hadalzonee · 1 year
one aqours pairing excluded for obvious reasons (and is also the reason i didn't include an "other" option)
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worstllship-battle · 1 year
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Why was Dia/Sarah submitted?
"The only thing they have in common is that they love their little sisters a lot and that's not the healthiest thing to build a relationship upon."
Why was Nozomi/Rin submitted?
"i know theyre only 2 years apart but their personalities make it feel like a massive age gap to me"
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llsif-pride · 5 years
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「 dia kurosawa is a trans lesbian who loves her nonbinary bi sweetheart, sarah kazuno, very much ! 」
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ff123456789 · 6 years
Fun fact about Dia and Sarah getting married: Dia was the one who proposed and she also wore the tux at the wedding. So what if Ruby was the one who wore the Tux at her and Leah's wedding? (Because the Kurosawas are taller than their gf)
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Kurosawas in suits? Saint Snow is quaking-
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inkymari · 6 years
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This is one of my favourite Dia OTPs
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zorklo · 7 years
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冴草りんね | @umerinnee |  姉妹ズ
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist. Do not remove the source or reprint without permission.
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ff123456789 · 7 years
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hi diasarah is my new brand!!! i fucking love these two
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ff123456789 · 6 years
When Kurosawas and Kazunos try flirting with each other it’s always a disaster
RubyLeah: awkward compliments about anything and everything, lots of blushing on both ends
DiaSarah: innuendos with a lot of snarky comments, it’s a mess because everyone can feel the tension between the two even if they’re five feet apart in a room
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ff123456789 · 6 years
Ok so after Ruby and Leah start dating Dia and Sarah being responsible older sisters decided they needed to chaperone to the dates to make sure no funny business went on. The one ground rule that the big sisters were forced to obey was that they had to be a respectful distance away. At first Dia and Sarah’s conversations on date duty were mostly filled with speculation on what exactly Ruby and Leah were talking about as well as any observations they had, however as time went on their conversations during date duty became about mutual interests (they particularly enjoyed talking about choreography) and their lives in general (they became each other’s favorite person to vent to). However, they definitely weren’t just having their own side dates under the pretense of chaperoing for Ruby and Leah. No sir. They were responsible older sisters and needed to set a good example. Eventually they started going out to dinner on their own so that they could debrief and compare notes on their younger sisters, but strangely they rarely came up at those meals that were still definitely not dates. One night when they were chaperoning a date at the Kurosawa’s house due to the distance rule they were relegated to the couch in the living room and as they got to talking they slowly unconsciously found their faces moving towards each other before they were full on kissing. It was really nice and exciting…until they heard someone clear their throat to get their attention. Ruby and Leah were standing there with Ruby trying to stifle her laughter and Leah rolling her eyes at their super gay older sisters who were most definitely going steady at this point.
Epilogue: Leah insists that now Dia and Sarah are the ones that need supervision.
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ff123456789 · 6 years
At Ruby and Leah's wedding Dia and Sarah got into a heated argument over which of the brides looked cuter.
nah man they’d be too busy getting heated over who gets the bride’s flowers when she throws them
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ff123456789 · 6 years
Dia decided she needed a more regimented fitness routine so she decided to sign up for spinning class at Mari’s suggestion.  The first thing that struck her was how beautiful the instructor was.  She had the most piercing eyes that seemed to see right into Dia’s soul.  As the class started the instructor introduced herself as “Sarah” and proceeded to whoop everyone in the class’ butt with an intense workout.  By the end of the hour Dia thought her lungs were going to burn up.  However, despite feeling on the brink of death Dia knew she had to come back to the class, not least because of the instructor.  At the next class Dia made sure to dress in her finest workout attire and get there early so she could get a bike front and center right in front of Sarah.  As the class went on Dia tried as best she could to maintain eye contact since she couldn’t get enough of Sarah’s eyes.  After every class Dia always tried striking up a conversation with Sarah (in her own awkward way) but she was always edged out by the tons of other admirers Sarah had.  She’d have to settle momentarily for the little bits of conversation she was able to get when they were mounting and dismounting their bikes.  However, one day at home out of the blue she got a text from a unfamiliar number.  It was Sarah.  Dia started freaking out her heart racing faster than it did in any class.  Sarah explained that she’d gotten her number from the membership office and wanted to see if Dia was interested in hanging out sometime outside of class.  Dia almost threw her across the room she was flipping out so much.  Hell yes she was interested.  She texted back Sarah trying her best to seem casual and aloof, but that facade complete shattered when Sarah’s reply came through: “It’s a date~”
⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Bonus because I wanted to add in too:
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ff123456789 · 6 years
Hello I am here to condemn the artist Flying Frappuccino because her art kills gay girls. The levels of extreme cuteness and hotness in her RubyLeah and DiaSarah compositions has ended many lives. In summary Frappe’s art is dangerous!
!!! I’m here to serve,, not to kill 😩
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ff123456789 · 6 years
What's your favorite UR pair? Mine is the Kanadia job set, Diamari Autumn set, and the Diasarah snow set- wait Saint Snow girls can't be URs............
please dont im already weeping 
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ff123456789 · 6 years
So, Sarah loves to play with Dia's hair. It was so soft and silky! So whenever Sarah comes to visit Dia with Leah, Sarah just makes Dia sit in her lap and starts playing with it. This runs in the family because Leah loves Ruby's long hair when her pigtails are down. Leah would causally run her fingers through Ruby's hair, always commenting on how smooth it was. This became a tradition whenever the Kazunos visited. Sarah would tie Dia's hair into a ponytail while Leah would braid Ruby's hair.
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ff123456789 · 7 years
hi welcome to my diasarah cult please join me
can I just say I'm a stan for DiaSarah because hh h ELLO !! That shit is hot af and the scenario "I just met my little sister's girlfriend's older sister and she's hot what do I fucking do???" is such CONCEPT
They have so much potential because Sarah and Dia look like they're ready to kill each other when they really just want to make out but thats a BAD EXAMPLE OF AN OLDER SISTER so they cockblock ruby and leah AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THEMSELVES
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look at THIS. u can see the strength of approval Sarah has for Ruby. Shes so happy she witnessed Leah fall in love with this girl first hand but she cries at night because she WANTS to get with Dia but shes a coward and you can't just hook up with your future sister in law...
I know these two only breathed in each other's direction for like 0.005 seconds but they had so much potential I'm crying so HARD just because of it, LLS just cursed me for awakening my gay with DiaSarah bye
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ff123456789 · 6 years
Ok so I headcanon that Sarah is an ace in the kitchen while Dia is a disaster, but it's reversed with RubyLeah because Leah just gets super frustrated the minute something goes wrong while Ruby keeps a more even keel
that makes sense, the Kurosawas don’t usually have to cook since they’re pretty rich… so the Kazunos treat them with homemade food and they love it
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