#satin finish
caggianopottery · 2 days
A lovely lidded pumpkin.
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Lidded Pumpkin Jar
*SOLD* 💖
Size: 3.25” L, 3.25” W, 3.5” H
Opening: Approx ~1.5” W
Tea light Holder, Incense Cone Burner, Trinket Jar, or Jewelry Dish
Fits a standard tealight or incense cone.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration.
A one-of-a-kind ceramic art piece.
As always, please share if you enjoy my art. 🥰
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gallimaufryish · 4 months
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sumonkumar1313 · 8 months
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(via Maybelline Hyper Easy Liquid Pen No-Skip Eyeliner, Satin Finish, Waterproof Formula)
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seivern · 1 year
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Single Wall Home Bar in Sydney Example of a large classic single-wall ceramic tile and gray floor wet bar design with an undermount sink, recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, granite countertops, gray backsplash, marble backsplash and gray countertops
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blooniverse · 2 years
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Master Bath Bathroom (Los Angeles)
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furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
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Satine Kryze in the All Is Well AU
More info under the cut
If you don’t know how Mandalore works is this AU here is the post that explains it, if you do know then here we go:
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Young Lady of House Kryze (9 y.o.)
Her mother was half Diathim, making Satine and Bo-Katan 1/4 Diathim.
Bo got the less genes and inherited none of the powers, while Satine not only looked just like her mother, but also got the natural bio-luminescence of the specie.
She had some troubles controlling it, but as she got older she managed to have it under control.
It's not a huge glow, barely noticeable in the sun, but in a dim place as the Assembly Hall it sure is eye-catching.
Her and Bo have a 17 years difference between them, so the only company she had in her childhood were her parents and some cousins.
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Member of the Assembly of the People (17 y.o.)
After completing her Verd’goten at 13, she decided to start her political career as soon as possible, getting her place as Member of the Assembly of the People as representative of House Kryze at the age of 15, making her the youngest member in over 70 years.
For years she proudly wore the colours and crest of her House on her armour.
She got the scar on her cheek form a fight with Obi-Wan when they were 15.
Basically when she became member of the Assembly and the new Governors were elected, the Republic sent some Jedi ambassadors to meet them, some arguments started to happen, and then the Mandos and the Jedi started to fight, and in the middle of that mess Satine and Obi beat the shit out of each other.
Obi has a matching scar on his other cheek.
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Governor of the Unified Children of Mandalore (38 y.o.)
She became Governor alongside Arla Fett at the age of 35, after compliting her 20 years tenure as member of the Assembly.
When one becomes Governor they have to strip the paint off their beskar'gam, so to keep her House colours in some way, Satine started to wear the clothing under it with those exact colours.
Arla does the same thing.
For the ten years she and Arla governed they managed to give more free will to the Mandalorian colonies, such as Concord Dawn or Ordo, giving them more space and voice in the Assembly.
They formed commercial alliances with pacific planets such as Naboo and Theret, who always looked with some suspicion towards Mandalore.
They strengthened the thin friendship between the Mandalorians and the Jedi.
Overall it was a prosperous decade.
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bittybatarts · 6 months
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the powers of polymer clay means i can make my own toys
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sare11aa11eras · 1 month
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Conservation of warmth
[Image Description: colored drawing of two people, Jon Snow and Satin of the Night’s Watch, sleeping next to each other in bed. They are shown from about the waist up, from a bird’s eye perspective. Jon is on the left-hand side, Satin on the right. Jon sleeps on his back, his hands on his chest. His hair is in one long braid behind him. Satin sleeps on his side, angled towards Jon. His hair is loose. They are both visibly wearing long-sleeved black shirts, although Jon’s collar is undone. The sheets and pillows are in varying shades of grey to black. The blanket has a few colorful patches on it. Their mouths are slightly open as they sleep. /End ID.]
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halfagonyandhope · 3 months
before anybody has to bleed
"May I suggest, Master, that we give Kenobi one last chance? The support of a Jedi of his integrity would be invaluable in establishing the political legitimacy of our Empire."
"Ah, yes. Kenobi." His Master's voice went silken. "You have long been interested in Kenobi, haven't you?"
"Of course. His Master was my Padawan; in a sense, he's practically my grandson—"
"He is too old. Too indoctrinated. Irretrievably poisoned by Jedi fables. We established that on Geonosis, did we not? In his mind, he serves the Force itself; reality is nothing in the face of such conviction."
— Matthew Stover, Revenge of the Sith novelization
Her comm blinks through the dark.
She’s half asleep, half alert, and thinks it might be a dream – because only one person has the frequency of this particular secure comm device, and he’s never used it, not once.
Until now.
Satine struggles against the duvet for a second before managing to reach the ornate bedside table. She answers the call and sits up, and the last of her dreams leave her.
“Obi?” she says, in quiet disbelief.
Her comm blinks through the dark.
She’s half asleep, half alert, and thinks it might be a dream – because only one person has the frequency of this particular secure comm device, and he’s never used it, not once.
Until now.
Satine struggles against the duvet for a second before managing to reach the ornate bedside table. She answers the call and sits up, and the last of her dreams leave her.
“Obi?” she says, in quiet disbelief.
“I woke you,” comes the voice from the other end, usually so calm and centered but not so tonight. “Of course, I apologize; my timing is terribly inconvenient – ”
She cuts him off. “That is inconsequential,” she says, shifting her legs so her feet can slide into the slippers next to her bed. She stands and shrugs on a robe. “What has happened? Are you alright?”
Obi-Wan breathes out deeply. “Not in the commonly-used definition of that word,” he eventually says.
Satine waits, knowing if she asks more questions, he’ll give her more non-answers.
“I just returned from Serenno,” he begins, and Satine stills. She reminds herself to keep breathing as he continues. “It was not the original destination I’d been sent, but it became apparent rather quickly that whatever threat the Jedi thought they would address on this mission…it had been manufactured precisely because the Jedi would address it.”
“The Jedi were baited?”
Obi-Wan doesn’t answer right away, and Satine hears sounds of traffic around him, and then the sound of rustling fabric.
“Where are you, Obi?”
“Lower levels of Coruscant,” he says, and she understands immediately what he doesn’t have to say: he can’t be overheard by the Jedi.
Satine bites her lip.
“To answer your question: yes, we were baited. But the bait was specifically for me.” His voice drops in volume. “The leads I had led me to Serenno. I knew why I was going before I set foot on the planet.”
“Risky,” murmurs Satine. 
She can hear the wry smile in his voice as he responds, “You would have done the same.”
“Perhaps,” she says. “I assume this was Count Dooku’s plan? Whatever would he want with you?”
Obi-Wan breathes in. “On Geonosis, a couple standard years ago, he…” He clears his throat. “Dooku asked me to join him, to defeat the Sith. He said the Republic was under the control of a Sith lord. A complete lie of course,” he says quickly, as though to convince himself.
Satine hesitates.
“Don’t tell me you believe him?” asks Obi-Wan, incredulously.
“Dooku is a liar,” says Satine firmly. “But that does not mean that every sentence he has ever uttered was false.” She tries to make her tone gentle, but she’s not sure she succeeds. “What else did he tell you on Geonosis?”
She can almost hear his eye roll through the transmission. “That the Dark side has clouded the vision of the Jedi. That the Sith were the root of the corruption in the Senate. That we could weed out the corruption…if I joined him.”
Satine leans against the transparisteel of the door to her balcony, blissfully cool against her hot skin. She feels her heart pulse. “Obviously, you refuted him, or we would not be having this conversation,” she says. “So I presume him luring you to Serenno was more of the same?”
“Precisely,” says Obi-Wan. 
“And again, you must have refused. So what do I owe the pleasure of this late call?”
Obi-Wan’s silence slices through her ribcage, piercing her heart.
“You did refuse, did you not?” she whispers.
“I didn’t agree to join him,” hisses Obi-Wan. “But I didn’t refute him, either.”
“My master trusted this man, Satine. You heard how Qui-Gon spoke about him. And this forsaken war – it drags on. And on. Whenever we feel we are close to ending it, we find out we’ve been outwitted. And even though Dooku was saying more of the same, I began to wonder…could he be right? Is that why we haven’t been able to make headway? Are we being played from the inside?”
“I could have answered that question for you before the Republic joined the war,” says Satine, and she makes no effort to hide her acerbic tone. “All war is a game. There are no winners – just players.”
“I’m well aware of your feelings on the subject,” says Obi-Wan, and it’s clear he doesn’t have time for a lecture. “I called you because I want someone to tell me I haven’t gone mad for considering he might be telling the truth about this.”
The tension leaves her shoulders. “You haven’t gone mad, Obi-Wan,” she says gently. 
“Do you think he’s lying?”
Satine closes her eyes. “Would Qui-Gon think it is a lie? What would he tell you to do?”
Obi-Wan half-sighs and half-laughs. “Qui-Gon would tell me to look for the truth, even if the Council are convinced they already know it. He would tell me to look for the truth precisely because the Council are convinced they already know it.”
“He was wise, Obi.”
“I miss him.”
“I do, too.” Satine smiles sadly and opens her eyes. “But he passed that wisdom to you. Use it.”
The disbelief in his tone is clear, despite the static of the transmission. “Are you suggesting I tell Dooku that I accept?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Satine says. “I am suggesting that you present this to the Council, similarly as you did to me – though I would also suggest that less is more with them. Tell them an opportunity has arisen to spy on Dooku. It would not be the first time the Council has tried to gather intelligence on him.”
“You know about that?”
“Asajj Ventress is at the top of most governments’ Most Wanted lists, so yes, we know about that.”
“Never doubt Mandalorian intelligence,” says Obi-Wan, and she knows he’s impressed.
“You need the Council’s support if you are to infiltrate Dooku’s circle,” says Satine. “Mainly, it would be impossible to hide an extended period of absence as this would require. And your former apprentice would probably track you down if he thought something was amiss.”
Obi-Wan chuckles. “You are…not wrong about that.”
“You will need to frame this carefully,” Satine continues. “They will pull you the moment they suspect you think Dooku has made a valid point. They are so focused on not losing the war that they are losing sight of how best to end it.”
He is quiet for some time, and Satine listens to him breathe. 
Then, he says, “I fear I am as well.”
“That fear is why you are not, you know.”
She suspects he’s smiling, just a little. “The war must end,” he says. He’s on the move again, and the sounds of the city around him almost drown out his words. Satine strains to hear. “So that there can be an after.”
Satine has indulged herself of countless plans for this after, from abdicating her title and facilitating free elections to retiring to Kalevala. She knows Obi-Wan would have made a fine Duke Consort, though he would have despised it, and that was only one of the many advantages that had occurred to her of abdication.
She thinks he too, perhaps, dreams of such a life.
“Obi,” says Satine, pulling him back to her. “Do not forget whose side you are on.”
His reply is immediate, his calm palpable.
“Yours, Satine. I’m on your side, and it would be nigh impossible to forget that.”
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boag · 3 months
Found the perfect rosy brown lipstick in a box of my old belongings I think I haven’t worn this since I was like 17… it’s gonna slay when I dye my hair a deeper ginger color
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wackusbonkus22 · 2 years
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Star wars women😍
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Instant tears. Every time. 💔
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antianakin · 9 months
I recognize that this mostly happens because Obi-Wan is and always has been a direct foil for Anakin, but I am SO tired of all of Obi-Wan's more canon love interests ending up being more about making commentary on Anakin and Anidala than they are on exploring OBI-WAN. It's just sad and I'm so tired of it and I think that until people are willing to write a romance for Obi-Wan that isn't actually about Anakin at all, Obi-Wan should just be made off-limits for romance plot lines entirely. Leave the man alone, please, I am begging you.
#star wars#obi-wan kenobi#i just finished reading the first half of secrets of the jedi with the siriwan relationship#and holy mother of god was it anidala coded all to hell and back#obi-wan is turned into a mighty prude and siri into this sweet motherly character just to make it work#everything from the reaction obi-wan has on seeing her at the beginning to how quickly the relationship moves to the secrecy#it's all anidala#it's all ABOUT anidala#obi-wan is so ooc in this that it's not even funny#he's not even in character to previous works written about him BY THE SAME AUTHOR#and yet somehow it is STILL miles better than whatever the fuck obitine was supposed to be#where obi-wan is given a love interest specifically designed to be killed off so that they could compare that to anidala#and honestly the scene where she dies is probably their ONLY good scene together#it's certainly the only scene where they seem to genuinely understand or even LIKE each other#like siriwan has obi-wan acting ooc but at least he's not literally misogynistic towards his love interest#unlike the way tcw chose to write him#like yeah sure i really feel the romance in obi-wan calling satine 'hysterical' over her perfectly reasonable political views#and at least siri respects and understands the jedi life and LOVES the jedi order unlike satine#so despite how frustrating siriwan is - obitine is 10x worse still#it makes me SO so glad that tala ended up losing the romantic aspect of her relationship with obi-wan#because you KNOW that that would've just ended up another anidala parallel#again#as obi-wan loses yet another female love interest to death at the hands of the sith. again.#honestly tala's relationship with obi-wan is IMPROVED by the lack of a romantic love interest#there's a lot of interesting meaning in that relationship that i honestly believe would be lost if it had been romantic#obi-wan and love interests just don't seem to mix well in canon or anything canon-adjacent#free my man from terrible romantic storylines that aren't even about him#obitine critical#siriwan critical#anti obitine
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shouta-edits · 1 year
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"Hoi >w< the autism is autisming rn so can I have a stimboard for Elias Gallagher(the groom of Gallagher mansion) with blue/satin/roses/glitter themes please? Love the look of your stuff btw!" -💜🦊 anon requested
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tetedurfarm · 7 months
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scenes from the rabbit show
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callmevexx · 10 months
The lack of obitine content for christmas so far is concerning so guess who started another wip✌️
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