.
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avaveevo · 4 months ago
Sausage Party: The Series Characters
The Snack Pack Frank, a sausage and the leader of the Snack Pack Brenda, a hot dog bun and Frank’s girlfriend as well as the co-leader of the Snack Pack and a worker at the homeless shelter Barry, a deformed sausage and Frank and Brenda’s friend as well as the Snack Pack’s combat expert and tactician Sammy, a Jewish bagel who is in a relationship with Lavash and has his own talk show called The Sammy Bagel Jr. Show Lavash, a Middle Eastern flatbread who was exiled from his aisle due to his relationship with Sammy and became a bartender alongside Husk Teresa, a Mexican taco and a therapist for traumatized products
Villain Douche, a douche who was resurrected by a cult to get his revenge on Frank and the Snack Pack
The Non-Perishables Firewater, an old Native American bottle of liquor and the leader of the Non-Perishables Mr. Grits, an African-American box of grits and a member of the Non-Perishables Twink, a gay Twinkie who is a member of the Non-Perishables Gum, an intelligent but paraplegic wad of chewed gum who wears glasses, has a mechanized wheelchair, and is a member of the Non-Perishables
Other Characters Marisa, a 7-year-old taco and Teresa’s niece Dorothy, Sammy’s mother who is supportive of Sammy and Lavash’s love story Gabe, Dorothy’s father and Sammy’s grandfather who hates Lavash Meegan, Sammy’s emo cousin who’s always on her phone Marie Mango-May, a mango and a news anchor for Shopwell’s News Duncan Donut, a donut and a news anchor for Shopwell’s News Derek Reem, a carton of cream and a field reporter for Shopwell’s News
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cartonionline · 4 months ago
Sausage Party: Cibopolis la serie animata dall'11 luglio 2024 su Prime
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“Sausage Party: Cibopolis”, conosciuta anche come Sausage Party: Foodtopia, è una serie animata che prosegue le bizzarre e irriverenti vicende iniziate nel film Sausage Party - Vita segreta di una salsiccia del 2016. Creata da Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg e Jonah Hill, questa nuova produzione si distingue per il suo umorismo nero e un approccio satirico a temi complessi, il tutto condito da battute provocatorie e situazioni surreali. La serie è diretta da Conrad Vernon e distribuita su Prime Video, ed è ambientata in un mondo post-apocalittico governato da cibi antropomorfizzati, i veri protagonisti di questa storia assurda. La trama principale si svolge dopo la grande rivolta dei cibi contro gli umani. La vittoria porta alla creazione di Cibopolis, una città utopica dove i cibi vivono senza la minaccia degli esseri umani. Tuttavia, come spesso accade in queste società immaginarie, le cose non vanno secondo i piani. Le sfide non tardano ad arrivare, con disastri naturali come piogge torrenziali e attacchi da parte dei corvi. Frank (la salsiccia protagonista, doppiata da Seth Rogen), insieme a Brenda e Barry, si lancia in una missione per trovare un essere umano che possa aiutarli a risolvere i loro problemi e a garantire la sopravvivenza del loro mondo. La serie, composta da otto episodi della durata di circa 24 minuti ciascuno, riprende il tono irriverente e sovversivo del film, ma lo amplia introducendo nuove tematiche e dinamiche tra i personaggi. Se da un lato la serie riesce a far ridere con il suo umorismo grottesco e politicamente scorretto, dall'altro tenta di affrontare questioni sociali e politiche in modo satirico. Alcuni personaggi, come Julius, una tirannica arancia che cerca di prendere il controllo di Cibopolis, sono chiari riferimenti a figure della politica contemporanea, con Julius che rappresenta una caricatura di Donald Trump. Altri personaggi, come la minuscola Jeri Rice, che ha perso la sua famiglia durante un’inondazione, mostrano un lato più drammatico e personale, seppur sempre all'interno di un contesto assurdo. Uno degli aspetti più interessanti della serie è come utilizzi la sua ambientazione per giocare con i concetti di utopia e distopia. In Cibopolis, la città dei cibi, tutto sembra perfetto all'inizio, ma le divisioni interne e i problemi strutturali non tardano a emergere. La storia esplora il delicato equilibrio tra libertà e potere, e come le migliori intenzioni possano essere corrotte dall'avidità e dall'ambizione. Non mancano, ovviamente, battute volgari e scene esagerate, ma la serie riesce comunque a porre domande interessanti su cosa significhi vivere in una società ideale e sui compromessi necessari per mantenerla. Dal punto di vista tecnico, Sausage Party: Cibopolis mantiene lo stile visivo distintivo del film originale, con un'animazione vivace e colori sgargianti che creano un netto contrasto con i temi cupi e l’umorismo nero. Le voci dei personaggi sono un altro punto di forza della serie. Il cast originale, che include attori del calibro di Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera ed Edward Norton, torna a dare vita ai cibi antropomorfizzati, affiancato da nuove voci come Will Forte e Sam Richardson, che aggiungono freschezza e comicità ai nuovi personaggi introdotti nella trama. Nonostante l’umorismo tagliente e le gag a tratti volutamente eccessive, la serie non è stata accolta in modo unanime. Le critiche si sono divise tra chi ha elogiato il coraggio di affrontare argomenti politici e sociali in modo così dissacrante, e chi invece ha trovato la narrazione poco coesa, con personaggi talvolta troppo superficiali o stereotipati. Tuttavia, per chi ha apprezzato il film originale, Sausage Party: Cibopolis offre esattamente ciò che ci si aspetta: una miscela di comicità grottesca, critica sociale e intrattenimento sopra le righe. Sausage Party: Cibopolis è una serie che spinge i confini dell'animazione per adulti, mescolando risate sguaiate con riflessioni più profonde sulla società. Non è una visione per tutti, ma per coloro che apprezzano l’umorismo nero e la satira sfrenata, rappresenta una tappa imperdibile nel panorama dell’animazione contemporanea.
Episodi di Sausage Party: Cibopolis
La serie animata Sausage Party: Cibopolis, sequel del film Sausage Party del 2016, continua le avventure surreali e provocatorie di Frank, Brenda e i loro compagni alimentari. In questo nuovo capitolo, i cibi diventano i padroni della Terra dopo aver sconfitto la razza umana, ma la loro tanto agognata utopia si trasforma presto in una distopia ricca di caos, tensioni e conflitti interni. Attraverso episodi pieni di umorismo nero, satira politica e momenti surreali, la serie esplora temi come il potere, la leadership e la natura stessa della società. Prima Portata: La promessa infranta Il primo episodio parte subito dopo la vittoria del cibo sulla razza umana, con i protagonisti che tentano di costruire una società utopica. Tuttavia, l’apparente armonia viene distrutta da un temporale devastante che causa un'inondazione e molte vittime. Gomma si sacrifica per salvare i suoi amici, e Barry si impegna a recuperare il cibo disperso. Frank e Brenda, i leader di questa nuova civiltà, si trovano in difficoltà a mantenere il controllo, mentre molti cibi decidono di tornare al decadente supermercato Shopwell's, insoddisfatti della gestione della "terra promessa". Seconda Portata: La ricerca di risposte Nel secondo episodio, Frank, Brenda e Barry partono alla ricerca di un umano che possa fornire loro risposte su questioni come la pioggia e gli altri eventi naturali. Barry, spinto dalla sua sete di violenza, finisce per uccidere l'umano Richie prima che possano ottenere informazioni utili. Questo porta a un ulteriore scontro con altri umani, Jack e Donny, durante il quale Barry utilizza metodi estremi per difendersi, ispirandosi a vecchie tattiche usate durante la rivolta. Intanto, Sammy, colpito dal lutto e dalla confusione, scopre una nuova vocazione nella stand-up comedy, con cui cerca di trovare un senso in questo mondo in continua evoluzione. Terza Portata: Il festival di Burning Man Nel terzo episodio, il cibo organizza il festival di Burning Man, durante il quale Jack, l'umano sopravvissuto, dovrebbe essere sacrificato. Tuttavia, un corvo minaccia il festival attaccando e divorando alcuni cibi. Grazie a Jack, che suggerisce di usare il cadavere di un umano come spaventapasseri, riescono a scacciare l'uccello. Questo porta Frank e Brenda a riconsiderare il sacrificio di Jack, proponendo di tenerlo in vita per eventuali future necessità. Barry, però, si oppone fermamente e vuole che il sacrificio avvenga. Nel frattempo, Julius, un'arancia carismatica, approfitta della situazione per accrescere il suo potere, introducendo una nuova valuta basata sui denti umani, scatenando il caos tra i cibi più piccoli. Quarta Portata: Il potere di Julius Nel quarto episodio, Julius usa la sua nuova ricchezza in denti umani per espandere il suo impero e comprare edifici. Sammy, in cerca di gloria, tenta di prendere il controllo di uno studio televisivo, ma viene respinto. Frustrato, finisce per attaccare un altro cibo e prendere il suo posto. Nel frattempo, Frank e Brenda scoprono che i cibi più poveri vengono derubati dei loro denti, portandoli a instaurare un sistema di polizia. Durante il processo per i furti, scoprono che i cibi accusati di furto sono prodotti deperibili, che vivono in condizioni misere a causa della mancanza di refrigerazione, offrendo una chiara metafora delle disuguaglianze sociali. Julius, presente al processo, riesce a manipolare l’opinione pubblica, incitando i cibi a tenere delle elezioni per un nuovo leader di Foodtopia. Conclusioni Sausage Party: Cibopolis è una serie che non solo mantiene il tono irriverente e provocatorio del film originale, ma lo espande con una satira più articolata, affrontando questioni come il capitalismo, le disuguaglianze sociali e la manipolazione politica. Gli episodi si sviluppano tra momenti di pura comicità e riflessioni profonde sul potere e la responsabilit��, rendendo la serie un prodotto unico nel panorama dell’animazione per adulti. Read the full article
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usagirotten · 7 months ago
Series Review: Sausage Party: Foodtopia is more cynical, irreverent and more than a sequel
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Some things go unnoticed by some but not by others, the animation genre has come very far in recent years and went from traditional to digital, from classic stories to redefining with original ideas a product that was also exclusive for adults. In this case, Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Hill, Bill Hader, Michael Cera, James Franco, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Paul Rudd, Nick Kroll, David Krumholtz, Edward Norton, and Salma Hayek who joined a project in 2016 anime that would break the mold, while some liked the fun of its plot, others thought it was uncomfortable and inappropriate, and we are talking about Sausage Party. Its story based on an original idea by Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill was successful at the box office and was listed as the highest-grossing R-rated animated film of that year, this animated comedy film for adults, the work of giving life to these characters was run by Nitrogen Studios and its directors Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan were very clear about what audience it was aimed at. After talking for several years about a sequel, it is finally that in 2024 we can once again enjoy the adventures of Frank and Brenda Bunson in a series that follows the same line and parameters of its base material, taking things to a higher point. and of course more adult.
What is the series about?
After confronting the human race following the events of the film, Frank and his friends establish a haven called "Foodtopia." After a storm causes a massive flood that destroys their dream they have no choice but to partner with humans to ensure the survival of their race. Sausage Party: Foodtopia has new characters and is loaded with swearing, violence, and explicit sexual situations and philosophies about food and the relationship we as humans have with it, but it needs to be a little smarter when presenting broader situations that make references. to their source material, although the idea is good and we already know what their line is, this time they take things beyond the limit. This is a sequel that could seem unnecessary to us where there was much more to expose and more stories to tell with fun subplots with totally and completely cynical humor very American, mocking everything that has been considered politically correct, mocking many of current situations such as technology and the relationship it has with online food sales and deliveries in various services, but the most important thing is that it makes fun of itself. It is clear to us as viewers that this is not a serious work that takes things more squeamishly and wants to educate the public aware that thousands of tons of food are wasted every year, which in this case is the United States The main country where this happens does not think about how expensive its production and distribution is, it simply goes into the trash and while a meager percentage of this is what is donated to charitable institutions or ends up in the hands of homeless people, no no no, it is simply a series that amuses, entertains and leaves you thinking not about a moral message but about who came up with so many stupid things and why they show them this way. In this new plot, we can see the confrontation between a big orange with an evil smile faces Frank, Brenda, and all the survivors of the supermarket for the leadership of a new society of Foodtopia, this is a clear example that creativity can not have a specific limit, screenwriters Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Kyle Hunter, Ariel Shaffir, Ali Waller, Dewayne Perkins, Jennifer Kim, Laura Krafft, Jeremy Levick and Rajat Suresh are very clear that this must have a central story that also develop and present new characters, increasingly raising the sarcastic and ruthlessly cynical tone that characterizes it. If we stop to think for a moment what would become of this series or the movie if we removed all the swearing, irreverent sexual situations as well as the explicitness of its violence and restructured it for all audiences, the result would be a failure, every single thing in this food universe It is strategically planned to work as it is, each character has their personality and motivation to make this something funny or uncomfortable, advocating the maturity and judgment of its viewers. The idea that foods have little eyes, little hands, little legs, and the ability to think and reason things sounds extremely cute and at the same time falls into a very stupid cliché in which all this would be the perfect pretext to "educate" and "get closer" to the new generations who, rather than seeking a long-term benefit for the planet, only think about how fun it is to be a so-called famous influencer who can monetize what is simply stupid in their lives without contributing what is necessary to themselves or their social environment since Let's not talk about educating and self-educating themselves to become aware of things and the drastic changes that humanity has had in a very short time. It's hard to imagine what it's like for someone to spend millions of dollars to computer-animate an obscene parody of Pixar films. Sausage Party from 2016 has never tried to compete or be better, it simply is what it is, a film that criticizes both organized religion and that which presumes atheism, differences in race, color, and sexual orientation, conflictive world politics, political leaders as well as intolerance and homophobia, he shit on everything that he It seems that there had to be a limit within a false and ridiculous morality in the country that is hypocritically called a world power. Seeing several anthropomorphic foods again in Sausage Party: Foodtopia, it is inevitable not to make a comparison with the film in question in terms of animation, here we can see that everything apparently remains the same but it is not like that, on this occasion they have not only used traditional animation but They have also used artificial intelligence that together with a more polished CGI make this take on a completely different appearance and feel more real, every detail of how these foods should look has been extremely careful to look more human and less food creating with this a new universe where everything can be possible. A hot dog bun, a sausage, a marshmallow, a bunch of baby carrots, a doughnut, a taco, some grains of rice, a tomato, a banana, and a can of beer are just some examples of how this series is taking the lead. very high things and at a level in which very few would dare to compete and establish something that enriches the genre of computer animation, if we focus only on this then we can understand that each dialogue and each situation has a reason for being.
Amazon Prime Video already has 8 episodes of the first season, which are:
1. First Course. The food war is over. Food has triumphed over humanity, and now they are free to create their utopia but here nothing is as it seems.
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2. Second Course. Frank, Brenda, and Barry embark on a mission to save the food they are holding hostage and prevent everyone from dying, Sammy fills his inner emptiness with a new art form: comedy but not everything is as it seems.
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3. Third Course. Food pride is at its peak and they decide to organize the "Man on Fire" festival. Frank and Brenda must keep a secret from Barry, unfortunately, nothing is as it seems.
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4. Fourth Course. A new currency forms a class system in Foodtopia causing discontent among different sectors of society that are now more defined and want equal conditions. However, not everything is as it seems.
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5. Fifth Course. Julius the Machiavellian and very son of a bitch orange has gained more popularity in Foodtopia while Frank and Brenda fight to maintain control but not everything is as it seems.
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6. Sixth Course. Election day is already in Foodtopia to find out who will be their leader, Julius against Frank and Brenda, but the problems they now have in their relationship threaten their chances of winning, and not everything is as it seems.
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7. Seventh Course. Julius is now the new popularly elected leader and Brenda sets out to find the good that can come from her now dictatorship, Frank ties up some loose ends and discovers something that could allow him to return to save them all but nothing is what it seems. .
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8. Eight Course. When things don't go well, Barry and Sammy are in charge of clearing Frank's name and saving Foodtopia from falling back into the slavery imposed by Julius' dictatorship, but not everything is as it seems.
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Each of these 8 episodes is hilariously funny, let's be aware that this is a very intense product in which food celebrates each victory obtained in the fight to form a new society with a massive pansexual orgy, even beyond the sexual part and the many jokes in which food or humans are butchered for laughs, the series is much more than that. Each episode lasts approximately 20 minutes, but since not everything here is what it seems, it also has some flaws, the excess of characters makes each one trip over themselves in their attempt to stand out and have more time on screen, although their good Stories are lost in moments, their narrative, despite being agile, falls into comfort zones with easy and repetitive jokes that do nothing to contribute and much less to entertain, shameless mockery is very common but the nerve is so much that in moments it becomes boring and flat. The constant flirtation of admitting that the relationship that Frank and Brenda have begins with wanting a society free of the restrictions that have governed their lives for so long reaching the point of realizing that their initial vision is not so compatible with their current reality which completely unbalances the idea we had of them and the cause of their fight, the series goes so far as to betray itself by letting things just happen without justifying or having a more specific reason for them to happen. The best part that everything can have together is the fact that it is very similar and respects what the original film addresses such as religion and mental awakening, now adding the destructive criticism of society and how they have been built and evolved. Over time, we can see first-hand what happens when this incipient utopia knows the currency, the law of supply and demand, politics, tabloid propaganda, and the application of laws, this is exactly where all this takes sense and feels more inspired serving as an example that being a sequel series improves on its original. One of the strongest points it has is the direction of Conrad Vernon, in each of the episodes he tries to put everything in its place and make everything make sense without leaving aside that this first season is a self-contained mini-story which opens the possibility of having more seasons that address other topics with this same structure. The voice talent is provided by Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, David Krumholtz, Will Forte, Natasha Rothwell, Sam Richardson, Yassir Lester, and Edward Norton among others. They do a great job recreating the acidic, sarcastic, cynical, and fun of each of the characters, providing a completely authentic character of themselves. The music composed by Christopher Lennertz has interesting pieces that contribute to making everything we see on the screen an authentic audiovisual spectacle, being one of the composers of the film along with Alan Menken, he does not fall into the comfort zones of using samples that remind us what they did together, here everything is newer with different chords for each moment and situation. In conclusion, Sausage Party: Foodtopia is more than just a sequel, it is a series in which you may or may not have previous background and perfectly understand what is happening, it is a clear and concise example that everything here has been strategically planned to have fun while allowing itself to make fun of everything and everyone, the result is more than acceptable for all those who are looking to see something different that can fulfill what it promises, it is more pleasant to know that its second season is already in development to premiere at some point from 2025. Sausage Party: Foodtopia is now available on the Amazon Prime platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrmC2uJXsMM Read the full article
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juanathesillyuser14 · 8 months ago
first despicable me 4, now sausage party foodtopia ? LOOKS LIKE WERE COOKING THIS NEXT MONTH !! :D
First look at the animated series SAUSAGE PARTY: FOODTOPIA
Featuring voices from Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, David Krumholtz, Edward Norton, Will Forte, Natasha Rothwell, Sam Richardson and Yassir Lester
Releasing on Prime Video July 11th
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hitchell-mope · 7 months ago
Hypothetical titles for season 26 of 88.
The inauguration. Season premiere. Part one. New York and the world tune in to see Drummond Sullivan be sworn in as the president of the United States of America.
Tail on the chief. Season premiere. Part two. Two weeks into his tenure Drummond is being stalked. First appearances of Haley Joel Osment and Emily Osment as republican reporters Wilson and Roosevelt “Sonny&Rosie” Dinwiddie
Staff meeting. Drummond exercises his right as president to indulge his social circle by putting them into roles of the president’s entourage.
Autobiographical. In the 600th episode Jones starts dictating his memories with the help of his personal assistant and flashbacks from all 26 seasons.
State of the reunion. Part one. Sullivan and Findlay have to go to their 40th high school reunion when Drummond reads out his first State of the Union address. Guest starring Ashley Tisdale as Annalise Marsden, Corbin Bleu as Rusty Kinney, Brenda Song as Principal Olivia Henning and Macauley Culkin as Ian Henning.
The class of 2025. Part two. The reunion turns into a murder mystery when both Annalise and Rusty are found dead in the principals office.
The pronoun game. Findlay and Sidney help a young boy convince his mother that he is not transgender after he disguises himself as his twin sister to take tap lessons after his school take dance classes off of the curriculum.
Competence. Drummond’s ability to be president is called into question when the Dinwiddie’s learn that he was born in 1980 and is therefore 85 years old.
Leave religion at the door. ACS&Associates come to Dr Corsica’s defence when she saves a young boy’s life against the wishes of his Jehovah’s Witness parents.
Blue Spanish eyes. Zack Caldwell springs into action when Arlene is hypnotically seduced by a male siren and his growing fanbase. Guest starring Jonathan Bailey.
The tour. The Sullivan Administrations first official cross country presidential tour is hounded by the Dinwiddie siblings every step of the way. Guest starring Taylor Lautner as Drummond’s new bodyguard Bucky Dunn.
The Sonny&Rosie Show. In this out of genre experience we see a day Wilson and Roosevelt Dinwiddie as they host their talk show. First appearance of Elisabeth Moss as Kennedy Dinwiddie and Krysten Ritter as her wife Reyna.
A benevolent conspiracy. Midseason finale. Part one. It’s Drummond’s first Christmas as president. And to celebrate he and Findlay invite two former presidents and one first grandson to let them in on their plan to keep republicans out of the White House. Featuring returning guest stars Jeremy Shada as Robbie Guilroy, Amy Acker ad Bethany DuPont and Adam Beach as Marcus Murray.
The special relationships. Midseason premiere. Part two. With new year approaching, Drummond and Robbie still need to get Marcus and Bethany on side.
Chronics. Findlay takes desperate measures when The Mages And The Mundane is up against a new medical drama called Chronics at the Daytime Emmys. Guest starring Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport and Sandra Oh as Marianne Black.
Happy birthday mr president. Drummond’s 86th birthday party is interrupted by a betrayal from Bucky and an abduction performed by the Dinwiddie’s.
Manchurian. Part one. Further information is revealed about Buchanan Dinwiddie’s life and deception as his family takes President Drummond away to parts unknown. First full appearance of Weird Al Yankovic as Cleveland Dinwiddie
Chilean sausage pulp. Part two. Drummond can’t help but poke the bear and insult his captors even through they have a very unpleasant fate in mind for him.
Specifications. Arlene seeks out Deucalion for a therapy session after Findlay is a little bit more than candid about what she did with Ken dolls when she was eighteen.
Purists. The race is on to save Drummond from the Dinwiddie family. Along the way. Reyna and Buchanan have a realisation and a change of heart.
The first family. After Drummond’s rescue, Justine plays spin doctor and organises an interview for the Sullivan’s and Wilmington’s to have with the press.
Food, clothes and pets. Drummond exercises his verbally sadistic side when PETA attack people attending a pet shop open house.
Serial killer on life support. Humiliated and grievously injured after Drummond got rescued, Cleveland Dinwiddie starts his final plan from his hospital bed.
Sons of a witch. After a mishap with the latest stage in Barnaby’s business and a rather cruel ousting from a dog park after Jonah and Butterball’s relationship goes public, the twins team up to fix their respective love lives.
Preempted. Season finale. Part one. Drummond prepares to send a troop of specialist FBI agents, accompanied by some extended family, into a taping of The Sonny&Rosie Show to take down the Dinwiddie family once and for all. By any means necessary. Guest starring Ben Barnes and Mia Wasikowska as Ernie and Zara Roche. Final appearance of Weird Al Yankovic as Cleveland Dinwiddie
The take down. Season finale. Part two. With Cleveland dead as Zara’s hands, all that’s left for President Sullivan and the team to do is ensure that the rest of the Dinwiddie’s cannot escape his wrath. And Reyna and Buchanan are more than eager to help. Final appearances of Elisabeth Moss, Haley Joel Osment and Emily Osment as Kennedy, Wilson and Roosevelt Dinwiddie.
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deadlinecom · 8 months ago
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feralfirewater · 4 months ago
Can you do a character lineup for my Sausage Party: The Series concept
Mr. Grits
Marisa, Teresa’s Niece
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Hello! I do not know how Marisa looks, sorry
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bogleech · 6 months ago
We have finished watching this and ultimately found it to not just be better than the movie but decent even as its own thing, since everyone involved really did put visible effort into good quality dramatic pacing, strong character arcs, and creative world building touches, but here are your full spoilers for those who felt hooked by this post but still don't really want to watch a Sausage Party series:
Frank the hot dog and Brenda the bun try to let the populace decide who should lead, inventing democracy and running against Julius the Orange.
Sammy the bagel, who stumbled into the role of a news anchor, gets blackmailed by Julius into running propaganda.
Frank relies more and more on the captured human, Jack, for advice on running a society, distraught to learn that humans tried all the same things and just kept having war and classism.
Frank in the process befriends Jack, then they fall in love and have sex. The most graphic scene in the entire series ends up being when Frank gets splattered with cum.
Foods do not know what that is by the way. Despite how much sex they have they end up calling this the human's "funnyjuice" from his "funnyleg."
Brenda discovers this and it destroys her and Frank's relationship. Food people are all polyamorous, but what she can't get over is Frank being a monsterfucker.
As a result, they split from one another in their political campaign, but this immediately splits the vote and Julius wins, plunging their society deeper into a dystopian capitalist police state.
Brenda discovers on her own that Julius is actually being puppeted from inside by a grain of rice, who we saw left to die by Julius and the other foods in episode one.
Brenda battles Julius over a kitchen sink with a disposal, and successfully avoids that, only for the rice to secretly sneak out of the orange and turn on the water, which disintegrates Brenda.
Frank is found with brenda's half-melted corpse, framed for murder and almost publicly executed with a barbecue grill.
The bagel gives up his career and fame when he sees the corruption his news show has enabled, and the littler hot dog guy from the movie, who had become a crooked cop, turns on the system when he sees it's about to murder his best friend on accusations that don't make any sense.
They get the help of Jack the human and other characters to show the whole populace cam footage proving what really happened.
They're all about to execute the little rice grain, but they decide that "the answer to killing must never be more killing," and forgive her, only for her to get suddenly eaten by the crow from before.
Now that nobody is in charge, the foods realize they can "do whatever they want," but this only restarts the cycle as they scramble to claim things for themselves and fight over everything.
Frank leaves, seemingly having lost all hope, only to return later with Jack in full body armor, using the power of his giant monster boyfriend to forcibly end the fighting and install himself as new leader, remorseful to take measures so drastic but unwaveringly convinced that this is the only way to keep everyone safe from themselves and eachother.
The series ends (for now) with Frank therefore inventing a full blown dictatorship without realizing it.
The final shot shows a drone observing all of this, so there are more humans, or maybe other food societies, or who knows.
Shit. Now I guess I'm invested in the Sausage Party Franchise. :(
Overall I have to also say that it's not a fraction as edgelord as the movie was, outside of the sex scenes, cartoon food gore, and all the mutilated human corpses. The Jewish bagel is still the same stereotype, I guess they didn't feel they could change or drop one of the movie's four main characters but they did drop others, and now opt more for celebrity caricatures than racial caricatures.
Bothers me however that a single crow is the only animal we ever see, besides some simple buzzing dots as flies, and the flies really ought to be a bigger deal than just a visual shorthand for smelliness, I mean, they didn't know there were creatures other than humans. Tiny flying ones that lay their eggs in you if you haven't been refrigerated long enough sounds like a big deal. And where are all the other birds? Raccoons? Rats? Dogs? Cats? Roaches? I think they didn't have the budget and didn't want to complicate the story any further but come on, they've got SO MANY more monsters to worry about out there.
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I have seen the first four episodes of the Sausage Party miniseries, because that exists, and let me tell you the plot so far:
The foods have exterminated most of humanity, at least as far as they or the audience can tell. The story is limited to just the immediate city around the supermarket so I dunno. The foods then try to build their own better society, but soon a bartering system evolves around the symbolic value of human teeth, and a power-mad orange realizes he can amass more of this abstract "wealth" by controlling the flow of resources. Many foods try to ignore this arbitrary system and take whatever they want, so "rules" are established that you're not allowed to just take things, and will have to be punished if you do, with some foods appointed positions of enforcing the rules. The foods think it's only fair that the law be enforced the same for everybody, failing to factor in that some foods require refrigeration in order to not melt or decompose, and the last functioning freezer is already owned by the orange. Without enough teeth in public circulation, perishable foods become increasingly more likely to break the law as they sicken and die, and so the most vulnerable of their society become the most severely punished by an increasingly violent police force [of mostly canned hams]. Anyway while all this is going on the hot dog and the hot dog bun are secretly keeping a live human prisoner and feeding him feet they sawed off of other human corpses. This is where we've left off so far. The writing of all this is much more competent than you are probably imagining, seemingly thanks to a co-writer from Shrek 2, and it appears to have taken so many years to come out because now the animators are being well paid for healthier work hours. I still didn't pay to watch it though because fuck amazon
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andersonvision · 8 months ago
Prime Video is excited to share the first look images from the highly anticipated animated series Sausage Party: Foodtopia. Premiering on July 11, all eight episodes will be available to stream in over 240 countries and territories worldwide. About Sausage Party: Foodtopia Based on the 2016 animated feature Sausage Party, Foodtopia continues the adventures of Frank, Brenda, Barry, and Sammy as they endeavor to build their own food society. Fans can rejoice as original cast members Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, David Krumholtz, and Edward Norton return to voice their beloved characters. Joining them are Will Forte, Natasha Rothwell, Yassir Lester, and Sam Richardson, who will voice an orange named Julius. Production Team The series is executive produced by Ariel Shaffir and Kyle Hunter, who also serve as showrunners. Shaffir and Hunter co-wrote the original 2016 animated feature with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Rogen, Goldberg, James Weaver, and Alex McAtee will executive produce under Point Grey Pictures, with Madeline Blair overseeing for the company. Conrad Vernon, the co-director of the feature film, returns to direct the series and will also serve as an executive producer alongside Annapurna Television’s Megan Ellison, Patrick Chu, and Andrew Millstein. Sausage Party: Foodtopia is a co-production between Annapurna Television, Sony Pictures Television, and Amazon MGM Studios. First Look at Foodtopia The first look images provide a glimpse into the vibrant and humorous world of Foodtopia, promising fans the same outrageous fun that made the original film a hit. Don't miss the premiere of Sausage Party: Foodtopia on July 11, exclusively on Prime Video. Get ready for a wild, animated adventure that brings back all your favorite characters and introduces new ones in a hilarious quest to build the ultimate food society.
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jillyb2004 · 1 year ago
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emmy-the-absolute-goof · 4 years ago
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Who needs a politically correct movie, when you can just laugh at “adult” jokes, puns, and food/ supermarket humor? Lol
I thought it was funny, at least. :/
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