#sassy namor
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annachum · 2 months ago
I know I haven't seen these Marvel characters in ASOMAM yet, but I have some ideas of them :
. Namor - The underwater King of Talokan, an offshot undersea Mayan kingdom, who agreed to help Mace Tyrell in naval fleets for his own scrupulous reasons ( wants to expand his naval territories to the far corners of the world ). He also soon fancies Princess Shuri of Wakanda and determined to win her over
. Shuri - The spirited and sassy Princess of Wakanda who is also a residential inventor of the Wakandan court. Her world turns upside down when she found out that King Namor becomes an intended suitor to her
. Queen Nakia - In ASOMAM, Nakia becomes Queen of Wakanda through her marriage to King T'Challa. Gentle and brave, Nakia is also a gifted naturalist and also a chief barrier maiden of Wakanda. Later on she shall be expecting a son with T'Challa ( ie T'Challa II )
. Shang Chi - The son of the Mandarin/Wenwu and the late Princess Ying Li of Yi Ti. Having had enough of the abuse from his biological father since his mother died, Shang Chi ran away to Lenghi at the age of 15 and was adopted by the House Chen, and thus gained Lady Katy Chen as an adopted sister. He and Katy later on joins the new Lenghi Embassy to Yi Ti to strengthen the Yi Ti - Lenghi alliance against Wenwu's forces
. Katy Chen - The younger adopted sister of Shang Chi. Bubbly and sassy, Katy is both a treasure hunter and a spy, and also has a younger brother ( ie Shang Chi's younger adopted brother ) of her own. She later on joins Shang Chi in representing the Lenghi Embassy as a Lenghi ambassador
. Xu Xialing - The younger biological sister of Shang Chi. After her brother ran away, a 12 year old Xu Xialing had enough of the abuse from Wenwnu and up and ran off to join the Jade Sea Pirates. A series of dramatic and unexpected events forced the two estranged siblings to finally meet after years, and she begrudgingly allied herself with Shang Chi to fight against Wenwu for the sake of the Jade Sea Pirates
. Princess Leiko - A beautiful and poised Princess of the Jogos Nghai, who was later on bethrothed to marry Shang Chi as a way to boost alliance between Jogos Nghai and Yi Ti against Wenwu. Poised and thoughtful, Leiko is an astute diplomat and spy who is also trained on equestrian combat. Despite the often turbulent ties between Jogos Nghai and Yi Ti at those points ( that was during an equivalent of Ming Dynasty in Yi Ti ), Leiko and Shang Chi are determined to make their new alliance work. Gradually, their alliance turned into true romance
. The Kamar Taj council - The Kamar Taj council is a magical temple council which resided in the mountains of Lhazar. Led by the Ancient One, she also has Dr Strange ( who originally is from Lys ) and Wong on her side in protecting the Kamar Taj against any perceived threats
. Dowager Queen Ramonda - The wise and decorous Dowager Queen of Wakanda, and mother of T'Challa and Shuri. Borne from a minor noble house in Southern Sothryos, her marriage to the late King T'Chaka united many nations across Sothyros. She also has a strong sense of justice and was also a brilliant poet and storyteller
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cantstayawaycani · 2 years ago
Can’t Stay Away’s Fic Rec Friday #1 (04.14.23) - Meeting His Match by @namorslutfanfiction
Title: Meeting His Match (ao3) | Meeting His Match (Tumblr)
Author(s): namorslutfanfiction77 (ao3) | (@namorslutfanfiction) (Tumblr)
Fandom(s): Narcos Mexico
Pairing/Ship(s): Rafa Caro Quintero x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
Posted: 02.09.23
Summary: Rafa loved women. Rafa loved weed. Now he found a woman who loves weed just like he does. And he is immediately down bad.
A/N: Request: so I was thinking what if he met a woman who was strong and sassy and also into *cough cough* gardening *cough* and he just melts for her but she’s a hard to get maybe cos they’re rivals and she has a reputation to uphold being a strong independent woman ??? Maybe some smut with them giving into the attraction ??
Why I Love It: Uh, ya'll already know THAT I AM DOWNBAD FOR RAFA.
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When I first took notice of Tenoch Huerta, I had no idea his most famous role before Namor was portraying an infamous drug dealer in a Narcos TV spin-off. I never watched that show (still haven’t) but I am so hyper fixated on Tenoch, I did watch all of his scenes on YouTube and salivated over every gif I came across on Tumblr. I lamented here in a post one day that I hadn’t been able to find any fic for the character, and was pointed to this gem.
Rafa the character is fascinating to me – as problematic as I know people may find the distinction fans want to make to separate their regard from the real criminal depicted by Tenoch in the series. It’s something I still question. I don’t care too much for film, TV or media around drugs and crime. My family loves Scarface, I despise it. People will recommend the Godfather, I have never, nor will I ever watch it (some in the industry insist I study it if I want to write movies, but I still refuse). No different with Narcos. So why do I like the “character”? Why am I drawn to him; curious? Why am I attracted?
Tenoch, plain and simple. I have no other way to articulate that thought, as it is shallow: I like the way Tenoch looks and speaks and characterizes Rafa, no deeper than that.
This story, a one-shot, the first I’ve read featuring him, is a Reader and it’s the perfect way to edge into a full blown hyperfixation. It’s my first in the realm of Tenoch’s other roles outside of Namor. It’s well paced, well plotted, well characterized, not too long or bitter, but rather sweet. I find that of the handful of fics I’ve read featuring Rafa, they are mostly tragedies. This one is not. It’s an easy narrative to be swept away by. I am not Afro Latina, or Mexican, and I don’t smoke weed, but I had no trouble reading this as I would “watch” an episode of the TV show, despite it being a “Reader” fic. And since I will probably never actually watch that show, this is good for me.
This is the first fic I read from the author. If you are intrigued by Rafa, here is a way for you to feed your curiosity that doesn’t require payment in angst.
Follow the author’s Tumblr here for writing updates.
Meeting His Match
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pantherandtheseagod · 2 years ago
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xxashes-rebornxx · 2 years ago
For a time the Archeological world had been positively abuzz with it - a freshly discovered temple, brimming with artifacts, discovered in Egypt. It was unlike anything ever seen from dig sites in the area. The hieroglyphs and writing lining the vast expanse of the ancient architecture were not Egyptian, Roman, Greek, nor even ancient Arabic or Hebrew - it had linguists around the world scratching their heads. The best anyone could guess was that the temple may've belonged to a Cult that had branched off, creating their own language in isolation. That theory only became more convincing when word started to spread of what was found beneath the temple.
An ancient Tomb - mummified bodies frozen in their final moments of horrified agony. No burial rights, no embalming, simply dead where they once lay. And between them all? A deified figure of a woman atop an unlit altar, crafted from what seemed to be a meteorite, and in her hands, a sword. The blade - which almost seemed like sharpened bone, stained thoroughly in red - repelled all signs of age with dust nor cobwebs daring to touch it's surface, marked with the only words even vaguely translatable amid the whole dig site.
"God Killer".
Thoroughly perplexed by, well.. everything; the artifacts, bodies, and most notably the sword, were sent off for further study.. only to be lost mid-transit, along with the ship transporting it.
That was when Freya stepped in.
"I'm glad to see you received my letter.." A feminine voice called out, thick with a Norwegian accent and just a pinch of mirth as she approached, something of a sassy swagger in her step. She'd dressed herself in somewhat modern attire - a red, knee length dress covered up by a white overcoat along with a pair of sunglasses that she tilted down her nose in greeting, subtlety revealing an unnatural Eyeshine when she entered the shade.
"Straight to business, then. I can respect that", A chuckle followed after Namor's blunt remark, as though she'd simply been expecting it. "I found the boat. Under the oceans power now - with any luck, the blade should be below". With that; the redhead's smile vanished. "I want that sword destroyed - shattered even. If not by my own hands, then I wish to see it. For that; I'd need a way down there, which I imagine you can provide. Am I wrong?"
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『 starter for @xxashes-rebornxx 』
feat. Namor & Freya
The wind that blew in would cause the trees' crowns to rustle, leaving a series of falling blossoms in it's wake.
It was a picturesque sight, to say the least.
Alas, the raven-haired man wasn't there to sight-see, despite having some time.
He was asked to meet someone there — someone that had a lot of important things to say. Naturally, he wouldn't have come if she didn't mention something of his interest — or the interest of many, for that matter.
Namor knew there was a lethal weapon that recently fell in the ocean, becoming lost under the waves. But he couldn't locate it, a fact he actually loathed to admit.
Said weapon was most effective against individuals deemed superpowered or other enhanced species. Namor feared that included his people, the Atlanteans. So it was of his interest to retrieve it — and possibly destroy it.
The woman that sought him said she had the exact location of where it fell.
He suspected she'd ask for something in return, after all, most surface-dwellers were so greedy. That wasn't a problem though, he had much he could offer to buy the information.
The appointed meeting time was nearly here, and the King stood beneath a tree, gazing down at the large amount of fallen petals that had been piled closeby. His bright eyes soon glanced to the source of sound he picked up.
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Someone was finally there!
"You're just on time." Turning fully to face her, Namor stood before the woman.
"I wonder what you have to say to me, just as i wonder what you'll ask of me in return." He was awfully blunt.
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evilhorse · 2 years ago
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I have lifted heavier things.
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talokanda-forever · 2 years ago
Love me some sassy Tenoch. 💖
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untolikeiron · 6 years ago
STARTER || @theimperiusrex
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“Well me and the Doc missed you too, Namor.” 
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years ago
Ok so I’ve not seen narcos Mexico which is basically a sin at this point but I am obsessed with Rafa!!! So he’s obviously such a soft sweet lil baby boy so I was thinking what if he met a woman who was strong and sassy and also into *cough cough* gardening *cough* and he just melts for her but she’s a hard to get maybe cos they’re rivals and she has a reputation to uphold being a strong independent woman ??? Maybe some smut with them giving into the attraction ??? Idk I’m just excited I want to keep requesting stuff cos I love your writing. Also I think the power dynamic would be such a twist cos tenoch/namor just scream daddy to me but Rafa screams soft sub baby with a big old praise kink amongst other kinks 😂
Oh rafa is our baby and definitely wants to be used.
Summary: Rafa loved women. Rafa loved weed. Now he found a woman who loves weed just like he does. And he is immediately down bad
disclaimer: I smoke, I have no idea how it's grown. so I'm making shit up.
drug use, fluff, smut.
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"Comportarse," Felix shot at Rafa as the door to his office opened. Rafa smirked at him and lit his blunt. Felix had said he was meeting with a supplier who insisted on being seen. Rafa was certain who ever this pendejo was, that their weed couldn't hold a candle to his, but he had shown up because Felix had asked. But if the guy said the wrong thing then he'd shoot him, but Felix didn't need to know that.
When the first man walked through the door, Felix stood to shake his hand but he refused, "Yo no soy el que estás esperando. Es ella."
The henchman stepped aside as the real guest arrived. Rafa and Felix watched you walk in the door. Felix schooled his surprise and greeted you cordially. Rafa on the other hand was instantaneously smitten. You weren't dressed to the nines like Sofia and her like. Instead you wore jeans that hugged your curves, worn in boots, and a loose button down that had the sleeves rolled up. You hair was braided back but had little bits of frizz from the humidity. You were beautiful.
Rafa didn't hear a word as you and Felix talked. He was wondering why Felix hadn't introduced him. He was wondering why you were ignoring him, you hadn't even spared him a glance. The narco heard the words "Es una nueva variedad de marihuana."
That wasn't possible, no one had made a new strain except him, at least there in Mexico. Felix looked angry, not used to a woman being so frank and aggressive with him. You slammed a paper on the table, pointing out numbers that Rafa didn't care to understand.
"The system you built is a monopoly! You ruined the livelihood of my field, pendejo. No one will work with me because you supposedly have the best in the market. But mine is better," You screeched at the slick leader.
"You're pretty confident for such an insolent witch," Felix shot back, he pointed at Rafa, "His work is better than anyone's and I bet my life and this entire business on that. You can't compete so don't try."
Rafa's eyes were wide when you turned and glared at him. You whipped your head back to Felix, "What this joto? I'm supposed to believe he has any smarts in that rat's nest of hair?"
For some reason that set Felix off and he stood and raised his hand to slap her. Rafa moved on instinct, pointing his gun and cocking it at Felix. Felix was stunned out of his anger, "Qué chingados?"
Realizing what he had just done he pointed the gun at you, "Vete a la chingada."
You smirked at him then turned to Felix, "You've got some real idiots working for you."
"Pinche pendejo," Felix growled at Rafa then sat back down in his seat. Rafa followed, trying to hide his embarrassment. He focused on the blunt that he had let burn down half way without taking enough hits. He resigned himself to getting higher and examining your curves and the confident smirk on your face. When you got up and left the room, Felix turned around and smacked Rafa hard against the side of his head.
"What the hell is wrong with you cabron? She was talking shit and you pull a gun on me?" Felix looked incredulous.
"Who was that, Felix? How come you didn't introduce me? When is she coming back?" Rafa rattled off, jumping up from his seat on the couch.
"No mames, guey. Already? She didn't even look at you," Felix shook his head, of course Rafa the lover boy was thinking with his dick.
Before Felix could stop him, Rafa ran out of the office and tried to beat you to the lobby. But when he got there he was just barely able to see you being driven off in a pick up truck.
"The only reason you're here is because I want to knock her down a peg or two. She's arrogant and needs us to show her that. Other cartels would not be so nice after she came in here acting like a maldita bruja," Felix explained as he paced with a cigarette in his mouth.
"There's no way she has anything worth anything, but I'd like to make sure she knows that," Rafa said, feigning interest in the business side of things.
"Don't fuck around, Rafa," Felix grasped him by the back of his neck, "She's young, but she's smart. We can use her later so don't scare her off."
The doors opened and you were once more preceded by your henchman. Once again you were dressed casually, and you took a seat across from Felix. You noticed Rafa standing behind Felix, but didn't greet him. "You want to make a deal or not?"
"I don't need your weed. But I might need those ideas you have. I had Rafa look over them and he thinks they are promising but so far unproven," Felix explained, gesturing to the narco behind him. You noticed the hungry look from Rafa, and smirked. He was an easy book to read.
"I can prove them, just give me time and financial support. There will be a more potent strain ready for the market in a year," You replied confidently.
"We will see. You will go with Rafa to our field. For security you have to be blind folded once you get to a certain point. Rafa will be able to tell me if you're the real deal or not. If you're not then I suggest you back out of this business before you get killed. If you are then we may have use for you. This is your only chance, chiquita. Make use of it," Felix finished with such a sense of foreboding that you weren't sure how to reply. He stood and buttoned his suit jacket, "If you'll excuse me I have a comandante to talk to. Rafa, take care of her."
Then the lead narco was out the door to deal with supposedly more important duties. You eyed Rafa, taking in his open shirt, flamboyant fashion sense, and fluffy hair. He was kind of cute in an arrogant idiot kind of way. You reached your hand out to him to properly introduce yourself. He smiled at you and kissed your hand, "Hola, Rafael Caro Quintero. La princesa me puede llamar Rafa."
His smile was unbelievably charming and you couldn't help but laugh at how obviously attracted he was to you, "Well Rafa, take me to this so called 'best of the best' marijuana."
Rafa personally drove you to the field. On the way there he was explaining his process and asking you questions about your own. The chemistry was palpable as you finished each others sentences. You talked about similar experiments and different ideas you both had to create different strains and up the potency.
It was hot and the both of you were laughing and sweating. You had to admit, the man knew his weed. His dark skin looked delicious in the bright sun and the trickle of sweat down his neck was distracting. You noticed him pull the car off the side of the road then reach into the back for a strip of thick cloth.
"It's time then?" You asked, knowing that secrecy was important.
"Turn around, princesa, I'll put it on for you," Rafa said, looking apologetic. The already long drive had allowed you to bond over your shared interest.
"Don't tie it too tight," You requested as you turned your back to him.
"I'll be gentle," Rafa whispered, making a shiver run down your neck. His hands were warm as he moved your hair out of the way and gently placed the cloth over your eyes and knotted it behind your head. His hands rested for a moment on your shoulders and all you could hear was him taking a deep breath. "You can turn around now."
You did just that, reaching out blindly to face the front of the car again. Rafa took your wrist, making you jerk. "Calmate, I just want to show you where the middle is so you know where you're facing."
Rafa placed your hand at the edge of your seat, touching the middle console. It took you a moment to get comfortable with the loss of sight as the narco started the car and continued the journey to the fields.
After a moment of silence you spoke, "Don't kill me in the middle of the desert, please. At least not before I come up with that strain I told you about."
That made Rafa laugh. The sound was warm and infectious. You felt him take your hand, "No, hermosa, no one will touch you. It's been a long time since I've met someone who knew weed the way I do."
You were surprised at the affection, and even more surprised that you welcomed it. But you felt the same. Especially as a woman, you had never felt understood by anyone about your affinity for the plant, until now. This flashy narco was matching you move for move, and it was exciting.
Rafa told you to keep the blindfold on as he guided you to the actual field after he had parked the car. It didn't escape you that this felt more like a romantic surprise rather than a test of skills. You could hear the sounds of workers, and from the breeze you were definitely on flat lands. The smell of the fresh plant was in the air, and to the side you could tell there were kilos of it drying for transport.
Rafa guided you gently and then placed your hands on what you immediately knew to be a large marijuana plant. You immediately stepped forward and pushed your noise into the buds. There was silence as you took it in, already coming up with information at a mile a minute.
"What can you tell me?" Rafa asked. Then you were off, talking about the notes, the potency, the maturity and when it would be ready to harvest. There was silence and you hesitated.
"Rafa," You worried about bruising his ego, but reminded yourself this was a test, "There's something wrong with this one. Everything is fine except there's a weird syrup smell at the end. Something too sweet. It would smell awful once you burn it."
You felt him approach you and you immediately went into a defensive stance.
"I'm not going to hurt you, princesa. I'm just going to untie the blindfold," Rafa's voice was amused.
When you opened your eyes it was too bright to see. You shielded your eyes waiting for them to adjust. Eventually you could make out Rafa's smiling face. "So how did I do?"
"Eres brillante!" Rafa exclaimed, "I test all my men this way. All of them and you were the only one to catch the mistake. I purposely have those three plants that are no good. No one has caught it yet, but you."
You fought the urge to smile, "Well of course. I told you. I know what I'm doing."
You glanced behind him, taking in the watch tower and different sheds. The irrigation system and the people working and roaming. You realized that the field must be behind you.
"You can look, princesa, I think you'll like what you see," Rafa said as he guided you to turn around.
You felt your eyes grow wide as you took in the sheer size. You stepped back as you tried to take in the full scope. But it went off in all directions, as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful.
"Rafa," You turned to the man smiling at you, "This is insane. Incredible. How many acres? How many plants? What's the yield? Do you have then maturing progressively or all at once? How many kilos are you putting out?"
"Slow down, princesa. Would you like to see more of it?" Rafa asked. You nodded, unable to hide your glee. You didn't care about appearing tough or strong. This was your 'kid in a candy store' moment. Rafa took your hand and led you into the fields.
Hours went by as you walked the fields, ignoring the heat or the fact that you were walking around with someone who should be a rival. Instead you were having the time of your life. His system was pretty self sustaining but you were able to make suggested that made his eyes light up and his laugh explode. Rafa was growing on you like a literally weed.
The next day Rafa reported back to Felix, singing your praises.
"You should have seen it, cabron! She knew exactly what was wrong with it. She figured out the irrigation issue I had for months. I have never met anyone who could understand the nuances and delicacy of those plants," Rafa was giddy and Felix was amused.
"So I should back her?" Felix asked, although he figured he knew the answer.
"No," Rafa said, a smirk on his face. "No, whatever she comes up with won't work without the space and work I have already done. She's mine. Buy her out and she will work on the fields with me. Give her whatever she asks, but make sure she works with me, and no one else."
The possessiveness didn't surprise Felix, it was to be expected of the narco who fell fast and hard to the point of lunacy. "She's not going to like that, Rafa. You ready for her to fight you on that?"
"She'll come to me. Remember Felix, as long as her people are taken care of, then all she'll want to do is work on the weed," Rafa said, taking a long draw from his blunt.
"Tomorrow, I'll buy her out. But I want that new strain in 10 months not a year, Rafa. I need it before anyone else comes up with something better," Felix reminded him.
"No one has ever come up with anything better than me. But this, if we work together. This will be our masterpiece," Rafa had a faraway look on his smug face making Felix shake his head.
"Just make sure it's on the market by my deadline. I don't care if you fuck her with it. Make it happen," Felix dismissed Rafa.
"You're an ass," You immediately punched Rafa as hard as you could in the stomach. You had been dropped off at his mansion with the orders to stick to him like glue or be killed by Felix himself. "I would have been fine working with you but having that bastard leash me to you is not an attractive arrangement, pendejo."
Rafa waved off Chapo and Cuco who were ready to shoot you for attacking their boss. The narco in question was dressed as usual and laughing. "Your family is taken care of right? That was the most important thing, now the next important thing is working on that strain."
He came up to you and grabbed your jaw, "Together, we can do that. Together, we can do a lot of things."
You hated that you were turned on, "You shouldn't have forced me, Rafa. I don't like being forced."
"Then you can leave if you want. We can work on it together but you don't need to stay, I won't force you," Rafa challenged, his voice soft as he spoke close to you. The smoke from his mouth surrounding you was heady. He released your jaw, "Chapo, take her back."
Rafa turned but you called out, "Rafa. Shut up, pendejo, you know I'm going to stay."
You grabbed your bag and brushed past him into the sprawling mansion. You heard him laugh as he rushed to catch up to you and show you your room. You found it difficult to keep your surly attitude in the face of his excited ramblings.
It took 6 months to get the strain perfected and by the end of the 10 month deadline it was debuted. The mansion was partying and high as a kite. Debauchery was everywhere and the handles of liquor and packs of cocaine that Felix had sent as congratulations were being parsed out to the party goers.
You had no interest in partying with the boys and their sluts. You were up on your balcony, watching the pool from above. The band was loud and the people louder. There were people swimming naked in the pool, the area stank of weed, and you could see Neto and Cuco snorting lines through a window.
You didn't like coke, didn't like how fast it made your heart beat and your mind move. You preferred the mellow relaxation that the right strain of weed gave you. You crossed that with tequila and you were floating in your own little world, with a smile on your face.
The last 10 months had been invigorating. Working with Rafa was like working with a ball of pure energy. He was far more intelligent than he let on, reserving it for his treasured plants. You had met your match in that field. Someone you could genuinely bounce ideas off of and experiment with. He was charming, funny, and caring to a fault.
You were surprised he hadn't made a move, but you suspected that Felix had something to do with that. Maybe a threat about the deadline and not fucking around. It was disappointing and frustrating.
Rafa was fucking around, just with some rich chick named Sofia who rubbed you the wrong way and made you want to shoot her through the eyes. But she hadn't been around in the last few months, and Rafa had been ranting about how much of a spoiled bitch she was. You hadn't seen her at the party and were more than thankful that you didn't have to fight the urge to vomit if she had arrived.
There was a knock at your bedroom door and you called for them to come in. It was Rafa. He stood in the middle of your room apprehensive. In his hands he held a handle of tequila and two glasses. "Ay guey. I was going to invite you to share a drink with me."
You looked at the soft expression and could tell he hadn't had any coke. He hadn't since Sofia had left. At most he was high from his own plant and looking to get crossed like you. You looked at him, all of him. Rafa's hair was perfectly fluffy, jewelry draped on his dark skin, and wearing a silk shirt that was open too low. You felt heat pool between your legs.
For months you had been touching yourself to the thought of him. You had laid jealous in your bed when you knew he was with Sofia. And now here he was looking pathetic and ready to be eaten. He'd made you wait long enough.
"Rafa, is Sofia gone for good?" You asked as you walked back into the room and closed the balcony doors. You held your own handle of unfinished tequila and swung it lazily in your hand.
Rafa scoffed at the question, "That bitch is dead to me. Has been for months."
You could see him watching you. His eyes roved your body and there was a hungry look in them. You were wearing a silk robe, a gift from him a few months ago on your birthday. There was nothing underneath it.
"Is that why you wanted to have a drink with me? Because she's not around anymore?" You asked, taking a swig from your handle.
"What? No. I don't care about her. This celebration is for us. We did what we planned and now we are going to be richer and so far above any competitor that they will never reach us. This is all thanks to you," Rafa said, looking actually offended that you suggested otherwise.
You smiled at him then. The high was making you reckless, and the alcohol was making you hot. But the way Rafa looked at you was making you wet. You took another swig from our handle and approached Rafa. You locked eyes with him and put your hand on his chest.
His breathing quickened as you pushed him to sit on the end of your bed. You gripped his jaw, ran your thumb across his bottom lip, coaxing his mouth open. With one more glance at him, you spit the tequila into his mouth slowly, and he drank it. You locked eyes as he took the last drop and then you grabbed his hair and kissed him roughly.
Rafa whimpered into the kiss as you wrapped a hand around his throat and devoured him. His kisses were as intoxicating as the tequila. Months of unanswered desire came flooding out as he pulled you to him and thrust his tongue into your mouth. He tasted of the weed you had both spent months working on together.
The hours and days spent together had left you wanting more from him. But at every turn, at every lingering touch, and held glance he pulled away from you. He had always hesitated but in the end would put space between you. Your frustration at the memory got the better of you and you found his jaw again and pushed him away.
"You're such an idiot you know that? You could have had me naked in your bed for months. You could have had me on my knees or across your lap, but you kept pulling away, like you hadn't thought about it since the day I walked into Felix's office and you lost the ability to breathe," You blurted out. You regretted it, not wanting him to know just how desperate you had been.
But Rafa's gaze softened, his grip around your waist tightened, "Felix told me not to fuck around with you. Not until the strain was ready. The only reason I was with Sofia again was because I needed a release because I couldn't have you. Sofia left me because I called out your name the last time we fucked."
It took you a moment to take in what he said, then you laughed. Laughter fueled by your high and the alcohol. "You brat, you called out my name while you fucked her? No wonder she was so mad."
"It's the only way I could get off. I had to think about you, imagine I was inside your wet pussy," His vulgar admission was met with another desperate kiss from you. You pulled moans from him as your hand travelled downward and palmed his hard on. When you were satisfied that he was as needy as you felt you pulled away.
"Get naked, Rafa. Let's see if all that fucking I heard was as good as it sounded, or if that Sofia bitch was just a good actor," You jabbed, as you untied the robe and dropped it to the floor.
Rafa stopped for a moment with his shirt in his hands as he finally laid eyes on your naked form. He completely lost any comeback he had in mind as he took in the sight of your supple skin and curves. "Te ves deliciosa."
You got impatient and placed a palm on his chest. You pushed him on to the bed then went to work at removing his boots and jeans. When his cock was out and weeping you fought the urge to take it into your mouth. That was for another time. This was about you getting yours. You looked at Rafa as you lay next to him, stroking his cock playfully.
"Rafa, you need to make up for leaving me so wet all the time," You purred into his ear before sucking on his earlobe. He moaned softly and nodded. "How are you gonna do that, baby boy?"
He didn't even react to the name, just looked at you with eyes that begged to be bossed around, "Whatever you want, princesa?"
"Are you going to make me ride you or are you going to fuck me into this bed until I cum onto your cock a few times?" You asked, tracing circled along his chest, leaving his weeping cock unattended. You were fighting the urge to straddle him and slide him inside you.
"Yes, princesa," He replied, as a whimper escaped his lips as you tongued his nipple impulsively. You'd been dying to do that since the first time you had seen him with his shirt hanging open.
"Fuck me, Rafa. Be a good boy and make me cum," You moaned softly as you guided his hand to your wet cunt.
Rafa let out a feral noise once he felt just how wet you were. In a swift move you were beneath him, hands pinned above your head, and his cock pushing into your pussy. You arched against him, "Yes, baby, just like that."
He thrust into your center, hard and deep. You knew he was going to be thick but you were surprised by how deeply he thrust into you. You saw stars after months of pining. This man was a drug of his own and you knew you were going to become addicted. His lips found yours again and he allowed you to wrap your arms around his shoulders. Rafa angled your hips, wrapping your legs around him as he pounded into you.
Your first orgasm came so fast you couldn't even warn him. Your nerve endings were exploding with pleasure as he kissed and fucked and sucked every part of you. Your hands found his hair and pulled at it, making him moan into your lips. You kept your foreheads together as you encouraged him, "Yes, Rafa. You're fucking me so good. You like how my pussy feels don't you? Is this what you were imagining when you fucked that bitch? I bet you never fucked her like this."
The adoration in Rafa's eyes only grew with each word you spoke. Something about your words spurred him on. He leaned back and rubbed your clit with his thumb as he continued thrusting into your dripping wet pussy. Even his grunts sounded soft and needy. You reached forward and tweaked your own nipples. The sight made him throw his head back in ecstasy.
"Princesa, eres tan perfecta," Rafa moaned as you clenched down on him with your second orgasm. This time you felt yourself squirt a little and he did to. He fucked you even faster as you came.
You were panting now, sure that Rafa was close. But he proved you wrong and flipped you over onto your stomach. The narco gripped your hips and thrust into you, impossibly deeper than before. You grabbed at the bed sheets as the room filled with the loud slap of his hips against your round ass. "Fuck, Rafa. You're so deep, you're gonna make me cum again aren't you? You really want to please me don't you?"
Between grunts of exertion he replied, "Yes, princesa, I'll make you cum again."
He sucked and licked your shoulder and neck before biting down and lifting your hips higher so he could thrust at a different angle. Rafa didn't let up as he continued his pounding rhythm. His arm came around to put you in a loose headlock. "Cum for me, Princesa. Milk me dry."
You sobbed as you came, the pleasure so overwhelming you would have thought you blacked out but you still felt the stuttering of Rafa's hips as he filled your pussy with his cum. Both of you were out of breath, the room smelled of sex and weed, and you both started giggling.
Rafa broke down next to you, giggling as he pulled you into his side, placing fluttering kisses all over your face between breaths. You also giggled, high on pleasure, weed, and Rafa.
"You're mine now, Rafa," You spoke against his lips.
"I've always been yours," He answered back.
Okay, I love rafa so much wtf.
reblog, review, reply, my chiquitins.
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venussaidso · 2 years ago
Imma need yall anti Namor x Shuri parasites to stay the FUCK OUTTA MY SHIP TAGS 😭
If you don't like it, tag it as an #anti post PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOUU, you're literally ruining my day. I used to hate on shit too but I always kept it in the tags. Your think pieces are pretentious as fuck. I don't care, slut! Keep your sassy essays outta my lane!!
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But that's okay too, cause if you stay whining on my ship tags then I'll be blocking you sluts left, right and center; like I need to filter some trash after all. That's gotta be one of my favourite exercises 💀
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neptoons1998 · 2 years ago
New additions
A/N: This is the last chapter in attoye family fic. I hope you guys enjoyed it, until next time.
Okoye and Attuma knew it was going to be a busy day. Okoye got the greenlit to go home from the hospital four days ago. The new parents were taking their time and basking in the joy of being new parents. 
Twins, Attuma’s mind was still reeling from that fact. Okoye and Attuma were shocked when they receive their ultrasound when the twins were just embryos. The couple took the new surprise in stride. Just double the number of baby needs on their list.  The day has finally come, the pair had to introduce the new babies to their crazy (loving) family. 
"You know, I always thought newborn babies looked like potatoes. but these twins are pretty darn cute! " Shuri said as she held Yuxkin, Okoye was using Attuma’s chest as a pillow while sitting on the couch. The woman was still healing from giving birth but it was nice to see her young cousin falling in love with twins. 
 Yaxkin was livelier than Yunuen. Yaxkin constantly was wiggling in people’s arms when they held him.  Attuma was still having a hard time knowing which one was Yaxkin and the other Yunuen, Okoye thought out a plan on making the twins different colors until Attuma knew the pair without a second glance. The doorbell rang  Shuri too consume in watching Yaxkin learn he could move his arms in different places; Attuma got off the couch to open the door. 
"I believe congratulations are in order, “ There stood Aneka and Ayo. the couple was holding baskets of gifts for the new parents, “Where're the new additions? "
Aneka quickly washed her hands before she took Yunuen out of Attuma’s hands, “Aww he’s so cute for a wrinkling bean.”
Okoye rolled her eyes in jest, “Can you stop insulting my babies, They literary aren’t a week old yet.”
Aneka ignores her sister-in-law as she continued blowing raspberries at Yunuen, “You should be grateful that they came out cute. Y’know how some babies have to grow into their looks.”
“Let me see him,” Ayo said to her wife. Ayo placed her hands and arms in the correct way to hold the newborn. Yunuen gave a quick sneeze causing Ayo to look at him lovingly. Before the couple could pull out their phones to take photos the doorbell rang again. Attuma quickly got up from the crouch; Namora and Namor smiled as they went inside the couple's small home. 
“Congrats on procreating with a woman who likes you,” Namora spoke as she carefully looked at Yunuen. 
Attuma could only smirk at his cousin's sassy comment, “Thanks, I tried to make you proud.”
Before the pair could truly rib on each other, Yaxkin a sad cry tired of being in Shuri’s hold. 
"Welcome to parenthood, you shall never know peace again,” Namor replied as he watch Shuri handing off  Yaxkin back to his father. 
Attuma gave his older cousin a soft smile, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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greyhavensking · 3 years ago
Listen, this is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while, and I am beyond excited to read more (more than I’ve already read at least lmao). Steve is going to fistfight Atlantean royalty and I fully support him in this endeavor.
(Or have Thor fight in his stead — royal to royal. Cage match. Tony can sell out Madison Square Garden. It’ll be great, totally, no unforeseen negative repercussions at all, I’m sure. This absolutely will not lead to an inter-species war. Definitely not.)
I am here to return the favor! So, tell us about the fic you're currently most excited about, please 😊
I have so many WIPs it's kind of embarrassing, but I am currently most excited about this jealous!Steve fic where Namor and Bucky are dating because no one volunteered to write it for me lmao! preview under the cut
Rolling his eyes, Steve took a deep breath, prayed that Namor would be wearing more than his usual favored outfit of scaly, sea-green speedos, and opened the door. 
Now Steve didn’t consider himself a prude, and intellectually he understood that Atlanteans had different norms, and he honestly welcomed cultural differences, but come on. Namor was, as always, nearly naked, but he was thankfully dressed more modestly this time. The Sub-Mariner was wearing another one of those tight-fitting Atlantean pants (or were they leggings?) that left next to nothing to the imagination, with black, ridged greaves that admittedly looked pretty cool, to Steve’s immense irritation. He was barefoot, of course. A long necklace of shark teeth and the teeth of other sea creatures (Steve assumed) draped over his bare, muscular torso. His black hair looked like the kind of messy people were paying hundreds of dollars for these days. 
Steve had to admit that, objectively, Namor was easy on the eyes. That all went away when he opened his mouth, though.
“Namor is here for James,” the king of Atlantis said, sparing Steve one flick of his eyes from under his very impressive eyebrows before swanning into the room. Almost literally, because he glided on the air with an inhuman grace due to those stupid wings on his ankles. The briny smell of the sea trailed after him; Steve took a deep breath through his mouth.
“Come in, Namor, make yourself at home, Namor,�� Steve mumbled.
“Your hospitality is appreciated, Captain,” Namor said, deigning to sit on Steve’s recently-occupied seat in a position Natasha had previously described as "man-spreading." This stretched out his Atlantean pants/leggings so much that imagination was no longer needed in regards to their contents. Steve moved to the seat opposite, before realizing that this meant he would be sitting facing the king. 
Steve’s fingers itched to retrieve his abandoned New York Times. He was almost done with the crossword! But Bucky had told him to play nice. And since he had already sat down, he would need to get up again to retrieve the newspaper from Namor’s armrest-- which should have been Steve’s armrest if only Namor didn’t act like he owned the surface of the entire planet and not just the oceans.
After about 15 agonizing seconds of the two of them sitting in silence and not looking at each other, Steve said, “So, do you… want something to drink?” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, but it was too late to take them back.
The look that Namor gave him was more cutting than one of Bucky’s knives, which was impressive. “You offer Namor, the King of Atlantis, a beverage? Made of your tainted water?”
“It’s not tainted,” Steve said, not bothering to hide his irritability now. “New York City tap water is perfectly safe to drink.”
Namor snorted. “It is a pity that surface dwellers fear their drinking water so much that they have to describe it in terms of safety,” he said. "The land, sea, and air-- everything humans touch is inevitably poisoned."
“If you don’t want anything to drink you can just decline,” Steve said, though secretly he did agree with Namor, and that made him even angrier.
“Then I respectfully decline, Captain,” Namor said. His tone was perfectly even, but Steve could hear the disrespect.
Steve stood up, leaned over the coffee table, snatched his newspaper, and sat back down again, determined to finish his crossword and ignore Namor for however much longer it took for Bucky to finish getting ready. He had tried being nice, and it hadn't gotten him anywhere.
Steve had just unfurled his paper when Namor spoke up again.
“Why do you wear those false wings on your head? You can’t fly.”
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irisesforyoureyes · 2 years ago
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I posted 962 times in 2022
That's 962 more posts than 2021!
312 posts created (32%)
650 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@dilli-vali-girlfriend (and i got you)
I tagged 581 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#desiblr - 65 posts
#rrr - 46 posts
#desi - 43 posts
#desi tag - 35 posts
#the strength to my whole 🌎 - 26 posts (dhir???)
#aquana answers🪸 - 26 posts
#marvel - 19 posts
#rambheem - 17 posts
#nia🎯 - 17 posts (nia<3)
#tanisha🧚‍♀️<;3 - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have planned the whole few next weeks and we are not taking in the fact i’m gonna bail on most of them and just engross myself in books👍 (sums me up💀)
My Top Posts in 2022:
yeah namor was hot BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE TRIBUTE TO CHADWICK BOSEMAN?? the opening funeral scene? phenomenal. the ending scene with shuri remembering him? broke me. the sheer lack of any sound in the clips? goosebumps over the entirety of my body.
1,081 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
no but riri williams saying “I have a class of differential equations in 15 mins” screamed the same energy as “I got homework”
1,277 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
watching pride and prejudice to realise I aint the sassy witty beautiful elizabeth but the socially awkward introverted mr darcy without the money
2,152 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
can we just take a moment to appreciate the women of the black panther those magnificent deadly beauties and bow down
2,565 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the sluttiest thing a man can do is be fictional
2,581 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pantherandtheseagod · 2 years ago
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ghoulishxgraphics · 2 years ago
Everybody screaming about Namor and Attuma falling for Shuri or M'baku and Okoye, people they fought, and I raise you this: Riri yeeted Namora back into the ocean hella hard... imagine Namora being down bad for Riri too after that though like oh this lil punk has the audacity to throw me into MY ocean like a sack of potatoes? Okay 🥰 👏👌Bro idk why but my head just SCREAMED 🎶 I can show you the world 🎶 like imagine!?!? Riri holding her, or Namora riding on Riri's back as she flies across the sky showing the beauties of the surface world without having to see colonizers, and then Namora taking Riri on whale rides showing her the beautiful hidden parts of the ocean most people don't know about 😍😍😍 Lmfao imagine Namora talking all this shit about putting up with her cousin and friend being annoying lovesick fools for Shuri and Okoye, and then the next time they see Riri she says some sassy shit, and Namora clams up and blushes like this 😳. Namore and Attuma just stare at her like oh foreal. the fuck. has the lionfish been stung by ironheart. okay. we having words on the whaleride home babe 🧐😏🤔 (also side note I LOVE that Namora wasn't pure blue like Attuma, she had some pinkish-blue marks on her face and arms when on the surface so I will die on the hill for her having a pinkish-blue blush)
You have no idea how much I WISH I COULD DRAW so I could draw Namora with a pinkish blue blush!!! But you fool! You think I haven't thought of Namora falling for Riri after being the only person able to yeet her into the ocean!?
That was probably the equivalent of asking her out. You think I didn't imagine her just laying in the ocean for a hot second, in just bewilderment that someone was able to shake her off, let alone throw her back into the ocean like she was nothing, and that probably being the hottest thing ever to her.
Now she wants to go back to the surface and declare a rematch, but Namor has already called everything off, so she has to return to Talokan with just the biggest feeling of frustration, and you know when Riri returns to Wakanda to visit, Namora is there in a heartbeat, declaring that she fight her again in a rematch because Namora can't just ask someone out like a normal person.
She takes her dating advice from Attuma of all people, and shouts out her own little nickname for Riri the moment she spots her anywhere.
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imperiuswrecked · 7 years ago
The first time I saw Namor it was in the mini series the Vision and The Scarlet Witch where Wanda invited Magneto to dinner. Here's some panels:
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I wanted more Pietro but then I got Namor. I love both so here is my favorite Pietro panels:
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rowinablx · 2 years ago
A lovable drama king - Sam
A depressed bitch - Bucky
A himbo - M'Baku
A simp - Attuma
A mean bisexual - Okoye
An even meaner lesbian - Ayo
A sassy she/they - Shuri
A cute but deadly - Namora
A token straight that's on thin ice - Ross
An astrology bitch that has everyone's birth chart memorized - Aneka
A problem solver - Riri
A crazy one (in a good way lol) - Namor
And a short queen - Ramonda
No lies detected
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