#sarah reads ws
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elainsgirl · 9 days ago
this has been said all around but I seriously do think the acotar fandom would've been different if sjm engaged with us. I know plenty of authors who engage with their fandom even if some are still toxic like boys of tommen. But I still believe more people would've stuck around and didn't have to deal with ongoing problems due to an author that neglects her fandom.
People are calling Elriels weird and delusional for thinking of a rejecting mating bond which the author literally talked about! how is that delusional for thinking the next book could be that? Elriels aren't stupid. Elain is literally uncomfortable around lucien. "Did elain tell you that?" that really pisses me off. she's clearly uncomfortable around lucien, anyone can see that from a mile away. And the thing with gwyn, I believe its due to the hatred everyone has with elain so they create this image of gwyn to replace elain. its so odd.
The only way the fandom would have been less toxic, is if Mass gave us insight on how SHE wanted the books to be read and the narrative she was trying to spin instead of everyone going wild and having random interpretations that don’t make sense and are clearly not what Mass was going for. That and if she had been giving some teasers from the next book here and there as well as telling us what we should expect from Acotar 5. If think this would hVe definitely calmed the shipwars down and actually create excitement for the next book. If you look at how chloe handled the fandom after T7, she left completely and now has a social media manager running her account whose been engaging w the fandom by posting snippets from previous books. Ofc BOT had its own shipwars and arguements as well as characterwars but how was that taken care off? The spotify playlists which confirmed couples, plots and whose getting which and how many books. Was there backlash? Sure, but chloe was far from it and eventually it died down and people began getting excited for the upcoming books and what was about to play out. Now when you look at her recent announcement, as far as I’ve seen there hasn’t been any negativity. Even those that don’t like the next couple haven’t created a fuss because they knew it was going to happen so could brace themselves. So if only Sjm had used the same technique but then you can’t really compare the two authors and their fandom considering one is significantly less popular then the other. The Mass fandom is so huge and despite the fact it seems like everyone is online - the truth is there are millions of readers across the world who aren’t online. They dont care about the ship wars or characters wars. They just want the next book. So I think it doesn’t register to BB or sarah that there’s so many polarising discussions taking place bcs its only a small part of this massive fandom taking part and creating these arguements. They’re going looking at the fandom as a whole - and many just dont care. So their silence & neglect make sense especially considering that I dont think Mass had any acotar content to share as she hadn’t written the book, Since acosf, CC was her focus. Not acotar.
Elriels being called delusional? What else is new. For an author that is suppose to be strictly “fated” mates - there wS no need for her to talk about bond rejection and what if two mates aren’t right for each other. “What if the forces be, put you with the wrong person?” 🤝 “what if the cauldron was wrong? What if that (Azriel) is what she needs?” Antis are quite confident when Sjm wrote “why not make them (elriel) mates?” Like, you cannot get more obvious then that. Elain has told us she doesn’t want her mate. Are antis respecting that? No. See, most people are able to clock on that when a woman is losing her boldness around a man she is uncomfortable and not interested. As for Gwyn - she’s a self insert for elain antis and someone better they can replace Elain with. Its a mess.
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shackleton2 · 9 months ago
Hey 👋
Favourite falcon and winter soldier scenes??
Hi omg thanks for asking!!
Even though I agree with a lot of the criticism of its flaws this is actually the show that made me be like "holy shit I need to go back and become obsessed with Bucky Barnes" and then that took over my brain and I've rewatched it quite a few times
The fuckin Winter Soldier scene in ep 1, I love Winter Soldier mission content and I'm so glad they did it justice in terms of the badass competent terrible mind-control murder of it all. And connected to that, Bucky waking up from the nightmare in his sad insomnia floor sleeping spot.
Bucky breaking Zemo out again for competence and WS skills, also for his and Sam's back and forth and his line, "Offense."
WS fake activation scene
I didn't use to like the scene with Selby mostly because of her, but after reading some brilliant ranting on here by various folks I like it for the disturbing implications 👀
OBVIOUSLY THE WAKANDA FLASHBACK I mean what can I say. Aside from CA:WS scenes I think it's my fave in the whole MCU. I love it. Sebastian Stan of course destroying my heart, but Florence Kasumba too so much:: you notice that tiny tremor of deep emotion when she first says to him, "you are free?" aaaaaaaa
That's the highlights but I do like him saying "I'm going with you" to Sam, him talking to Karli on the phone, him being a hero—
oh fuck the therapy scene too! I mean there's a lot that's infuriatingly frustrating about it, but it's like this glimmering vision of What We Could Have: Scenes Of Our MCU Blorbos In Therapy Sessions!!!!!!
Plus the therapy scene was built upon amazingly, so so awesomely, in my favorite fic The Barnes Files :D
PS: the scenes of him interacting with Sarah because they're cute af and they were built upon amazingly too, into I Found A Dream which I just...couldn't stop rereading for a minute there lol
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ao3feed-amerihawk · 1 year ago
Good Intentions
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54676045
by Morphine_drop
Tony died during the Endgame Battle, leaving his pack behind. James, never having a chance to confess his feelings for the Alpha is left behind to pick up the pieces of his new family and his own heart.
After a surprising meeting with a young blonde woman with a manila envelope, Steve decides that the only way to fix everything for his ex-friend and himself is time travel. Without mentioning it to anyone, of course. He can only hope that Bucky and Tony will find each other again.
When Winter Soldier wakes up back in 1991 with a new set of memories and an overwhelming need to find his pack he never knew he had, things turn more and more surprising with every passing day.
Words: 40148, Chapters: 11/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Sarah Rogers (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Omega Bucky Barnes, Alpha Tony Stark, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Tony Stark Lives, Hurt/Comfort, Natasha Romanov Lives, kid!Natasha Romanov, kid!Yelena Belova, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Parent-Child Relationship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parent Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Domestic Fluff, Slow Burn, but then fast burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Timeline Shenanigans, James Bucky and WS are seperate people
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Good Intentions
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54676045 by Morphine_drop Tony died during the Endgame Battle, leaving his pack behind. James, never having a chance to confess his feelings for the Alpha is left behind to pick up the pieces of his new family and his own heart. After a surprising meeting with a young blonde woman with a manila envelope, Steve decides that the only way to fix everything for his ex-friend and himself is time travel. Without mentioning it to anyone, of course. He can only hope that Bucky and Tony will find each other again. When Winter Soldier wakes up back in 1991 with a new set of memories and an overwhelming need to find his pack he never knew he had, things turn more and more surprising with every passing day. Words: 40148, Chapters: 11/20, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Sarah Rogers (Marvel) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Omega Bucky Barnes, Alpha Tony Stark, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Tony Stark Lives, Hurt/Comfort, Natasha Romanov Lives, kid!Natasha Romanov, kid!Yelena Belova, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Parent-Child Relationship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parent Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Domestic Fluff, Slow Burn, but then fast burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Timeline Shenanigans, James Bucky and WS are seperate people read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54676045
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staciegirl78 · 1 year ago
Im going to add to and edit this post later. This is something I'm working on on my family tree. This is from my family tree and a section I'm researching right now. Some of the Bennett siblings and some of the Lord siblings ended up as couples. I also grew up in the the church of Christ and I was looking to see if I had a family history of this way back in my family. There isn't much and I'm grasping at straws with this. Sarah Bagby and Joseph Noah Cantrell were my great grandparents. Here is Sarah Bagby's parents and grandparents. I've been to the graves of Joe and Sarah and Bill and Nancy and Nancy parents Bill and Sarah. Sou great grandmother was named after both of her grandmas I was told.
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New Grove church Of Christ
1891 Church Membership List from the Journals of Rev. Thomas Todd
Compiled by Yvonne Todd Riley & Joanne Todd
The number in [Brackets] shows the order that the person's name was listed on the original document.
Names are spelled as they appeared in the original document. Mist = Mister ?
BAGBY, Nancy C.
BAGBY, Rebecca J.
BAGBY, Sarie K.
COLE, Sarah E.
GORGE, Jacob
HURST, Calvin
JOHNSON, Rebecca J.
KENDER, Emeretta
KENDER, Treace
KNOST, Oliver
KOLER, Frank
KOLER, Martha
LITLE, Enorinthy
LITLE, Gorge
LORD, Sarah J.
MARRS, Frank
MARS, Wiliam H.
MATLOCK, Thos. J. (Deac.)
NEWTON, Barney
PROCK, Anna H.
PROCK, Elizabeth
PROCK, Ellen
PROCK, James
PROCK, John A.
PROCK, John F. (Deacon)
PROCK, John H.
PROCK, John P.
PROCK, Leander P.
PROCK, Leary
PROCK, Martha A.
PROCK, Preston
PROCK, Sarah J.
REESE, Perniecy
REESE, Sally (deceased)
RICHMAN, Malinda
SCOTT, Sarah
SHUMATE, A. (Elder)
SMITH, Ancy (gone)
TODD, Amanda
TODD, Andrew
TODD, Betty
TODD, Clemin C.
TODD, Elen J.
TODD, Elizabeth
TODD, James H.
TODD, James N.
TODD, John
TODD, John M.
TODD, Mahaly
TODD, Margret
TODD, Mary
TODD, Mary E.
TODD, Mary L.
TODD, Nancy
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rosy
TODD, Thomas (Elder)
TODD, Thomas D.
WARD, Emer
WARD, Sarah
WARD, Sarah
WILLBANKS, Thomas (Eld)
WILLSON, William
WOOD, Frank
WOOD, Ostan
WOODS, Charley (withdr)
WOODS, James
WOODS, Laura
WOODS, Margret (withdr)
WOODS, Sarah
WYET, John S.
WYET, Sarah
YANDLES, Isabell
Note from Stacie: some of these names are wrong. For instance the name is Yandle and not Yandles for the names directly above. Perhaps the transcribers could read the notes or maybe they were not right in the notes. I copied and pasted them from the website where the transcription was.
"Webster county state of Missouri. I, William W. Shaver a legal minister of the gospel, did solemnize the rites of matrimony between William S. Bagby and Nancy C. Lord on the 8th day of August 1872.
William W. Shaver
A Minister of the Gospel"
In red is from the real written copy that I saw in online archives but it was blurry when I did a screen shot or the other option made it to small to read so I wrote it out.
You may notice Ws Bagby and Nancy C. Bagby in the church list. They were my 2x great grandparents. I looked at some info for William Wilson Shaver. He was also a minister in the Christian church and a part of the Stone-Campbell/Restoration Movement. My most immediate family subscribes to the church of Christ which is part of the same movement. I never knew where it started. I think this might be a coincidence. This is on my dad's side and actually on his father's side. I never met my grandfather because he passed away before I was born. It was my understanding that he didn't go to church. I know my granny did with us. I know my grandfather's father was a bad person and very mean. It was his wife who was the daughter of Ws Bagby and Nancy Lord.
Also Nancy Lord Bagby's Parents were William (bill) Lord and Sarah J. Bennett. Nancy was the only child ever listed on census records with her parents. I don't have any indication that there were ever more. This feels really unusual for the time but perhaps they couldn't have more.
I noticed that Sarah Lord is in the church list. Bill Lord was also still alive and I don't see him in the church member list. Ws Bagby's Parents were John Bagby and Sarah. I believe that Sarah's Maiden name was Todd and that she was the sister of Thomas Todd...he was the minister of the church members listed above. John and Sarah (Todd) Bagby moved to Texas and we're not here to be in this church. In fact I'm unsure of when they passed away and they may not have been alive at this time... I do not know what church they went to if any. I also can't prove that Sarah was one of the Todds but a lot of the family researchers believe this.
Here is another side note. This appears to be a very tight knit group. I wouldn't expect any less. Below is something on the find a grave site. This is the grave for the daughter of William Shaver who married my 2x great grandparents. You might notice her married name is Isabell Yandle. You might notice this name on the church list of Thomas Todd's church members. Her husband was John W. Yandle according to this site and the photo of the tombstone. I haven't looked for documents to prove this. I don't have any reason to think they are related to me but honestly anyone In this church list could be as tight knit as they were. I'm still looking at the members. I will say a lot of my ancestors and related people are in the New Grove Cemetery.
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I will give updates as I have them.
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coeurvrai · 5 years ago
Last we left off, Nadya passed out for the billionth time after escaping from the room where she was imprisoned and was found by Malachiasz. This time, Nadya wakes up bandaged in a room at the top of Pelageya’s tower.
Pelageya tells Nadya that she knows who she and Malachiasz really are and is aware of her status as a Cleric, because “this palace has been without any blessing of the divine for so long that you were practically shining when you stepped inside.”
“Though,” she considered, tugging at a spiral curl, “he’s not your king. Not mine, either. He’s not even sterevyani bolen’s king, now, is he? Is it treason if we all here swear to different crowns? Except…” Her gaze narrowed on Malachiasz. “You can’t really swear to your own crown, now can you?”
“Careful…” he murmured. He flexed his hand over the arm of his chair, nails flashing iron in the dim candlelight.
Shut the fuck up, Malachiasz. Also @jefflion​ already told me this particular spoiler, that Malachiasz is actually the Queen’s illegitimate child, so I’m both annoyed but also it kind of makes sense? Because either way, Malachiasz wants the crown and sees the crown as his.
Pelageya explains that a certain Vulture rose up the ranks and found out a way to attain godhood, so he told the King in a way to strengthen the relationship between the court and the Vultures; because the previous “Vulture queen” was ruining the sect and the Black Vulture wanted equal power. And so King Izak wanted to perform the ceremony, to give him the power he desperately craved.
“The Vulture disappeared. Poof! There one night, gone the next, leaving his cult to scramble in his absence. Because the Vultures need direction, they need their Black Vulture to lead them, and he had vanished.”
Nadya was listening at a distance, refusing to let the witch’s words catch up to her, to connect all that she was hearing, but she knew, she knew. Would that it had been so simple, that Malachiasz were just a Vulture recruit who got scared and fled. The world was falling out from underneath her and she had no anchor, she had nothing, because nothing was even real.
Look, I’ve been 99% sure from the start because that’s what happens when you advertise your book as a villain romance and also say it’s for Alina/Darkling shippers. The plot twist isn’t really a plot twist.
It was Malachiasz. It had always been Malachiasz. The leader of the cult, the one who had spun all of this into motion, the one who had smiled and charmed his way into Nadya’s trust because he could do terrible things with her power if he had access to it. She wouldn’t be sitting here with bandages covering her body if not for Malachiasz.
Look, you didn’t have to listen to him. You didn’t even have to go with him and Rashid and Parijahan to that church, because you had no reason to trust him or believe their plans or to even stick around to hear their plans. You, by all rights, shouldn’t had no actual reason to have been in that situation in the first place.
It’d be more believable if the book had gone along that Nadya was naive and unbelievably sheltered and that had a great effect on her nature and how she interacted with people.
But we literally threw away any semblance of that out of the window by Chapter 2 to double down that Nadya is Independent and Capable and Can Make Her Own Decisions and her upbringing at the monastery and especially as a Cleric has no greater effect on her perception of the world and her social skills.
Also you still haven’t found out what he did with your blood that one time!!!
“But he fled?” Nadya asked. If she pretended the one they were speaking of wasn’t sitting in front of them, listening in calm contemplation, maybe that would make this easier.
“He did,” Pelageya said. “But he came back. Do you think that is coincidence? That this clever boy and his clever magic have returned now?”
“Malachiasz?” Nadya said, her voice smaller than she would have liked, weaker. She willed him to look at her.
He looked different, sitting in the witch’s chair in a way that made it seem almost a throne. His black hair parted far on the right side, falling over his shoulder in inky waves, his pale eyes cold and blank. Less a boy, more a monster. Was that all he was? The silly boy who smiled too much and felt too deeply just a mask for the monster underneath?
Had she fallen for his lies exactly as he wanted her to?
I am going to scream.
You literally have called him a fucking monster and an Abomination and a Heretic ALL of the time, just to remind us that, yes, you still consider him an Enemy even though your hatred is paper thin and not at all believable even though your hatred for Tranavia and Vultures especially is supposed to be Important to your character.
But yes, you did.
He finally met her gaze, eyes softening, growing familiar. “It’s all right, towy dżimyka,” he said, voice soft.
It wasn’t. Not at all.
Pelageya laughed. “Is that supposed to make her feel better?” She stood up, walking around Malachiasz’s chair. “Is that supposed to earn her trust again?” She hooked a finger underneath his chin, forcing his gaze up to hers. She looked young. Nadya didn’t know when the shift had happened but knew the witch was a force of nature. A magic just as old and dangerous as either of them possessed, made worse by the wisdom of her years. “What have you done, Chelvyanik Sterevyani?” she whispered. “What will you still do? I don’t think love is such a force that it will stop you. I’m not sure you’re even capable of it.”
Okay, words are just getting thrown around now.
Also, bullshit! It’s not even something close to love. It’s more lust and attraction than anything else. They barely know each other! So of course love isn’t going to be able to stop him because there isn’t love between him and Nadya, because there hasn’t been time for love to develop between them.
Also this isn’t an enemies-to-lovers dynamic. I know I’ve said that before, but I want to just say it again. This isn’t enemies-to-lovers.
Nadya starts to have a moment, blaming herself and then saying that maybe he had changed, maybe they had changed him, maybe Pelageya is just trying to make trouble.
“I just want to end what I started,” Malachiasz finally said.
Ah yes, with a king dead at your feet and a crown sitting on your head.
Pelageya carries on, throwing around more words:  
“But, this isn’t just about you, Veshyen Yaliknevo. Chelvyanik Sterevyani. Sterevyani bolen.” She sat down on the arm of his chair and he shifted to the opposite side, as far from her as he could possibly get. “This is about the little scrap of divinity you’ve drawn to the depths of Tranavia.”
Nadya lifted her chin. She wasn’t going to let them see she was falling apart.
“She followed you a long, long way from home. What did you tell her to make her come so far without putting a blade in your back?”
Nothing too difficult, really. Just that they had a plan to assassinate the Tranavian King and for some reason, Nadya just went along with honestly without that much fuss, because y’know, the plot demanded it.
Also, as much as I find Pelageya amusing and intriguing, the way she’s being all touchy-touchy with Malachiasz, who is still a teenager, slightly uncomfortable.
“... Now that you point it out she does have the look of a girl who goes for—” She leaned over and tipped Malachiasz’s head back again, baring his throat. His fist clenched over the arm of the chair, nails now just long enough to be visible claws. “—sensitive flesh.”
Like, could you not? We get that Pelageya is creepy and strange already, Emily Duncan, you established that in a Serefin chapter with the prophecy thing.
“I never told her anything that wasn’t true,” he said, voice carefully restrained.
Lie by omission is still a lie, mate. What you omitted was pretty important. I mean, it was obvious and I already knew it, but still.
Pelageya still keeps creepily touching Malachiasz and Malachiasz keeps trying to find excuses for everything, insisting that they’re going to end the war. 
“Why are you here, Malachiasz?”
“I have told you. My reasoning hasn’t changed just because you know what I am now. I want to save my country. I’m one of the few people who can; surely you understand that.”
He was giving her nothing, less than nothing.
“I don’t believe you,” she said softly.
That’s one of the smartest things Nadya has ever said, and that’s saying something.
Nadya, who didn’t know how to hold herself together after this. Nadya, who couldn’t pull her gaze away from Malachiasz, unable to reconcile that the boy she had traded jokes with, that she had kissed, was a symbol of Tranavian heresy. A monster greater than all others.
I- you literally knew that he was a Vulture. That made him “heretical” as is. You knew he was powerful, you literally he was more powerful than Serefin! You called him a monster.
I know, objectively, that this is supposed to be a betrayal for you but you can’t just act like you haven’t been calling him all these things for 75% of the book!
She thought she knew what she was doing, coming here, but now she was in a foreign country, surrounded by her enemies, and the one she had anchored her safety to had been lying to her from the start.
Because the plot demanded that you trust him and go along with their plan even though you had no real reason to.
Pelageya tells her that the entity connected to the necklace that Kostya gave to her is called Velyos, a former member of the Pantheon. That the reason she is cut off from the gods currently is because King Izak is strengthening that “veil” of blood magic that hangs over the capital. 
“There is your magic, which is good, of course. And then their magic. Blood magic. Heresy.”
“It’s just magic,” Malachiasz said.
Still haven’t explained why Marzenya just can’t fuck shit up when magic is one of her domains, plain and simple. And yes, you can argue “the veil” but the veil is still made from magic. It still hasn’t explained why blood magic is so different and untouchable when blood magic is still, at its core, magic.
Pelageya tells Nadya that a witch is just someone with magic of their own, not beholden to the gods. Nadya balks at the thought. Pelageya taunts them both, stating that Malachiasz doesn’t have the power of Vultures that he once did.
The witch had said it to sow more discord, but if he didn’t have full control of the Vultures, maybe that meant he actually was helping them? She shouldn’t give in to hope. She hated that she was so damn hopeful.
I’m rolling my eyes, because Nadya is being predictable at this point and I have no hope for any character consistency besides the fact that it's inconsistent.
A sudden insistent knock on the door made all three of them pause. Then a voice, terrifyingly familiar, came from outside.
“Pelageya? I need to speak with you.”
Of course it would be the prince.
And that’s the end of Chapter 26! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!
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coeurvrai · 5 years ago
Indeed! I haven’t finished it yet (I know, I know) but my commentary of sorts on it can be found here.
I reading through your rags and was wondering if you did do one on wicked saints or if I imagined or mistook you for a different blog?
Kat and I started WS but got very bored very quickly. I did manage to finish eventually but did not do a rag, per se. I know @iolanthepeverells read through it though, and I thiiiiiiiink @bittenwrath?
Here's the goodreads review! As usual there are a few status updates and I am still unreasonably irritated about the marsh/swamp mixup.
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ihearthes · 4 years ago
Before I forget and before I scroll through and read everyone else’s comments about the show, here are my thoughts about Las Vegas, night 1 of Love on Tour:
Harry was more emotional than I have ever seen him. When he said performing is his favorite thing in the world, there is no question in my mind that he’s telling the absolute truth. He loves it and us so much. “Lights Up” was clearly one of the most important songs for him, and it reminded me that he released it early for us. Not for the new fans he would get, but for those of us who have been here by his side for so long. “Fine Line” was another that made him (and me!) emotional. I felt every word of it. The arrangement is different but the build up is glorious.
The stands shook so much during Golden, TPWK, WMYB, WS, and Kiwi that I didn’t have to exert any power for my body to bounce along. The crowd was unbelievable! It was the collection of Harries that Harry deserved. Devoted fans who were willing to wear masks, get vaccinated (or take a COVID test) just to be in the same space with him and each other. I’m so proud and honored to be a Harrie right now with this amazing group of individuals.
I was thrilled to see the three familiar faces in the band, and filled with joy at the new members who brought an added pizzazz to the show. Mitch got the biggest applause, I think, although Sarah’s was a close second. I had a moment of wondering if the baby were backstage sleeping soundly through the show (although I’m not sure anyone could have slept through that no matter how far away or how insulated).
While I was anxious about attending a live concert, Harry and Harries made it painless and seamless. I missed the fan interactions, and yet I’m happy he’s not trying to talk to people during the pandemic.
Oh! And the energy? High all night long. There’s no let up in the flow even for the slower songs. It’s a great setlist with some quality choices and homages. I confess to missing TBSL, but overall I’m so happy that Fine Line (the album) is getting it’s time to shine without distractions of new music. (Don’t throw things at me. FL deserves the spotlight!)
I’m so looking forward to seeing him again Tuesday night in Denver! ❤️
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searxws · 3 years ago
╰┈➤ HOME
the place where you can find all abt me!
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if you would like to send in a request, please go to the requests/questions box and type the fandom, character pairing, and reader gender. please also send a basic summary of the story you want to read!
please also keep in mind that i am only ONE person! i edit and write and think up all my stories by myself, which means if you send me a request it may take me a couple days! so please remain patient.
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!- stranger things, all seasons;
eddie munson
steve harrington
robin buckley (female oc / reader only.)
nancy wheeler
001/henry creel/peter ballard (NO VECNA💀)
billy hargrove
jason carver
max mayfield
lucas sinclair
will byers (male oc / reader only.)
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- harry potter, all movies;
hermione granger
cedric diggory
fred weasley
george weasley
sirius black (marauders era)
remus lupin (marauders and golden trio era)
james potter (marauders era)
lily evans potter (marauders era)
regulus black (marauders era)
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- top gun: maverick;
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
natasha 'phoenix' trace
jake 'hangman' seresin
robert 'bob' floyd
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- marvel cinematic universe;
wanda maximoff / scarlet witch
bucky barnes / winter soldier (yes i WILL write for ws)
steve rogers / captain america
natasha romanoff / black widow
pietro maximoff / quicksilver
peter parker (andrew and tom!) / spiderman
sam wilson / the falcon
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- obx, all seasons;
rafe cameron
jj maybank
pope heyward
kiara carrera
sarah cameron
(will not be writing for john b i hate that mf)
!- glee, all seasons;
sebastian smythe
ryder lynn
finn hudson
santana lopez
brittany peirce
rachel berry
quinn fabray
tina cohen chang
mercedes jones
marley rose
jessie st james
mike chang
!- henry danger, all seasons;
henry hart (kid danger)
ray manchester (captain man)
!- celebs/ real world;
maya hawke
sebastian stan
chris evans
lewis pullman
mason dye
sadie sink
glen powell
tom holland
andrew garfield
taylor swift
ben barnes
grant gustin
diana agron
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full length
the occasional smut.
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phoebe bridgers
taylor swift
grant gustin
cory monteith
the 1975 / matty healy
sabrina carpenter
mason dye
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emails i cant send (sabrina carpenter) - fast times
i cant let go (suki waterhouse) - devil i know
stranger in the alps (phoebe bridgers) - demi moore
midnights (taylor swift) - lavender haze
punisher (phoebe bridgers) - moon song
bfiafl (the 1975) - im in love with you
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elainsgirl · 3 months ago
I can actually understand gwynriel (the ship) to some extent. It's an actual crackship so there's no canon to back it. But that means there's no canon to completely deny it either. Because it just doesn't exist in canon. Theres absolutely nothing. So gwynriels can make up whatever they want.
But eluciens have to disregard so much canon that so blatantly show elain has no interest in Lucien. So I just can't understand anyone who ship them and think they're romantic or swoon-worthty. They have to ignore that elain got wet from azriels hand on her neck, while Lucien was upstairs. They have to ignore she'd rather watch water boil. That feyre found Lucien and elain talking the most awkward 30 minutes if her life. That feyre cringed thinking about elain subject to Luciens "fire". That even Lucien has no interest in elain. Like, how do you read that and go "swoon 😍". It makes no sense.
If Sarah said its obvious, its obvious. It'll be the pairing with the most canon support. Leaving only one. Elriel.
Hey anon 🫶
I get your stance about gwynriel- I would say there is canon to disprove GA claims such as gwynriel being mates but you have a valid point. Gwynriel is so undeveloped you can make up whatever you want about the ship - shape it how you’d like and I can see the appeal in that, 100%. Especially if you don’t like how the story is going now.
I get the concept for elucien. I see where elucien stans are coming from - the dynamic they want the ship to be etc, its all enticing - and with Gwynriel, again - I see the appeal of it. However, elucien does not take actual canon into consideration and it can’t because canon doesn’t support elucien. Im sorry - Elain saying “sunlight” doesn’t mean she *needs* it to survive and it doesn’t connect her to Lucien. Him being an heir to Day doesn’t rlly matter when Mass never bothered to directly connect the 3: Sun, Lucien and Elain. YET his spell cleaving powers directly connect him to Vassa - a queen whose curse works at Day & who has met Helion - the heir of Day. AND eluciens like to ignore Luciens second - equally as valid heritage - Autumn. Why? It doesnt fit elucien. Theres nothing in canon to connect elain to Autumns imagery. The minute Eluciens started discrediting elains friendship with the twins and wanted her to be besties w the man who made a r4pe joke about her was the day I knew, *they knew* their ship had sunk and are now desperately clinging to whatever straws they can. The whole ship is made by simply putting random bits of info together but it doesn’t connect - you have to assume it eventually will. Or just straight up denying literal canon and pretending it’s something else like when eluciens’ say, “Feyre talking about the cauldron being wrong wS in regards too Loa/Beron/Heion or how the cauldron doesn’t make bonds” then its inserting their biased opinions or HCs into canon. For their ship to work as they wish - eluciens need the acotar version of Elain. Not the acosf Elain. Thats why in their fics, HCs and theorised - Elains growth is accepting the bond with Lucien, in every other aspect, she regresses or has a stilted growth. They like to make Az seem “toxic”, elriel seem like a horrible couple, Elain being cruel to Lucien, Lucien the victim - as always - and Feyre unreliable, Ignore everything acosf said and showed about Elain and If you agree with all these things, you meet the criteria to be an elucien stan.
They go swoon over their HCs and twisting whatever elucien scene they can to be romantic no matter how disgusting it is. And trust me their HCs - get disturbing at times. Anyways, elucien may not be a crackship but like gwynriel its also so undeveloped. It can be shaped however. Mass said it’s obvious. That takes out gwynriel, leaves elriel and elucien. Which ship has had the most positve, romantic and plot foreshadowing?
🗣️ elriel 🗣️
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stuckylibrary · 3 years ago
Group Ask 190
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Please reply to this post if you know one of the fics mentioned in this ask. Thank you so much in advance!
Anonymous 1 asked:
Lost a fic a while ago :( Bucky was sent to kill Steve/get info from him & they meet at a gala or event. Bucky gives Steve a bj outside & they develop a relationship (but Bucky just needs info) Bucky realizes that hydra/shield are heavily controlling Steve, making his life as boring as possible. Bucky is still the soldier, but also an agent. They also jog in the rain & then do the do on the Brooklyn bridge I think? Hydra comes after them while on a secret vacay, later reveal Bucky is the soldier
Anonymous 2 asked:
i'm having a bit of trouble finding this fic i read a while back. i remember it had bucky comparing steve to an arrow shirt ad and they fall off a bike? i''m pretty sure there are some time skips as well and they eventually get together? sorry this is such a limb thank you so so much for your help!!
Anonymous 3 asked:
hi i’m looking for this fic where steve and bucky are married and they have a son in his teens, and it’s in the future. steve and bucky have relationship problems and bucky doesn’t have a good relationship with their son, and i think at one point divorce is brought up? i read it ages ago and i can’t remember much aside from that
Anonymous 4 asked:
i cant for the life of me find this fic but it's a winter soldier trial focused one, and when on the stand steve admits to being in love w bucky? and one of the lines i remember is "we are not here to prosecute captain rogers for something he didn't do 70 years ago" bc the opposing lawyer started asking some rlly asshole-ish questions abt morality and shit? uhhh help
Anonymous 5 asked:
hi! i need help finding a fic? it was a modern au and i think it might have been a small town? and i think that sarah died in the fic and bucky went over to comfort steve. it’s like The Firing Line but sarah instead of joseph? ring any bells? thank you!
Anonymous 6 asked:
i lost a fic where steve was dating tony but they broke up and then he met bucky? i don’t remember too much about it tbh but i remember he talked to nat and wanda and there was moving going on and something with a moving truck
Anonymous 7 asked:
Hi, I'm looking for this fic, but I might be mixing up two different ones- it was a WS recovery fic, where Bucky's hesitant to make contact with Steve but Steve is persistent. Bucky goes on runs and eventually lets Steve join, and Bucky gets to choose the route and instead of asking if Steve's ready to start, Bucky just starts running and assumes Steve will follow? Thanks!!
Anonymous 8 asked:
hii I'm trying to find a fic but all i can remember about it is that it's skinny! steve and there's a scene where stucky and the howling commandos swim in a freezing lake and steve has an asthma attack and bucky gets super worried. do you know of any like that?
Anonymous 9 asked:
hi guys! please can you help me find a specific fic? it was shrinkyclinks and bucky was like the attendent/janitor/handyman of the building that steve lived in. it specifically mentioned bucky in levi jeans and at one point steve pretended that he'd seen a mouse so that bucky would go up to his apartment. thanks guys x
Anonymous 10 asked:
Hello! I’m looking for a fic where Steve finds Bucky in a cabin I believe, and they start taking/arguing and there is one part where while they are talking Bucky gets mad and he shoves Steve against a wall because “all the fight in Steve has left him” and Steve pushes back and yells and Bucky says there is the Steve he remembers? That’s the most I can remember 😅
Anonymous 11 asked:
Gosh this is gonna be so annoying bc I'm sure I found it here the first time but, I'm looking for a fix in which Steve re programs the ws? And Bucky and Steve r together and ws thinks Steve's hot too?? Help??
Anonymous 12 asked:
hi! i'm looking for a soulmate fic where bucky is really excited to meet his soulmate & really loves the idea of it, but steve, his soulmate, doesn't like the idea & is against it all so when they first meet, bucky agrees to just be friends with steve. steve dates peggy on & off & whenever they fight, he always goes to bucky & they've fucked a few times, & when they do it's really good because they're soulmates & have that bond, but steve doesn't realise that that's why it feels so good?
snowpaw1611 asked:
Hello, could you please help me find a fanfiction? Steve loses his phone or got it stolen. I can't remember much of it, but I remember Steve released some kind of public statement about it, because of the text records between him and bucky, which included dick pics and also just consoling Bucky after he has a nightmare. At the end of it, Tony made a new chat program that automatically deletes the messages after some time. Thank you very much, I hope you can help me find it!!
unjovialhackingsatan asked:
I'm looking for a fic I read recently but cannot find again, it was on Ao3. Bucky had been found, and in recovery, he had been writing in a journal a lot, and when he and Steve finally came back together as a couple, there was a line in his diary that said something along the lines of "get well for steve". He had been writing a list of goals, and that was the top of the list. I am dying to read this fic again!! please help.
Anonymous 13 asked:
I’m so sorry to bother but I’ve tried to find this fix and I can’t it’s a pre war fic where Bucky wants to find out how far Steve can go without being touched I’m sorry if it’s vague but it’s all I remember
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backonefish · 3 years ago
I've been sitting on a bunch of fics that I've read recently and loved, but just didnt get around to posting. So here they are!
Cynics are Simply Thwarted Romantics by Reccea
Why I loved it: It's a delightful 2014 fic that captures all the love everyone had for the post-WS Avengers bonding and found-family vibes. Everyone has a role to play, the dialogue is impeccable, and its so funny. Also who doesn't love a good fairy tale reference.
Why I really loved it: I could read Stucky being absolute oblivious, mutual pining idiots all day long, and this fic does it so well. True loves kiss, idiots.
Kiss Me Hello by kehinki
Why I loved it: the story was so well paced and written! I didnt feel like I was reading it, but rather I was on for the ride. I dont know if that makes sense - I was just amazed at how incredibly easy and wonderful it was to read.
Why I really loved it: Who isn't a sucker for practice kissing leading to more? Esp in our lovely pre-war boys?? That competitive nature with underlying fondness leading to sexual tension that could not be controlled. Sigh. A dream
Five times Steve kissed Bucky by paragon (beverlymarshian)
Why I loved it: the way to my heart is a good 5+1 fic bc I love to see why an author chose each moment and how the moment propels the story/ character development forward. This one has all of that and more in spades. Each snippet builds and builds and leads to something so beautiful.
Why I really loved it: Any fic that spans pre-war to Bucky returning is a big win. Bucky's growth into accepting his feelings for Steve and going after them post Winter Soldier honestly just highlights how *big* their love is. Sigh 😍
Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. By relenafanel
Why I loved it: Can I just say because relenafanel wrote it and I pretty much love all of their work?
Why I really loved it: A good old fashioned FWB, Sarah Rogers is very much still alive and amazing, frank talks about sex, and very hot sex. Also who doesn't love to see Steve's carefully constructed composure and self-restraint crack around Bucky?
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brooklynboysficrecs · 5 years ago
Ria’s Top 10 Shrinkyclinks Fics
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I will admit this isn’t my preferred AU -- I won’t immediately jump on a fic just because it’s pre-serum Steve and WS Bucky. I gotta like the plot, or the premise, or be really, really intrigued by the tags, but to be fair, that’s how I am with everything that isn’t Modern Bucky and Cap Steve, so. That being said, I have read some truly fantastic shrinkyclinks stories, and I do very much love Steven “Fight Me” Rogers at his scrappiest. And these fics also tend to feature protective!Bucky which is another personal favorite of mine. Oh, but also: shrinkyclinks generally refers to pre-serum Steve with actual Winter Soldier Bucky, but a lot of people use the tag just to imply body types, and when they say WS Bucky they mean he’s all huge and muscled and sometimes has a metal arm, though that isn’t required. That’s the definition I’m going with as well, so hopefully nothing’s confusing!
1. If Wishing Made It So by leveragehunters. Before I get into anything about the actual fic, let me say this: leveragehunters is probably my favorite stucky writer. Like, hands-down, I read almost everything they write, and they’re big into fantasy stories, which is a great bonus for me personally. So, so, so many good shrinkyclinks fics by them (Even Underneath the Waves, a mermaid AU that features equal amounts of pre- and post-serum Steve, and A-mage-ing Grace with mage Steve are two of my other favorites, and they would’ve been on the list, but I try not to put more than one story per author, ya know? And IWMIS kinda wins out above the others for me, so). This story features jinn!Bucky who finds himself in the baffled hands of Steve Rogers, who is perfectly prickly and stubborn and good. Bucky’s got a terrible past with humans in general (and Hydra in particular, what a shocker) that he and Steve have to overcome as their relationship progresses, but that progression is frankly beautiful to watch unfold. I come back to this story time and time again because of how much I love these versions of Steve and Bucky getting to know one another, learning to trust each other, supporting each other through the worst the world has to throw at them. Plus, there’s a few more stories in this series if you get as hooked as I am, which is always great!!
2. Roots Have Grown by AustinB. I remember reading this and just... completely feeling what Bucky is going through. Not everything -- he’s an agoraphobic veteran, and I can’t relate to either of those, really, but he’s so... awkward about his crush on Steve. And that’s -- that’s relatable to me. But it’s precious, really, how he tries to help Steve even though he’s afraid to actually meet him initially; he becomes Steve’s sort of... anonymous benefactor? Guardian angel with money? Like, it’s definitely a sugar daddy type deal originally but I doubt Bucky would describe it like that. I don’t know, it’s cute, though, and I loved seeing Bucky opening up to Steve as they became closer. 
3. Through The Woods by VenusMonstrosa, alby_mangroves. Okay, hear me out: werewolves. I fucking love werewolves in fiction; I mean, not really the romance novels you’ll see in the grocery store, but. Werewolf mythology is one of my favorite things, so seeing it in fanfiction almost always manages to lure me in. And I was so not disappointed with this story! Steve’s living alone in a cabin in the woods, which of course sounds like the opening to a horror movie, but here it leads to love. Werewolf Bucky is both charming and terrifying, to a degree, he’s a wolf, but he and Steve are fantastic together. This is another story that goes in on the trust aspect of their relationship and I for one am a big fan of that. There’s some violence, minor character death and the like, but it’s definitely not undeserved so. If you can handle that (and the sex, because there is sex in this) then I highly recommend this one!
4. The Joy of Little Things by obsessivereader, Sealcat. And so we move from werewolves to dragons. Yup. Dragons. Another of my beloved mythical creatures that I obsessed over when I was kid. Bucky’s capable of shifting into a human in this, but primarily he’s a big ol’ dragon that surprisingly doesn’t want to eat the scrawny sacrifice from the local village. Steve ends up working for Bucky, instead, and from there hilarity ensues. Steve’s obviously wary of Bucky, but Bucky isn’t at all what he’d been expecting, and they grow closer the longer Steve’s staying in Bucky’s caves. There are a couple of stories with Dragon!Bucky, but this is my personal favorite; it’s cute and heart-warming and, well. I just really like it. 
5. I Just Want to Love You in My Own Language by agetwellcard, inediblesushi. So this one has Cap!Bucky (Bucky!Cap?) but again, sometimes it’s more about how Bucky looks rather than his role as the Winter Soldier. Anyway, I remember my biggest take away from this story was how adorable Bucky was in his quest to win the affections of sassy Nurse Steve, who patches him up after missions and is probably playing hard to get. Bucky uses terrible pick-up lines, absolutely awful, and he is completely unashamed of that fact. Which is, as I said, adorable. Steve, initially, does not agree with my assessment, but he gets there eventually. After some requisite drama, of course.
6. Tint & Shade by forestofbabel. Oh, god, this one hurt me, I remember that pretty clearly. Bucky is the Winter Soldier in this, and Steve is a 21st century art therapist who just so happens to resemble his late grandfather, Captain Joseph Rogers, who fought in -- you guessed it -- WWII. Like I said in the intro, if I really like the premise of something I’ll usually read it regardless of the configuration of pre-/post-serum Steve and pre-serum/WS Bucky, and this was definitely one of the fics I got into for that reason. Having actual WS Bucky interact with a modern pre-serum Steve is always interesting, given how much they don’t have in common, generally (there isn’t even really the veteran status that modern Bucky sometimes has in fics), and it’s a journey to see how and why they connect. Having Steve resemble his WWII era grandfather caught my attention, and the fic itself made me grateful that I decided to go for it in the first place. This is another one where is trust is key to their relationship, considering the mental/emotional state Bucky is in at the beginning. Very good story overall!
7. Fourth Floor by dirtybinary, mithborien, picoalloe. So dirtybinary has written some amazing stucky fics, which is why I was so excited when I saw this being posted initially (a few years ago, but still). There’s magic! Mystery! Suspense! Some NatSharon! Looking this over, I’m wondering if I should’ve saved it for the Urban Fantasy list I wanna do (and If Wishing Made It So, if I’m being honest) but I do like it for the shrinkyclinks list. The writing is great, the characterization of Steve and Bucky is great, and like, they live in what is essentially a magical apartment complex, so what’s better than that? 
8. my heart tells me you are lonely, too by FanGirling. Alright, so I read this one as it was being published, and the slow burn about killed me. You know, in a good way, though. Bucky lives in Steve and his mother’s apartment building, trying to figure out where to go with his life now that he’s broken free of Hydra and gotten his autonomy back. He’s obviously wary, skittish, but he takes a liking to Sarah Rogers when she reaches out to befriend him, surprised anyone wants to be near him let alone take the time to get to know him. Steve... is not so easily sold on Bucky. And I’m not gonna spoil anything here, but the shit these two go through is intense, and I cried a lot during this fic, sometimes out of frustration because they’re both ridiculous about their feelings (of course Bucky’s fears are valid, the man has been through literal hell, but also I was internally screaming a little as Bucky continually talked himself out of getting closer to Steve.) I wanted to wrap the both of them in about thirty blankets for pretty much the entire length of the fic. God. They’re just -- they’re so incredibly sweet in this one, once they work past their issues (Bucky and Steve are both more than a little messed up from their respective circumstances, but they make it work). Mind the tags on this one, also, especially because there is a chapter that deals with attempted sexual assault against Steve (obviously not with Bucky!), but Bucky handles the situation before anything truly nasty happens, that I can promise. 
9. Local Raccoon Befriends Angry Chihuahua by charlesdk. This is yet another author I really love; they have a fantastic farmer!Steve/Modern!WS!Bucky story that I love to bits, as well as other great fics. But anyway, this one. The title sold me the second I saw it, honestly, I can’t even pretend that wasn’t the deciding factor in me reading this. I don’t think I can really do any better than the summary in explaining why I recommend it; feisty tiny Steve and lovestruck grumpy Bucky are a winning combination in my book. This one does feature the boys dealing with homophobia and ableism, though I can’t recall how severe it is. So I’d just mind the tags, and if you’re alright with them, thoroughly enjoy this story. 
10. The Road to Hell is Paved with Tony’s Good Intentions by pinlilli. Bucky as a mail-order Russian bride. That’s the detail that pretty much demanded I click on this fic, and oh my god, it was even better than I ever could’ve expected. Tony, in a bid to help Steve get over his awful ex-boyfriend (fuck Brock Rumlow in every universe, honestly), literally orders him a husband -- in the form of beefy James Barnes, who is a fucking gem and I will not hear one bad word against him. He does chores, it’s lovely and adorable, and you will definitely fall just as hard as Steve does. There’s some canon-typical violence in this one that relates to James’ past, but nothing super graphic as far as I remember. Again, Rumlow is a dick and should be treated as such, but he’s hardly the most important part of this fic and I urge everyone to take a look at it if they’re as intrigued by Bucky being a mail-order husband as I was. 
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armiichou · 4 years ago
TFATWS Spoilers!!!!
First episode down!! And it was so good!
Sam getting the job done like the badass he is. His tribute to Steve and giving the shield back (you are so good Sam). Rhodey’s cameo ☺️☺️ and being introduced to Joaquin Torres, Sam’s biggest fan 😆.
Bucky is seeing a psychologist (that made me fucking emotional), and still having nightmares of his time as Winter Soldier.
He befriended the father of a guy WS killed. He has so much guilt.
He had a date lol.
He’s struggling with this new life of his : free and pardoned but no family, no friends and alone. And he’s leaving Sam on read lol!!!
Family Wilson!!!!!! We meet Sarah and her 2 sons and we meet Uncle Sam 😊😊😊.
Being blipped for 5 years had done a lot of damage : Sarah was alone, raising 2 kids and having to take care of they family’s business. And money is tight.
But seeing Sam back home is so so nice 👍🏾
We also have our first glimpse of the Flag Smasher and they go hard.
I knew it was gonna happen, I was waiting for it, but those motherfuckers really did Sam wrong. « Thank you for giving the shield back, it’s the right thing to do » only to turn around and give it to their OWN agent!!!! They really fucked up. They should have sat there and ate their food!!
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coeurvrai · 5 years ago
@jefflion replied to your post “Okay, so it didn’t remember what page/chapter I was on, so thanks for...”
Am I the only one who wanted more of Rawaluk? I mean, yeah, it doesn't sound original but the book keeps talking about it and it makes it seem Significant when it isn't.
I did too, honestly!
It was set up to be this huge thing because it is the basis of which Serefin came back to the capital and the basis of how Nadya, Malachiasz, Parijahan, and Rashid entered the palace, but then it only actually happens for like a day and then other shit gets in the way.
It’s also saying that that makes me realise that holy shit, the pacing/timeline of this book is bad. Only a day at best has passed before everything turns into shit.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years ago
Mods’ Reads: January 2020
Here’s the list of everything the Mods have read this past month!
Mod Blue
Sine Tactu by justanotherStonyfan (complete | 22,586 | M)
“Want me to help with this?” Steve says quietly, head about level with James’ stomach as he stares up at him, fingers reaching up for James’ fly, but James shakes his head.
“No,” he says, wets his lips - Steve is all skin and muscle and he’s totally naked and he’s right here and- “no, I’m.” He swallows hard. “I’m not getting naked. This is about you.”
Part 29 of Honey Honey
Propius by justanotherStonyfan (oneshot | 6,178 | E)
Steve comes home kicking snow off his shoes, although a lot of it’s gray colored, and he’s shivering. Despite that, his cheeks are bright with the cold and his smile is bright with affection, camera in hand.
“Hi!” he says on a breath, shoulders hunched to keep the cold air out of his collar, and James smiles, crosses the conversion to reach him, and grabs the trailing ends of Steve’s scarf to draw him down for a kiss hello. “Mh.”
James wrinkles his nose as Steve’s nose presses into his cheek.
“Jesus, you’re freezing,” he says, and Steve laughs softly.
“Yeah,” he says “That’s why I came back inside.”
Part 30 of Honey Honey
I Believe In Something More by cydonic (complete | 74,304 | M)
In April of 2014, two very important things happen: The Winter Soldier is prepped for a mission as part of Project Insight which never ends up happening, and Steve Rogers finds out his mother is dying.
In October of 2018, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers meet in the Sculpture Garden at UCLA. Bucky has spent the ensuing years building a life for himself, learning that he likes to study in the sunshine and build friendships with people who just think of him as ‘that nice guy who’s really smart’, not what he used to be. Steve has tried to make it in Brooklyn, but everything reminds him of Sarah. He needs a change of scenery, and following his childhood best friend Sam Wilson over to California seems to be the way to do it.
Rare Is This Love (Keep It Covered) by histoires_eternelles, musette22 (complete | 66,773 | E)
It's 2014. Captain America has been out of the ice for three years and is trudging along, saving the world and trying to get used to living in the future. Steve thinks he knows how the rest of his life is going to pan out – a life of duty, which he chose when he signed up to be Erskine’s science experiment. But then, he meets Bucky Barnes: the out-of-this-world-gorgeous mechanic and war vet, who turns Steve’s life upside down and makes him question everything he thought he knew. Slowly, Steve comes to realize there is more to life than duty and punching Nazis. Just one problem though: how on earth does a 96-year-old virgin who only just realized he may not be entirely straight make the transition from crush to relationship? Cue healthy amounts of self-doubt, awkward flirting, pretty blushing, existential crises, emotional growth, and maybe, possibly, a sexual awakening.
darling heart, i loved you from the start (but that's no excuse for the state i'm in) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 19,725 | T)
“I thought you’d make a terrible Nazi but turns out you’d make a terrifying one instead.”
The year is 2012. Loki has vanished with the Tesseract, and Manhattan is a blazing wreck. A very tired Steve Rogers goes home and meets another very tired Steve Rogers.
Or, the one where Steve saves the mind stone for last and decides to fuck the timeline beyond all recognition, which regrettably involves crawling delicately up Hydra's asshole and less regrettably involves showering a very confused Bucky Barnes with affection.
Kissin' by the mistletoe (Love came to stay) by obsessivereader (oneshot | 4,949  | E)
“I told you,” Steve wheezes, as he tries to catch his breath. “Didn’t I fucking tell you we'd fall if you didn't quit pushing?”
He’d laugh if he had any air left in his lungs. Instead, all he can do is stare up at Bucky as the sound of his carefree laugh winds its way around Steve’s heart. He barely even registers the cold seeping in through his jacket and jeans as he lies in the snow, attention catching instead on the snowflake clinging to Bucky’s lashes. Were Bucky’s eyes always that luminous? The crinkles around his eyes so endearing? Were his lips always that pink?
Bucky’s laugh dies away at Steve’s continued silence. A strange expression settles on his face, like he’s looking into the face of a stranger for the first time, studying and cataloging Steve’s features one by one—eyes, nose, mouth.
Part 2 of Happy Steve Bingo!
thot through the heart (and you're to blame) by Deisderium (complete | 9,899 | E)
"You look like shit," Steve says, and that breaks the spell a little because fuck you, Steve, he looks good. Steve's nostrils flare. "Is that—is that blood on your mouth?"
Oh, fuck. Bucky needs to work on not being a sloppy eater. He wipes his mouth hastily, and without thinking, licks his hand clean. Steve stares.
In which Bucky is a baby vampire, a disaster, out to have a good time, and hopelessly in love with his roomate; and in which Steve has a few secrets of his own.
Part 1 of food for thot
Scratched Ragged and Rubbed Raw by cheesethesecond (oneshot | 3,788 | T)
“How are you gonna sleep tonight,” Bucky asked, letting his head fall back against the wall and closing his eyes, “knowing that a guy who tried to kill you is sleeping in the next room?”
“Like a baby,” Steve said.
This Lonely Hour Before Daybreak by cheesethesecond (oneshot | 2,912 | T)
Steve knew there would be good days and bad days. That’s how this sort of thing worked.
Except sometimes, the bad days go like this.
Something Great by dragongirlG (oneshot | 1,485 | G)
The Soldier knows he is not Bucky Barnes, but he still seeks out Steve Rogers after the helicarriers fall, inexplicably craving Rogers' affection. Rogers gives it. (Basically, the Winter Soldier wants a hug. Steve gives him that and a little more.)
Based on a prompt from withinmelove: I have a love for Winter Soldier as his own person so Winter Soldier and Steve cuddling is my prompt! Maybe WS is touch starved and is really eager to be affectionate with Steve who is happy to be close and tender with him.
The Right Partner* by LeeHan (oneshot | 41,651 | E) *graphic violence
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong,” Bucky said, tapping his chin thoughtfully, “but I believe I was promised a mocha.”
When he turned to look at Steve there was laughter in his eyes and a touch of heat in his smile.
Dating a civilian was always risky. Luckily, Bucky seemed like a nice, genuine guy and Steve knew he could gently reject him with the smallest shrug and that Bucky would accept his decision easily. It was the smart thing to do.
“Don’t forget the croissant.”
Steve meets a beautiful man with a bright laugh on a sunny day in Italy. Captain America meets the elusive Winter Soldier moments later.
Date Bucky Barnes. Defeat the Winter Soldier. Bring down Hydra. How hard could it be?
Pedantic Affectations by fannishlove, relenafanel (complete | 15,858 | M)
Steve Rogers: khaki pants and ugly tweed wearing art history professor specializing in historical queer art (by day). Is actually Captain America, vigilante and the bane of Detective Barnes’s existence (by night).
Detective Bucky Barnes: A very clever cop who suspects something is up with Steve. Is frustrated that Captain America exists and is dedicated to finding him because he loves a good puzzle.
So, how does Steve convince Bucky that he's too boring to be Captain America? Go on a date with him.
(Steve is kind of really, really bad at this secret identity thing)
The Comfort in Certainty by justanotherStonyfan (complete | 20,554 | E)
"You were right when you said we need to talk," Steve says softly ... "Is there anything you want to say first?"
... James can't stand the suspense. If it's going to happen, if he's going to do it, James wants that bandaid ripped off now.
"Is this a breakup talk?" he says, and his wishes his voice would be stronger but he’s almost glad that it’s not.
Steve takes a deep breath in through his nose.
Part 31 of Honey Honey
Honeypot by cleo4u2, xantissa (complete | 133,204 | E)
Preconditions: One Sasha Marozow - internationally renowned assassin for hire, known as the Winter Soldier, ex-Hydra operative freelancing for the last five years; One Steve Rogers, Captain America - recently defrosted national hero and Avenger; One assassination contract; One set-up known in the intelligence community as the “honeytrap”.
Expected Result: One Winter Soldier in custody, the name of his employer attained.
Actual result: Definitely not as expected.
Part 1 of Honeypot
Give Up the Ghost* by cleo4u2, xantissa (oneshot | 19,518 | E) *graphic violence
They were happy together and the year had been good for them. They thought nothing could tear them apart. They were wrong.
Part 2 of Honeypot
i'm a believer (got a fever running through my bones) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 16,742 | E)
Everyone knows Captain America is an alpha. His tragic romance with Howard Stark is as popular a topic for movies and academic papers as his exploits in the war. Sure, Stark never said a word, and he clearly moved on, given that Tony Stark is currently alive. But even now, people like to gossip in hushed whispers about how sad it is that Howard Stark passed away a mere two years before they found the good Captain in the ice.
Bucky gets it, alright? Alpha/omega is the norm. Matches sanctioned by god or whatever bullshit your conservative Christian sect of the day likes to ramble about. It’s the twenty-first century, and the world still runs on a maddening policy of straight until proven otherwise. Thing is, Bucky has most certainly proven otherwise and has been doing so since he was a wee alpha panting after some knothead or the other because being queer didn’t magically make him any less stupid than your average horny teenager.
Bucky’s an alpha, Bucky likes alphas, and he’d love nothing more than to climb Steve Rogers like a goddamn monkey bar.
- Steve meets Bucky on a flaming helicarrier. It’s not the most romantic first meeting, what with the Nazis and the bullet wounds, but they make it work.
the jackpot question  by biblionerd07 (series, ongoing | 16,126 | G-T)
Steve needs a ride home for Christmas. Bucky needs a passenger.
Winter Gorgon* by Quarra (complete | 74,067 | E) *graphic violence
For as long as Steve could remember, all he ever wanted to do was what was right. So when he hears about his father's old regiment being held as POW's by the Nazis, he's determined to put what Doctor Erskine gave him to good use and goes AWOL to rescue them.
But the 107th isn't all he finds there. Deep in the labs is a very unusual prisoner; one with snakes in his hair and a mask nailed to his face. Despite the man's monstrous visage, Steve can't in good conscience leave him to the enemy. That one act of mercy will change his life, the course of the war, and even the future of the world.
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