#saul silva x farah dowling
myalchod · 1 month
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When she raises hers in return, all she can feel beneath it is cold unbroken glass. Investigating strange magic leaves Farah and Saul trapped on opposite sides of a mirror, with time ticking down while they try to unravel its secrets.
The first chapter of a multipart fill for @winxsource's WIPs and Chains event. You can thank @faytalepsy for the promise of an eventual happy ending, and @anne-in-dreamland for letting me screech at her.
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Farah & Bloom / Saul & Sky parallel
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faytalepsy · 4 months
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I wanted to try out a different process for this drawing and I have to say I did love some aspects of it while others where a bit inconvenient too. I definitely feel a bit lost without lineart to fall back on and I think it shows.*-*
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rivusa · 10 months
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do I cross your mind?
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expectiations · 5 days
There was no doubt, between “killing someone stone dead” and “mildly inconveniencing Ms. Dowling,” which Silva considered the bigger sin.
Lighting the Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan
silrah crumbs from the book
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partiallypearl · 9 months
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Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
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redqueenriverjoy · 1 month
Do y'all just like ever think Farah Dowling is your mother and you're her long lost daughter and have magical powers and live in Alfea 🪄🧚🏻‍♀️
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and Saul Silva is your dad because those idiots have definitely done it and are so obvious it's sick👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
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and it's actually you getting this hug from her because it's the safest place you can imagine being??
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No?? Anyone?
Oh ok I'll go just fuck myself then shall I 😭😭
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inlovewithfairies · 30 days
I'm trying to raise funds for an adventure*, anyone want to commision a fic?
I promise in the last 3 years my writing got way better.
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* I do have a day job but bruh our economy is baaaaad these days
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lottiehenrietta · 4 months
oh, sunlight
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The cool sand crunched beneath her feet, the gentle rush of the waves lapping to and fro from the shore. Seagulls screeched above them in the cold breeze as Farah brought her hand up to her forehead to block out some of the sun, watching Saul turn towards her with a smile that rivalled the golden rays in its brightness.
Their bodies met, and soon after, their lips did as well, moving in so familiar a dance that it almost hurt to think about how much she loved him.
Sooo, I tried something new? This is my first (and probably last, at least for the near future hahah) piece of fanart :)
It took me a month of hyping myself up to post it, but please do let me know what you think!
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Saul silva/Farah x teen!reader - rescue you
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Part one:
They had checked this place out before bringing the small group of students here for a trip for the day, so they knew it was safe.
“Just don’t go into the caves themselves, it’s dangerous and they are on the verge of collapsing.” Farah said.
“And don’t wonder, if you get lost we’ll just leave you here.” Saul said.
A few students laughed but nodded their heads, and they all began to look around and explore, and Farah and Saul both stood in the middle of the where all the caves were.
“It’s not a bad place I suppose, wonder what it was.” Saul said.
“No idea, no one really knows.” Farah replied.
They looked around and when Saul looked behind him he froze when he saw two (E/C) eyes staring at him from in front of a rock.
The woman turned around and she looked at you as well.
You weren’t a student, they didn’t recognise you, but you stared at them intently, dagger clutched in your hand, while your other hand was wrapped around your side.
“Are you lost?” Farah asked.
You didn’t reply to her but you looked around almost nervously.
“Do you need help?” Saul asked.
You didn’t reply to them, and you reached down, picking up something you must of dropped, and they looked at the small bag you grabbed.
You put the dagger between your teeth and pulled the bag on your back before taking the dagger again.
“Maybe we can start with names. I’m Farah. This is Saul. What’s your name?” Farah smiled.
You looked at her and sneered, and you made your way towards one of the caves.
“Hey! Hey it’s not safe!” Saul called.
He jogged after you, and when you realised he was coming closer you ran inside the dark cave, and he and Farah stood at the entrance.
Farah pointed to the floor, a trail of blood and he looked behind them, it was you.
You were bleeding.
“We just want to help you!” Saul called.
“Are you hurt?” Farah asked.
There was no reply and they both shared a look before stepping inside, Saul pulled his phone out for light, and shone it around the cave.
It was dark, damp.
They could hear the sound of water dripping, and the students outside but that was it.
Behind some rocks they saw the soft glow of a fire, so they carefully walked over and found you sitting on a rock, poking the fire with a stick.
“You’re bleeding, please, let us help you and then we’ll leave you alone.” Farah said.
You looked at them and huffed, flicking some of the burning sticks in their direction making them step back.
“Come on, that’s not funny. Just let us take a look.” Saul said.
Farah crouched down, resting her arms on her legs as she gave you a small smile.
“Do you live out here? Is this your home? Because if it is we’re sorry we disturbed you, we’ll leave.”
They kept trying to ask you questions, trying to do anything to get you to engage with them but you wouldn’t.
Saul stepped around Farah, and he crouched down, shining his phone torch at your side, and he could see the gleam of blood on your shirt.
Three long gashes going across your side, barely covered with a bandage, not stitched up, just left like that.
And he noticed smaller cuts along your arm, and a few on your face.
All on the same side.
“What happened to you?” He whispered.
You looked at him, and when you saw how close he was you told up, backing up against the cave wall.
“You’re really injured, did a burned one do that to you?”
You gave them a look, and they looked at one another.
“Do you.. do you know what a burned one is?” Farah asked.
You pulled something from your pocket and you threw it at them, a thin layer of smoke filling the cave and they coughed, waving it away.
Farah directed it outside and when they looked back at you, they realised it wasn’t a cave all you were standing against.
You were now sat on it, and it’s green eyes glared at them, narrowed slightly.
The creature growled lowly at them, and took a step forward, and they took one back, both of them raising their hands.
“Okay. Okay we’ll go. We’re going.” Saul said.
Both he had Farah backed out of the cave, and quickly rounded up all the students to leave now they realised it wasn’t safe.
Once they were back Alfea, they went into Farah’s office with Ben.
“So, what was it you saw?” Ben asked.
“We couldn’t see it properly, but it was big, pitch black, green eyes. The kid was sat on it.” Saul said.
“I’ve never heard or seen anything like it, have you?” Farah asked.
Ben flicked through the pages of some books, showing them different pages.
“I know there’s a range of different creatures that live away from everyone else, but that description isn’t much to go off. And you said that they’re hurt?”
“Yeah. Saul saw some large wounds along the teenagers side, a few small cuts on their arms and face.”
Ben nodded his head and showed them another photo, and they both stopped and looked at it.
It was a sketch of the same eyes they saw in the cave.
“That’s it.” Farah said.
“Dragon. There used to be loads of them, then they all just vanished really. No one knows what happened to them, I assume if this is what you saw, that teenager is probably a descendant of the Viking’s that used to ride dragons.”
Ben handed them a book, and started to hand them some more things.
“You have to get them to let you look at their wounds or bring them back here.”
“We’re going back now, will you come with us? Maybe you’ll have a calmer approach.” Saul said.
Ben nodded his head and they carried on discussing everything.
You sighed heavily, sliding of the back of your dragon with a small grunt of pain, and he turned around to look at you.
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” You said softly.
He whined a little, following you as you limped to the entrance of the face and looked down at your side.
Looking around, you tried to find anything to help with the wound, and you stumbled a little bit.
The dragon quickly caught you against his side, and you smiled, running your hand over the scales.
“Thanks Toothless…”
He hummed, and you stayed there for a moment before you pushed yourself up and he looked down at you.
He sat down, and motioned with his head for you to sit down, so you did, resting your back against a rock and he got up, looking around.
He brought over different plants he found, and you looked at them.
You tossed one aside.
You looked at another.
“Definitely not.”
You tossed it aside and looked through the rest, doing them same with all of them and you looked up at the night fury, shaking your head.
“Sorry bud, they’re no good.”
He whined a little and laid down next to you, resting his head on your legs and you smiled, running you hand over his head, scratching his ear.
“I’m sorry buddy…”
You weren’t sure how long it would be until you eventually passed out from blood loss, you weren’t bleeding rapidly, but you had still lost a fair bit.
Clenching your jaw, you rested your head back and looked into the trees.
“You need to go…” you whispered.
Toothless looked up at you, ears against his head.
“It’s too dangerous for you to stay bud..”
He gently placed his head against your chest and you sighed, holding his head.
“I know… but I can’t protect you.. not like this…”
He purred a little, and moved his head away to looked at you, and he rested his head on your legs again, sad eyes beaming up at you.
Smiling softly, you placed a hand on his head.
You took a small breath.
“Okay… you stay here…”
You shuffled a little uncomfortable and you moved, settling for laying down on the ground instead, hands resting on your stomach.
Toothless curled himself around you, covering you with one of his wings to try and keep you somewhat warm.
He went to rest his head down again, and when he heard talking his snapped his head up, growling deeply.
“Toothless…?” You asked.
You reached for your belt, grabbing your dagger and sat up, resting your back against him.
Farah and Saul came back through the trees, and this time they brought someone else with them and they all stood nearby.
Toothless, opened his mouth, and you reached out, placing your hand on his side and he looked at you, chirping a little.
He turned back to the trio and growled again.
“We brought someone who can help you. His names Ben. He can take care of your injuries.” Farah said.
You narrowed your eyes a little.
“You’re a Viking, right?” Ben asked.
You said nothing.
“You’re really far from home, aren’t you? Is that why you’re here? Because you can’t get back?”
You looked at him.
You stood up, standing in front of toothless, and he stood behind you, his head by your side as he bared his teeth at the three.
“Oh I get it now..” Farah whispered.
“We’re not going to hurt either of you. We just want to help you.” Saul said.
They realised what you were doing.
You were protecting the dragon, even if you couldn’t fight, even if you could barely stand on your own two feet, you were willing to die there to keep the dragon safe.
“I promise we’re not going to hurt either you, you can check this bag if you want.”
You looked at toothless and nodded, and he walked a little closer to where Ben had tossed the bag, but he stopped, eyes trained on Saul and he growled.
“Your sword..” Ben whispered.
Saul slowly reached out, and he tossed the sword to the side a little, but toothless carried on growling at him.
You held your dagger up and waved it in the air, and Saul reached to his vest, pulling his out, and toothless growled louder.
Saul tossed that aside as well, and toothless sat down, looking at the bag.
“Go ahead. Take it.” Ben smiled.
Toothless picked it up and handed it to you, and with dagger between your teeth you emptied it to see some food, and a bunch of medical supplies.
You slowly got on your knees and set your dagger aside, and toothless laid next to you, watching you dig through things.
You held up a small glass bottle.
“It’s an ointment, to stop infection.” Farah said.
You opened it and smelt it, then let toothless smell it before you set it aside.
You sat down properly and lifted your shirt a bit, wincing as you did and looked at your blood covered side.
You picked a few things up with shaky hands, and you couldn’t do anything, so you tossed it all aside and toothless whined.
He picked things up on by one and dropped them next to you again.
You rested against the rock, and breathed deeply.
Toothless looked back at the trio and he ran over and behind them, and the pushed Ben forward with his head, then did the same thing to Farah and Saul.
“You want us to help them?” Farah asked.
Toothless looked between you and them, and pushed them all again.
“Alright, we’ll try.” Ben smiled.
They all walked over and stood near you, and toothless laid next to you again, looking at them all with pleading eyes.
“This might hurt.” Ben said softly.
He picked everything up and they all sat down around you to try and help you before it was too late for them to do anything
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loulislife · 3 months
I can't get the silver(y) dress out of my head that Eve wore to the `house of the dragon` season 2 premiere. So this is what my mind made out of it:
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The grand hall of Queen Luna’s castle in Solaria was adorned with twinkling fairy lights and banners of deep blue and gold. The evening air was filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the gentle strains of orchestral music. Nobles and dignitaries from across the realm mingled, their laughter and chatter creating a vibrant symphony. The stone walls of the ancient castle, lit by hundreds of flickering candles, seemed to glow with a golden warmth.
Farah Dowling stood near one of the tall arched windows, looking out at the moonlit gardens below. The silver gown she wore shimmered like liquid starlight, each movement creating ripples of light that danced across the fabric. Her blonde hair was styled in soft waves, cascading over her shoulders and catching the light just so. She wore a simple yet elegant necklace and matching earrings, which sparkled as brightly as her gown. Farah exuded an air of calm grace, but her heart was a tumultuous sea of emotions.
Saul Silva entered the hall, his eyes immediately searching for her. When he spotted Farah, he froze for a moment, the breath catching in his throat. She looked like a vision, ethereal and otherworldly, and he found himself unable to tear his gaze away. Saul had always admired her strength, her wisdom, and her beauty, but tonight she seemed to outshine everything else in the room.
Farah turned, sensing his presence, and their eyes met. There was a brief moment of surprise, followed by a warmth that spread through her chest. She offered him a small, genuine smile, and he returned it with a lopsided grin, his heart pounding in his chest. Saul approached her, each step slow and measured, as if he were afraid the moment might shatter if he moved too quickly.
"Saul," Farah greeted him, her voice soft and melodic. "You look dashing tonight."
He chuckled, feeling slightly self-conscious in his formal attire. "And you, Farah, look... breathtaking."
A blush colored her cheeks, and she looked away, momentarily overwhelmed by the intensity in his gaze. They stood in silence for a few moments, the unspoken feelings between them hanging heavy in the air.
"Would you care to dance?" Saul asked, holding out his hand.
Farah hesitated for just a heartbeat before placing her hand in his. "I would love to."
As they moved to the center of the hall, the other guests seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them and the music. Saul placed a hand on her waist, and she rested hers on his shoulder. Their movements were slow and fluid, the dance a silent conversation of longing and affection.
Saul's eyes never left hers, and he found himself lost in the depths of her gaze. "Farah," he began, his voice barely more than a whisper, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
Her heart skipped a beat, and she nodded slightly, encouraging him to continue. "Yes, Saul?"
He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I've... I've been in love with you for a long time. I didn't know how to say it, and I was afraid it might change things between us, but I can't keep it to myself any longer."
Farah's breath caught in her throat, tears welling up in her eyes. "Saul, I..."
Before she could finish, he continued, "You don't have to say anything. I just needed you to know. You're the most incredible person I've ever met, and I can't imagine my life without you."
She smiled through her tears, her heart feeling as if it might burst with joy. "Saul, I love you too. I always have."
He pulled her closer, their foreheads touching as they swayed to the music. The rest of the world fell away, leaving just the two of them in that moment, finally free to express the love they had both kept hidden for so long.
As the dance ended, they remained in each other's arms, the unspoken promise of a future together filling the space between them. In the castle of Queen Luna, under the watchful eyes of the moon and stars, Farah Dowling and Saul Silva had finally found their way to each other.
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myalchod · 8 months
I can't believe it took me eight months (which did not at all feel like eight months) to write a third chapter of undone and divine, but there were many distractions along the way, and alas, not all of them were fun. Go read about idiots being idiots and further inappropriate shenigans?
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faytalepsy · 9 months
Every night I‘m dancing with your ghost
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Never got the chance To say a last goodbye I gotta move on But it hurts to try
How do I love How do I love again? How do I trust How do I trust again?
I stay up all night Tell myself I'm alright Baby, you're just harder to see than most I put the record on Wait 'til I hear our song Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
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atrxides · 2 years
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silrah x quote
a beautiful gifset request from @forestelfo for young & present silrah with the quote “Sometimes we don’t want to move on because the pain is the only link to what we’ve lost” I absolutely love this quote with them.
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expectiations · 6 days
I'm back in my Silrah bs and it feels so lonely not having anyone to squeal about them with lol
But, I've been rewatching edits of them on TikTok and one edit was captioned about Saul needing to get his ability to react to things back. And I thought he and Farah shared a bond, right? And then when Farah died, he would have felt their bond snap or feel empty or something. He'd be in grief and shock and become an empty shell. Then add to that Andreas thing and Sky drawing away from him and Rosalind—well...
And I'm totally not saying this because I can understand what it's like to be called unfeeling but you're actually just ... detached on the inside of course. Like you feel things but...you also don't? Like they're muted or something? Idk
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partiallypearl · 10 months
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“Well, there’s a first time for everything."
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