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yumenosakiacademy · 5 months ago
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superlesbeevee · 25 days ago
Fuck. I hate that I'm putting this message out but I don't feel comfortable asking one person about this. So I'm putting a message on my discord serverr and on here just so it hopefully can not be one person giving me a lot but a bunch of people just giving me a little of what they can
Some of you might know that I was out of a job for the past two months. I was getting unemployment but that was just enough to help me pay for food. My roommates were able to cover rent for me for January but they said that for February I had to pay for it. I was able to delay until today because I got paid today, but between me missing a day of work last week due to dumb circumstances and a bill that *literally* went through at the exact same time that I got the paycheck...I only have $356 when my rent is $487. That's not even considering I still have to pay for food and rent until next friday (I get paid weekly thankfully).
If anyone is able to send me anything I would really appreciate it but please please please don't send anything if it'll put you in a bad position. I don't really have much I can do in compensation, but if y'all can think of something for me to do in return (idk, maybe you could request me to stream a particular game this upcoming week, or i could give you an abhorrently shitty drawing, or record some voice lines for you, or something) I would be more than happy to do said thing for you!!!
My paypal is @satokun and my Venmo is @SLViviEevee
Thank you all in advance!!!
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ljaesch · 5 months ago
K Manga Adds Two New Simulpubs to Its Service
Kodansha’s K MANGA service has announced that it has added Saho Tenamachi’s manga adaptation of writer Sunsunsun and artist Momoco’s Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian light novel series and Aya Saitō and Satokun’s A Mother’s Love, a Daughter’s Prison manga for simulpub. Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian is described as: Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou is Seiren Private Academy’s…
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utaites-esp · 3 years ago
SecretDice!! - Secret Dice [Kan/Rom/Esp]
SecretDice!! - Secret Dice
Vocal: Secret Dice
Music: HoneyWorks
Arranged: HoneyWorks
DIA no you ni
kagayaku oshirou
hitome de ochita
HEART ga atsui yo
Un castillo que brilla,
similar a un diamante,
cayó al primer vistazo,
calentando mi corazón.
kimi to boku ga deaeta koto kitto unmei
mou machikirenai yo
sai wa nagerareta
aitsu ni wa makenai boku dake wo mite
sono massuguna hitomi ni chikau yo
君と僕が出会えたこと きっと運命
あいつには負けない 僕だけを見て
Estoy seguro que tú y yo nos conocimos por el destino.
No puedo esperar más,
y los dados fueron lanzados.
No pienso perder contra él, mírame sólo a mí.
Fue lo que juré ante esa directa mirada.
saa saa oide oshitoyaka PRINCESS
THRILL ajiwatte futari no SECRET
nee nee motto hoshi gatte ii yo
kimi to koi ga hajimaru SecretDice
さあさあおいで おしとやかプリンセス
スリル味わって 二人のシークレット
君と恋が始まる SecretDice
Vamos, vamos, ven, elegante princesa,
prueba la emoción de este secreto nuestro.
Oye, oye, puedes desear más
Es el inicio de nuestro amor, SecretDice.
negai wo komete
CLOVER ni chikau
kimi ni kakeyou
Jurando este deseo
por aquel trébol.
Con este as de espadas,
apostaré por ti.
kimi ni todokitai omoi ga afuresou dayo
negai ga kanaunaraba JOKER ni naru
aitsu ni wa makenai boku dake wo mite
sono uruwashii hitomi ni chikau yo
君に届きたい 想いが溢れそうだよ
あいつには負けない 僕だけを見て
Probablemente mis sentimientos por ti se desborden.
Si tus sueños se vuelven realidad, me convertiré en un simple bromista.
No pienso perder contra él, mírame sólo a mí.
Fue lo que juré ante esa hermosa mirada.
hoppe pukuu tte azatosugi PRINCESS
tsumande hanashite jare atte KYUN KYUN
boku no tonari wa wagamama de ii yo
kimi to koi ga hajimaru SecretDice
ほっぺぷくーって あざとすぎプリンセス
つまんで離してじゃれ合って KYN KYN
君と恋が始まる SecretDice
Está inflando sus mejillas la pequeña princesa,
mientras las pellizco suavemente y juego con ellas.
Puedes ser egoísta cuando estés a mi lado.
Es el inicio de nuestro amor, SecretDice.
korogari dashita sai wa mou tomaranai yo
sekaijuu ga yatto kidzuki hajimeteru
jinsei ichidokiri koukai nante shiterannai
shoubu surunara imada
kobushi o agero
noroshi o agero BANG
人生一度きり 後悔なんてしてらんない
狼煙を上げろ BANG
Ya no se puede detener a la espada rodante,
porque el mundo finalmente lo ha comenzado a notar.
No me arrepentiré ni una vez en mi vida.
Es el momento de competir,
levanta tu puño,
levanta la señal, BANG.
kimi to boku ga deaeta koto kitto unmei
mou machikirenai yo sai wa nagerareta
aitsu ni wa makenai boku dake wo mite
sono massuguna hitomi ni chikau yo
君と僕が出会えたこと きっと運命
もう待ちきれないよ 賽は投げられた
あいつには負けない 僕だけを見て
Estoy seguro que tú y yo nos conocimos por el destino.
No puedo esperar más, y los dados fueron lanzados.
No pienso perder contra él, mírame sólo a mí.
Fue lo que juré ante esa directa mirada.
saa saa oide oshitoyaka PRINCESS
THRILL ajiwatte futari no SECRET
nee nee motto hoshi gatte ii yo
kimi to koi ga hajimaru yeah!
さあさあおいで おしとやかプリンセス
スリル味わって 二人のシークレット
君と恋が始まる Yeah!
Vamos, vamos, ven, elegante princesa,
prueba la emoción de este secreto nuestro.
Oye, oye, puedes desear más
Es el inicio de nuestro amor, ¡sí!
hoppe pukuu tte azatosugi PRINCESS
tsumande hanashite jare atte KYUN KYUN
boku no tonari wa wagamama de ii yo
kimi to koi ga hajimaru SecretDice
ほっぺぷくーって あざとすぎプリンセス
君と恋が始まる SecretDice
Está inflando sus mejillas la pequeña princesa,
quiero pellizcarlas suavemente y jugar con ellas.
Puedes ser egoísta cuando estés a mi lado.
Es el inicio de nuestro amor, SecretDice.
Qué bonita canción, ojalá tengan más letras originales en el futuro.
¿Supieron que Bancho se graduó del grupo? Yo me enteré hoy y soy lágrimas, me gustaba cómo era el grupo de cinco, lo voy a extrañar, tiene una voz muy linda. ;;
Also, sé que Satokun es color blanco, y podría haber puesto sus partes con negro, pero se confundiría con las partes donde cantan todos. Su color secundario podría ser considerado el azul (por sus ojos y algunos detalles en su ícono) pero Defee ya es azul. Lo puse en amarillo porque era el color menos feo que podía usar y combinaría con el resto (los otros eran verde y naranja).
Por si hay alguien que no sabe quiénes son Secret Dice, dejaré los colores de cada miembro: Sera - rojo, Defee - azul, Satokun - amarillo, Ritakun - morado, Bancho (exmiembro) - rosa.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 4 years ago
Hey do you have a list of users you have blocked bc of their ships? I’m new on tumblr and I’m really worried I’ll reblog soemthing from a person who’s known for that without realizing
Oh boy have i got a lot of people/blogs blocked because of ships. Ummm, ya it’s quite the list. (I’ll put a / somewhere in the name just to ensure they don’t see it or it doesn’t end up on a search for them to avoid getting shit on by hateful people)
Kakas*ku blogs to block
t/ipsyracounteur (fucking proud kakas*ku writer so, avoid. it’s legit written in their blog like it’s something to be proud of)
Kakasakumuses (i’m not even going to censor this one. someone thought it appropriate to make an RP blog of this nasty shit, they deserve to be called out)
k/umeramen (draws kakas*ku proudly)
coye/st (is a kakar*n shipper, which itself is fine, but reblogs and supports kakas*ku so that’s a hard yuck)
absolutefandom-ru/bbish (the name is not a lie. they are rubbish)
Ksficrec (again, just...block it. it’s a side blog but tumblr likes to suggest blogs so save yourself having to see that trash)
timetodrawsakuras2k2/1 (i hate to say it, but always be weary of anyone who has sakura or kakashi in their name. espeshally if it says multipshipper. i know mine says multishipper, but i’m not nasty)
k/ayparker20 (has a dp of kakasaku kissing when Sakura is 16. block that shit)m/issjewelsart
f/allen-in-dreams (will add i have seen a lot of her comments on the naruto confession blog and wholey shit the hate for MLM is incredable. clearly does not want to admit that their ship is trash and they’re nasty so they just call MLM shippers ‘feteshists’ and ‘toxic’ while shipping sakura with her sensei)
m/inene-hime and L/emony-thicket (act like shipping sakura with sasuke is somehow worse than shipping her with a man 14 years older than her who is her sensei)
t/eam7forever (it sickens me that someone has a Kakashi pic and claims to like him as a character, and ships him in a relationship that makes him a pedo groomer)
s/asuke-sensei (ships Sakura with Kakashi, madara and basiclly every uchiha like a nasty)
b/ouncyirwin (their blog is called kakas*ku trash so at least they know they’re fucking gross)
k/akashiharuno (again, kakashi kissing his 16 year old student as their header. these nasties have zero shame)
s/ummeringminor (also ships thor and loki so if you’re in the marvel fandom, block this shit)
Just plain Rude/Pits girls against girls (Like Sakura is better than hinata or vice versa bs)
Pink/barefacedbeauty (anti-hinata)
Naru/hinaluvrx (Anti sakura)
f/uckishimoto (just...just block)
D/ushman-e-jaan (there’s loving certain characters and agreeing with them, and there’s shitting on other characters for no reason. anti everyone but sasuke)
Draws inappropriate underage shit
M/alinov (kakashi and yamato doing nsfw with underage tenzo. we all know i love my boys but that’s just not fucking ok)
KakaN*ru nasties 
j/uuichibi (i genuinly cannot tell if they use kakan*ru as a tag for the friendship cuz none of the posts are terrible or super gross (at least not the one’s i risked opening, but seeing as that tag is all over their blog...best to be safe)
Yukina94 (has a pic of kakashi kissing 16 year old Naruto. i am fucking sickened)
Kakashi and Sasuke shippers
Just other gross ships
Y/hane312 (Sasos*ku)
H/ataketenten (if the name doesn’t give it away, ships Kakashi with tenten and i want to vomit)
m/byak (Ships Sasuke and Boruto *barf*)
O/satokun (ships Anko and SHino)
k/onohagakureship (Kisame and Itachi shipper)
t/heuchihaoftheshadows (ships itachi and sasuke, and got blocked for not respecting that i don’t want anything to do with kakai*a)
m/ugiwara-lucy (gets here for defending kakas*ku)
a/nannua (ships minato with Kakashi and Obito)
l/okichcockich (ships asuma and shikamaru)
h/ikanon1336 (i think i got this one off of a list of ‘to block’ and it was that they had gross transphobic representations of a trans gaara)
e/vartandadam (Sasori and Sakura shipper)
y/omi-gaeru (Sakura multi-shipper are often cursed words. not always, but in this case they ship sakura with obito, madara and others)
g/aikage (gross racist drawings of gai)
M/alignedaddairs (Kakashi and Itachi shipper/drawer.)
b/rokebackkonoha (ships itachi with his little brother)
a/venger-hawk (ships itachi and sasuke)
it’s uh... it’s a long list and i’m sure (unfortunatly) this is not the end of it
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chinenyuri-blog · 7 years ago
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Thank you @ itspocchi
You are sososo beautiful....Satokun...
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