#sassy kylo ren
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Bro has been Mewing since he was in the Womb.
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bumpscosity · 2 years ago
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Congrats to classic disneyland ride fans tho your shits basically walk-on
star wars after dark tonight disneylands a disaster
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buriedaliens · 10 months ago
Rating my Tavs
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1. The Tavster. He was my first! A wizard white dragonborn. This was after I tweaked his appearance a bit. He's intelligent and quite sassy. He was supposed to romance Karlach but accidentally fucked Astarion. Oops. 7/10
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2. Tavid. I think he's like a warlock drow idk I fucking hate him got off the Nauteloid, looked at his purple ass Kylo Ren lookin mug and never touched the file again 0/10
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3. Mr. Tav. Black dragonborn that started as a warlock but I swapped him to a Monk. He's trying to woo Shadowheart but doesn't know if it's working. He's very hopeless and doing his best. 8/10
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4. Amalthea (420 A.H.E. *Years After Himmel the Hero Era*) my beloved sorcerer. She's a walking shitpost and based on the Last Unicorn protagonist. Truly a glass cannon in the sense that her spells fuck but homie gets fucked even harder by enemies. She will be downed and every enemy on the map will go you know what fuck that elf bitch in particular and just keep smashing her up. She's my favorite for many reasons though so 20/10.
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5. Tavatha. I loved playing Amalthea in my friend group play through so much I made another sorcerer so this is her. She accidentally started looking too Anakin so I gave her some highlights and face tattoos and then she started accidentally looking like my cat Shikamaru so I'll have to live with that. She gives fuck it punk bisexual vibes but in the play through I'm calling it Girls Night™️ and only using shadowheart, laezel, and Karlach in the party. 9/10.
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opinated-user · 2 years ago
Ok so I've never watched Owl House but I will say, everytime I see Lily shittalk Hunter, comparing him to Kylo Ren and whatnot while putting up pictures of him I have to laugh because, he does not give me That Vibe at all. His design makes me think "awkward troubled boy", not "generic angsty evil guy" ("adorkable" would be another good word to describe him tbh).
And from what I've seen, teenargers tend to put him in the "he's just like me" box, as opposed to "omg he's so hot". Especially transmasc teens tend to relate to him I've noticed.
It's just so funny when Lily says something like "generic angsty white guy" and on the screen you see Hunter with the goofiest smile like, girl I'm not convinced sorry.
tbf a person can relate to a character and also find them attractive. hunter is a fictional teenage so if teenagers girls or boy or non binary people find him attractive, there's nothing wrong with that. it's only wrong when an adult woman feels entitled to judge them because of doing the most normal thing any teenager can do.
hunter starts as a dark and mysterious villain with sassy moments, which is when and how LO liked him to be, but the more is known about him we find him to be just a traumatized boy who wants to belong somewhere and have friends. he's not my favorite character, but i can easily see why it would be the one for so many other people and why he became popular in fandom. the experience of seeing a character evolve and change makes them more interesting than the characters who stay the same the whole way through, which is exactly how LO wants all characters to be.
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puella-peanut · 2 years ago
Hi ☺️ I was wondering, how did you get into Silverusso?
So, I didn't get into Silverusso. Silverusso got into me.
Y'know, like how you get infected by chicken pox as a kid, and then once you get it you're immune to it? That didn't happen to me (I was vaccinated)--or actually, only the first part happened to me. I got infected Big Time with Silverusso fever, and Lord knows I shall never recover!! (I don't wanna either.)
Anyway, back in Ye Olde Days, I grew up watching the KK movies. (Well, I grew up watching KK1, and watched the other two once or twice at most, also the Hilary Swank one, since I disliked all after 1, lol.)
Anyway, Daniel LaRusso was my childhood, tween, and teenage girl-self's love (which in itself it So Very Odd because I never liked small little pretty boys, always going for ones that were older and looked far more rugged (lmao, like Kreese) or even handsome, tall, and sophisticated (like Terry, LOL)--ANYWAY--so when I heard of Cobra Kai, I KNEW I HAD TO WATCH IT. Then I saw the trailer for season one, and I thought it was gonna be trash, so...I didn't. Oof.
What got me to watch it? A very shallow reason.
I saw the trailer for season 4, and oh my gosh, is that TERRY SILVER?? Looking so TALL AND HANDSOME?? SILVER FOX DADDY??? And that was it. I was HOOKED.
I started off shipping Lawrusso (their AMAZING chemistry in season 1 and 2, but especially 1, is still fantastic!), but even while I liked it, I was slightly bored by it. Meanwhile, I was reading more and more on Terry, looking at all his scenes in season 4, spoiling it for myself, and loving every second. TIG was magnetic, he stole every scene he was in with his demeanor, his charm, his dialogue, the small little quirks of body and build--and that strange, sensual, unholy, tension soaked and oddly flirty chemistry he had with my baby boy, Daniel....oh boy. OH BOY!!
Silverusso stole my heart from the moment they shared their first interaction at the dojo. I watched that scene over and over even while I was still making my way through season 2. The CHEMISTRY between the two of them--off the charts! Daniel has more chemistry with Terry in this one scene (and of course the convenience store scene) then he has with any other character in the show, even his wife, Amanda lol. What the shit!
I mean, even when Terry and Daniel didn't share the screen with each other, their presence in the other's life and what had come of it some 30 years hence was undeniable and tangible. There was a...heat, an intensity. A dark caress across time. A shadow. It was alluring. Mesmerizing. The way Terry and Daniel bounced off each other, how easily triggered by their other they were despite trying to be composed and rational about it (well, at least Daniel lol). Insane. Illegal!
I hadn't fallen so hard for a pairing since Reylo (tall, dark, dominant and sinister Kylo Ren/Ben and brown haired, brown eyed tiny, pretty, spunky and sassy, tempted-by-the-dark-side Rey from Star Wars--another pairing that shares a LOT of similarities with Silverusso!).
So, I finally re-watched KK3 as soon as I finished season 3, and. Holy shit. The Silverusso was ONCE AGAIN OFF THE CHARTS. I totally forgot that Terry got into this zany scheme for Kreese, because once Daniel LaRusso got roped into this stupid plot, it was like the boy pulled something beyond everything else outta him. Ridiculous. Crazy! This goes way beyond cocaine, if you ask me.
I had so many questions--why is Terry so obsessed with this boy? Why does he stick so close to him all the time? Why does Daniel turn to putty at the sound of his voice, a touch of the hands? WHY IS TERRY SO TOUCHY FEELY?? Why does he look at Daniel Like That? Why is he such a Wolf to Daniel's naive Little Red? Was this intentional? If not, why does it come across this way? Ahem. It just goes on and on. And on.
I did NOT recall it being this dark and sensual as a little girl. Was this normal in family movies from the 1980s? (It's not.) If this was actually a good film (because let's be real, this movie is garbage lol), one made for adults, it would definitely be a dark, perhaps tragic coming of age/first love story. It had and has all the elements--it was simply the execution that made it fall so short, sadly.
But yeah. Ship for the ages here, folks!
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thewriterowl · 2 years ago
Chapter Twenty-Three: Just Visiting
When Luke drifted off into the Force after he faced off against Kylo Ren, he thought perhaps, finally, he was done with suffering and loneliness and so much loss. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his eight-year-old self with a haunting whisper vibrating in his memory:
One more chance, little sun, you deserve one more chance.
Time for the next update! Some sassy children and angst and growing fondness with Skywalker stupidity galore.
Hope it is enjoyed! Let me know what you think of all the Daddies and their daddy-ness happening!
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worfianism · 1 year ago
Ahsoka Ep 7
Spoilers ahead
- oooo sassy hera
- always so funny when star wars characters are like this sounds like a fairy tale and im like yes buddy you are indeed in a fairy tale
- C3P0!!!! On behalf of LEIA 😭😭😭😭😭
- Senator Organa is Senatoring
- see I get it. Senator Xiono being wary because Hera does read like a military woman stuck in a war but he's very reticent which along with the fact they pointed out that there is ex-empire at all levels in the new Republic make me distrust him
- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ANAKIN
- at least he's self aware 😂
- Awh buddy. You know what I think Good Master is pushing it but I get it. I really do think he tried his best when it came to Ahsoka especially since they were at war but he still let his selfishness get in the way of being a truly good master.
- Huyang I LOVE YOU. David Tennant I LOVE YOU.
- sometimes I forget that Ahsoka was apprenticed to arguably the best pilot in the galaxy
- did he not know this? Or is that he knew that Anakin was Vader but not that Ahsoka was apprenticed to Anakin?
- YOU KNOW WHY JEDI HAVE HAD TO HIDE FOR YEARS?????? (Order 66 mention im sensitive about that)
- I do get why people enjoy Thrawn as a villain
- I love that we go from space battle to idyllic little ride with ezra and sabine
- Zeb mention!!!
- Ezra 😂😂😂 "Really? You???"
- Oh Sabine. You know you messed up. But you can't admit it and you can't fix it.
- ARE THEY CANONISING FORCE TRAINING BONDS????? I thought they were entirely headcanon? (I mean I know Rey and Kylo ren had a force bond but I thought master-padawan bonds were something the Internet made up) also sabine is basically force-null so could she have a training bond anyway?
- damn Baylon Skoll essentially gives like evil Obi-Wan Kenobi vibes but anyway I wonder what he's up to
- omg the little guys trying with a slingshot
- Ezra's ability to care about literally anyone I love him
- Sabine saying she's like you but lacks your sense of humour about Shin I can't 😂
- omg they just dropped the soft Ahsoka theme very randomly
- I wonder who did the music for the show
- the little guy just threw a pan I love it
- oh ezra how do you not know that you can't say stuff like that it's basically asking to jinxing it
- Oh god for a moment I forgot that troopers were now clone troopers not stormtroopers so for a second I was like yay they're being rescued!!
- hes so ezra
- Huyang you have to outlive literally everyone
- I'll give that to Thrawn, they are kind of like Jedi of old
- uh ohhhh
- Ahsoka 🥺 offering to help a darksider back to the light
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years ago
"laser sword"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pqRvkIa
by red_velvet_starlight
Rey is an engineering major and spends her time in the engineering lab for fun. She's always noticed this one guy on campus that seemingly gets a lot of unwanted attention. One day she decides to talk to him and finds out he's trying to build a working lightsaber. She offers to help and sparks fly.
Words: 2551, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Engineering, Lightsaber Construction (Star Wars), ignorant and shy ben, confident and sassy rey, Rey Knows What She Wants (Star Wars), ben is an idiot, Milkshake Date
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pqRvkIa
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ao3--gingerrose · 2 years ago
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fandom-rpfinder · 4 months ago
Hey, I'm Jay (20s, any pronouns) LF someone 18+ for a Star Wars RP on Discord!
I write in 3rd person, paragraph format and write from 3-4 paragraphs - the discord limit! However, I do try to match my partner's.
Double ups are very welcome! I'm open to rping CCxCC and OC x CC! Pairings can be of any gender/orientation (I've seen all the movies/shows, so I'm familiar with most of those characters)
AU storylines welcome!
🌠 LF rps for two different characters:
-My sassy bounty hunter OC, Zheth against a General Hux -My angsty dark side mercenary OC, Skurn against a Kylo Ren (alternatively might consider Clone Wars Maul)
I prefer to have the romance be a companion genre to the action aspects to help it develop more naturally. I like angst with fluff in my rps & don't mind some dark themes if called for!
🌠 Feel free to reach out to my discord .deathspecter or like/comment on this post! (If we already have an rp going, I'm not replacing it! Just looking for some new ones in addition to it)
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97mosquitoes · 1 year ago
the sassy man epidemic (2015-) started with Kylo Ren
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techniiciian · 1 year ago
❛ An eight pack? ❜ He barely refrains from rolling his eyes. ❛ Too bad all of that development bypassed his brain. ❜
the look of utter offense and annoyance on his face speaks volumes. the words ‘how dare you’ hang unspoken in the air between them.
Matt wants nothing more than to rise to the defense of his brother at such an unimpressed insult. maybe if it had been a simple trooper, or a petty officer, or even a fellow technician then the blond might have raised his hackles in verbal retaliation.
but no, this was the General casting out sassy remarks. and even Matt had to admit that out of everyone in the First Order it was Hux that deserved the right to insult the Knight of Ren. after all, Kylo did happened to cause the ginger nothing but constant stress and irritation.
so instead of snapping back Matt’s face softens into a slight pout. he opens his mouth to give a retort but nothing comes to mind so he just huffs out a disgruntled sigh. ". . . i guess you have a point. . . so does that mean you aren't interested in the super secret kylo ren abs and mask calendar?"
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backtonaboo · 5 years ago
I want snarky Ben Solo in TROS
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avengersobsession · 5 years ago
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imashybear · 7 years ago
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Y’all, I am LIVING for sassy Ben Solo. 😂
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fractured-spine · 3 years ago
Ren: It must be hard not being able to laugh.
Hux: I do have a sense of humour, you know.
Ren: I’ve never heard you laugh before.
Hux: That’s because I’ve never heard you say anything funny before.
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