#saul johnfield danse
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puppyfoots · 3 days ago
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just a buncha guys
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saibugs · 6 years ago
Prompt: [catching the other staring when they think they’re not looking], Ship: Danse/Maxson
Paladin Danse should not have been looking at the Elder in the way he was. Arthur Maxson was speaking to the Brotherhood’s troops, his voice booming across the airport, filled with emotion and strength. The troops were enraptured, listening intently, distracted so very briefly from the war they were fighting and focused solely on their Elder’s ambition. But Danse was distracted… in a different way. He was watching the way Maxson’s body moved, the way his lips weaved around his words�� and it made him proud. He loved this man with all his being, loved him more than a Paladin should love his Elder, but then again neither of them cared. They both had shared their feelings prior–over a drink, of course, which had gone… well… that way–so Danse could freely stare.
Of course, he liked to stare only when Maxson wasn’t looking.
The Elder took in a breath. “Brothers, Sisters, we must protect this land, we must protect these people! The Institute cannot be allowed to win! So go forth and do your duty proudly!! Ad Victoriam!!”
“Ad Victoriam!” the men and woman cheered, before their dismissal, and they returned to their work. Danse unfortunately didn’t realise they’d left, until Maxson turned to him and raised a brow, amusement sparkling in his eyes. Danse’s cheeks went bright red as the Elder walked over, the seriousness melting off his face, a cheesy grin stretching across it in its place.
“Wow, really, Danse? Can’t take your eyes off me?”
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nonisartblog · 8 years ago
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So kids since I havent posted shite enjoy these drafts that I’ll soon be finishing:)
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iamfrom101 · 7 years ago
My OC Iris and Saul (Danse).
He keeps her physically together and she keeps him from going insane.
After BB, there's been times where he thinks he's not worth as much as a used toothbrush. She convinces him otherwise.
She forgets to take care of herself, if she's not downright just refusing to. She'll go days without food or water. He makes sure she stays healthy.
Not to mention that they can't sleep separate. If she goes out with another companion, and he holds down the fort, she gets dragged in by whoever she went out with. She goes directly to bed, knowing darn well her Sully with be there next to her, making sure she can finally get some rest.
my weakness is two broken characters who are broken in two completely different ways finding each other against all odds and healing each others wounds 
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shadowgale96 · 8 years ago
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So, apparently Danse’s real name might be Saul? That sounds so weird.The source is unconfirmed but still.
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grimvengeance · 7 years ago
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Starring Saul Johnfield Danse and emotional instability
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scarecrow-forest · 7 years ago
Hey so no offense, but Paladin Danse's real full name is Saul Johnfield Danse. I love you and your art, thank you and goodnight
I thought that wasn’t a canon one? i heard that’s... well not sure, but I heard that one doesn’t have solid source. i don’t mind people like ‘Saul Johnfield Danse’ or other cus it’s their choice :) thanks pal goodnight
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sillyandquiteawkward · 7 years ago
danse's full name was apparently saul johnfield danse
i heard that was just a rumor someone made up :O idk tho i dont pay too much attention to danse
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montymollusk · 7 years ago
i know that thing that says danse’s full name is Saul Johnfield Danse is definitely fake but i don’t give a shit it’s his name in sas
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whalegod · 8 years ago
if ur feeling bad please remember that danse’s full name is saul johnfield danse
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synthpathiser · 8 years ago
The fact that I just found out Danse's real name is, Saul Johnfield Danse, has emotionally fucked me up.
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nonisartblog · 7 years ago
All Companions Headcanons!
Kinda to make up for lost time. Mostly X6, Danse and the sole.
X6-88 and Danse Headcanons + The sole
Ughhh sorry for the late post guys. Since you all of you really liked my other headcanon, I decided to do some more.
I'll be adding a few of the other companions and my ocs. They'll get their own headcanons soon, also some of the older companions will be mentioned, because of my companions react to other companions headcanon.
Now lets get to it! -
The two are a both lovable nerds in my opinion. They're both super attractive it truly make me wonder how could they be related to Nate just seriously? X6 has great cheekbones and Danse a great smile, (they both have other great features) I just love these two sooo much.
-X6-88 and Danse are very smart probs have an intelligence over 9000, while their granpa is a goof.
-X6 hates the sun, and gets rashes just thinking about it. -Danse has worked up a tan over the years, and he kinda hates how red he is. But he was already kinda redish and tan to start with. -Nate used to wear a hood, due to his sensitivity to the sun he adjusted and got himself a tan too.
-Danse almost always turns red and gets really embarrassed when Nate refers to him as "Saul Johnfield Danse" when he's not acknowledging him. -Nate's always trying to tell X6 he loves him, X6 acts like he can't hear but the words make him melt. -Nate hates when X6 and Danse try to pat him on his head, it only makes him feel shorter.
-Danse is Italian/English (on Nate's side of the family) and Latino/Israeli/Scottish (on Nora's side of the family) -X6-88 is as well but the Italian shows up on him better (look at black italians or old italians).
-X6-88 has Nate's photosensitivity, while Danse developed Nora's near-sight.
-Both X6 and Danse enjoy sweets. -X6 sits in Loretta's drawer and eat all of her fancy lad snack cakes she got for Veronica. -Veronica fought him once... lets just say everyone ended up in Arcade's office
-They both this its weird to call Nate grandpa due to how young he looks, tbh he looks like their brother if anything.  
-Danse is 6'4 while X6-88 is around 5'10, poor Nates around 5'2 or 5'4 (poor boy).
-Danse doesn't really hate Hancock as much as he's annoyed by him, but Maccready makes jokes about Danse being jealous of the mayor's crispy golden body.
-Ada often lectures Maccready on his bad mouth and makes him put money in a swear jar. Mac always steals the money back anyway, but it gives her a new reason to shout at him:)
-Ada, Nick Valentine, Lily, Raul, Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross are a part of the mom/dad patrol. -Tbh Old Longfellow, Raul and Lily are more like the cool grandparent patrol. -And Nick, Jericho and Porter Gage are a part of the cool uncle patrol.
-Ever since Cass has came to the commonwealth, she's been subtly hitting on Danse, X6 and Arcade. -Arcade hates it.
-Ada and Old Longfellow are a cute ship to me. -They're more like very good friends, they just relate to each other on a high level.
-Preston has to force feed Mac cause he acts like he doesn't wanna eat.
-Maccready likes to make fun of other peoples bodies but really hates his own. Quinlan and Teagan kinda laugh at him cause he's always making jokes about the two having "old shrivelly man bodies" or "being disgusting old people".
-When Boone came to the commonwealth he tried to take his shades off, but got tired of people joking about his eyes or being seriously distracted by them (my boi's eyes are beautiful).
-Boone hates it there even more than the Mohave, only because more people are taller than him, even Butch. -The last time he saw The lone and him, Butch was barely 5'4 he's not that tall now but damn. -He still has more body mass than him though.
-Ravynne hates taking Loretta with her on trips cause Loretta's too distracting, always touching stuff she shouldn't, constantly disappearing and trying to put flower in her hair. -Ravynne prefers the quiet, but doesn't mind Loretta some days.
-Preston Garvey is pretty protective of his friends, even though he hate Porter Gage he took a bullet for him once. -They still act like they hate one another, but have a new found respect. -Porter Gage is tall and skinny with muscle (6'1 and 119lbs) while is kinda toned and is kinda short (around 5'5 and 120lbs).
-Codworth and K-l-e-o are a ship. -They're both a super sassy duo. -She eradicates people and he cleans up the mess (so death on top of death).
Don't think I forgot Sgt. Rl-3... -He and P-a-m are the best ship in my opinion cause opposites attract.
-After Benny shot Vince, Vince used to go back to his grave and lie down in it cause it was pretty comfy in his opinion, but thinks it disrespectful for Benny to sit and smoke around his grave. -Benny's a chain smoker...
-Ulysses is still mad at Vince, for what reason he doesn't know, but truly still believes its because of the hotwheels incident. -Ulysses is a rather beautiful man in Loretta eyes, he really is too with his long locks, deep eyes... but not to Vulpes. -Nobody cares about your opinion pretty boy sit down *all the fnv fans agree*
-Loretta and Benny went out on a date once, Danse and Vince had to come and get her cause she was ready to kill him after five minutes of being with him. -Benny has the same effect on many ladies.
I have more coming up, hope you guys enjoyed these ones<3
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silver-n-ruby · 8 years ago
About that...
Unsure where that Johnfield name came from but I like it…. a lot. Despite of what people think of the name being too Hebrew or too white or too much of anything, I love that name.
Might as well call him Saul from now on. (Besides, I think he kinda have that Hebrew look too… and this makes him 10 times hotter in my book. Ughh yes)
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fancyladssnacks · 8 years ago
The info about Danse’s name is still up on the Fallout wiki, but as other people have pointed out, no source has been provided yet. I’m quite disappointed because I like him as Saul Johnfield Danse. Who knows, maybe there will still be some confirmation. But I apologise if my sharing that information caused any confusion or annoyance. I just get really excited when I see new info. -_-; 
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