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sashico · 4 years ago
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This is the last (3rd) story of the Sashiko Analogy Series with Pizza. 1st one was about “Fear of losing something important by defining one pizza as THE pizza” (3/1). the 2nd one was about the “difference in tomato sauces” (3/2). The 3rd one today is about “how” to make/enjoy pizza.  ☆ Imagine that you receive a fantastic tomato sauce recipe from your grandparents. You enjoy making it. Others around you enjoy having it, too. One day, pizza became so famous all of sudden, and people outside of your culture started arguing “how we should make/eat pizza”. Well… what you received is only a recipe. You never thought of “how to (rules)” so much… although, of course, there are the ordinary practices & ideal choices. Meanwhile, people are saying, “the thickness of the sauce should be just about 1cm”, “each slice should be divided by 8 equally”, and then some start saying “Well, people there don’t use a knife to cut - they tear it off and nibble” as if it is the “rule”. Again, there is Nothing Wrong with tearing the pizza piece off by hand. But, it isn’t the rule… it is a choice. I want you to learn how to cut the pizza as you wish so you can keep “tearing it” as a choice, not the only option. There is no rule in Sashiko. There is much “wisdom” to make “it” better, but it isn't the rule. Please “choose” to tear pizza instead of forcing one option as if it is the rule. ☆ Lastly, no matter how precisely you follow the “general rule”, if you forget to put the cheese on top, it is bread with tomato sauce - not pizza in general (for me). When you respect the original structure of pizza (dough, tomato sauce, and cheese), then improvise it as you wish. You may choose a different kind of cheese you like, and add the topping you want - even pineapple is fine (just not my preference, sorry). There are no rules in how to make/eat pizza - but one can make it so good. I want you to learn & make the good homemade pizza, if you are gonna tell what the pizza is. ☆ - 「刺し子はお味噌汁のようなもの」という例えがあまりにも秀逸すぎて、英語でたとえ話を書くことに躊躇していたのですが、なんとかピザを使ってたとえ話を書きました。また配信で紹介しますね。もし原文で読んで頂ける方がいたら、感想をお聞かせ頂けると嬉しいです。お味噌汁の例えの半分くらいは形にできたかな(お味噌汁が凄すぎて)。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStory #日本の日常 #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CL9ewZ9p3dL/?igshid=v2kcqo1agj6d
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colina-online · 2 years ago
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highdensity sashiko seamless slacks indigo size S/M/L cotton 100% made in japan COLINA刺し子パンツシリーズの 新型seamless slacks。 少しゆったりとしたストレートシルエットです。 墨染め、ブラックに続き、 高密度刺し子のインディゴもラインナップに加わりました。 curve slacksの進化版として curve slackよりもゆったりと、 w-tuck pantsよりも 縦長感があってスッキリ見えるシルエット。 脇の縫い目がないサイドシームレスで 圧迫感のないゆったりとストレスフリーな履き心地です。 イメージはヴィンテージのLevi's501のような、 少しゆるめのストレートシルエット。 デニムのパターン特有のヒップラインの膨らむ感じをなくして、 サイドや後ろ姿が綺麗にスッキリしたシルエットになるように パターンで工夫しております。 春先は裾をひとおりして、 足首を見せて履くのがおススメです。 ウエストはcurve slacksのようなデザインになっておりドローコード内蔵。 ベルトループもついておりますが、ベルトレスで履くことができます。 ウエストマークのボタンは2か所ついておりますので、 お好みで調整することができます。 硫化染めの中白染め加工にて染色しておりますので 履き込んでいくと、さらに良い雰囲気と風合いに経年変化していきます。 #colina #colinadepassaros #fashion #fashiongram #lookbook #mensfashion #domesticbrand #clothingbrand #sashiko #japanesesashiko #indigoslacks (Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOdrTDvuTX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barnowlbothydornoch · 5 years ago
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https://www.barnowlbothy.com/shop/#!/Sashiko-Cushions/p/216748235/category=323972j53 #sashikostitching #sashikoembroidery #sashiko #sashikoart #thistle #celtics #celticknot scottishhighlands #japanesesashiko https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdIcZzAdO5/?igshid=17lzi8132z1wq
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prettykiku · 7 years ago
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When your #prettykiku earrings match your sashiko jeans! 😍 . . . . #sashiko #embroidery #japanesesashiko #japaneseembroidery #fashion
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I say Sashiko isn’t (Fine) Art. However, I humbly accept an admiration to our Sashiko as the Art (because I believe they mean well). I just don’t want “Art” to be an excuse to whatever, or even worse, “Not learning”. As long as one keeps learning & listening to the voice behind the word, I am happy for them to call their stitching “(Sashiko) Art”. ☆ Similarly, my mother Keiko never considered herself as an Artist. When I tell her how “creative” her works are, she laughs them off saying “I am just stitching”. Well… it is quite interesting. In Japanese culture, the title of “Art” may be something “given” rather than “insisting”. Another cultural difference and perspective to look at. Anyhow, I think Keiko makes a great Sashiko Art. The photo is Sashiko with numbers of natural dye Sashiko threads & vintage fabrics. It shines like a rainbow by her choice of thread & fabric. I sometimes share that Keiko is a genius Artist, and there are stories to support my idea (Having a great artist as a mother “can” be a bit of a nightmare). ☆ - - - ☆ 「刺し子は芸術とは少し違う」と発信しています。理由は様々あるのですが、民藝の根本的な話だったり、また英語圏で感じる「刺し子は”芸術”だから何をしても良い」という、少し乱暴な定義へのアンチテーゼだったりします。「刺し子はアートじゃない」というのは、それだけで、日本文化を含めた刺し子に興味があるからには問題提起となりますから。では、刺し子に芸術性が全く存在しないかというと、そんなことはありません。極論は好みの話になるのですが、伝統柄で藍と白のコントラストを好む人がいれば、同時に華やかな色使いの刺し子や楽しい図案を好む人がいて良いと思うのです。実際、一番身近な刺し子作家である母親の恵子さんの作品は、時に「芸術だなぁ」と感じるときがあります。というか、そっちの方が多いかな。伝統の枠内でどうしても収まってしまう僕には作れない作品をどんどん世に出しています。本当に素晴らしい。この草木染刺し子糸と古布の組み合わせも、簡単に見えてとんでもないセンスです。この作品を「綺麗」と思わせるのと、「なんかけばけばしい」と思わせるのは、ぶっちゃけ紙一重です。僕がやると「淳、それは止めたほうが良い(刺した後で)」になります(笑)いやはや。刺し子はどれだけ掘っても物語が出てきます。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #WhatisSashiko #SashikoStory #SashikoArt #Hitomezashi #NaturalDye #KeikoFutatsuya #刺し子 #刺し子アート https://www.instagram.com/p/CMPlJwnJx1m/?igshid=1ut32n8i5m6ve
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sashico · 4 years ago
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Most of the Sashiko artisans in Otsuchi didn’t practice Sashiko before 2011. Now, their Sashiko became as “traditional” as the one we can see in books. I was there to share Sashiko when they just started Sashiko. The Jacket like this means a lot to me. ☆ In their report, the manager used a Japanese word “守破離 (Shuhari)”. It is a well-known word for Japanese martial art. At the same time, this concept can be applied into other practices as a way to go through mastery. When I say, “Please learn Japanese Sashiko”, some people twist my words and counter-attack saying, “Do not spoil our creativity”. I am NOT denying any creativity. However, without a “will” to learn the tradition, the creativity is just based on “whatever” - which can equal ignorance. “Whatever” is not a word for freedom. It is the sign of “not-knowing”, when a person is from a foreign culture.  ☆ I feel the fear of “Sashiko (culture) being repainted” with whatever is convenient to non-Japanese people. The result would be limiting the future of “current Sashiko artisans” in Japan. Please be mindful of what you do now. I am not asking you to spend years learning the basic/tradition. I am just asking you to be mindful so that you can choose who you are directly & indirectly supporting. If you would like to use the word “Sashiko”, I want you to support Sashiko. ☆ - - - ☆ 大槌刺し子の報告会で、「守破離」という言葉がありました。実は「守破離」は僕が米国移住する前に多用していた言葉だったりします。「型」を徹底的に守り、その過程で型を破り、そして新たな流派として離れる。とても日本らしいなぁと大好きな言葉です。「自分のやってる刺し子が全て」だった昔は、この守破離を公言してましたが、その後学ぶ中で、刺し子には「型」が沢山あることに気が付きます。だから今はそれほど使わない言葉になったのですが、でも、”基本”が大切であることは変わりません。刺し子の基本には10年も20年もいらないです。早い人だと数時間で飲み込んじゃいます。そんな「型」の一つを、今後もお伝えして行けたら良いなと思うのです(*運針会で刺し子の「型」の一つをお教えしています。詳細はリンクから)。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #Shuhari #LearnSashiko #刺し子 #運針会 #日本の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMUiU5QppE5/?igshid=jivyicab6505
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I am NOT asking/expecting you to agree with me on what I share all the time. Of course, I would like you to agree with & like me. However, since I sometimes say something strong, I understand if you disagree. The voice from another culture is occasionally uncomfortable to take in. What I consider “Cultural Appropriation” is not really what you make/do - it is more like how you approach the cultural word. When you intentionally “Ignore” our voices (not dislike the voice), then the issue will be significant and extremely painful. ☆ I want you to acknowledge the voice from the culture. Is it too much to ask? By interacting with many people here, I am confident to say that your Sashiko is NOT a whole if you do not understand the Japanese language. Your understanding of Sashiko is NOT wrong, but insufficient. So, even if you disagree and dislike what I say, please don’t ignore. If, in any case, you “choose” to ignore what I (& other Japanese) say, stop calling what you do “Sashiko/Boro” because it is the typical case of “Cultural Appropriation”.  ☆ It is very easy for me to say what everyone wants to hear. Telling something comfortable to hear is what most of the “Sashiko/Boro business” do (in English). Making customers happy is the business 101. Keeping the voice positive & saying “Oh that’s pretty” is the way to go if my goal is to make money. You know why I am here by now. My goal is to share the true voice so I can be the last one to suffer the pain in Cultural Appropriation to Sashiko. ☆ - - - ☆ なぜか最近急に、日本語で励ましのお言葉を頂くことが増えました。めちゃくちゃ嬉しいです。(でも、なぜ増えたのかは不思議ですw)。改めて思うのは、日本文化って独自な発展をしてきたんだなぁということ。日々の当たり前は文化と密接な関係があるので、刺し子も日本文化なしには語れないのです。 ☆ 「なんでもいいよ〜」という言葉には2種類あります。寛容と無知。器が広いのか、あるいは知らないのか。今の英語圏の刺し子の「なんでも良い」は寛容だとは思えないんです。寛容にはある程度の土台が必要だから。日本での刺し子の「何でも良い」と英語圏での刺し子の「何でも良い」には大きな違いがあるなぁと学んでおります。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #CulturalAppropriation #JapaneseBoro #SashikoStory #Boro #日本の日常 #刺し子 #襤褸 #ぼろ https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1rMvCJaLA/?igshid=6a2dd3bo0629
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sashico · 4 years ago
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Has anyone realized that our entity name has no word “Sashiko” in it? Keiko’s project name is “Sashi.Co” and my company’s name is “Upcycle Stitches”. There are reasons behind it. We carefully choose the name without “Sashiko”, and it is our way to pay respect to Sashiko. I know it isn’t the best idea in “marketing strategy”. However, advertising ourselves as if we are “the (only) Sashiko” is against the Japanese aesthetic. ☆ From all of my 30+ years of experience in Sashiko, I came to a conclusion that “No one should(can) own Sashiko”. When I started sharing the Sashiko in English, I already knew the potential of my voice - I don’t know many Japanese-Native Sashiko artisans, with many years of experience, who do not need a translator to express their experience. A potential equal to a risk. I do NOT want anyone to consider our Sashiko is “the absolute (only) Sashiko”. We do not own Sashiko. There are numbers of great Japanese Sashiko artisans/teachers in Japan who do not wish to speak up. It is another form of Japanese aesthetic. ☆ I would rather be buried in the ground with the Sashiko if I had to go against the Japanese aesthetic. However, I learned that many people care for what we do & what I say. So, this is the in-between point. I know I can do better in terms of “marketing” and “making profit”. However, please understand that I am the Japanese after all. Going along with the western “strategy” isn’t always the best way to go. ☆ - - - ☆ 米国での活動では、「@UpcycleStitches」という名前でビジネスをしています。Sashikoって入ってないんです。でも、刺し子を紹介したり販売したりするのであれば、Sashikoという言葉を商売名に入れるのは基本中の基本。ここに実は「刺し子には絶対的な正解はない」というアンチテーゼが含まれています。日本人じゃない方が、Sashikoという文字を使い、あたかも全ての刺し子を代弁するような商売をしているのを見てきて、とても嫌気がさしていて。日本人で背景もある僕が「これが刺し子だ!」と言ってしまうと、僕の声だけが残ってしまうリスクがあります。それは嫌なんです。僕の声”も”残したい。日本人の美徳が喧騒にかき消されてしまわないように。☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #CulturalAppropriation #TraditionalSashiko #SashikoStitching #SashikoJacket #SashikoStory #UpcycleStitches #日本人の刺し子 #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrw59bJoVF/?igshid=1tzjeicr7yu2a
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sashico · 4 years ago
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Once mending starts in fabric, there will not be an ending. The mending is a caring process of the bigger process of using it. The similar principle applies to Boro. There is no ending in Boro. The only way to make “authentic Boro” is keep mending & using the fabric. For that matter, this denim hem that I wear every day may be “(authentic) Boro” in future. ☆ Boro is not the word for technique. Then, how about Sashiko? Sashiko contains some meanings of stitching techniques, but it is not the same. “Sashiko is a word for technique” is not wrong, but insufficient. In Japanese culture, we often focus on “mind” rather than “techniques”. Although “What we can do” in the form of skill & technique is important, “How we approach it” can be more critical in practicing it, especially if it has “Do-道-Way” in the word. Some say Judo in the Olympics is different from Judo practiced in Japan.  ☆ In a culture where “technique” and “result” is supremacy, focusing on “mind” first may be very difficult to understand. However, if one uses the Japanese word from Japanese culture, then understanding “mind” is critical. “Techniques” and “How to” are very fundamental in learning Sashiko. However, it isn’t enough. Therefore, I say, Sashiko is not Art. At least, one shouldn’t use the word “Art” as an excuse to not to learn this “mind” from Japanese culture.  ☆ - - - ☆ デニムの裾の補修。これを刺し子と呼ぶのかは補修してる僕自身が疑問符を投げ掛けたくなるレベルなのですが、好きなデニム全体に刺し子をして、着続��て、ダメージが蓄積されてきたら手を加えるという、この一連の流れがやっぱり好きなんだろうと思います。左が夏前に補修したもの。右が今回補修した所。使っている糸の色や布の種類等もありますが、補修は「使うこと」によって馴染みます。リペア専門の方のお仕事とはまた違うので、すぐにボロボロになる前提での補修です。このボロボロになる前提の補修を繰り返すことにより、襤褸になるのかな……と思ったり。リペア専門の方のお仕事を拝見する度に感嘆と尊敬の思いを懐きつつ、「切り取らない補修」を今後も楽しんでいけたらなぁと思っています。まー、でも、手仕事の補修での限界の布の厚さはデニムで3枚分くらいですね。4枚に2本取りとかだと、針に怒られそうになる。 ☆ 英語圏での刺し子は、とてつもなく「技術」に重きが置かれています。勿論、技術は大切です。でも、心がない技術って、僕はやっぱり好きになれないんです。じゃー、「心があるってどういうこと?」と説明が必要になってくるのですが、その説明がいらない前提を共有できているのが日本文化だと思うので、まだまだ僕の役目は終わらないなぁと思うのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #Animism #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStitching #SashikoDenim #JapaneseBoro #Mending #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-5cd7pSx_/?igshid=1hz68ih9eondb
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sashico · 4 years ago
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After the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami, some people in Otsuchi learned about Sashiko. After 10 years, they are still stitching. It is our sincere honor to support the Otsuchi Sashiko Project.  Sashiko Noragi with Traditional Designs Made by @ootsuchisashikoproject with @Sashi.Co & Keiko Futatsuya Estimate production lead time: 12 months. MSRP: $3,000.00 and up.  Completely one of a kind Jacket.  Power of hand-stitching. Pray for Japan, with you. 大槌刺し子プロジェクトの皆様の、手仕事の刺し子を繋ぎ合わせて作られた野良着です。10年目の今日を迎えて、これからも引き続き手仕事を楽しむ皆様を応援して行けたらと思うのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #RunningStitches #OtsuchiSashiko #SashikoJacket #SashikoStitching #SashiCo #KeikoFutatuya  #刺し子 #日本の刺し子   https://www.instagram.com/p/CMR8ZgRnMdD/?igshid=1dz6rn0mhj006
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sashico · 4 years ago
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It has been 10 years since the Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami. In June 2011, I joined the Otsuchi (Recovery) Sashiko project in which the caring 5 volunteers started to support mainly the eldery women in Otsuchi by providing “Sashiko” as a “fishing rod (instead of just fish)”. ☆ Today is the 10th anniversary. However, not much will be different from yesterday and tomorrow for those who stitch Sashiko there. They stitch with the utmost care for those who enjoy/purchase their Sashiko. Keiko and I are here to support their project. There are people behind the word Sashiko. Sashiko is on-going practice, and it has been a great help for many of us, including myself. Therefore, I speak up. Your understanding of Japanese Sashiko is very much helpful in passing down the culture & practice. ☆ - - - ☆ 昨日、大槌復興刺し子プロジェクトの(約)10年間の報告の講演を拝聴しました。お話を下さった吉田さんが「10年目の今日と言っても何かが変わるわけではない」という大槌の方のお言葉をご紹介下さりました。本当にその通りで、10年目の節目と言っても、刺し子をされている大槌の方々の生活が今日と明日で劇的に変わるわけではありません。これまで通り刺し子をし、そして今後も刺し子を続けていく。ただ「刺し子をして(刺し子をする居場所を継続して)いく」ことは容易ではないので、その応援(支援というよりは応援)をしていきたいなと思うのです。これまでも、そしてこれからも。 ☆ 2011年6月に初めてプロジェクトと出会ってから、10年近くの間大槌の刺し子を見守ってきました。時には頭どころか全身を突っ込み現地に入り、時には敢えて距離を置きながら。僕が「刺し子で居場所を作りたい」と言い続けるのには理由があって、その大きな理由の一つが、この大槌の刺し子です。刺し子は過去ではありません。現在進行中の「今」であり、また未来でもあります。「たかが刺し子……」です。実際僕も20代後半までは「たかが刺し子になんで俺が……」と思っていました。自意識過剰で、また刺し子も好きじゃなかったので。でも大槌の刺し子に出会って変わりました。刺し子が誰かの今日と明日を生きるチカラになるのであれば、それは覚悟を決めるだけの意味はあると思ったのです。 大槌刺し子をこれからも応援していきます! ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #OtsuchiSashiko #刺し子 #日本の刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMR1NjAJsDL/?igshid=yfc1i85thtqf
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I am glad that the analogy I made yesterday was helpful to understand my message. It was an analogy. This is not an account to define/discuss what is “The Pizza”. Yesterday’s post was more about sharing my fear in Cultural Appreciation. Today, it is more like a wish I have for anyone who wants to learn Sashiko (with the analogy of pizza). ☆ I want you to know the difference between the Ketchup and Tomato Sauce. They look similar & from the same ingredient, tomato, but there aren’ the same. In my preference, Tomato sauce for the pizza, and Ketchup for fries. You don’t need to agree, but I want you to know the difference.  ☆ Let’s say, you decide to use the tomato sauce. Now, I want you to try to seek the joy & taste of homemade Tomato Sauce made from shiny red tomatoes - not only the packaged tomato sauce. Each family may have their own recipes. Some may be sharing online. Learn it before denying the difference. And then, with respect to the origin, you may find your own Tomato Sauce to make your pizza “yours”. ☆ Please replace “Ketchup”, “Tomato Sauce” and “Pizza” with any words you may know in Sashiko. Pizza can/may be more than a baked bread with tomato sauce & cheese on it. ☆ I respect each preference. I used to enjoy(?) vegan pizza (since my wife was vegan). However, I do not like talking as if “vegan pizza” is “better” for everyone. Both are good - but different - so learn the difference. Same as Sashiko. Please know what kind of Sashiko you are practicing. Then, you can expand your Sashiko more. I really want you to try how tasty the homemade pizza is. ☆ - - - ☆ すごくとても不思議なのですが、「刺し子を学びたい」という人に、「日本文化・言語も学んでみてね」というのは、「なんで?」って聞き返されるお願い事なんでしょうか?トマトソースとチーズが乗ってないピザは、普通の円盤型のパン(?)でしょ。いや、パンが悪いんじゃないのよ。でも、それをピザって呼んだら文化が壊れちゃうじゃん。ご飯だけ握ったら、お寿司じゃなくておにぎりじゃん……というたとえ話。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #CulturalAppropriation #SashikoStory #日本の日常 #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7g8C3p527/?igshid=1kffu02b0757w
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sashico · 4 years ago
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It was interesting to read many comments on the previous post (1/23) about “Is Sashiko really Little Stabs?”. The replies from Japanese were “Oh, I didn’t know how Sashiko is translated lik that” and “I think Sashiko is the word for “a person''. Interesting, but my worries reside here. ☆ I personally like the translation as “Little Stabs”. I enjoyed other interpretations such as “Child of Stitches” and “Stitches as our children”. They are beautiful. The issue is, however, some Japanese are not aware of the English translation of Sashiko as “Little Stabs”, yet the non-Japanese believe that the “Little Stabs” is the correct & absolute definition of Sashiko. Isn’t the “Cultural Repainting” happening already here? ☆ Again, I am NOT accusing the translation as “Little Stabs”. I just want to know the story of its translation - why Sashiko became “Little Stabs”. If it comes from wisdom & their intentions, I would like to pass the stories down. If it comes from ignorance (intentional or unintentional), then it is important to learn the fact, and then share “Little Stabs” is merely an interpretation of many possibilities. I may be the one who used “Little Stabs'' for Sashiko first in 1998...so, I feel responsible, too. The continuous learning is very important in this “freedom” world.  ☆ - - - ☆ 先日の刺し子の英訳(Little Stabs?)に関して、沢山のご感想ありがとうございました。刺し子が英語圏で、「小さな針目」と英訳されていることは、個人的には素敵だと思っています。同時に、刺し子を「刺す子(人)」と認識していらっしゃる方が多いというのは、とても嬉しい発見でした。なかなか深く考える機会はないですから。 ☆ 正解はわかりません(笑)��だ、一つ怖いのは、日本国内で正解が明確ではないのに、英語圏では「小さな針目」が定義として正義を持ってしまっていることなんです。「刺し子はLittle Stabsでしょ?何が問題なの?」と。どこかでズレてしまったんです。 ☆ このズレを意図的に作った方がいるのであれば、お話を伺いたい。学びたい。「意訳」そのものは素敵なことですし、刺し子をLittle Stabsと訳す際に思いがあるのであれば、それも一緒に紹介できると思います。ただ逆に、刺し子も日本文化も表面だけを学んだ人が、”なんとなく”で、「小さい針目」として新しい正解を作ってしまっているとしたら……文化はそこで違うものになってしまいませんか?日本人ですら正解がわからないのに、日本語圏から出たら、そこには正解があるって……変じゃない?これは「正解が必ず必要」な西洋の文化に由来しています。また声が大きい人が正義になるという社会構造からもきています。だからこそ、少しだけでも僕の声を大きくしようかなと思っているところなのです。 ☆ #Sashiko #RunningStitches #LittleStabs #SashikoStitching #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStory #LearnSashiko #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZIRDZplJv/?igshid=9b5k99f40lb7
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sashico · 4 years ago
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I am slicing my life off to share what the Sashiko is for us. I am not sharing Sashiko only for “fun” or “money”. It is for my dignity. Sashiko is my identity. ☆ Some say, ‘’Any publicity is good publicity”. I agree. If my goal is to be “famous”, any publicity is awesome. However, when it comes to “protecting my own culture in foreign environment”, not all publicity is good, because it takes more energy to correct the misunderstanding than just “sharing”. There are many articles about Sashiko associating to Visible Mending. There are many mentioning Sashiko and Boro as the techniques. If you follow this account for a while, you know Sashiko is not (only) the word for Visible Mending (for reasons), and the Sashiko is not (only) about learning the “Sashiko technique”. They aren’t so much “wrong”, but very much “insufficient”. ☆ I guess what I am trying to do is “unteaching” as we all need some “unlearning” before learning something new. Please, please try to be as “respectful” as possible. It is easy to shout “Sashiko is New Visible Mending Technique!” and find someone who can support the voice, but there is a pain behind that convenience. I found an article saying, “Easy Sashiko Japanese Visible Mending”. If the writer doesn’t know anything about Sashiko, it is unfortunate but understandable. If they (think they) knows about Sashiko, then this is a good example of “Cultural Appropriation (or more like Cultural Ignorance)”. ☆ - - - ☆ ”取材”について。2019年に一度ブチギレて配信でも愚痴ったことがあるので記憶にある方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、一度、本の一部を書かないかという提案がありました。報酬を確認したところ、「私の本に取り上げてあげようとしてるのよ!報酬どころか、私にお金を払ってでも書きたい人は沢山いるのよ」と、とんでもなく失礼な事を言われた件です。英語の諺で、”any publicity is good publicity”というものがあります。意訳ですが「有名になる為にはどんな手段でもOK」的な感じです。炎上商法とかもこっちかな。でもね、目的が有名になることじゃないんですよ。”刺し子を知ってもらうこと”なんです。前提から違う。 ☆ #Sashiko #SashikoStitching #VisibleMending #InvisibleMending #JapaneseSashiko #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CK9qOqWJIjV/?igshid=19vblasrk26oy
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sashico · 4 years ago
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Back to the topic of Sustainable Fashion a little bit. Yes, I repair my own clothes. I haven’t purchased clothes since 2017 when I decided to try this “Social Experiment”. However, I am not an extreme activist. This is merely a choice. I dare not to ask people around to stop purchasing the new clothes. ☆ As I keep saying, the key of “sustainability (with Sashiko)” is an ability to imagine “as if” we were. It is the “Care” we should have naturally. “Care” isn’t even an ability - it is a choice - we just choose (or not) to care in certain things. For that, Fashion is full of caring. A designer who offers new value to society. Tailors who make clothes with artisanship. It is a beautiful thing to think of someone when we purchase a Jacket while thinking of the “someone”. It is a wonderful moment to wear something new toward the new day. Recycling with “whatever” is not the answer of Sustainable Fashion. I don’t have the answer yet, but I am sure that “care” is a very important factor. ☆ I do not want “Happiness over someone’s pain”. However, unfortunately, in Capitalism, it is very difficult to avoid all of the possibilities. We may benefit from someone’ pain. How do we change it? Being mindful. Being caring. Think before we act. Learn it so we can avoid ignoring. For that, Sashiko is a good way to be mindful and slow us down. (Sashiko is NOT a word for Slow Stitching. Stitching slow itself isn’t praised in Sashiko - at least, I was very much criticized in my childhood for stitching slow.). ☆ - - - ☆ どんどん英語化しているこのアカウントですが、”できるだけ機械翻訳で英語を日本語にして読んで欲しくない”という我儘があったりします。それだけ英語で書いている言葉自体は僕が大切にした本質からは外れます。(本質を伝える目的の為に、敢えて本質から外れた手段を選んでいるとご理解下さい)。行間を読む(空気を読む)ことと想像力。ムラ社会の日本に存在した良くも悪くもある文化を、如何に伝えるか。◯◯活動家になりたいわけじゃないんです。ただ、英語圏では、主張をしないとスタート地点にすら立てないので。今年の目標です。しっかり日本語でも気持ちを纏めます(配信で語っている内容です)。 ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SustainableFashion #SlowFashion #SashikoDenim #InvisibleMending #Mending #日本人の刺し子 #刺し子 #刺し子ジーンズ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1FLwcpxw_/?igshid=15h984xljnfn2
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sashico · 4 years ago
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My goal is to share the “voice” of those who actually practice Japanese Sashiko stitching. A daily comment here is a great way to do so, but I will add one more action, “Sashiko Talk”, where I invite Sashiko stitchers to discuss what Sashiko is for them. I hope you would enjoy it as if you are listening to the radio while stitching your own Sashiko. Please subscribe to our SashiCo Channel so you will get the upcoming live streams notification (https://www.youtube.com/c/sashico). ☆ For the majority, Sashiko is a “choice”. Therefore, some can ignore the voice for their inconvenience. The trend of “Let’s enjoy Sashiko (ignoring what Sashiko/Boro really is)” brings me pain. It is too big a trend to change. However, as a minority, I can leave the voice with someone who actually is learning what Sashiko is (or someone willing to learn). If you are interested, I may be able to invite you there later on. I will keep sharing my voice. That's the only thing I can do to protect my own identity.  ☆ - - - ☆ 紆余曲折を経て、自分らしく刺し子を表現できる場所を作れた気がします。誰か刺し子に興味を持ってくれるかな……と始めた一人語り配信。「運針を学びたい」と声を上げて下さり形になり、継続できている運針会。運針会の皆様と定期的に集まる井戸端会。それぞれに役割があり、居場所があり、勿論今後も継続していきます。同時に、「伝える」という事に焦点を当てた活動はどうしたら良いのだろうか……と悩み続けていて、それはきっと配信で映像と音声で残すことなんだろうなとは思っていたのですが、一人での配信は愚痴が多くなってしまうこともあって、コロナ禍も相まって、なかなか思うように前に進めていませんでした。 ☆ そんな中、形にできた「刺し子の部屋」という配信形式。僕が刺し子好きな方々をゲストにお招きし、刺し子をしながら話をするというものです。井戸端会の配信バージョンみたいな感じではあるのですが、刺し子を知らない人にも「伝える」という役割を持った第4の居場所だと思っています。何より楽しい。笑いが作れる。 ☆ 温かいお茶と、刺し子一式と一緒に、針を動かしながらラジオ感覚でご覧頂けたら嬉しいです。「質問してみたい!」とか「物言いたい!」という方がいらっしゃいましたら、ゲストにお招きするので、自己紹介と一緒にDM頂ければ幸いです(もう繋がっている方は大丈夫!)。繰り返しになりますが、刺し子を取り締まりたいんじゃないです。刺し子について真剣な人の声を、そのまま残したいだけです。是非、SashiCoのチャンネル登録をお願いします。配信予定日時も表示されるように致しました! ☆ #Sashiko #JapaneseSashiko #SashikoStitching #WhatisSashiko #ShareSashiko #LiveStreaming #刺し子 #刺し子配信 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhINF0pMsZ/?igshid=nnyzf984q3cc
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