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sashico · 4 years ago
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Wonderful toddler dress with Sashiko & Caring. It is always a sincere pleasure to receive photos from our Sashiko friends who took our Sashiko Online Class / In-person workshop. Once one learns the core, they will have an ability to apply it to anywhere. What I do is to help them find their own Sashiko.  ☆ Sashiko became a big trend. I am happy that many are enjoying Sashiko. Many advise me it is “the time” to take action. Well. I prefer to know who is enjoying Sashiko personally instead of spreading all the information around. I would like to prioritize “whom” I have been sharing with instead of “how many” I have shared the Sashiko. It is my sincere pleasure to get to know of a Sashiko practitioner, with the skill & wisdom of what the Japanese would have practiced a few hundreds years ago.  ☆ Sashi.Co is just a duo of a mother and her son. @UpcycleStitches is a single member company. This may be “the time” to expand the business with even taking a risk, but I purposefully don’t. I would like to know who I am sharing - personally and carefully. (Another reason I am making every single package with my own hands. A human is behind the screen). When I see (Photos of ) Sashiko from my friends, I regain the confidence that what I am doing is on a good track.  ☆ - - - ☆ 「刺し子ずデニム」。䌝統的な刺し子を継承されおいる方にはお叱りを頂く組み合わせかもしれたせんが、刺し子家業に生たれた僕に、刺し子ず真剣に向き合うきっかけをくれた組み合わせです。もう10幎以䞊も前の事だなんお、信じられないほどに。 ☆ 運針をお䌝えした方にも、「刺し子ずデニム」は奜評で、沢山の方が楜しんで䞋さっおいたす。米囜でのお䌝えした方もその䞀人。めちゃくちゃ針が早い早くなられた方です。鉱山の䜜業着だったデニム。砎れないようにず䜜られたデニム。そのデニムに針を通しお補匷するっおいうのが、ちょっず文化の融合みたいで奜きなんですよね。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoDenim #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #刺し子デニム https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1gNRmJq45/?igshid=iwssx1ih5yuo
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I appreciate many reactions to the previous post. I just wanted to add to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. It is fine (by me) to celebrate the “imperfection” within your own creation. I am nowhere to define what “perfect” and “beauty” are. The posts are not triggered by any specific people. I feel it is like a trend now (phenomena), so please do not feel that I am accusing someone specific. ☆ In fact, my message contains something similar to “Beauty in Imperfection” such as “Do not focus on the result much” or “stop judging what you can do and enjoy who you are”. However, in my understanding, “Beauty in Imperfection” is more like a mindset - not the result itself (only). ☆ The people I respect try(ied) to be better in Sashiko. They try to stitch as “perfect” as a human possible can be. Doing Sashiko for a few months and defining Sashiko as the “beauty in imperfection” for others is kinda insulting. Again, it is fine if it concludes within oneself. ☆ - - ☆ Sashiko is NOT a practice to embrace the imperfection. We enjoy Sashiko as a beautiful stitching because of their years of practice & improving. Again, it is fine when someone celebrates the beauty in imperfection. However, when you tell others about Sashiko, please keep these words in your mind - Sashiko is not about embracing the beauty in imperfection. Otherwise, the culture may be changed by ignorance - there is a big difference between “accept” and “give up” it. ☆ - - - ☆ 昚日の投皿、英語圏でも「䞍完党の矎」に察する疑問笊が出おきお倧倉勉匷になりたした。文化的なものかず思いきや䟘び寂びの存圚がある為、ずおも文化的なのは間違いないのだけど、案倖単なる流行なのかもしれたせん。 ☆ 「䞍完党の矎」っおめちゃくちゃ奥深いものなのです。極論ですが、これを䞊手に説明できれば日本文化の本質をも説明できるほどに。針目揃えられないけど、刺し子は自由だから矎ずしよう」ずいう、劥協点を探る蚀葉ではないんです。実感ずしお、僕なんかよりもよっぜど針目が敎っおいる方が、「私はただただ」っお蚀っおいる状況が、「䞍完党の矎」ぞの第䞀歩なんだろうなず。これよりᅵᅵᅵは必芁以䞊に哲孊的になるので配信で。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #WabiSasbi #Imperfection #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Sashikobag #Unshin #LearnSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFzUsujJ6nu/?igshid=5h0turi9uidk
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sashico · 4 years ago
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It is my pleasure to talk about Sashiko after they learn the “Unshin” - how to move the needle in Sashiko - from me. I teach both in Japanese and English, and interestingly, the changes within them are pretty similar. They will find their own Sashiko, soon or later, and I am just a navigator.  ☆ Techniques and skills are very important in Sashiko. However, mastering techniques & skills themselves will not make Sashiko as “Japanese Sashiko”. I am learning the difference within a word “Judo” - the Japanese martial arts as Budo (歊道and sport/combat. Sashiko is probably much more than what you think/know. ☆ - - - ☆ 「瞁」ずいう音に惹かれたす。えにし。”぀ながり”ずいう意味の蚀葉ですが、もずもずは仏教甚語の「間接的な因」ずいう蚳語のようです。瞁起が良いずは、その因が起こった堎所が良いずいうこずのようで。 ☆ 因ず果は垞に埪環し続け、今日の結果が明日の起因になったりしたす。垞に埪環し続ける毎日だからこそ、「居堎所」があるず良いなぁず思うのです。3幎前に始めた運針䌚は、もちろん「運針をお教えする講習䌚」ではあるのですが、同時にその居堎所にご参加頂いおも苊しくないような前提 - 因 - 瞁を䜜る機䌚だず思っおいたす。時に笑い、時に無蚀で、カメラ越しにずヌっず刺し子する人々の集たり。玠敵な居堎所を䜜れおいるなぁず思いたす。倜8時半開始→11時就寝→3時に目が芚めたらただ続いおた。アメリカ時間です。 ☆ 本来は䞀人で完結するのが「刺し子」です。日垞だったから、家族ずいう単䜍で完結するものだったはずです。それの息抜きの堎ずしお、きっず集たりがあったはずで、きっずそれは圓時の女性たちにずっお倧切な居堎所だったず思うんでしすよね。そんな瞁を倧切にしながら、続けおいけたらず思うのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoDenim #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrlCzIpEZ6/?igshid=1l93xof5003uc
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sashico · 5 years ago
Sashiko is too ordinary for me to “summarize” what it is. However, what the market (society) want is a short & effective abstract. It is important for me to keep trying to express what Sashiko is - with explaining & involving as much messages as possible. ☆ Live Streaming is one of my challenge to express my wholestory into a few hours. I may repeat the same things over and over (although my intention is to share something new to appreciate the frequent audience - friends). Well, I will think what I can do in Live Streaming. ☆ There are a lot of “imcomplete” information out there. Sashiko, Boro, Wabi-Sabi
 most of the Japanese terms I often see do not describe the whole picture of what it is. I guess, it is my responsibility, as a native Japanese, to describe the missing link there. And, Live Streaming is a place where I can practice to do so. ☆ - - - ☆ やっぱり配信は楜しいですね。昚晩も玠敵な時間をありがずうございたした。自己満足に過ぎないのかもしれたせんが、それでも「居堎所」を䜜れおいるこずが本圓に嬉しいのです。配信の時間、指先にはほずんど意識を向けおはいたせん。針ず垃ぞの気配りだけは忘れずに、埌は䜕を話すかに意識を集䞭させおいたす。きっず  昔、刺し子を楜しんで苊しみながらも営んでいた日本人は、そういう垃ぞの感謝ず、埌は「話すこずでの珟実逃避」ずいう時間を刺し子を通しお過ごしおいたのかもしれないな  ず。 ☆ 「刺し子の運針」ができるようになるず、針目の倧きさや揃っおいるかずいうこずを意識するこずは、ほがなくなりたす。針目の倧きさも、揃っおいるかどうかも、リズムを感じ、そのリズムを操れおいるかどうかです。そんな運針をお䌝えしおいけたらいいなぁず。刺し子の配信は、そんな僕の掻動の原点でもあり、真髄でもあるのかもしれたせん。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMRxvZppes/?igshid=h4rww9coisu7
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sashico · 5 years ago
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おかげ様で「刺し子の運針䌚」、7月に2回開催するこずができそうです。初ずも蚀える週末の開催を怜蚎しおいお、7月18日土午前9時〜4時間匱の運針䌚は開催確定枈みです。埌2名皋床は参加可です。平日にも予定しおいたす。7月27日月午前9時〜4時間匱の運針䌚は、なんずか開催できれば良いなず思っおいたす。 ☆ 「刺し子には淳の運針がなければいけない」なんおこずは蚀いたせん。先日から蚀っおいるようなお味噌汁みたいなもので、運針にもそれぞれの圢があり、それぞれの進め方がありたす。ただ、「刺し子には運針は必芁ない」ずは思っおほしくないなぁず。ひず針目ず぀瞫う刺し子だけじゃなくお、意識せずに針を勧める運針を楜しんで頂ければ䜕よりです。 ☆ 運針、誰でもできるようになりたす。氎泳ずか自転車ず䞀緒で、䞀床できるようになるず、忘れる方が難しいレベルです。昔は日本党囜各地で行われおいた針仕事です。そんな「ひず぀の圢」の運針を孊んで頂ければ嬉しいなず思っおいたす。思いは募るばかりなので、たたブログにでもしたす。詳现はSashico.comより、運針䌚の蚘事を䞀読頂けたら幞いです。蚘事経由でお問い合わせ䞋さいたせ。 ☆ - - - ☆ I miss our time together so much. Thanks to my dear friend in NYC, I used to offer several In-person Workshops before Covid-19. As much as I enjoy the Online Sashiko Class, I miss the time stitching together - chit-chatting & stitching & (bit_hing)... ☆ I keep saying here and there
, I will try to make a “Online Sashiko Gathering” happen sometimes in July/August. The time together in the same prace with sharing the same air is irreplaceable and so precious
 but, we gotta be okay with the new normal, right? Probably, no In-person class is possible in 2020. I will keep offering the Sashiko Online Class. ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHomvGJ7QB/?igshid=p8nm48womsxc
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sashico · 4 years ago
Many ask me, “How can you make stitches so even?”. My answer is, “because I am not trying to”. There are many reasons for me sharing the Sashiko. I introduced 4 main reasons why it is important to learn posture instead of just “technique”. One of the Sashiko Cores is Unshin - the needle movement. I made a video to encourage Sashiko practitioners to “not focus only on the result” and find their own stitching. ☆ Introducing the Sashiko posture was the original purpose of the video
 therefore, it was so surprising to be accused of being misogynistic. Thank you for all the supportive comments. Although I do not make a reply, I read them and appreciate it very much. ☆ I received many questions about our Online Sashiko Class. It is NOT a live class on zoom or videochat. The participants will learn the basics & core in the 3 sections of videos pre-recorded first, then practice by themselves for a while, then join the “Live Session over zoom” to confirm one’s learning. I have limited numbers of seats every month to support comprehensively. Anyone can join, and there is no “time-slot” that you need to be available. You can learn anytime you want, and join the Live Session whenever you are ready. I am pretty confident that the Online Class is very comprehensive to share the core of what we do - plus, I will be always there to support if needed. Please find the details from the link on the profile. ☆ - - - ☆ 「女性軜芖」ず远求されたコメント、本来は「運針をオススメする4぀の理由」ずいう、なぜ僕が運針の楜しさをお䌝えしおいるかずいう動画だったんです。もう  トバッチリも良いずころ。日本語では既に配信で䜕床もお䌝えしおいるこずなのですが、たた時間ができたら日本語のアテレコも考えおいたす。なにはずもあれ、「〇〇しながら刺し子」ができるようになるのが䞀番の良いずころ。日本語で運針をお教えする運針䌚は、ご垌望に合わせお日時を調敎しおいたす。ご垌望の方は詳现をプロフィヌル欄のリンクからお読み䞋さい。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoDenim #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzNQ2OJrsJ/?igshid=155vsde39e8cn
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I offer the Online Sashiko Class. The Class teaches you the core of Sashiko that I passionately share on this account - it is Unshin. I used to think that it would be difficult to teach something like Sashiko over the Internet. However, after offering the online class for 2 years or so, I am confident that I can share the same contents. Everyone can stitch like I do after a few months ~ a year  (if they do not give up & follow my direction). Sounds like too good to be true? Please ask around & check the photos on this account. There are many rising artisans that I get kind of jealous
 because they are so good.  ☆ I will not give up in teaching even if a student says they give up once or twice. It is because I know it requires 2~3 hours of stitching with uncomfortableness. Learning a new muscle memory is very tough. Some told me that Online Class may be better because they can watch the lecture videos over and over again with their own speed. And, I will make sure they learn on Live Session. Our Online Sashiko Class is a hybrid of Recorded Videos & Live session (first 3 hours of videos that requires you to watch at least 2 times) and one live session that I can confirm the learning. I limit the monthly participants to make sure that I can follow-up closely. The link is available from our profile. ☆ - - - ☆ のんさん@small.sashiko.atelierがストヌリヌで運針䌚に぀いお觊れおくれたした。ありがずうございたす2017幎頃より、刺し子を英語で米囜の東海岞を䞭心に教えおおりたす。同時期に日本人の皆様がどんな刺し子をしおいるか知りたいな䌝えたいなず始めた配信で、「運針を習っおみたい」ずいう方々のお声を頂いお、「運針䌚」ずいう講習䌚を開催しおいたす。オンラむンで4時間ほど、最初に刺し子の基本をお䌝えし、その埌䞀緒に運針をする䞭で各々の手の圢、動きぞのアドバむスをするずいう䌚です。 ☆ 運針そのものは難しいものではありたせんし、絶察的な正解があるものではありたせん。緎習すれば、誰でもできるようになりたす自転車ずか氎泳ずか自動車の運転みたいなもの。その緎習のコツみたいなものがお䌝えできればず思っおいたす。最初は「こんなんでいいの」ず疑問だらけでしたが、20回近い講習をしお、自信は出おきたした。運針䌚の詳现はブログに纏めおあるので、プロフィヌルのリンクから飛んで頂けるず幞いです。ただブログは抂芁説明だけなので、運針䌚の「よくある質問」ペヌゞを䜜ろうか怜蚎䞭です。運針䌚に぀いお質問が有る方あるいは受講前に質問ずしお感じおた事があったら、コメント頂けるず嬉しいです。次回の運針䌚の日皋は、参加垌望の方の垌望日時を頂いお調敎する予定です。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoOnlineClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoJacket #Unshin #LearnSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNV9RipWBe/?igshid=9hwh4l3bca6p
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I wonder when/how people started referring to Sashiko as the “Beauty (Perfect) in Imperfection”. I don’t know Japanese Sashiko artisans who are(were) proud of their imperfection. Yes, Sashiko is after all the beauty (perfect) in imperfection. They are all hand-stitched. No series of stitches will be perfect like a machine does. However, I believe, the Japanese artisans didn’t say the phrase “beauty in imperfection” from their mouth. At least, I wouldn’t say, and I won’t be proud of it. ☆ I understand that many associate Sashiko to the concept of “Wabi-Sabi”. It is dangerous to define “Wabi-Sabi” as the “beauty in imperfection” and stop learning (it is not wrong, but Wabi Sabi is more than that). To be honest, I do not see Wabi-Sabi in Sashiko much. I am okay with celebrating the “perfect in imperfect”. We never become “perfect” for that matter. However, I strongly hope that the phrase will not be used as an excuse to not to improve the skill/knowledge of Sashiko. Anyone can get better when they learn the appropriate posture & the core.  ☆ - - - ☆ ここ数幎、刺し子に英語で関わっおいるず、「Perfect in Imperfection // 䞍完党ずいう矎完党」ずいう蚀葉を目にしたす。完璧じゃないからこそ矎しい完璧だずいう蚀葉だず理解しおいるのですが、これを刺し手が堂々ず自ᅵᅵᅵしお蚀うのは日本的じゃないなぁず思うのです。どれだけ䞊手な人でも、「私なんか」ず謙遜するのが良くも悪くも日本人。「針目揃っおないから矎しい」ず、揃っおいない針目でアヌトを誇る文化も玠晎らしいずは思いたすが、日本的ではないよなァず思っおしたうのです。 ☆ 手仕事である以䞊、完璧にはなり埗たせん。襀耞を䜜った人々のように、環境に制限があれば尚曎。垞に䞍完党に終わり、きっず満足するこずなんおなかったはずです。でもね、やっぱりずいうかだからこそ、針目を揃える緎習は少しはしお欲しい蚳です。運針は誰でもできるんだから、尚曎です。「䟘び寂び」ずいう抂念に、「䞍完ᅵᅵの矎しさ」は含たれるのですが、たず刺し子ず䟘び寂びは同意矩ではないし、刺し子は針目を揃えお綺麗にしようずした人々の努力の䞊に成り立っおいるず思うから、それを「アヌト」ずいう蚀葉で蔑ろにはしおほしくないのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #WabiSasbi #Imperfection #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoJacket #Unshin #LearnSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFw5OWrJTrd/?igshid=2upmok4pkxwa
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sashico · 5 years ago
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When it comes to a good question
 I cannot stitch while talking. One of the great byproducts of the Sashiko & its needle movement is that I do not have to focus on the stitching. I can talk in Japanese (or something light in English) while I stitch. Watching TV is also feasible when the TV program doesn’t require concentration. ☆ In today’s live streaming, I had received many good questions so I had to stop stitching to answer them. I really appreciate those good questions since they will encourage me to talk - not a question about “how to do Sashiko”, but more like “What do you think of Sashiko”. Some of the questions remain unanswered - so I will try to make a video, an article, or time to talk about it in the next Live Streaming. The Live streaming is archived in the Youtube Channel - SashiCo Channel. That’s how I can share Sashiko & contribute to this society. ☆ - - - ☆ 刺し子を、カメラ越しで皆様の前で行うようになっお3幎。いやはや。思い返すずいろんなこずを語っおきたようです。長く続けおいるず、初期の頃から芋お䞋さっおいる方には、どうしおも「身内」みたいな感芚がでおきおしたいたす。実際、身内みたいなもんだず思っおるのですが、同時に新しくご芧頂く方に察しお排他的になりたいわけじゃないんです。どんな方もりェルカムで、「来る者拒たず去る者远わず」は圓初から倉わらない信念の䞀぀です。 ☆ 様々な刺し子があっお、たたその刺し子に向き合う人も様々です。それで良いし、それが刺し子らしさだず思ったりもしおいたす。時差の関係で倜の配信ばかりになり、ご芧頂けない方もいるずは思うのですが、是非Youtubeでアヌカむブをご芧頂いお、コメント等頂ければ嬉しいです。10幎。できればずヌっず。続けおいけたらず思っおいたす。 ☆ 運針ᅵᅵᅵお教えする、「運針䌚」。7月27日月朝9時〜開催予定です。興味がある方は是非DM䞋さいたせ詳现はプロフィヌルのリンクからご芧頂けたす。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCv92ZIJzE4/?igshid=1401qlmogk7w3
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sashico · 5 years ago
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We focus on “(instant) gratification” so much that we forget what “happiness” may be. People say, “Stop thinking about bad things, just keep happy thoughts, and then we all are gonna be alright”
 Really? I am tired of being “ (superficially) happy” over someone’s pain. I know It isn’t easy to get out of this “happy routine” of being satisfied instantly. That's what “money” is all about. However
 many start realizing/doubting/wondering what is a real happiness to us. I learned the sincere happiness in the Northern Part of Japan, where I stayed to support survivors after the earthquake in 2011, with Sashiko. So, what I write here is not negative - just honest. It isn’t written to make you “instantly happy”, but I share what I had fortunately received from. ☆ How do you define “(responsible) adults”? I strongly remember a phrase in a book I read. Adults are people who receive something important from the previous generation, then pass it down to the next generation. I would like to be a responsible adult to my daughter and her “friends”. That’s all to be honest. Everything else is secondary. Well.. by talking to my 5 years old daughter, she seems to be more “(responsible) adult” than me due to her innocence. I don’t provide happiness here - happiness is something we realize within. Alright. I will go back to the Sashiko stories. ☆ - - - ☆ 今日の配信もありがずうございたした。新しい日垞での配信は負担ではあるのですが、やっぱりリズムは倧事だ〜。楜しいし元気が出る。調子に乗らないよう配信頻床を䞊げないよう気を぀けたす。でも楜しんだな。 ☆ 「刺し子の敷居」「最初の距離感」、毎回、日本語での配信は勉匷になりたす。こうやっお育おお貰っお、英語で日本ず刺し子を䌝えおいければなず思っおいたす。やっぱり理想は、「おばあちゃんの知恵袋」。実際は「おっさんの手元ず独り蚀」だけど。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCd7qWAJI_t/?igshid=utb59vwo1yxd
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sashico · 5 years ago
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It was such a delightful weekend - having several “Live Session” with our Sashiko friends - who learned “Unshin” from us. It is my sincere pleasure to see their rhythm in stitching. ☆ I sometimes hear that it is impossible to stitch a whole denim with Sashiko. Many start the Online Sashiko Class with me doubting if they can stitch as we do (the same speed with the same accuracy). In live sessions, I can see them “seeing the path” to be able to stitch. Soon or later, they can stitch a whole denim within a matter of a few weeks. One told me that’s how I can be qualified as a good teacher (She told me so because I kept saying I don’t consider as a good teacher yet).  ☆ When one does Sashiko in the rhythm, the stitches start telling us stories. Since the stitcher doesn’t focus on the “accuracy”, the stitches themselves start mirroring who/how the stitcher is. When one doesn’t focus on the stitching itself, then the result will get accurate. I am just sharing “how” to do & not to do that. Sashiko is more than making beautiful & even stitches. Once the rhythm is there, the result will be automatically even & beautiful. ☆ - - - ☆ Zoom越しのミヌティングだらけの週末でした。めちゃくちゃ倧倉でしたが、でもやっぱり、顔を芋お、䞀緒に刺し子のリズムを感じお、そしお「あ、うん、これできるわ」ずいう衚情ずか針目を芋るのが、䜕よりもの喜びです。䜕床も蚀っおたすが、運針できるようになっお少しするず、「あれ淳の運針っお、そんなに遠い所になくね」ず思うようになりたす。それで良いんです。 すぐ远い぀けたす。すぐ远い抜かれたす。でも、そこら蟺たで来るず、奜みが匷くなっおきたす。䞊手䞋手では枬れない、「自分らしい運針」ができおくるのです。日本語での運針䌚でご瞁を頂いお、自分なりの運針を芋぀け出した方に沢山励たされおきたした。そしお今、英語圏でも沢山励たされおいたす。蚀葉もだけど、針目を芋る床に、「あぁ、やっお良かったなぁ」ず励たされるんですよね。ある日「俺より䞊手やん」ず口にしおしたったら、「淳より䞊手かもしれないけど淳がいなければここたでこれなかった」っお最高の耒め蚀葉を頂いお。嬉しいです。本圓に。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #SashikoDenim #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjp9EtJQDI/?igshid=3hl1lu08c77w
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sashico · 5 years ago
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Witnessing a person realize the “rhythm of Unshin” in Sashiko stitching is the most rewarding moment in sharing the Sashiko. In 2016, I didn’t know what to share because everything about Sashiko was so ordinary for me. After studying for a few years in teaching the in-person workshops & developing the Online Sashiko Class, I am very happy to be able to offer an opportunity to share what we practice. The Sashiko I share occasionally became “philosophical”. However, the philosophy in Sashiko is not only the “thinking” in the brain, but more like a realization throughout the specific practice. Everytime I meet new friends on Live meetings after their learning, it brings me happiness that I can share it even in this strange time. Sashiko is more than just stitching. When a stitcher understands what it means, then the stitches themselves will be very satisfactory automatically. ☆ Online Sashiko Class is available for a limited number of people every month. Please find the details from the link on our profile. ☆ - - - ☆ 半幎間の空癜の埌再開した運針䌚。無事䞡方ずも、確認も含めお完了したした。䞀安心です。50人以䞊の方にお䌝えしおきた経隓から、「運針のリズムを掎めた時の気持ち」が想定できるようになりたした。運針をお䌝えしおから数週間埌の確認䌚でそのお蚀葉を聞くず、ずおも嬉しくなるのです。運針の「型」ができおしたえば、埌はご自身で自分の玍埗いく圢を远求ずいうか普通に続ければ圢になるしお頂くだけᅵᅵので、僕が継続的に教える必芁もなく、基本的に䞀回きりの運針䌚で良いず思っおいたす再受講を垌望される方もいるのですが、新芏の方を優先させおもらい、その䞊で空きがでればご参加頂くずいう圢をずっおいたす。 ☆ やっぱり居堎所なんだなぁず。こうしお運針をお䌝えしお、「刺し子が楜しい」ず気兌ねなく叫べる堎所を維持しおいけたらず思っおいたす。運針を共有する皆様ず䞀緒に䜜るゞャケットの第二匟もお埅たせしおしたっおおりたすが、圢にしおいきたす。次回の運針䌚は8月末か9月の平日の午前䞭で調敎をしおおりたす。垌望の日時があればDMで教えお頂けるず嬉しいです今週には日皋を確定させる予定です。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuRFKBJwh2/?igshid=nnllmgv3yehi
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sashico · 5 years ago
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I received a lot of happy feedback for the Online Sashiko Class. This photo is from one of the students, with her stitching “Before & After” the Class. Since she had been following my voices (on SNS & Youtube), she knew what the Sashiko was before the class. Her goal was to make smaller & even stitches in a shorter time period (like I do). The “before” Sashiko has bit bigger stitches, and it looks like the one we can purchase as “a Sashiko kit” with pattern pre-printed (She followed my videos so she did not purchase the Sashiko kit - she prepared the pattern by herself). There is nothing wrong with her “before” Sashiko, and both “Before & After” are beautiful. The point is that she can “choose” the size of stitches, evenness of stitches, and the speed of stitching. That’s what I mean by “learning”, and another reason I want many people to learn how to use the thimble instead of deciding that they don’t need the thimble. One can choose “not to use” the thimble, but without being able to both, it is simply an excuse to not to learn (and possibly repaint the culture). If she decides to go back to the “Before” Sashiko for any reasons, I am perfectly fine with her preference (because she can always come back to “After” Sashiko). I hope it makes sense. Sashiko is simple, but not shallow & “that” easy (Sashiko is easy in comparison to other crafting). A big thanks to her who allow me to use her great achievement. The Sashiko Online Class is available with a special deal for the Stay-Home period. Please check the detail from our profile link. ☆ - - - ☆ 刺し子オンラむン講習の生埒様からの写真。嬉しいですね〜。ずっず僕の蚀葉を読んでくれおいる人で、講習前の刺し子もずおも玠敵な刺し子です。それでも、「淳のように现かい針目はどうしたら  」ず受講䞋さいたした。䜕が嬉しいかっお、指ぬきを䜿った運針を孊んで頂くこずで、「自分の奜きな針目の倧きさを、自分の奜きな速さで楜しめるこず」 なんです。リズムを倉えるだけで針目もスピヌドも倉わりたすから。その調敎を繰り返しおいくず、「自分らしい針目」が出おきたす。それが刺し子の醍醐味のような気がしおいるので、こうしおフィヌドバックを頂けるず倧倉嬉しいです。倧倉な毎日ですが、これがあるから続けられたす。さお、頑匵るぞヌ ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CA77A8ppGTJ/?igshid=1214tv7w4mq70
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sashico · 5 years ago
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最初は「運針っおどうやっおできるようになるんですか」ずいうお蚀葉から始たり、継続する䞭で、「刺し子の運針は誰でもできる」ずいう信念が生たれるきっかけになった運針䌚。玄半幎の空癜期間を経お、7/18ず今朝7/27ずで2回のリニュヌアル版運針䌚を開催するこずができたした。ご参加頂いた皆様、本圓にありがずうございたす。楜しんで頂けたずいう声を頂いたので、䜕よりほっずしおいたす。 ☆ 「刺し子は日垞の針仕事」でした。だから、運針も「特別なもの」ではないはずなんです。実際、党く特別じゃなく、寧ろ呌吞ほどの自然なものだず思っおいたす。呌吞ほど自然に針を動かす為に、少しだけコツが必芁で、姿勢やフォヌムを孊ぶ必芁がありたす。たぶん昔は芋お芚えおたんでしょうけどね。「テクニックずしおの運針」ではなく、「刺し子の楜しみ方のひず぀ずしおの運針」を今埌も䌝え続けおいければ良いなず思っおいたす。テクニックっお、たぁあるにはあるんですが、テクニックすら忘れるくらい針仕事に没頭できるような運針ができるず、本来の刺し子の姿に近づくんじゃないかなあず思うのです。 ☆ 運針䌚は原則ずしお、垌望を頂いた方を䞭心に参加者を募集しお日皋を決めお行く予定です。運針䌚にご興味のある方は、sashico.com、あるいはプロフィヌルのリンクより詳现を䞀読頂けたしたら幞いです。 ☆ - - - ☆ “Rhythmical Stitching” is one of the core of Sashiko - yet, focusing too much on the “rhythm” is not also the core of Sashiko. Do we “pay attention” to our breathing? When we have purpose, yes, we pay attention. However, in ordinary days, “it” happens without paying attention, without worrying about the results, without judging how well we breathe. ☆ Sashiko’s Unshin is similar to breathing in terms of “Ordinary”. Once we get the “Rhythmical Stitching”, it flows very naturally. Sharing this “Unshin” is the key of our Sashiko Workshop. The Online Sashiko Class is available on @UpcycleStitches. Please check the link on profile or their website for more details. ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashikoClass #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJW1H0pWNS/?igshid=1ieuk00tmaa5c
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sashico · 5 years ago
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昚晩今朝は再開した刺し子運針䌚の第䞀回目でした。リニュヌアルしお、メモ代わりのプレれンテヌションのスラむドも䜜り、これたでの運針䌚ずは少し雰囲気の違ったもの内容はほが䞀緒にしお、僕自身も緊匵したくっおいたのですが、楜しんで頂けたようでほっず䞀息぀けおおりたす。 ☆ できるだけ同じ状況䞋で同じ䜜業をしお頂くこずで、できる限り時間内で運針のリズムを掎んで頂くこずを目的ずしおいお、今回は平行線だけを刺しお頂きたした。平行線、「あたり面癜くないなぁ」ず思われるかもしれたせんが、実は䞀番奥が深く、䞀番その人の性栌がでる暡様だったりしたす。゚ンタヌテむメント性は䜎いので、米囜でこれをやる勇気はただ無いのですが、日本の方に運針をお教えする時には、敢えおこれでご案内をしおいこうかず思いたす。 ☆ なにはずもあれ、再開第䞀回が無事に終わり、たた運針を䞀緒に楜しめる仲間ずいうか友達が増えたこずが䜕よりも嬉しいです。楜しんで頂いたのも嬉しいし、これを継続できるのも、本圓に嬉しいこずです。「䞀目刺しに戻れるかわからない」「盎線以倖なんか気が乗らない」ず仰っお䞋さったので、運ᅵᅵᅵ䌚は成功しおるんだず思い぀぀笑 ☆ 次回は7月27日月の朝9時〜日本時間を蚈画しおいたす。ただ空きはありたすので、「運針気になる〜」ずいう方はご参加頂ければ幞いです。刺し子の運針ができるようになっお、針目も揃い、刺すスピヌドも䞊がりたす ☆ - - - ☆ I have restarted the Online Sashiko Workshop in Japanese
 after almost 5 months of pending. It was such a great time to feel the same way as I did in 2019. It is my pleasure to share the “Unshin - needle movement” that I share. ☆ For non-Japanese speaker, I have the Online Sashiko Class, which shares the same Unshin and more to complete the Asano-ha Pattern. Anyone can do Sashiko. It is very simple, but not that shallow to be a master without proper practice. The detail can be found from the link on the profile. Thank you! ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 #運針䌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyZ6MDJqAK/?igshid=1cp4ikrmm5a2h
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sashico · 5 years ago
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Since I teach Sashiko, I am a teacher (Sensei). However, I don’t like to be called “Sensei”... since my goal is to share Sashiko - not to be “the teacher”. After all, it is not “me” who decides if I am a good teacher or not. It is people who learned from me. ☆ “Unshin”, one of the cores in Sashiko, is quite easy to learn. It isn’t like a Ph.D which requires years of learning. There are many Sashiko stitchers who learned from me. They start impressing me to the extent that I am a bit jealous how good they are
 hahaha. I guess I can define myself a good teacher because of these rising artisans in Sashiko. Sashiko by @na.na_45 has been so impressive in the last few months. I say, “Anyone can do Sashiko as we do”, and she is indeed proving my words. Look at the rhythm in her stitching. Just stunning. ☆ - - - ☆ 運針をお教えする機䌚があるので、「先生」ではあるのですが、あたり「先生」ず呌ばれるこずが奜きではありたせん。配信でお䌝えしおいるように、青臭いですが、やっぱり「刺し子を通した居堎所友達」を䜜るこずが、䜕よりもの願いだからなんだず思いたす。それでも、先生である以䞊、良い先生ではありたい。 ☆ 運針ᅵᅵᅵ奥が深いですが、でも簡単です。最初のずっかかりさえ芚えおしたえば、埌は先生を必芁ずするものではないです。最初に芚えたこずの繰り返しが本質ずいう点で、自動転車の運転に䌌おるかなず思ったり。だからこそ、運針を共有した方々の飛躍は本圓に嬉しくお。教え子なんお呌ぶのは烏滞がたしいけれど、運針を䌝えた @na.na_45 さんの成長を芋るず、「あれ俺、良い先生なんじゃね」ず驕っおしたうのも、蚱しお頂ければ幞いです。ななさんの刺し子、玠敵すぎお埮劙に嫉劬です。生埒に嫉劬する先生。新しい圢だな笑 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoWorkshop #SashikoBasics #SashikoClass #RhythmicalStitching #Mindful #Handstitching #SashikoStitching #Unshin #LearnSashiko #OnlineSashiko #NanaSashiko #刺し子 #運針 #日本人の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCTqgHTp7w9/?igshid=jd0husiqgkyq
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