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amijobaer · 3 months ago
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এটা আমার কাছে মনে হল যেন এক স্বপ্ন দেখছি, বিশ্ব স্বীকৃতপ্রাপ্ত উদ্যোক্তা গবেষক আমার পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে।
যাদেরকে বইয়ে পড়তাম, google করেও সার্চ দিতাম, তারা এখন জীবন্ত আমার সামনে। অনুভূতিটা জাস্ট লুকিং লাইক আ ওয়াও....
আমি গত ২২ অক্টোবর এশিয়া স্কুল অফ বিজনেস ইউনিভার্সিটি তে কনফারেন্সের দাওয়াত পাই সেখানে গিয়েছিলাম Codefeek Digital Communications এর Executive Producer হিসেবে।
অবশ্য ইউনিভার্সিটিটা মাস্টার্সে বিজনেস বিষয়ে পড়ুয়া স্টুডেন্টদের জন্য, এই কনফারেন্সে যারা ছিল প্রায় ৯২% লোক ই MBA বা কোন প্রতিষ্ঠানের মালিক, আর বাকি ৮% এর মত ছিল স্টার্টআপ বা আন্ডারগ্রাজুয়েট।
তবে আমি অবাক হয়েছিলাম এই একটি কনফারেন্সের টিকেট মূল্য দেখে যা ছিল প্রায় ১৩ হাজার টাকা। তবে আমার টিকেট মূল্যর ১০০% ই দিয়ে ছিলো এশিয়া স্কুল অফ বিজনেস ইউনিভার্সিটি।
আমাদের কনফারেন্স টি শুরু হয়েছিল সকাল আটটা বাজে এবং শেষ হয়েছিল সন্ধ্যা ছয়টায়।
অবশ্য দুপুরের জন্য সুস্বাদু খাবারের আয়োজন করা হয়েছিল। আর কফ�� তো আছেই!
এর মধ্যে কিছু কোম্পানির প্রতিষ্ঠাতার সাথে পরিচিত হলাম, তারা তাদের শুরুর দিকের গল্প বলছিল। তাদের থেকে রিস্ক ম্যানেজমেন্ট সম্পর্কে অনেক কিছু জানতে পারলাম।
এভাবেই আলোচনা, গল্প, আর পরিচিতির মাঝখান দিয়ে কখন যে সময় চলে গেল তা টেরই পেলাম না।
আর এই ছবিগুলো কনফারেন্স শেষ হওয়ার পরই তুলেছিলাম...
প্রথম ছবিতে,
Professor Michael Frese তিনি 2024: Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research পুরস্কার প্রাপ্ত একজন জার্মান উদ্যোক্তা গব��ষক।
দ্বিতীয় ছবিতে,
Prof. Dr. Saras Sarasvathy তিনি 2022: Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research পুরস্কার প্রাপ্ত একজন আমেরিকান - ভারতীয় বংশোদ্ভূত উদ্যোক্তা গবেষক। অবশ্য তাকে আমেরিকা থেকে মালয়েশিয়া ইনভাইট করে নিয়ে আসছে এই দেশের উদ্যোক্তাদের গবেষণা প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়ানোর জন্য।
It felt like a dream to me, with a world-renowned entrepreneurship researcher standing next to me.
Those whom I used to read in books, search on google, they are alive in front of me now. The feeling is just looking like a wow….
I was invited to the conference at Asia School of Business University on October 22. I went there as the Executive Producer of Codefeek Digital Communications.
However, this university's for Masters in Business students. Here about 92% of the people at the conference were MBAs or business owners, and the remaining 8% were medium startups or undergraduates.
But I was surprised to see the ticket price for this one conference which was around 13 thousand bangladeshi taka. However, Asia School of Business University paid 100% of my ticket price.
Our conference started at eight in the morning and ended at six in the evening.
Of course, delicious food was arranged for lunch. And there is coffee!
I met the founders of some of these companies, they were telling their early stories. I learned a lot about risk management from them.
In this way, I did not notice the time that passed between discussions, stories, and introductions.
And these pictures were taken after the conference was over...
In the first picture,
Professor Michael Frese is a German entrepreneurship researcher who received the 2024: Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research.
In the second picture,
Prof. Dr. Saras Sarasvathy is an American-Indian entrepreneurship researcher who received the 2022: Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. However, Malaysia has invited him from America to provide research training to the entrepreneurs of this country.
28 OCT 2024
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digitaldetoxworld · 10 months ago
How Important Is Education to Entrepreneurial Development?
Business students can be taught how to negotiate with lawyers, pitch to investors and create a business plan, but can you teach someone to think like an entrepreneur?
INSEAD will be launching a new summer programme for high school students in August this year providing teenagers with basic knowledge and experience to increase their awareness of the business world. Alongside courses on strategy, decision-making and organisational behaviour, students will attend classes on entrepreneurship designed to nurture a new generation of entrepreneurial thinkers.
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For decades there has been debate on whether academics are the right people to teach entrepreneurship and if, in fact, it is something which can be learned. Some argue the only way these skills can be taught is by entrepreneurs themselves dissecting their successes and failures and sharing real-world, practical experience. Others say entrepreneurship cannot be taught; that successful entrepreneurs have distinct traits which are innate, and that certain people are hard-wired to see opportunities and pursue them through new and innovative means.
Of course when thinking about entrepreneurship education there is the practical side, providing tools such as market research, business planning and negotiation techniques. However, when offering a comprehensive entrepreneurship programme you have to go beyond this and consider how to teach entrepreneurial reasoning and behaviour.
Thinking like an entrepreneur
It’s no secret that entrepreneurs “think differently”; they ask provocative questions and approach business in a much more creative way. In her attempts to understand the cognitive processes of entrepreneurs, Saras Sarasvathy found that successful entrepreneurs actually used a different reasoning approach when making decisions about their business. In her research What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial? Sarasvathy notes that “Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurial as differentiated from managerial or strategic, because they think effectually: they believe in a yet-to-be-made future that can substantially be shaped by human action.”
Effectual rationality, according to Sarasvathy, is the inverse of causal. Traditional education systems around the world are very good at teaching students to think causally, to set a pre-determined goal and then acquire the means and resources to find the most efficient way of achieving it. People who use effectual reasoning, on the other hand, start with a given set of means and allow goals to emerge and change over time. Google, for instance, didn’t begin as a brilliant vision or ingenious idea, but as a project to improve library searches. It sparked a series of small discoveries that eventually unlocked a revolutionary business model. 
Sarasvathy explains this well when she says “Causal reasoning is based on the logic, ‘To the extent that we can predict the future, we can control it.’ This is why both academics and practitioners in business today spend enormous amounts of brainpower and resources on developing predictive models. Effectual reasoning, however, is based on the logic, ‘To the extent that we can control the future, we do not need to predict it.’”
In short, she likens causal thinkers to great generals seeking to conquer fertile lands, while effectual thinkers are explorers setting out on voyages into uncharted waters.Using one type of thinking is not preclusive of the other. In fact, most successful entrepreneurs begin with effectual thinking when developing an idea and move towards causal reasoning towards the latter part of a project’s development. For the majority of adults however, it is very difficult to adopt this more creative, effectual approach. In fact, there are strong forces pulling us in the opposite direction, towards more linear thinking.
Teaching entrepreneurship
In 1968, George Land conducted research  to study the creative development and capacity for divergent thinking in children, using a similar test to the one devised to identify innovative engineers and scientists for NASA. He tested 1,600 children intermittently at ages five, ten and fifteen years and was shocked to find that, in fact, divergent thinking in children did not develop, and actually regressed. While the five-year-olds scored an average of 98 percent, the 10-year-olds scored 30 percent and 15-year-olds, 12 percent. When the same test was given to 280,000 adults the result was just two percent.
A large part of this pull towards to causal thinking comes down to our schooling  Many traditional education systems have been designed to train us to follow instructions. There is a reliance on standards, a prescribed curriculum. Schools - and this is just as true for many organisations - tend to reward people for being able to perform consistently and reliably, for being able to “colour within the lines”.
Creativity skills are learned, not from sitting in a classroom, but by experiencing and applying creative thinking processes. According to English philosopher Ken Robinson we learn to be innovative and entrepreneurial by exploring, questioning assumptions, using imagination and synthesising information. Robinson asserts that traditional education’s emphasis on conformity, compliance and a linear path stifles this.
It’s not surprising then that a significant number of successful and innovative entrepreneurs, including Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergei Brin, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, videogame pioneer Will Wright, and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, began their education in the Montessori school system where they learned to follow their curiosity and think differently. In their book, The Innovator’s DNA, Hal Gregersen, Executive Director of the MIT Leadership Centre, and Jeff Dyer, Professor of Strategy at BYU noted that “The most innovative entrepreneurs were very lucky to have been raised in an atmosphere where inquisitiveness was encouraged. We were struck by the stories they told about being sustained by people who cared about experimentation and exploration.”
A different mindset
Part of the motivation for teaching entrepreneurial-thinking to high school students is to help them understand entrepreneurial reasoning and behaviour and expose them, even at a small level, to the idea that there’s actually a different way to think, a different way to behave, than what is typically reinforced in their school system. We want them to appreciate this difference and in some cases adopt divergent thought patterns into their own behaviour.
Do we expect all 45 students attending the Summer@INSEAD programme to be entrepreneurs? No. Do we expect that maybe one out of the 35 will? Yes - and we hope the programme will increase this number. Finally, do we expect 17 of the remaining 34 will end up being managers of companies working with entrepreneurs? Absolutely. In these cases it’s equally important they appreciate the different ways in which ideas can be developed and the effectual process of the entrepreneur’s mind.
Validating divergent thinking
This brings us back to the question can you really teach entrepreneurship? There seem to be promising initiatives under way to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and behaviours, but how they are best taught is still under debate.  If someone has tendencies in this direction, by exposing them early on to the idea that there is more than one way to think, we can validate their reasoning processes and give them permission to pursue their drive, increasing the likelihood they will move ahead and take up the challenges of entrepreneurship.
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bloseroseone · 2 years ago
List of Best Libraries in India
Are you looking for best libraries in India? Imagine a treasure trove of knowledge, a sanctuary of learning, a haven for seekers of information. This is what a library is – a collection of books, periodicals, newspapers, and other materials that are carefully curated and made available for anyone to borrow, read, and use for educational or research purposes.
So here is the list of 15 best libraries in India that you must visit for sure –
The National Library of India, Kolkata
British Council Library, New Delhi
British Council Library, Pune
Sarasvathi Mahal Library
Connemara Public Library
State Central Library, Hyderabad
Trivandrum Public Library
Asiatic Society of Mumbai Library
Allahabad Public Library
The David Sassoon Library and Reading Room, Mumbai
Nehru Memorial Museum And Library
Delhi Public Library
Anna Centenary Library, Chennai
Smt. Hansa Mehta Library, Baroda, Gujarat
State Central Library, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Click here to
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atsushinagira · 5 years ago
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昨日は宮さんのサラスヴァで江口さんとツーマンでしたー!!お越し頂いた皆様ありがとうございましたー!! 賄い美味すぎてがっついてしまい、写真撮り損なってもたー!涙 江口さんの作る歌には物語があって、まるで映画を見てるような気持ちになります!! 兄さん今年もよろしくお願いいたします!! #live #ライブ #yokohama #横浜 #関内 #馬車道 #sarasvathi #sarasvathi弁天 #bar #バー #弾き語り #acoustic #acousticguitar #アコースティックギター #アコギ #ヤイリ #ヴィンセント #ヤイリギター #yairi #yairiguitar #江口優 (関内・音楽酒場 Sarasvathi 弁天 by Kokopelli-Tei) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LU_O1pBAO/?igshid=gq5us1dl6ce4
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immortalcapitalltd · 3 years ago
Saras Sarasvathy On The Entrepreneurial Method
Saras Sarasvathy On The Entrepreneurial Method
The scientific method has served us well to date. The entrepreneurial method, informed by the principles of Austrian economics, can take society much further. Dr. Saras Sarasvathy joins the Economics For Business podcast to distill the essence of the value generating and wealth producing method. Download our knowledge graphic for the Entrepreneurial Method: Mises.org/E4B_131_PDF There is an…
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briefdelusiondestiny-bct · 4 years ago
CTEC502 Week 7 Reflection
Week 7 reflection ctec 502
Effectuation logic is term coined by Dr. Saras Sarasvathy who is an  Indian born business school professor who specialises in researching entrepreneurship and business ethics. She suggested the theory of effectuation in the 2000s and it is now regarded as one of the most effective process theories entrepreneurs can adopt. When  an entrepreneur is using effectuation logic they are trying to determine what the future looks like through their innovations negating the issue of trying to predict the future, timing the market perfectly or waiting for the ideal opening. Sitting opposed to effectuation logic is casual reasoning.
So what is casual reasoning exactly? If one is using causal reasoning, they would start the project with a precise goal  they would like to achieve within a specific set of established resources. Causation uses search and select tactics and believe if they can forecast the future they can control it. This kind of reasoning is best suited in a simple easy to anticipate operating environment, where the need to navigate continuous change in not necessary.
In contrast Effectuation logic is a way of  making rational choices when the future is unknown. Its about  recognising what is next best thing to do in relation to your goals, while always comparing these goals to available resources and actions that need to be taken. Someone utilising effectual thinking would think If they can control the future, there is no need for them to predict it.
There are four main principles to effectuation reasoning. They are as follows:
Bird-in-hand: You have to create solutions. Don’t wait for inspiration. Take action based on who you are and what you know.
 Lemonade principle: Embrace uncertainty and surprises. Always remain flexible.
 Crazy Quilt: Form good strong relationships with people who are open to making a commitment with you.  
 Affordable loss: Only invest what you can afford to lose.
 Pilot in the plane principle: Understanding not everything is within your control effectuation logic encourages you to focus your time and energy on aspects which are to a certain degree in your control.
 The effectuation life cycle
 Effectuation reasoning isn’t a practise that should be implemented one time throughout the process. Its best utilsed in the ignition stage of the creative process where the need to create new means, fresh perspectives and new goals are most needed. As a result, instead of having one singular goal and finding one path to reach it, entrepreneurs can use these new and exciting ideas and perspectives to gain more partners on the project, more customers and can use them to help push forward the conception of the project in directions that were not forecasted, leveraging ideas as they come forward.
 Creative reasoning needs 
Reasoning is the course of exploiting existing knowledge to pull inferences and build explanations. Three different kinds of reasoning are abductive, deductive and inductive   
Abductive reasoning
Abductive reasoning usually starts from an incomplete set of observations and continues onto the most probable outcome. Abductive reasoning is best understood with the example of a doctor and his or hers patient. The patient will convey symptoms to the doctor which are most likely incomplete as the patient has probably forgotten about some of their symptoms. The doctor then comes up with a hypothesis based on the patient symptoms and from there, goes down the list of possible illnesses and tried to assign the most appropriate one to the patient. 
Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning is pulling conclusions from principles that are thought to be true. For instance, all mammals have kidneys, you then could use deductive reasoning to arrive at the conclusion that all dolphins have kidneys. This type of reasoning is driven by theory. 
Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is oriented around making observations gathering data and facts and making inferences based on what you now know. You are not always correct but it is very likely if it’s based off correct information. I think so far, especially in studio I have been utilising inductive thinking the most. During the research phase of the creative process I have been finding myself conducting research in attempt to try and find wicked problems that need solving. I will then try and use this information to come up with an solution that is based off the information I found.   
When you are in the process of creating there is definitely going to be times that you are going to encounter failure. Failure is all part of the process and its important that you don’t let your failures discourage you. Its about shifting your perspective to look at your failures in a different light. Instead of looking at failure as a representation of something you cant do or that you are not good enough look at it in a way that you are now one step closer to finding the perfect solution as you can confirm one path that doesn’t work. An example of someone who has failed over and over and over again is British inventor James Dyson who created the dual cyclone vacuum cleaner. James Dyson is a perfect example of reversing the effects of failure and making failure work for him. The British inventor worked through  5,126 failed prototypes before finally arriving at the perfect design that went on to change household cleaning. I feel like I can take many lessons from James Dyson and apply them to my own creative practice. After all an expert/ master has failed more times than a beginner has even tried. I feel like this quote sums failure perfectly and if you fail enough in the correct way eventually its going to lead somewhere worthwhile.
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bellabct · 4 years ago
Effectuation Logic
A logic/theory that intrigued me was Saras D. Sarasvathy’s ‘Effectuation Logic’, an entrepreneurial based logic based off of imagining possibilities using what is available.
This logic can be broken down into 5 principles:
· ‘Bird in Hand Principle’
· ‘Affordable Loss Principle’
· ‘Lemonade Principle’
· ‘Crazy Quilt Principle’
· ‘Pilot in the Plane Principle’
I applied the ‘Bird in Hand Principle’ during the early stages of the project development process, in summary, ‘Bird in Hand Principle’ is to take action rather than wait for inspiration or opportunities. Originally, I was a part of a different group, however, our original project idea was cut short after we discovered that our idea had already been created. After realising we could no longer continue with our original idea, we found it difficult to come up with an idea we could all agree on. During this time, another group who was working on a proximity card named ‘AvoCardo’ were surveying Creative Tech students. Their idea to combine the user’s debit, ID, AT Hop and Swipe Cards into one proximity card which would work via payWave. This opportunity to work on something I was really interested in was something I did not want to miss out on, so I took advantage of this opportunity.
Using the ‘Crazy-Quilt Principle’, I formed a partnership with the group members by joining their project idea and creating lasting connections with the individuals in my group. By doing so, I managed to maximise the possibilities available by staying attentive to my classmates and their ideas in order to work on projects that I am truly interested and passionate about.
Despite following two of the five principles I found that the philosophy of the theory comes from a place of privilege because it focuses on imagining possibilities based off of what is available in front of an individual. For those who come from a poorer background will be placed at a disadvantage as they have less ‘available’ in comparison to someone coming from wealth. This same debate has been bought up with someone like Elon Musk, a famous entrepreneurial figure who often described as a genius, however, many have questioned whether he is considered a genius innovator because of his disposable wealth which he grew up.
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imagineitbetter · 4 years ago
CTEC502 - Week 7 Reflection - Ways of Reasoning
Intro to Creative Technologies
This week we dive into the different reasoning or logic methods important to learn and apply in our careers and life.
Causal reasoning and Effectual reasoning or logic
The Effectuation Theory developed by Saras Sarasvathy based on an intense study on entrepreneurs across the US, proposed, unlike what is commonly taught in business subjects, as the best thinking and decision making method, the causal or predictive reasoning, most successful entrepreneurs use a different method which she calls effectuation reasoning.  (Sarasvathy, n.d) (An Entrepreneurial Journey, 2016).
Causal reasoning is based on setting an ultimate goal, specific means or specific alternatives and steps to reach it, seeking the most optimal, fastest, cheapest, efficient way of accomplishment. Which it is a useful method to apply however further in the project, where it is becoming bigger, and you might have a clearer vision.  (Sarasvathy, n.d) (An Entrepreneurial Journey, 2016).
Effectual reasoning in the other hand is a more exploratory way of seeking success, it is not based on a set goal, instead it takes in account what is on hand, the skills and knowledge owned and not known and allows goals to come over time from different ways, interactions, interests and trails. Saras recognises this method is most useful when starting up a new idea or business as it gives way to greater possibilities and unpredictable outcomes. Many entrepreneurs’ final successful products were never what they first thought the outcome would be. (Sarasvathy, n.d) (An Entrepreneurial Journey, 2016).
Saras highlights 5 entrepreneurial principles:
BIRD IN HAND PRINCIPLE - start with the means you have available –
AFFORDABLE LOSS PRINCIPLE - focus on the downside to reduce risk, risk that can be afforded to lose -
CRAZY QUILT PRINCIPLE - form partnerships with people interested, it can contribute to the development of the idea with funds or direction –
LEMONADE PRINCIPLE - leverage contingencies, downsides are inevitable, but can be seen as new opportunities –
PILOT IN THE PLANE PRINCIPLE - control versus prediction, take small steps, learn, and grow, keep creating the future in a conscious way-
EFFECTUATION.NL. (2021), Innovation English. (n.d).
Deductive Reasoning
Starts with a general statement, investigates the facts to prove the statement is true or false, then offers logical conclusions and recommendations (Based on Theories). Stratechi. (2021).
Inductive Reasoning
Starts with the opposite, takes the facts, makes different observations and hypotheses from them (Based on observations). Stratechi. (2021).
Abductive Reasoning
A third alternative that tries to overcome the weak points from the inductive and deductive logic, a process of selecting the best hypothesis in order to solve a problem which a specific solution cannot be found. Bradford. A. (2017).
All three reasonings are important thinking methods, if we wish to find out the root of a problem deductive reasoning is our best shot, however inductive reasoning is useful in creating great point, alternatives or solutions to a problem and abductive reasoning is best applied on finding the most likely solution or cause to a wide or wicked problem.  Bradford. A. (2017).
We were advised to try applying all three reasoning to our thinking process and deduct what is the best method for each problem. This strategy would be of great practice to teach our brains selecting the appropriated reasonings.
Understanding the different logic thinking methods and learning how to implement them is a big deal. I aspire to become an entrepreneur one day, currently I feel I apply inductive logic the most to my daily life, I see now, one method alone isn’t the best practice I restrain myself from taking actions or risks due to my predictions whereas I could take careful steps, be open to new opportunities learn from results and continue improving.
An Entrepreneurial Journey. (2016). The Effectual vs.  Causal Entrepreneur. The  Effectual vs. Causal Entrepreneur – An Entrepreneurial Journey
Bradford. A. (2017). Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive  Reasoning Deductive  Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning | Live Science
EFFECTUATION.NL. (2021). Introducing the effectuation  principles: The 5 Principles. Effectuation  - Effectuation
InnovationEnglish. (n.d). Sarasvathy’s principles for  effectuation. Sarasvathy’s  principles for effectuation – Innovation and entrepreneurship in education  (ku.dk)
Sarasvathy,  S. D. (n.d). What makes entrepreneurs entrepreneurial? :What  makes entrepreneurs entrepreneurial? Microsoft  Word - What makes entrs entl.doc (effectuation.org)
Stratechi. (2021). DEDUCTION & INDUCTION: What is deductive  and inductive logic Inductive vs.  Deductive Logic - Everything you Need by McKinsey Alum (stratechi.com)
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muttonbct · 4 years ago
Effectuation Logic and Abductive Reasoning
Effectuation Logic is basically the method of imagining possibilities using what is available. This thinking is suited towards entrepreneurial projects rather than coming up with an idea which while good, is not possible with your current resources.
Saras D. Sarasvathy gave the analogy of someone trying to come up with what to have for dinner. If they come up with what they have for dinner but realise they don't have the ingredients, then they’ll have to go to the supermarket. However, what if the supermarket doesn’t have the ingredients either, than a lot of effort and time is wasted. However, if they look at what ingredients they have then come up with dinner options that use these ingredients, then less time is wasted.
So what are our ingredients? Well what members are there in your team? What skills do they have? What resources are available to you? Do you know experts in a certain field who you can talk to? What budget are you on? These are all questions that should probably be asked first to find out what “ingredients” you have rather than figuring out straight away what you are having for “dinner”.
Abductive Reasoning is a form of logical inference, using the information that is known to form a conclusion. Abductive thinking is all about desired consequences, taking your best shot with the limited information that you have. 
Formulated by Charles Sanders Pierce, you typically start with a incomplete set of observations. Using this incomplete information, you proceed to the likeliest explanation from the set of information given. It’s kind of like the decisions you make on a daily basis, good enough for the situation but not exactly complete.
This is different when compared to deduction or induction thinking. For example, if you are looking at creative solutions to urban mobility issues, deduction would likely look at the “last mile” problem. This last mile is usually the less efficient in both mobility, delivery, what have you. Induction thinking would likely look a e-scooter injuries. There have been many many articles on accidents occuring due to urban mobility options such as e-scooters and segways. This has led to many countries banning e-scooters on sidewalks. Abduction thinking would likely think of new means of personal transportation. How could we make urban mobility safer but still usable. E-scooters and segways are dangerous for pedestrians but they can’t really go on the road as they could get hit by a car. So what’s the inbetween, what option would be a much safer option.
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humanrightsupdates · 4 years ago
Take action now - activists charged for peaceful protest in Malaysia
Five activists continue to face charges after participating in a peaceful picket against a hospital cleaning services company in June 2020. The picket drew attention to the alleged unfair treatment of union members and insufficient personal protective equipment for cleaners.
M. Sarasvathy, L. Danaletchumy V. Santhiran, P. Jothi, and C. Subramaniam Raja participated in a peaceful picket on 2 June 2020 against alleged mistreatment of hospital cleaners by a sub-contractor. Their allegations included inadequate supply of PPE for COVID-19, intimidation of cleaners active in the union, the cancellation of a Collective Agreement accepted by the previous sub-contractor, lack of annual increase in wages, lack of increase in sick leave and annual leave according to seniority, and reduced number of paid public holidays. The company denies these allegations.
The picket in question consisted of less than 20 people, and all participants practiced physical distancing, wore masks, and had their temperatures checked. Still, the activists were arrested and remanded overnight, and chained in court which is a form of inhuman or degrading treatment that may amount to torture. The activists also allege that they were mistreated during the arrest and in lockup, claiming they were verbally abused by police officers, forced to change their clothes with the room door open and were not given water for their personal medication
Police arrested, detained and charged five activists for “unauthorized gathering”. An essential component of the right to association, no one should be prosecuted solely for a peaceful gathering. 
We therefore call on the Attorney General to repeal the case and drop all charges.
Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 93.20. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
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thenetionalnews · 3 years ago
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NEW DELHI: Sarasvathy TK has a BTech degree in computer engineering but the New Jersey-based artist gave up an engineering career when she was drawn to hyperrealism in art in 2007 and took up painting. Visits to art galleries, fairs and exhibitions gave her a glimpse into the fascinating world of depiction of western food – burgers and cakes – through the lens of realism. And it also started her…
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atsushinagira · 5 years ago
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