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a friend of mine shared a picture of some fabric woven with this motif and I just had to make a copy of it for my collection of designs
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Kuzco the Child Monarch
In the movie The Emperor’s New Groove, Kuzco is confirmed to be 17 (turned 18). That’s kind of young to be emperor. And it seems like he’s been emperor for a while now. Where are his parents though? In the TV spin-off The Emperor’s New School Kuzco’s dad, the former emperor, disappeared at sea while Kuzco was still a baby and it is confirmed that Kuzco inherited the throne at that point. This can be further confirmed in the flashback scene in the movie where we see Kuzco as a baby. He is wearing a crown, which is exactly the same as his grown up self’s and his father’s. Now this could be just a joke towards Kuzco’s royalty, but wouldn’t they have used a different crown instead of one that looked just like an emperor’s crown?

Kuzco becoming emperor as a baby would actually be a safe bet historically. Throughout the world’s history. there have been plenty of monarchs from all over who were crowned while they were children, some when they were still in the cradle (Henry VI of England, Mary Queen of Scots, Emperor Shang of Han dynasty China, Shah Shupar II of the Sassinid Empire, etc.). In all kingdoms and empires, when it came to lineage, when a monarch would die the throne would go to the nearest of kin, which ideally would be the original monarch’s child. There were no age limits on the title of monarch. So it would be safe to assume that the Incan empire would be no different and would crown Kuzco as emperor while he is a baby. Kuzco becoming emperor as a baby would also play a big part in Yzma’s story. In the case of when a child would become monarch, a regent would also be put in place. As a child cannot actually rule, royal governments would have the child’s regent act in their place until the child became old enough to rule on their own. Most of the time the title of regent would go to the child’s surviving parent (most of the time the mother) or someone else chosen by the original monarch or the government. In Kuzco’s case, his mother is never mentioned in canon or seen so it would be safe to believe that she is out of the picture when he takes the throne. Because of this it is likely Yzma was the one who is appointed regent as she is the Emperor’s advisor and she herself mentions in the movie that she raised him. Also in the movie it seems as if she has had experience in running the empire to the point of it being a habit.

Also in the case of young monarchs there is what is called a majority age. It is at this age that the monarch becomes a fully independent monarch and therefore there is no need for a regent anymore. In some monarchies the majority age is 18, which is the age Kuzco turns in the movie. So in the movie Kuzco is now able to act as sole monarch and thus Yzma’s power would be cut back after years of acting as regent. Now, this probably would not go down so easily for her hence her meddling in government and parading herself as the empress. This also gives us further insight in Kuzco’s annoyance towards her doing so as he is now legally an independent monarch and he does not need Yzma ruling in his place anymore. So far this seems to be accepted as canon and I thought I would just throw it out there for anybody who is having questions and whatnot.
P.S: Bonus theory time. You know the whole ‘no touchy’ thing that Kuzco does (lol)? It could either be because he simply does not like being touched or because of another royal tradition. In kingdoms and empires, it is commonly believed that monarchs are blessed by gods and they are thus seen as holy in a way. It is because of this belief that they are literally untouchable, as in it would be even illegal to touch a monarch without their consent. This would explain Kuzco’s ‘no touchy’ rule.
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Academy ambition necessitating frequent oversea excursion, the level court should neither seek nor find conspicuousness in my absence from England prior to the events described herein, nor upon querying my associations unveil secreted dubiousness of character.
Prior to the "incident" time I spent sweeping lone and level sands, searching for the shadow-haunted citadel of Madh Ra. In elden times the sand-ruined masons whose fingertips were by the sun's thousand tongues rendered red as their rusted tools, with primitive geometry and a mysterious sense of something larger, raised a profound desert temple unto an ancient deity who, if for once psuedicians assert correctly, informed later mythological serpent archetypes.
In Audib, formerly Synopia of the later Sassinid era, the March sun bludgeons like a flaming stave. Men striving to save every mineral within themselves sit still as buddhas. In a thousand ways the immensity of the desert heat strains and contorts men, until at a glance appears a landscape of wretches reposed as if bound for the face-side of a Tarot card.
We worked bedight traditionally in pallid linens which left for imagination's infatuation everything save the eyes and a scant hemisphere of peeling nose-bridge. A garment worn for one hour only, when wrung, produced liquid sufficient to drown a beetle! Heat-devoured men fell sodden, prunelike digits strove for purchase. We spurred them onward, lending our zeal as ardour’s salve, deponing the riches soon due them. Bitter salt was Discovery's cost, always. Her favoured toll, as any occultic codex worth its sanguine ink would illustrate on page one.
We too suffered observing them, the academy men and I. What we quare bedfellows wrought of chance circumstance, sharing knowledge by day and drinks and japes by night! A social success by any measure; three beetles drowned to the litre.
Alongside innumerable laborers, consultants and coordinators, four of note comprised the leadership: Myself, representing private interests, Dr. Farrig, Cairo's cultural heir apparent, Heinrich Shliemarc, Eastern studies lecturer at Munich University, and finally Sara Hegarty, charged by the BM with acquiring an idol predating the most antique specimens in Grand Europe's exhibition houses.
For eleven days we sought to cordon that ochre void, to reign divine order upon the formless. Ceaseless the desert variations were, exhausting the vast mind who commanded their fixlessness. It is a landscape caught in endless flux, where dogged winds reset the playing board on a megrim. Dunes before our eyes would transform like conjured things, whose spectral forms being bound to books, dust and Will can but aspire to fixed form; Tohu va-Vohu. The great haze of the landscape slowly blighted the mind, inflicting confusion. So is it also in the woods, the realm of Pan, where the lost become conspicuously and suddenly confused and, as if through malign intercession, unavoidably flee furthest from the path of safety.
On the eleventh night we found Him. Inside the black mosque’s bones, beneath the heaped ashes of entropy, a secreted royal cloister held the grand sarcophagus. Stone’s impatient slumber energized the fetid air. The King’s death vessel retained nobility, though wreathed in dust and ancient incense dregs which a hanging golden censer had exuded in antiquity. The chamber was redolent still, somehow, despite the cleansing fire of many spent seconds.
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Remember the Persians? "Yep", said the Persians, making a new Persia (sassinid empire)
Persia: yeah, I went in and out like China with his dynasties.
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Sic Transit again – It Happened Today, February 17, 2017
On this date in 364 AD, February 17, Jovian was found dead in his tent. And if your reaction was a rudely pointed “Who?”, well, you have a point. Actually he was a Roman Emperor and an illustration of the vanity of much worldly ambition.
He only reigned for eight months, following Julian the Apostate’s sudden death during his bungled campaign against the Persians. He was foisted on the empire by soldiers, possibly in a case of mistaken identity. And though he was found dead in suspicious circumstances, nobody much cared to investigate them.
On the plus side, he did restore Christianity after Julian’s rather pathetic efforts to restore worship of the Olympian deities. And he did proclaim freedom of conscience while, um, forbidding magical rites and imposing the death penalty for those who worshipped ye olde Gods like Jupiter. Oh, and he had the Library of Antioch burned down because Julian had filled it with pagan books. Which actually annoyed his Christian as well as non-Christian subjects.
He then continued Julian’s retreat from the far east and signed a humiliating treaty with the Sassinids surrendering five Roman provinces. After which he made a bee-line for Constantinople to bolster his political position somehow. Except it ended up a bee-line to the cemetery.
To rub it all in, his successor Valentinian I did such a good job that he was nicknamed “the Great”. Whereas Jovian was nicknamed “Who dat” or some such.
Another person who would have been better off staying on his farm. As would his nation.
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from Sic Transit again – It Happened Today, February 17, 2017
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Summary and Analyze “The Caliph” documentary film (3 parts) by Al Jazeera - Tony Nguyen (G11)
1. Video number 1:
Part one of the Al Jazeera: Caliph video concentrates in the root of the Islamic state or the foundation of the Caliph and It also mentions about the expansion of the Islamic state under the rule of the first fourth Caliph.
The foundation of Islamic caliphates:
After 10 years of building the first Islamic state from Medina, in 632, the prophet Muhammad, as known as the messenger of Allah, died from a brief illness which left the Islamic chaotic with no one took the lead. Because of this, the Caliph – The “Successor” – was formed to fill in the missing leader position of the Islamic state. The Caliph would continue the duty of the Muhammad or the previous Caliph and the role was passed down in the closest family.
According to the video, the first four caliphs who were recognized as the “Rashidun” or The “rightly guided caliph” were Abu Bakr As-saddiq (632-634), Umar ibn Al-Khattab (634-644), Uthman ibn Affan (644-656) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (656-661). This shows the unstability of the Islamic state under the rule of the first four Caliphs that usually resulted with rebellions, assasinations and illnesses. Then Muawiyah (661-680) became the caliph which started the Umayyads dynasty, he passed down to his son, Yazid and eventually the Umayyads ended at 750 due to the rebellion of the Abbasid and Alid.
Why did the Islamic empire want to invade the Sassanid and the Byzantium?
There were three main reasons for this. After ending the rebellion, Abu Bakr made a bold move to deployed his armies to attack two of the empires, Byzantium and Sassanid empire due to the limitation of natural resources such as fertile land and water which were scarce in the Arabian peninsula. Another reason was to expand the Islamic state territory and increase the wealth. Last but not least, the reason for the Islamic conquest was to spread the Islamic faith throughout the world.
How can the Islamic empire expand its territory into a vast area in a short period?
There were three main reasons for the Islam empire to conquer other empires in a short period. Firstly, the Sassanid and Byzantium were weakening after the Byzantium-Sassinid war from 602 to 628. Because of this, the Sassanid was conquered under the caliph Umar in 634 and the Byzantium was defeated under the caliph Uthman in 647. Secondly, the Jews and Christians of Syria and Persia nearly invited the Muslim conquerers inside because they were tired of religious battles locally. Thirdly, the empire expanded from the border of India westward to Franklish empire due to the strength of the Rashidun -Arab armies and clever generals especially Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, “the Sword of Allah”, known for his famous tactics and intelligence.
(A picture of a Rashidun soldier)
(A picture of Khalid ibn Al-Walid)
2. Video number 2:
Part 2 of the documentary film about the caliph by Al Jazeera is mainly about the political divisions amongst the Islamic empire that existed right from the start which were five major divisions. This indicates for us that mainly due to the vast territory of the Islamic state, for example, Damascus was fully controlled by Muawiyah and that rebellions were able to form especially in the western part of the empire.
1st division:
The first division started from the conflict between the Hashemite and the Umayyad due to the persecution of the Umayyad against Muhammad and his followers which for the Umayyad in Quraysh tribe, the Islam from Muhammad was quite opposite to their belief. This conflict was still influenced by the later generation since Muhammad agreed to let the Umayyad joined the Islamic, particularly, the rise of the Muawiyah dynasty in one side and the downfall of the Hashemite in the other side as the fourth caliph, Ali, was assassinated.
2nd division:
After the death of Muhammad, the successor or the caliph must be one of the closest relative to Muhammad’s family or the Hashemite therefore the most suitable one must be Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad’s cousin. However, the chosen one to be the suitable caliph was Abu Bakr through the voting of the seniors figures although he was just a close friend and a close companion of the prophet that was not really related to the Hashemite family. Because of that, there were two idea based on the decisions about the next leader which were the Sunni (Muhammad didn’t made any clear plan) and the Shia (Ali was the rightful successor after Muhammad). The stage of choosing the first four “rashidun” caliphs that based on voting was really crucial to the Islamic empire since it create a strong foundation and based on the Umayyad dynasty’s caliphs, choosing caliph based on nepotism would usually end up weakening.
3rd division:
In 656, Ali, the fourth emperor, moved the capital from Medina to Kufa which divided the Islamic state into two parts: the East and the West. The East was under Ali himself and the West was under Muawiya governor. This division also impacted the Shia belief as it began to divide into two major groups which were the Ali’s Shia and the Muawiya’s Shia.
(A picture of Ali ibn Abi Talib)
(Picture of Muawiyah)
4th division:
In 750, there was another division between the Alid (Ali ibn Abi Talib’s followers) and the Abbasid (a Hashemite’s branch) after defeating the Umayyad in Damascus. The Abbasid’s capital was in Baghdad and because of this, they failed to assert the same control over the western provinces that led to the emergence of the Idris emirate in Maghreb in 788 as the first independent Alid state which later on distributed to another division among the Islamic states.
5th division:
The fifth division was all about the Islamic empire was dispart as three main empire with three different caliphate: the Umayyad, the Fatimid and the Abbasid. The Umayyad in Andalusia was created in 756 by an Umayyad prince, Abduh Rahman, who succeed in reviving the Umayyad dynasty as a caliph after the defeat of his grandfather dynasty by Abbasid empire in 750. And the last empire was emerged in 909, in Kairouan, Tunesia by a man who claimed to be the descendant of Ismail, the seventh Imam, created a completely different caliphate to those of the Abbasid which was called the Fatimid.
Video number 3:
Part three of the document film by Al Jazeera discusses about the downfall or the decline of the Islamic empire and also the useless of most caliphate.
The fall of the Fatimid and the Abbasid:
By the middle of the 11th century, the Seljuk, Turkic tribes, took full control over the whole Abbasid empire and the Abbasid caliph was just only a tool or a singe puppet that lived in the Palace of Baghdad. This refers to the meaningless in the term “caliph” as this word represents a small ineffective position in the political government.
(Territory of the Seljuk)
In August 1096, four main Crusades armies successfully invaded the holy lands in the Seljuk’s territory in order to take back what was called their holy lands around Jerusalem.
However, in the middle of the 12th century, in Damascus, a Turkic dynasty was able to fight back the Crusaders which created hope for the Muslims in many different places especially in Egypt. As the Crusaders continued to attack Egypt in 1190, the Fatimid caliph asked Nour Ad-Din for help and the sultan Salah Al-Din with his troops began to offense and finally pushed the Crusaders’ lines back. The victories against the Crusades made Saladin become more powerful as he put an end to the Fatimid empire and turned the Egypt’s loyalty toward the Abbasid caliph. He also declared a new empire, the Mamluk empire. This indicates that the only resistance against the Crusades was not commonly from the caliphate but it was strangely from the saltant and because of this, the term “caliph” was defined as a controllable puppets with no interest in caring the Muslims.
(Saladin or Salah Al-Din)
However, after many victory emerged in the strength of the saltant, the Abbasid caliph was killed in the chaotic invasion of the Mongol and this marked the end of the Abbasid empire. But, with some miracle, a descendant of the previous Abbasid caliph was able to escape and traveled to Cairo that he was soon recognized at the caliph or as a puppet. One more time, the Mamluk empire was able to push them back from where they came from in the battle of Ain Jalut.
The fall of the Andalusia:
In 1212, the Christians began to unite as one force to establish a religious battle called Reconquista against those Muslims in the Andalusia. The Christians force or the Reconquista included the Castle, Narva, Aragon and the Portugal. The Reconquista happened in a fast period since the vulnerable of most Islamic states here in Andalusia and there were many minor city-states that were easier to conquer. As a result, in 1492, in Granada where was the last stand of the Islam emirate in Andalusia, the caliph Muhammad XII gave up the last stronghold of Muslim in Europe.
( Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in Andalusia in the year 1212)
The rise of the Ottoman:
The Ottoman, a Turkic-Muslim trible, emerged stronger than ever in 1512 under the rule of Sultan Mehmed. The Mehmed armies succeed in conquering the Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, which marked the end for this long-lasted empire. After that, in 1517, the Ottoman became more powerful as it continued to expand its territory southward including the Abbasid’s territory and the Mamluk due to its downfall during this period. The Ottoman revived the power of Caliph with their conquer throughout the Southeastern Europe. They reached greatest extent in 1683.
With Constantinople as its capital and control of lands around the Mediterranean basin, the Ottoman Empire was at the centre of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. While the empire was once thought to have entered a period of decline following the death of Suleiman the Magnificent
(Ottoman full expansion)
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Wonderful Landscapes For Your Residential Or even Commercial Requirements
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