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caveisalie · 1 year ago
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we call it SHIP DYNAMIC
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werothepine · 4 months ago
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They are in ✨love✨
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year ago
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s o l a r i s, 1972 🎬 dir. andrei tarkovsky 'Snaut/ Satorius'
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k-aay · 7 months ago
synopsis :: the jjk men accidentally confess their feelings to you over text
featuring :: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, toji, sukuna, megumi, yuji, inumaki
credits! :: this work is owned by @k-aay on tumblr. please dont steal my work! (i do not proof read, sorry for any mistakes
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castrozart · 3 months ago
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Atsumu as Jacob satorius 2016? I think yes.
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shiftingtomydrs · 3 months ago
I scripted I know the entire German law by heart just cos I saw a video of someone saying no one can know it all from memory cos it's too much :)
Well, mostly Habersack and Satorius (idk shit about the German law except the basics despite being German but that's the ones the guy mentioned in the video so im gonna assume its the most important stuff, maybe theres more dunno)
This'll also double as one of my party tricks :D
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b0ybutch · 9 months ago
wow I can't believe will graham and Jacob satorius were in a 10 mile range of each other
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that's so many HOURS on the car every episode holy shit
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motorsportverso · 6 months ago
Federação Alemã de automobilismo anuncia Line-up para o Fia Motorsports Games
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A federação Alemã de automobilismo anunciou os representantes da edição de 2024;Rally 2 Tarmac: Björn Satorius / Jenny Lerch(Ford Fiesta Rally 2); Rally 4 Cup: Timo Schulz (Opel Corsa Rally 4),Rally 4 Gravel: René Noller(Opel Corsa Rally 4), Históric Rally: Björn Satorius / Jenny Lerch(Volvo 242 Turbo ou Saab 99) , GT Sprint: Finn Wiebelhaus / Hubert Haupt(Mercedes AMG GT3), GT Relay: Finn Wiebelhaus(Mercedes AMG GT3),Drift: Jan-Eric Seeber(Nissan 350z), Auto Slalon: Claire Schönborn / Markus Firsching, Truck Racing: Jochen Hahn(Iveco), Kart Mini: Amelie Heuwers, Kart Sprint Senior: Elia Luis Weiss;Kart Sprint Jr: Arjen Kräling;Kart Endurance: Janina Schall / Moritz Groll / Leon Ehleider;Esports GT: Niklas Houben; Esports F4: Moritz Löhner; Kart Slalon: Louis Stange / Maja Braun.
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native-blog-deutsch · 1 year ago
Lower Sioux bauen Häuser aus Hanfbeton
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Die Lower Sioux Community im Südwesten Minnesotas verbindet eine Vision für nachhaltigen Wohnraum mit der umweltfreundlichen Nutzung von Hanf. Während andere Stämme Hanf als Freizeit- oder Heilpflanze anbauen, ist das Lower Sioux Hanf- und Wohnungsbauprogramm wegweisend für die Nutzung von Hanf für nachhaltigen, energieeffizienten Wohnraum und das erste Projekt in Minnesota, das Hanfbeton von der Saat bis zur Wand liefert. Danny Desjarlais, der Projektleiter für den Bau von Industriehanf, sagt: "Das Wohnungsbauprogramm hat die erste Hanfbeton-Notunterkunft in Minnesota für Stammesmitglieder gebaut und auch das erste Haus mit vier Schlafzimmern. Derzeit errichten wir ein kleines Haus mit einem Schlafzimmer, das aus vorgefertigten Hanfbetonplatten besteht. Bis zum Frühjahr 2024 planen wir den Bau einer 3-Zimmer-Wohnung für Ältere, die nach konventionellen Standards gebaut wird, um eine vergleichende Studie mit den Nicht-Hanf-Häusern durchzuführen, die der Stamm für Ältere gebaut hat. Bei diesen Studien werden Dinge wie die interne Temperaturregulierung, die Luftqualität und die Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit untersucht - alles Umweltvorteile, die von der Hanfbetonindustrie gefördert werden. Desjarlais ist in Lower Sioux geboren und aufgewachsen. Als Kind wurde er von seinem Vater, der eine Brückenbaufirma besaß, in die Bauarbeit eingeführt. Nach dem Highschool-Abschluss besuchte Desjarlais den Studiengang für Zimmerer am Minnesota West Community and Technical College, wo er von Stammesratsmitglied Earl Pendleton erstmals von Hanfbeton erfuhr. Pendleton machte ihn mit den Möglichkeiten von Hanf als nachhaltige Bauoption für den Stamm bekannt, indem er ihn zum US Hemp Building Summit im Jahr 2021 schickte. "Pendleton hat sich in den letzten 12 Jahren für Hanf in unserer Gemeinde eingesetzt. Der Gipfel hat mir die Augen für eine ganz neue Welt geöffnet. Ich würde sagen, das war der Anfang vom Rest meines Lebens. Er übertrug mir die Verantwortung für alle Hanfbauprojekte bei den Lower Sioux. Desjarlais hat die letzten zehn Jahre damit verbracht, alles über Hanf zu lernen - wie man ihn anbaut, wie man ihn erntet und verarbeitet, wie man den Rohhanf in den Baustoff Hanfbeton verwandelt und wie man die Arbeiter motiviert, bei dem arbeitsintensiven Prozess der Umwandlung der Hanfschäben in den Baustoff Hanfbeton mitzumachen. Er und sein Bauteam, allesamt Mitglieder der Lower Sioux, haben von den Besten gelernt. Alex Sparrow aus Großbritannien war einer ihrer ersten Berater. Desjarlais sagt: "Er hat das Buch über Hanfbeton geschrieben". Pendleton engagierte dann Jennifer Martin von Hempstone in Massachusetts, die im September 2022 das Reservat besuchte. "Sie leitete einen Hanfbeton-Workshop, bei dem wir anfingen, den Verkaufsstand für die Jugendlichen zu bauen, damit sie beim Powwow in der letzten Saison etwas verkaufen konnten. Der nächste eingeladene Experte war Cameron McIntosh von Americhanvre Cast Hemp aus Allentown, Pennsylvania. "Er brachte uns bei, wie man Hanfbeton spritzt und half uns beim Bau des Doppelhauses, dem ersten Hanfhaus in Minnesota."
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Danny DesJarlais mit einer Hanfbetonplatte, die für den Hausbau in Lower Sioux verwendet wird. (Foto von Ashley Satorius.) Anschließend reiste das Team nach Denton, Nebraska, um mit Dion Lefebre von Davita Blocks aus Alberta, Kanada, ein Hanfblocktraining zu absolvieren. "Wir haben einen 100 Jahre alten Gemischtwarenladen mit Hanfblöcken umgebaut. Außerdem hatten wir im Oktober eine Kalkputz-Schulung im Reservat, ebenfalls mit Jennifer Martin und Tim White von Texas healthy Homes." Mit derzeit nur 500 bebaubaren Hektar kann der Stamm zwischen 100 und 200 Hektar pro Jahr bepflanzen. Um die Projekte, die sie gerade bauen, fertigzustellen, haben sie den von den Lower Sioux geernteten Hanf zu einer Verarbeitungsanlage geschickt, weitere Hanfpflanzen von anderen Erzeugern angekauft und sich dann an die Arbeit gemacht, die Hanfpflanze zu verarbeiten. Die Schäben sind der verholzte Kern des Hanfstängels, der für die Herstellung des Endprodukts verwendet wird. Das Team mischt Hanf, Kalk und Wasser in einem Verhältnis von 4:1:1, also Hanf, Kalk und Wasser. Dann packen sie das Hanfbetonmaterial entweder von Hand oder mit einem Gebläse in die Wände des Hauses. Sobald die Wände trocken sind, tragen sie eine Schicht Putz auf. Die Hanfhauswände sind mindestens 12 Zoll dick und isolieren so gut, dass sich die Häuser in der Regel von selbst auf eine Temperatur von 64 Grad einstellen, was zu großen Einsparungen bei Heizung und Kühlung führt. Desjarlais geht davon aus, dass die Vergleichsstudien zeigen werden, dass ihre Häuser 70 % energieeffizienter sind als konventionell gebaute Häuser. Hanfbeton hat das Potenzial, nicht nur eine kohlenstoffneutrale Zukunft zu schaffen, sondern könnte auch dazu beitragen, den zu hohen Kohlenstoffgehalt in unserer Atmosphäre abzubauen. In der Zeitschrift Anthropocene heißt es: "Das schnelle Wachstum von Hanf, sein dichtes Blätterdach und seine Fähigkeit, auf nährstoffarmen Böden zu wachsen, machen die Pflanze bei der Bindung von Kohlenstoff effizienter als Bäume. Im Bauwesen wird Hanf mit einem kalkbasierten Bindemittel kombiniert, um Hanfbeton herzustellen, einen kohlenstoffnegativen Biokomposit, der über 100 Kilogramm CO2 pro Quadratmeter binden kann." Außerdem ist Hanfbeton feuerfest, schimmelresistent und schädlingsresistent. Die Luftqualität in einem Hanfhaus ist besser als in Häusern, die mit Materialien gebaut wurden, die Glasfaser oder andere Giftstoffe enthalten, die typischerweise in herkömmlichen Baumaterialien enthalten sind. Hanfbeton ist zu 100 % recycelbar, da er ausschließlich aus Naturprodukten besteht. Ein Hanfbetonhaus hat eine prognostizierte Lebensdauer von Hunderten von Jahren, im Vergleich zu einem typischen Haus mit einer Lebensdauer von 50 bis 100 Jahren. Desjarlais verwies auf ein Hanfhaus aus dem Jahr 1698, das noch heute in Japan steht und nur mit Farbe ausgebessert wurde. Das Industriehanf-Bauprojekt hat bereits mit der Ortbeton-Methode für den Imbissstand experimentiert und erfolgreich Häuser gebaut; für das Zweifamilienhaus wurde die Spritzguss-Methode angewandt, und derzeit wird ein kleines Haus mit vorgefertigten Hanfbetonplatten gebaut. Das Ziel ist es, bis Ende 2024 eine voll funktionsfähige Verarbeitungsanlage im Reservat zu haben, in der der von den Stämmen angebaute Hanf vom Feld bis zum bezugsfertigen Haus verarbeitet wird. Desjarlais wurde Anfang Dezember eingeladen, in den Leech Lake Gemeinden über die Lower Sioux Projekte zu sprechen und darüber, wie andere Gemeinden mit Hanf bauen können. Im August 2023 reiste er nach British Columbia, um mit dem Volk der Gitxsan ein Hanfbeton-Training zu leiten. Als visionärer Vorreiter bei der Verwendung von Hanf zum Bau nachhaltiger, energieeffizienter Häuser für Stammesgemeinschaften werden Desjarlais und seine Mitarbeiter mit ihrem gesammelten Wissen aus Schulungen, der eigenen Verarbeitung von Hanf und dem praktischen Bau von Häusern zur Anlaufstelle für andere, die sich für diese umweltfreundliche, nachhaltige Wohnbewegung interessieren. Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Website: https://lowersioux.com/departments/agriculture. Originalartikel
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caveisalie · 11 months ago
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Commission for Lis 💜
Commission Details are ▶︎ https://cavecommission.carrd.co
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theannoyedskittle · 3 months ago
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Yusei literally got through security by throwing hands.
Despite Jaden beating Satorius, he still hit thr button for his Evil Plan.
IMO Zexal was probably the ONLY YGO plot that NEEDED to duel because of the number cards, but still... you could probably punch someone to steal their number card. But the number cards were also magic, so who knows
Asking why characters in Yugioh solve everything with a card game instead of punching each other is like asking why characters in a fantasy setting that also happens to have guns still use swords to solve everything instead of shooting their opponent. Does magic systems mean nothing to you. The beauty of varied fighting styles. Characterising using the worlds tools and weapons. You imbecile.
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abantion · 2 years ago
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Jacob Satorius
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tryingtolearnartsob · 2 months ago
at least we ended this day on good note about mm angel boy face :’
—I didn’t think I was going to figure stuff, like I did want to but I couldn’t be bothered to get up and do it… and then I saw this art video that was going on about time posed poses and I got to somehow to doing it and these were really fun…!!!!! It was good since it brought up poses I don’t usually do… like a lot of back ones ahaha… and interesting angles….
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—and glaring thing I noticed is man im not good at quick proportions like that…. :/ and so I wanted to focus on that and lol my legs was abysmal as usual. so things to work on:
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—I honestly was doing that. ways to quickly find portions but it quickly just went into another time posed and I forgot to mention but I was trying to also look at center lines… since it’s establishes the pose quite quickly… also in the corner I tried to just do a pose from imagination and ARM!!!! ANOTHER PROBLEM!!!!
anyways I kind of wanted to focus on legs properly… but really………….it was all over the place…………..ha……………
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—as you can see I tried to focus on the satorius(?) or however you spell it muscle but kinda gave up on that after a bit and went back to pelvis lolllll. this session wasn’t very successful djfjfjjf or even going in any direction it was very ??? but I guesss i was trying to find a way to draw the legs and it’s rhythms based on videos I watched but ehhhhh.
—with the pelvis it was a disappointing you couldn’t move the 3D models so like it was at an angle at in front view… but I found a way around it….? where I take a pic of the front of view and angle it…. and well I tried tht…
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—and very funny how I thought this was some kind of breakthrough but like lol it’s just too much work….. but I do want to keep it in mind I guess… it’s something I work back on when just checking stuff or etc.
—we’re back to our guy. and okay around 12 I did go to him to draw a bit and immediately gave up ahahah. and when I came back 2200 I was like fine time to bring in the tracing shit and helpppp it was still terrible 💀💀💀💀💀
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—BUT FINALLY… THIS PAGE…. I DID IT!!!!!!! MANAGED IT!!!!!! Did a first trace over and tried to try myself and saw what I was doing around and how he typically has a more narrow and wider face…. and he has big pupils and how the outer part of his eye shape is larger then instead… and finally got the whole small mouth and how from mouth the jaw kinda starts and the POINTY!!!! CHIN!!!! and afterwards I tried to fix a prev art I did to this knowledge I had now… it turned out eh the fix since lol it’s hard to fix already finished stuff like that…! but wow I was so happy and like fcking FINALLY that it worked. like look… :’ he looks more like Ian now ahhhhh finallyyyyy. IT ALL PAID OFF!!!! THE TEARS N BLOOD!!!! :’ and I think that what really helped is that wide to narrow chin to remember since I typically draw my faces more narrow and straighter…
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alright I have to say it’s kind of funny that I have been wanting to do some lil art like figure pracs but honestly couldn’t be bothered to try to, just no energy/want for it. but as soon as I opened MM to reread for fic purposes…. I got the urge to draw them….!
—okay to be honest… I already wanted got urges to draw the characters before while reading but I was in my Art Needed Break then sooooo. time to do so now and OH MY GOD. I want to squeeze Ian cuz my guy why the f was so diff to draw :’ I wanted to cry at one point but also I do like how pretty he is… n that eyelash… I love drawing his eyes… too… and I think(?) I’ve finally got the hang of drawing him…
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—and HA…. the problem really lines on how tch this art style (not really trying to copy the artsyle but get close to it to get more likeness of characters….) and yeah it is hard to get… also it doesn’t help the hair are like complicated shit. well more complicated than the scribbles I do 😫 I think I might have to actually study to do the hair properly 😔 but I at least I got the gist of it……?
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—also I do think it’s funny how it took me more than one face drawing to try and get Ian sort of right but lol with sliver boy, I drew him once and was like…?! I already felt like I got the likeness. that was pretty funny. I mean I kinda did feel like I got likeness sort offff for angel boy but hmmmmmmm. it was yknow not enough. also I think it was hard trying to capture for him the feeling of his which was like “narrow/pointy/small” and not to mention the bumps that the artists likes to use…
—also his eyes are pretty hard to get down, I mean I kinda got the gist but it’s different when drawing it with the face. I feel like my separate lil eye studies were better… either way. looking at some fanart, I realised that it’s fine…?! anyways if I don’t get it alll right. it’s cool. I think I just need to get the hair exactly right or more right and that’s fine 😌. I drew him without looking at the source and yknow I think I got him somewhat down also I do think it’s so funny seeing the both of them in together since angel boy looks more finished/pretty then sliver boy LMAO. I guess it’s obvs which one I like drawing more despite how harder it is…. BUT I WILL GET TO YOU SLIVER BOY….
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—anyways I think this was fun to do anyways. I don’t usually draw in this style (lol im influenced a lot by naru), but it was fun… and I really do like how the eyes look…. it’s so nice drawing in them… they’re soooo pretty. while🍥 artsyule holds my heart, I have to say ft artsyle is genuinely one of my faves. every time I see it I want so badly draw all the characters!!!! (especially want to get down to drawing dragon fire boy and armour girl!!!!!! ahhhh they’re gonna be so<3 cuz honestly I think that im getting well I wouldn’t say bored but I think that my recent juv stuff isn’t really sparking the same funness as it was in the beginning… I don’t think I’ve really captured what drew and made me love her design so freakin much and just makes me kinda sad ngl… but I WANNA GET THERE ONE DSY!!!! also man I really have to draw armour!!!!!!! girl!!!!! her design is just. idk WHAT it is but second fav… I think it’s just her general vibe ahhhhhh… also weirdly. I love dragon fire boy for his hair 💀 me? wanting to draw something? for hair? yeah I know NDJDKKD but I really love how hair…… I honestly did draw these two (dragon fire boy n armour girl years ago but ah sadly I lost those art but I remember drawing them…..) anyways yeahhhh….!!!!! im excited to get them I mean. I did doodle in dragon fire boy during ft doodle session but it wasn’t really proper stuff.
—to not get derailed: I’ve been only drawing MM faces to get used to it and it’s been really just straight on to…. Like yeahhhh I drew side view and 3/4 which uhhhhh wasn’t great but yeahhhh I probs should prac that but cba too. Also I kinda want to more draw them in poses…… I kinda have general idea of a scene to draw….. but also cba to do that right now. my energy is low. I probs should get back to rereading and lol to that fic’ing idea… 8.44 also ahhh I do want to get back to my onoe face prac (I WILL GET HIM DOWN) so I can draw one of my fav otps ever hehehe and be the only person in fandom lmaooooo. 8.45
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tiallussims · 5 years ago
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#faceyoursims challenge by @samssims
this was a trend on instagram called #faceyourart but I thought it would be fun to bring it around simblr. post 9 faces of sims you have 100% created (not born in game) to spot similarities and to see your style.
I saw this challenge done by various simblrs on my dash and wanted to give it a try, too. All these sims are posted in chronological order, except that goofy one in the middle. She's my simsona/simself 2.0 and is the latest sim I made. As far as style is concerned: I hope it's still evolving. I think Katharina and her family were the first sims I made from scratch without using random sims as a base. The sims: - Katharina 'Rina' Erhardt - Cameron A. "Baby Tooth" Oxford - Darnell 'Dar' Satorius - Orestes M. Theissen - Tiallu 2.0 - Desmond 'Des' Locklyn - Mackenzie 'Mackie' Bennet - Cadfael 'Cad' Griffiths - Isabel 'Ibbie' Ramirez I'd love to see @geeky-simz @fangssims @cassgoths @tarihsims and @astraeanevermore do this, too. But it's completely up to you if you want to do this.
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penniesinthepool · 5 years ago
What is one song that you can not stand? Like you have to switch it off or leave the room type of song?
... I don’t really have one tbvh. “yummy” by justin bieber makes me scream in *annoyed* tho but only if it’s constantly replayed. It used to be worse😭 yours??
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it’s easy to see lots of themes of balance in GX, the most obvious being Darkness and the Society of Light’s presence and how it affects the main cast.
We’ve seen characters like Titan essentially eaten alive in the abandoned dorm and how Sartorius managed to use Chazz to brainwash all of Obelisk Blue into the Society. Absence of one allows the other to wreak havoc. And this overarcing theme of balance within GX is what gets me about Chazz and Atticus’ dynamics.
obviously you can point to their differences in roles; an elite who has struggled to maintain his position and one who has seemingly no care for it, a brother abandoned and a brother revered, an abrasive ally and an easygoing friend. Chazz and Atticus have a staggering amount of parallels, but you know that already.
No, what I love to focus on is how those parallels are corrupted.
How Chazz’s desire for respect and to beat Jaden leads to him being the figurehead for a cult that respect him not for his money or his status; but for his power, for his dueling prowess. How Chazz is at his most bare and raw, so much so that it seems like a front.
How Atticus’ desire to save Fujiwara led to him being just as forgotten, all in the hopes of saving his friend. How his hope was twisted into a cruel facsimile of himself, left to bear witness to his own actions at the hands of another.
That’s another detail I love — that Chazz doesn’t remember, and how it subtly implied Atticus does.
Episode 93 is just *chef’s kiss*, in my opinion. Even when played for laughs, Chazz and Atticus’ devotion to saving Alexis is a wonderful opportunity to see how differently they operate. Atticus is staunch in getting Chazz to tell him about what happened while he was in the Society, but Chazz has no recollection of it at all. You have to wonder, surely Atticus knows him better. He knows that Chazz isn’t like that, that he wouldn’t lie.
Or does he?
After all, we know they’re extremely close. Most of Chazz’s smiles are directed at or are a result of Atticus. We know they’re close enough to the point that Chazz continues to see Atticus as a master of love even AFTER the fiasco that was episode 47.
So, is it really such a stretch to say that Atticus believed Chazz was fully aware of his actions during his time in the Society because he knows that deep down, that’s what he wants? That Chazz wants, no, needs to earn that respect from the people around him?
Look back at episode 35. If you’re a sub enjoyer, congrats! You have a nice bow to tie up this arc. However, if you’re stuck in the 4Kids trenches, Chazz doesn’t win in the end. Slade and Jagger still don’t respect him. He does not win what he had battled so hard for, still being disowned, still having no contact with them for the rest of the (dubbed) series. Is it that hard to believe he doesn’t hold an immense amount of resentment after that? That’s how Satorius got him in the first place — by weaponizing his grudge against Jaden and his feelings of inferiority.
Atticus would have every reason to believe that Chazz had let go of his inhibitions. And he’s so firm in finding out what Chazz knows because he’s drawing on his own experiences (in my opinion).
Episode 30 is my main evidence for this. When Jaden seems defeated and Alexis steps in, what is it that Nightshroud thinks?
“I know you.”
During the last episode of the Field of Screams arc, he also knows enough about Camula’s charm to tell Alexis about it, and to hand over his half of the Gravekeeper’s charm. But if he had a similar experience to Chazz, he wouldn’t know about it, nor be able to pass on this information to the Jay-squad.
He had some kind of consciousness, acting as a sick kind of witness to Nightshroud’s actions through his body.
And it’s funny to me — Atticus was possessed, had his body taken over, and yet he remembers things of what he was like pre-possession and can hold his own against Darkness’ grip on his soul. Chazz was brainwashed, but he has no recollection of anything he did in the Society after leaving it. They’re almost mirror opposites.
That’s why i love the idea of LaDDshipping so much. You wanna know why I chose LaDD as the name, other than just something like greyshipping or something similar? (And unrelated to Light and Darkness Dragon being my favorite card ever)
A Light Dragon. A Darkness Dragon.
What are Chazz and Atticus’ aces when they’re in opposite states?
Armed Dragon LV10 White.
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon.
Twisted and turned into having their deepest desires forced against them, hurting the people closest to them while being used as puppets for cosmic forces they never asked to be part of…
That’s what makes LaDDshipping so interesting.
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i’m a rat running around in my little wheel as i try to formulate just how much potential LaDDshipping has if you just give it a chance just give it a chance JUST LET ME EXPLAIN!!!
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