inky-goddess · 1 year
Memes about "A Fighting Storm"
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write-now-or-else · 1 year
Wip Wednesday: Worldbuilding
So I dont have that much as of wip progress for "A Fighting Storm" but I have been doing worldbuilding with the deities of Sareva (I decided that Sareva is the name of the realm and not of the city/royals last name) So here's my progress on that
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and yes, Aelius and Chantrea were slightly based off Luna and Celestia from mlp. I'm on my mlp arc rn.
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roaringdandelions · 4 years
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Gone, but never forgotten.
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beurich · 5 years
Jetzt neu - Cookinglife erweitert Sortiment und bietet Müslibecher YO2GO an
Jetzt neu – Cookinglife erweitert Sortiment und bietet Müslibecher YO2GO an
Duisburg, 04. Februar 2020 – Cookinglife.de hat zum neuen Jahr sein Sortiment erweitert und bietet nun auch den YO2GO Müslibecher-to-go der Eigenmarke Sareva an. Der Müslibecher ist perfekt für jeden geeignet, der auch unterwegs nicht auf seinen Joghurt verzichten mag.  
Mithilfe einer doppel glasigen Kunststoffwand wird der Joghurt länger kalt gehalten. Separat im Deckel bietet der…
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Firestartem PART 1
Elune’s grace has given us a chance to move forward. It is what the Dreamer would want.
Yes, my lady. You are correct. I will move forward.
Days had turned into weeks as the small laboratory nestled in Dalaran became its own sort of daycare. A tiny tauren baby that consumed the Tears of Elune, one of the Pillars of Creation that held the key to Azeroth’s salvation, had begun to accept that this must be home now. It helped that the lab occupants were not mean to the child.
Sareva walked in with her clipboard, filled to the brim with notes she had taken on the child. Although she heard from Kegoc about the child’s sudden ability to fly across the world, it certainly did not show this to her. No matter how many times she had tried to replicate the scenario, there was no flying tauren to be had.
In the corner of the room sat Nysian, tinkering with another small device nestled into a tree. His eyes glimmered lightly as he concentrated on his task. It was always interesting to see...any of these three actively work on something.
“What are you up to, Nys?” Sareva asked, walking over with a mug in her hand.
“Mm?” Nysian’s eyes brightened in glow as he turned his focus to Sareva. “Oh, I apologize. I was focused on my pet project.” He put down his arclight spanner. “I had to remake it after the tavern...you know.”
“Was destroyed by a dreadlord driven by spite after you three pissed him off? Yeah, I know.” Sareva took a sip of her drink. “So what is it supposed to do?”
“I was looking into ways of integrating some sort of sun-powered device that fed the plants out of direct sunlight. You know, in case a demon destroys the sun or something.”
“Ah, like a portable sunwell?”
Nysian scoffed. “If you want to call it that. I’d prefer not calling it after a high elf bathtub.” He coughed, then spoke louder. “No offense, Sotoris!”
“None taken, hairy tree-hugger!” Shouted a voice from the other room.
Nysian smirked, then looked at Sareva’s frowning face. “...what? We have a thing.”
“Hm.” Sareva shook her head and turned around, walking back to the child on the table. She began to look over her notes and took out a small vial. Coaxing the child to drink it, the contents were almost immediately spat out. The child did not like this.
She sighed. She knew this wasn’t going to work. She had attempted to expel the fluid from the child weeks ago. She hoped making a potion that would cause magical effects to be expelled from the body in some sort of fluid form would work, but her attempts have all been met with failure.
"You know, we could have locked the Tomb of Sargeras away by now.” Nysian leaned back in his chair. “Attempt to absorb the magic out of the child and find a new vessel. Be done with it.”
“Off the table, remember?” Sareva looked over at the druid. “Kegoc’s orders.”
“Kegoc says a lot of things. I’ve known the dwarf for a long time, but his insistence in trying to uphold a righteous and virtuous path is, annoying.” Nysian stood up from his chair, stepping to the table. “He’s too focused on absolutes, like a paladin usually is.”
Sareva looked at the druid, frowning. “The absolutes that he follows are his own moral foundations. Killing a child is a last resort and you know it.”
“A ‘chance’ at killing a child. Regardless,” Nysian looked at the child, who proceeded to stare at the druid with a look of annoyance. He frowned and looked back at Sareva. “How long before we have to discuss that ‘last resort’?”
“Nysian...” Sareva looked at the child for a moment. “The last resort is the Legion at our doorstep.”
“Shall I get the welcome mat out, then?” Nysian asked with a biting tone.
Sareva’s expression turned to anger as she stepped forward, looking the druid right in the eye. “I understand your frustration. I really do. But your tone is not appreciated in the slightest. I’m not going to give up trying to figure out how to handle this like you have. We can’t do this unless we work together.”
“Sorry if I don’t think we’ll be getting anywhere with our team. A paladin who knows nothing about the arcane and a mage who knows....nothing.”
Sareva frowned. “Hey, don’t talk about Nittenook like that...are you still upset at him?”
“I mean, he did kidnap the problem child over there.” Nysian looked over at the table. “Even beyond that, his...eccentricities may have cost us a chance to make quick work of this situation.”
“Look, Nys...I know this isn’t really a great situation all-around, but it’s especially not good for the baby. He didn’t know better. He didn’t choose to obtain this.....this...”
Her expression shifted back very suddenly, her eyes brightening. “Wait......wait, wait, I think I may have an idea.”
“Yes! But first, get out of my laboratory.”
It wasn’t until the next day that Sareva had finally called in for everyone to meet in the lounge of A Hero’s Welcome, famed tavern of the Silver Enclave district of Dalaran. There sat Kegoc, Nysian, Nittenook, and Liteena, the latter two of which were kept about 25 feet away from each other as per Nittenook’s request...and Kegoc’s insistence.
Soon, Sareva walked up the stairs, the baby tauren in tow. The four stopped their conversations and looked over.
“Ah, good. You’re all here.” Sareva smiled. “I may have a solution to our little child problem.
“Aye, lass?” Kegoc looked at her. “Did ye finally find a potion wot can get the magic out of ‘em?”
“No, unfortunately. I’ve tried every ingredient and potential potion I can think of and some that I looked into from some alchemists in town.” This brought Kegoc’s eyebrow to a peak and was looking to say something before she stopped him. “Don’t worry, Kegoc. The only ones who know of the child’s...condition is the Council of Six and my close companions in the lab. Some higher-ups in the Horde were concerned about it, but Archmage Sotoris was quick to stifle them.”
“So what are you wanting us to do about the little guy?” Liteena looked over at the mage. “We’re not.......are we?”
“No, we’re not going to do that.” Sareva reached into her bag and took out a small journal, handing it to the dwarf. “However, I believe the solution may be more direct than I once thought. Despite its divine and natural origin, magic is still magic. It should operate under the same sort of concepts of magic that we all know of.”
“What is this?” Kegoc asked, looking at the journal. “It looks very worn-out.”
“That is an old journal of Aegwynn, former Guardian.”
“Ah! I have heard of her!” Nittenook grabbed the journal and looked through it. “It was said she held Sargeras within her! That would have been quite painful birth.”
“That’s not how...well, close enough.” Sareva sighed. “Point is, I was looking through what was possibly done from there. The idea of passing power along to an heir like she did with Medivh is certainly an option. The tauren may lose any possibility of magic power inside of him, but a tauren doesn’t operate with the arcane anyway.”
“The problem with that, is assuming the baby can even do that.” Nysian looked at the child. “I don’t think it even knows how to sleep.”
“She knows how to sleep when I am with her!” Nittenook smirked confidently. “Maybe you’re not good with children!”
“I’m sooo glad you are, Nookie.” Liteena interrupted the two, leaning over a chair and looking at the draenei. “It helps to know that for the future.” She grinned. Nittenook visibly shook and recoiled, putting an extra 5 feet away from them.
Sareva looked at the three and looked annoyed. “Look, the point...the tauren’s a boy, Nit...the POINT is that I believe we could coax the magic out of the child without draining its life essence.”
“And how do we do that?” Kegoc looked at the mage.
“That...is something I can’t answer personally.”
“Then why are we here?” Nysian looked annoyed, which bothered Sareva.
“As I was saying, magic is still magic. I don’t have anything yet, but I think I know of a place that may.” She sat down and took out a small crystal key. “The Nexus Vault.”
There was a stillness in the air as the four took notice of the key. That key was once used by Sareva to enter the Eye of Eternity and, with the assistance of a few other adventurers of various noteworthiness, took out Malygos, the Dragon Aspect of Magic itself.
“...so you want us to break into one of the Blue Dragonflight’s vaults?”
“What? No. I have a contact in the Nexus. I worked it out with Archmage Kalec.” She smiled. “He’ll help you find anything that could possibly be there, provided you assist them with a certain errand.”
“Great. Errands.” Nysian sighed. “Well, with the five of us, I guess we-”
“Ah-ah.” Sareva moved her hand up. “I didn’t finish. The dragons have splintered out, and I believe it’s not wise to put all of our dragon eggs in one basket, as it were.” She took out another dusty tome. “Therefore I propose we split up. Two of us will go to the Nexus, and the other two will go to Azsuna to speak with Senegos, one of the oldest members of the flight.”
“Ah! I call Nookie!” Liteena grinned, pointing over to Nittenook, who almost immediately began shaking his head and waving his hands desperately.
Sareva looked over to Liteena. “’Tina, I need you stay here. You need to take care of the baby.”
“Wha-...wha?” Liteena frowned heavily. “But it hates me! It loves you!”
“I feel as though it would be wise to have me come along this time.” Sareva smiled. “Besides, you can consider this as an opportunity to learn child-rearing. For me?”
Liteena still frowned, but looked at the child. “Hrm....I....I guess so...sure.”
“Good.” Sareva smiled and moved the child over to Liteena, who struggled for a moment to handle a tauren baby that looked close to half her own size.
“So I assume ye’ll be goin’ to the Nexus, lass?” Kegoc looked over to Sareva.
She shook her head. “No, I think it would be more prudent if I went to Senegos. In fact, I would like you to come with me, Kegoc.” She smiled. “If that would be alright.”
“Aye.” Kegoc smiled back at her. “It’d been quite a while since we last went on an adventure together. But that would mean...”
Nysian and Nittenook looked at each other. Nysian looked back at Sareva. “So...you want us to go to the Nexus?”
“Yes.” Sareva nodded.
“I....I don’t know i-”
“Ahah!” Nittenook smirked, punching his fist into his hand. “What a trifle. I will properly singe the dragon without problem!”
“Nit, you’re going to be helping the dragon.” Sareva amended.
“I’m sure there will be singeing.” The draenei nodded, which brought the night elf’s hand to his face.
“So you’re making me go so I can fix the mess. You know, Kegoc can heal.” Nysian pointed at the paladin.
“I mean, in times of emergency, aye...” Kegoc shrugged.
“Regardless.” Sareva walked over and motioned the key over to Nysian. “I want you two to do it.”
Nysian stood up, walking over to Sareva. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but I don’t want part of it. Let Liteena go with Nittenook and let me stay with the child. I would probably prefer sitting with a child that hates me.”
“I could go with that!” Liteena shouted.
“Never! Your devious machinations would destroy our relationship with dragons! All of them!” Nittenook pointed at the gnome.
Sareva frowned, looking at the druid. “Think of it as a chance to relax. I am sure my contact won’t work you to the bone for the information we need to save the world.”
Sareva stood up, grabbing the druid’s hand quite forcefully, staring up at the tall druid with a determined glare. “Nysian, before we pull out the welcome mat, let’s try opening all the doors we can instead of closing them.” She placed the key into the druid’s hand and stepped back.
An uncomfortable silence grew through the air before Sareva walked over to Kegoc. “Alright, everyone. We know our jobs. Let’s get going. Nittenook and Nysian, the portal in the bottom of the main tower should take you to Dragonblight. From there, talk with a flight master and you should get to Borean Tundra. Ask to go to Coldarra and you’ll get there in no time.”
She then snapped her finger. “’Tina, I have milk that can be warmed in the lab for the baby. Any more issues, just talk to Sotoris and he’ll help.”
“Right!” Liteena moved the baby up and began to walk down the stairs, clumsily. “I’ll...get there soon!”
Sareva looked at the draenei and night elf, smiling. “Remember...think of it as a chance to relax.”
“I’m always ready for relaxing!” Nittenook smiled.
Nysian frowned. This was going to be terrible.
To Be Continued
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thisdaynews · 5 years
FG to convene stakeholders meeting on social media regulation---Lai Mohammed
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/fg-to-convene-stakeholders-meeting-on-social-media-regulation-lai-mohammed/
FG to convene stakeholders meeting on social media regulation---Lai Mohammed
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The Minister stated this in Abuja on Monday when he received the Finnish Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Jyrki Pulkkinen, and the Ambassador of Innovation of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Finland, Mr. Jarmo Sareva, who were on an advocacy visit to promote the ideals of the Freedom Online Coalition. He said the government’s response to the irresponsible use of the social media to promote fake news and hate speech by some unscrupulous individuals is to work with stakeholders to device a mechanism to sanitize the social media, without stifling press freedom or infringing on the rights of individuals.
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“Our attempt to sanitize the social media is not at all an attempt to stifle the media and I want to make this very clear…. As we speak today, we will be meeting later in the month with leaders of the media, civil society, security and other stakeholders on how to sanitize our social media and make it safe for all.
“We, especially in this ministry, have watched with some trepidation the social media front and we have seen how some people try to abuse this platform to cause disaffection, especially by pushing fake news and hate speech,” Alhaji Mohammed said. He said the government remains overwhelmingly committed to the protection of human rights, both offline and online, noting, however, that it will not shy away from ensuring that Nigeria has a responsibly free media.
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The Minister said that in spite of the plurality of values, tribes, cultures and religions, the government has striven to strike a balance between press/individual freedom and national security. “For us in Nigeria, respect for human rights is a cardinal principle of not just our constitution but of our day-to-day governance. I am yet to see any country with the kind of population we have, the kind of multi values, multi cultures and multi religions we have, that has at the same time striven to balance national security with freedom of the press.
“I make bold to say that this administration in particular has no intention and does not tamper with the freedom of speech or freedom of individuals,” he said. In his remarks, the Finnish Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Pulkkinen, acknowledged that the Minister has a broad understanding of the issues surrounding the misuse of the social media, particularly in relation to the credibility of information on the platform, and urged Nigeria to partner with global bodies like the Freedom Online Coalition in order to address some of the challenges posed by the social media.
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For his part, the Ambassador of Innovation in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Finland, Mr. Sarevo, said the Freedom Online Coalition is a group of 31 like-minded countries formed to promote human rights online and also ensure cyber security, privacy and protection of data against illegal usage and monetization and trust, with a view to protecting all those uploading data on the internet.
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siddharthchatterjee · 5 years
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Met 2 champions of Sexual reproductive health & rights & gender equality. Ambassador Jarmo Sareva 🇫🇮 Ambassador Erik Lundberg 🇫🇮 epitomize the values of Finland’s 🇫🇮 push for rights of every women & child. We discussed ICPD +25 #NairobiSummit & #PPPs to leapfrog Big 4 development agenda. (at Nairobi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByrrCJJAcQm/?igshid=xobd6wqf95dn
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The girls after they're boring video. Bri Bri, Sareva and princess Bri is about 9,Sareva is about 7 and Princess is about 4 #rescue #foreverhome #adoptdontshop🐾 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQxI8BFgZX/?igshid=ys1f7yap992
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suomen-sotilaat · 3 years
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1. vuosikurssin kadetti Viljo Sareva, 1936. (Pietinen)
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gsuintrophoto · 7 years
Ben Lee’s MW 2:30pm
Jon Beavers
Amanda Chirinos
Jennifer Delgado
D’Maia DeVoe
Madisyn Epps-Johnson
Keyon Fletcher
Lindsey Frandsen
Massie Herlihy
Mattison Jordan
Daekwon Montgomery
Katherine Richter
Krishna Sarmiento
Jacy Shepard
Jordan Thompkins
Anthony Vella
Christopher Young Jr.
Martta Sareva
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roaringdandelions · 5 years
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In Order:
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? || My terribly inaccurate but still pretty cute Simself... ahhhh I just don’t have the heart to make my real face, lol. I can’t subject you all to that!
The Face That Fills My Dreams || The Tyler twins <3 Forever my favorites, forever my muses! I love them both for such different reasons, but still equally.
#RelationshipGoals || SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS - ALECHOOOOOOOO!!! Aleks and Echo’s relationship was so sweet and fun to write, and honestly makes me so proud. Their highs and lows, their struggles and triumphs, all wonderful. I adore them so. Also, their wedding actually made me cry, which is totally normal, right...?
My Spot || The gardens and fountain behind the Von Haunt Estate lot in Windenburg... *chefs kiss* Baby, that area is screenshot HEAVEN. I’m honestly shocked I don’t see more people taking photos there!
From The Ground Up || Forever and ever my favorite is the Jungle Bazaar build by Simproved w/ Auvbri. Their collab was LEGENDARY and I screech every time I walk around this lot, it’s so lush and beautiful and detailed!
Let’s Celebrate! || In the history of the Sims franchise, my favorite holiday has always been Halloween. I just love seeing my characters dress in costumes! It’s so cute to think about how they would shop for a costume, who they would want to be, how they would dress their kids... just a fun little headcanon exercise, for sure.
Your Dark Side || That one and only time I did alpha in-game and somehow did not screw it up or break out in hives... go, me! Simon McShea, my soft, quiet, slightly-strange boy with the best cheekbones that I will ever create in my life, bar none.
WTF?! || hee hee hee, this one is good - I was going to write a spice scene during The Dandelion Chronicles, when Echo and Aleks sleep together for the first time, and chickened out because I’m *terrible* at writing good spice scenes... but I still shot the scene, because... science. :eyeemoji: and Aleks made this face at Echo, and I nearly died laughing.
Never Released || The lovely protagonists of yet another story that I didn’t work on... the stable boy and the magic statue girl, a doomed love story that would ultimately never be~ Maybe I’ll work on it eventually? #FamousLastWords
Treat Yo’Self! || This year, I discovered the magic that is Sifix’s formal wear collection, and oh my GOD was that a magical experience! Every girl in my game promptly got a fashion upgrade in her Formal and Party sections!
Competitive Spirit || Hands down, the History Challenge! I would do that over and over and over, if I thought that anybody would want to see that from me... It really changed up my gameplay for a while and allowed me to see my characters in a whole new light. Really fun, highly recommend it to everyone!
Sharing Is Caring || No question. Princess Sareva of Clan Minoak, famously appearing in @cosmosim story, Ethereal. She’s a gorgeous beauty that I adore so very, very much, and who gets such a great story arc (eventually, after some casual torture, because that’s how Grace rolls) and honestly just wants to find love. I love collaborating with G on her story, her appearance, harassing her when Sareva goes missing from her game without reason... such a great thing to work on projects with your friends <3
Tagging... Tagging...
(tag three friends who you would like to see try this challenge! To kick things off, I’ll do a couple more...)
@cosmosim @dreamingofsummersims @lyrics-and-intoxication @romanticsims @samssims @hula-zombie @justkeeponsimming @hnn-tr @ellemant @simmerberlin @rebel-daydream @stardustsim @thesimsters-stories
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Tiny Problems
Far from the cries of an upset business entrepreneur and his duo of elvish lackeys, in the central tower of Dalaran, stood a human mage perusing a collection of books. The Council of Six, the rulers of the city, were quite intrigued by the Broken Isles, temporarily transforming its central tower into a sort of end-all collection of tomes regarding the small continent and its multitude of unique flavors of history. From the bountiful knowledge of the elven ruins to the vrykul’s storied kings to the kind of berries the Highmountain tauren ate centuries ago, it was most likely found here. A little outdated, sure, but the knowledge to learn here was vast.
The human brushed her hand over her robe, making a sound from her teeth. She was no doubt collecting a lot of dust from the lesser-read sections. Far be it from her to make comments about how underprepared the city was in its hasty teleportation over the shores, but she’s just a small cog in a system. It’s not Khadgar’s mission to study the plant life.
That job falls under Sareva, budding alchemist and herbal expert. What a job for her to have procured. As if mages don’t already do alchemy on the side.
Illegal kinds.
“Whatcha doooin’?”
Sareva smirked. “Oh, I’m just attempting to understand this situation that Kegoc’s mentioned to me.”
“Ah! Keggy is having problems?”
Sareva turned around and smiled, seeing a small gnome standing in the doorway. Her eyes hidden underneath a large-brim hat. Her robes were dark purple, a far cry from the blues Sareva is commonly around.
“Don’t worry, Liteena. It won’t be much of a problem once they’re back. Just need to study up on magical extractions of various liquids.”
“Ooo, like poisons or something?”
“Not just anything, Liteena.” Sareva moved her hand out and, utilizing a small incantation, summoned an image of a giant teardrop. “The Tears of Elune, a Pillar of Creation.”
Liteena walked forward, hopping up onto a stool nearby to examine the image closely. “Iiiinteresting.”
“The Tears were said to come from the Moon Goddess herself. It and the other Pillars were used to create the very ground we walk on....when we’re actually on the ground, mind you.” Sareva looked at a small map laid on the table nearby, then pointed at it. “The boys were there when it had somehow been consumed.”
“Just like Keggy...always ending up in some weird situation.” Liteena sighed. “Leaving me out of everything.”
“Were the Pillars to stay in the hands of the Legion, it would surely spell doom for our world.” Sareva continued, still focusing on her reading. “And it’s up to us mortals to...”
She blinked. “Why were you able to get in here, Liteena?”
“Huh?” Liteena frowned. “Whadya mean?”
“This hall is for mages only.”
“Pfff...oh, that.” The gnome smirked and moved her hand out, sparking a small red flame. “Just need to show you can cast fire and boom, Magetown! It’s actually a pretty egregious ID system, you know. Demons can do that, too!”
“I’ll...be sure to mention it.” Sareva frowned, leaning back on the table. “I’d be careful, ‘Tina. Most mages would...frown about-”
The two were interrupted by a shout from the hall.
“Sir, this area is for mages only.”
“Ah! Do not worry, friend! I am pure Mage and these are honored guests!”
Sareva frowned, moving her hand over her eyes. This isn’t going to be good.
Liteena, on the other hand, had her eyes sparkle with anticipation. Her toothy grin spread ear to ear as she moved her hand to her mouth, stifling a small giggle. “He’s heeeeere!”
“Mm....he sure is.”
The hall’s commotion began to get louder.
“Sirs, please stop.”
“We, uh, need to get to the Isles Library. Lady Sareva is there and we, need to see her. We have an appointment-”
“I don’t care, sirs, standard protocol states-”
“Ach, yer protocols are gonna git th’ lot a us killed, ya daft moron. Let us through, we ‘ave a child wit’ us!”
“Right, of-...is that a tauren baby?”
“Do not question our lifestyle, please.”
“Yeah! Baby tauren is rock in relationship, so please be moving.”
“Sirs, I don’t th-”
“Do ye want a hammer t’ yer face or are ya jes’ DUMB? Let us and our baby bull in!”
Sareva grumbled, then shouted from the hallway. “Tenus, it’s fine! Just....it’s okay, they’re with me.”
Kegoc walked into the library, grumbling. “I swear on me tavern in th’ bowels a hell, I will smack yer guardsman.”
“Please don’t, Kegoc.” Sareva sighed. “How was the trip?”
Nysian walked in next, muttering. “Long.”
Nittenook walked in, having fastened the tauren child onto his chest with a bunch of rope and cloth. “We have made many friends! Many-”
“Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Noooooookie.”
ba bump
Nittenook’s jovial grin was paralyzed on his face. He slowly turned his head to where the voice laid. There he saw Liteena smiling at him. “Been a while...<3″ She hopped off the stool and, at a very unusual speed, ran up to give the draenei a big hug.
Nittenook’s face contorted into sheer horror. “...eeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” The tauren cried out, shaken by the loud yell from Nittenook.
“AAAAAAHHHAHAHA! <3 <3 <3″ Liteena giggled as she held the blue oaf still with her tight grip.
Kegoc shouted back. “NAY! HE’S JES’ A BIT ANNOYED BY ‘EM! I think...”
“Well they’re both annoying me.” Nysian sighed.
“I SAID THEY’RE ANNOYING ME.” Nysian spoke up.
“OH.” Kegoc nodded. “Aye.”
“WHAT?” Nysian shouted.
Ten minutes later....
Liteena frowned, floating in the air in a small bubble. “Hmph....let me go...”
“Oh no, I won’t.” Sareva sighed. “We both know what happens when you do that.”
“Aww, it’s fine. He’s just playing. I know he’s hiding his true feelings for me.” Liteena smiled with a giggle in her voice.
Meanwhile, Nysian was hushing the child gently while Kegoc was patting the back of the whimpering Nittenook, hunched over in a corner making the most pitiful of pot noises.
“There..there, lad.”
“Her grasp...it is......unnerving. Monstrous.” Nittenook spoke between gasps.
“I...feel as though that’s an exaggeration, lad, but....sure.”
Nysian sighed. “If we’re done, I have a mission from the priestess to fulfill.”
Sareva frowned, noticing an odd shift in leadership at the moment. “Very well, Nysian. I have found a few odd and ended remedies we could reproduce.”
“Well, we need to get the liquid out of the baby somehow.” Sareva shrugged.
Nysian frowned. “I could easily find plants to induce vomiting. I’m a druid. The child flew up to Grizzly Hills! We need some sort of magic-sucker.”
“Hmm...” Sareva frowned. “I’m not, entirely sure what we could do. Most processes we have in terms of draining magic tend to leave children at a bad state.”
“...as in...”
“Well, in order to produce some sort of effect on the power drain, it may...drain life essence from the child.” Sareva winched as she said it.
Nittenook’s ears perked up as he heard that. “W...wait, that is...not considered, yes?” He stumbled up from the ground, looking over at the two.
“Well, it’s not...completely off the table, no.” Nysian spoke first, which shocked Sareva.
“I....yes, I suppose we shouldn’t deny it could be a potential solution.”
“Never!” Nittenook shouted, walking over and putting his hand on the baby’s shoulder. “This...will not be debated.”
“Nit...” Nysian’s eyes narrowed. “The fate of the world is hanging on our procuring these artifacts an-”
“An’ if we were ta’ do this, then we ain’t no betta’ than th’ Legion.” Kegoc spoke up, walking over to the druid. “The option is off th’ table.”
Nysian’s eyebrows furrowed, then his eyes closed. “Then what do you plan to do?”
Kegoc frowned, then looked over at Sareva. “That’s what th’ mages are figurin’ out, aye?”
“Mm...” Sareva nodded. “I can’t exactly give a good estimate, but I feel as though, so long as the child stays in Dalaran, it’ll stay safe from the Legion until I find out a better way.”
“Then until then, we’re stayin’ in Dalaran.” Kegoc nodded.
“Very good.” Nittenook nodded, his voice sounding slightly more chipper. “A good plan, to rest!”
“Mmm, maybe we can rest....together.”
Nittenook winced as he looked over at the floating gnome. “A...ah, no. Not likely.”
“Hmph...” Liteena grumbled, then looked at Sareva. “C’mooooon, let me down.”
Sareva stared at the gnome, then brought her down to the ground.
Liteena moved her hand over her robe, flattening out the wrinkles. She then smiled and began to run.
Sareva was about to cast the spell once more and Nittenook slowly began to cower as Liteena ran past him and jumped up. “Keggyyyyyyyy!”
With a tackle, the gnome pushed Kegoc back as she began to giggle. In response, Kegoc smirked and lifted the gnome barely a foot smaller than him up in the air, “Haha, I thought it were odd that ye didn’t even register me, lass! Good ta see ya!” The dwarf moved the gnome down and gave her a warm hug. “Ah, lass, last time I saw ye was at th’ Brewfest last year. Ya never even saw yer pappy’s tavern.”
“Ah, it’s fine. I heard it blew up, so whatever!” Liteena smiled wide, patting the dwarf on the back. “Besides, your ale didn’t taste as good as Thunderbrew‘s.”
“I will throw you off th’ city. I know ye can’t fly yet.”
“I’d like to see you try and not get dragged down, too.”
Kegoc and LIteena laughed, Kegoc smoshing the gnome’s hat on her head. “Ahh, I missed ya, lass.”
Nysian sighed, watching the two from afar. Inch by inch he noticed Nittenook walk over, then sighed again as he continued watching.
“Friend Nysian, if I may...will Kegoc not explode in mighty blaze from gnome contact like that?”
“Well, Nit, that is what is known as ‘correlation is not causation.’ That means that just because two elements are similar, that does not mean they are related. In this case, gnomes and spontaneous combustion is not one of them.”
“Ah.” Nittenook nodded. The child also noded, mimicing his gesture.
“Are you sure?”
“I mean, I know it’s Liteena, but still pretty...pretty sure.”
“Mm...well, despite the monster over there...I’m glad things are kind of coming our way.” Nittenook smiled, patting the tauren child on the head.
Meanwhile, far to the southeast, in the human kingdom of Stormwind...
A scream echos through the darkened nighttime streets. A human female stood in horror.
On the ground laid a lifeless form of a male draenei, his once glowing eyes now darkened. His mouth was wide open with blood spooling out onto the concrete ground beneath. From the look of his weapons, it seemed as though he was a paladin. However, the hole in his chest makes it look as though a sword had run clear through him.
Nay, it even seemed like it was bigger than a sword.
The human stumbled back, her hand covering her mouth. “Oh...by the Light, no...no...” She looked around, then gulped. “I....I need to go and find a g-.”
No, no, that won’t be necessary.
Within minutes, there laid two bloodstains on the ground. But no bodies.
Where did the blood come from, people may ask as they walk by in the daytime. The guards will be informed. SI-7 will investigate.
They will find nothing. They search for missing people, but find nothing. Even families in town, they would search, but find nothing.
The families are gone, too.
Maybe one day the entirety of Stormwind will be eaten up. Devoured.
One day they’ll be there, too. One day they’ll be devoured as well. Oh what sweetness they will be.
Oh what sweetness I will indulge.
Oh what sweetness He will consume.
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fisolucci · 7 years
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@Regrann from @djgunzee - (SWIPE LEFT) #NewSingle DJ Gunzee Presents #TheFUNK! ft. EX-O & TeeJay Sareva (Prod. By ExO) @exodtowncrier @teejay_music Link In My Bio! ☝☝ Lyric Video by @fisolucci_global Artwork: @icrea8media #SummerJam 💃💃
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Sorry not too exciting . Of course ask your children to perform, they don't. All three of girls say out but wouldn't so I had a little fun torturing them but then we got to go out. My three rescue loves Bree Bree the largest princess the smallest and the one that jumps and Sareva. Bree Bree name for Brittany, Sareva is Sarah Eva Brittany's two middle names and Princess is because I called Brittany my dancing Pony princess #foreverhome. #rescue #adoptdontshop🐾 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQwHtOlNmH/?igshid=12m5hucspf1r8
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roaringdandelions · 5 years
Hiiiii first of all love your mermaid in Grace’s story she is a freakin Queen. Also just wanted to say hi and tell your that you have a awesome blog❤️❤️
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Hi, Ashley! Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful ask do have some *totally non-canon-but-we-can-dream* photoshoots of Sareva frolicking in a waterfall with a certain prince... if @cosmosim would lift the embargo... ;-)
Thank you for gracing my blog with your love
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