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your-local-terror · 4 months ago
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noturglameow · 5 months ago
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786 notes · View notes
lonelyflowering · 1 year ago
some genderbend. I have 4 more girls as a bonus, but I’ll finish them later
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weirdwyvern · 5 months ago
losing my MIND btw
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listen I love the canon Galactic Commander outfits. but. these dudes look like they could be in a rock band. bring out the infamous "Cyrus has a great voice" panels
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larvabyte · 2 months ago
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155 notes · View notes
fuzzyoose · 2 months ago
Yk that whole Sonic/Team Galactic thing is starting to get to me...
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You can clearly tell which ones i draw the most lmao sorry-
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your-local-terror · 1 year ago
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They're idiots but they're the best idiots.
glimpses of the past prompts:
critical or blushed
Meme is here
“Did you ever date?”
Daichi faltered as he cracked open his drink. “You mean, like… before I came to Veilstone?”
“Yes,” Cyrus said, though he clearly didn't see a need to make it so limited.
“I did a little,” he said as he reshuffled his food and drink in his hands. “But I wasn't all that old when I left home so it was never more than kid stuff.”
Cyrus nodded absently as he worked the paper to properly cup his pirozhki. Daichi waited for the continuation that he felt should logically come next. When none came, he did it himself.
“Did you date?” Daichi asked, and at the look he added. “Back in Sunyshore.”
“I did,” Cyrus answered a touch stiffly. “Not by my choice. My parents were very insistent that I was to be paired up with someone… advantageous.”
“So they had money, then?”
“Everyone in my parent’s social circle did,” Cyrus told him, with a dull emphasis on its unimportance. “The woman I was sent with were chosen for their ties to useful businesses or politics. So of course I needed to create a proper impression, which I had thought would have involved proper knowledge and achievements. It's evidently all about social rituals and eye contact.” He said the last bit with particular disdain. “It was all utter nonsense.”
“Sounds like,” he said with a sympathetic nod. “Was the food at least good?”
“You wouldn’t believe how much technical skill it can take to make something completely insubstantial,” he scoffed. “I suppose it's fitting to match the inane conversations. I don't know why they chose women who couldn't understand anything substantive.”
Daichi took his time swallowing. “Did you at least offer definitions?”
“Of course,” he huffed insistently. “But I can only define so much before there isn't a point.”
“Yes, I suppose so,” Daichi agreed, even though he was sure he could see the scene now.
Some teenage girl, dressed to the nines and bound by equivalent amounts of familial pressure, picked at her dinner to distract herself. Cyrus’s eye contact would have been blisteringly intense, and his info dumping (because he would absolutely be info dumping) would have been filled with unrecognizable terms. All of it would have seemed as practiced as it was in an earnest attempt to do what his parents insisted was important. And, he was sure, there would rarely if ever be a second date.
Daichi certainly empathized with the plight of these girls, but just as sincerely said, “It sounds like it was awful for you” to Cyrus.
“It was,” he agreed. “I’m very thankful to be here doing things like this rather than dating.”
Daichi nearly choked on his food. 
They'd been sharing a bed for about six months at that point. And, over that time, it’d become increasingly clear how many gaps Cyrus’s upbringing had left in his knowledge. Whether by a lack of necessity due to his wealth, or increased mandate because of it, he'd had to learn so much of what most adults already knew.
Daichi had long gotten used to the endless discovery process. But, it seemed, he could still be blindsided.
“This is a date.”
Cyrus looked at Daichi as if he’d grown a second head. “We’re eating street food.”
“In casual clothing.”
“Yeah. And we’re walking to a movie instead of getting a limo or whatever.” He shrugged. “None of that stuff is necessary for something to be a date.”
Cyrus seemed ready to debate, but then took a thoughtful bite of his pirozhki instead. 
“So a date,” he said finally, “Is simply going to a location with purpose.”
“And that purpose is to spend time with your partner, yeah,” he agreed. “You don't need anything else specific.”
“Hm…” he thought on it a bit more. “It still seems like a waste to create so many rituals and labels for something that has so few particulars attached to it.” He peeled down the paper to have more room to eat. “Especially if it is basically the same process as going someplace with any other relation.”
“I suppose it is,” Daichi agreed. “But I enjoy doing this with you, whatever you want to call it. So how do you feel about doing things like this more often?”
“I…” Cyrus wasn't the sort to blush, but he did sink into himself a bit when flustered. “I suppose I’m not opposed to it if this is really what you're expecting.”
“I'm glad,” Daichi agreed.
He smiled in his particularly small way. “Good. Then it's settled.”
“It is. And, for the record.” Daichi nudged his arm affectionately. “I love hearing how you explain things.”
Cyrus paused a bit over being told something he knew but very much liked hearing. “Well… Perhaps you'd like me to explain the new philosophy I'm working on.”
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artymcartist · 5 months ago
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They're so sibling core
plus reintegration au?? Based on how Cyrus takes Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with him when disbanding team Galactic in the manga
Cyrus accepts responsibility for the three commanders and, alongside himself, tries essentially villain rehab HELP Cynthia helps out upon request because she believes it'll be beneficial to help keep Sinnoh's villains out of the world-ending business.
Cyrus and Jupiter are the most successful, with Cyrus turning the remainder of team galactic into a proper energy company and Jupiter finishing college. She majored in astronomy of course lol. Can't put those passions for space behind her
Mars and Saturn.. uh... well they're in college now too! They're extremely chaotic LMAO
Saturn majors in computer science and Mars is major hopping rn, but she thinks about settling on something artistic
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hanxiaovernox · 6 months ago
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curatorofvibes · 8 months ago
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Photograph from Stefan & Audrey Photography
Don’t let astrology limit you, you can be who dream you are and have the relationship you dream of!
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༄ Solar Return ༄
These observations are based on both personal experience and the experiences of those in my life.
ᥫ᭡ Scorpio Rising in the Solar Return Chart
-Becoming aware of what’s holding you back and taking steps towards shedding that skin
-Wanting to grow and move on from the past
-Wanting to evolve
-Focused on self-improvement and development
-Wanting to ”glow-up” in every way, mentally, physically, and spiritually
-Keeping this process and journey of self to self, not really sharing with others what you’re going through internally
-Forming better habits in life
-Holding yourself accountable
-Wanting your actions to reflect your words
-Feeling a sense of maturity, as if you’re letting go of who you once were to welcome the being under the shedded skin, a rebirth
ᥫ᭡ Moon in the 7th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Wanting to keep the peace and be more diplomatic
-Realizing that sometimes it’s best to not say the first thing that comes to mind, but to be more kind and considerate of other peoples feelings and emotions
-Learning that everything you think, doesn’t have to be said
-Wanting to please others and make them feel good about themselves through the way you express your thoughts and emotions
-Putting more effort in your grooming and appearance
-Feeling an urge to be romantically involved or emotionally closer to others
ᥫ᭡ Mercury in the 11th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Urge to connect to people and socialize more
-Wanting to go out and meet new people
-Wanting to improve social and conversational skills
-Wanting to make friends with others, even those completely different from who you are
-Not wanting to be around an echo-chamber
ᥫ᭡ Uranus in the 10th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Unexpected career change
-Being sort of forced to make a career move
-Finally quitting an undesirable work environment
ᥫ᭡ Pluto in the 3rd house in the Solar Return Chart
-Meeting people who unintentionally encourage you to stand up for yourself and speak up more. For example, people can say things that you don’t agree with and normally you would ignore it, but for some reason you just can’t, you have to say something
ᥫ᭡ Mars in the 12th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Hiding and concealing your anger
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༄ Numerology ༄
Through the information on numerology provided by @lilithgreye and @astrosky33 Tumblr accounts I was able to make these observations based on both personal experience and the experiences of those in my life.
➷ Personal Year #3
-Feeling like everything is going right in life, can’t lose
-Letting the inner child free
-Simply joyful
-So many new and fun memories with family and friends
-Traveling A LOT or after yeaarrrssss since the last trip
-Positive impact on confidence in a way that the effects can still be felt years down the line due to how unforgettable the year was
➷ Personal Year #5
-Long travels
-Finally doing fun activities always wanted to try
-A change in schools
-Overall, enjoyable year
➷ Personal Year #7
-Confidence and self-esteem skyrocketed
-Spending a lot of time alone, more than usual and not by choice
-Using the alone time to pour love into self and take care of self
-On the other hand, feeling very loved and receiving a lot of people expressing their love and appreciation during this time
➷ Personal Year #8
-Getting a job leading to financial stability
➷ Personal Year #9
-Going back to school
-Feeling very insecure and filled with anxiety
-Confusing and frustrating time
➷ Personal Year #1
-Feeling very liberated, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon
-New experiences, emotions, just feeling very open-minded to new ways of life and living
-Definitely happy, blissful and new beginnings welcomed with open arms
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༄ Random ༄
These observations are based on what I noticed tend to be prominent placements in the charts of professional wrestlers.
✿ North Node/Rahu - Mars Aspects
��� Mars - Jupiter Aspects
✿ Serpent Yoni Nakshatra Placements (Rohini & Mrigashira, especially Mrigashira Mars)
✿ Mercury Nakshatra Placements (Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati)
✿ Ketu Nakshatra Placements (Ashwini, Magha, Mula)
✿ 1, 3, 5, 8, 9 numerology (according to numerologists, 1 is associated with leadership and athletes, 3 is associated with communication and comedy, 5 is associated with conventional beauty and entertaining, 8 is associated with karma and money, 9 is associated with adaptability and completion). I can see this making sense because in wrestling you have to have some form of athletic ability and be able to talk on the microphone, providing comedy when it is called for. A big part of being a wrestler has to do with your looks, so remaining fit, healthy, and attractive in some way, shape, or form to the audience, always providing entertainment. Seeing as plans can change within the blink of an eye or anything can happen, you have to have the ability to seamlessly adapt on the spot without making it obvious to the audience that it wasn’t in the original plans. With 8 numerology, I noticed wrestlers who have it tend to be very well-regarded and/or see success outside of the wrestling business.
✴︎ In regards to 8 numerology, in letterology the capital letter R is 44 (4 + 4 = 8). I noticed wrestlers with this letter capitalized in their names tend to be known outside of the wrestling business (For example: The Rock, Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns, etc.)
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Mula Moon, Revati Mercury atmakaraka, Mrigashira Venus & Mars, Rohini Saturn | 8 numerology)
Trish Stratus (Mula Sun, Mrigashira Mars, Revati Jupiter | 9 numerology)
Steve “Sting” Borden (North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Revati Mercury & Ketu, Ashwini Venus, Mrigashira Mars, Mula Saturn)
Adam “Edge” Copeland (Mars square Jupiter, North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Mula Moon & Rahu, Jyestha Venus atmakaraka, Ashwini Mars | 3 numerology)
Amy “Lita” Dumas (North Node/Rahu square Mars; Ashwini Sun, Revati Mercury atmakaraka, Mrigashira ASC | 5 numerology)
Rey Mysterio (Jyestha Sun atmakaraka & Mercury, Mula Venus, Ketu in Rohini | 8 numerology)
Kenny Omega (Mars square Jupiter; Ketu in Jyestha, Rahu in Mrigashira)
Christian Cage (North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Ashwini Mars, Ketu in Mrigashira, Rahu in Mula | 3 numerology)
Bianca Belair (Revati Sun & Venus, Ashwini Mercury, Mrigashira Mars, Rohini Jupiter, Ketu in Magha | 9 numerology)
Kurt Angle (Mars Trine Jupiter; Jyestha Sun, Mula Mercury, Ashwini Saturn | 1, 9 numerology)
These observations are based on a pattern that I noticed in Saturn Atmakaraka Natives which mainly is that they tend to have success, longevity beginning from around the ages of 30-35+.
Miley Cyrus (19° Shravana pada 3, 10th house)
notes: released her song flowers at the age of 30 which led to her winning her first Grammy Award at the age of 31. Maybe hers being in the 10th house shows themes of her career success or longevity in her career (?) since shes been working since she was a child and is still receiving accolades and royalties.
Vanessa Williams (25° Dhanishtha pada 1, 8th house)
notes: recently released a music video with choreography at the age of 61.
Mike White (25° Bharani pada 4, 8th house)
notes: season one of the white lotus released when he was at the age of 51 and is currently his biggest success in his career (based off of how well-acclaimed it is) since he released school of rock in 2003 at the age of 33.
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༄ Vedic Astrology ༄
Through the information on vedic astrology provided by @youremyheaven and @venussaidso Tumblr accounts, along with Claire Nakti’s and The Hidden Octave’s @thehiddenoctave YouTube channels, I was able to make these observations. They’re not in-depth, they’re based off of random things I noticed in some of my sources of entertainment that I felt connected to things others have observed in these placements.
ೃ༄ Actors ೃ༄
H. Jon Benjamin (Krittika Sun, Mercury, Mars & Rahu)
Is the voice actor of Sterling Archer In the show “Archer”.
✴︎ Says : “I’m not really much of a planner.” (connects to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Sun-Ruled nakshatra natives being people who don’t really plan for things and who rely on improvisation)
Jason Sudeikis (Sun in Uttara Phalguni and Ketu in Krittika)
Plays Ted Lasso in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ A manager/coach with carefree energy, improvisation and not really planning anything (connects to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Sun-Ruled nakshatra natives being people who don’t really plan for things and who rely on improvisation)
Leo Woodall (Uttara Phalguni Sun)
Plays Jack in the show “The White Lotus”.
✴︎ Came across as pretending to be a “himbo”
✴︎ Bad boy charm with undertones of sadness and inner conflict
Alan Ritchson (Anuradha Sun)
Plays Jack Reacher in the show “Reacher”.
✴︎ Says : “That takes time, which is something I have in great quantity.” Can relate to Saturn’s connection to time (?)
✴︎ Skillful and rebellious character
Juno Temple (Pushya Sun)
Plays Keeley Jones in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character was highly sought after by men and sexualized (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Pushya nakshatra natives)
✴︎ Her character was kickass in a male dominated field (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives being in male dominated fields in films)
(Magha Venus & Ketu)
Plays Keeley Jones in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character had a sex tape leaked which can connect to the Magha yoni animal being exploited (?)
✴︎ The character is open about her sexual curiosities (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Magha natives being open about their sexual curiosities)
Hannah Waddingham (Pushya Sun)
Plays Rebecca Welton in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character was kickass with a masculine edge in a male dominated field as the owner of a football club (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives being in male dominated fields in films)
✴︎ Her & Keeley’s character (both Pushya Suns) had respect for each other and their strengths
✴︎ Her character could easily destroy the male ego (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ Very disciplined character with a sharp and stern personality (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives)
Vanessa Williams (Uttara Bhadrapada Sun)
Plays Renee Perry in the show “Desperate Housewives”.
✴︎ Her character was described as having a, “style seems to be more like chrome and glass and teeth” teeth being apart of the description of Saturn
Marcia Cross (Uttara Bhadrapada Sun)
Plays Bree Van de Kamp in the show “Desperate Housewives”.
✴︎ Her character described as suppressing emotions, stoic, cold, and tightly wound. (In relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatra leading to being emotionally hardened)
✴︎ Her character described as courteous, elegant, graceful, never letting people know what she’s thinking
✴︎ Her character described as an “ice princess”
✴︎ Her character described as too resilient, always bouncing back (In relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of having Saturn-Ruled nakshatras allowing one to naturally adapt by building upon virtues such as personal restraint and composure)
✴︎Said about her character : “No matter what the circumstances, Bree Van de Kamp always found a way to stay in control. She curbed her impulses. She enforced a strict dress code. She maintained a strong moral center. Yes, Bree was always in control, so when it came to handling a crisis… It made perfect sense that she was in the driver’s seat.”
Marcia Gay Harden (Ketu in Uttara Bhadrapada & Pushya Mercury)
Plays Margaret Wright in the show “So Help Me Todd”.
✴︎ Her character described as a controlling mother
✴︎ Says : “I’m not judgmental, I’m a realist.”
Emmanuelle Beart (Ashlesha Sun atmakaraka, Venus & ASC)
Plays Claire Phelps in the movie “Mission Impossible”.
✴︎ Her character is meant to manipulate Ethan through seduction into believing he can trust her after her and her husband fake his death in order to frame Ethan for being a mole. Like a snake, connected to the Naga Diety of this nakshatra, she had to be secretive and stealthy.
Cillian Murphy (Rohini Sun)
Plays Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow in the movie “Batman Begins”.
✴︎ His character is a psychologist who studies peoples fears in particular and uses it against them as a way to gain control over them. Can connect to observation made by those who study Vedic saying that Moon-Ruled nakshatra people study other people
✴︎ The actor himself has Intoxicating eyes and is a private person, not on social media (serpent yoni)
Paul Johansson (Shravana Sun & Mars)
Plays Dan Scott in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ His character killed his own brother then framed it on someone who committed suicide
✴︎ His character likes to tell elaborate manipulative lies that are hard to disprove (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ His character manipulates his own son into doing what he wants (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ If you wrong his character, he WILL get revenge and try to one-up you (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
Chad Michael Murray (Magha Sun)
Plays Lucas Scott in in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ His character wanted to change his last name due to a dilemma on who fathered him. His Uncle Keith was more of a father figure than his actual dad who basically disowned him (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Magha Nakshatra being associated with ancestry roots and the origins of oneself)
✴︎ Says : “For the longest time I’ve been an outsider.”
✴︎ His character was romantically connected to a Punaravasu woman in the show and chased after her despite her wanting to be “non-exclusive” at first. Despite his connection with the Punarvasu woman, his attraction for the Ardra woman (can connect to observation made by Vedic astrologers of nodal placements being attracted to each other) that he was attracted to from the very first episode never waned
✴︎ Says to the Ardra woman : “I kind of have this habit of crawling into my shell.” (Can maybe connect to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ketu-Ruled nakshatra natives being inwardly drawn?)
Anthony Head (Ketu in Punarvasu)
Plays Rupert Mannion in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Although a villainous character, he had a story of being a poor boy when young and sneaking into the stadium to watch matches, getting kicked out by a security guard (who he eventually repaid with a raise in the future), to eventually becoming a billionaire and owning his boyhood football club. (This is in connection to the Vasutva Prapana Shakti of this nakshatra which is, “the power to gain wealth or substance”)
✴︎ His character struggled with commitment, but towards the end of the show it did seem like he was on the path to becoming a better person (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu natives who tend to struggle with commitment)
Sophia Bush (Punarvasu Sun)
Plays Brooke Davis in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ Her character was once referred to as “Miss Sunshine” (in relation to to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu nakshatra natives being able to easily bring light and optimism to situations)
✴︎ Her character is very optimistic and playful, yet aloof and cold to ppl who try to befriend her friends
✴︎ Her character was romantically connected to a Magha man in the show and he chased after her (in connection to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Jupiter nakshatras natives being emotionally spacious with the ability to hold a lot within them and Ketu nakshatra natives being attracted to them because they’re pulled in by that expansiveness)
✴︎ Her character is a social butterfly
✴︎ By the time her character graduates high school, it was brought up how much she had grown as a person for the better within those 4 years (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu nakshatras boundless nature that leaves a lot of room for growth)
✴︎ Her character’s parents were never around during her high school years, she basically lived alone or with friends
✴︎ Her character created her own fashion line called “clothes over bros” while in high school (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu Nakshatra natives who tend to contribute a lot to the fashion world and in the show her clothing line brought her a lot of opportunities in the fashion industry)
Hilarie Burton (Ardra Sun)
Plays Peyton Sawyer in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ Her character’s mom died when she was young
✴︎ Her character wasn’t addicted, but was sucked into doing cocaine a few times
✴︎ Her character identified with loneliness and being a talented artist, expresses how she feels internally through her art (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra being a Rahu-Ruled nakshatra and being internally spacious, trying to find ways to fill up that emptiness through external sources)
✴︎ Says : “You don’t know anything about my pain.”
✴︎ Wants to be immersed by her love for Jake and went above and beyond for him and his daughter Jenny, he left her in the end to find his daughter and she was broken by this love (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Nodal nakshatra natives tending to be obsessive in romance to feel more stable)
✴︎ Her biological mom that she did not know about comes back into her life at 17 and says she left because she liked drugs more than she liked her child. Went through a lot of life changes for a 17 year old (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra nakshatras natives often going through traumatic events in life that they have to deal with alone)
✴︎ Hides behind her sadness and art
✴︎ Her character loses her biological mother to cancer and her adopted mother to a car crash, her adopted father is always traveling for work so he is hardly ever around and she never knew her biological father (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra nakshatras natives often going through traumatic events in life that they have to deal with alone)
✴︎ Had an obsessed stalker who pretended to be her long lost brother (in relation to the observation, are by Vedic astrologers of Rahu Nakshatra natives being often seen in the charts of people who can be the source of other people’s obsessions and unwanted attention)
✴︎ Painted a dog on her bedroom wall as a “watchdog” for protection after her stalker situation (which can maybe connect to the Dog Yoni of this nakshatra?)
ೃ༄ Football Managers/Coaches ೃ༄
José Mourinho (Shravana Sun, Moon & Saturn)
Outcast Nakshatra native and a popular/well-regarded football manager/coach.
✴︎ Started out as a translator for FC Barcelona before becoming “one of the world’s greatest managers” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana nakshatra being a common placement in the charts of polyglots)
✴︎ Calls himself “A Special One” which can be connected to Shravana being labeled “The Chosen One” (?)
✴︎ Said about Mourinho : “He could see the future, what the opposition would do… what substitutions the opposition’s coach would make.” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana nakshatra being a common placement in the charts of mind-readers and psychics)
✴︎ Said about Mourinho : “He told us he wasn’t interested in fair play or a positive image. Only in winning. He managed to bring qualities out of me that I didn’t even know I had.” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana natives having the ability to open the qualities of others that they have trouble accessing)
Carlo Ancelotti (Uttara Phalguni ASC)
Outcast Nakshatra native and a popular/well-regarded Italian football manager/coach.
✴︎ Nicknamed “Don Carlo”
✴︎ Said about Ancelotti after Real Madrid beat Manchester City in the 2024 quarterfinals of the Champions League : “As a man, Carlo just fills you with calmness and confidence. Before the game, I caught him yawning and asked him: ‘Boss, are you tired?’ He said you need to go and excite me out there. That’s the calmness and confidence he brings.” Which can be an example of his carefree energy as a Sun nakshatra native, observed by Vedic astrologers
✴︎ It is said that as a manager/coach, he doesn’t really have specific instructions and allows his players to have freedom and creativity on the field and in how they adapt and approach the game. Also, described as a very versatile and creative manager/coach. This all connects to Sun nakshatra natives being described as people who don’t really plan for things and relying on improvisation
✴︎ This praise can also relate to the criticism that he receives, a lot of people say that his tactics are “just vibes” which can relate again to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of the carefree energy and improvisation that Sun nakshatra natives tend to have and rely on in life
ೃ༄ Musicians ೃ༄
Edgar Varèse (Rahu in Swati & Ardra ASC)
French Composer.
✴︎ Created music with a futuristic focus conceived of as “bodies of sound in space”
✴︎ Focus on merging science and music together
Avril Lavigne (Hasta Sun & ASC)
✴︎ song “Girlfriend” asking someone to break up with their girlfriend to get with her
Ariana Grande (Hasta Moon)
✴︎ song “break up with you girlfriend, I’m bored”
(this one is my observation, I just thought it was interesting)
Melanie Martinez (Bharani Sun)
✴︎ Her song “DEATH” starts out by saying “death is life”, and talks about being back from the dead (in relation to this nakshatras Diety being, Yama, aka “God of Death”/“Catcher of Souls”/“The Final Judge”)
ೃ༄ Wrestlers ೃ༄
Drew McIntyre (Rohini Sun & Mercury and Mrigashira Mars)
✴︎ Intoxicating eyes (serpent yoni)
✴︎ Long hair (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of it being common for Moon-Ruled Nakshatra men to grow out their hair and leave it long. His Rohini placements, he also has a Shravana Jupiter)
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Mike “The Miz” Mizanin (Hasta Sun atmakaraka & Moon)
✴︎ A wrestler who is known for his good wrestler impersonations (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Hasta natives being linked to impersonation)
Toni Storm (Chitra Sun & Rahu)
✴︎ Wrestler with an Old Hollywood Starlet gimmick as “Timeless” Toni Storm inspired by the movies “All About Eve (1950)” and “Sunset Boulevard (1950)” (connecting to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Chitra/Mars-ruled nakshatras being common in the charts of old Hollywood starlets)
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Roman Reigns (Rohini Sun, Mrigashira Mars, and Shravana Jupiter)
✴︎ Plays a wrestling character who is incapable of seeing his flaws
✴︎ Doesn’t see how his actions hurt others or is wrong
✴︎ Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse
✴︎ Difficult for him to trust others (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Makes you question your own motives. Manipulator (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Compensates for his bruised ego by finding a way to one-up you (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Concerned with how others perceive him… wanting them to “acknowledge” him (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Does not like appearing weak or being vulnerable (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Uses his opponents vulnerabilities against them (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ As a heel character he says and does terrible things, but still enjoys a good reputation by the audience (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Obsessed with power (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Long hair (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of it being common for Moon-Ruled Nakshatra men to grow out their hair and leave it long. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ In connection to the serpent yoni of the Rohini and Mrigashira nakshatra placements, his private life off camera is typically kept under wraps and hidden (snakes being great at hiding), not much is known about who and what he does outside of the “Roman Reigns” character he plays on television
Randy Orton (Revati Sun)
✴︎ Elephant yoni which is the largest yoni animal (?) and Randy is known for being a HUGE man in person
✴︎ He also has double Mercury-Ruled nakshatras in his big 3, his wrestling character is charismatic and manipulative in the sense that he’ll convince you that you’re allies, but ultimately you should never trust “the viper”
(Ashlesha ASC)
✴︎ Comes across as intimidating which can be in connection to the feline yoni of this nakshatra (?)
✴︎ The Visasleshana Shakti of this nakshatra is “the power to inflict poison” and he is known as “the viper” which is a venomous snake
✴︎ In connection to “the viper” nickname and this nakshatra is the Diety being, Naga, which is a serpent God. When he goes to the place where he hears voices in his head (can also connect to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ashlesha nakshatra natives being buried in their own subconscious minds and having inner conversations and narrations), he sort of moves like a snake that relies on its intuition in those moments
✴︎ His character is also one that you can’t trust, he’s sneaky and methodical and if you turn your back on him, he can attack you (with an RKO) out of nowhere… even if you’ve been led to believe that you’re friends or have formed an alliance
✴︎ Honestly, everything about him reminds me of a snake, from his appearance (especially in the year 2009 when his character derived pleasure in hurting others) to the way he moves, he’s so fast yet lethal at the same time and if you look into his eyes you can see that he’s probably thinking in his head what’s the best way to attack his opponent and catch them off guard for the win. Another nickname of his that can connect to these actions is, the “Apex Predator”
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( I was really excited to share the Randy Orton observation ◡̈ )
I would like to state that I’m not an astrologer, so I hope that I wasn’t disrespectful to any astrologers with these observations in any way whatsoever (especially with the Vedic observations seeing as how there’s Hindu roots involved). This tumblr account has been fun, but I’ve reached the point where my pinned post is relatable to how I feel in real life, so I don’t plan on making anymore posts related to astrology or along those lines. If you would like to check out some of my previous astrology related content, they can be found under the tag #curatorofvibes. These observations were things I had written down over the years and I thought it best to share it with whomever comes across this post instead of just deleting them. Wishing everyone more life and more genuine love! ♡ ~ curatorofvibes
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barbwalken · 10 months ago
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your-local-terror · 2 years ago
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This just in, local catboy and depressed creature are together.
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solsart · 2 months ago
🪐 Team Galactics Sticker and Keychain Design are finally finished and send into production 🪐
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Finally I am here with new Designs and very happy to announce that Team Galactic is done! I am especially proud of their designs and I hope their printed version turns out as good as I hope it to be.
They should be done in about a month and I will high likely make a seperate post again. C:
Thank you for checking out!
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noturglameow · 4 months ago
Saturn, it's actually me - Cyrus. I have a very important mission for you: I need the 3 digits on the back of my credit card and the experation date too. I'm at the Veilstone Department Store and my wallet should be in my desk (or something). This is a very important mission that I can only trust my most trusted commander with...
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Someone's getting fired...
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mierulii · 4 months ago
˚*  ੈ✩‧₊ (Translated) Team Galactic Reference Sheets [ 1 / ??? ]
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I was able to uncover some extra stuff on Team Galactic! Granted, a lot of them are key art we've already seen, but each one has some additional info in them such as clothing details and their color palettes! Hopefully this could serve as a compilation of reference materials for anyone who might need it. like me.
[Also please keep in mind that this is machine translated and is not professionally done as I am not fluent enough. I also cannot translate handwritten notes. I might add additional info/context for the shakier/vague bits though, those will be in blue.) Please keep reading below to see it! Characters will be arranged according to their rank!
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Starting from the top, we have some details regarding the clothes.
アカギ詳細設定 | Akagi Detail Settings 【 上着 】 | Top/Jacket - 袖無しの上着とインナーの重ね着 Sleeveless top and inner layer - 上着前身頃を隙間から見えるパーツで留めています。 The front of the jacket is fastened with parts that are visible through the gaps. - インナーは横締模様のみの長袖。 The innerwear is long-sleeved with a horizontal pattern. This refers to the lines/lining on the sleeves and chest area of the shirt as well as his pants. - 背面は右図の通り。 The back (of the vest) is as shown on the right. 【 靴 】 | Shoes - ラインが 3 本入った靴 。 The shoes are lined/have 3 lines.
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Cyrus' official color palette:
(Also I'll be using lenticular brackets for each part just so it's easier to spot!)
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Format is: Pantone -> Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 Pantone 278 C #8bb8e8 rgb(139,184,232) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 Pantone 122 C #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Vest 】 Pantone 428 C #c1c6c8 rgb(193,198,200) 【 Sleeves/Pants 】 Pantone Cool Gray 10 C #63666a rgb(99,102,106) 【 Innerwear 】 White I'm serious, there's no specific kind mentioned. It's just...white.
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I thought of including this purely because it had a doodle of Cyrus holding it lovingly on the side.
あかいくさり | Red Chain 横から | From the side 先端が不思議な力で くっついている状態になつている。 接合部品があるわけではない The tips are attached to each other by a mysterious force. There are no joint parts. サビ汚れのような模様が 結晶内部に見られる Rust stain-like patterns can be seen inside the crystal. (断面図) Cross-sectional view.
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サターン詳細設定 | Saturn Detail Settings 【 頭部 】 | Head - 髪型 (右図参照) Hairstyle (see figure on the right.) 【 上着 】 | Top/Jacket - 育中にGマーク入っています。 It has the G-mark (Team Galactic insignia) on it. Note that the insignia is also present at the back. 【 靴 】 | Shoes - マー ズ と ジュ ピタ ー 同 様 、 つま 先 に ライ ン が 1 本 入っ て いま す 。 ※ ブ ー ツ で は あり ませ ん Like/Same as Mars and Jupiter, the toe has a single line. It is not a boot.
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Saturn's official color palette:
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Format is: Pantone -> Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 Pantone 285 C #0072ce rgb(0,114,206) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 Pantone 122 C #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Vest 】 White 【 Innerwear/Pants 】 Pantone Cool Gray 10 C #63666a rgb(99,102,106) You'll notice a lot of these colors will be the same as the others, but I'll include it anyhow.
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ジュビター詳細設定 | Jupiter Detail Settings 【 頭部 】 | Head - 頭頂部と後ろに髪留めを付けています。 She has hair clips on the top and back of her head. - 横向き時 (右図参照) Side-view (see figure on the right.) 【 背面 】 | Back/Rear - 腰回りの部分はマーズと同じです。 The waist area is the same as Mars. 【 足 】 | Foot - 左足大腹部に素肌の上からゴムリングのような バーツを巻いています。 A rubber ring-like part is wrapped around the bare skin of the left leg.
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Jupiter's official color palette:
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Format is: Pantone -> Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 Pantone 248 C #a51890 rgb(165,24,144) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 Pantone 122 C #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Innerwear/Stockings 】 Pantone Cool Gray 10 C #63666a rgb(99,102,106) 【 Grey Lining 】 Pantone 428 C #c1c6c8 rgb(193,198,200) 【 Boots 】 White
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Interestingly, Mars has two versions of her detail sheet! I'll be translating the bottom one since they're both technically the same.
マーズ詳細設定 | Mars Detail Settings 【 頭部 】 | Head - 正面 (右図参照) Front-view (see figure on the right) 【 正面 】 | Front - ジュピターと同じデザインです。 It has the same design as Jupiter. 【 背面 】 | Back/Rear - 用回りのライン (背中~スカート) は丸くなっています。 The line around the body (back~skirt) is rounded. This most-likely refers to the cutaway of the backside of the skirt, not the hem/rim of the skirt itself.
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Mars' official color palette:
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Format is: Pantone -> Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 Pantone 179 C #e03c31 rgb(224,60,49) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 Pantone 122 C #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Innerwear/Stockings 】 Pantone Cool Gray 10 C #63666a rgb(99,102,106) 【 Grey Lining 】 Pantone 428 C #c1c6c8 rgb(193,198,200) 【 Boots 】 White
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Charon...doesn't have a detail nor palette sheet. Unfortunately.
I do have a translated version of his bio which you can check here, though!
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That said, I'll include a palette for him where I pick the colors from his Platinum concept art
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Format is: Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 #cdbdcb rgb(205,189,203) 【 Lab Coat 】 White 【 Glasses 】 #e2544c rgb(226,84,76) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Innerwear/Shoes 】 #b7b5b6 rgb(183,181,182) 【 Sleeves/Pants 】 #525454 rgb(82,84,84)
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Team Galactic Grunts
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Their detail sheets do not have anything of note to translate, but it is interesting how they were intended to have masks in their beta designs! (Along with having Saturn's hair color―).
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The grunts' official color palette:
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Format is: Pantone -> Hex -> RGB
【 Hair 】 Pantone 7472 C #5cb8b2 rgb(92,184,178) 【 Team Galactic insignia 】 Pantone 122 C #fed141 rgb(254,209,65) 【 Innerwear/Stockings 】 Pantone 428 C #c1c6c8 rgb(193,198,200) 【 Lining/Pants 】 Pantone Cool Gray 10 C #63666a rgb(99,102,106) 【 Boots 】 White
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Hello, if you made it this far, thank you for reading! I reached the image limit, so this'll be split into two parts (or more). We've covered all the detail sheets and translation stuff here anyhow, the next parts will focus on the following:
A compilation of concept art and official art (a mix of game + pokeani mostly)
A compilation of concept pitches/bios
References for spin-off/non-mainline members (Sird, Mitsumi, Io, etc.)
I know a couple have been posted elsewhere, but I really wanted to group them up so none of us would have to save hundreds of posts so please look forward to when I publish the next parts!
For now, enjoy this random image I found while digging of a (jp) tcg event where you could apparently challenge Saturn, Mars, and a (bespectacled) Cyrus to a match...?
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juleteon · 6 months ago
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Cat Cyrus Cat Cyrus Cat Cyrus
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