#sastiel i guess
spnbrainrotawoooga · 27 days
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Amazon says Sastiel rights.
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transchesters · 20 days
sam and castiel spend their evening talking, leading dean to discover sam can speak ennochain, and sam doesn’t know what love means. inspired by this post from @wendibird !
"do you ever miss heaven? the way it used to be?" sam asks, lifting his eyes from the current men of letter's record that he is reading so he can meet castiel's eyes. the angel sits across the table from him sam and dean had just gotten back from a hunt, one that was pretty cut and dry, and now he and castiel are engaging in their own reading and research, enjoying the quiet company of one another while dean showers.
castiel glances up as well, setting down the leather-bound book he has been purusing. his brow furrows in the way it often does, the way that sam can't help but smild fondly at. "sometimes i do, yes," he answers after a moment of thought. "but then i recall that heaven was never..." he trails off, as if searching for the right words. "heaven was never as ideal and perfect as i had believed. i was ignorant and blinded by my devotion to my father, but with time and distance i have come to realize that heaven was not the home i thought it was."
sam nods silently, feeling a certain understanding for the slight grief he thinks he observes in castiel. "did you ever meet him? god, i mean?"
a fond, perhaps bittersweet smile pulls at castiel's lips as he nods. "yes. when i was created, he brought me down to earth and spoke to me about mankind. he entrusted me to care for his most beloved creations."
it's then that dean is steps into the doorway, pausing there at the domestic scene before him. he can’t help himself from eavesdropping, because what on earth could these two be talking about that has them looking all… lovey-dovey? as his brain processes the last things spoken, he realizes... he has no idea what the hell castiel had been saying. a confused expression pinches his face. had he been hearing things?
"how long ago was that?"
"you would not believe me if i told you."
"it used to be hard for me to comprehend just how old you are, or the earth and angels in general," sam starts, his own brow pinching a little, "back when we first met you. before... before the cage. but i think i understand better now." dean darts his eyes back and forth as the conversation continues, chills running down his back which cause goosebumps to erupt over his arms. as he watches, sam and castiel are switching from speaking english to... something else, and dean has no clue what.
actually, with a sudden realization, he does have a clue.
"your time there, it must have felt like... centuries. no wonder your ennochian is so good. does it bother you to speak it? i cannot imagine you have good memories of the language."
sam blinks, as if shocked by castiel’s compliment, which helps him ignore the memories that do in fact resurface. "really?" he asks, still oblivious to the minor panic attack he and castiel are subjecting dean to. "most of the time, i don't even realize i'm speaking ennochian. it just… happens, i guess. but i do like speaking it with you. i get to make new memories, with you." he doesn't try to hide the warmth behind the words as he usually does.
dean slams his book shut, suddenly unable to remain quiet. "you speak what? since when?!"
sam and castiel are both startled by the sudden exclamation, glancing over at the eldest winchester in sync, which makes dean wonder just how much he’s been missing.
"since the cage," sam answers after a moment, his brow furrowed. "i… guess i forgot to mention it."
dean scoffs, full of disbelief. "dude, what the hell? you can speak some weird, angelic language and forgot to mention it?"
"actually, the ennochian that sam speaks is even older than the tongue i am used to," castiel speaks up, as if that were a fact that would help diffuse the situation. now sam and dean both turn their confused glances at the angel, though dean is much more perturbed than sam.
"i didn’t know that," sam mumbles, sounding thoughtful at this new information. "i guess it makes sense, though. i learned from lucifer and michael, and they probably spoke a much older tongue than most angels." the names fall from his lips, coated in pain, but he ignores it.
castiel gets the sense that sam doesn't want to dwell on those names and that pain, so he just nods in agreement. "yes, i think that's the case."
"alright, y'know what, that's enough freakiness for me for the night. sam, we'll talk about this later." dean shakes his head as if disappointed, groaning as he turns on his heel and soon disappears down the hallway leading to his room. as usual, he doesn't notice the pinched and pained expression he's caused on sam's face.
sam heaves a sigh, folding his hands on the table in front of him and staring down at them as if they would provide some sort of answers. he flinches when, suddenly, castiel’s hand envelops his own.
"he speaks rashly, sam, and does not mean it maliciously," castiel says gently, meeting sam’s multicolored eyes with a smile. "he doesn’t understand."
sam tries to relax under castiel's touch and his gaze, his eyes so full of warmth and the understanding he doesn't get from his brother. but he doesn't want to think about dean right now; instead, he considers the fact that he and this wonderful angel have been dancing around whatever this was for quite some time now. but sam feels like they might be reaching a point they can't ignore any longer.
"cas…" sam trials off, because what is he supposed to say here? everything about this is wrong. castiel isn't supposed to think of him this way, isn't supposed to look at him with such fondness. "don't look at me like that. i'm just some human."
now it's castiel's turn to look pained, and he sits forward in his seat, leaning closer to the other. "sam, please, don't say such things about yourself. you are not filth."
sam's lips part in shock, but his clenching stomach stops him from speaking. "filth? i thought…" he swallows painfully and shakes his head. "lucifer called me that. i thought it meant human."
castiel lets out a sharp exhale, feeling a ball of rage grow in his stomach. "no. it doesn't." sam nods silently, leaning back in his seat which makes their hands pull apart. castiel can't help but chase the contact.
"don't we both deserve some comfort, after all of this? can't you see that i love you, very deeply, and i'm tired of hiding it?"
sam blinks, his brow furrowed as he tries to place some of the words he can't recognize. "love?" he repeats, the ennochian word foreign on his tongue. "what is that word? i don't think i've heard it." he grows even more confused when castiel gazes at him with a profound sadness. the angel squeezes his hand, almost tight enough to be painful, but sam doesn't complain.
"love. it means love, sam. i was saying that i love you."
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creatureofthegods · 8 months
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the soft kiss i could not fight the urge to draw
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blacknidstang · 11 months
Will never apologize for saying this but one of hottest scenes in spn, if not the hottest, is when in 6x7 Sam is tied up and Cas, who is about to soul fist him, literally unbuckles his belt standing right in front of him, especially when you really don't know what's about to happen. But what makes the scene like an actual drug to me is how Cas is looking at Dean while doing so, like he is getting this silent permission to violate Sam beyond physical sense. Like the whole soul fisting itself is brutally erotic, but to me it doesn't top the few seconds leading up to it. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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doggobrie · 5 months
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Celestial being realizes they are the “tiny lesbian” of their relationship
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pollsnatural · 7 months
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sastielsfandom · 2 months
Never getting over Sam meeting Castiel and Eileen, he just tripped over himself so badly. Casual blasphemy and an immediate fuck you while trying to play it cool. He pulls people by being a loser, its his way of flirting.
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jackexmachina · 4 months
thinking sastiel thoughts...
it's weird to me how so many people act like Cas ignoring (soulless!)Sam's prayers between s5 and s6 is this obvious sign he doesn't care about Sam. even though he tried to save Sam from the cage, and started a civil war so Sam's sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing
and then also turn around and act like Dean looking for him for a year in purgatory is sooo sweet?? as if Castiel wasn't deliberately ignoring him even while they are both trapped there. he literally didn't have anything better to do. he was not busy!
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cramenjoyer · 10 days
never stop respecting castiel for getting back to the bunker in s12e1 and seeing a blonde in the building and just immediately throwing down. she's visibly a different person than the one who shot sam. she's american. he doesn't give a fuck he's already in motion
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audi-nos-bitch · 6 months
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being a sastiel shipper when the supernatural fandom is fighting about destiel vs wincest
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walkerbiter · 22 days
something that’s so frustrating about supernatural is that. why did dean get the angel? (anna and castiel) and sam get the demon? sam should have gotten an angel. it would have been more of a contrast— and it also would have hammered home that he’s not evil, something he is often concerned about. that he’s impure, tainted. ‘evil’. if an angel chooses you it shows that you can become more than what people have set out for you and told you. that is a good message. that’s good. he should have gotten the angel.
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sunflowerseraph · 2 years
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sam !? winchester ?!
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theebarnscene · 2 years
i think the main reason why i prefer sastiel over destiel is because there’s just this wonderful understanding and respect between sam and cas that cas and dean never had. sam is also the one who always treats cas like an actual person. sam actually respects the choices that cas makes instead of making it all about himself (like dean tends to do).
dean’s love for cas (and really anyone who isn’t sam) has always felt conditional. he cares about them as long as they don’t go against him. then when they decide to do their own thing he lashes out and maybe even physically or verbally abuses them. that’s obviously mostly because of his abandonment issues but i still don’t think it’s okay and i don’t want cas (or anyone obviously) to be treated like that.
idk i just feel like cas deserves better than dean. he deserves to be with someone who loves him for who he is and who trusts him and respects the decisions he makes and that’s always been sam, not dean.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
new reaction meme just dropped
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bowchickahwowwow · 9 months
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pollsnatural · 6 months
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