#sasunaru valentines
deadvampire32 · 7 months
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Sasunaru Valentines Week, only did two days
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tamelee · 7 months
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valentines night ✨ (cropped)
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flandelimon · 2 years
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happy valentines day!
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maicenaconmate · 7 months
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They are playing Mario Kart in Naruto's room. Naruto is cheating (according to Sasuke) and Sasuke is losing.
What characters do you think they have chooses for Mario Kart?
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
Naruto: Sensei … you and Bushier-Brows Sensei have been together for a long time, right?
Kakashi: Mm, we have.
Sakura: When did you first confess to each other?
Kakashi: Actually, Gai confessed to me on Valentine’s Day. 
Sasuke: That’s pretty cliche, isn’t it?
Sakura: Cliche?? That’s romantic!
Gai, coming into the room: Not really. We were about 15 years old, I told him I loved him … and he pulled down his mask and bit my arm.
Naruto: … what the heck?!
Gai: *rolls up his sleeve and holds out his arm* See? I still have the marks!
Sasuke: Kakashi … what the hell, old man?
Kakashi: Oi; in my defense, I was raised by my ninken. And they taught me that when you love something, you put your mark on it, to show that it’s yours. 
Kakashi, to Gai: You should be flattered! I immediately returned your confession with one of my own!
Kakashi: Words fade, but a bite mark lasts FOREVER!! Just like my eternal love for you, idiot!!
Gai, tearing up: Eternal love? Awwww, Kakashi! That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!
*the two start making out*
Naruto: S-sasuke ... if ... if I wanted to bite your ... Sasuke, holding out his arm: I thought you'd never ask. Sakura:
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sasunarualways · 7 months
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ladsofsorrow24 · 7 months
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mixu · 2 months
A very delayed Valentine's Day story
“How much did you spend on flowers, Teme?”
“How much did you spend?”
“I’d rather not say.” Naruto gave him a nervous smile.
Sasuke could only laugh. At this rate, they might have already paid for the full wedding — would they ever stop doing things the hard way?
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Do you want to know how they got here? Go check The unavoidable stupidity of men in love by @ilbenmalpensanteus and I.
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
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SS/NH/NRSK clowns be like : They are Brothers🤡🤡🤡
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bigjeansss · 2 years
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They made little presents for each other despite they had decided not to hehehe
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sapphyrwind · 2 years
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valentine's day is coming up... any hc's for what kakagai do on the day, if anything?
Ohhh love that.
Kakashi’s ‘secretly domestic’ and a bit of a romance dork, so i think this would be a day for him to shine lol.
First thing they do is check in and make sure Naruto’s actually planned something for Sasuke. Neither of them actually think of it, but sasuke has been through a lot. He deserves to have his boyfriend spoil him for a day.
Once Kakashi does that lil check in and gives Naruto a few ideas (some of which he will not be touching with a ten foot poll, thank you Sensei.) he begins with his own plans
First, valentines day challenge. It’s not a Kakagai valebtines day without at least once challenge. Maybe four, as a treat.
Kakashi’s choices are a race, an arm wrestle, a stategic game, or a redo at the hand stand on a poll challenge.
He goes for a race because two ideas are very bias to one side (gai whoops him in an arm wrestle and he whoops gai in anything strategic) and he doesn’t feel like making Gai relieve that horrid moment of winding himself on a poll and throwing up.
So the two have a short race through the village, make fools out of themselves and have a blast.
Next is the dango shop! Not a personal fav for Kakashi, but Gai loves Dango so it’s a necessity. Plus Emi-san always throws in an extra stick as a treat to her fav customer.
Once Dango has been enjoyed the two of them go to the river where Kakashi has a nap on Gai’s lap and then they have another competition. Except at the end of this competition the winner gives the loser their valentines gift (if only one of them has one both competitions, they exchange gifts at the and of the day)
Most of the time Gai has picked out a nice romance novel or history book for Kakashi. Kakashi almost always chooses some small turtle object for Gai, but has also bought him Nunchucks in the past after he broke his.
Next is a late lunch at their fav sushi shop where they might have an eating competition. If there’s no competition it’s just a relaxing night for the two of them.
After late lunch/early dinner they head to the training field for a spar, where they end up laying on the ground staring up at the sky while the chat about … anything really XD Kakashi just likes listening to Gai talk.
Before they head home they make sure to swoop by Naruto’s house, and when Kakashi see’s him and Sasuke cuddling on the couch he decides not to interrupt and just leaves without a work to continue his night, which includes cuddling on the couch, reading his new book, and probably making Asuma regret that his apartment is right next door XD
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moonliithe · 2 years
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Valentine Cookies made by @sspritey
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ladykissingfish · 2 years
*Naruto, trying to sleep*
Voice: Brat? Hey, brat. Wake up.
Naruto, grumbling: Five more minutes …
Voice: Wake up or I’ll pull you out of bed and make you go running through the village, naked.
Naruto, pulling pillow over his head: What do you want, Kurama?
Kurama: Kurama-sama. Your lack of respect is appalling.
Naruto: Did you wake me up just to give me a lecture on proper honorifics?
Kurama: No. That one obnoxious human holiday is approaching, is it not? Are you prepared?
Naruto: … you mean Valentine’s Day?
Kurama: Yes. That one.
Naruto: What do you mean, prepared? In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have a girlfriend, dattebayo.
Kurama: No, but, you have that one brat. The Uchiha boy.
Naruto, blushing: Sasuke?! What the hell —! We’re not … Kurama we’re not …
Kurama: That is your own fault. You think I can’t hear your thoughts? You think I can’t look through your eyes and see how you see him? You are in love with him. It’s more than time you tell him, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to do it.
Naruto: Even if you were right, I don’t … I don’t think he feels the same, Kurama. We’re friends, that’s it.
Kurama: Again, looking through your eyes … the way he looks at you is more than the way one looks at a “friend”, child. Be brave. Make him some chocolates, break the ice.
Naruto: One, Sasuke doesn’t like sweets, dattebayo. And two, why do YOU care whether or not we get together?
Kurama: Because the sooner you get together, the sooner you can start a family. And all the sooner I can have some new little brats to speak to. And hopefully new walls; this apartment of yours is depressing. And filthy. I know the Uchiha is very clean.
Naruto: Gee, thanks. Alright then, help me figure out; Sasuke doesn’t like sweet things. So what can I make him?
*several days later, on Valentine’s*
Naruto, stammering and blushing: H-here, Sasuke! I t-thought, um, well, it’s V-Valentine’s Day and I … I made you these, dattebayo!
Sasuke, also blushing: T-thank you. *opens the box; looks at what appears to be chocolates*
Sasuke: *trying to be polite even though he doesn’t like sweets* This is really nice of you … *takes one and pops it into his mouth*
Sasuke: *face takes on a look of surprise*
Sasuke: Is this … is this a tomato in the middle?!
Naruto: Y-yeah! A grape tomato. You like tomatoes, right? But oh man, it was probably stupid putting them inside the candy like that. I’m sorry, you don’t have to eat it if —
Sasuke: *grabs Naruto’s face and tenderly kisses him*
Naruto: *surprised, but quickly melts in Sasuke’s arms*
Kurama, to himself: Bullseye.
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whitelilynh · 2 years
¡¡Happy Valentine's!!
Here is a short, rather silly ffic I made yesterday to celebrate Valentine's, is not one of the best things I've done I've got to admit but what's done is done. 🥰
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