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New Life
I often think about how many new lives we live within one. How we constantly shed new layers of who we thought we were. And within each layer we shed, there is so much fear to let go of trauma, bad experiences, expectations of something bad happening. Because we don't believe that life could actually be rigged in our favor. So no matter how many times you see the good evidenced in life, you cling to the the trauma and the times it has gone bad. I have worked my entire adult life to let go of that. To let go of my past and of what was.
I have made drastic changes to the way I am and I am proud of that. But I also still go back there, to the past, to what was. I think it's just part of human experience for us to remember the past and fear it sometimes but I choose to and to live with optimism for the future even when I can't see it. I choose to be curious about the different person that I can be in the future without knowing the route.
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The existential Batman... #existentialism #nietzsche #kierkegaard #sartre #dostoyevsky #batman #gothamcity #art #saturdaymorningthoughts (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNM2K-4AkdW/?igshid=12rk8ypyl0xap
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Wouldn’t life be easier if we all fit into little boxes. If we could all be immediately understood. . But life isn’t like that. It’s raw and messy. It’s hard and confusing. . My greatest practice in life is accepting this and flowing with it. Flowing with the highs and the lows and accepting all of it as it comes without imposing my boxes, my control over it. . It’s fucking work but it’s also wildly beautiful. Like the feeling you get in your heart when it’s all just so settled. It all just is and your heart is untethered to the outcome. . Those are the moments I feel alive. . . 📸 @lumynphotography . #saturdaymorningthoughts #wordsbyme #thoughtsfrommymat #anxietywarrior #recoveringperfectionist #controlfreak #handstandpractice #inversionpractice #hollowbackhandstand #hollowback #wonderwonder #photoshootideas #lifecoachforwomen #goingwiththeflow #inflow #mindsetmattersmost #mindsetcoaching #intuitiveguidance #intuitivelifecoach #lifeismessy #progressnotperfection (at Wonder Wonder) https://www.instagram.com/p/B65w098nUlN/?igshid=1j9etx5prf1it
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Saturday Morning Thought… there comes a time in your life where you’re just done playing. You decide you want things to go a certain way so you need to put things in place so it happens. Set your goals, make your plans, then put them into action. You have to make it to practice to say no to things that are going to distract you from the primary purpose. Sometimes we waiver… sometimes we make choices to indulge… however we must have resolve. Stay focused keep your eye on the prize. #My2Cents #Joyce #Free #Choice #Fit50s #SaturdayMorningThoughts #Goals #PrimaryPurpose#JustSayNo #LifesPurpose (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPdHuuyBCKHwn2cDSrXauWsW8dYVb-8LPj4UwE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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If possible, can I just live here?
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#goalsetting It’s not just for New Year’s Eve. #saturdaymorningthoughts (at Springfield, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_EznpBAqD/?igshid=23vrhuuqvaee
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Trying to get back into the healthy happy lifestyle. So for I got my a$$ up this morning and crushed my #sunsethiitandstretch then made some #matchaproteinpancakes with #coffee in my #mycatwasrightaboutyou mug. A good start to the day now to crush the rest of the day! #tiu #tiuteam #summerseries2019 #tiusummerseries @karenadawn @katrinaascott @toneitup #immeantforincrediblethings #doingitformeandnooneelse #icanandiwill #saturdaymorningthoughts (at Oak Creek, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxDTpjgxi5JPpaywchDz7ViFIH1U6HfmRXjZk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10xhtytcca2u3
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Mind If I Vent?
Well... It def has been awhile..
How do I start these again? Just by going right into in? Alrighty then lets just right into it...
The year of 2020 has been a crazy year for everyone, From losing friends, family to jobs and homes.. I was fortunate enough to have found a job after being let go at my previous job back in Dec of 19′ so I’ve been keeping myself busy, but of course, can’t work hard n not play hard, Had some really close friends in my life at that time and I believe it was about around Feb or even Mar where I found out some things about a certain friend within the circle of people I was around, Did not sit well w/ me so therefore distancing myself from them, One friend who is closely connected to 5 others was also effected and has distanced as well so the circle got even smaller.. Which is fine, Having a small circle has always been something I am okay with; I actually much prefer it. As the months goes by, I then met the most important in my life today, She is someone who I cherish dearly and adore.. She’s mentally has helped been there for me and somehow manage the save the kid inside me, the joy self I use to once be when I was a kid.. Before I would be very uptight and always serious taking everything to heart and never wanted to be around fun and just as some might say a cranky son of a gun.. Well not today.. I can be the silly me when I was a kid and boy does it feel great to just be yourself and loved for just you and who you are.. The people that has come and left my life in the past were not able to come close to what you have given me.. and I cant thank you enough for just being you.. I stare deeply into your eyes and love you more and more as I stare into those brown eyes of yours.. Let me just pause there cause I could go on and on about what happens when I look into those eyes.
Where were we? Oh yes, My small circle at the time, Soon after spending more time w/ you, I reached out to my small circle I had to see them and hangout w/ them and nothing gets planned.. So then you hit me w/ a plan then we do it! Yes! Then weeks goes by and the small circle didn’t even feel like it was even a circle anymore for me but of course social media now a days you can see what people post/are up to lately and the circle was still a circle.. I just happen to not be part of that circle anymore.. It hurts.. Feeling like you are not part of a circle anymore does some damage on you.. and of course as work goes, The job I was promoted to I was super stoked on so the thought of not being part of the small circle did not effect me as much since I have kept my mind busy.. With the new position comes new problems and stress, on top of all that comes the stress and the verbal/mental abuse.. which yes I do have thick skin but my gawd, It does take a chunk out of you.. On a side note; Few months goes by and we finally move into a nice little apartment together which has been amazing, Bringing in the new year of 2021 w/ you and ready to take on those challenges w/ you..
Ps. Going on the 3rd month of the year and little problems has risen.. Why do I feel as I have created problems for you.. I do not mean to create problems for you, I just want you to be comfortable and happy, I was always told or taught as a kid, The more laughter you bring into a group of people, the loosen they get and they too will laugh and have a great time, So I tried that.. But it seems to backfire once in awhile.. It feels as sometimes I cant even talk or say things and just things comes out.. maybe its true.. maybe I cant say things and they mean well, maybe I have to explain myself.. What do you guys think?.. Wait.. LOL nobody reads my blogs so this is literally me and my thoughts.. If you have made it this far .. Thank you for being a good listener/reader and read my problems and this little update on my life.. I hope you have a great rest of your day, Member to tell those you love that you love them because today is a gift, tmrw is not a promise..
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Happy Saturday. Hope you have a good day. #saturday #saturdaymorningthoughts #livewell #slay #thoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/BmV1PHKhjDJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ift2rs7id6jf
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Saturday Morning Sunrays | #BetterThanChocolate . . #saturdaymorning #saturdaymorningkisses #Saturdaymornings #saturdaymorningvibes #saturdaymorningrun #SaturdayMorningActivity #saturdaymorningfun #saturdaymorningtunes #saturdaymorningwakeup #saturdaymorningstepup #saturdaymorningride #saturdaymorningroutine #SaturdayMorningSelfie #saturdaymorningsession #saturdaymorningsuccess #saturdaymorningthoughts #saturdaymorningbreakfast #saturdaymorningwalk #saturdaymorningmarket #saturdaymorningbelike #kisses #kissess #kissesandhugs #kissesforyou #kissesc #kissesandlove | @FreePowerLikes (at Pétionville)
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#YesIWroteThis #YoureWelcome #SaturdayMorningThoughts #ItsABeautifulDayInTheNayBorsHood #UnseenDC
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Being busy is better than being bored. Bored left a long time ago. Busy is always around for me. #TabithaRobin #better #bored #busy #life #saturdaymorningthoughts
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It’s a false representation of growth if you keep your insecurities along for the ride
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The best place to keep a secret is on the record. #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayMorningThoughts #SaturdayMotivation GMW!!! Communication Tools & Tips For Couples...
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A tweet
If Russia wants to get away with assassinating people on UK soil, why not just use guns? Why do they always use chemical weapons from the cold war, I mean if they really wanted to get away with it? #SaturdayMorningThoughts
— Chris Baughman (@cmbaughman) March 17, 2018
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