#sarah x paul
darkangelofmists · 2 years
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I started watching Orphan Black again and I got pulled back into the supremacy that were Sara and Paul. Why did they had to kill him? They should have been endgame.
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elysabeththequeene · 2 days
after over ten years i randomly thought of sarah manning & paul dierden and realised that i am indeed, still bitter and will never get over what they did.
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Sarah&Paul (Orphan Black) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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supercap2319 · 7 months
Buffy came into her brother's room with her arms across her chest as she leaned against the doorframe. "So, not that I was being nosy or anything, but Riley told me your date turned out to be a real asshole."
Y/N put the book he was reading to the side, and he smiled. "He got handsy. Touching me where I didn't want to be touched. Said he was going to hurt me, but I wasn't the one he should have been worried about."
"And what exactly did you do?" Buffy raised her eyebrows.
"He still has his genitals if that's what you're thinking about. Not that he deserves to keep them. I broke his nose."
"Good for you. By the way, that vampire. Shaun? Steven?"
"He's looking for you." Buffy said.
Y/N began to fix his hair. "Really?"
Buffy sighed. "I don't have to stake him, do I?"
"No. He's a good guy."
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canibeyoungforever · 2 years
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Neymar Jr
take care
not at all
your idiot
fight for us: 1 2 3
cora (daughter reader )
Jude Bellingham
so what are we doing now?
our future
Timothée Chalamet
baby bump
us against the world
Kylian Mbappé
your biggest fan
love you just how you are
living the dream
the drunk girl
all alone or maybe not
the lawyer
you and me forever and ever 2
late at night with you
boss 2
crazy in love with you
pretty woman
never hurt her
my savior
Cristiano Ronaldo
kylian mbappé dating a female rapper
kylian mbappé becoming a father
a/n//you can send requests
english is not my first language
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instantespanoramicos · 10 months
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Oh Simca
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littlestoneinspace · 1 year
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thecutestnewborn · 1 month
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just landed on here. Waddup? wanna be friends? hey!
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
The Craft and The Lost Boys crossover prompt! This was inspired by a dream I had. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of the ideas below and I’d love to read it! ❤️🩸
You fall in with a group of witches after you witness Nancy Downs murder your brother, Chris. She threatens you to keep quiet about it or else. The witches don’t welcome you into their coven but you learn the hard way that there are worse fates than death when you’re still forced to hang out with them. They can’t risk you exposing their secrets but if they killed you, especially so soon after your brother’s death, it’d look too suspicious. The only witch you like and get along with is Sarah Bailey; she’s different from the other outcasts at school. She’s a natural born witch and is much more powerful than the others but maybe hasn’t realized it yet. Nancy is power-hungry, lacks empathy and often engages in reckless behavior that endangers herself and others, Bonnie is aggressively narcissistic, and Rochelle is bitter and vengeful. The three of them start abusing their powers and misusing their magic. Unlike them, Sarah is really sweet and has a lot of self-control over her powers. She treats you like a friend and has your back despite the circumstances.
You’re dragged into joining them on a girls trip to Santa Carla - the murder capital of the world! By the time you get there, it’s night and the boardwalk is crowded and bustling with many attractions such as tattooers, piercers, shops, rides, music, and more. Performing on center stage is The Lost Boys, one of the hottest rock bands in the country, fronted by Michael Emerson. He and his band members are local heartthrobs; They’re all devilishly handsome and talented young men who seem to have it all. Their stage presence is incredibly sexy and alluring, almost provocative with how they love to strip and tease during their sets. The way they dance and move to their frenetic music is almost hypnotic. Word on the street is that Michael replaced the former vocalist shortly after he moved here with his mother Lucy and little brother Sam. He’s always seen hanging out with The Lost Boys after dark, especially David.
You have such a huge crush on Michael at first sight but who doesn’t? While watching him perform, you feel as if his eyes are piercing straight through your soul and he’s singing only to you. But c’mon, who are you kidding? The thought that he’d notice you out of the hundreds in the crowd is pure fantasy. But maybe that fantasy has a chance of becoming reality when you slip away from Nancy and her fellow witches (possibly in part thanks to Sarah causing a distraction and/or covering for you). You catch the attention of boardwalk security guards and try to explain you witnessed your brother’s murder and need help, but there’s been so many murders in Santa Carla they’ve become desensitized to it. It’s the murder capital of the world, kid. Have you not seen the missing posters littered everywhere? When you mention witchcraft, they laugh in your face and assume you’re on drugs and making shit up. They ignore you and walk away before you can even tell them the murder didn’t take place in this city. God fucking dammit.
Michael overhears your plight and is willing to help you get back at Nancy for what she did to your brother. While talking to him, you keep nervously glancing over your shoulder as hairs raise on the back of your neck from the feeling that the witches may be waiting nearby and closing in on you. Michael notices how scared and uneasy you are, so he offers to take you somewhere private where you won’t be disturbed. You know you shouldn’t hitch a motorcycle ride with a man you just met and let him take you to an unknown location in an unfamiliar city that’s the murder capital of the world, Stranger Danger and all that, but fuck it.
You meet David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko at their cave. They’re practically Michael’s brothers and welcome you to the club (even if they pull pranks on you and mess with your mind a little bit with their vampire powers before Michael tells them to knock it off.) They urge you to spill and tell them all the deets about what’s going on, so you tell them everything about the absolute hell you’ve been through because of Nancy and her outcast witch friends. After listening to your story and deliberating quietly amongst themselves, they agree to take care of the witches for you so they never bother you again. Do you want them dead or alive, babe? Do you want them to be scared to death or just plain scared so that they leave town forever? You tell them to spare Sarah since she’s your friend and respects the laws of magic. While she put that love spell on Chris that went awry and inadvertently played a part in his death, it was an accident on her part and she didn’t mean any harm. She just wanted to be loved. She regretted her actions and tried to find a way to undo her spell on Chris, but failed. But the rest of the witches are fair game for the boys to do whatever they want.
Hell fucking yeah, this calls for a toast! They pass you an ornate wine bottle and tell you to drink up, baby! It’s been a very long night for you. Hell, you’ve had several very long nights ever since your brother’s murder. You haven’t really had time to mourn him before now. You could really use a drink, so you chug from the bottle without even thinking about it while the boys applaud and cheer. Unbeknownst to you Michael and the Lost Boys are vampires, and you’re Michael’s mate. Vampires are immune to witches’ magic since their hearts are no longer beating and thus can’t be swayed - but witches are not immune to vampire mind tricks since they’re still technically human, living and breathing. Their flesh tears from their bodies just as easily as ordinary humans, and there’s no protection or warding spells against vampires - so feeding from them should be easy. They’ll come up with an insidious plan and help you get retribution for Chris’ wrongful death.
You might regret letting the boys do whatever they want to Nancy and her friends after you learn the full extent of their true nature, but it’s too late to take it back now. The deal has already been struck. In just a few days, you won’t be human anymore either. Michael will be there for you when you begin to change into a half vampire. It’s painful and confusing; your heart feels like it’s on fire, your lungs feel like they’re filled with water, you feel like you’re dying - because you are. He’ll comfort you (possibly with sex) and teach you everything. David, Paul, Marko, and Dwayne will help you too. Maybe Nancy or one of her witch friends will be your first meal. You’ll need to feed to complete the transformation and become a full-blooded vampire. Have you ever had witches’ blood, baby? It’s a rare delicacy but is absolutely delectable. It just hits different than regular human blood. It’s to die for, literally!
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“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy. O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us…”
Father Paul is rocking back and forth, holding one of your hands with both of his own. He keeps repeating the prayer while Sarah tries everything she can to bring you back for the second time in an hour.
It doesn’t seem like an overdose. It doesn’t seem like an aneurysm or – or a heart attack. In fact, your heart is working at an incredible pace. And you’re burning up. And you’re bleeding. The nose is gushing a steady stream and blood is starting to trickle through the closed eyelids combined with tears and it’s coming out from your fingernails, covering the priest’s hands in thin rivulets.
Sarah has never seen this before.
And we're back!
To those of you who have held on this long - thank you. I know this fic has been slow to update, but I hope I'm crafting something that's high quality. I adore you, and you deserve that.
So, you know what this is all building to. Maybe not "how" just yet - but the inevitable is coming. *Of course* I mean a big fat confrontation between Sheriff Hassan and Monsignor "Liar Liar Pants On Fire"
This is where it all starts to get real, my loves. Hang on to your rosaries! From here on out, there's a dearth of sunshine and pop tarts till story's end.
Also, it should be noted that I have absolutely no medical training and your suspension of disbelief is going to have to kick in.
I'm a doctor but I'm not *that* kind of doctor.
Tagging some mutes and supporters new and old this time.
@everythingbutresolved @agirlinherhead @honey-tree-evil-eye @thenookienostradamus @prettyblondguys @girlwiththenegantattoo @midwestmisfit @rothko-mirror @jyngerpeach @chronic-ghost @yepthatsacowalright @lovepollution @ebiemidnightlibrarian @choosekindly @madsmilfelsen @purplelupins @daughterofaries @turbulent-protagonist @perpetual-fangirl900 @happyvintagegirl40 @vintageglassheart02 @p-e-r-s-e-p-h-o-n-e @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
Returns 1
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Returns 1
Lee woke up in a forest, he coughed, before catching sight of Carley a couple feet away from him. The woman rolled over and stumbled to her feet.
“Lee?” Her voice was raspy, as Lee got up, the man nearly falling over when he realised his arm was still missing.
“Where are we?” Asked Lee, looking around.
“I was hoping you’d tell me.” Huffed Carley, as Lee coughed.
“No, no,” He shook his head, “you’re dead. Lilly shot you.”
“I remember turning around and finding Lilly’s gun in my face.” Said Carley, before spotting Lee’s arm, “What happened?”
“I got bit.” Answered Lee, stumbling, “Bit funny, I don’t feel like crap.”
A cough got their attention, a brown-haired man sat up. It took them a moment, before they recognised him as Ben.
“How’d you grow so fast?” Asked Lee, as Ben frantically checked his abdomen.
“I’m alive?” Ben turned and looked at Lee and Carley, “Wait, am I actually dead?”
Clementine was leaning against her desk, staring at Marlon and Brody, Minerva and another red head stood off to the side with Tenn, while Mitch glared around the room.
She turned and looked at Louis, “I’m assuming those mushrooms you found weren’t the healthy kind.”
“How is this my fault?” Demanded Louis, “They could just be some new breed of walker!”
Clementine gave him a flat look, “Right, some tell me what happened while I was gone.”
“AJ wanted to go with you to Richmond and sulked because he couldn’t go. He and Willy snuck of with a stick with a knife taped to the end of it and came back with Tenn.” Said Violet, staring at Minerva, “They all appeared at some point after that.”
“There’s also Lilly and some old fuck in the basement.” Chimed Louis, getting a glare from Clementine.
“Okay,” She nodded, “I’ll start there, Violet, we’ve got supplies from Richmond that need to be stored.”
Violet nodded, stopping when Clementine grabbed her arm.
“Keep an eye on our returned friends.” Murmured Clementine, “Something’s not right.”
Violet nodded, before hitting Louis, “C’mon, let put them to some use.”
Clementine sighed, before looking at someone who’d stayed behind, “Mitch?”
“What do you plan on doing?”
Clementine sighed again, “I’m going to try and provoke Larry into a heart attack.”
Mitch stared at her, “You’re going to solve a problem…by making another problem?”
“It’s the best I can think of.” Confessed Clementine, leaning back against the desk.
“You said Lilly was more dangerous after her dad died.” Said Mitch, “Killing him again would make her more-er dangerous.”
Clementine blinked and stared at Mitch, “How the fuck did you say something that was smart and stupid at the same time?”
Mitch glared at her, before they heard shouting outside.
“What now?” Growled Clementine, stalking out of the office with Mitch following after her.
“Put it down, now!” Yelled Violet, as Clementine and Mitch came up behind the crowd.
“You think we’re fucking stupid?!” Came a familiar voice.
“Brave coming from some dick shaking our fence!”
“C’mon, we can all be civil about this!” Clementine stopped, before frowning and pushing her way through the crowd.
“What’s going…” Clementine stopped and stared at the other side of the fence, “…on?”
Luke stared back at her, as Clementine looked over the group he was with. She spotted Nick and Pete towards the back, she slowly looked over the others with them, Kenny stared at her, while others from the Cabin group quietened down.
“…Clementine?” Asked Luke, jerked Clementine from her thoughts.
She turned and looked at Louis.
“Hey, I haven’t done anything!” Protested Louis, getting an eyeroll from Clementine.
“Put them in the hospital,” Sighed Clementine, gesturing to the building built from some supplies from Richmond, before looking over the crowed, “Hold on…where’s AJ?”
“He’s alive?” Asked Luke, with Clementine ignoring him.
“Er,” Louis looked at Violet, “he’s…fishing.”
“We don’t know where he is.” Admitted Violet, “He wasn’t here when we came out.”
Clementine groaned, “Okay, Mitch, come with me, Violet,” the blonde perked up, “you’re in charge until I get back.”
Violet nodded, getting a whine from Louis.
“Louis, you’re coming as well.” Called Clementine, walking towards the gate, “I don’t want to hear Violet bitch when I get back.”
“We’re comin’ too.” Said Kenny, making Clementine stop and turn to him.
“No, you’re all going to follow Violet to the hospital until we figure out what’s going on.” Clementine and Kenny stared at each other, before the man smirked.
“All right.” Kenny nodded, “We’ll talk when you get back.”
Clementine sighed in relief, before nodding.
Lee, Carley and Ben trudged through the forest, the boy that found them, AJ, said they would be welcome in their community. He pointed at a Walker, “That’s James, he pretends to be one of the monsters.”
“What?” Asked Lee, as the Walker looked at them.
“What’re you doing out here?” Asked the Walker, losing its limp and striding over to AJ.
“Helping people.” Answered AJ, as a man in a long coat, wielding a chair leg spotted them.
“AJ!” The man ran towards them, swinging the leg at James.
In a fluid motion, James grabbed the chair leg, kicked the man between the legs and pushed him to the ground. A moment later, another man and a young woman appeared near him.
Lee felt the air leave his lungs, recognising Clementine. Clementine stared at Lee, her demands dying in her throat. She suddenly felt lightheaded, the next thing she knew, she was falling backwards with her world going dark.
Mitch caught Clementine as she fell, looking at Louis, “Is she usually like this?”
Louis winced as he shook his head, “No.” He straightened up, walking towards her, “Give her here.”
Mitch passed the unconscious Clementine to Louis, before he looked at the people, he jerked his head and they set back off to the school.
Alvin watched Rebecca pace, before the blonde woman, Violet, walked in.
“Where’s Clementine?” Demanded Rebecca, glaring at Violet, “Where’s my son?!”
“AJ’s just got back with some other… ‘visitors’,” Violet looked around, “Clementine’s unconscious.”
“Is she alright?” Asked Sarah, from her place next to her father.
“She’ll be fine,” Dismissed Violet, “it’s probably nothing.”
“My dad’s a doctor.” Said Sarah, getting Violet’s attention.
“We have a nurse.” Dismissed Violet, leaving the room.
Walking towards the medical area, Violet spotted Ms. Martin checking Clementine over. Seeing the nurse walking out of the greenhouses was a tiny bit terrifying. There had been more of their friends coming back, which made Louis order them to expand their boarders.
Clementine sitting up made Ms. Martin step away, the young woman looked around and spotted Violet. Ignoring the older woman, Clementine walked up to Violet.
“Can you please tell her I’m fine?” Asked Clementine, pointing at Ms. Martin.
“No one faints for no reason.” Said the nurse, frowning at Clementine, “I know you don’t like feeling vulnerable, but you need rest.”
“I need to get supplies if we’re gonna expand.” Argued Clementine, stepping forwards and stumbling.
“I’ll contact Richmond,” Said Violet, “but, Ms. Martin’s right. If you fainted, it could be something serious.”
Clementine sighed, “Look, Vi, I need to keep busy. If I don’t, bad things tend to happen.”
Violet drew herself up, “Clementine, as one of your vices, I’m taking control of the group until Ms. Martin has cleared you.”
Clementine’s jaw dropped, getting a cheeky grin from Violet, “All you need to do is sleep.”
Clementine’s jaw closed with a snap, before stalking back to Ms. Martin. Violet sighed, before turning around. Marlon, Louis and Brody stood a couple feet away from her.
“You just sent our leader,” Said Louis, dumbstruck, “who flayed a guy after what happened to Ruby, to bed.”
“And you’ve shared a bed with her.” Retorted Violet, heading to the Admin building, “Clem’s radio’s in the office, right?”
“I don’t know,” Shrugged Louis, grinning, “I was a bit preoccupied.”
Violet gave Louis a flat look, “You’re the reason she’d been confined to bed rest.”
Louis froze, paling, “Shit.”
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thebrightmillenial · 1 year
Okay so basically for Sam i am a multi shipper. Sam x Castiel? I ship - tbh minus the thought of any sexual activity because there is a vessel involved.
Jimmy and Sam?? Maybe. My brain only just thought about it
Madison and Sam?? Hell yes
Sam and Sarah Blake? Definitely.
Sam and Brady before he was possessed? Of bloody course.
Sam and Paul - until I die.
Sam and Jess? Obviously.
But like. What the hell am I supposed to do 😭 all of them end up dead one way or another.
My heart cannot take it ffs. I am really salty over Paul's death right now because dude, that was uncalled for. Why can't my queer boy keep his short king and live his happily ever after?
Now I am sad.
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bannersbylinda · 10 months
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#Xarah #Days
10/13, 10/16, 11/08 and 11/20 episodes
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chexcharah · 1 year
Tonight we honour this year’s recipient of the Academy Board of Directors’ Tribute Award, Paul Pope. His influence on our industry was immeasurable and we are honoured to have his wife accept this award on his behalf. #CdnScreenAwards
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instantespanoramicos · 10 months
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littlestoneinspace · 1 year
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Fun adventure
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