#satoru’s selflessness is selfish in a sense
Considering the analysis you made about Satoru and Suguru's selfishness, do you think that in a scenario where both are interested in the same person, Satoru would step aside because he would feel that Suguru could make you happier than him?
this might be a hot take i’m not sure…. but i do very much think that any ‘competitions of love’ between satoru and suguru would end with satoru respectfully yielding. like. let’s say they’re in high school and bickering over their shared crush — they’re gonna try to woo you, gonna try to show each other up, but i think that the moment their feelings for you become a little more “real” satoru will be the one taking a step back. partially because it scares him a little, mostly because he’d prefer to see you and suguru happy than just being happy with you alone .
this is a little snippet from an ohshc va interview lmao but i think it fits the bill so i’m leaving it here…
“i think kyoya is very much in love with tamaki and with haruhi. he’s very much in love with the both of them. and i think it matures to a point where he would much prefer to see the both of them together than him with either one. because they make more sense together than he makes with anybody else.”
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
im so sorry for screaming, it's just too good. Oh my i love you
Satoru, our truly selfless and kind to a fault God. Goodness, he's too 😔😔😔😔 i wanna give him the biggest hug, he's precious he deserves everything
Your ask got through! I blushed and giggled the first time and the second time you sent this TYYYY
ughhhhh satoru being so selfless and giving isnt talked about ENOUGH. the fact that he chooses his students, the future, over his one and only i could write paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs about how much he loves and cares. Greeny had to give him permission to be selfish and to hurt. After being isolated from his friends, taking mission after mission, after the one who he saw as his closest companion say everything was fixed and there was no reason to keep coming back and see him anymore, could anyone even blame him for intentionally causing pain? Greeny certainly couldn't. (this is why its tagged unhealthy relationships but we allow that cuz we love gojo)
for the record infinite rewind would curb stomp SEM if they ever fought. it wouldn't even be a competition. its the superior fic:)
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fushiglow · 1 year
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Who the hell is Gojō Satoru?
Some thoughts on his character in 236
Seeing everyone arguing about Gojō’s characterisation in 236 over the last week makes me realise just how good the chapter is, no matter how dissatisfied I am with Gojō's death.
When you're upset about something, it's hard to judge accurately whether something is 'bad' or whether you simply don't like it — and they are different things. Interestingly, 236 presented me with a conflict I've never experienced when following a story before. I'm really disappointed with the way Gege Akutami chose to end Gojō's story, but I think 236 will go down as one of the most beautiful chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen. In that sense, my feelings about the chapter after a week of sitting with it aren't too unrecognisable from my initial feelings — just with all of the big emotions that were colouring my judgment stripped away.
I think there *is* value in immediate reactions, and I think much of the initial outrage about the chapter was simply people grieving what was an intentionally shocking end to a beloved character. I hate that people tried to police social media reactions to the chapter, because I think everyone should be allowed to process their feelings in their own online space (as long as they don't bring harm to others, of course).
Aside from the outpouring of emotion, there have been countless arguments about 'who' Gojō was as a person in the end, and that doesn't sit right with me either. I think many artists would be disappointed to hear fans of their work insist that there is one 'proper' interpretation — because the value of sharing your art with the world is in how different people receive it based on their own experiences.
To me, that's Gojō Satoru as a character.
I know lots of people have already shared some variation of the post below (and everyone has moved on to 237 now anyway) but this was sitting in my drafts so I thought I may as well hit post before 237 is officially released!
In my analysis of Gojō's character after 235, I talked about how Gege Akutami keeps Gojō at a distance from both the readers and the characters around him, making it deliberately difficult to know who he is as a person. Despite that, everyone in-universe and out has something to say about Gojō's character, but we've never really known how Gojō views himself until this chapter.
For maybe the first time in Jujutsu Kaisen, we get to deep dive into Gojō's interior world and hear his innermost thoughts when he's at his lowest and most vulnerable. As a result, something fascinating happened across the fandom.
Even when Gojō literally tells Getō that the 'wretchedness of isolation' is something he shares with Sukuna, that he gave everything he had so that Sukuna might understand him and be understood in turn, and that he knows not everyone will get it, some people called Gojō 'out of character' in 236.
And isn't that just so damn meta?!
Akutami loves challenging readers' assumptions through his characters, so while the chapter is shocking, it isn't really surprising. I'd even go as far as suggesting that the journey of emotions the reader experiences while reading 236 is the exact same journey Gojō is going on in-story.
The thing is, I've seen tons of people arguing about whether Gojō was selfless or selfish, whether he fought for the love of his students or for the love of the fight, whether he took strong young sorcerers under his wing from a place of care or simply as a means to an ends — but I think the point is that it's always been all of those things at once.
Because he's human, and humans contain multitudes.
I think we were meant to have our view of Gojō shaken by 236 — the same way Gojō's view of himself is challenged in this chapter. However, just because we can find some truth in Nanami's criticism of Gojō, doesn't mean that his interpretation of Gojō's character is the correct one — especially when it's entirely possible that what happens in the airport isn't even real.
Getō listens with empathy as Gojō confesses his self-doubt and regrets, the solitude of his strength, and the dehumanisation he experienced as the 'Strongest'. He even expresses jealousy when Gojō admits he had fun fighting someone strong enough to understand him. Then, only two pages after Gojō says, 'You can cherish a flower and help it bloom, but you don't ask it to understand you', Nanami appears and calls him a pervert for his approach to sorcery.
It's actually really funny.
Importantly, Nanami isn't exactly wrong for saying the enjoyment Gojō gets from fighting is a little disturbing (and, to be clear, I *adore* this about him) — it's just not the whole picture of Gojō Satoru.
Akutami actually gives us some lovely imagery to visually represent the gulf between those who understand the solitude of strength and those who don't — Gojō and Getō sit on one side of the bench while Nanami and Haibara sit on the other, with each duo facing in opposite directions.
I don't think Akutami is implying that either side is wrong or right — it's just two different perspectives. Nevertheless, Gojō is pictured side by side with someone who understands him, and back to back with someone who doesn't understand him but who cares for him all the same.
Recognising this, he pivots to asking Nanami about something they can both relate to and receives an important lesson in return. What Nanami means and what Gojō takes from it is deliberately ambiguous, like everything that's discussed inside the airport:
Could Sukuna have won without the Ten Shadows?
Who does the 'flower' represent: Gojō, the people around him, or both?
Did Gojō reach Sukuna like he hoped?
Why exactly is Getō jealous?
Does Gojō feel satisfied?
Is Nanami's assessment of Gojō's character correct?
What is the relevance of north and south?
Which direction did Gojō choose?
Is it all in Gojō's imagination or is it real?
Whether we'll receive answers to those questions remains to be seen, but I highly suspect that most of them don't even have a definitive answer.
Once again, it's just a matter of perspective, and I think that's Gojō's character in a nutshell. Whichever side of the bench you're sitting on, whatever you see in Gojō says more about you than it does about him — and that's exactly why it's so fascinating to see the fandom erupt into arguments about who's interpreting the character correctly.
I can honestly say I think the chapter is really beautiful even though I hate what happened to Gojō, and that's an entirely new experience for me. For that alone, Akutami has my praise. Whatever happens in the rest of the story will determine whether 236 becomes my favourite chapter in the whole of Jujutsu Kaisen — isn't that bizarre?
By the way, I found a really thoughtful post about some of the word choices in 236. The poster shared some really interesting insights across a series of posts and they convey the tone of the chapter really well. Well worth checking out!
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cursedvibes · 4 months
I like the tragedy of Gojo “always being seen and used as a weapon by jujutsu society” Satoru not even finding peace in death and still being used as a weapon as if he’s some flesh mecha but that is literally the only good crumb I could muster from this chapter (and some kinda solid Gojo characterization in his talk with his students).
The constant sidelining of Yuuji is not making me excited, it’s making me annoyed. Yuuta and Sukuna didn’t need a revenge battle- the only thing connecting them is the motif of love and Yuuta already got his shit rocked in like 3 chapters 😭. Leave Gojo’s poor corpse alone.
Yeah, him seeing himself as a weapon fits with his The Strongest mindset. So I'm not that surprised he's fine with it, but you'd expect the others to have a little more sense. Kusakabe seems to have been the only one who had a strong moral opposition to this and I imagine Yuuji would have too, but he wasn't asked. The thing with Yuuta giving up his humanity to become stronger was set up, but him refusing to do that was the only thing that set him apart and spoke for him as a character. Now he just buys into the Strongest ideology like everyone else. Well, guess he can die like them too then. He's the only Special Grade alive anyway (being new gen I thought Gege might want to keep him alive, but with that mindset I doubt it). But then he's like mememe nobody can help except for me, so I have no choice but to take over Gojo's body.
Yuuji and Todo were handling Sukuna just fine. We got a confirmation last chapter that everyone except Choso made it out of the Furnace blast. Maki could've helped with Soul Blade for immediate back-up. If things are so dire that Yuuta has to resort to this, then that should've been shown. Although him being selfless in a selfish way is consistent I guess. But the timing of it was still wrong. I thought whatever that apparition ended up being could be a distraction, so Yuuji could contact Megumi, rip out Sukuna's heart, further tear at his soul, literally anything useful. But nope, he gets shoved aside, so we can get Sukuna vs Gojo 2.0. Thank God, that's exactly what I was missing right now...another character who has no connection with Sukuna throwing himself at him to die. Just drag this out even further why don't we? Maybe Yuuji and Todo will help this time, so it's not as much of an idle standby as last time, but it's still...why?
Also, we just established that gaining new techniques takes skill. You'd especially expect that to apply to six eyes and Limitless. Yuuta would see the world completely different. Even Gojo had a learning curve and took at least 20 years to get to the level he's on now. But Yuuta has been in that body for a minute and can already use Unlimited Void. What a fucking genius. Nobody does it like him. Why not leave the rest to him as well? Strength is all that matters right?
Also, while the humanity stuff and Yuuta being Gojo's successor was foreshadowed, he still has zero(0) connection to either Kenjaku or Sukuna. Sukuna even less than Kenjaku. With Kenjaku you kind of have the justification that he wanted to put Geto's body to rest (for Gojo), but that's it and that doesn't justify him having that level of involvement. With Sukuna it's literally just: he's a bad guy and needs to be defeated. And I guess Yuuta buys now into his mindset as well. But that is consistent you could say because he never had much of a thematic connection with Geto either aside from "please don't kill my friends because I put all my self-worth on them".
Sorry for the rant 😅 just had to get it all out of my system
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neonscandal · 8 months
I saw a video these days about jujutsu and I saw something that I never realized that Megumi is not a good person because he is willing to do anything for his sister, which makes him selfish and that he only saves those who he "deems" to be a good person and who qualify as a good person for him. his morality is very black and white just like geto. There's a line from him that is very realistic, especially today in the manga, that sorcerers are not heroes, an example saturo gojo.
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Just Megumi dodging these harsh allegations.
You mean Megumi Fushiguro, son of Toji Fushiguro Satoru Gojo?? Character alignment wise, I oscillate between considering Megumi a True Neutral or more of a Lawful Neutral where "Lawful" is being applied generously.
Megumi is incredibly principled. The baseline for his evaluation of a person is distilled down to an observation that "I won't kill you so, in return, you shouldn't kill me." In a lookback at his days before Jujutsu High, we see that he is more than comfortable beating the brakes off of people who violate this basic tenet, even if they don't infringe upon it with him directly. Despite the rule as he lectures the delinquents, his application of it is very in line with Geto's ideology that the strong should protect the weak and keep the strong in check.
Geto considered all non-sorcerers to be weak against curses thus it was sorcerers' responsibilities to mind the herd. Megumi is a bit more discerning which is a reflection of his strength and perceived weakness compared to his peers. It also factors the flaws and inherent ability to be evil into his consideration. What set Geto astray was the fact that, as the strongest, he couldn't fathom the weak to be a threat. Based on Megumi's actions, those that deserve protection, like Tsumiki and Yuji, are those who are selfless and act on others' behalfs even to their own detriment. So, doing anything for Tsumiki, not even his blood relative, is a reflection of her purity of character. He's not one to cause harm to innocent people but does consider past harm as damnable offenses (like the truck driver who struck a kid in the juvenile detention center... who may or may not have been the driver who killed Rika Orimoto).
I think the big difference here is the fact that... Geto was a part of "The Strongest". Megumi is not. While he was great against non-powered up delinquents, people within jujutsu society remark that he's not good at hand to hand combat. Further, at this point in the anime, we now see that Megumi, at any indication that a fight was going poorly, either had a death wish or didn't see a way out that didn't involve summoning Mahoraga... even against Todo. EVEN AGAINST HARUTA. One could argue his morality is less to do with the idea of omnipotence as was the case with Geto and more to do with the fact that... he's not out here trying to die for someone who will later cause more harm to the world than he can cause good.
It's true, Megumi is aware that sorcerers are not heroes. In fact, he probably thinks those who are foolhardy and believing that they're helping people are especially laughable. Consider the fact that Megumi Fushiguro is a person who was bought and sold... twice... by sorcerers. He's got no choice in the matter as to the path he's on but he's got a tempered sense of reality that is informed by the fact that sorcerers die all the time, students and adults alike. He's just trying to make it out alive and with as much autonomy as he can and that informs an illusion of choice as to who is worth potentially dying for.
While his ideals definitely seem like they could lead him down a similar path to Geto, I think his motivation informed by a sense of self-preservation that he's willing to forego on principle differs greatly from Geto's perception that no harm would ever come to him at all. Geto experienced a foundational upset that altered his brain chemistry but Megumi is aware of his own weakness all the while and will still choose to fight. Please also remember the whole reason he even agreed to go with Gojo in the first place was to make sure Tsumiki wouldn't have a shitty life. He blindly chose a life fraught with peril so she wouldn't suffer at the hands of the Zenin. He, a child, essentially agreed to indentured servitude to protect her because, alone, he could not fend for her.
RE: Gojo as a hero... I am not so foolish as to say he is, but I am not uninformed to say he isn't either. He is simply flawed. Both in essence as a character and in the execution of his ideals. But consider the fact that, as The Strongest:
Gojo doesn't have to bend to the will of the elders that he disagrees with, he could simply kill them.
Gojo doesn't have to take missions just as Yuki Tsukumo refuses, he could let others continue to die in vain.
Gojo doesn't have to stick his neck out for Megumi, Yuta or Yuji, what matter are they to him when he has godlike strength?
None of the above would make him a villain to simply.. not participate in the rigamarole of jujutsu society because, with his strength, it's not like anyone could force him to. Doing the above also doesn't make him a hero; however, knowing that he could just go off and do whatever but he chooses the path of great resistance to cultivate abilities in others so as to better prepare them to be sorcerers and, as much as he can, protect them from the burden of their responsibilities. He's earnestly trying to improve facets of jujutsu society that he doesn't necessarily have to suffer because it's the right thing to do and it benefits kids who come up after him. In comparison to what he could be doing, he's trying to make a difference so the world doesn't lose another person like Geto to the reality of what it means to be a sorcerer.
In a broader sense, Gojo also meets the literal requirements of a hero as a literary device as he is a legendary figure seemingly born of divine descent and endowed with great strength and ability. This is just offset by him being canonically grating to like... everyone around him but Geto and just, generally, a silly, goofy lil guy 🤪✨
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ecargmura · 6 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 6 - Arguing With A Dog
Precure is no stranger to “argument” plot lines, whether it be between the MC and their partner or two members of the group. I’ve watched Hirogaru Sky (which I love) and the conflict between Sora and Mashiro was around Episode 5. Delicious Party’s conflict was mainly between Kokone and Ran and that was in Episode 9. Wonderful Precure’s conflict episode revolves around Iroha and Komugi and it’s quite an interesting take as Iroha is literally arguing with her dog.
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Komugi’s upset because she can’t use the Friendly Wand and that her special leash is now gone because it became the wand. Iroha is a bit nonchalant about the situation. She’s like “Well, it can’t be helped,” and Komugi hates that. However, both sides aren’t wrong but they aren’t right either. I think it makes sense that Komugi can’t use the wand because she’s technically doing things out of selfishness while Iroha genuinely wants to help animals, hence selflessness. Komugi is selfish because she only wants to do things when it regards Iroha. She became a Precure because she wants to protect Iroha, but because she is a dog with attachment issues, it’s ultimately seen as immature and selfishness. I’m not criticizing Komugi’s actions precisely because she is a dog; animals aren’t really selfish or selfless in a sense—their behavior stems from survival instinct. Now that Komugi has become human, she has gained human qualities, which doesn’t really “improve” her right now as she has no idea what selfishness and selflessness are, most likely. She can talk. She can become a Precure. However, that doesn’t change the fact that she is still a dog. I do like that she’s written in a way that she doesn’t automatically become too human once she becomes a Precure and a human, but she still retains her dog-like intelligence.
Iroha isn’t right or wrong in this situation either. Sure, her nonchalance towards the situation can be seen as an issue. However, Iroha is a human girl who loves animals and wants to understand them. However, that doesn’t mean she’ll always understand them. She may understand Choco’s fears of going to the vet, but that doesn’t mean she’ll understand Komugi’s situation; in fact, she’s viewing Komugi’s tantrums from a human to dog perspective. She’s a teenager, so she understands that things can be replaced. She has the awareness that Komugi lacks, but she doesn’t know that. I just hope that after their conflict gets resolved that Iroha gains some awareness about others; I think that’s what she lacks as a character. She doesn’t pay attention or listen to Mey Mey often and has to rely on Satoru for animal knowledge.
Other than the conflict between our main duo, Mayu gets some insight as she is revealed to have a dad who is a wildlife researcher. She seems to love him a lot as she was happy to have a video call with him. He seems understanding of his daughter as he understands that she has a hard time making friends but doesn’t say things like “Well, I hope you make friends” but says things like “You can stay as you are right now.” I have to say, Mayu’s parents are lookers. Her mom’s beautiful and her dad’s handsome. Though, this portion of the episode was mainly foreshadowing that the GaruGaru would be a lion. She’s also witnessing the change in behavior from animals when a GaruGaru emerges from the egg.
Satoru is really good support. He’s there to help Wonderful and Friendy understand that the former’s fears of the GaruGaru lion stems from animal instinct as lions are king of beasts and that smaller animals fear their presence out of instinct. I also really like how he puts Daifuku first. For example, it’s the first time Satoru takes Daifuku to where the GaruGaru is; before going to the scene, he was wondering what to do with him. He knew that Daifuku could get hurt if he brought him along, but he wasn’t too sure if he should leave him with the Inukais, but when Daifuku thumps as a sign that he wants to go, he takes him along. Their mutual understanding is a bit different from what Iroha and Komugi are going through, but it does make me wonder if this dynamic will be retained if Daifuku becomes a Precure.
I do like how the Kirarin Animals give the Precures different functions. Last episode, the rabbit gave Friendy rabbit eared headphones with hypersensitive hearing. This episode, the penguin gives her webbed feet that’s capable of sliding around like ice skating and boosting her speed. Since the lion has a gem, it means it is a Kirarin animal. I do wonder what powers it will give the Precures once its purified.
What do you think about the conflict? Are you on Komugi’s side? Iroha’s? Neither? Both? What do you think will happen next episode?
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vivacissimx · 2 years
Hi !whats your thoughts on suguru and satosugu ):
the ): at the end of this ask made me laff
Suguru is one of my favorite characters in JJK & one of the most emotionally complex ones to parse when you get past the obvious. It's so binary on it's face, Suguru being an outsider who comes into the insulated jujutsu society with a supercharged cursed technique, the only person to ever be on par with Satoru whose very birth was like a cataclysmic event, but oh no, he gets corrupted. His morals are so strong that they're inflexible—which of course turns out to be a massive problem—but also they're rooted in a really naïve, selfish place. Suguru's desire to protect normal people (seeing as he's "strong" and they're "weak") collapses in the face of his friends dying & Toji's assassination because his moral position was too rigid to give him space to grieve, to empathize. If the strong exist to protect the weak, and the strong die in that cause, then it was an honorable and justified death. However, his personal feelings of loss clash with that view & the curses that are killing his friends aren't even their fault—it's normal humans who (unknowingly) create them.
So Geto transitions into wanting to protect only those he chooses to care for instead. I think to a point he was able to accept that humans create curses, but when he saw baby MimiNana locked up by humans for having cursed techniques it just broke him, perhaps knowing then that there was no way to ever eradicate curses fully & stop the dying, that jujutsu sorcerers are actually the most vulnerable ones, being both on the frontlines of fighting curses & massively outnumbered. It's a lot of ego involved with Suguru's worldview, a lot of philosophical bullshit, but at his core he's probably much more selfishly motivated than he can comfortably admit to himself.
It's also so interesting how much Suguru hated his own cursed technique. Obviously the MC is Yuji, whose cursed technique is more like 'has Sukuna' which he can't truly utilize, but he adjusts to that much more successfully that Suguru does housing curses. He always goes for hand to hand combat as a first resort and with Kenjaku we see that there's a lot about his cursed technique that Suguru never even knew, probably due to his resentment of it. I think he was in desperate need of guidance during his school years and instead the school only cared about churning out soldiers. Thus we have a Suguru who never aged out of his very black-and-white thinking, just twisted himself into a knot around his beliefs / versus Satoru whose position was always more like 'I'm just doing this because I'm doing this, I'm not gonna take any huge moral responsibility onto myself just for being born' and he matures thanks to that breathing space. There's a selflessness in his carelessness.
Satosugu is delicious of course because it's impossible, Satoru's existence makes sense but Suguru's is more like a wild card the universe threw out. And Satoru's love for Suguru is the most human thing about him! He keeps looking for another equal in his students, but Geto is the only one who ever was (was, until he wasn't anymore). Whereas Suguru is going through life pretty much aware that Satoru is going to kill him one day according to the jujutsu society's laws, but he hasn't yet, and maybe he won't. It's called trust. Suguru is the one who goes back, who forces Satoru's hand.
At the end, they don't really need words but they share them anyway cause why not? It was a stolen luxury for love's sake. I think part of Suguru wanted to be punished. I also think Satoru thought of Suguru as belonging to him (his best friend, his equal, his to kill), and that we keep coming back to this singular selfishness for a reason.
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saintobio · 3 years
Just read chap 11. Saint you've got some mad skills. The way you worded and paced this chapter... Giving details for every small thing, kept us in the loop, I am surprised to manage to fit it in 10K words. Applauds must not stop for this
Also, I don't know about others but seeing Gojou struggle and desperate for yn's affection and warmth gave me a sense of justice(?) Like he is finally reaping what he sowed and I know it affects yn but life's not fairytales and unicorns. I wish yn's circumstances were different but it makes me happy and proud that our female lead is putting herself first at every point. I love the mental debate in her head everytime she faces Satoru even though it can be fucking exhausting. I tend to prefer a more rational and level headed protagonist, like Navier (OUH THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY NOW) so I'm crying proud tears for our selfless but (now) slightly selfish yn.
Also, a sneak peak into Toji's POV made me realise that it is best they share an only platonic relationship. The advice of getting under another man to forget one doesn't really help here and yn needs to live a hermit life to balance out all this chaos in her life. I do wish if you could have a spin off drabble where Toji and yn ends together but only if you're comfortable. I'm a Toji simp since Sn so I can't accept the chemistry between Toji and yn go unexplored.
ALSO NAOYA SAYING HE IS READY TO DO THE DIRTY WORK?!?! I don't know if I can handle more plot twists. Our GojouxYN ship never had a smooth sail and it seems like it has to end up sinking. 4 chaps to go and we have so much turbulence left to brace for. I don't know if I love or hate that fact.
Jk, I fucking live for this high life. I am so glad I found your account. Someday I will pluck the courage to read Wastelands (I cannot digest zombies and apocalyptic au) but know that you will always have me as an avid reader and fan of your work. Love you loads ❤️ P.s. sorry for this long ask.
Anonymous said
Naoya— I had some suspiscions when I looked at the theories about the plot twist. I knew the Naoya X Stepmom idea would really make me say "Wtf!?". Hah I must admit I forgot about Mei's love for money for a bit there hahah
Welp now I can tell why you couldn't express your agreement on my previous ask about Gojo's dad 😅 He does give off that selfish vibe that even if he adores his side pieces he'll only favor those of his own blood, although discreetly/twisted.
I'm honestly nervous that the two (Toji x Y/N) are starting to think about each other, although their thoughts are still on the platonic side, I can't help but feel that Gojo's chances of getting Y/N back is already at the critical level of 10%.
I know he's sincere with everything now but I can't blame Y/N for not believing his actions at all. Heck I would've started not believing every affection he's shown the moment he declared that I will never be in his heart 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully he'll get through the "veil" she has started to build around her to keep him away 👀
Ohohoh it's evident that she isn't pregnant ( I eat lies for breakfast JK 🤣) but in case she is when Ieiri checked it's probably someone else's, maybe Naoya has something to do with it. He did say he wanted to meet her and to leave the dirty work to him. He seems like he's gonna help Toji get Y/N 🤔 Like she's gon be beneficial for their group, too, yk. But oh well, too late, Y/N saw the scenes at the hospital already and has assumed the worst, oh man, and to think he's been annoyingly sweet throughout this chapter 😅
Also, I wanna trust Ieiri honestly but if she ever reveals that misstres is indeed preggo I have a feeling she's threatened by the fact that mistress might potentially harm Y/N knowing her heart condition but again I hope she's a wise and strong as I see her.
I'm honestly glad like 🥲🤧 that he said those things to Sera, that's a HUGE step hun. But now I feel bad because there's a lot of misunderstandings in their relationship then add to the mix that the mistress lied to baby trap Gojo and Y/N seeing all that and running away without confirming anything 😢
@bakugousmrs said
Okayyy I was luckyy the ask box is still open!! Okay first, does Naoya really like the bitchest of the bitch or he just enjoy her 'evilnesss' or he has an older woman kink idk what's its called, maybe he's messing with the Gojous and now he's planning on meeting Sera? And on the last part I think Sera would make a huge mistake by getting other man to impregnate her to keep Gojou with her, I just hope it's not Naoya oh goshh,🤦‍♀️ I can't express my anger! And Toji!! He knows the scandal oh myyy! This whole chap had me confused and dazzin'. And I just HOPE!! Y/n is in a better shape despite this whole chap eveen tho its hopeless!! Save my babyy Miss Ai!!!
Anyway This is another Chapter!! That gives me motivation to look forward every week!! The reason I want to livee augh!! I'm addicted!!
And Gojou you better fix this or else 🙂🔪🍆= 🍠
Anonymous said
okay this has nothing to do with this chapter (an amazing chapter as always tho!! holy shit your writing 😩😩 the emotions THE PLOT TWIST AJDJDJ IM-)
but ever since you mentioned that getou owns a lot of nightclubs i’ve been thinking: imagine all the shady business he could be getting up to. and the even more i think about it, suguru really does seems like he could be such a shady person under his cool facade. not that he’s a bad guy or anything but he could definitely be up to some illegal stuff without anyone knowing or suspecting a thing. i imagine that he owns some pretty high end popular clubs in the city and makes deals with gangs and crime syndicates to let them use it as a negotiation point or hang out space in exchange for information on certain people and the plans or movements of other business and upperclassman that he’ll need to be wary of (getou 🤝 naoya and their gossip king skills) i also imagine that this is where sukuna fits in; hes an important member of a pretty big crime organization—the underboss and he’s become somewhat of a friend / partner of suguru (ayo spin off writers 👀) they met because sukuna is trying to secretly overthrow the current head of the crime organization hes apart of and form his own gang. he comes to the nightclubs pretending as if he’s just observing rivals to get anything off of them to report back to his boss but in reality he’s trying to recruit and get other members to defect. suguru could have seen it from the start what sukuna’s true intentions were and made a deal with him, telling him that he won’t out his secret and will help him too with funds and information of his own if he’d take on a job to ‘take care of’ a new nightclub owner rival of his, one that was rapidly growing and becoming more successful than him—normally this wouldn’t be something that getou would particularly make a big fuss over but if you throw in a fiancé!y/n into the mix and a threat against her life because his rival is a ‘too cocky arrogant fuck that sends him anonymous threats even though suguru knows it’s from him’ as well as the fact that y/n’s mother—the ceo of a popular magazine company is having an affair with her husband’s rival who happens to be the head of sukuna’s crime syndicate—the very one he’s trying to kill, posing as a businessman to hide his true occupation. suguru promises that he can get y/n to get as much dirt and secrets as she can for him if he can do the job. (bonus is that sukuna ends up having a soft spot for y/n and develops feelings but it’s unrequited because she’s in love and is ready to marry suguru.)
Anonymous said
at first it was very easy to defend sera, because i UNDERSTOOD where she was coming from and why she was upset. i was able to put myself in her shoes cus ik damn well i’d be more upset, but that was in the beginning.
once it got to the later chapters it was so clear that she doesn’t even love gojo, and only the idea of him. i mean disregarding his trauma and not letting him open up because she’s selfish and thinks only her problems matter. wtf. like that’s when i could no longer defend her and realized her reasoning was fucking pathetic.
as for gojo, it’s nice to see that technically he didn’t choose sera first in that last chapter but rather chose the mc first by wanting to end things with sera, but gojo needs to speak tf up so he can clear shit. #proudgojoapologist JK LOL, i like seeing him suffer even if it’s nothing compared to what yn is suffering. i just think he’s a terrible communicator but do i blame him? no, i mean look at how he was raised.
as for yn, maneeeee! i think by putting up those walls between her and gojo she’s hurting herself way more. yet, it makes sense why she’s doing it but it’s obvious she still cares for him and she needs to put down these boundaries and let him know how much he hurt her. i really hope things get better for my home girl cus shit.
living off those toji crumbs fr, yn buying him a gift <33 i fr love their friendship ;)
anyways this chapter was amazing made my friday >>, as always take care of urself :o)
@selenelle said
The conclusion of this capter is that Hoela issa good fuck. (For science purpose the qn is what kind of rigorous practice did she went through prior to the marriage that she got Naoya slept with her...) (((Also young stepson look at your mum she's embarassing))))))))
Anw I had the same exact thought about Naoya's description of her being "not passionate about her old work" just right before you narrated it. I'm proud of my BSc in Management my education didn't fail me. If I were her I'd just secretly plot with someone from the legal team and change the death will and you know... work around that area (however you want to interpet this). Or plot with other major shareholders. Or if all of the shares belong to the family (which usually isn't the case bcs the financial risk is too high) I'll push the company for IPO instead and well... plot.
This is why we don't marry people just because of their looks *sigh* bright mind can take your empire far but sexy body won't (it was an advice given by my prof to the male students when we talked about Korea chaebol and Japan zaibatsu keiretsu).
Also it can't be just me... does Naoya ship Toji with y/n?!?!? Idk what other dirty work they're planning to do but Naoya sire I know you'd do it in a heartbeat but like I wanna request it just to emphasize it once again: make sure four of them suffer. You're a sexy smart man you know who are the additional two 🙈
Me thinks it's no longer Sera x Satoru = Stupid2. Now it's Stupid4.
Anw Saint once again good job with the new chapter!!! I enjoyed it my jaw literally dropped and I enjoyed the previous chapters as well the plot building was *beat drop*. (You see the rhyme heheh)
Have a good week ahead and stay healthy!!
Anonymous said
WHY WOULD THAT BITCH BLAME MC FOR THE REASON GOJO CAN'T BE WITH HER AND THE BABY??? LIKE GURL, SHE EVEN SAID/THINKING OF MAKING MC PAY??? the audacity of this homewrecker is above from what the highest number could be. Actually I've been reading SN skippingly because I am just waiting for it to end so that it would be one hell ride of emotions but I can't help myself because of Sera and also because of the asks I've been reading ; A ;
Anyways, quick analysis with what the current situation. Ughhh how do I explain it? (I'm running out of words, english is my 2nd language) Sera is confirmed to be pregnant, which is expected because Satoru intended to that so- but ugh, my symphaty goes to the child. Imagine being used as a trump card by your mother just to get out of what her current life situation is. I just can't see Sera as a loving mom or what, she's just kinda off to me and also makes me shiver imagining her like that with a child.
Toji, ah yes king, you are one heck of a rare man bb. And for Naoya, you cunning bitch I'm rooting for you to ruin their lives.
Anyways, I'll be waiting for SN to end (which is near, right? ) damn these asks I've been spoiled but hey other's theories of SN were fun to read. You are such an amazing author, you really wrote every character meticulously even tho I can throw my hands to Satorou and Sera ( THEY ARE EVEN BOTH AN S, WHAT A LUCK)
Anonymous said
omg am i the only one who hates mei mei? i hate canon mei mei and i hate her in here too pls. i know a lot of ppl want gojo and sera to get exposed but i dont think people understand how it could affect yn also.. everyone is always frustrated telling yn that she needs to leave her marriage and just divorce gojo but it’d be incredibly embarrassing on her part as well like having your marriage fail after less than a year? and all bc of a mistress whose worth isnt even half of yours? its basically a lose lose situation unless gojo gets his act together.
and SERA FUCKING SERA. i hate that bitch with a passion. i knew gojo was finally going to break up with her and that she was going to babytrap him. from the way u said she was panicked, she’s obviously not pregnant and was just finding excuses. and not her calling yn ‘ugly’ like BITCH u want my wealth, status, husband, and sense of fashion like cmon now ur a FAN pls
i loved satoru this chapter and my heart has been aching for him recently. i literally dont wanna hear any more gojo slander bc he literally tried to break up with sera and they would have if sera was normal! yeah he fucked up but theres nothing we can do abt it anymore. i genuinely applaud gojo for realizing his mistakes and trying to fix it by ending it with sera. i really like how gojo is desperately trying to win yn back and i wish yn would just give in bc i really miss them and i want them to be happy together but the timing of everything is just not going well for yn and gojo :(
amazing chapter as always. loved to see that toji basically thinks of yn 24/7, it gave me butterflies. team gojo still though. really hoping sera isn’t pregnant so gojo can just leave her behind already, but from the way u said shes gonna start dressing like yn im thinking shes still gonna be w gojo :(
Anonymous said
first off, what the fuck naoya????? i am still reeling from that revelation. i was still slightly sleepy while reading the chapter but shit, that part woke me tf up. i’m shocked but not surprised 🥴 def in character for the stepmom to do that. i love tho how naoya pretty much confirmed that gojo’s dad would still prefer to hand the company over to someone of his own bloodline, wc means that that snake’s plans still won’t work either way. on another note, i don’t like the way naoya left toji’s office… man’s planning smth and i’m scared.
so, we’re gonna be having another gala event. i wonder what will happen there 🤠 it was kinda sad seeing satoru and y/n’s dad talk to each other and refer to one another as dad and son bc we know satoru’s actually being genuine rn. and i’m sure satoru appreciates having a father figure like y/n’s dad, who seems to rlly care abt him. such a shame that that image will be completely shattered once they do find out abt how satoru treated y/n tho. like i know he had it coming, but i can’t help but feel sad either way
and finally, just when things seem to be getting smoother, ofc satoru, sera, and y/n just had to be in the same place at the same time 😩 i wonder tho if sera’s rlly pregnant. i feel like it could go two ways—either she rlly is pregnant and she will blackmail satoru with the baby, or she’s convinced she’s pregnant when she actually isn’t. her reaction in the bowling alley when satoru mentions that they have her checked up together makes me think she claimed to be late as a spur of the moment thing. or who knows, maybe she was bluffing at first but it turned out she was indeed pregnant 🥲
thanks sm for this wonderful chapter ai! i always look forward to sn fridays (or saturdays for me shsjsjsk) bc i find it such a great way to start the weekend. hope your weekend will be wonderful as well! 🤍
@x-avantgarde-x said
In regards to the Zenin. Naoya, my dude, what the actual fuck?!? Even if I cannot quite point out what my feelings about him are, much less what I think about his affair with Satoru’s stepmom 💀, I would gladly let him know that he doesn’t need to get out of his way to stop the companies from merging (at this point my poor Y/N has endured so much that I cannot phantom the idea of her at least! Not bringing up a divorce). And even if I doubt he has any intention of helping us (that good looking bastard), I was crackling when I read his and Toji’s last interaction.
And Toji, sweet Toji, what is there left to say about my man that we haven’t talked about already? I’m honestly so glad that Y/N has such a sincere and kind person by her side, someone who truly wishes for her happiness and is willing to help her get to it. Please, and as he talked about how if she had waited a little longer to get married to Satoru she would have infinite numbers of men asking for her I couldn’t help but think about if he would be one of them? Just love my man so much, I’d willingly give him as many babies has his dilf heart wishes for🥰💖
Anonymous said
I feel like people really get blinded by love, that they blame everyone aside from their lover, judge them, accuse them, and just despise them? In S*ra’s case , she’s very manipulative, toxic, blind, possessive??, immature, AND PATHETIC she can’t handle rejection? then I wonder how she would handle it if everything comes crashing down, and karma serves smh.
Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and lots of love🌸🌸🌸
Anonymous said
Sera is LYING through her teeth. You can absolutely tell from the reactions and the panic that settles when Gojo says he needs a test for proof. I’m just afraid of what she could have possibly done in the 6 days until she was “free”.
Also, the way I smirked at how juicy it was to find that Naoya and Gojo’s step mother are having an affair. So THATS why the two appeared one after the other during the auction. Oh Saint, you’re so spicy and so dramatic I love it.
Sometimes I try to read so deep bc I know you don’t write anything without reason that I’m creating scenarios out of absolutely nothing and other times, I miss some blatantly obvious hint you provided! Always keeping us on our toes!
I had a feeling Gojo chose to follow after Sera to come clean about his feelings. Now that the tables have turned, I am unfortunately very sympathetic for him. But only because I know his intentions are good but I can foresee things going even more downhill for him.
One thing I do trust is for reader to still continue the merger. I feel like something will happen. Like a glimmer of hope. Reader is only doing this bc she doesn’t believe Gojo is genuine. Because he’s broken her trust. They are on absolute different wavelengths and the timing is so poor. But if Gojo is ever able to shy away his pride for even a minute and finally bear his true feelings, I think reader would latch onto that hope.
So I guess even if I’m sympathetic, beat Gojo down. Cause more drama he can’t handle so he can finally bare his bones and be his true self to his wife.
Anonymous said
Chapter 11 was shocking… the tea was spilled. I have been thinking about this for a while, but Sera truly lacks self awareness on how big the consequences are if she stays with Gojo and could possible be pregnant. Like if she just stops thinking for one second about her relationship and focus on the bigger picture. The business relationship between the Gojo gorup and Creston would be strained and the chances of Satoru becoming CEO would be slim and/or Satori wont be CEO at all due to the affair,Satoru dad would probably make Satoru step down, the merger wont go through, Gojo group stocks would go down, media scandal=bad PR, and any business relationship with Creston and the Gojo group would not work due the to affair. Y/N family would be heartbroken and pissed because if they knew that Satoru was having an affair and that he was treating y/n like crap they would think that its their fault. They trusted Satoru; and y/n family would feel betrayed and guilty. Since Creston is the biggest financial group they have a lot of power. Eula thinking that there are other business that would deal with the Gojo group sound so ignorant, even Naoya knew this. Like Creston is the biggest financial group in all of Japan. The other “business” that Eula mentioned could have had business relations with Creston and if the affair or any scandal were to come out that involves the Gojo group, other business would be hesitant or not do any business deals with the Gojo family, due to their scandal and fear that Creston would not work with any businesses that have worked with the Gojo group , if the affair and possible pregnancy of sera comes to light. Y/N family would be pissed and devasted by the affair. and the scandal would put a bad reputation towards the Gojo group. Eula and Sera truly lacks self awareness on how big the consequences would be due to how narrow minded they are. Both eula and sera are only focusing on themselves and not care/lacks self awareness of their actions. I hope this make sense and sorry if this was too long😅😅
Anonymous said
SAINT!!! love the new pseudo Hmm…. May I ask what gojo was specifically looking for in y/n’s phone and when he did, what did he find? 👀 bc my girl y/n is clean, you cheater don’t be labeling her as something to your level. Also, has he recovered the missing pic of y/n or is it gone and lost forever 🥲
But… I do give him props for trying to break the relationship with sera and being honest with her about not only his feelings for y/n but his need for her. He never stated that he needed her for the company, he stated he just needed her to be sane. Question: are we still in gojo’s redemption arc has it ended….?
…… I don’t think sera is pregnant, based on her actions of hinderance. I’m sure she just said she was pregnant without really checking bc she was scared of gojo really leaving. And she didn’t think gojo would ask to get proof. But knowing you saint, I don’t think you wouldve kept up or put the pregnancy foreshadowing for so long if it wouldn’t be something important. Bc baby trapping would be the best way to keep gojo no matter what. And if she doesn’t have that, and just simply works with naoya… idk if it’ll have the same desired outcome that sera would want.
AND lastly…. Naoya is no longer good boi for me. Duke ergi will forever be the best boi. But woah mistresses in this au are legit crazy HAAHAH
Okay really last thing (between me and you, it’ll be a secret) can you promise me that there will definitely be a gojo x y/n sexy scene. I know tou said there will be an emotional sexy scene, but I need it as a promise that you’ll have it. Bc I’m starting to pity him so much and sigh the boy is trying but nothing ever goes his way. Like literally all his life nothing really works out for him. He tries to hate y/n and he utterly fails, he tries to now be honest and love y/n and he’s failing even harder in that.
@denjisheart said
This last chapter was mwah. So good!! Honestly the progression and pace of this story is so wonderfully written, Saint, that I get so excited each time a chapter comes out. I kept replaying You should be sad by Halsey the other day bc it was reminding me of SN.
If I could’ve shown you a picture of my face when the little twist of Naoya was revealed? But also, I’m definitely curious as to why he 1. wanted to know the name of Satoru’s mistress, 2. why did he say “Leave all the dirty work up to me”. Like I know where my kind is going considering SN!Naoya is some playboy, he may even try to sway Sera a certain way but the question that lingers for me is why? Is it to stir the pot? For the sake of the Zenin’s? Eula? Either way I’m watching him like: 👁👄👁.
Toji thinking about how his wife would also find YN admirable is something I found super sweet. As well as how much he admires and finds the hood in YN, he truly wants to her to be happy and it’s still so contrasting to the happiness Satoru wants for YN. For Toji, it feels like he wants YN to be happy bc she deserves it and because he likes to see her happy. With Satoru, though he feels like he’s trying, there still a strong underlying selfishness in his actions. He is trying to sweep things under the rug as if he wasn’t unjust and cruel to his wife to deserve the cold shoulder and harsher treatment he’s now getting. He may be ready for the love that YN was giving but YN is no longer ready to give the love she once did.
And bumping into Satoru and Sera at the doctor!! The way I let out an excited silent scream 😭 You write angst so well, and I absolutely love every twist and turn you include both big and small. I said it before but you’re an amazing writer Saint and I’m so excited to see where this serious would go and where other series would possibly go! Out of curiosity, would you consider writing for a new fandom or are you happy with the fandoms you have currently written/write for? Either way I look forward to it! Have a great weekend! ♡
Anonymous said
No bc it’s been like 10 minutes since I read the new chapter and I can’t I literally can’t, like my emotions are all over the place and I feel like at this point gojo isn’t redeemable in y/n’s eyes no more bc him getting sera pregnant is the last straw and is the excuse she needed to leave that pathetic excuse of a marriage bc wtf, she deserves so much better and I feel like naoya is trying to get Toji and y/n together bc he said he was gonna do all the dirty work or wtv and honestly idgaf about gojo anymore wait maybe just a little bit but like mf now realizing actions have mf consequences, and lord idk like gojo was real about to end things with sera as he should but then she was to be a bitter bitch and ruin things for them and I just have no sympathy for her, like girl needa gtfo she lost he doesn’t want her but she doesn’t wanna accept that and I I feel like if she is pregnant she doesn’t even want the baby, she just using it as her triumph card bc she doesn’t have anything left so in conclusion SERA CAN GO FUCK HERSELF 🤚🏽
Anonymous said
Sera I know you not pulling the Oh I’ll kill myself if you leave me and the iconic I’m pregnant last minute 🙃 and did anyone see the “oh I’ll never find anybody like him” but she was only worried about his money? smh these hoes so selfish 🙃🙃🙃 I’m glad gojo finaly trying to dump her ass for real. I’m glad she’s experiencing a portion of the pain that y/n felt like girl you was talking all that good shit before but now n got look at who he wants 🤗🤗 I just KNOWWWW that y/n got that gorilla grip talented kitty that got gojo dreaming 😭😭😭 got that man wanting to be around her all the time. Plus she actually cares about him and not just his wallet.
And I HAD KNEW THAT THE STEPMOM WAS A SNAKE BUT SHE A BIGGGG SNAKEEEE I HOPE SHE GET CAUGHT. And a question Saint. Does Gojo’s dad actually even love him because it’s looking to me like he’s just a tool to him and nothing more. It looks like he loves Yuuta way more and gives no fucks about his blood son 😥 regardless of what I’m glad that Gojo is trying to be a bit different from his father! I mean I’m still (a bit) mad at him but at least he’s trying🤣. I almost fully for gave him when he said that he didn’t want to be with sera anymore. Like before I go to bed tonight I’m going to re-read that sentence over and over. That sentence has watered my crops, fed me and gojos imaginary children, Cleaned my house, and gave me so much pleasure. Just to imagine her anguish and sadness brings me so much joy. I can only hope and pray that she’s not actually pregnant and maybe she’s just late but I feel like that is too good to be true. I can only dream that we get some gojo x y/n babies but that’s only possible if y/n is willing to give him a shot. But I would be unsure if I was her too because he really hurt her. ughhhh Saint your killing me with these bomb ass chapterssss😫😫😫
Anonymous said
Okay so Saint, first Ilove you. Second, I love you, third I LOVE YOU EW LMAO THAT CHAPTER WAS PURE ADRENALINE
Theory ahead, I really think that sn won’t have that much of a tragic ending. Sera isn’t preggo, not with gojo’s child at least. And I think that Shoko will play a decisive role is pinpointing that she is, somehow, lying.
Then again, I’m pretty sure that the trio/quartet (naoya, eula and Mei Mei +/- s*ra) will end each other, or Toji will get worms out of naoya’s nose about their plotting !! But gojo will eventually end up knowing about everything and s*ra isssss going to trash sooner or later
But girl, your writings are crazy, there’s something I’d like to suggest ! You gave us the opportunity to try and guess a plot twist, could it be acceptable for you to do that more often ? I really enjoyed discussingor reading debates about it on the discord server !!
And again take care of yourself, take breaks whenever you need them, feel free to reach out to us for support or whatever on the discord server, the persons out there are really amazzzzzzzing (shout out to you girls < 3 )
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hiii hi thank u everyone i’m sorry i can’t respond individually :((( but thanks for sending ur messages through <3 i have read every single one of them
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linkspooky · 5 years
top 5 jujutsu kaisen characters 🥳
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1. Gojou Satoru - I Am The Strongest 
The most interesting thing about Gojou is how unique and overpowering a character Gojou is. I don’t just mean in the sense that he has physical strength, but that he’s also what they call a ‘force of personality’. Gojou is incredibly up front about who he is, and what he wants. He never hides a single thought in his head, he never is discreet, compromises to other people and backs off in any way. Gojou is the most self centered character in the manga. 
What makes his character unique is that Gojou’s self-centeredness is not necessarily portrayed as a bad thing. It’s neither good nor bad, Gojou is allowed to be who he is by the narrative. Gojou is a selfish prick, but he’s also self determined. He is someone who knows what he wants and does everything to the best of his abilities to work for what he wants. 
Gojou is so busy looking at the infinity other people might as well not exist. He’s someone who sees himself as fundamentally above other people. However, when you look past that in his actions you see that while Gojou has so much strength, he’s using almost all of that strength not for the sake of himself but others. What Gojou wants is a better world, and he’s mature enough to realize he can’t just get it by smashing everything with his own hands even if he’s powerful enough to do that. 
You get the sense that Gojou while distant from others is still trying to understand their feelings, and communicate his own feelings in his own way. 
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2. Getou Suguru - You will obey me, you monkeys. 
Getou is so interesting because all of the traits that have driven him to extremism are traditionally heroic traits. Getou is empathic, he’s incredibly considerate of others and wants to save them, he believes in justice. Getou humanizes the people that he personally gets to know so much, cares so deeply, that when he loses them it’s like one of his own organs gets ripped out. It’s the same as losing an arm or a leg. 
It shows that individuals within the system are not necessarily the problem, because the reason Getou fell so far because he wanted to be human and care about human lives in a system like the Jujutsu sorcerers system that was so uttterly dehumanizing. 
Getou’s so empathic if he were to see everyone as human his brain would just break. So, he divides the world into humans, people he can save, and monkeys who he no longer cares whether they live or die. If anything, Getou would be a better person if he was a little less kind, a little less caring. Gojou is actually much more mentally healthy because he’s less selfless than Getou is.
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3. Kokichi Muta
In a series where every character is trying to get strong, Kokichi already has all the power he needs and he hates it. I like how he’s allowed to be ugly and genuinely resentful for his circumstances in life. 
Nobody really empathizes with Mechamaru. Even Panda who might come close to understanding it, essentially tells him to just get over it and stop causing problems for others. It’s understandable why Mechamaru was driven into enough of a corner that he betrayed sorcery high school. Kokichi just can’t swallow down his resentment. He never wanted to be born, he never wanted to be a jujutsu sorcerer, but Jujutsu society uses him anyway, he’s not a puppeteer he’s more like a doll of an inherently broken system.
Yet, there’s something genuine in Kokichi. He really wants to love his friends and be able to stand on equal terms with them. Despite how much hatred he carries in his heart, he’s genuinely touched by just the smallest amount of kindness Miwa showed to him. At the end of the day what he feels is an inferiortiy and unworthiness.. He feels like he’s not good enough to stand with others because he was born this way, and feels like he needs to be fixed. When really Miwa would have accepted him for who he was all along and wanted to see the real him. 
It’s another demonstration of how much a failure of empathy an drive these characters to desperate circumstances. What Kokichi needed wasn’t to be told to stop making a fuss, it was to be accepted for who he was, the ugly, the unpleasant and to have someone notice that even though he’s technically doing bad things Kokichi is also deep down still a suffering child. 
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4. Maki Zenin - “I would have hated myself”
Maki is fun because she was treated like a disposable extra for her family, and rather than craving acknowledgement from that family, or a place to belong she just went ‘Neat, I’m gonna burn down the whole family tree then.” 
Maki’s ambitions, her resentment towards others, her desire to pursue strength are all things that are validated about her character. She is someone who gets to choose the way she wants to live, and is fighting against her entire family for that right even if it means she has to destroy that family in the end. Maki is allowed to be as self determined as Gojou.
At the same time though, Maki’s choice to put strength above all else does not make her a person who is only ever strong and never vulnerable because she would be just as flat as a character. Maki’s choice has consequences, because by choosing to live for her own personal strength she also doesn’t choose Mai the one person who ever genuinely saw her as family. 
Their conflict reminds me a lot of Gamorra and Nebula which is one of my favorite conflicts of all time, because neither of their feelings are wrong. Maki is not wrong for wanting to choose her own survival. Mai is not wrong for feeling like her sister broke their promise and abandoned her. However at the same time their choices have consequences, Maki choosing herself means she can’t choose Mai and she’s sacrficing their connection. It’s one of the most beautifully illsutrated conflicts in the manga. 
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5. Nanami Kento - “Growing up is the accumulation of little despairs”
I like Nanami because he’s the one reasonable adult in a world of mad people? That doesn’t sound like much saying he’s ‘the guy with common sense’ but in his arc he gets a lot of depth to his personality. 
Basically he wants to help other people, but he’s also mature enough to realize that helping others is going to be a net loss. That if he tries to help everyone the same way Itadori does, he’s going to lose over and over again. What’s so interesting about Nanami is he’s not so much someone completely selfless, as someone who is too decent of a person for his own good. Which causes him to continually choose to help others, not because he’s motivated by some great quest to save the world but because he can’t look away from trouble. 
Nanami’s salaryman-like serious persona becomes more and more of an act as you dwell on his character. It’s like he’s putting on a show that he’s not as mad as everybody else, that he’s still reasonable in this world. It’s done mostly for his own sake because Nanami is striving to remain a good person, in a world he’s well aware is not so good. You get the sense that deep down he’s a much kinder person, but he always forces himself to be strict because he believes he has to.
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talkngflowers-m · 4 years
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❀ ` `  INBOX   @yeonban​​ ❝ you should play the hero more often. it suits you. ❞  criminal geto & gojo! uncharted    (  accepting !  )
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               eyes  obscured  by  bandages  narrowed  at  the  remark..  interpreted  subliminal  statement  doing  nothing  but  kindling  a  childish  irritation  in  the  man’s  chest..  a  callback..  or  so  he  assumed..  to  his  past  (  and  on  occasion,  present  )  behaviors..  particularly  those  regarding  his  reckless  abandon  and  disinterest  concerning  selflessness..  there  were  no  such  thing  as  heroes..  this  much,  he  knew..  there  was  only  a  serendipitous  time  and  a  place..  saving  someone  from  another’s  selfish  actions  was  not  heroic..  especially  not  when  you  were  forced  to  do  it  by  non  other  than  your  best  friend..  the  thought  leaving  a  bitter  taste  in  his  mouth..
               forcing  a  smile,  he  tilted  his  head  while  perching  easily  on  the  top  of  some  steps..  a  hand  raised  to  scratch  at  his  chin  in  mock  thought..  the  irony  of  the  comment  still  frustrating  him..
❝  it’s  nice  to  know  you  got  a  sense  of  humor  since  the  last  time  we  met..  you're  looking  a  lot  less  constipated  than  you  used  to——  ❞
               this  anomaly..  he  assumed..  due  to  the  fact  he  was  much  happier  with  his  current  lifestyle..  a  concept  that's  reasoning  he  still  had  yet  to  grasp..  as  well  as  something  he  had  yet  to  finally  come  to  terms  with..  why..  the  question  would  forever  bother  him..  playing  on  repeat  in  his  head  whenever  he  wanted  it  the  least..  perpetually  unanswered..
               raising  himself  from  his  squatting  position,  satoru's  smile  fell  almost  effortlessly..
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❝  anyways..  you  on  the  other  hand..  this  whole..  weird  evil  cult  shit  you're  into  now..  not  really  your  style..  ❞
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