#sasusaku hospital
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millientea · 1 year ago
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If anyone has fics of post-war Sasuke in the hospital pls tell meh <3
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moldy-flowers · 5 months ago
Trying to find a Sasuke x Sakura shipper that understands the complexity of Sasukes character and the trauma he went through and doesn't write him as a stone cold bad boy Is like trying to find a needle in a dystopian world in which sewing is illegal.
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roobylavender · 1 year ago
you know what would automatically change my hatred to love for sasusaku? If their genders were reversed. Majority of the reason why I hate sasuke and sakura relationship is because the type of environment and the culture I grew up in where it's been fed to women since basically birth to always be faithful to her man no matter how terrible he treats her, even after marriage. The pharse, "Just be patient and he will change", infuriates me to another level. Seeing sakura chasing after sasuke throughout the series after numerous rejections and an attempted MURDER on her by him made me roll my eyes so hard like girl just move the fuck on omfg. And even after their "marriage" sasuke's treatment towards her doesn't get better lmao, leaving her alone with a whole ass child to take care by herself?? BYE sakura's patience for him is outmatch cus I would've divorced his ass for that. Though, the more I mature, little by little I begin to understand the complexity of their relationship after putting my gender issues aside for a second and look deep into them. And especially now, after reading your perspective on their whole relationship, it really did made half of my hatred go away and understand the relationship wholeheartedly. Like yeah, I absolutely love the trope of one person saying they don't deserve the other person's love but the other person keep loving them anyway, that stuff makes me giggle and swing my legs in the air and shit. It's just that the only way this trope would work for me if the person loving them has enough self-respect for themselves AND if it's a girl in the former & the guy in the latter. And honestly, I found naruto being borderline obsessed with sasuke annoying too but the reason why I can digest it more well is because naruto can go head to head with sasuke without backing down. Like, I wanted to see at least ONCE sakura having a heated argument with sasuke, or punch him in the face in the series. I feel like sasuke deserves a punch from her at the very least 🤷🏽‍♀️
Sigh, I really did wanna love their relationship and their journey to love (that scene of him catching her when she was about to fall and then having that iconic eye contact had me feeling butterflies ngl) since it has all the tropes I love but the execution is just so...
i mean if it helps any i absolutely hate post-canon and that's where my primary divide with most sasusaku fans lies 😭 i'm not sure if you read the blue-plums post i reblogged but it's a good dissection of why exactly it fails as a conclusion to both their individual arcs and their relationship arc generally. the post-canon we see is a direct answer to what sasuke's and sakura's dreams are at the start of the series, but the problem with this is that sasuke and sakura are nowhere near being the same people at the end of the series as they were at the start. generally, i don't think post-canon really takes the individual arc of any character into much account. its primary goal is maintaining the status quo with a slight veneer of friendship power draped over it for aesthetics. but nothing at the root is changed despite every traumatic development the characters were relentlessly subjected to. resultantly, you're left with a portrayal of sasuke as a neglectful father who glorifies the lone-wolf hero trope, which goes against everything he could possibly have learned from itachi; and you're left with a portrayal of sakura as someone content to keep house despite the bulk of her character arc being grounded in her ability and desire to take initiative not only at home, but abroad. it's not true to who either of them is by that point and, even more than that, it's a disservice to everything they've put themselves through for the sake of the love they were vying for. so while i love sasusaku as it progresses up through 699, i tend to wholeheartedly ignore whatever comes after and relegate that instead to either my own imagination or blue-plums's in her fics
what i will say about the naruto and sakura distinction is that a lot of people are more comfortable with how sasuke reacts to naruto bc they believe what naruto is doing is right. it's kind of like: if the only thing sasuke will realistically respond to is violence then obv naruto can resort to that violence without dwelling on it too much. but if you think about violence in the context of sasuke's entire life, it's not actually helpful at all beyond its ability to physically bring him to a grinding halt. even when naruto finally breaks through to sasuke, it's not the violence that makes things click for him. it's the words he says after, and it's the words he's always said before that that have stayed in sasuke's mind. violence, in contrast, is a poisonous thing for sasuke bc it's the only thing that has defined the parameters of his entire life. it robbed him of every person he cared about prior to his meeting team seven, and inevitably it intimidated him into seeking out more violence once he realized that he was incapable of saving the new people he'd come to care about as well. everything, at the root, was driven by sasuke's traumatically-exacerbated response to love and loss. the idea of losing naruto and sakura to the hands of anyone else was unbearable. so he decided that he'd rather have killed them himself. it was absolutely irrational. but a twelve year old child put through that kind of successive, relentless trauma was never going to think rationally, and certainly not after being exploited by people like orochimaru and obito (and to an extent itachi) in turn
all of this to say: there is of course a gendered aspect to the fact that sakura's response to sasuke is markedly not violence. but i also think people sort of refuse to dissect her response any further and esp in context of the narrative itself. despite being the hallmark of rationality within the team and perhaps even the series, sakura was inevitably always driven by the value she placed on humanity. it would've been so easy and rational and "right" to kill sasuke bc he was an insurgent, a terrorist, a danger to public safety, etc. but sakura knew it was more complicated than that. even without knowing about the intricacies of the uchiha massacre she'd been a witness to his suffering and struggle and helplessness. she was as much unable to kill him bc of her love for him as she was unable to kill him bc she knew it wouldn't be right. bc really, what would it solve. sasuke being written off or dying would accomplish nothing bc he would become one more person in the long line of victims to nationalism and the military-industrial complex. while naruto's desire to retrieve sasuke was driven by his love for him it was also driven by the fact that he was stubborn and relentless and refused to give up on people. if you won't believe in yourself i'll beat the belief into you. it's a very shounen-esque trait. in contrast, sakura's desire to retrieve sakura, while also driven by her love for him, was significantly driven by her ability to see that sasuke needed help. in fact, that's all she ever wanted him to get: help. and it would be one thing for this to be an isolated desire but when you read it in context of her own goals as a medic and a mental health professional, her unwavering belief in sasuke is a lot more striking. she was the only person in the entire narrative who never resorted to violence as a solution to sasuke's problems. and she was angry, to be sure. much as she loves him the struggle to bring him back and convince him that he was worthy of love and healing left her emotionally exhausted. but they're also children at the end of the day. she could've been angry at him, or naruto could've been angry him, and in the end none of it would've mattered in the face of knowing they'd finally gotten through to him. he had a smile on his face, he didn't have an arm anymore, and for the first time in his life he met a loss with utter peace and content. it was a thing of miracles after six years of relentless grief and sorrow, and nothing else could've been on their mind.
at the end of the day, team seven's love for sasuke isn't rational. the farthest thing from it, really. but that's what makes it so radical in context. if love in naruto was only ever meant to be rational then hardly anyone would survive. love was always written as an act of defiance and for however subtle the depiction sakura exemplified it
#this is already so long i won't ramble any further in the text bc i've gotten across my point#but tldr you're totally valid! like honestly a lot of sasusaku fans tend to take the full scope of post-canon as gospel and it's infuriatin#and it definitely panders to a lot of gendered stereotypes#the relationship is i think way easier to digest if you isolate 1-699 and then pretend none of the rest exists lol#me personally i want sasuke to go on travels and meet lots of orphans and dedicate himself to humanitarian work#and i want sakura to do her mental hospital thing and research and advocacy at the village#before the projects she works on inevitably extend to intervillage endeavors#it's a nice way for both her and sasuke to explore their respective itches while also doing something that overlaps#with what the other person is doing. i am also a gazillion times more inclined towards them adopting an orphan#than i am towards the idea of them getting traditional married and having a traditional family and birthing traditional babies. boh-ring#i have a post somewhere on my old blog but to Me it would be revolutionary for sasuke to separate himself from the idea that the#only real bonds are those borne in blood. bc all that matters is love. i think adoption would be a really good personification of that idea#also occasionally they can come back to konoha and do silly couple things. like go to the farmers market and plant flowers#and harvest tomatoes. househusband sasuke and workaholic sakura. my dream combination truly#outbox
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tranquil-turbulence · 2 years ago
SS Month ‘23 - Day 14
Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15
Prompt: Werewolves
WARNING(S): Mild description of injuries
“Code blue! We’ve got another code blue!” She could still hear the nurses yelling as they ran past her room, seconds before the intercom came to life with the same message. “Code blue.”
Sakura heaved a sigh, or as deep a sigh as she could manage with how weak she still felt. Her wounds were no longer a sharp, rippling pain, but now a dull ache through her bones and muscles. She hadn’t been able to look into a mirror, but judging by the wrappings and gauze she felt on her face, it probably wasn’t pretty.
Turning her head, she looked at the teenage boy in the next bed. He’d gotten here a little after she had, another casualty of the attacks. His eyes were wrapped tightly in bandages, keeping him sightless, and there was a large ugly gash going from nostril to chin, passing through his lips.
Whether he was awake or not, she couldn’t tell. All she could see was his chest rising and falling, the teenager seeming very fragile in that large white bed. He’d had a few visitors now; a couple that were apparently his parents, his mother fraught with worry, and a man who claimed to be his older brother who sat at his bedside until the nurses gently told him to go. Despite all of that, he never said a word, or gave any indication he heard them.
Shifting in her bed, she let out a tiny grunt of pain as her wounds pulled. The bright lights of the room were starting to sprout a headache.
“H… hey…” her voice rasped. “You’re awake… right?”
For a moment, the boy in the next bed remained silent. Then, quietly, he answered, “I’ve been awake for a while now.”
Sakura smiled weakly and reached for the water jug at her bedside table. “Do you… do you remember what happened…?”
The teenage boy’s brow furrowed, creasing the wrappings.
“The last thing… before I got knocked out… was my house being destroyed…” Sakura took a moment to sip some water. “And then I wake up here…”
“I don’t remember much,” the boy admitted. “But… I remember being hit… by one of them. Dammit… I hope I haven’t gone blind.”
She sipped more water, looking at the window. The sky was still dark with the night, and luckily the full moon had waned since the attack.
“So…” He began almost awkwardly. “I’m Sasuke. Did they… seriously put me in the same room as a girl? I don’t know how to feel about that.”
“Why, you nervous around girls or something?” She joked with a wheezing laugh. “I’m Sakura.”
He hummed, thoughtful. “Not nervous, just… curious. I wouldn’t expect them to put us together, considering.”
She giggled again, her throat a little less painful. “I suppose between my injuries and your blindfold, the nurses won’t have much to worry about."
The amused expression that flickered across his face made her smile grow. Maybe her stay in the hospital wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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catflorist · 10 months ago
omg that sasusaku art you reblogged... i would pay so much money for your take on that prompt!!!
hi anon! here you go! :) thank you for this prompt, it's been a long time since i wrote anything and it was really fun! i hope you like it!
inspired by this incredibly beautiful artwork by @millientea!
dreams [post-war sasusaku, rated T] ao3 / ffn
In the brief time between the break of his fever and the break of dawn, Sasuke was absent of all his guilt. He held onto Sakura’s hand, and fought sleep to experience the sensation for as long as possible.
After the war, Sasuke's injuries keep him stuck in the hospital. Sakura visits every day.
First Sasuke lost a war with himself. Then he lost an arm. Then the infection and the fever struck, making him keel over then shiver feebly in his hospital bed for three days straight.
His more lucid moments were filled with strangers whizzing into his room to poke and prod him and stick needles horribly into his arm. And when the fever took hold, it carried him downstream to delirium. His nightmares were kind enough to visit him in waking hours, magnified and painted in strong color and detail. And each time he drifted briefly back to consciousness he was greeted with hot, billowing pain at the stump of his arm and the sound of his vitals blaring.
Later a team of doctors inform him that he’s survived a deadly case of sepsis and avoided a second amputation of his left arm. He’ll need bedrest and continued close monitoring. Naruto’s healing well, he hears. Figures.
The days blur. An IV chains Sasuke to bed, where he chokes on boredom thick as smoke. He memorizes the markings of each bird that lands on his windowsill. He watches a ball of dust in the corner move three riveting inches to the left over the course of twenty-four hours. He whips out his sharingan to memorize the lines of his palm, and compares that image to a corresponding record from the last time he was bored to death in a hospital. His heart line has grown longer.
Monotony breaks whenever Sakura breezes into his room.
“I brought you apples.” She smiles at him, a little knowingly. The apples are cut neatly into decorative slices.
She visits at the beginning and end of each shift. In the mornings she smiles brightly in a crisp white coat, and twelve hours later she still smiles brightly, with tired circles under her eyes and loose uncombed hair. This time she’s wearing civilian clothes, here to see him even on her day off.
She’s fearless, for her part. He’s quiet.
When he thinks back to the haze of fever, he remembers slender and cool fingers smoothing damp hair from his brow. A swirl of healing chakra that felt like the way her voice sounds. When he awoke, a nurse mentioned the doctor attending his case invented a new chakra technique on the spot to siphon away the infection.
Sasuke didn’t need to ask who. She never said anything, and he never asked.
He suspects Sakura’s involvement elsewhere, too. When he thinks about why he’s not kept in handcuffs or locked away entirely. In the roasted tomatoes that appear on his meal trays. The reason why Naruto is allowed the occasional visit, shuffling in on crutches and staying until the nurses chase him away.
Sakura sets the plate of apples at his bedside. Today, they resemble rabbits. Sasuke has never eaten more apples in his life, but he does not think of complaining.
“Good news. Your IV is coming out tomorrow!” She smiles, waiting for his reaction.
Right. He should be happy. The feeling flickers dimly and goes out like a damp torch.
Sasuke doesn’t know what his life will look like from here on out. There’s nothing left to hunt after. The main sources of his suffering have all vanished or changed form. All that awaits him is empty space and time—time to reflect, to let the cumulation of all his actions and decisions sink in.
He doesn’t regret the desertion, the treason, as much as others might hope. If he were to go back in time, knowing what he knows about the village, his choices might even look similar. But he regrets hurting the people who cared for him.
He regrets hurting her.
Sakura’s smile has faded. “What’s wrong?”
Sasuke wants to sink under his blankets, to be alone with his guilt. “Nothing.”
“Are you in pain?”
He throws her a glare. “I said it’s nothing.”
Years ago, this would have been enough to scare her away. Now green eyes meet his with full force. “Don’t do this. Don’t be distant.” Sakura’s fingers flex and curl at her sides. “Whatever is on your mind, you can tell me.”
She treats him with such kindness, such patience, though he’s certain he doesn’t deserve it.
“Why are you here, Sakura?” he asks quietly.
“I’m a doctor,” she says, with a flash of irritation.
“You know what I mean.” Sasuke’s vision swims like the beginnings of a migraine. “Leave me. Get on with your life.” He wants the words to carry a touch of contempt, but the lump in his throat filters it all out.
“Why would I leave you?” The pure sincerity of her voice cuts him through. “We just got you back.”
His tongue feels thick and heavy. “I’ve hurt you.” How could she forget?
“I’ve hurt you, too.”
He manages a shake of the head. It’s not the same.
“It’s in the past,” she insists. “We want you in our lives—we always have!”
“I don’t understand why,” he bites, gaining strength.
“Because I love you!”
Birds take off from the windowsill.
Wringing her hands, Sakura clarifies, more weakly, “I love all my friends.”
An icy flame tears through Sasuke’s entire body. He doesn’t believe her. Somehow, he must have tricked her. After everything he’s done, how can someone lower themselves so deeply as to love him? Hot pressure rises behind his eyes. He opens his mouth to recite every reason why she’s wrong.
“So get used to it,” Sakura snaps, recovering and doubling down, like she knows what he’s about to say. Sakura, who has always been a little brazen with her affection, who has so much love and care to give that it confounds him and most others. “I don’t care what’s happened or how long it’s been. You’re still my teammate.”
Sasuke feels a phantom of his past self crouch on his chest. It whispers, push her away, break the plate of apples. Trust yourself and no one else. Be alone. This is the way he knows to protect himself. It’s worked so well, all throughout his life, he can’t imagine anything different.
Does he need to protect himself, from her? Did he ever?
“And…you’re still my friend.” Sakura’s shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath. “If that’s what you want.”
Outside, a raven’s feather drifts in a slow spiral of wind. Sasuke nods.
Sakura straightens. “Good.” Her eyes are jade reflecting fire. “Being friends won’t kill you, I promise. See you in the morning.”
In the morning, Sakura arrives to remove his IV. She’s still carrying an air of quiet victory. To inch this close, to insist on picking up their friendship exactly where they left it, that’s some audacity. Bravery, even.
He needs it.
His heart would crack without it.
Sakura carefully loosens the adhesive and presses gauze over the IV site. Sasuke is already looking away, taking a shallow breath to prepare himself.
“There’s no needles at this part,” she says.
It’s true, he hates needles—one glimpse and he breaks into a cold sweat. But he’s never told anyone. It bothers him that she noticed. “How did you know?”
“I’m a doctor,” she says, which explains very little. “It’ll be quick, I promise.”
“Still hate it,” he breathes.
“I know,” she says. “Done.”
He looks back. She smiles when their gazes meet, holding down pressure on his arm. He didn’t feel a thing.
“You make a small sound.” Her voice is soft. “Under your breath. Like you’re trying to speak but hold it back.”
Sasuke thought he hid the discomfort well. If he can miss such small details about himself, no wonder he was wrong about almost everything—what path to take, and where to place blame, and who to trust. His world has turned over too many times to count.
His senses hone in on Sakura’s touch, muted as it is through gloves and layers of gauze. She’s never changed. Never failed to ease his hurts.
He wants to ask about the fever. The infection that strode in like one last attempt by the world to kill him. She saved his life.
He feels his hand float through the air, stretching towards her face.
Empty air buzzes where his fingers should be grazing her brow. He’s still not used to the loss of his dominant hand. His stump lowers back to his side. Sakura’s expression remains calm, unknowing.
“Thank you,” he says instead.
He knows what the words will mean to her. And so he says it.
A soft smile overtakes Sakura’s face. Sasuke is known for his infamous gaze, but now he doesn’t know where to put it. When to meet her crinkling eyes and for how long. If it’s considered normal to observe the rise of her cheek, the strands of pink hair falling around her face. If he should risk a glance at her smiling lips. The decisions overwhelm him, and he finds he must look away.
Something is different, he thinks.
“He’s on your roster today? Good luck.”
Sasuke’s room is stationed at a quiet bend of the hall, a blind spot between patient rooms and administrative offices where hospital staff stop to gossip before continuing on their rounds. Whether he wants to or not, he’s often forced to eavesdrop.
“—ripped out his IV. Yes, just ripped it out. Three times. Maybe four. Wouldn’t let anyone touch him.”
“Have you noticed all those horrible birds outside his window? The crows?”
A laugh. “Never seen anything like it. Like a curse, I swear—”
“Excuse me.” The conversation grinds to a halt at Sakura’s sharp voice. “Room Four is still waiting on warm blankets.”
Footsteps scatter in two different directions. Sakura sweeps into his room. Her face is a storm. If he saw that expression on a battlefield, he would reach for his weapon. He pictures her cutting apple slices into playful shapes to reverse the effect.
“Don’t listen to them,” she mutters, and throws the curtain divider closed.
“I don’t care.”
“I care.” Absent-minded, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth, Sakura does something she’s never done before: she sits on his bed. All Sasuke’s attention is pulled to the hand’s width of space between his ankle and the slight dip of her weight on the mattress. He slowly shifts his legs away, careful not to draw her notice.
Sakura pulls a velvet pouch out of her coat. “Here. I brought something.”
The most exciting part of Sasuke’s day was when the scent of antiseptic wafted through the door a little stronger than usual. His interest spikes. “What is it?”
Sakura opens the pouch and pours dozens of black and white Go pieces onto the bedspread. She begins arranging the board among the folds of his blankets, and after a moment, Sasuke leans forward to help. He hasn’t played Go since he was a child, but the smooth, round stones feel familiar in his palm, and the rules come back quickly. They play five games in a row without speaking. Sakura wins the first, and he wins the last four.
When they look up again, it’s dark. Sasuke’s neck is stiff from bending over the game for so long. Time has never passed so quickly for him in the hospital.
Sakura is sitting fully atop the bed now, as she has for the past three games, legs crossed with a pensive hand held to her chin. She packs away the game pieces in silence and pulls the drawstring shut. A crease lingers between her eyebrows.
“You could have died.”
Her eyes swell with tears. She doesn’t make a sound.
“I didn’t,” Sasuke says, soft as he can.
“But you could have.” The tears flow faster than she can wipe them away.
“You didn’t let me.” It makes his gut twist to see her cry, even if she cries because his life matters to her.
“I almost didn��t bring the flowers that day. I didn’t know if you’d want them.” Sakura lifts a sleeve to her face. “If I wasn’t there when the shock hit…”
Sasuke struggles to follow. His memory of the whole ordeal is hazy. He has a vague recollection of a nurse removing a vase of wilted flowers from the bedside in the days after the fever lifted.
Sakura’s shoulders tremble with a sob. “I could have lost you.”
“You didn’t lose me.” He catches her hand. Fingers slide together like whispering a secret. “You have me.”
She lifts her tearstained face. Sasuke feels feverish as his words echo back in the silence of their breathing. Her lips part, bitten and red.
“You only ripped out the IV twice, Sasuke-kun.”
Her expression is knit with determination. Sasuke can’t stop himself—a smile twitches onto his mouth. Sakura seems confused by the reaction, studying him hard.
Movement flashes in the corner of Sasuke’s eye as a large black bird lands smoothly on the windowsill. He recognizes this one for a miniscule nick in its leftmost flight feather.
“And the birds. They’re ravens,” he says evenly. “Not crows.”
Sakura smiles, sudden and shining and wide. Sasuke doesn’t fully understand the meaning of the exchange, but contentment sweeps over him.
The warmth of her hand lingers long after she lets go, and he remembers something about the fever.
The infection stalls for days, but when the worst comes, it comes quickly.
First Sasuke’s mouth fills with saliva, then arrives a tsunami of inexplicable dread, and that’s all the warning he receives before an important current in his body shifts off-course and begins to sweep him away. Sasuke breathes deep. A sweet scent hovers in the air. Sakura arrived a moment ago with fresh-cut flowers.
His stump throbs with such a sick, bleeding ache that he loses his grip on his senses. His limbs are all trembling. Another breath. His lungs allow just enough air to call out her name.
Footsteps, a sharp voice. “Sasuke? What’s wrong?”
Healing chakra skims over his body. Sakura lets out a tense breath.
Sasuke knows suffering like he knows the face of an old friend. He can feel it loom over him, its breath ghosting the back of his neck.
“It’s—it’s serious, Sasuke-kun.” The air thickens with chakra, a thrum strong enough to detect by ear. “But you’re going to be fine.”
The breath returns to his lungs, but in exchange, screaming hot pain erupts at his arm and reverberates through every corner of his body. Each pain that flares and fades is replaced quickly by another. His mouth and the tip of his nose go numb. His vision cuts in and out. He is a boat tossed by angry waves, kept afloat solely by the light touch of Sakura’s fingertips.
“Don’t leave,” he hears himself say.
Her voice finds him like sunlight. “I won’t.”
“Do you hate me, Sakura?”
Not long ago, Sasuke hated her. The ache of hatred never left his chest. He hated her so much that her face sometimes replaced his nightmares, and he would wake up blinking away tears. He understands if she feels the same.
He never hears her response. A dark, turbulent quiet rushes over his head, and his old friend follows after him.
At dawn on the day his fever breaks, Sasuke floats awake, greeted by swirls of light floating on the inside of his eyelids. His body feels like his own, but different, like he’s been pulled apart and put back together in a different order. He curls his fingers—the numb tingle of phantom pain lights on one side. The fingers of his other hand tighten around something.
He opens his eyes to a world washed in soft grey. To Sakura’s sleeping face, her hair silver in the light. A dream? No, his mind doesn’t grant him peaceful dreams.
Her head rests tired and heavy on the edge of the bed. Between them lies their hands, tightly clasped, as if they met in a moment of turbulence and held on ever since. Long enough so he can’t distinguish her touch from his own. Flowers watch on the windowsill, shedding petals.
Sasuke plays more games of Go. Less needles are stuck into his arm. He begins to walk again. He feels fresh air on his face. Sakura’s visits continue like clockwork, until one morning she fails to walk through his door.
He sits and watches the birds as morning stretches into afternoon. The chair that has never left his bedside remains empty. After years apart, how quickly he’s grown accustomed to her presence. But this stretch of time is coming to a close. When he leaves the hospital, he doubts he will see her so often.
His window looks out onto the hospital roof, crisscrossed with pipes and exhaust vents, and a small sliver of the street. When the wind blows just right, the branches of a sakura tree wave into view, buds unfurling.
Hard as Sasuke tried to shunt away his past life, he could never escape the spring. The torture of falling petals, of green and pink. The world around him transformed as if to ensure he could never forget her.
Daylight is getting long when Sakura wobbles in, rubbing her eyes. “Hi.”
Sasuke’s spine straightens. “Hey.”
She sits in her spot by the bed, where he’s been playing a game of Go with himself. “How’s the game?”
“I’m losing,” he says.
Sakura smiles and shifts one of the white stones to a dangerous location. Warmth floods Sasuke’s chest, though now he’s certain to lose. Their hands move back and forth over the imaginary board, bold and quick.
Sakura yawns victoriously as she captures his last tile. “Another?”
Exhaustion shadows her eyes, but if he answers yes, she’ll delay sleep even longer. Does she ever sleep? Hospital staff are always wandering the halls to seek her opinion, or pull her into surgeries, or hand her a stack of paperwork. Yet she carves out a portion of her valuable time for him.
Sasuke shakes his head. But he’s not selfless enough to give up her company so soon. “How are you?”
Her tired gaze lifts and flicks away. A faint blush dusts her cheeks. Why? Is it strange for him to ask? He’s still ruminating when she answers. “I’m okay. It’s been a long day. Emergency surgery, complications, everything. I can’t remember the last time I slept…” Their fingers brush twice as they put away the game pieces. “I’m really sorry I couldn’t come earlier.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
Sakura leans against his bed and drops her head onto her arms. “Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”
What can he say? He did miss her.
Springtime has come again. The season used to drive him mad. The sakura flowering all at once, all over the continent, wherever he looked. The petals scattering like rain in the wind, catching in the folds of his cloak. The sight of blossoms on bare wood, crossing over his head in a blooming lattice. The five-petaled flowers, the five fingers of a hand he would never touch again. The color. It tested his patience, his devotion to his goal like nothing else.
Sasuke skims his fingers over the pink wave of her hair. He’s always wanted to, deep down. Sakura cracks open her eyes, catches him red-handed in his affection. He runs a thumb in the barest caress across her cheekbone. He is at his weakest in the spring.
“Come here,” he mumbles, fairly certain that she will. Terrified that she won’t.
“Where?” she whispers.
Sasuke lifts his chin. He rests his hand on the blanket. His fingertips burn from touching her. “Here.”
In the brief time between the break of his fever and the break of dawn, Sasuke was absent of all his guilt. He held onto Sakura’s hand, and fought sleep to experience the sensation for as long as possible. He did not deserve her, but he pretended he did.
Even as Sakura slides into the bed, rests her head in his lap, he cannot fully believe what he’s seeing. She presses closer to him, as if she wants to be close, and her eyes drift shut, as if his presence soothes her. A spell falls over Sasuke as he listens to her breathing. His hand lowers to her back.
Maybe, in the end, it’s as simple as she said. She loves him.
Sleepy green eyes blink open with a trace of shyness, of the girl that used to blush each time he spared her a glance. He will never admit how often he tested his powers. “You don’t mind?”
“No,” he says.
Sakura climbs higher. She folds her arms across his chest like he’s a pillow and tucks her cheek into the crook of her elbow. Sasuke’s heartbeat grows unsteady. Her hair smells the same, like jasmine.
Sasuke never imagined a future beyond his revenge, that his life could continue on and contain moments lit in a glow like sunlight through petals. Holding her awakens desires that have nothing to do with pain and sacrifice. He wants to stroke her hair until she falls asleep. He wants to visit her dreams. He wants even more. His chest aches in the way he once thought was hatred.
He touches her cheek, straightening out a lock of silky hair. She doesn’t stir.
Sasuke closes his eyes, and like he’s never had trouble with it before, dreams.
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stu-dyingstudent · 7 days ago
Sakura Haruno fic recs: amnesia/memory loss
My love for this trope started back with A Poor Imitation by leafygirl, which is unfortunately now deleted. I'm not sure what it is, but I just really enjoy the tragedy around the character's loss of memory. The pain and struggle that comes with them having to relearn their whole life.
Anyway, I don't know too many, but here's some ones that I like!
Started: 2025.02.22
Last Updated: 2025.02.22
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fanfiction recs (all organized)!
The Long Way Home - thegeneralgirl || ao3 || T || sasusaku || amnesia AU || complete
Sakura finds Sasuke again in Wind Country five years after the war. He's supposed to be dead and she's supposed to be beyond caring, but neither of them likes to live up to expectations.
Amnesiac!Sasuke is found years after his supposed death by Sakura. It's really interesting because Sasuke is actually taken in by a civilian family (I think they're farmers) from a far off town. However, he can't help but gravitate towards the shinobi way. I really enjoyed it!
Cherry Blossom Flames  - Winged Lady Colette || ffn || M || madasaku || founders era AU || incomplete
A seven year old amnesiac awoke in a stream, being rescued by two brothers. MadaraxSakura
A young, amnesiac!Sakura is found by the Senju brothers and later becomes one of the leading reasons for the founding of Konoha. Cherry Blossom Flames is actually one of my favourite fics! It's definitely not bamf!Sakura if that's what you like, but it's very well written and her sibling relationship with Tobirama and Hashirama is so sweet. Plus, her and Madara are quite wholesome. I will also note this this does cover a significant amount of time.
The Lost One  - elle6778 || ffn || M || itasaku || amnesia AU || complete
Memories lost, Itachi began to settle into life as a civilian in a secluded village. But when fate thrust Sakura into the picture, he knew he could no longer avoid his past. ItaSaku. Spoiler up to Manga Chapter 449. Prequel to The Return of the Heir.
The Lost One is fairly popular, but for good reason! Itachi is the one here with amnesia and Sakura is a double agent. In Konoha, it's been Hokage!Danzo since the Pein attack and I'm sure you can imagine what that means for the village... Highly recommend!
Sakura Haruno's Least Favourite Romantic Tropes - Sasstenance || ao3 || unrated || kakaobi & narusasu || amnesia AU || incomplete
Obito Uchiha has formed an unfortunate acquaintanceship with retrograde amnesia. Sakura Haruno, despite being the most socially aware child in her genin team, is like her two peers in being still largely friendless, and in dire need of a confidante.
Sakura's father drags home amnesiac!Obito to live with the Haruno's and although Sakura isn't initially happy about the situation, she warms up to him. Obito sort of trains Sakura a bit and becomes her new friend. Plus, now with her tearful discovery that Sasuke actually likes Naruto, she's determined to make sure they're together! Very fun.
Tree & Blossom - Anannua, coolgirl3890 || ao3 || T || iruyama || babysitter Yamato AU || ongoing
Here he was, an ANBU operative with the ultra-rare Wood Release ability, being insulted through his bachelor pad's dingy bathroom by Sakura, a child who was distantly related to the person who gave him the ultra-rare Wood Release ability through years of unethical experimentation.
Kid Sakura is somehow related to Orochimaru and the Hokage assigns the job to keep an eye on her to Yamato. You guys, this fic is adorable! Another kid fic (I love), parental!Yamato, amnesiac!Sakura, pre-massacre, all of the kids are friends, and let's just give Iruka the honorary title of Naruto's dad.
To Come Back To You - thekatthatbarks || ao3 || M || kakasaku || amnesia AU || complete
Kakashi wakes up in the hospital after a mission and has amnesia. He's forgotten the last sixteen years and Sakura doesn't know how to act around the man who doesn't remember he's her husband.
Amnesiac!Kakashi makes for an awkward situation where Sakura has to pretend that they aren't in fact married. I believe Sakura is 28 in this I love that the cast includes lots of Kakashi's generation! Also, I'm fairly certain this is on ffn too.
Amnesia  - The Reading Cat || ffn || T || narusaku || amnesia AU || complete
Sakura wakes up in the hospital with little knowledge of her past. Will she recover her lost memories? Or will she just have to start a new life with old friends? If she can't remember, it may just put her and Naruto's lives in danger. NaruSaku.
After a mission gone wrong Sakura is unable to remember anything past the age of eight. Her mother is definitely a headache in Amnesia, but Sakura and Naruto are great and it's got a pretty good ending!
Oh boy, I really need to update my other lists! Thanks to everyone for bearing with me :)
Also, I feel like I know some more (it's an itch in my brain!!), but I can't remember for now...
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cozyassa · 8 months ago
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st-kitten · 2 months ago
synopsis it was no news that uchiha sasuke hated most people. stoic as a boy, an absolute wrathful presence as a teenager, he had a penchant for taking what he wanted without remorse. despite calling sakura 'annoying', he couldn't help but feel burning jealousy when he heard just how many men were confessing their love to her after the war. now now, wasn't she supposed to be obsessed with him?
warnings: !! characters are 18+, possessiveness, degradation (he gets really mean ˙◠˙), rough sex, sharingan use, his version of missionary ig, doggy style, throat fucking, hair pulling, choking, loss of virginity (both), aftercare (because sakura deserves the world) sasuke has 2 arms in this one *not canon
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sakura was liked by everyone at the hospital. known for her warm smile and reassuring presence, she has a way of brightening everyone’s day. patients, especially the male ones, often find themselves smitten—some sneak glances her way, while others try their luck by bringing her flowers. though sakura handles it all with a mix of professionalism and good humour, her focus always remains on her work and ensuring the wellbeing of her village.
however, a certain raven haired guy felt bile rise in him upon seeing the girl who used to fawn over him be admired by others. seeing her out and about in the hospital lobby, chirpy and greeting, but also dedicated and focused was a sight that sasuke never expected to find alluring. gone was the sickly, frightened girl who begged him to stay. she had turned into a beautiful woman who was self-assured, stronger than most, and ambitious. so why was the sight of her being pursued for who she was making him sick?
sakura ended her shift and returned to the cosy apartment she'd bought with the money saved from missions. she took her coat off, washed her face and clipped her hair up. she went about her nightly routine, cracking open a can of cold coffee, waiting for a dinner for one, and putting on music, slowly swaying to it. when the food arrived, she collected it and paid the delivery guy. she went to her room to put her wallet back, passing by red eyes that glowed in the dark.
she tensed and whipped around. she'd recognise those eyes anywhere.
the brooding man stepped out of the darkness of her room, standing in front of her. for a moment he simply stared down at her, taking her homely appearance in.
"what are... you doing here?"
seeing the man she'd loved all this time suddenly spawn in her bedroom of all places had her mind running off to uncharted places and her heart on steroids.
"what. can i not be here?" he asked curtly.
sakura shook her head. "that's... not what i asked."
oh? sasuke held back an amused grin at her assertiveness. years ago this girl would've crumbled at the mere image of him. yet now she confronted him plainly.
sasuke spotted the pile of bouquets on her dresser. "from your fans?"
he scoffed. "become popular, have we?"
sakura frowned. she didn't know what he wanted. or why he was being so cryptic. had he walked in through the front door, she'd have gladly let him in. but something was off about his sudden visit.
before she could enquire, sasuke's mangekyou sharingan set the flowers aflame with his amaterasu, eliciting a gasp from sakura.
"what are you doing!?" she tried to pick up a bouquet to salve it from the spreading fire but sasuke caught her wrist tightly.
"stop entertaining your patients. half of them are married men anyway."
"i'm their doctor... i can't just—"
sasuke silenced her with a dark gaze, reminding her of all the times he'd looked at her that way. but this time, it didn't hint at hatred. no, it was something else.
"what's gotten into you, sasuke-kun?"
his grip on her wrist tightened as he pulled her closer. he looked down at her, watching her bright green eyes sparkle in the ambient moonlight.
"hmm? thought you'd enjoy this... enjoy my... attention," he quipped.
sakura tried to pry her wrist away from his grip but who was she kidding; a part of her knew his strength could overpower her if he truly wanted it to and another part of her didn't want him to let go.
he tilted her chin up, running his thumb over her lower lip. that was enough to get her to blush. as he leaned a little forward, sakura panicked and pulled away, but sasuke's grip kept her in place.
"don't fight it. we both know you want this just as much..."
sasuke pressed his lips to hers, sealing with a kiss. her lips were softer than his. her little gasp enabled him to nip at her lower lip, his tongue gliding over it. sasuke wasn't someone who cared about 'first kisses'. but he had to admit, it felt sinfully good to kiss sakura.
"come on... haven't you waited long enough for this?" he whispered against her lips.
sakura, as her mind raced with a million thoughts, kissed him back gently. with a hum of approval, sasuke resumed kissing her. he was far from gentle. he carded his fingers through her pastel pink hair, using it to control her movements as he forced their mouths in a bruising kiss, eliciting another gasp from her. he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in, past her parted lips, claiming hers with an authority she knew not to challenge.
he freed her wrist and let his hand roam around her slender waist, pulling her impossibly closer to him. he let his hand travel down to cup her ass, squeezing the flesh he knew was a recent addition to her grown body. sakura's shaky hands rested on his chest, in an attempt to keep distance from his sudden barrage of kisses, but that was to no avail.
sasuke's hand came back up, kneading at her breast through her red shirt. sakura whimpered at how forward he was being. her childhood insecurity of having smaller breasts was diminishing with every passing second as sasuke's fingers deftly played with her breast, running his knuckles over her clothed nipple, feeling it harden immediately.
he bit her lower lip, before soothing the sting with a swipe of his tongue. he pulled away momentarily, holding her jaw, watching the strings of saliva stretching as their mouths pulled away from each other.
"you know your so called patients want you, right?" he murmured, letting his lips hover near her ear.
"w-what, n-no."
"you may be annoyingly professional... but you're no fool, sakura." he let his hand slip her her shirt, making her stomach recoil with arousal as his fingertips touched her soft skin.
"no? want me to let you in on their thoughts, hm?" sasuke leaned down to kiss her neck, whispering into her ear as he pressed wet kisses on the column of her throat. he let his hand explore further, tugging at her bra cup, and slipping his hand inside to cup her breast.
"every day you put that coat on and walk into their rooms, talk to them, check their pulse. let me tell you, sakura, all they want is for that hand around their wrist to be around something else instead."
sakura's breath hitched at the obscenity sasuke was whispering in her ear. she knew he was brutally honest to a fault, but she didn't know if his words were meant to scare her or confuse her.
sasuke slowly began pushing her towards her bed. "the 'hot' doctor, the 'pretty' doctor... the doctor with pink hair... don't tell me you can't hear them... don't tell me..." sasuke bit into her neck, then licked the spot and sucked on it till it turned red and blue.
"don't tell me you don't see them practically eye-fuck you every time you look at their stupid charts."
sakura didn't know whether to be embarrassed or shocked. she knew all that. but the way he was describing it...
"why do... you... care?" she asked, her voice a trembling murmur.
sasuke pushed her by her shoulders, letting her fall into the bed. he watched her jaw fall agape as she gasped, her hands gripping the mattress, her breasts bouncing a little as she landed on the bed.
he crawled on top of her, straddling her hips. he snaked his hands under her shirt to pull it off. reflexively, her hands crossed over her uneven bra. not that he cared. he forced them apart anyway, pinning her wrists above her head with one hand while the other pulled her bra down, letting the cold night air waft around her exposed breasts. he yanked the bra, the hooks snapping, and tossed it away.
"i don't. but you should." he leaned down to press kisses on her collarbone. "you shouldn't lead them on, sakura..."
"i'm n-not... i—"
"...not when you're mine."
sakura froze when he said that. mine. the way that word spilled out of his mouth was like a commandment carved into stone.
"it was fucking torture. watching you smile at them. smile at me, sakura. blush at me. look at me..." sasuke mumbled, his face pressed on the valley of her breasts. he freed her wrists and used his hands to cup both her breasts from the sides, pushing them together till he was nosedeep into the swells of her breasts.
"don't tell me i'm not the object of your desire anymore," he said mockingly, knowing very well just how much he occupied her mind. he captured one of her nipples between his teeth, tugging gently before soothing the ache with his tongue. he sucked harder when she didn't respond, letting his tongue swirl around the bud.
sakura squirmed under him, welcoming sasuke's impatient touch with god knows what eagerness. if she had any self-respect, she'd stop him, talk to him, clear things out. the rational part of her was screaming at her to sock the shit out of him. but her fluttering heart won over with every thump.
"sasuke-kun... we... we're not... too... soon," she rambled, flushed.
he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt. "how utterly pathetic."
he leaned in closer, his face inches away from hers, his voice, a menacing whisper. "let me make one thing clear. i don't give a fuck if this is 'too soon'. hell, i don't even care if you have some weak excuse of a boyfriend i don't know about, who, let's be honest, isn't gonna keep you satisfied." he had an inkling as to what she was afraid of. "you worried we're not 'together' enough to do this?" sasuke descended once more, his lips trailing fire along her jaw before catching her mouth in a searing kiss, plundering with reckless abandon, teeth clashing, tongues in a frenzied friction.
"let's get real, pink. you've always been mine."
sakura blushed like a tomato, and sasuke chuckled darkly, his hand trailing past her flimsy shorts, diving straight between her legs where he was met with pulsating heat, and dampness that made him feel proud of himself.
sasuke's fingers found the slick heat of her core. he stroked through the folds, keeping his touch feather light, applying pressure here and there. he pressed a finger against her entrance, circling the rim before pushing inside, feeling her walls clench around his invading digit. sasuke groaned in satisfaction. "fucking... tight."
withdrawing his finger, he brought it to her lips, smearing the glistening evidence of her arousal across them.
"taste yourself," he said as he pushed his finger inside sakura's mouth, and watched as her lips involuntarily wrapped around it.
"that's it, take it all in," he rasped, letting his finger shove as deep as he could. he removed it with a lewd pop, and replaced it with his tongue, thrusting deep to foreshadow what he was about to do to her soon, moaning into her mouth. sasuke devoured sakura's mouth with a ferocity that bordered on feral.
breaking the kiss, leaving her lips swollen and her cheeks red, he sat back on his heels, his chest heaving with mild exertion. he hoisted himself up on his knees.
with shaky hands, sakura undid her shorts. sasuke's impatience got the best of him and he yanked her panties down harshly, the sound of fabric tearing echoing in the room. with a fluid motion, sasuke shed his clothes too, revealing his chiselled physique in all its glory. his rock-hard erection sprang free, throbbing with anticipation. but it was worth seeing sakura's reaction.
"poor baby... never seen a dick?" he cooed.
sakura resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "seen plenty at the hospital," she smiled slyly.
sasuke's brow twitched. of course. she dealt with patients of all shapes and sizes. it wouldn't be her first time seeing a man naked.
grabbing her wrist, he effortlessly pulled her off the bed, to her feet before forcing her own onto the carpet by her bed. he loomed over her, his imposing figure casting a shadow darker than the room.
"look at me," he commanded and she did so.
"this is what power feels like. forget what you've seen." he toyed with sakura, his fingers wrapping around the delicate column of her throat, while his other hand brandished his dick mere inches from her face, its tip leaking just enough.
"i think it's time you paid proper homage to the man you claim to be obsessed with, hm?" he purred, his thumb brushing over her pulse point.
"worship me with your mouth, sakura, and maybe— just maybe, i'll grant you the privilege of feeling this cock inside you."
the more candid he became, the more sakura felt her world shift. he was harsh when he could be. but in this setting? sakura couldn't want anything else.
she timidly gave his tip a few kitten licks. "aww," sasuke hummed.
"come on..." he encouraged her, his grip on the back of her neck tightening ever so slightly. "open wide... and show me how much you know about 'anatomy'... doctor."
with a subtle push, he guided her mouth to take him in, feeling her lips wrap around his head. he paused, savouring the warm, wet heat enveloping him before withdrawing a little.
"so pretty when you're pleasuring me..." sasuke murmured, his eyes gleaming.
his breath hitched a little as sakura's head bobbed, taking him deeper with each to and fro. the sight of her dainty hands clinging to his thighs, nails digging into his skin sent a jolt of excitement through him
"that's it... take it all," he groaned, his hips instinctively thrusting forward to meet her efforts.
sasuke heard her choke and gag around his girth and oh how he revelled in that power. this was submission incarnate, and he intended to wring every last drop of pleasure from sakura.
"fuck, look at you," he panted, his fingers tangling in her soft pink hair as he began to fuck her mouth with increasing vigour. "so desperate for my dick, aren't you?"
sakura's muffled moans vibrating around his shaft only heightened his arousal. he could feel her throat constricting around him, the slick of her saliva coating his thick length as he pistoned in and out of her mouth.
a low animalistic grunt escaped his lips as he caught the sight of tears streaming down her face, a perverse sense of pride swelling in his chest.
"that's right, cry for me," he whispered, his pace faltering for a moment. "let everyone know who owns this pretty mouth."
with renewed fervour, sasuke resumed his relentless thrusts in her mouth, both his hands grabbing her head, chasing the edge of climax. the raw lust in his gaze intensified as he watched sakura's swollen lips stretch obscenely around his cock, her doe-eyes pleading mercy even as they submitted to his domination.
"fuck, you were made for this," he growled, his voice strained with the patience of holding back his impending release. "built to worship my dick... me..."
with a final, brutal shove, he buried himself to the hilt in sakura's mouth. a guttural moan tore from his chest as he came hard, spilling wave after wave of scalding seed directly down her gullet.
for a long moment, he remained frozen, his hips twitching with the aftershock. as sakura's throat involuntarily milked his spent cock, every last drop of cum from him, he felt a shiver run down his spine. her easy acceptance sent a thrill of possessive triumph through him.
"swallow it all," he commanded, a croak escaping nonetheless. in that moment, perhaps, sakura was more courageous than sasuke.
he reluctantly pulled out from her puckered lips. he watched, transfixed as her tongue darted out to lap at the traces of cum lingering on her lower lip.
"such a good little slut you are, pink."
sasuke's expression softened ever so slightly as he noticed the underlying vulnerability flickering in her eyes. he reached out, his calloused fingers gently tilting sakura's chin up to meet his gaze.
"this isn't a hate-fuck, okay?" he said quietly, his voice lacking his usual arrogant edge. "if anything... it's the opposite."
sasuke's thumb brushed over sakura's trembling lip. "i'm... not some cruel sadist who gets off on making you suffer. but... when i take something... it's because i crave it, because i need it to survive."
sasuke felt an unfamiliar warmth spreading through him, a longing to shield this vulnerable girl he'd known since they were kids, more from his own corrupted desires. in that moment, the cold, terrorising uchiha seemed to soften a little.
"it's... another kind of hell to crave you knowing what i've put you through." he pulled her up to stand, steadying her with his hand on her waist.
"but you know me..." he said softly, leaning forward to kiss her, tasting the salty tang of his own cum on her lips.
with a predatory glint in his eye, sasuke pushed her back onto the bed, making her sit on the edge. he knelt before her, his fingers parting her thighs to grant him unfettered access to the goddess between her legs. her scent filled his nostrils, making him wonder just how privileged he was to be able to do what he was about to.
licking his lips in anticipation, he leaned in, his warm breath fanning over her slick folds. with no preamble, he sasuke dove in, his tongue lapping at her weeping core, the velvety texture sending pleasure straight to his aching cock.
sakura's thighs shut tight around his head in response to that, but he didn't let it deter him. instead, he used the opportunity to bury his face deeper between her legs, his nose nestled against her clit as he continued to devour her pussy with hunger.
the slight pressure of her thighs only spurred him on, his tongue probing and diving in with the same passion he showed when he fought battles against ghosts of his own clan and extraterrestrial gods. her could feel sakura bucking her hips against his face, her desperate attempts to grind herself against is skilled mouth.
sakura looked down once, only to find his deathly sharingan and rinnegan already looking up at her in the darkness, adding to the fearful thrill of their intimacy.
"fuck yes, ride my face," he grunted, his words muffled by her soaked folds, "take what you need, pink."
sasuke grabbed her thigh and threw one leg over his broad shoulder, gaining easier access to her dripping sex. he wasted no time, his tongue plunging deep into her clenched channel with no remorse. the lewd sounds of sloppy oral pleasure filled the room as sasuke feasted on sakura, his lips and cheeks hollowing with each suckle.
"bless this cunt... you're... divine," he rambled, eating her out like a rabid dog.
as sakura's orgasm crashed over her, her honeyed release flooded his mouth and chin and sasuke lapped up every drop. as her breathing steadied, he withdrew from her pussy with a final, sensual lick. wiping his damp mouth with the back of his hand, he looked up at her.
"let me fuck you, sakura," he said bluntly, his gaze boring into hers as he climbed back up on the bed, pushing her down into the sheets, both scooting back.
equal parts terrified and eager, sakura blurted out "sas-sasuke-kun, i've never... i.... I'M A VIRGIN!"
sasuke simply look at her, blinking. "yeah, me too."
it was a brief moment, but both of them felt a wave of relief wash over them knowing they were just as inexperienced yet yearning for each other.
sasuke reached for the condom in the pocket of his pants, feeling no shame to imply that he came to her room with a purpose. as he tore the wrapped, he ran her through the process. part of it was to turn her on, spoiling what she was going to experience, but another part was to simply reassure himself that he was really about to do it.
as he rolled the rubber on his rehardened cock, his breath fanning over her face, he spoke, "you better be sure, pink. because once i'm inside you, there's no turning back."
he brushed his thumbs over sakura's hip bones, pulling her half onto his lap as the rest of her lay on the bed. he followed, looming over her. he could sense that she was zoning out, ready to let it happen to her.
"one last time, sakura... tell me you want this."
sakura whimpered like a frightened kitten, but nodded.
"use your words, baby," sasuke said softly.
"yes... yes. i... i want this."
his lips curled into a small smirk at her timid acquiescence. he pressed forward, the thick crown of his wet cock running up and down her slit a few times before pushing in, breaching her tight passage with a single, slow thrust.
sakura whimpered in pain, hissing at the tear, her gummy walls clenching instantly, as if to push him out. sasuke groaned, his head falling down.
"fuck... relax... please..."
he remained still, savouring the sensation of deflowering sakura haruno. he stayed buried halfway, till he felt her breathe and slowly loosen up. then with a sharp exhale, sasuke began to move, withdrawing until just the tip remained within her before plunging back in, slowly pushing more of his inches inside her. her bed creaked under their momentum.
sakura cried out initially, her hands clawing at his shoulder and bicep as her back arched. his grip on her hips tightened as his cock pumped in and out of her, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the room.
"good girl..." he rasped. "let every" thrust "goddam" thrust "man out there" thrust "know who's... fucking you senseless right now."
sakura let out girlish, lewd moans, all of which sasuke devoured, kissing her open mouth frantically, messily. with a particularly brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside, grinding against her cervix.
"shit... you feel me, pink? i'm... balls deep... in you."
sakura whimpered and whined and moaned like a braindead, dumbfucked girl. sasuke gripped her throat, mildly cutting of her air supply.
"fucking take it, you... pathetic little slut," he snarled, his thrusts growing harsher, more punishing. "you're... so mine."
sakura trembled and shook as her orgasm hit her like a train, her staccato moans matching sasuke's erratic pace. he shoved his cock to the root and exploded inside the condom, which he wished didn't exist.
he rode out the aftershocks, still hard as ever. just as he felt sakura's body relax into the bed, he chuckled with sadistic delight as he grabbed her limp body and flipped her over onto her stomach, her sticky ass in his view. with a mean slap, he spanked her ass, watching the flesh jiggle.
"keep those legs spread, whore," his voice dripping with playful disdain. "i'm not done with you yet."
any other day, had someone addressed her that way, sakura would've pummelled that person to the ground, six feet under. but sasuke was her one weakness... her guilty pleasure. she kept her shaking legs steady and parted.
sasuke discarded the condom and tossed it on the floor. he leaned forward, his hands on her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
"i only brought one... do you..."
she shook her head.
sasuke let his head fall down on her, his sweaty forehead resting on her shoulder.
"you can... piss it out later, right?" he asked, half ashamed, half pleading.
sakura knew the risks all too well, being a doctor. "yes... but—"
a rare whine escape sasuke's mouth as he murmured in her ear. "please, baby... i still need you... let me... let me fuck you raw. please... please." he went on and on as if he was begging for his life.
sakura sighed, feeling just as needy. "if i end up pregnant, you're dead."
sasuke chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. "come on... gotta restore the uchiha clan somehow, right?"
he pulled back, and without pause, gripped her ass and drove his cock back into her, raw, without any layer stopping him from feeling her inside out.
"oh... god..." he groaned as he felt her anew. this position too, allowed him to penetrate even deeper, his balls slapping against her reddened ass with each merciless thrust.
sakura moaned into the mattress, barely holding on, but fucking her hips back into him.
"you love being used like a cheap fucktoy, don't you?" he sneered, his hips snapping forward. "admit it. say yes."
sakura's girlish whines of 'yes' fuelled his ego and his expression twisted into a smirk as her desperate admissions. he continued to pound into her, each stroke designed to claim her.
"that's right, beg for it," he taunted. "beg for my cock to ruin you again."
as if to punctuate his words, sasuke reached around to roughly pinch and twist one of sakura's nipples, adding another layer of agony. her high-pitched whines were music to his ears.
"perfect... i'm gonna keep using you... until you're nothing but a cumdrunk mess, pink."
if heaven ever existed, sakura wished it felt like the exact feeling she was experiencing as sasuke's methodic thrusts stretched her out. but she was just as crazy as her black-haired boy. "h-harder..." she muttered.
a chuckle rumbled in sasuke's chest at her wanton plea. he slammed into her with savageness, the force shaking her entire body.
"you want it harder, slut?" he growled, his hands slapping both the cheeks of her ass before he grabbed her hips tightly, using it for his own gratification. "then take it."
with brutal plunges, sasuke bottomed out inside sakura, his cockhead kissing her cervix as he rammed into her repeatedly.
"i'm going to fill this dirty cunt with so much cum... you'll be leaking for days," he promised. "and then i'll do it again, and again..."
with a roar, he surged forward one last time, burying himself further as both their orgasms crashed over them.
"fuck..." he bellowed, his cock throbbing and pulsing as it emptied its load inside sakura's cunt, his hips twitching with each spurting jet of cum, painting her insides white. when he finally stilled, his spent dick remained lodged inside her, their bodies slick with sweat and copious amounts of fluid.
with a satisfied groan, sasuke pulled out of her, only to immediately smear his cum over her ass. not content to simply leave her dripping pussy untouched, sasuke reached down and plunged two fingers into her depth, scooping up the remnants and bringing them up to his mouth, licking his fingers clean.
"much... fucking better, than that dumb ramen naruto keeps making me eat."
sakura lets out a snort of a laugh into the mattress. with god knows what strength, she gets out of bed, limping to the bathroom, leaving sasuke knelt on the bed in a pool of the mess they made. he manages to wipe himself clean with his own pants. laying against the headrest, he collects his breath, left alone to reflect on what had just happened.
the sound of the toilet flushing jogs him out of his thoughts and he glances at the door, looking at a dishevelled sakura, leaning against the doorframe, shyly looking back at him.
despite the rough treatment he'd put her through, there was an undeniable glow to her post-coital state. with no forethought, sasuke held his hand out to her, a hint of a knowing smile on his face, which only widened into a grin as sakura's face lit up and she trotted to his side, her hand in his.
"not bad for our first time, yeah?"
"call me a whore again and it'll be the first and the last time."
"yes ma'am."
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sakuraspages · 6 months ago
Sasusaku snippet #4
"Naruto is traumatized because Hinata made him attend the labor and delivery class at the hospital. He said he's glad he'll never have to give birth to the tailed beast inside him."
Naruto has always had a tendency to overshare private information, but now that his wife is pregnant, Sasuke can't go a day without hearing about bodily functions he'd rather have ingored.
Sakura chuckles and holds her round belly.
"Oh no don't make me laugh, I'm gonna pee myself," she says quickly. Her own pregnancy is already quite far along and it's unclear who of Hinata or Sakura will give birth first.
There is a short silence between them. When Sasuke speaks again his voice is much quieter. "Are you disappointed that I don't do these things with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean the pregnancy classes and all."
Sakura shrugs slightly. "I didn't expect it from you. We do things differently. It's fine."
Sasuke doesn't seem convinced. "Is it?"
"If it makes you feel better, I don't go to the classes anyway, I usually give them."
It is true that it would make little sense for him to attend a classe when Sakura already give him all the info directly.
"You're already a pro," he says with a smile.
Sakura nods. "Do you want me to teach you how babies are made?"
He eyes her baby bump. "Apparently we both already know that..."
Sakura raises her eyebrows and fakes a pout as she moves away from him. "Oh ok then."
He pulls her back and kisses her. "I'll retake the class."
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uchiha-hemy · 1 year ago
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SasuSaku, después de la guerra, en una habitación de hospital 7w7
✨𝕮𝖗𝖉. 𝕬𝖗𝖙.:
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pinkhairedlily · 8 months ago
seven years
sasusaku month 2024 | days 1 and 3: the start of everything x hospital visits
AO3 ✍🏽https://archiveofourown.org/works/57048928
It has become a habit—Sasuke’s nightly vigil by the window. 
Part curiosity: he watches people, sees them come and go, uses his honed senses for a pinprick of residual danger in the aftermath of the war. Humans are creatures of habit. The daytime shift security marshall takes a nap across the bench and waits for his partner to finish at eight. They have this secret handshake that lingers a few seconds too long. The two pediatric receptionists sneak out under the dogwood tree to eat their okonomiyaki at the nearby yatai. It’s the one that has long lines where nobody seems to be in a hurry. The novelty of a good taste. An elderly bald patient prefers to take his walk around the oval, twice and a half. Tonight, he is faster by ten minutes.
When the door to his room opens and the antiseptic cuts through the air, Sasuke is also reminded of his own ticks. He tenses just a little bit, leans forward towards his bent knee, and gives a nonchalant nod as greeting. 
This is the other side. Part pretense. Pretending he didn’t notice that her shift is over a while ago and that she is late today. He had told himself earlier, that she has a life outside of her white robe and maybe she smells something other than alcohol and betadine. On some nights when she did just that, Sasuke couldn’t help but feel it again—loneliness.
Everyone in his line of sight has somewhere to go, something to do, some place to be, while he is here, in his hospital room, in an existential limbo. What will he do tomorrow? It depends on his chart. Does he have someplace to be? Where even is home? What happens when he gets discharged? Untethered, he is.
The bottom corner of Sasuke’s bed sinks as Sakura sits.
“Did you have an emergency?” he asks.
She nods. “A gastrointestinal case.” Her nose scrunches up as if reliving the memory. “It was a quick one.”
“Hn. You better go home. I heard from Naruto you’ll have an early start tomorrow.”
“Ah yes, the boring council meetings. Kakashi and Tsunade-sama insist we attend, for the transition or something.” Ever perceptive, she picks up on his brooding. “What is it?”
Sasuke shakes his head, feeling silly now. “Nothing.”
Sakura learns, over the course of their nightly conversations, to wait the silence out and carry in comfort the weight of the yet unspoken. It’s the hospital, she said to him one time, it’s the people on these beds that taught me patience while knowing that time is precious.
So eventually, he lets it go. “Great things are waiting for you. Kakashi will be hokage as will be Naruto given his birthright. And you, you’ll be the hospital director.” The green eyes staring at him glimmer at the anticipation. She has been waiting for this, he realizes. “You’ll be the best,” he adds and her smile only gets bigger.
“I know,” she tells him, “Thank you.” In that split moment, Sakura seemed unrecognizable to him. Gone is the girl who would shy away from compliments. Here in front of him now sits someone who basks in her own light.
Everyone has found their place after the war, like stepping into shoes already made for wear. What happens to an avenger? Sasuke muses. No one tells stories of the avenger who survives the battle and lives. 
Sakura inches a little closer to him, the proximity of their fingers jolting him out of his self-pitous revelry. “The girl we operated on today had to have her intestines dissected and sewn together again to get rid of a tumor. It’s an invasive procedure, but I can better control her vitals than risk cutting through everywhere. Her gut lining, however, got wiped out, but it didn’t scare us one bit. Ask me why.”
“You’re treating me like your intern,” Sasuke winces, but then relents, “Why?”
“Like blood, the cells in our gut lining live under a week. They get replaced rather very quickly, a day, in three to one hundred and twenty days. About 330 billion cells get replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In three and a half months, these would be like 300 trillion cells,” Sakura explains. “Some cells that make up our organs also get replaced, did you know that? Your esophagus, your skin, your eyelashes, your lips. They say, it takes seven years. Seven years to become a whole new you.”
Sasuke couldn’t help but look at the stump that borders his arm, one that prevents him from reaching out to tuck the stray strand that keeps on escaping her headband. “Some parts don’t grow back.”
“You’re right.” She throws both of her legs on the bed and sits under them. “Some cells regenerate very slowly—your brain, your heart—but I think it’s better that way, isn’t it? After all, they hold our memories, our feelings. I would never want to part with them.”
“It’s a dangerous thing.” Sasuke thinks back to his past, to the many unspeakable sins he committed, the wrongs he tolerated, the decisions that put him on this bed, in front of a girl he once tried to kill with the limb that is now missing. “To be promised with a new beginning.”
“It’s the universe’s way of giving chances to our bodies, I guess.” Sakura lies down completely across his bed, barely grazing his leg, her fingers gingerly dancing with the breeze from the window. “We don’t really have the power to deny life.”
Sasuke recalls this view. She is fourteen, splayed across the blanket in the middle of a clearing, and the storm has just passed. The grass is wet, and the forest is thick with the sound of crickets and frogs and buzzing of insects. The air is clear and so is the sky. The villagers said that a comet will pass by the earth after traveling for one thousand years in human time. Kakashi and Naruto are asleep while Sakura plays with the embers from the campfire, incandescent particles that burn too bright and too hot and fizzle out just as quickly but leave them with a warmth that lingers. She knows this, Sasuke realizes, that’s why she’s not afraid.
He doesn’t witness the comet’s arrival. He was busy watching it make its journey in her eyes.
“Seven years is too long,” he tells her in the hospital room.
“There’s no reason to rush now that peace is here,” Sakura assures him. “Besides, we’re not leaving Konoha anytime soon. I mean, Naruto and Kakashi, and me.”
There’s no stars tonight, and the air rides on the cusp of spring and the start of everything. Sakura is still playing with the wind, and her hair is a mess of wisps. Sasuke reaches out and tucks the persistent strands behind her ear. He doesn’t look at the window, but the moon is full tonight. 
buy me and my cats coffee here (❁´◡`❁)
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mangasstuffcomics · 1 year ago
Sasusaku moments in the managa part 1
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Sasuke was blushing in the manga makes sense a girl just said she wanted to marry him and his 12 old
The physicaly affection was too much for Sasuke apparently he blushed again sakura you can let go now blush
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Sasuke acting like a actual 12 old would in the manga
More blushing sasuke also winking sasuke also smiling sasuke and sasuke also complementing her and also realizing something was wrong with Sakura
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Sasuke was mad very mad sakura smiled at naruto and thanked him for saving her and sasuke became incredibly jealous of naruto strength and mad that he was incapable of saving sakura like naruto did he was so mad that he thought of sakura smile when woke up in the hospital and over and over again while training he didn't take the girl who liked him Prasing his rival very well one of the many reasons for sasuke inferiority complex concerning naruto and he thought about it for weeks too
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Sasuke and sakura holding hands
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Eye contact not the last time kishimoto drew them like this
Sasuke touching sakura cheek and hanging on her
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Sasuke looks at sakura as she's hugging him in the manga
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Sasuke opening up to sakura and telling her that itachi made him cry
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Sasuke and sakura forest death
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Sakura nothing something wrong with Sakura Sakura bring the First person to realize sasuke would leave the village and thanking Sakura end of part 1
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Here's kishimoto drawing of Sakura with the crest of the Uchiha police force
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aceurenard · 8 months ago
People say that this scene reminded them of NS eps where Sakura hugged Naruto and Hinata watched them, but for me it gives me a déjà vu to Sasusaku hug scene in the hospital where Naruto just watched them instead, Sumire's expression was so similar to Naruto's when you compare them. I feel sorry for Sumire because it seems like Boruto only has his eyes for Sarada and it's always Borusara to begin with. Oh, MK sensei I see you..
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In conclusion both mother and daughter love to hug people sksksks
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watermelonsloth · 1 year ago
Alternative Canon Ships
I think something that annoys me and a lot of other people about the canon ships is that they weren’t the only options by a country mile. So I wanted to finally put my money where my mouth is and take a crack at pairing the Konoha 12 without changing the manga.
Anyone I didn’t mention here should be presumed single in my AU because I either think they’re better single or I don’t care about who they end up with.
Option 1
Naruto and Sasuke - The entire series is about them learning to understand each other and ending the cycle of hatred by coming together (in holy matrimony). Naruto wouldn’t have a character arc without Sasuke and Sasuke’s character arc is incomplete without Naruto. I don’t think I need to explain how they act as foils and compliments for each other or how they’re willing to go to great lengths for each other or how they show time and time again how much they value each other.
Sakura and Rock Lee - We really went through the chunin exams for nothing. They have very little screen time together, but what we have is good enough for it to at least make sense. Rock Lee is clearly willing to both wait and die for her and Sakura has a mini arc about learning not to judge people on appearances and to respect him that culminates in her giving him flowers in the hospital. Worst case scenario it needs to get the NaruHina treatment and have a movie made about why they came together in the end.
Shikamaru and Choji - I’ve already said that I don’t care for any of the inter-Ino-Shika-Cho ships, but they interact with too few characters for me not to bring them up here. They’re childhood friends, they obviously care for and respect each other, they have complimentary personalities, and Shikamaru stands up for Choji on multiple occasions. They don’t get too much attention in shippuden because Choji and Ino were shafted, but they at least continue to support each other when they are shown interacting.
(This is where we start losing a sturdy foundation because the characters don’t have enough screen time spent interacting with anyone unmentioned. From here on out the bar is in hell and I’m only pairing the characters off because it would’ve been expected.)
Ino and Sai - A lot of people shit on this ship and I get why (Ino is caught in Sakura’s shadow and Sai was literally Sasuke’s replacement in team 7, so it’s easy to see them as discount SasuSaku). However, the ship isn’t the most unbelievable in canon. Ino has shown that she has genuine feelings for Sai and they at least interact with each other.
Hinata and Shino - Hinata would make sense with either of her teammates, but I’m choosing Shino because he makes more sense. They’re similarly introverted types, they get along, Shino has been shown to have faith in her abilities (I’m not saying Kiba doesn’t, but Shino’s more consistent about it), and I think it would be fitting for Shino (who’s insecure about being unnoticeable) to end up with someone who would prioritize him if he ends up with anyone at all.
Option 2
Naruto and Sakura - These two would’ve made more sense, “red herring” and “pursued her for rivalry” my ass. Both are ready and willing to make sacrifices for each other, they interact a lot and most of it is positive (we aren’t mentioning the slapstick because I’m not having that asinine argument), there were hints throughout shippuden of Sakura returning his feelings, they have complimentary personalities, Sakura ending up with Naruto is beneficial to her character, Naruto ending up with Sakura is in-line with his character arc and theme, both stop to consider each other’s feelings on multiple occasions, Sakura attempts to help Naruto in any way she can on a regular basis, (even if I hate how often this is mentioned) Sakura is explicitly compared to Kushina, there are more hints at their relationship than I care to list here, and there’s symbolism for a flower under the sun/heaven and earth.
Sasuke and Karin - SasuKarin is the sister ship to Naruto and Sakura because of its parallels (the Uzumaki has feelings first, the girls are both compared to Kushina, the girls both act as support and medics to the boys who take on leadership roles, the Uzumaki wants to protect/see their love interest’s smile, etc). As for reasons: Sasuke has been shown to respect Karin and her abilities, Karin loves Sasuke because he was the first person to show her kindness, Karin has put her life on the line for Sasuke on multiple occasions, both are willing to go to great length for the other, and both unlocked abilities for the sake of saving the other.
Ino and Sai - I’ve already explained this.
Shikamaru and Temari - This ship isn’t perfect, but I think it makes enough sense for most people to not be upset (the only people I’ve seen complaining about it are people who hate Shikamaru or ship something else). They always share at least one scene when Temari enters the story, there are hints about it being romantic, and makes more sense in canon than many of the other options.
Choji and Hinata - This is, admittedly, a stretch, but it isn’t as much as a stretch as ChoKaru so I’m considering this still in the safe zone. The two both have shy and sweet personalities that make it easy to imagine them getting along, both struggle with overcoming their low self-esteem and taking action themselves, both care deeply for their friends, Hinata fits with what Choji wanted romantically in his infinite tsukuyomi dream, and both have the shared idea of maintaining kindness even in a ruthless shinobi world.
Naruto and Hinata - This ship was fine, even with its lack of screen time, but the Last and Boruto ruined it, so we’ll just pretend that didn’t happen. Naruto learned to not judge and respect Hinata, Hinata has multiple scenes where she snaps Naruto out of spiraling (the proud failure speech is still peak NaruHina), Naruto stands up for Hinata, Hinata takes a lot of inspiration from Naruto and his determination, and Hinata cares about Naruto’s wellbeing and feelings so much it’s a near irrevocable part of her character. With nothing changed it would still be just as flawed and clumsy as in canon, but it wouldn’t be unforgivable.
Hinata and Rock Lee - Again, I’m stretching canon for a Hinata ship, but I think there’s enough ground to stand on to at least mention it. That ground being a weird amount of parallels. They both have experience being in Neji’s shadow, both of them are untalented and make up for their shortcomings through hard work, both care about the people they love to a self-sacrificial degree, both are true to their word, both of them admire Naruto (join the club), both of them has a teacher that acts as a parental figure, and both of them have unrequited love because the target of their affection has feelings for someone more conventionally attractive than them(though Hinata gets more conventionally attractive as the series goes on so…).
Ino and Choji - It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done. They support each other as teammates, Ino could help Choji be more confident, Ino getting with Choji could symbolize her getting past her superficiality, and they don’t have opposing personalities or beliefs as far as I can tell.
Sasuke and No One - I’m just putting this here to remind everyone that there’s an argument to be made about Sasuke being better off without a relationship. I absolutely get why he was paired off and I probably would too if I was in charge of the epilogue (it can be an indicator of him and the clan healing, plus an Uchiha child/the sharingan is a fun idea to mess around with), but him remaining single also makes sense. He states how he’s disinterested in romance and he just doesn’t have that many working potential love interests in canon. Yes, there’s Sakura but more than a movie could cover would have to change before the two of them could reasonably work together and it might still ruin her character.
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stu-dyingstudent · 7 months ago
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Did Sasuke stalk Sakura during his time with Orochimaru? Even as a fan of sasusaku, and more importantly being a Sakura fan, I’m of the belief that he did not.
This is a really popular opinion or theory amongst supporters of the couple, but I have to disagree with it. The biggest reason for this being that I just highly doubt that Sasuke would want to risk infiltrating the village for something so frivolous and thus jeopardize his training with Orochimaru. Now, this isn’t to say that he doesn’t care about Sakura, but he has no reason to keep up with her during this time. When he left she wasn’t viewed as a threat or as someone possessing any impressive power. Yes, they had a bond, one which is shared amongst teammates, but Sasuke made it very clear that he wanted to cut any bonds until he accomplished his goal of killing Itachi. He saw them [bonds] as not just annoying and a nuisance, but as a weakness as well.
I think that the most logical explanation of how Sasuke came across the information that Sakura is in fact a medic-nin is through either Orochimaru or Kabuto. Sakura was in a very public position as the Hokage's apprentice all while staying in the village to train and work at the hospital making her easy to gain information on. This is extremely notable not just as a development for her character, but she is studying under one of the most respected shinobi out there who also happens to be Orochimaru's former teammate. For these reasons, it makes it highly likely (in my opinion) that her apprenticeship would have been brought up sometime in Sasuke's presence. There is also the possibility that Sakura's achievements during the Kazekage retrieval arc either made it to his ears or landed her in the bingo book, which he probably would've read.
The other thing used to support the idea of Sasuke stalking her is the difference in her outfit from that flashback he has of team 7. Sakura is one of the few people in og Naruto to be seen wearing multiple versions of outfits whereas other characters, like Naruto and Kakashi, don't. I think it's reasonable to assume that there were occasions where she wore more "civilian" outfits while in the village like she did in part 2, but we just didn't see it.
Nonetheless, it clearly means something because either he went through the effort of looking into her training/developments himself or noting whatever someone else told him about her.
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eliseuocscreator · 7 months ago
Sasusaku genderbend Headcanons, L e t s' g o:
Short King(Same height as Canon)
He is extremely strong, but not so much with his wife
Tall girl short boy vibes(Morticia and Gomez Addams vibes too)
Will kick your ass If you say that he is not strong
He gets anxious when Sasuke sends him letters (he loves his wife very much)
Despite having raised Sarada alone, he waits patiently for his wife to return to the village
He's a very protective father (this goes for the genderbend version of my Oc Rairakku... so...)
He loves cooking, so much so that one of his hobbies is cooking and also working at the hospital.
When Rairakku(Fem), wanted to wear tomboy style clothes, he approved, as it reminded him of his wife when they were young
He was the one who cut his daughter's hair, as she was embarrassed to ask her father for it, he just supported and motivated her to do it.
Tall and buff Wife(because YES)
Her muscles are extremely comfortable(According to Sarada & Sakura)
She is a protective mother of Sarada & Rairakku, after Momoshiki's attack
Loves bringing souvenirs of their missions for her children
Despite being far from the village, she carries a photo of her family with her to remember them.
She's an Amazon compared to Sakura and Sakura loves it
She doesn't like her daughter wearing skirts, as she remembers she didn't when she was young.
When she discovered that her son (Sarada) wanted to train, she supported him and saw potential in him, as she remembered her husband when he was young.
The scene with the cute peanut, would be even cuter (With Sarada)
The touch on the forehead would be a kiss on the forehead (While for Sakura it would be a peck XDD)
Well, I believe that's it :-)
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