#sarcoma causes and symptoms
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By Robert Pearl, M.D.
In the late 1970s and early ‘80s, a mysterious illness spread through America’s overlooked communities, mainly affecting intravenous drug users and homosexual men.
The disease, which caused a sudden and devastating collapse of the immune system, was unlike anything doctors had seen before. Patients arrived at hospitals with rare infections like Kaposi’s sarcoma and fungal pneumonia.
But despite the rising number of cases, public health officials remained silent for years. Few Americans saw it as a national emergency, especially since the disease seemed confined to society’s fringes, at least initially.
By the time the government and public fully grasped the threat in 1986—following Dr. C. Everett Koop’s “Surgeon General’s Report on AIDS”—tens of thousands of Americans had already died.
Looking back on this and other public health crises, it’s clear that medical science alone isn’t enough to save lives. To prevent similar tragedies, public health leaders and elected officials must first understand the role denial plays in people’s perception of medical threats. They must then develop effective strategies to overcome it.
The Psychological Basis For Denial Denial is a powerful, usually unconscious defense mechanism that shields individuals from uncomfortable or distressing realities. By repressing objective facts or experiences—especially those that provoke fear or anxiety—people can maintain a sense of stability in the face of overwhelming threats.
Historically, denial was vital to daily life. With little protection against illnesses like smallpox, tuberculosis or plague, people would have been immobilized by fear if not for the ability to repress reality. Denial, mixed with superstition, took the place of facts, allowing society to function despite the ever-present risks of death and disability.
Today, even with tremendous advances in medical knowledge and technology, denial continues to influence individual behavior with detrimental consequences.
For example, more than 46 million Americans use tobacco products, despite their links to cancer, heart disease and respiratory illness. Similarly, tens of millions of people refuse vaccinations, disregarding scientific consensus and exposing themselves—and their communities—to preventable diseases. Denial extends to cancer screenings, as well. Surveys show that 50% of women over 40 skip their annual mammograms, and 23% have never had one. Meanwhile, about 30% of adults between 50 and 75 are not up to date on colorectal cancer screenings, and 20% have never been screened.
These examples demonstrate how denial leads individuals to make choices that jeopardize their health, even when life-saving interventions are readily available.
A Pattern of Denial: How Inaction Fuels Public Health Crises When individual denial scales up to the collective level, it fuels widespread inaction and worsens public health crises. Throughout modern medical history, Americans have repeatedly underestimated or dismissed emerging health threats until the consequences became impossible to ignore.
Early warnings of the HIV/AIDS epidemic were largely ignored, as the stigma surrounding affected populations made it easier for the broader public to deny the severity of the crisis. Even within at-risk populations, the lengthy delay between infection and symptoms created a false sense of security, leading to risky behaviors. This collective denial allowed the virus to spread unchecked, resulting in millions of deaths worldwide and a public health challenge that persists in the United States today.
Even now, four decades after the virus was identified, only 36% of the 1.2 million Americans at high risk for HIV take PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), a medication that is 99% effective in preventing the disease.
Chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes mirror this pattern of denial. The long gap between early signs and life-threatening complications—such as heart attack, stroke and kidney failure—leads people to underestimate the risks and neglect preventive care. This inaction increases morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs.
Whether the issue is an infectious disease or a chronic illness, denial causes harm. It allows medical problems to take root, it delays care and it leads to tens of thousands preventable deaths each year.
The Unseen Parallels: COVID-19 And Mpox Our nation’s responses to COVID-19 and mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) similarly illustrate how denial hampers effective management of public health emergencies.
By March 2020, as COVID-19 began to spread, millions of Americans dismissed it as just another winter virus, no worse than the flu. Even as deaths rose exponentially, elected officials and much of the public failed to recognize the growing threat. Critical containment measures—such as travel restrictions, widespread testing and social distancing—were delayed. This collective denial, fueled by misinformation and political ideology, allowed the virus to take root across the country.
By the time the severity of the pandemic was undeniable, hospitals and health systems were overwhelmed. The opportunity to prevent widespread devastation had passed. More than 1 million American lives were lost, and the economic and social consequences continue today.
Mpox presents the most recent example of this troubling pattern. On August 14, the World Health Organization declared mpox a global health emergency after identifying rapid spread of the Clade 1b variant across several African nations. This strain is significantly more lethal than previous variants, having already caused over 500 deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo, primarily among women and children under 15. Unlike earlier outbreaks associated mainly with same-sex transmission, Clade 1b spreads through both heterosexual contact and close family interactions, increasing its reach and putting everyone at risk.
Despite these alarming developments, awareness and concern about mpox remains low in the United States. International aid has been limited, and vaccination efforts have fallen far behind the growing threat. As a result, by the time the WHO issued its emergency declaration, only 65,000 vaccine doses had been distributed across Africa, where more than 10 million people are at risk. Already, cases have appeared in Sweden and Thailand, and the U.S. may soon follow.
Even with the added danger of the new variant and the proven efficacy of the JYNNEOS vaccine, only one in four high-risk individuals in the United States has been vaccinated against mpox. Our slow and delayed response to Covid-19, mpox, HIV/AIDS and nearly-all chronic diseases demonstrate how widespread denial is, the lives it continues to claim and the urgent need to address this hidden defense mechanism. The best way to overcome denial—both individually and collectively—is to bring the risks into clear focus. Simply warning people about the dangers isn’t enough. Strong leadership is crucial in breaking through this subconscious barrier.
Lessons To Learn, Actions To Take Dr. C. Everett Koop’s public health campaign on AIDS in the 1980s demonstrated how clear, consistent messaging can shift public perception and drive action. Similarly, former Surgeon General Luther L. Terry’s landmark 1964 report on smoking educated the public about the dangers of tobacco. His report spurred subsequent efforts, including higher taxes on tobacco products, restrictions on smoking in public places and health campaigns using vivid imagery of blackened lungs—leading to a significant decline in smoking rates.
Unfortunately, government agencies often fall short, hampered by bureaucratic delays and overly cautious communications.
Officials tend to wait until all details are certain, avoid acknowledging uncertainties, and seek consensus among committee members before recommending actions. Instead of being transparent, they focus on delivering the least risky advice for their agencies. People, in turn, distrust and fail to heed the recommendations.
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently with mpox, officials hesitated to admit how little they knew about the emerging crises. Their reluctance further eroded public trust in government agencies. In reality, people are more capable of handling the truth than they’re often given credit for. When they have access to all the facts, they usually make the right decisions for themselves and their families. Ironically, if public health officials focused on educating people about the risks and benefits of different options—rather than issuing directives—more people would listen and more lives would be saved.
With viral threats increasing and chronic diseases on the rise, now is the time for public health leaders and elected officials to change tactics. Americans want and deserve the facts: what scientists know, what remains unclear and the best estimates of actual risk.
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mourningcrypt · 9 months
Medical Monday: What was Catherine of Aragon’s real cause of death?
Catherine of Aragon, first wife of King Henry VIII- passed away at age 50 on January 7, 1536  while in exile following the divorce in 1533 at Kimbolton Castle. When news arrived to the court of the former queen’s passing- rumors spread she died due to poisoning- which was done in some way by Henry. How he acted after the news would almost prove he was guilty. He and his second wife, Anne Boleyn wore yellow- which its debated if it was a sign of mourning as it was believed yellow was the color of mourning in Spain, or if it was a sign of celebration. Henry would even cry “God be praised that we are free from all suspicion of war!” Now he and his new queen could be together in peace it seems. (Though we all know how long that lasted)
Eustace Chapyus- imperial ambassador would write in a letter to Charles V on January 9th- noticing that Catherine fell ill after consuming a welsh beer stated “[Her] illness began about five weeks ago… It was a pain in the stomach, so violent that she could retain no food.” After consulting her Physician, Miguel de la Sola- they both would draw the poisoning conclusion, writing “He said he was afraid it was so, for after she had drunk some Welsh beer she had been worse, and that it must have been a slow and subtle poison for he could not discover evidences of simple and pure poison; but on opening her, indications will be seen.”
But, actually- poison was not what caused the death of Catherine. Despite Henry’s harsh choice to celebrate his exes death, the more plausible cause of her death by historians was more believed to be cancer, specifically cancer of the heart or a melanotic sarcoma. A melanotic sarcoma is a malignant kind of tumor often affecting the pigmentation of cells. Which often makes the color of it very dark or even black.
Prior to burial, her body would be prepared by a servant (chandler) of the household, not a physician. Chapuys would chronicle the procedure to Charles in a January 21st letter by saying her internal organs were healthy, “except the heart, which was quite black and hideous”. As well as including “some black round thing which clung closely to the outside of the heart”, which is believed to be a secondary  melanotic sarcoma. The chandler even going as far as to cut the heart in half and attempting to wash off the black from the heart, but to no avail. Though, at the time- Cancer was not an understood cause, which is why the quick belief of poison was more accepted.
During her last days, it was reported she was very weak, had stomach pains and was unable to keep food down. When researching sarcoma symptoms; weight loss, abdominal pain, and fatigue would be found as main contributors.
Unfortunately given the centuries between Catherine’s passing and medical advances we are unable to concretely diagnose what she went dealt with in her final moments on this earth, but with the letters from Chapuys its gives us a glimpse of understanding as to what more likely happened to the once Queen of England.
Sources for research: The death of Catherine of Aragon, Catherine of Aragon’s Black Heart and Poison: The Primary Sources, Medical History: Black Hearted
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otter1962crystalball · 3 months
"Mad About You"
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June 11, 2024
Happy 11th day of Pride, everyone. Today, I want to tell a story from the early 1990’s. It was around the time of the stories in my previous blog called Hope (June 10, 2024).
I had recently left my partner that I call “Joe,” the house was sold and I moved into an apartment. I know the approximate time because I still had my car that I had used for my sales job. Anyway, I was working at ACT (the AIDS Committee of Toronto) at the time. Every Sunday, there was a get together in a downtown apartment building for people living with HIV or those who supported them. It was mostly HIV+ men and men with AIDS. There were a few women who supported their son or brother as well, along with partners of the members. Joe had even come a couple of times with me before we broke up. It was a place for me to express my feelings and be with men in the same situation as me. It was there that I met a man who I will call “Luke.” To be honest, I don’t even remember his real name.
Luke and I would often chat at the circle and hang out at the PWA (Persons with Aids Coalition). He was suffering from Kaposi's Sarcoma (a type of cancer), his T cells (immune system) were extremely low and he had lost a lot of weight. Every week at the circle he would share how his life and body were changing. It seemed that every week there was some new symptom or pain that Luke experienced. Then, one Sunday, he wasn’t there. Or the next. I spoke to a counsellor at ACT who told me that Luke was in a hospital known at the time as St. Josephs.  As an aside, that was the hospital in which I was born. The counsellor said that Luke was really declining and only counsellors form ACT or his family members could get in to intensive care ward. I think it was specially for AIDS patients but I can’t be sure.
That week, I decided to go to the hospital to visit Luke because everyone said he would probably die soon. I drove there, parked and walked into the intensive care. I told the nurse at the station that I was someone who worked for ACT, so she let me in. I walked into Luke’s room and my nostrils were hit with a rank smell. There stood Luke with nothing on but a diaper. He was trying to open the closet door. I thought he said something about “clothes” as he pulled at the diaper like a child usually does. It was clear that he wasn’t comfortable I told him that I would be right back. I returned to the nurse’s station and asked about having his diaper changed. The nurse said that Luke soiled his diaper too many times during the day that they ended up just leaving him like that.
I returned to Luke’s room to find him lying in bed. By the way, there were no diapers in the room. I might have changed him myself… So, I pulled the covers up for him and sat on the edge of the bed. I told him about how everyone from the circle missed said that he would be coming back to us soon. He didn’t really say anything and I wasn’t sure if he even knew who I was. The counsellor at ACT had told me that Luke had severe dementia caused by AIDS.
I stayed with Luke for a little while longer and decided it was time to go. I held Luke’s hand for a long while. I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. I told him that I loved him and would see him soon. He nodded and smiled. His eyes showed in that moment of clarity that he knew he would not see me again.  He then closed his eyes to sleep. I got up and left the room. I breathed out heavily - not because of the smell but because I knew in my heart that Luke would not survive much longer. 
I walked out of the hospital with tears brimming in my eyes. The sun was lower in the sky as it began its descent. The light streamed onto everything including me. I wiped my tears and looked at the setting sun for a few moments before I go into my car. I felt so many conflicting emotions: Luke’s impending death; my possible impending death, unfairness of life and the hopelessness of it all. I opened the door of my car, got in and headed out of the parking lot after paying the fee. As I turned down the street, I turned on my CD player. The song “Mad About You” by Belinda Carlisle came on. I blasted the music as loudly as I could with all the windows down and the wind whistling in my ears. I remember the tears continued, but I also felt a big release as well. I breathed in the evening air and continued on to what ever lay ahead for me.
For this day of Pride, I am celebrating Luke’s life. He, along with many other friends, lost their lives to AIDS. I am a long time survivor - having lived with HIV more than 40 years. I’ve had a 0 viral load (no trace of the virus in my system) for at least 25 years and my immune system has continued to work for me. There remains a sadness that Luke and the others never had the opportunity to experience what I have. I won’t forget Luke. I won’t forget all the other friends as well.
Carpe diem, everyone. Stop for a moment and take stock of the fact that you are living and breathing. Live your day like it’s your last…
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ikno-io · 5 days
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Discover everything you need to know about sarcoma cancer: its causes, symptoms, types, and available treatments. Start your journey to understanding this rare type of cancer. read the full article: https://bit.ly/3XIerg5 #SarcomaCancer #Health #CancerAwareness #MedicalConditions #SarcomaTreatment read more: what is sarcoma cancer
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ricisidro · 6 days
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Get well soon 💪🙏
Cardiologist and health advocate Dr. Willie Ong, is fighting the battle for his life as he is undergoing treatment for a rare type of cancer in his stomach (sarcoma).
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medicapharmabv · 30 days
Pazopanib HCL: A Powerful Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor for Cancer Treatment
Pazopanib HCL is a cutting-edge medication used in the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and soft tissue sarcoma. As a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, it plays a crucial role in managing these challenging cancers by targeting the mechanisms that enable tumor growth and spread.
What is Pazopanib HCL?
Pazopanib HCL is an effective tyrosine kinase inhibitor that helps manage advanced renal cell carcinoma and soft tissue sarcoma. This medication works by inhibiting key tyrosine kinases involved in cancer progression, thus hindering tumor growth and metastasis.
Buy Pazopanib HCL to access this powerful treatment option and take a step towards managing your cancer effectively.
Mechanism of Action
Pazopanib HCL works by blocking multiple tyrosine kinases, including:
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptors (VEGFRs)
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptors (PDGFRs)
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs)
By inhibiting these receptors, pazopanib disrupts angiogenesis, the process through which tumors develop their blood supply. This disruption reduces the growth and spread of tumors, leading to decreased tumor vascularity and increased necrosis.
Benefits and Advantages
Here’s why buying pazopanib HCL could be a valuable choice for managing advanced RCC and soft tissue sarcoma:
Broad-Spectrum Inhibition: Pazopanib targets multiple pathways involved in tumor growth and angiogenesis, offering a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment.
Convenient Oral Administration: Its oral formulation makes it easy to take, improving patient compliance and convenience.
Effective Symptom Management: By slowing cancer progression and reducing tumor size, pazopanib helps improve patients' quality of life and potentially extends survival.
Side Effects and Risks
While pazopanib is effective, it can cause side effects that need monitoring:
Hypertension: Elevated blood pressure may occur, requiring careful management to avoid cardiovascular issues.
Hepatotoxicity: Liver toxicity, indicated by elevated liver enzymes, may necessitate regular monitoring of liver function.
Cardiac Toxicity: Potential cardiac side effects include QT interval prolongation, arrhythmias, and heart failure, particularly in those with preexisting cardiovascular conditions.
Gastrointestinal Issues: Pazopanib may cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, which might require supportive care or dose adjustments.
About MedicaPharma
MedicaPharma is a leading distributor of high-quality active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), providing products to hospitals, pharmacies, research institutes, and universities worldwide. When you buy pazopanib HCL from us, you are choosing a supplier committed to excellence in pharmaceutical quality and safety.
Why Choose MedicaPharma?
At MedicaPharma, we pride ourselves on supplying GMP-certified products with logistics that comply with GDP regulations. This ensures that when you buy pazopanib HCL, you receive a product of the highest standard, supporting your treatment journey effectively.
Request a Quote Today
If you’re interested in buying pazopanib HCL, contact us for a quote and more information about how our high-quality products can meet your needs. Let MedicaPharma assist you in accessing this essential medication for managing advanced renal cell carcinoma and soft tissue sarcoma.
Choose MedicaPharma for reliable, high-quality pharmaceutical solutions and take control of your cancer treatment with confidence.
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laproscopicsuregon · 1 month
Gastric Cancer treatment in Thrissur
Gastric cancer, also known as stomach cancer, is a malignancy that develops in the lining of the stomach. It is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention and appropriate treatment. Dr. Arun Nair is a highly skilled surgical gastroenterologist and advanced laparoscopic surgeon with expertise in treating gastric cancer. With his extensive training and experience, Dr. Nair provides comprehensive care for patients with gastric cancer, focusing on effective surgical interventions and personalized treatment plans.
What is Gastric Cancer?
Gastric cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cancerous cells in the stomach lining. It can develop in any part of the stomach and may spread to nearby tissues and organs if not treated in the early stages. Gastric cancer can be categorized into different types based on the location and characteristics of the tumor.
Types of Gastric Cancer:
Dr. Arun Nair is highly proficient in a diverse range of laparoscopic procedures, including:
Adenocarcinoma: This is the most common type of gastric cancer that starts in the glandular cells of the stomach lining. It can be further classified into intestinal-type and diffuse-type adenocarcinoma.
Lymphoma: A rare type of gastric cancer that begins in the lymphatic tissue of the stomach. It includes different subtypes such as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma.
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs): These tumors originate from specialized cells in the stomach wall called interstitial cells of Cajal. GISTs can be either benign or malignant.
Carcinoid Tumors: These tumors develop from hormone-producing cells in the stomach lining. They are typically slow-growing and may not cause symptoms in the early stages.
Sarcomas: Rare cancers that begin in the connective tissues of the stomach. They include leiomyosarcoma and gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma (GSS).
Benefits of Treatment for Gastric Cancer:
Removal of the cancerous tissue and prevention of further spread: Surgery plays a crucial role in removing the tumor and nearby lymph nodes to eliminate cancer cells.
Relief from symptoms such as abdominal pain, indigestion, and weight loss: By removing the tumor, gastric cancer treatment can alleviate associated symptoms and improve overall well-being.
Improved quality of life and overall survival rates Early detection and timely treatment offer better chances of cure and long-term survival.
Potential for cure, especially in the early stages of gastric cancer: Early-stage tumors that have not spread significantly can often be effectively treated with surgery.
Minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques for faster recovery and reduced complications: Dr. Arun Nair specializes in laparoscopic and robotic surgical approaches, which offer smaller incisions, reduced post-operative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery.
Cost of Gastric Cancer Treatment:
The cost of gastric cancer treatment may vary depending on several factors, including the stage of cancer, the specific treatment approach, the hospital or medical facility, and additional services required. It is recommended to consult with Dr. Arun Nair or the hospital administration to get accurate information about the costs involved. They can provide a breakdown of expenses related to consultations, diagnostic tests, surgery, hospital stay, medications, and follow-up care.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
These 17 cancer types are more common in Gen X and millennials, as study notes 'alarming trend'
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/these-17-cancer-types-are-more-common-in-gen-x-and-millennials-as-study-notes-alarming-trend/
These 17 cancer types are more common in Gen X and millennials, as study notes 'alarming trend'
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Certain types of cancers are more prevalent among Gen X and millennials, according to a new study led by the American Cancer Society (ACS).The study, published in the journal The Lancet Public Health, analyzed data from over 23 million patients who were diagnosed with 34 different types of cancer over two decades.The patients ranged in age from 25 to 84, representing multiple generations.RISKS, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENTS FOR LUNG CANCER, THE DEADLIEST CANCER IN THE WORLDResearchers found that the prevalence of small intestine cancer, kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer was two to three times higher in those born in 1990 than those born in 1955 for both males and females, and for liver cancer in females, according to an ACS press release.Rates were also higher among younger groups for breast cancer (estrogen-receptor positive), uterine cancer, colorectal cancer, non-cardia gastric cancer, gallbladder cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, anal cancer in males and Kaposi sarcoma in males, the study found. Other cancers that were more prevalent in younger groups included myeloma, leukemia, cardia gastric cancer, and non-HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer (in women).ASPIRIN MAY BE LINKED TO LOWER RISK OF COLORECTAL CANCER, NEW STUDY SUGGESTSDeath rates also rose among younger groups for liver cancer (females), gallbladder cancer, uterine cancer, testicular cancer and colorectal cancer.”These findings add to growing evidence of increased cancer risk in post-baby boomer generations, expanding on previous findings of early-onset colorectal cancer and a few obesity-associated cancers to encompass a broader range of cancer types,” said Dr. Hyuna Sung, lead author of the study and a senior principal scientist of surveillance and health equity science at the American Cancer Society, in the ACS release. “Birth cohorts, groups of people classified by their birth year, share unique social, economic, political and climate environments, which affect their exposure to cancer risk factors during their crucial developmental years.”While researchers have identified some cancer trends associated with certain age groups, they don’t yet have a clear explanation for why these rates are rising, Sung added.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DETECTS CANCER WITH 25% GREATER ACCURACY THAN DOCTORS IN UCLA STUDYCancer has historically been associated with aging, yet doctors have seen an “alarming trend” of surging cases among those under 50 years of age, according to Edward S. Kim, M.D., the physician-in-chief of City of Hope Orange County and vice physician-in-chief of City of Hope National Medical Center in California. “This latest trend indicating increases in early onset cancer is a paradigm shift,” Kim, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital via email.”It is vital that we identify the reasons behind this trend, educate the public, advance prevention and early diagnosis, and develop more effective treatments.”There is “considerable evidence” pointing to environmental causes of early-onset cancers, according to Kim. “We cannot deny that an extensive range of environmental factors have rapidly transformed in developed countries since the mid-20th century,” he said. FDA APPROVES NEW BLOOD TEST FOR COLON CANCER SCREENING: ‘EARLY DETECTION IS CRITICAL’While controlling these factors can be difficult, Kim said, modifications to diet and lifestyle could make a substantial impact — particularly when implemented in youth and early adulthood.”Caring for our gut’s microbiome — the internal mechanism responsible for absorption of vitamins, regulation of the immune system, and assistance with food digestion – is essential,” he said.To ensure a healthy microbiome, the doctor recommends avoiding ultra-processed foods, exercising to prevent obesity, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.It is also important for health care providers to make cancer screening options more accessible for younger people, Kim said.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”All too often, primary care physicians may not recommend early screenings, because cancer has traditionally been associated with older ages and the screening guidelines have focused on age-based strategies,” he said. “Expanding cancer research efforts focused on younger individuals is another critical area for improvement,” Kim added. The ACS also calls for access to “affordable, comprehensive health insurance” for younger generations to increase screening rates.The incidence of cancer among people under age 50 around the world is projected to increase by 31% by 2030, studies have shown.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health”There is an epidemic of young people being diagnosed with cancer occurring right in front of us, and unless we implement some urgent interventions, I fear we will continue to observe more young people with cancer over the next decade,” Kim said.”We cannot wait that long.”Fox News Digital reached out to the ACS researchers for additional comment.
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neogenhomehealth · 1 month
Palliative Care at Home in Trivandrum
Palliative Care at Home in Trivandrum
Understanding Bone Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
Bone cancer originates from normal cells within a bone. While it can start in any bone, it most commonly affects the long bones of the legs, particularly the thigh bone. It’s important to understand that “bone cancer” does not include cancers that start in other parts of the body and then spread to the bones. These are named after their original site. For instance, cancer that begins in the lungs and spreads to the bones is referred to as lung cancer with bone metastasis.
What is Bone Cancer?
Bone cancer is relatively rare, and different types affect people differently based on age. Some types are more prevalent in children, while others occur primarily in adults. The rarity and complexity of bone cancer make it essential to be informed about its types, symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
Types of Bone Cancer
Bone cancers are classified primarily based on the type of cell where the cancer originates. The most common types include:
Osteosarcoma: This is the most common type of bone cancer, originating in the cells that form bones. Osteosarcoma typically affects teenagers and young adults, though it can also occur in younger children and older adults. It frequently appears in the long bones of the legs and occasionally in the arms. Rarely, it can develop in soft tissues outside the bones.
Chondrosarcoma: Chondrosarcoma usually begins in the bones but can sometimes start in the soft tissues. This type of cancer is most common in middle-aged and older adults and typically affects the pelvis, hip, and shoulder.
Ewing Sarcoma: Ewing sarcoma can start in both the bones and the surrounding soft tissue. It often affects children and teenagers but can occur at any age. This cancer most frequently begins in the leg bones and pelvis, though it can appear in any bone.
Symptoms of Bone Cancer
Bone ache: This is frequently the first symptom, and it can be persistent or come and pass. The pain may worsen at night time or in the course of bodily activity.
Swelling and tenderness: Swelling close to the affected location can arise, frequently along with tenderness to touch.
Weakened bones: Bones might also grow to be fragile, mainly to fractures from minor accidents.
Fatigue: A well known feeling of tiredness that doesn’t improve with relaxation.
Unexplained weight reduction: Losing weight without trying also can be a sign of bone cancer.
When to See a Doctor
If you revel in any of the above symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional right away. Early analysis can considerably affect treatment consequences. Make an appointment with a medical doctor when you have continual bone ache, swelling, or every other concerning signs and symptoms.
Risk elements for bone cancer include:
Inherited genetic syndromes: Certain rare genetic conditions, such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome and hereditary retinoblastoma, can increase the risk of developing bone cancer.
Other bone conditions: Diseases like Paget’s disease of bone and fibrous dysplasia may also elevate the risk.
Previous cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and specific chemotherapy drugs used to treat other cancers can increase the risk of bone cancer later in life.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosing bone cancer normally entails a combination of imaging tests (like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs) and biopsies, in which a pattern of the tumor is examined underneath a microscope. Blood assessments will also be performed to test for markers associated with bone most cancers.
Treatment options depend on the type of bone cancer, its location, and its stage. Common treatments include:
Surgery: The goal is to remove the entire tumor. This may sometimes involve reconstructive surgery to repair the bone.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays are used to kill cancer cells. This treatment is often used before surgery to shrink the tumor or after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: This involves using drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is frequently used for cancers that have spread or are at high risk of spreading.
Coping with Bone Cancer
Facing a bone, most cancers analysis can be overwhelming. It’s important to have an aid system in place that can encompass family, buddies, aid companies, and healthcare experts. Managing aspect effects, keeping a wholesome lifestyle, and staying knowledgeable approximately your condition also can assist in managing the sickness.
Understanding bone most cancers, its types, signs and symptoms, and remedy options is vital for early detection and effective management. While bone cancer is uncommon, consciousness and prompt medical interest could make a sizable distinction in effects. If you or someone you realize is experiencing signs, do not hesitate to try to find a medical recommendation.
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motivelinks · 2 months
Effective Kidney Cancer Treatment in Hisar: Get Back to Health
Comprehensive Kidney Cancer Treatment at GJMH
Kidney cancer is a severe health complication that needs to be handled by experts and health practitioners. The Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital located in Agroha offers its patients state-of-art amenities with professional care from doctors. This article will look at the sorts of kidney cancer treatment in Hisar provided in GJMH, arising, manifestations, diagnosing, progressed treatment modalities accessible in this revered medical organization. 
Understanding Kidney Cancer 
Kidney cancer develops in the cells of the reinforced kidneys, which are in charge of purifying the blood and creating urine. The majority of kidney cancer cases in adults are categorized as RCC and it affects approximately 85% of the patients. Others are less frequent and include transitional cell carcinoma, Wilms’ tumor especially in children, and renal sarcomas. 
Types of Kidney Tumors 
Kidney tumors can be classified into two main categories: 
Benign Kidney Tumors: Some of the renal benign tumors are renal adenoma, angiomyolipoma, oncocytoma, fibroma, lipoma, etc. Unlike the primary liver cancers they are not spread to other organs and are less invasive. 
Malignant Kidney Tumors: Some of the cancerous tumors include; Renal cell carcinoma RCC. which is more common in adult ages and Wilms tumor more frequent in children ages. 
Causes and Risk Factors 
Several risk factors are associated with kidney cancer, including: 
Tobacco Use: Habits such as smoking and chewing tobacco constitute some of the common risk factors. 
Obesity: Obesity predisposes one to develop kidney cancer, he said. 
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension is associated with kidney cancer due to the increased rate of onset. 
Diet: One can observe that fat and junk foods can lead to kidney cancer through incorrect nutrition. 
Genetic Factors: In about 4-6% of the cases, the epilepsies are associated with hereditary factors. 
Chronic Kidney Disease: higher prevalence of malnutrition is found among patients on long term dialysis. 
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer 
Most of the time, kidney cancer in its initial stages is asymptomatic, and by the time the onset of the symptoms is noticed, the disease might be in its advanced stages, and this can be detected during imaging for other ailments. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms may include:
This could be flank pain or the sensation of something heavy in the flank/back 
Microscopic haematuria or gross haematuria depend upon the amount of RBC present in the urine. 
Unexplained weight loss 
Loss of appetite 
Diagnostic Techniques 
Kidney cancer is another disease that if diagnosed early, has high chances of treatment. At GJMH, a comprehensive diagnostic approach includes: 
History and Physical Examination: A preliminary assessment of signs and symptoms as well the patient’s risk factors. 
Blood and Urine Tests: T-initial tests that could outline if an individual has an abnormality. 
Imaging Techniques: Scans such as ultrasound, CT urography or even the PET scans to capture images of the kidneys to the highest level. 
Cystoscopy: A process of viewing the inner part of the bladder through the insertion of a pipe containing a video camera. 
Biopsy: In some instances, a biopsy may be performed although this is not always necessary in the treatment of the illness. 
Specialized Management at GJMH 
The specializations of GJMH reveal that the facility has several modern methods of tackling kidney cancer, and kidney cancer treatment in Haryana is always customized to suit the individual’s needs. The main treatment modalities include: 
Radical Nephrectomy: This surgical operation may entail the radical nephrectomy which entails the removal of the kidney coupled with tissues and the affected lymph nodes. It is normally done when the tumor size is big or when the tumor is infiltrative. Laparoscopic procedures – also known as minimally invasive operations – are also possible at GJMH; however, classical open procedures are also possible at this organization. 
Partial Nephrectomy (Nephron-Sparing Surgery): For tumors that are less than 4 cm in size and selected cases up to 7 cm, the tumor is removed with the surrounding healthy renal tissue to leave a healthy margin of kidney tissue. It is also essential in preserving kidney function and is done by either Laparoscopic or Open Surgery. 
Ablation Techniques: Surgical approaches like radio frequency ablation or cryoablation meaning that they are used in procedures that use radio frequency or coldness respectively to kill cancer cells. Such methods are applicable in case of small tumor size and patients who are ineligible for the surgery. 
Targeted Therapy: Due to advanced stages of kidney cancer the drugs which are effective in inhibiting cancer cell growth and other pathways usually are administered. These therapies assist in decelerating the progression of the disease, Nevertheless, they are commonly administered as a complementary to other therapies. 
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy drugs assist the body immune system in identifying cancerous cells and destroying them. These treatments are applied most often in specific cases of the progression of renal cancer to the carcinoma stage. 
Expert Care at GJMH 
GJMH at Agroha has modern infrastructure and a team of proficient uro- oncologists led by Dr Kshitij Bishnoi who has a vast experience in managing kidney cancer surgery. The available treatments address the patient’s needs while advocating for quality care, and desired results. 
Comprehensive Care and Support: The patients that are attended to at the GJMH are treated not only clinically, but also psychologically and emotionally. It means that while treating cancer patients, there are oncologists, urologists, radiologists, and other supportive care members who develop a concrete care plan for a particular patient. 
Advanced Technology: GJMH provides the highly effective diagnostic and therapeutic technologies and resources, the contemporary imaging system, minimally invasive equipment, chemotherapy tools, etc. This helps in making the right diagnosis and treatment and also reduces the time that an individual takes to recover. 
Multimodal Therapy Type for the Disease: The approach used in the GJMH is comprehensive which implies the consideration of the patient’s welfare in totality. This includes; nutrition advice, physical therapy, anesthesia and psycho-social care. The aim is not only to eradicate the sickness and have the clients fight cancer but also to see to it that the clients do not undergo unbelievable suffering or poor quality life even after being treated. 
Patient-Centric Services: Besides, GJMH focuses on good service delivery to clients where the patient is always treated as a special and unique individual. Each patient works with one of the hospital’s patient coordinators, who helps with appointments, scheduling of treatments, and anything that the patient or their family might have questions or any issues with. 
Community Outreach and Awareness 
Through various community outreach programs, GJMH is sensitive to the promotion of the existence, prevalence, and causes of Kidney cancer in Agroha, Hisar and the rest of the Haryana region. Health camps, seminars and awareness programs are often organized for the purpose of spreading awareness on early identification and methods of prevention. The key argument that the hospital holds is that informed communities make appropriate decisions to maintain a fight against cancer.
Why Choose GJMH For Kidney Treatment? 
Population, especially those in Agroha, Hisar and the entire Haryana state benefit from quality kidney cancer treatments at GJMH. The hospital is a goldmine of services and people seeking kidney cancer treatment in Agroha, in Hisar, and in Haryana must consider this hospital as their go-to destination. By using sophisticated equipment and employing sophisticated professional staff, the best scenario of kidney cancer treatment is guaranteed at GJMH. 
Locating Kidney Cancer Treatment Close to Your Neighborhood
GJMH has fully equipped various facilities to help those who are looking for kidney cancer treatment near me, GJMH hospital is situated in Agroha hence patients from Hisar, Haryana and surrounding areas can easily access the hospital. As a result, GJMH aims at offering quality services of kidney cancer treatment to immediate and extended regions through access to professional medical solutions.  The loyalties to GJMH that patients stand to gain from include the hospital’s surgical care strategies, modern technology, and procedures, as well as board-credentialed medical specialists. This is a good point because it makes patients expect direct handling and medical attention which is in a line of individualized treatment. 
The multi bedded facility of Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital (GJMH) situated in Agroha is one of the most renowned hospitals for treating kidney cancer patients belonging to the region of Agroha, Hisar, and Haryana. The hospital has modern equipment; the most recent technology used in its operations, and a team of experienced personnel makes the hospital the best place for kidney cancer treatment. As a result of patient-oriented approach and comprehensive treatment of kidney cancer, GJMH provides optimal outcomes regarding patients’ health. 
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How to Support a Loved One with Orthopedic Cancer
Supporting a loved one diagnosed with orthopedic cancer can be an emotionally challenging journey. Orthopedic cancer, which affects the bones and connective tissues, requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and care. As a family member or friend, your support can make a significant difference in your loved one’s experience and recovery. This guide aims to provide comprehensive strategies and practical advice to help you navigate this difficult time, ensuring that your loved one feels supported, understood, and cared for.
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Understanding Orthopedic Cancer
What is Orthopedic Cancer?
Orthopedic cancer refers to malignant tumors that develop in the bones or soft tissues, such as muscles, fat, and cartilage. The most common types of orthopedic cancers include osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma. These cancers can affect people of all ages but are particularly prevalent in children and young adults. Understanding the nature of the disease is the first step in providing effective support.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Orthopedic cancer symptoms often include persistent pain, swelling, and reduced mobility in the affected area. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. Diagnostic tools such as X-rays, MRI scans, and biopsies are commonly used to identify and stage the cancer. Familiarizing yourself with these procedures can help you better understand what your loved one is going through and offer informed support.
Emotional Support
Listening and Communicating
One of the most valuable ways to support a loved one with orthopedic cancer is by being an attentive listener. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns without fear of judgment. Use phrases like “I’m here for you” and “Your feelings are valid” to reinforce your support. Effective communication involves both verbal and non-verbal cues, so be mindful of your body language and tone of voice.
Encouraging Positivity
While it’s important to acknowledge the gravity of the situation, maintaining a positive outlook can significantly impact your loved one’s emotional well-being. Encourage activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as watching a favorite movie, engaging in hobbies, or spending time in nature. Positivity can foster a sense of hope and resilience, which is crucial during treatment and recovery.
Practical Support
Assisting with Medical Appointments
Accompanying your loved one to medical appointments can provide them with much-needed emotional support and ensure they don’t miss any critical information. Help them keep track of appointments, medications, and treatment schedules. Being present during consultations also allows you to ask questions and better understand the treatment plan, enabling you to offer more informed support.
Managing Daily Activities
Orthopedic cancer and its treatment can limit a person’s ability to perform daily tasks. Offer to assist with chores such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. Consider creating a care schedule with other family members and friends to ensure your loved one receives consistent help. This support can alleviate stress and allow them to focus on their recovery.
Medical Support
Understanding Treatment Options
Orthopedic cancer treatment typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Each treatment has its own set of challenges and side effects. Educate yourself about these treatments to provide empathetic and informed support. For instance, chemotherapy can cause fatigue, nausea, and hair loss, while surgery may require a long recovery period and physical therapy.
Pain Management
Pain is a common symptom of orthopedic cancer and its treatment. Work closely with the medical team to understand pain management options, including medications, physical therapy, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture and massage. Ensuring that your loved one’s pain is effectively managed can significantly improve their quality of life.
Psychological Support
Seeking Professional Help
Encourage your loved one to seek support from a psychologist or counselor who specializes in oncology. Professional therapy can provide them with coping strategies and a safe space to process their emotions. Additionally, consider joining a support group for family members of cancer patients, where you can share experiences and gain insights from others in similar situations.
Promoting Mental Health
Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being. Encourage your loved one to engage in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. Regular physical activity, as recommended by their healthcare provider, can also improve mood and energy levels.
Nutritional Support
Importance of a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system and aiding recovery. Work with a nutritionist to create a meal plan that meets your loved one’s dietary needs and preferences. Focus on nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Proper nutrition can help manage treatment side effects and boost overall health.
Managing Dietary Restrictions
Cancer treatment can affect appetite and taste preferences. Be patient and flexible with your loved one’s dietary needs, and offer small, frequent meals instead of large ones. Ensure they stay hydrated and consider using nutritional supplements if recommended by their healthcare provider.
Financial Support
Navigating Insurance and Finances
Cancer treatment can be financially overwhelming. Assist your loved one in navigating insurance policies, understanding coverage options, and managing medical bills. Consider consulting a financial advisor who specializes in healthcare to explore available resources and financial assistance programs.
Fundraising and Community Support
Organize fundraising events or online campaigns to alleviate the financial burden. Reach out to community organizations, religious groups, and local charities for additional support. Financial stability can significantly reduce stress and allow your loved one to focus on their recovery.
Social Support
Maintaining Social Connections
Encourage your loved one to maintain social connections, even if it’s through virtual means. Regular interactions with friends and family can provide emotional support and a sense of normalcy. Plan virtual gatherings, phone calls, or socially distanced visits to keep them connected and uplifted.
Balancing Privacy and Support
Respect your loved one’s need for privacy while ensuring they have access to support. Some individuals may prefer not to discuss their illness in detail, while others might find it helpful to share their experiences. Gauge their comfort level and adjust your approach accordingly.
Spiritual Support
Exploring Spiritual Practices
For many, spirituality can be a source of comfort and strength during difficult times. Encourage your loved one to engage in spiritual practices that resonate with them, whether it’s prayer, meditation, or attending religious services. Spiritual support can provide a sense of peace and purpose.
Finding Meaning and Purpose
Help your loved one explore activities that bring meaning and purpose to their life. This could include volunteering, creative pursuits, or spending time with loved ones. Focusing on meaningful activities can enhance their emotional well-being and provide a sense of fulfillment.
Supporting a loved one with orthopedic cancer requires a holistic approach that addresses their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. By offering practical assistance, maintaining open communication, and fostering a positive and supportive environment, you can significantly enhance their quality of life and aid in their recovery. Remember that your support, no matter how small it may seem, can make a profound difference in their journey. At Action Cancer Hospital, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support to patients and their families, ensuring that no one faces cancer alone.
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phoenix-ultrasound · 2 months
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urologistindelhi · 2 months
Understanding Kidney Health: Kidney Stones, Urethral Stricture, and Kidney Cancer
The human body operates like a well-oiled machine, with its organs playing crucial roles in maintaining overall health. Among these, the kidneys stand out for their vital function in filtering blood and eliminating waste through urine. However, like any complex system, issues can arise, affecting these organs and necessitating timely intervention.
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Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Kidney stones are solid deposits that form in the kidneys when substances like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid crystallize. These stones can vary in size, causing intense pain as they move through the urinary tract. Common symptoms include severe back or abdominal pain, blood in urine, and discomfort during urination.
Treatment Options for Kidney Stones:
Medication: Certain medications can help dissolve stones or manage pain.
Lithotripsy: This non-invasive procedure uses shock waves to break down larger stones.
Surgery: In some cases, surgical removal might be necessary for large or persistent stones.
Preventive Measures:
Stay hydrated to reduce the risk of stone formation.
Adopt a balanced diet low in oxalates and sodium.
Maintain regular check-ups to monitor kidney health.
Urethral Stricture: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment
Urethral stricture refers to the narrowing of the urethra, the tube through which urine exits the body. This condition can result from inflammation, injury, or scar tissue formation, leading to symptoms like difficulty urinating, urinary tract infections, and dribbling urine flow.
Treatment Approaches:
Dilation: Widening the urethra with special instruments to restore normal urine flow.
Medication: Anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics to manage symptoms and prevent infections.
Surgery: In severe cases, surgical intervention might be required to remove scar tissue or widen the urethra.
Post-Treatment Care:
Follow-up appointments to monitor healing and prevent recurrence.
Lifestyle adjustments as recommended by healthcare providers.
Kidney Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Advanced Treatments
Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, arises when abnormal cells in the kidney tissue begin to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes.
Types of Kidney Cancer:
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): The most common type, originating in the kidney's tubules.
Transitional Cell Cancer: Rare, starting in the renal pelvis or ureters.
Renal Sarcoma: Uncommon, originating in the kidney's connective tissues.
Wilms Tumor: Primarily affects children, typically curable with early detection.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer:
Blood in urine (hematuria)
Persistent back pain
Unexplained weight loss
Fatigue and general discomfort
Treatment Options:
Surgery: Removal of the affected kidney (nephrectomy) or tumor (partial nephrectomy).
Immunotherapy: Enhances the body's immune response to fight cancer cells.
Targeted Therapy: Drugs that specifically target cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue.
Radiation Therapy: Uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells or reduce tumor size.
Complementary and Integrative Approaches:
Dietary adjustments to support overall health and immune function.
Stress-relieving techniques like yoga and meditation to aid in coping with treatment side effects.
Addressing kidney health issues such as kidney stones, urethral stricture, and kidney cancer treaatment requires a comprehensive approach involving medical intervention, lifestyle modifications, and supportive therapies. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment significantly improve outcomes, ensuring a better quality of life for patients.
By staying informed, adopting preventive measures, and seeking timely medical advice, individuals can effectively manage kidney health and reduce the risk of serious complications. Consultation with healthcare professionals remains paramount in tailoring treatment plans to individual needs and ensuring optimal health outcomes.
What are the causes of kidney stones?
Kidney stones can form due to various factors including dehydration, dietary habits high in certain minerals, and genetic predisposition.
How can urethral stricture be prevented?
Avoiding trauma to the urethra, practicing safe sex, and promptly treating urinary tract infections can help prevent urethral strictures.
Is kidney cancer curable?
Early-stage kidney cancer is often curable with surgery and other advanced treatment options, depending on the tumor's size and spread.
What are the symptoms of kidney cancer?
Symptoms include blood in urine, persistent back pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.
What treatments are available for kidney cancer?
Treatment options include surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy, depending on the stage and type of kidney cancer.
This comprehensive approach ensures that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate kidney health challenges effectively. Always consult healthcare providers for personalized advice and treatment recommendations.
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oralcancerdoctor · 2 months
Oral Cancer – Types, Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
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What is Oral Cancer:
Oral Cancer is also known as mouth cancer usually forms in the oral cavity including parts of your mouth.
Types of Oral Cancers:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Minor salivary cancer
Mucosal melanoma
Symptoms of Oral Cancer:
Non healing ulcer – more than 3 weeks
Lump in the tongue or palate
Difficult or painful swallowing
New lumps or bumps in the neck
Ear pain
Sore throat
Red or white patches
Loose teeth or dentures
Weight Loss
Difficulty in speaking
Causes of Oral Cancer:
Usage of Tobacco
Sun Exposure
Poor Oral Health
Mouth Conditions
Chewing Tobacco
Genetic Syndromes
Risk Factors of Oral Cancer:
HPV infection
A weakened immune system
Poor Oral hygiene
Poor Diet
Preventions of Oral Cancer:
Avoid Tobacco products
Limit Alcohol consumption
Limiting UV exposure
Regular Dental Check-ups
Vaccination against HPV Infection
Subsites of Oral Cancer:
Gums (gingiva)
Floor of the month
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monquotidienfr · 3 months
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Did you know that sarcoma can manifest in different body parts and has over 70 types? Here’s what you need to know: - Sarcoma Symptoms: Look out for palpable masses, bone pain, unexpected fractures, abdominal pain, and unexplained weight loss. - Causes: Genetic mutations trigger uncontrolled cell growth leading to tumor formation and possible metastasis. - Risk Factors: Hereditary syndromes, previous radiotherapy, chronic lymphedema, chemical exposure, and HPV infection can increase sarcoma risk. - Diagnosis: Clinical examination, medical imaging, and biopsies are crucial for confirming sarcoma and determining treatment. Stay informed about sarcoma and its diagnostic process. Discover more at: https://mon-quotidien.fr/le-sarcome-est-un-type-de-cancer-qui-peut-se-manifester-a-differents-endroits-de-votre-corps/ #SarcomaAwareness #CancerEducation #HealthFacts
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drsaptarshighosh · 3 months
An Overview Of Uterine Cancer
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The uterus is that part of your body where your baby will grow at the time of your pregnancy. When cancer cells start to occur in the uterus’s cells it is called uterine cancer which is a common type of reproductive system cancer in females. You can get yourself checked in Siliguri Cancer Hospital in case you are showing certain symptoms. Some such common symptoms are-
Bleeding after menopause
Heavier periods
Constant bleeding
Smelly vaginal discharge
Abdominal pain
Sudden weight loss
Difficulty in urinating
Types of uterine cancer
The term uterine cancer is used to refer collectively to any kind of uterus cancer. However, it is divided mainly into two types-
Endometrial cancer- This type of cancer occurs in the inner lining of the uterus known as the endometrium. This is one of the most prevailed gynaecological cancers which can cause harm to the reproductive system.
Uterine sarcoma- It develops in your uterus’s muscle wall known as myometrium and is a rare type of gynaecological cancer.
Causes of uterine cancer
Some common factors responsible for the cause of uterine cancer in women are
Getting menopause at or after 55 years
Not having any children
Having a thick endometrial hyperplasia
Starting period at an early age mostly before 12
Diabetes or high blood pressure
Family history of  uterine cancer
Some tests that are used to diagnose uterine cancer are-
Physical examination- Your doctor will check out for any kind of swelling by examining your abdomen. There are many best cancer hospitals in Siliguri where you can get yourself diagnosed to be assured that you are not suffering from uterine cancer.
Abdominal ultrasound- In this step, you will be asked to drink enough water to fill up your bladder beforeyou go for the appointment. This will help your healthcare provider to get a proper picture of your uterus and ovaries.
Transvaginal ultrasound- a transducer wand will be inserted by a sonographer in your vagina during a transvaginal ultrasound.
Endometrial biopsy- This test is done in the office of the specialist where a thin tube is slipped inside the vaginal to pull out some cells from the lining of the uterus. After this, the cells are further examined by a pathologist using a microscope.
Hysteroscopy- This device looks like a telescope used by the genealogical oncologist to look into the uterus by inserting it through the vagina.
The type of treatment that you will need to undergo for treating uterine cancer depends on its type and your overall health condition. In the case of endometrial cancer surgery is required mostly. Some other types of treatment methods include-
Chemotherapy- Powerful drugs are used in this treatment method to destroy the cells of the cancer.
Hormone therapy- In this method hormones are provided to the patient for the treatment of the cancer
Targeted therapy- This cancer treatment targets some of the specific cells of cancer to stop or control them from further multiplying.
Radiation therapy- This involves radiation beams to the targeted cells to destroy cells of the cancer.
Immunotherapy- This treatment makes your immune system stronger to fight against cancer.
Side effects
 Some side effects that you can face after undergoing surgery for uterine cancer are-
Preventive measures
Some measures that you can take to reduce the risk of uterine cancer are-
Maintaining your weight
Managing diabetes
Taking some medications after consulting with your doctor such as progesterone hormonal contraceptives and progesterone-based estrogen.
Although we can’t say absolutely that a certain risk factor or symptom is directly related to the cause of uterine cancer, as cancer is multifactorial. If you are facing irregular bleeding or pain in the abdomen you can visit the Siliguri Cancer Hospital and consult with a gynaecological oncologist. Getting checked at the earliest stage reduces the risk of the disease to a great extent.
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